Wtdneaday,' April 15, 19SS 3 WANTED SALESMAN hlghir Ineomi Ux bracket!! If rou 1U. galsewark. hi ,, ' , fcivi . ear, 1 tuu shirts and Tour kttr lanbad, cm 1-8731 lor .ppo" mint. lull H lH WTANTKn tt.ia . a. i : llterr end mgit rialdt ban. t lSAlria aBBlt.nea. . ke.li. Ms prior tiwl.nct nacatsarv Suit ntUl tu Ja.iinl.kl. , - wofKtr. BtU rr to ttirt, villi car ind nm furnished. Applr morntnu only, no EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Good Jobs IWI 1180 r TOt clerk le0 w csahler, 30-10, mutt tip iiso T Silea oltrk , T Steno., im, ofo. put llmt.ll.J5 hr P Aut. bkkpr., Its. olc ins H Cashier, item 1175 ew mmu sv operate icnlnt ......,.. it.oi nr H-AOCl. ir 2jo M-Otn. ofc. ,ln te aticnnm tcarei out ....to $4004- COMMEHCUUi rUOZMENT AQENCT 484 State At. (OreiQD Bldt.l l.mi PORTLAND OFO., M COBBETT BLDO. tfnri' 44.4 WANTED POSITIONS MOWERS SBABPENED at door. Mike r run ihii rrton. assi,. hSt ftOTOVATOE work wmted. Vincent hut' CUSTOM tardea plowlnt and dUclnt Pnone iine, h91 BOTO-TILLINO with rotary hot. Phone jenerspn oua, or paiem 3-4M3, h)l' WILL CAB1 FOR imau child In my uvm. - (uu. vara onir ' Ml BOTO-TILLEB WOBK done br hour or JO0. rural jii.d, svvv n. Church, ' h84 BOTO-IILLEB WORK-14 hour mini mum. Phono 4-S401. hoi BOTABT TILLING New It" Howard Botovltor. It per hr. Ph. 1-3837. hot OABPKNTEB Cabinet work, home re" modellnt,' frit utlmltei. Call 1-1411 ' hiot roWEB MOWERS iharpened at door, llakt it work rltht, Phone 1-1311. h91 SHALL CHILD care, toutb, nuraerr ex ptrltnco. Phone 3-0403. hBl atOTOTILLXNQ tvenlntt, Saturdayt Sodayi, Eelur area. Phone 3-5385. hlOT Irf.AHTKft. ATlimnAn.ml.... " ' ..nuc.D, vrUB- mental and fancy work. Satisfaction wwwiwq. wau acio lares. hM Rowing discinq immediate BKrtvM-fi. rnone B-8300. h90' . vILUNQ with new U.K. notary tiller. . Phone evenings, 1-1333. 1 hloi HAEV'S PLOWIWQ and discing, prompt service. 4-5440. h95' CABFBNTEB WORK Not union, reu ' enable wain. Phone 344SO. hsi DRESSMAKING and alteratloni, prices roaBoaaois. mono Sfuus. h93 RjrC WAtK. Tnnin -- mOTins. Insured operator. John Payne. niia" HEW lawns. Rotary hoelnt. Pree esti mate!. Duina Wolcott, Phono 3-8127. hill BOTOVAHNO work wanted. Phone l-JOM. h93 PLOWINQ AND dlsclni with Parmal A. rranK w. uent. phone 31134. h93' KEW LAWNS prepared. Put In after Un flrtt. In thi meantimi plowlni, diKlnc, tirdens. Acreage welcome. O. B. Smith. Phone 3-3180 evening: 1-7373 daytime. h93 CHILD CARE In my home, day or nliht. goiter dutrlct. Phono 41867. h90 OCSEWOBK, child can, dan. Phone 3-T8. h90 SOU NEED your kitchen, bathroom, calllnc, walla and windows washed meal uxt new. 4-0134. h93' BOTOT1LLEB WORK wanted. Call after o o-ewca. raont awn. h93 Will do ironing in my homt. me Ultucttt. Phono 31378. h93 aVAINTINO, Paper-hanKlni, free eitl mat. Don Lucero. Phone 1-5522. hl08 .LANDSCAPE maintenance, jtrunlm, tiimmlnr, plantlnv. fertlltslns. Berv- let center. Phone 4-3573. hl05 lTEW LAWNS, aomplete, free ntUnates. Phont 4-3911. hl05 Llctnied and non-llcenaed practical nuriei, or dome tic. Call 8-5072. h96 BARDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paration. Plowing, discing, leTellng, rc-to till Int. Service Center. Phone 43573. nioa1 tilQHT CRAWLER, doslnf, dirt level- lnf, fradlns. Phone 3-3320. M03 FAINTINOi Free astlmatei. 2ft year ex perience In Salem. Phone 1-7852. h91 CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Plowln, dlaclng, aeedlnf. Phone I-S041. h98 tILLINO WITH Rotary - hoe". Garden lawn, Phone l-852fl, 3355 srergreen. hl04 RADIO TV SERVICE 17 CHANNEL q strips, Instilled 110, or 35.95 for itrlp, yon Install. Phone 4-S179 after p.m. haoo tV ANTENNA Bonded and licensed specialist. Installed, 110 plus material. Call any tlmi. Fret estimates. Phone 4-33S3. naiur EDUCATION IP YOU LIKE TO DRAW, sketch or paint write for Talent Tet (No fee). Olf age and occupation. Box 33, Cap ital Journal. nmu MEN AND WOMEN Wanted to train a motel manager. Preparatory training by home study under our fuldance, prior to entrance for residence training in Modern wo- tel. Must be mature, age 35 to eo. .Placement service maintained for benefit of graduate. For personal In terview, write atatlng telephone num ber. to Box 48, Capital Journal. hhf)3' FOR RENT 2-STORY CONCRETE . WAREHOUSE BUILDING with metric elevator, illey en trinct, back of Hotel Salem, l lood distributors hcidquirters. STATE FINANCE CO. 187 S. HIGH ST. f '' FOR RENT ROOMS tO OIRLS, kitchen prlvlleiea, usa en tire nous,. 