Page 18 FOR SALE HOUSES - V YOO MJUI TO BUT OR Lb A HOUX, PABM OR nnramiBTT property-. CALL SEVERIN Realty Co. REALTORS Ytari " of Batlafactorr ' Service " LARGE FAMILY HOME 1,808 aq. t. of happr homo Ufa In UiU threa-rear-old Tlew home that kit overrthlna to bt dtelred for eonvinltnet and Four larti bedrooma, I hatha. Walk-In closete. Tho hu llvlni room hne lloor-lo-aelllnt vltw wlndowe h bH the dlnlnt room. Urn breakfast nook la tho work-aavlna kitchen. Foldlna doora to Oio rear petlo. The full ' d.rllsht bailment It itnlahed llko aha uretalra lnl contain! larta recreation room with eomtorteble fireplace. There It alao a complete aummer kitchen In tho beeemenl. Automatic1 oil lint and air condltlon Ini. Double Iniuitted and weatheretrlpptd. lit tlorloua view ever mountains, eltr ond roller rj never bt ooatruoted. Terraced flower tedi. Sprinkler inua, Tht owntr bu over 818,000 in thla lovtlr home, for quick Hit 130,000 U naked ud WIU Ukt emnuer homt la trad m down perineal. Juit tltt no a rlu tod wo wUI pick rou up and how rou thla titraordinarr bertaln. coll todar. Severin Realty Company 335 N. HIGH ST. DIAL 4-5943 ; EVE. 2-5695 Mr. Klanr I-I29S Mr. Moon l-7M FOR SALE HOUSES SOUTH VILLAGE, 8 bcdroOD). lleT tVl. ft. plus doublt laraia, forotd Air furnact, nrtplMt, atptratt ainini room, utility wun arrer, nict lawn, ahrubi, patio. 35745, alt WONDEBTUL VIEW BUILDING! BITS, PLUS 17 AC. FILBERTS 19500. WILL TAKE HODS! IN TRADE, JOHN J. DANN REALTOR, 415 N. HIOH BT. PH. l3. am jft BEDROOM auburban home, 4 roars old, llrapiaca, carpal, doublt niumb- hii. Prlca 111,700. Pbona 30071. aw 1-BEDROOM Oood but location, torntr lot, I reera old, attached taratt. 18500 without furniture. Phone 1-8387. too BY OWNER, room borne, ' batemenl. aawduit furnace, 80071, 1188 Rood Bt. rn. aovso. atoa1 GORGEOUS HOME for tbt moat atact ica buyer. Beautiful I bedroom borne with double aerate, mobotanr flnlah In llvlnv A dlnlni room, beautiful , kitchen ft nook, I tlreplaotl, outside covered paaio. separate worunop, laundry room, mid party room In tiled floored full baiement. Drive by 1840 north ii Bt. u you Uka It tall for an appointment and aee the teat, Owner le.ivini Salem, vtut eell. Bowaa Wood, Ph. 48)51, art, 80431. 134 N. - Hllh. . . - ell ALMOST NEW 1-bedroom house, tlectrlo ranie, . hardwood tloort, automatic heat, lnaultted. 15S4 Maple Ave. HI' BT OWNER, 4 bedroom houae with . baaement. One block to new hlah tchool, Additional lot available. Phone 1-6068. all BT OWNER, a bedroom homa, battment, oil furnace, hardwood floora, amall lot. on I. Ltfftlle. Phone 3-1715. a(0 Croisan Creek Lovelr homt with Tlew. Lee. T luro window, I bdrma, At den. Ulnlnl rm. A. Purnlahed Including TV act. Wit ltakt In trade prop, la Salem, latt model ear or trailer hi. C. W. RRVR, RXALTOIt 1810 VI laalon Bt. Ph. 84110 Rue. 1M18 or 43818 I80 87600 SEE Till) before you buy. Tht moat I bedroom homt In town for tht money, Lane UvlnB room, even the bedroomi art good alia. Thert la an Inside utility room and neat dinette . In the kitchen. Completely fenced back yard. Could bt had for 81,000 down or OI Term.. Call Bowel at Wood. Ph. 41151, art. 80431. 