Pact zo THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem, Oregon Wednesday, April 15, 1953 Lots of Prizes Hung Up For Soap Box Derby mm Derbylsts! You've bout the $18,000 in scholar ship prizes to be given out for the first five places at the All American Soap Box Derby at Akron, but maybe you haven't heard about all the other prizes xo ee given, both at the All American race and the Salem race. A new Soap Box Derby bul letin from National Headauar ten just came that lists some of the prizes you can win there. For instance, in addition to the scholarships ranging from $5,000 down to i $1,000 for the first five places at Akron, each ione gets a big trophy to take home to show his family and friends. The next five places also get big prizes. Sixth prize is a Bell and Howell 18 mm. movie cam era and projector. The seventh place winner gets an Admiral . 17-inch Television-Radio com bination. A Shopsmlth unit five power tools in one goes to the eighth place winner. Ninth place prize is a Webster port able tape recorder. Tenth place gets a Power Tool trunk con taining five power topis and a Power Tool kit. In addition to all these prizes there are special prizes for car construction. For the best con structed car, Shell Oil company will present a plaque and a . Deluxe Tool Bench with 29 tools. Chevrolet will give tro phies for the best designed car and for the best brakes. A trunk full of dozens of articles of sports equipment will go to the boy with the best uphol stered ear, presented by the Collins and Aikman corpora tion of New York. Another Chevrolet trophy will go to the boy who runs the fastest beat of the day. Every boy who enters the National race will get a special Boap box Derby 17-lewel Bui- ova wrist watch with a sweep second band and Derby insig nia. Those are the national prizes. But there are a lot of prizes going to be given out right here in Salem too. A lot of them haven't been selected yet but we'll have a list of them by Derby day.. The big one, of course, will be the trip tto Akron given by the Capital Journal and Doug las McKay Chevrolet company. And then there will be a per manent trophy and a year's pos session of the rotating trophy. . All these go to the grand cham pion. . Then there will probably be' a bicycle or two, a wrist watch and dozens of smaller prizes for other winners. Then there will be a Stanley Tool Board, given by Shell Oil company for the best constructed car, and a Cas eo Electric Drill with a whole gang of attachments, presented by Collins and Aikman cor poration for the best upholster ing Job in a racer. For every boy In the Salem Derby there will be the offi cial blue 1053 Safety Racing Helmet to wear In the race and to keep for himself, presented by Chevrolet, Just think. In addition to all the fun of building bug and racing in the Derby, you will also have a chance at winning one or more of all these prizes, and making all the neighbor hood kids that didn't sign up wish that they were building a racer too. , Here are 'some more boys who are signed up to race In Salem's biggest kids' event. Class A Richard Fisher, 265 South 18th street, sponsored by Borkman Lumber and Hard ware company; John ' Friend, Hubbard, sponsored by Friend's Auto Service, Hubbard; Mike Hartman. route 2, box 435, sponsored by . Sheriff Denver Young; Bobby Hunt, 2480 En glewood avenue, sponsored by By VIC FBYEB heard! 4 PTA at Keizer Seals Officers Keizer Installation of officers featured the meeting of the Keizer PTA Thursday evening, April 9, at the school. New officers are president, Leo Johnson; first vice-president; Mrs. Lee Wiens; second vice-president, Ted scnoitz; third vice-president Mrs. tar- malette Weddle; correspond ing secretary, Mrs. Robert Blumenstein and treasurer, Charles Ronk. The program was one of youth activities in the school. All 4-H groups displayed their work, covering, cooking cloth ing, home making, art, knltt- lng.electrlclty, forestry, wood working. . Leaders of the 4-H clubs were introduced and indivi dual members who had parts in the program presented by Priscilla Durham. Leaders were Mrs. Barbara Lovcik, Mrs. Harvey Evans, Mrs. Earl Rldpath, Mrs. Roy Mogster, Mrs. Louis Mayers, Mrs. Maurce Walker, Mrs. George Long, Mrs. William pneips, Mrs. k. Culbertton, Mr. Ji'erlyn Hadley, Mrs. J. C. Mount, Miss Kay Shldler, Mrs. G. E. Meeks, Mrs. Robert Cop lev. Miss Priscilla DurTinm and Mr. Bob Wood. Brownie troops were Intro duced bv Mrs. Robert Smith Their leaders were Mrs. F. Thorman Young, Mrs. Phillip J. Blake, Mrs. Chauncey Le Vee. Mrs. Harry R. Minto. nnrf Mrs. R. Cv Smith and Mrs. Charles C. Hansen. The Brownies gave several numbers as a group. Refreshments were served after the program by the first grade room mothers. Attend ance prizes was won bv Mn Mohr's room. The U.S. Bureau of Min. estimates it has saved nearly 7uu million dollars' worth of coal by controlling tire in in. active deposits. Trailways cafe; and Larry Ma son, 670 Rosemont street, spon sored by Lee's Used Cars. EXT 3YTE!3 XfTTH t FALSE TEETH! mvimmmm limm om wnMmim ll I l l Sill iliiMnliin l t VMMHUfHMMm VMI mmt Ml Iter oa nvlMM etMliliim Mm mi b maUt pmtmmr. I iIji. tiini mrom wmi rom pmtm. tamUt m ilii.tMrt Mow back tf mm MwiMd, MtkAaL mm AmMt WhenSoorStecJi Makes You Queasy, TUMS Correct rh MigMyEasy StfWrlOl rot rot tni tuaaT Rtcord fart relief for , heartburn tomt MocMch, acid indigottJan. AU-Amerioan Trophy Ramage'a Beverages; and Jim Kennedy, 4095 Milton road, sponsored by Interstate Tractor and Equipment company. , Class B Tommy Heltzel. 