4(5 No. winter. 1-4373 or S-94o. Job ONE or two. Phone 343331 790 N. church. ; IJZ CLEAN, WARM sleeplnf rooms. Close In, H N. Hlih. 1 ll"l' iflCE ILEEPINO rooms, hot ind cold water. 411 No. Hlih. Jk94 JllCE BOOM for tentlemena. Close In. 13 N. Winter. CaD liter 1:10 pm. WANTED TO RENT CLEAN 3-bedroom house, by May 1. Sef trencei. Write Box it, Capital Journal. J.sl GENERAL MUTOB9 representative needa modern 3 or 3 bedroom home br Mar 1st. Will sltn leaae. Approi. 179 per month. Call Oscar Sederstrom, efflct phoni 4-3413, t.enim, 3-52H. )W I OR 1-HEDRM. home, oil heat, on one floor. Prefer Salem. References. Pay to IM. Must bt clean. Phont 1-IS71. Jail WAjmDTORENT ""rimi ... " '' FOR RENTAPARTMtMTt t innu High. . ' j.T.t luro'hd apartment, tit. trt. .lilkr" '"'w "aat, ilto- " iTnui urn - iPii -j-rii.WHHiu t room Apt. 340 . , . - IPVl' Pn... 37310. 3S N Uh.,?.'0:' rti"lt rtncl. ment P6on, ',m WPolnt- - JPM" PI'BVteupw . 11 r- JPVl . .m, a-lHT. )pl JP1I 141 per month Uh b VL ir7.f: Journal. "v w LEE APTS. Salem't Most Dlstlntulshed Addrtst nniimifi 'M'Mhtlor ipartmentt with . u j moaerait rates. 1-bedroom apt., from 77; 3-bedroom "" w5f arallabli. Call 4.W41. Wln- en?rM 'uril'h,(1 apirtment. Prlyate .. oavn. rteinterator. attam heat. to month. to ilarlon JP81 "'.L"- ' 3. one block last of v..., nuapiiaj. 101 so. aummer. Jp5 FURNISHED 1 room apartment. Private iiiA V , uiiuiie lurnlshed "-"" "e. Ip9j N B B0M furnished court ipart v.pnu, close in, I-004S. Jp93' Cl" , "?OM furnUhed Apartment, apjj vicoicr, Jp92 ruRNIsnED kitchenette, llvlni room, Jthslfak krarK illi a - - . 1 Mia. inMi 1 LAROE, 1 emaU eourt apartment, iura- JDtL J APARTMENT, block from proof buUdinf. plenty of heat and 1 vuiuo iBuuarr. xv con nection. Admta. See at 335 oak itreet. JP90 NICELY FURNISHED apartment.; Am- "'""w p. aoo ho. Hummer. Jp CLEAN BTinvisnE-n L. . miicea. rnone -0B7B. JpBO PHIVATB TUDBv nnnu' . ,..J" T ..BB.DUVin lumtsnea eouri -f-. wutsuk, ciotjo. Auuillo fSD, 3560 JP1Q3 NICELY FURNISHED 3-room apt., cloie NEAT s ROOMS, nlcelr furniihed, Capitol. jofli. SEVERAL furntihed apartment, food ivcaiion. inquire a. x. Rtitf Furniture. Phone 3-918S. Jo" FOR RENT HOUSES 4 ROOM unfurnished home. Cloie in, ouum Vrommerciu. mouira bbb n g"Pt. JmBI -BEDROOM turnUned home, automat- iq ou mrnace, oioee m capiioi anop- tvinv center, auiiaou ior roomera. 1-4957 after 6 p.m. Adult only. let). Jm9f CLEAN 4 bedroom, full basement, wired act range, veneiian ounai, j blocks nam cum m. t-34Bi, jmur I BEDROOMB, clean and neat, full base ment, oniy es montn. cau nawiin weaitr at -1781 or a-4W4. Jm1 8 ROOM HOUSE, aleotrki rnH . trio nea.t r4 miie out on eaiem-Daiia Highway. Box 3 165 ZHlla Road. Jtnst NICE clean dna-btdroom unfurnished nouso. -Attacnen iiraft. in ' new friendly neighborhood, 135, No pets. Mile east of 4 Coram. Key it 4676 atate. mom 41173. Jm93' CLEAN1 1 BEDROOM unfurnished cot- tato. iiecir neat, no doit. 34304. . Jm3' l-BEDROOM Store and refrlteritor turnished. Newer, titan ind neit, tiO per montn. mom 4-nl or 3-l. Jm r.rkWT V I.HnBAnu ... " ' - A-uBunuwa vwil r.U.U, CDSI- Hieieir lurni.neo, tut oicn, onir 160 1m OFFICE FOR RENT S OR 6-ROOM BUITE. l tlnilt, Oreron Building, phono 3-1114. jo" GROUND FLOOR office or ttori apace ior rent, can It Fltu Mirket. Jo LOST & FOUND LOST NEAR Liberty district, blonde female dot, 6 month, old. Answers to "lAdr." Hair cnesepekt, half Cocker. Phono 3-3150. k90' LOST, DIAMOND snako rim, Saturday nlsht. Reward. Phont Tom 1-6083 or (-6279. k90' MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 3-HR. SERVICE IN MOBT OASES DR. HARVEY 8BTMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bldt., Statt it Commercial Stt. SALEM PH. 3-3311 m BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVE MOVE YOURSELF SAVE U PICKUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION 1 COURT ST. PHONE 3-1931 PAOE STEVENSON ind AL MXPFORO m BELMAY'S GOLDEN WINSTORM at stud. 14 champions. 