144 North Hlth. Ml1 G. L OR F. H. A. Beautiroi new 8-bdrm, hie. In Kclier Diet, Near aohool, Lovely bt. rm.. Porced air heal. WIU take In leu model car or trailer tue. 811,800, Ct W. REEVE, REALTOR 1880 Mlaalon Bt. Ph. S4500 ' Ie. 3M38 or 41145 e(0 CLOSE TO SCHOOL You'll Ilka thu nearly new and ape cloua S-bedroom homt on a lovely lot with trotl, Beildei tht lane kitchen, there't a very nict dlnlnr room. Porced air oil beat and attached terete. Hardwood floora. Priced at 811,710. Ramaey Real lalatt, 3014 North Com merciak. Phono 4-8111, Rvanlme 4-35H. ug BT OWNER 1 aare, modern 3-bedroom, chicken houae, amall barn, aprlnt water, on paved road. 84(00. Terma. 1-8308. go. BEAUTIFUL ACRE! On Bunnyvlew, tlott in. Neat 4-vr.-Id homt. 33x14 llvlna room, lln lichen ft dlnlni arte. Thrtt bed Jooma, Oood well, on paved atrtet. Toura for 85500. Terma. Salem'i Flrit Drlv-In SMITH REAL ESTATE 143s Portland Rd. Ph, 17007 day or eve.. Aek for Clyde Poulk or Mr, amlth. a(0 VIEW ROME 1 bedrooma, play room, wvuBie aaraao ,waJi-to-wail earpetlne. Bplo and apan. Reaaonably priced. - rnnii a-tine. m rortat unit way. e la-RooRI HOME Purnlehed, eorner lot, (arait. 8800. Raal burl Owner leav ing for California. 1141 N E. Xvarelt. Portland. PI 8141. atl Suburban : itrTdlnarllr attrMtlTe t-bedroom lioiue la Carlbavea Addition only 4 block from new super market. Beautlfullr landseftped with tack lawn and ffttden fenced. Has hardwood floors, oil furnftee, Inilde utility room, attached carat. Prleetf at Isooo with 10 down. EAST ENGLEWOOD New lMi-.tory houil with I bed rooma down end room for 1 lane bed rooms in the unfinished uwitalri. - Hardwood floors, fireplace, automatic oil furnace, Inilde utility room is wired far dryer, kitchen li birch trim, formica counter topi, lane ward robe cloiets m bedrooms are birch. Built by Prank Worth. This home will be completed In about t weeks and it Verlced at 111,000. Call and let vs ahow rou Abrams, Bourland St Skinner all Uasonle BulMlni Rial titale Insurance Morttase Loam pejone I-M17 srreninse; 1-47CI BO tOO WANT A HOMI CLOSE-IN with I bedroome. full buement, fur Baca, dlnlnt room, paved elreet and aidewalk, aloet to tranaporutlon. achoola, church, ahopplnt well, why ao ont It haa tht thlnn that many naked for. Whate' mora, lata than 13.000 will work out the deal. Balance monthly paymenta. Prlca 810.000, Juit call, It may be hi CLYDE PRALL Realtor isa as. ni.h Phone 4-3851 aOO Journal Want Ads Pay tl.ASlHll AIIVEKTISINO Per Word. ( tlmee Ue Per Ward Per Word, I llmee 1M Per Ward, I menlb "a No Refand-Mlnlmam K Ward.. RKAIlIiRrt In Lee.l N.we Celama Only, Per Word Minima 11 Ward. To Place Ad In Same DRjrw PanrT. Phone 2-2401 Before 10 Rjn. FOR SALE HOUSES Hi FOR SALE HOUSES CDTR 8-BDRM. home on fuhlnt atraem. Wleetrleltr. water, tchool. H acre. 81800.00. laay terma. Routt Boi 304 A, Bllverton. 1070 N. 19TH Englewood School District l-bedroom borne, fireplace, bard- wood floora, aeparate dlnlni room, nice roomy kitchen. Sbakt exterior and well-kept yard. 1-ear earn.. Oood location near aohool and bua. tll.uw, e-EI OR CALL RALPH BINT 3-8620 OR 4-6390 McKillop REAL ESTATE 403 center St., Balem i APT. HOUSE LOCATION A well-built 1-B.R. houae, full blamt., lie. Ilv. rm. ft din. rm. on a lot 60x150 II. and a f-rm. houae with burnt. In rear which rent to 180 per mo. Only bl. north of elate capltol. 