670 South High street, sponsored by Allen Hardware; Steven Jack son, 1675 Berry street, spon sored by Burrell Electric; Fer- rel Koski, 4155 Macleay road, sponsored by East Salem fire station; Gary McNall, 1115 Greenwood drive, sponsored by I GJMB Phone 4 1451 1955. Commercial Lewis Heads Bridge Execs ' A new executive MmmlftM headed by Arthur L. Lewis was chosen by the Salem Elks Duplicate Bridge club at its fifth birthday party at the ho tel Marion. - Lewis, who was one of the founders of the ernnn in loan will act as co-chairman with waiier M. ciine, who had cbarae of COCktail hour. dinner n l master point tournaments for over iuu members and their guests. The three-tier hirthri cake was cut by Mrs. Lewis. Mrs. C. B. Bentson was elect ed secretary, while Mrs. Leona Taylor will continue as treas urer. Other committee mem bers include Mrs. Stanley Neuens and Carrnll fnni of ficials of the Elks who attend ed were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Rose Bush Sale Bush Roses . . . 50c Climbers . . . 75c Patents Excepted Clematis Climbing Hydrangea Monkey Puzzle WE GIVE All Shade and Flowering Trees and Fruit Trees Vi OFF - Rhododendrons Rock Daphne ; 'Magnolia ; GREEN STAMPS Knight Pearcy Nursery 2 Salesyards Open 7 Days Week Town Yard I 375 S. Liberty, S blks. South of State "" boh, mjie Bonin 01 Brooks Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. John Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wynkoop and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wiedmer. Decorating were Mrs. E. E. Boring, Mrs. C. L. Newsom, Mrs. Carroll Ford, Mrs. F. C. Lutz, Mrs. Wll liam F. Lieske, and Mrs. Wes ley Ritchie. Winners of the master point tournaments that followed were Mrs. F. C. Lutz and Ralph S. Dannen of Brownsville, and William F. Leary and Ellis H. Jones for the seniors, while in junior competition Mrs. Sam Ramp and Lloyd Jones, and Mrs. Bert Osburn and Sam Ramp were high. Others awarded points Includ ed Mrs. Mona Yoder, Carroll Ford, Mrs. E. E. Boring, Mrs. Wesley Ritchie, Donald Huff. Mrs. Roy TOKerua, Aunm Duncan, Dale Sullivan (Jun iors), and Mrs. Paul F. Burris, J(wm Arthur L. Lewis. Mrs. C. L. Newsom, Mrs. Elmer Berg, w.i M mine. Mrs. John S. Bone, and L. W. Frasier (sen iors). In the week-end tournament . ih. tni xinh Mrs. Walter M. Cline and Mrs. Rupert Park were high north-soum, wnue Tjtrm Rnhort Rums and Ellis H. Jones topped the other side of the boards, otners given pomio included Mrs. George Rein, Donald Huff, Charles I New som, William F. Leary, Jack Neilsen, Mrs. E. E. Boring and Mrs. C. L. Newsom. fv Taste the DIFFCRENCE!) r Oman M I I jfo ft 0M Whiskey J i blended with Grain Neutral Spirits fnoy th rich flavor of Ihit famous old Kmtutky brand II it 6-Ytar-Old Ksnfodcy whitkey bltndtd with 70 neufraf tpirilt ditlilltd from Ih choicmtl arain.Jrv it todovl UiZZc.. A-. SASCIVWN, NELSON TOUNIf,FtiUl..T South Salem C. of C. Salem HeighU The South Salem Suburban Chamber of Commerce will meet on Wed nesday, April 15, at 8 p.m. at the Salem Heights Community i ii . will he on plans for the carnival to be held May 13, , ana i, ana a report on the survey of Jory. vlllo nark. The Salem Heights Womans club wUl serve the refreshments. tt'tBXTRAdry! So smooth it leaves you breathless mirnqff SMI Mi IflLIII 1 - iAe tmaicst nam SOproof MiJrromlOOinimilnliplil Sie.PicfiSmiinoSFIi.liic.Hinlid,Cona, : ) & m OUR COAT AND PANTS DON'T MATCH! Vrij'r u I rrli Ll KE. TH E "LLA AT LEFT, OUR COAT AND PANTS ii j TCH! We have dozens of fine Simmons Innerspring mattresses and equally dozens of wonderful Inner Coil Box Springs. Ah! but here's the catch though they're both made by Simmons, made to go together, the covers don't, match each other. Now if you're the kind of person who wouldn't mind if your sleep set didn't match, then here's. a sale TAILOR MADE FOR YOU! Here's JaV.?'0 reP'ace that old worn out "lumpy" mattress and spring ... at BIG SAVINGS that should make you ACT RIGHT NOW! 1 1 For Your Old Spring and Mattress Re gardless of Age or Condition, on This Famous Simmons 252 Coil Mattress and Box Spring Combination. SALE STARTS THUR5. Companion Offer! All Steel Hollywood Bed-Frames Only Built of rugged steel thot will last for yean . Mounted on swivel castors for easy moving . , . Adjusts in jiffy to full or twin tire ... $8)88 PAY NOTHING DOWN! On Our Approved Credit FULL or TWIN SIZE Open Friday Evenings Till 9 P.M. i Buy this famous Simmons 252 coil Mattress and Box Spring, priced reg ularly at $8900. But because the cov ers don't match we've sale-priced them at $7900. . . Then trade in your old spring and mattress regardless of age or condition and receive a generous $2000 allowance. You pay only$59 for the combination during this sale! BUY EITHER BOX SPRING OR MATTRESS SEPARATELY . . . Trade in your old mattress or spring for $10.00. You pay only $29.50