4730 SUvtrton Road. Salem. Reasonable rates. m90 SALEM SAND & ORAVEL COMPANY contract work Road Clearlm - Dltohlni Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Ditchln, by the Foot Phone Day, l-940a Eves. 3-4417 or 3-7413 flalem, Oreeon m" BUILDING MATERIALS Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. It, 13 Inches clear. IS; No. I, I Inches cleir, 34. No tip wood or culls. Comi ind ret them. Ted Muller, Salem-Independenci Rold. Ph. Salem 3-1193. ma' NOW Make that home aparkl with ft new roof this spring, berore the rush be gins. Call 4601! or 3-4MI. Cascade Roofing Co. mavS LUMBER Complete mill stock common lumber. 100.000 ft. shlplap sheeting, 2x4 and wider, No. 3 and 4 grades. Price $35 per M delivered and up. Ted Muller. Phone Salem 2-1196. , ma92 REDUCED tft OO PER DAT UNTIL SOLD 1 only Scott Attwater 10-H.P. Outboard Motor. 3-tpeed shift automatic starter. Startlnr price April Hth, 1331.30 APRIL 15, $281.50 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. front Court St. Phont l-tlll WK MVI S. ft K. ORZEN STAMPS ISKD TLBS, 3301 ., 10: Sink. Si W, luio. water nratera, tii.Bv. mih.m, 130. Jlldson'l, 311 W. Com'l. maw Journal Want Ads Pay BUILDING MATERIALS LOOK AT THIS! Pickets, ioir, dry oadu ...ftto to. Wtldttx Muirw IM It. Doors all kinds. roorlnr-Plr IS SO. oak U4.M atond la beittd room. Birdboird I K thtel, WaUooard 1.40 wnaioir casn, ortdit or monthir pay ment wi art itirtd to handlt your neodl cheerfully and economically. rreo tttuvtry. opto tu day Saturday. Portland Koad Lumber Yard 1346 Portland Road . Phoni 4-4431 SUem, Orwon KEITH BROWN SPECIALS and Closeouts 1x4 - tA Mo. A common FOB rara erc.ov at. lxo orIB No. na sldlni 18.00 11. 1x4 tnt C&Htr. m 100.00 If. Kxl r1 eedar aiding 68.00 If, 5000 lln. 44x144 - r1 D&Btr. oval eaaf ox . 1000 lln. 1H A 1 lattice (atalned) .01 ft. 350 lln, 1" moulded casing D&Btr .03 ft. 1500 lln. ttxltt - r1 D&Btr. bnii .02 ft. 500 lln. 3" downspout OB ft. uoo ft. axo - ri D&Btr, T&a n.u 1Q0.00 1AA 1 pea. 40x98 - W reject plr,.15o q St. 1 pes. 48x84 reject ply... 15o aq. ft. CLOSeXJUTo , Work clothe, carpenter at painter overall 35 off Plumglnr & houseware 35 off see u before you bur power tool. We have on hand electric drill, Stanley ft Miller Fall power saw, a ahapers, 1 drill pre, bench grinders, 1 Delta Homecraft combination Jointer, aaw as arm presi, iawn mower. Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front Court Street Phone 3-8111 WB OIVB a H OREBN STAMPS Building? Hew weatherstrlpped window, com pletely aaeembled, hundred In atock ready to to, $14 up. Mew picture window ...18.00 Mew door 2'8"x6'8" .16.50 S-tab hexagon roofing ,,J5.95 l-tab thlckbutt roofing 16.95 Unpalnted cedar ahake ....,.$5.75 Reverse trap toilets, complete ...$35.50 Mew aO"xla" wash baeln $17.50 Cast Iron bath tub, complete ... 169.50 Mew ahower cabinet, complete. .$43.00 ftOO-gal. steel septic tank $62.50 4" soil pipe 70 New electrle water heater $64.50 Mew teel garage door 155.00 Asbestos siding ,.... $9.50 No. 2 cedar shingle $5.00 No. 3 cedar shingles ..$3.15 New plasterboard 4x8 ai.eo Exterior white paint (gal.) ....$2.95 Mahogany ft birch plywood... bargain Water proof wall board, 4x8 ....$1.75 C. G. LONG & SON Phone 45051 1 ml north of Kelxer ma GARAGE complete on your lot to your specification, a low m $18 per montn, no down payment. BORKMAN LBR. ft HOWB. CO. 1430 Btate fit. Ph. 8-3701 maOO NURSERY STOCK CHOICE GLOXINEA8 now bloomlns Visitors welcome at Salem's African Violet headquarter. Fuchsia, Petunia, tomatoe ft bedding plants. Oppen'a ureennouee, 30 Auburn Rd. mbll4 COMB IN and see our line of garden sup plies, anruDo and bedding plants. Roto tiller work. Middle Grove Nursery. 4920 SUverton Rd. Phone 44632. mtm HEDGE OB WINDBREAK PTlveL laur- el, camellias, conifer, boxwood. Ph 22182. 3497 Hollywood Drive. mblOS For Sale MISCELLANEOUS NEW 4' STEP ladder only 3.85. Also 8' ', 7. Glenn Woodry's Bargain Martr 1605 N. Summer. nSO1 BY OWNER Hospital bed, lateat model witn Simmons "Beautyrest ' mattress and utensil, all In good condition, $87. uooa kc a-vie tor radio, $18. C. F. Ward, 2485 Walker St. 3-1078. n91 BIKES, 10.00. Glenn Woodry's. n90' DESKS KNEEHOLE, 18.95. Drop lid, oince, 35.85. Large variety. See toaay at oienn Woodry's Bargain Mart, ieoB w. summer. n90' BXCKLLKVT BARNYARD . fertilizer. Phone 42470 or 43907. n9S KIRBY VAC. CLEANER. 