814.000. Wlthl eonilde ehtaptr l-B.R. houte In trade, .... l-B.R. ROMS Nearly new well-built homt on a III. lot 100x131 ft. Haa 1 met alia B.R., lie, nr. rm. ft din. rm., lovely kit. ft brktat. nook, wall-to-wall carpet In llr. rm., din. rm. and hell, Haa aprlnk llnl ayitem, double urate, fruit treea (Mi btrrlai. 811,700. VIIW LOT t vlaw lota with concrete taraae Route, aome treea 'and aprlni. 81500. ' 4H ACRES Located touth 8 mllea from down town, on paved road, aood view. 15000. Burt Picha 378 N, Hllh Bl. Off.: 1-4M7 Tvei.: Allan Plateher 1-1701 atO PLENTY OF ROOM How ftlKut ft home with (lrftpUct, ftttiohtd iftrftit, Itrit lot. 1 bl roonu, dlaiDt loom, lint unrinUihwd ftUle for futurt uat. flpio lod ipan n4 ntftt m pin. 91,760. Down piymenb? Well, w on probably work ttatt out. Lei uj talk it over. ; CLYDE PBALL ' Riftltor 1B4 Bo. Ulrh . Phone 4-S6S1 B0 SOUTH 21ST ST. $5. WO J bedrooms, older type, well built home, oonorete foundation. Oood elted kttetan and Uluuii roota. Lot U 6x116. Thli ti the type of home you cm eully make Into ft real Dice place. CR OR CALL PRANK VLA810 8-8620 OR 4-2870 WITH McKillop REAL ESTATE 411 center at., Balem . ' eM' FOR SALE LOTS LAROI HOME (ITEM In beautiful Klni- wood Helihte. 81000 up. Raay terma. Baa owner, phone 3-8413. aa04 LAROI VIEW LOT. Reaeonable or ei- chania to builder for remodellni work. Phone 33010. aatl LARGK LOTS, clou In, email down par mont. laan center. aaw EIZER DIRT. lOOalls, neer new achool. Ph, 1-H31. Walt Socololikr. Real mate. aaOl' FOR SALE FARMS Woodburn District 11 (area of the finest Willamette till aoll .excellent l-bedroom home with baaement. fine ibarn ana otner ouua Inta, aood Irritation well with equip. ment, alao creek thru property. Hu a aood eherrr orchard, 4-acre berrr patch and paiture. Thle u a verr lood bur at 131,000. Tlrma. BEE OR CALL A. W. UcKlLLOP 38620 OR 37804 McKillop REAL ESTATE 4BJ Center At., ftalem FOR SALE ACREAGE Center St. REALTY K. aEM WActPivaiat a final hullA Ins elte. Shade trees, orchard, view - of mountains. Price 43000. Itt ACRES eoiith. a acres walnuts and cnernes. rrice TUN ACRBS Southeast. aSUthtly land. Price 13300. rwlpaal A r-.11 8M1 A I If ,i tilabMa or land. Willamette loam, on paved road, near school. Price saso. Center Street Realty 1741 Center St. Phone 4-6631 Eve. Phones: Oles 1-111 J. Brliht 3-5R63 REAL ESTATE t BLOCKS FROM Meier ft Frank's on Union Street, ownrr will aril lot with I room houe (rented for tlS.ftOO , Should prove food investment. Br i IU Oaplttl Journal all REAL ESTATE . Englewood 4-bedroom home. Plreplaot. Cleat to aohoola. thopplni and bua. Fairmount Hill 4 bedrooms, full basement, cloie to echoole. Owner would consider smaller botne In trade. $11,600, urine. . $500 Dc n ' Mice t-bedroom home vita fireplace. Will Trade i Out t-bedroom heme en H A. Plre place, attttbed sarase, for home In Or t on . City, Milwaukee, er floutb Portland. Miniature Farm ' t a. last, l-bedroom homt, eloae t school. H00. , Home in Firs 4 A. overlooklM river, l-bedroom home. Also