50 model, real steal, 39.85 inc. waxer. Also Klectrolux, Air Way, Santtlzera, Hoover, Compact. Lowest price, shop Glenn Woodry's, 1605 If. Summer. n90 1 U-FOOT EXTENSION ladder. 1 fl-ft i e-it. stepiaooer, 3 bundles compo sition shingles. 1225 N. 5th. n91 ANTIQUE MUZZLE loadlna ihoteun (fancy), sell or trade for something of equal value, Glenn Woodry's, 1606 N. Summer. n90 CAB RADIO BARGAIN '51-'52 Chev. 1 piece custom puah-buton, ONLY $69.95 Installed. Pay only $1.95 a week. Ra dios for nearly all cars, NO money aowni con approved credit). Green Stamp, too) MASTER SERVICE STATIONS, 368 N. Com'l. n94' FREE Westlnghouse sewing machines on ail rioor sample. Save up to 40. YEATEK APPLIANCE CO., 375 Che meketa. n DINING SETS We're closing the entire lot to make Immediate room, here' a chance to nuke a real bur. See tnem at Glenn woodry's, 1605 N. Sum mer, nflo PLARTI-KOTE requires no waxing. For your floors or linoleum. YEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeeta. n ROLLAWAY BED. 7.50. Glenn Wood it. nso CEDAR TELEPHONE and electrto poles, fence posts, bean post and stake. Phillips Bros., Rt. 6, Box 493. t miles cut of 4 Corners. Ph. 4.3081. n SALE ON new daveno sets ft davenports, roam rubber suite. Amazing bargains. W save you money. Term, trade, free parking. Oienn Woodry's, 1605 N. Summer. n90 USED WEBER Pountalnett with com pressor. Very good condition. 4 pumps, 4 syrup jars, a draft arms. Phone 3-6900. n94 SALS ON bedroom suite. New ft uned. See our before TJ buy. Glenn Woodry's, 1605 N. Summer. nBO PRE CAST REINFORCED light ft heavy concrete fence posts. OREGON GRAVEL CO. 140$ N. Front St. Ph. 8-3417 n90 9xlf RUGS. Cheap. Glenn woodry's. 1608 n. Bummer. n90 REFRIGERATORS, NEW ' and used. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 171 Che meke.t. n NEW LINCLEUM run. 3.85. Oienn Woodry' 1605 N. Summer. n90 DIEPFBF.'.ZK home freeiers. YEATER APPLIMCX CO., 375 Cbemeketa. n BPC. SALE on electric ranges ft refri gerator. Oienn Woodry's) Bargain Stor,, 160S N. Summer. n90 Ot flTAL BED for sale or rent. H. L. SMff Furniture Co. Phono 3-918$. n TOP SOIL RlT.r Hit ind fill dirt, prompt de Unr.'. Phont 3-I1U. ' THE CAPITAL JOURNAL,' Salem, OrefO AUTOMOBILES $TOP LOOK $AVE 1951 NASH RAMBLER ConverlioU Sedan. Itado, htittr, whit. Ada vail aim. $1395 1950 OLDSMOBILE Sedan. Ms tllpplni with Hrdiamat- $1395 I .... $695 SHROCK MOTOR CO. WHERE CHEMEKETA GOES TO CHURCH IN SALEM OPsSf S AM. - PJI., MOK. TOBTJ PHI. N PREMIUM BUYS ' on ; ' " ' Nearly New 6? Used Cars 1953 PLYMOUTH $200 Discount - This car Is abiolutely like new. Only 3,000 milei, ' radio, Easy-Eye glass, plus many other custom features. . 1951 Hudson Hornet $2195 This is the fancy model with all the goodies. New it cost, over $3600. . , 1951 PLYMOUTH $1595 This Cranbrook 4-door is like new. 27,000 miles. 1950 CHEVROLET ?? This is a customized Club Coupe that is outstand- . ; ing in every respect. See it, drive it St you'll buy it 1950 MERC. Monterey $1895 This is the Ford Motor Co.'s special super-duper Job in .the Club Coupe. ' 1949 LINCOLN 4-door Sport Sedan, late series with Hydramatic, radio, heater, white walls, sport lites, etc. 1948 PONTIAC ' Streamliner Sedanet, fully equipped. One of the cleanest '48s in town. 1948 CHRYSLER Royal 4 Door Original thruout. The perfect family car. 1947 BUICK Super Convertible . Completely recondition & excellent mechanical condition. 1947 HUDSON Very clean It in excellent mechanical condition. 1947 BUICK Roadmaster 4 Door Fully equipped including premium tires. One of the best '47 Buicks in town. 1947 DODGE , Custom Convertible Club .Coupe. A very sporty little job that will make your summer driving miles a pleasure. 1947 KAISER A 4-door In good condition at practically a pre war car price. 1941 CHEVROLET The popular Club Coupe in better than average condition with radio and heater. OUR REPUATION IS YOUR GUARAN TEE OF A SAFE BUY LEE'S 240 NORTH For Sale MISCELLANEOUS New & Used Appliances FLOOR SAMPLES, TRADE-INS SAVE 350.00. GENERAL ELECTRIC Automatlo Clotheo Dryer. Time Aj temp, oontrol. ultra vtoltt light. Wat 348.95. ONLY 188.83 - No Down Payment SAVE 340. SPEra QUEEN AUTOMATTO CLOTHES DRYER. Beautiful . white flnlah, floor aampla. Waa 338.80. ONLY 188.85 - No Down Payment SAVE 8100 - NEW FLOOR SAMPLE, It ou. ft. Homa Fretitr. Oentril Xleetrlo seiled unit, fl-yr. lutrintet. Wag 349.05. ONLY 449.88 - No Down Payment SAVE 350. S OU. FT. HOTPOINT FREEZER. Like new, used 3 mot, Fully guaranteed. Waa 399.93. ONLY 149.93 No Down Payment ' SAVE 150. DE LUXE 13 O. S. RANOE. Push-button, all calrod units, warming ovtn, ratsablt unit. Floor Sample, waa 409.95. ONLY 359.90 SAVE ISO. O. E. PUSHBUTTON DOUBLE OVEN RANOE. New floor gamplt. Calrod unltt. Waa 349.93. Only 3B9.9S No Down Payment DB LUXE '53 MODEL ADMIRAL DOUBLE OVEN RANGE. Completely lutomat'i. A real buy. San 3100. Wag 40.93. ONLY 949.90 O S. IRONERS, O.K. REFRIOERATOR8, C- E. WASHERS - Afl re duced 10-30 - '53 modelt - floor iimplea aavi up to 1100. ATTENTION BUILDERS St APT. OWNERS special prices on apt. house ranges, relrigeratorg and dtshwaihera. Don't paa, those dealt up. Tinkham Gilbert Appl Co. GENERAL ELECTRIC 260 N. LIBERTY. SALEM PHONE 20312 Swwtfw For Sole MISCELLANEOUS QUICK SALEII t pc. Chromt dlnstt. stt. All metal tabu, 34.30. oienn woodry,, 1003 N. Summer. not OBOANIO I-EBTIL1ZEB. Fret Of Weed leedt, and odorless. Sack or bulk or ders deiirsred. Phont 1-8137, ntl GYM DANDY pity yirdi. Bpe. ii.n per get. Oienn Woodry a, 1.00 N. aummer. noo FERTILIZER Pulverised, rotted manure, delivered mrwhert. 3-ont or i-t07i. nil HARDWOOD frame, canvaM deck at patio chairs. Just think only 3.8 at oienn Woodrr'a. loot N. Summer, noo' PERSONALLY DE8IONED hind - made quIII covert, for twin beds and double beds, Call for appointment. 1-8071. ntl MASSIVE drawer chest!, modern, lolld, reil value here, 14.13 to 13.33. other chest! from 7.50. Oltnn Woodry'l. 1305 N. Summer. noo HOTPOINT RANOE, 040. Sal at 1033 Run alter 3. nil' FINE ELECTROLUX va. tleaner. Power ful lata model with all Itt. Spe. 38 38. U aavt 73.00 it Oltnn Woodiyi. Itoo N. Summer. noo IPC. HALE'I New 3 pc. dtveno, rocker, TV chair. Juat 111.13 Ior 111 1 pieces, ll.ts down la or. Oltnn Woodryt, llot M. Summsr. ato AUTOMOBILES 194S HUDSON SUPER SOLD 1948 DODGE SEDAN Mew taint, in lust look, oolr Super Six 4 Dooi CHURCH For Sale MISCELLANEOUS For Sale MISCELUNEOUS DELUXE FULL panel baby crib, with lood kwalltr maltreat, 94.50. Also baby scalea, Jumpsrs, chain. Oienn Woodry's. 1800 N. Summer. noo MeCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS, 008 Edse wittr, Wist Salem. Beltm Lotilno Sup ply. Ph. 4-1341. n STEEL elothesllno posts, pltnttrt, ratl 1m porch columns, furnlturt. 1148 N. Liberty. nlll 1 WAY FLOOR lamps, Ino. bowl shade. A ittal at 3.83 eomplttt. oienn Woodry!, 1805 N. Summtr. n90 IK.M BULOVA wrist witch, 31 Jewels, lllthtly ihopworn, closeout price 138.73. Htrtmin Brol. 380 statt. noo THE BE COLOMAL It the prlcell Maple twin beds, oou iprlngg, mattress. Juat 34.30 complete. Ruth to oienn Wood rr'a, 1008 N. Summer for thig rtd hot special. n90 830 allowed for rour old water heater on thl, new 43-iallon automatic tleo trlt wattr hitter. Ytater Appliance. 173 Chemeketa. Ph. 3-4311. n PIANOS AT wholesale prlcesll Must clou out to maki room at oneelt Plain case, mihoginr At wtlnut. Many fam ous make!. Reg. up to 335.00; Now 18 00 to 138.00. Terms? Surel Set to day it Oienn Woodry'l, 1308 N. Sum mer. nto' NEW PLASTIC awing rockers, 1150 Oltnn Woodry, 1408 tt. Summer, noo. For Sole MISCELLANEOUS FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted soaourt, eom posts, the lamt tjuiutr .a iiai rear. lor nomt and ardon. riigatoDit, rtd lin atont and other trpw for walls or gardens. Rus tic ndu tendril and trtlm work. rruuwe nrot KS. t, Box U3, aneao. Ph. 4-3M1. B IAWN MOWKBS. 4.M to 10.00. Whr ar nwrvr ui.ua rviraarr. SBOI fl , O Jm- mar. nto USED waahlnl roachloea, 18-13 and up. mm arruanua TO. til VQ. meketa. ' n NATIONAL Seautrreat Watk. Trad. In jour old back-breaker ort I saw Sim mon! Beaulrr.it ind tit the "Rt of I Ufitlmt.- n Urmt. ubtril trade In Hlowanot whan rou deal with Oienn Woodry, 1105 . Summer. tr0 8ALEU DIESIL toller ind bill btirlnii lor truck, and tractors, tin aurtrton Sold. n Gravel and Sand Anrthlnt In trarel. wholesale ind retaU. VALLEY SANO el OBAV3X co. Ph. i-toos. n V OEAOE BlltweU dirtnport tultt with club ohalr. Woe, rial Yelue hen t KM. Oienn Woodrr'a, 1408 N. fiuramer. nto EAST SP1NDBT washer, A-4, tt.00. nww., .vu9 n. Dummer. n,0" TABLE BADIO'S, 10.00. Olson Woodry. nto CHICKEN PEBTtfJZEB 31.00 Per look m ...w per ram. t-3330. - n03 ZENITH CONSOLE RADIO. Vlrj lood oouuiuoa. rnone I-oow. nil WE BUT and aeU used merchandise of u types. U8EO MERCHANDISE MART J70 B. Ubertr Bt. Phooe 43T1 Baiem, Onion nto FACKARD BELL chilr Side Radio. Beau tiful Finish. AM, Short Wart. Only Itt.so. USED MERCHANDIBI MART 370 B. Ubertr Bt, Fhont 40371 Salem. Ortion nto. BABY BED 110.00. USED MERCHANDISE WART 110 a. Liberty , Phone 43371 Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODBY WANTS Pianos. Phont 3-3110. a ELECTBIO BANOES. Woodrr'S. Ph. 3-oito. nia LOGS WANTED Stud UIU. Ltngtha r 4- or ir r. Diameter r to it". Sawmill, Lfnithi 18' ind longer. Dllmittr S" to 00". Top prion pild. Burkland Lumber Go. . Turner. Ort. phoni 1131 na EXCHANGE MISC. WANTED TO fXCtiMM Undkrl lM lectrio ranc lor tut tptrtrntni itie. 3-8380. nn!9 PERSONAL HU8BAND8I WIVES1 Ott Pep. Vlml fell youngtr. Try OBTRSX TONIC tab. LETS today. 11.10 else only 810. In saiem at paritui also druiglata -trywhert. pti WANT ADDRESS for bearing aid agency. on 4th street. Orint Halt, Oan. De livery, Albany. p93 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Oroup No. 1. 3088 N. Commercial. Ph. 1-0418 or 3-4137. doi. AUTOMOBILES SAVE , UP TO $354 ON THE CLASSIC 1953 ROCKET Oldsmobile ' FACTORY DELIVERED SEE OR CALL Loder Bros. now for this big money saving plan! 465 CENTER PHONE 42261 9 PLYMOUTH 4 door, 1196. Phone 4-BU12. 3330 Aoramt AVI. qsr 40 NASH 4-door. good condition, good tires. 040 bo. summer. qua1 '41 BUICK Special Bedaneltl, extras top ahapc. 2-6984. q93 1831 MODEL A Ford. Oood condition. Phone 31797 after 0 p.m. q92 '01 CIlEV. 5-paasenger Coupt. Evtnlngs. 303.19. 779 Breya. q93' 1911 FORD 3-door Sedan. Radio and heater. Only 8305. McC ALL'S, 1397 state. qor 1918 STUDEBAKEB Convertible. While walls, overdrive, radio, heater. Call x-e.ui. q9l 19M FORD 3-door Sedan. Radio, heater. new aeat covera and In A-l mechan ical condition. t95. UcCALL'S, 1397 male. qtr WANTEI)-19t8 to '48 Convert. Have 1911 Fir. Club Coupi to trade. Call 41S0S titer 0:30. q9i 1917 CHEVROLET Coupi, Recently hid new motor, new paint, very clean In. terlor. 3893. McCALL'B, 1397 State. q91 HAVE 8 CARS Must sell '01 Btudebaker vnamp. s-ooor da luxt. Low mileage. Phone 4813, SUverton. O. W. Hall. q93 '49 FORD Convertible. Radio, heater, ov- .runvo. r.xtra ciean. low mileage. Daya 1-8323; Evta. 4-1741. q93 1930 model car with good 1947 motor, gooa tiree, ion Boutn 1011, after 8. q93 1930 FORD Panel, very good condition. ideal ior painter or plumber. Bee at 301 8. 14th and max. offer. Phone 2-7338. 9 1947 KAIKER 4-door Sedan. Radio ind neater, rial Deen very well eared for. Thla la a tint automobile for only t93. McOALL'8. 1297 Statt. Q9I 1047 CHAMPION STUDEBAKEB 4-door ocean, aquipped with overdrive, radio, heater, new aeat covera. Motor has recently been reconditioned. New brakes. 3895. McCALL'B, 1287 sVtate. 0J8I '10 OLDS. 18 dt luxt 4-door sedan. Ra dio, neater, windshield waahera, Hy dramatic. top shape, 81870, Phone 4-1714 after 8 on. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR BAVINO RADIATOR TROIIRLKT Valley Motor co, experts win solve your prob lems and savt rou money. Fret eitl mates, speedy serTlce. Center at Lib erty, cje HEAVY EQUIPMENT Dl CATERPILLAB 810.500. 3.800 houra, witn arum ana noser, runr iqulpped for logging, new tricks, lood shtpt. Cecil Marea, phsut Albany 3-789J4. q4' BOATS FOR SALE Beacon rubber boat, 10-Ioot, seat! two. used once. Pump ind wets. 813 No. 18th. Tel. 1-3470. qqol PRICED FOB Immediate sale; '43 Chris cralt Cruiser, 11V beam, 40" draft. Powered by 223 HP. O. M. dloael tnglnt. Cost over 818.000 to convert. Will tell for half or maki offer. See it Salem Boat Houm or phont Bslem 1-8108. tjoja' BOATS' 11 FOOt MABINI plywood boat Ind trailer, nt Rote on t. rnone 34s so. O.080 FARM EQUIPMENT Glose-Out 2 Row crop Oliver 60 Tractors ...... $1195 each 1 14" 2-bottom plow ...1210 2 10x24 tractor tires. $69 each 2 22A Oliver mowers .$325 ea. Nettucca Lumber Co. Cloverdale, Oregon Phone Cloverdale 271 , FINANCIAL 5 Interest If K am tdl fundi Miking tn faatmant, th.n m axe the trp. if ptraoa in whom we oan bt at itrrwt. ror mt TwMlr-ftra Ttn we turn been h.lplni peoplt In thla oommunltr find prolltibi work for shalr monir. Durtnc thlt ptrlod wo hire nromptir paid M taaU-annal laltnit panaeati totalling manr Ttwutanda of Dollars. Wi lumntlr paring 1 IKTKSUtgT on fundi from SIM t flOOO. General Finance Corporation iso a. couuraciAi, rr. SaUm, Orwoa rhoot l-lltt r 8KB US FOR FARM. CITY OB ACREAGE LOANS BEST OF TERIIS WE BUY o Ittal tttato mortgagti tt oon tract! ' State Finance Co. 107 SO. High at, Ph. 1-4111 MONEY PROBLEMS? Ul takt) Uu "lit out ot your money probtaoi. Up to MOO on hmU loans. TJd to 1800 on tuto louu. STATE FINANCE CO. B-110 Fhori. Milt M-331 187 a. Bllb St. r84 Lit. S-111 and M-331 and - kot n. snoiONa - INSURANCE AND LOANS . Hoar "Top Tradtt" , , 11:08 DaltF KSLM 1380 Ka. - OENERAL FINANCB CO. LOANS Ut.So, Commercial St. TtL 1-tltl AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. ' 181 South Churoh Parkins i-Plenty -Its. 1-1417 Lie No. M-ltt, S-164 LOANS UP TO $1500 on eiratturt. Ifurnlttirt. Cor AH PERSONAL if "TBI" plompUr to tmptoyeo men or women t) 1-vlilt loan . . phono tint. You select but' payment date. Between payday loano. . Phont, writ or come In TODAY I Personal Finance Co, lot a. man en., saleu BtaU Usenet Hoi. 8-122. 24-195 Loans over $300 up to 11500 and up to 20 months to rtpay made by Personal Pinanet Co, ot Marlon County under tht Industrial Loan Companies Act ot Ores on. rios TO BOREOW 14500, ftrit mortsast on 110,000 bulWinc in Monmouth. 1 straltht Interest semi-annually. Box 85, Capital Journal, rtO PRIVATE MONET fpeolal Rates and Ttrmo On Larter Loans tonf ond Short Tlmt Payments HOT H. SIMMONS 13 So. Commercial St, Ph. I-Ill! r TRAILERS 0' 1' UTILITY TRAILER with hitch, tirp. ind spar, wneai, too. 19th. 191 2-WHEEL TRAILER New bed, wall con structed. 2038 N. Liberty. til HAVE 1 WHEEL trailer!, trade (or your furnlturt, gun, tools, etc. Oltnn wood ry, 1G05 N. Summer. too TRANSPORTATION GOINO TO California AprU Itttt or 13th. Will takt a 2 whetl trailer or truck for uae. Ph. 30808. 0 DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINES All makea used machine! told, rented, reptlrtd. Rotn, 458 Court. Ph. 3-8771. BULLDOZING. Bulldozing road, clearing teeth, VlrgU Busker, 1010 rain-lew. Ph. 1-1144. 093 BUILDINO MATEB1AL O. W. KLANO Wrecking Co. Bulldera cheap auppllaa, 3-72D8 evenlnga. oil CASU REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash register!. All mikes, sold, rented, re paired. Rotn, 438 Court. Ph. 3-8773. 0 CUSTOM FARM WORK Plowlni, ditolnfl, seed Ins. Pord equip ment. Marshall, 4171 Market. Phone 9-1143, olOI DRESMMAKINO Alterations, hemstitching, buttons, buckles covered, buttonholes. Mrs. H. M. A Mender. .-0011. olOfl PR I VINO INSTRUCTION Learn to drive tht "Easy Drive" way. Call or see Mr. snelllni, Valley Mo tor Co., Salem, Phont 1-114? or 4-207. EXCAVATING Ben OtJen Son. Excavatlnt, trad ing, land clearlni. Phone 1-3080. olia FURNITURE REF1NUIUNO Furniture reflnUhlni, repaired. Ed ar Brock. Ml Norway St. Phone 1-1397, oft INSULATION Insulation, weatherstrips, aluminum screen. Pre estimate!, T. Pullman. Ph. 1-6935. olll MATTRESSES Capitol Bedding, renovates. Full lint bsw mattretsss. Ph. -40b. o OFFICB FURNITURB SUPPLIES Dei tc chairs, flies, filing supplies, safes, duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, type writer stands, Roen, 451 Court. o HHARPRNIVO AND REPAIR 8ERV1CK Otert's Sharpening and Repair Serv ice. Lawnmowers, knives, shears, bi cycles and small motors. Ph. 34(11 or 45185. llth and 'D" AtS. 0114 SRPTIG TANKS Mike's Septle Service. Tanks oleantd. D'rooter cleans sewers, drains. Phone 3-D4SR. olio Hamel'a septle tank eleantd, tine eervke. Quranteed work, fhont 1-1444. oM Par- II Sunnyside The Sunnyside Community Club will bold its last meatin I of the season Friday at 7 p.m, April 17, at the ichoolhouse. It will be a social eveninc starting with a covered dish supper followed with a pro gram of music, pictures and other entertainment ' Members are asked to brine one hot dish, dessert and rolls and table tervlce. Mrs. Cowman was hostess to the Friendly Hour club. Pres ent were Mesdamea DutoH, Buns, Becklejr, Mortor, NeL son,' Klock. A covered dish ' luncheon waa served at noon. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Clayton Bunse, Mr. and Mrs. Russell LanoN ford are parents of a baby daughter. She has on sister and two brothers. . Pilots Down Pacific Forest Grove JP A seventh inning run broke a 6 -all tie and Portland University then col. lected four more to defeat Paci fic University 10-4 in a base ball game here Tuesday. Robins are more apt to be found near human habitations In the spring than in the falL DIRECTORY Sewer, leptlo tanks, dralna cltaned. Ro-tt-Rooter Sewer Serrloe. Pbont 1-1331. L. w, Caudlt, spraying and pruning:. Phont 4-1461. 0IO8 TTFEWBITEBS Smith. Corom, Remlniton, Royal, Dn dtrwood portable,. All mates used machlnoa. Bepalrt k rent. Roen. 43S Court o TV Salea, Service. Antenna. 1170 Lena Ay, Phoni 4-5883. oil VENETIAN BUND LAtJNDBT Cinfleld'l Laundry, Repilra, Reflnlsh tni. 1W a. litis. Fh. 4-5403. Plck-nw, DaliTerr. ' olo WINDOW CUANDfO Acme window Cltantrt. Industrial nooff waxing, houatoltanlng. Phoni 1-3337. 147 Court, . 4 LODGE SALEM LODGE No. 4, A.F. & A.M.. Wed.. AcrU 15. Pot Luck Dinner, 6:30, P. C. degree 7:30 p.m. ; 90- CHOKED GAS? THANK HCAVXNSI Moot ottacka art add tadlcestlon. Whin It strikes takt Bell-ano tablet. Thtvy contain the UMXmt-ncxln atdlelnto sawtra to dooton for tno relief H hiiirtburn and ga. 904 rofundod U not nUtfttd. Snd empty carton to Bell-ana, Snnotnnrg. N. V. dot Ban-am today, up. Prescription-like medicins stops Sour Heartburn Gas Put out fin of add $tommeh ctistrossf Kow it's neediest to suffer burniat palna of aeld Indlcettlon. gae heartburn-thanks to "prtsarlptlontypa formula of F, H. Pfucdtr, Pb.0. MedkaJly.provtd Pfnndr'0 Tabteta soothe awajr patn with acld-ntw tnUsbtff flhn. Tou tat most acythinK yotj Usto-wltboat fear of dlitrtes. Amaifnglf tuiok relief guaranUti or money back 1 Ool Ponder's Tabltta today. 100,000,000 told. OTT (EH IWt Softer .tocher Kfaatt Im matter how many yemedles yen faaet) tried for ttchina? .metm, ptwriasls. InfetM tkma. athlete's loot or wfafftyovikio trocfcbla mey bo anythioti fr w head St) foot WONDER SALVB unA Wnndw lledloatast Bomp can balp you. .PtvefeiMd fw ttM In Um Atsayw now fur row Mb at beta WONDER SALVB whHa, g i anUswrptic No osrir apptmraiwe. Safo 1m thUdm. Cot WONDER SAtWK anel WONDER MEDICATED 60AP Rwrattw or aWoiMy rafurtdtjd. Truiy wonderiol Wraitioiat. Vsf then. Sold in Salem by Capitals Prod Merer, Owlf. Paylcae, and Sehaefer Drat Stortfl tt year bemelewn dr as slit. Thought Td lose my mind from terrible pain until I found Pan'" Itchinr, pain of eimple pilot dnve you madf Amaiirc Paso acta imtontty to relieve suck) miacry 1 Soothe eore tistuea. Lubrkatee harierd parts. Helps heal craefcinf, reduce ewelliiif. Don? suffer needleee agonT of simple piles. Get Paaay tjet real comfort. Ak doctor about it Supposes tory form or tuba with perforated pipe. Ptst Ointmmt and SuppQtitoritt$ OLDER FOLKS wHSi ITCHING SKIN For the nagging, maddening, pti-aUsS-i nt itch of dry scin, to common to folk cast middle an. Resinol Ointmtnt fai m tpoclal, toothing relief. Acts in place. oC missing natnraT akin oils works) fiat, and comfort lasts. How good it fools not to nayaj to tcratcn ana scratcn. uttj Bosinol and got relief. All drag atoros. "Monthly Pains" stopped . or amazingly relieved In 3 out of 4 cotoa In doefors' loittl Chances are you're putting up tmrwcejjarfli with the (uncuonally caused pains, cramps and weak, "tut good" feelings of menstruation! , For, In actual tests by doctors, Lydla Plnkham's Compound brought com plefs or ttriking relief from such dls tress In 8 out of 4 of the oases I , Lrdla Putltham'i ti titodtrn in Itt w Hon So set Lrdta I. Plokham'g Vrtntabl Compound or new, fmprooed Taoltta wltb added Iron. Sew If taken through the month It doesn't flri rellaf front those backache!, Jtttart help f-ou feal battar bgorg and d urine rour ptrloell Or If you suffer from functional "hot flashet" of "change of life," find out hot, loondirul PtnkJum'8 ti or that, tool It he. a avMbs eaTeel ta lerla. eaatrietloai thil , t. T. Lira, K.D. Or. O. Ohaa. MJ DRS. CHAN ... LAM CBINE8B NATUROPATHS CpiUIrt, Ul North Liberty. ntrtnm gwaatw t)tttilsisj aawala la . . to 1 p.m., t to 7 p.m. Consultatloa, uiwm KisuHi anu urintj 171141 Oft fret of chartt. Practiced tlneo itif Writ for attractive gift. Mo atttt. tatloti. 01