small rental home. SWOO. l-b4room home and 3 A. for 96000. Terms. South Summer St. Home l-bdrm. home with t line lots. Paces 2 streets. WIU sell both M300 or will sell home l lot for 7&oo. Lot separata for 11.000. Oood shop A chicken house on place. Good 62-Acre Farm Most all In cultivation. Modern t BR home, not old. fie is back from road In tree settlne. Also barn machine sheds, silo and eranary. Irritation ditch runs throuih place. Different kinds of fruit and berries. II miles from tSalem. Price I2S.OO0. Art Madaen Realty 1326 Stat Ph. I-B5I0. J-8III - JTve. Ph., l-64l, J -7183 a ei Englewood District Modern Hrre buns alow with nice closets, laree livlne room with fire place, separate dlnlns room, full basement with automatic heat to all rooms. Kxtra finished room In base ment, Insulated, weatherstrlpped, de tected sarase, beautiful fenced-in back yard. 11,500. Property will aual Ify for P-H.A. or O.I. requirements. Immediate Possession An Entllah type home of 4 bed rooms, llvins room, fireplace, separate dlnlnc room, kitchen with lane nook, k basement with forced air ell heat to all rooms, lane tar are, located In top-notch residential area. 112,600. JEasr terms, and possession rlrht now. ' BUILDING LOT Paved ttrcet, water, lood dlatrlct. 31000. Joe L. Bourne, Kealtor 1140 X. Capitol Ph. 31318 C03' Center St. Realty MUST BE SOLD POUR-ROOM BUNOALOW In the heart of Hollywood. Pull basement, ti me, lot xl00, A splendid location close to all stores and transportation. A nloe home for a couple, or a aood Investment for a rental or future bus iness. Due to lllnsss, this must be sold. The price Is 13600. CENTER ST, REALTY 1148 Center Street Phone 4-8811 Ire. phonea: Olea 3-7313, Brliht l-litl clo tltllt ttlllt tlllllll lllltlll Mlltilllll llllllllll IIIMIIM1 llllllllll TIT TV llimilllllllllll LTRiTl DU 1 IIIIIIISIIIMI lllltllllltllltlttlll 8tll II llllllllll tlllllll II 11111118 ' 888I8B 31 8IMII 81 SULLIVAN GREENHOUSE in back yard, l-bdrm. home with 1B0" frontage on Xiancaster. Price Includes small rental house and the owner will trade for acreage. COUNTRY LIVING at Its verr best on this m acres, which wilt trow the best tarden In the Tiller t slit loam at Bponrs Lanoine The convenient t-bdrm. home on the property has oil heat and a double araie. If you sto looklns for acre- ale you'll want to see thu. INVESTMENT Plve-bedroom older homo with base ment, Only Mi block from Sears Shop pins Center. At present, 4 of the bdrms, are rented to students. Income can be treatly Increased. Pull price only 113.700. DUPLEX - FHA- aonstruoted. This fine duplet: located on -paved elf, near shopping center, i lie. bdrms. In each. You set an eatra lot and a very substantial loan may be secured. $17,000. Will take a home la trade. BEAN GROUND 40 acres near Mar ton. 8-room house built In 1050. 20X30 barn. 18,500. NORTH HOWELL If rou htvt 114,000 you tan bur SO acree or the beat aoll In the valley. Terma on the balance. Fullr equipped. tlft.OOO. or will keep the equipment and aeu lor 121,000. Robert B. Sullivan REALTOR "3 15 Portland Road Ph. 4-4S33 Br. ofllce 367 N. Hllh Ph. 4-5433 Eve. phe. 3-8114, 3-410, 4-5827. 4-1100 CH LIVE HIGH an Fairmount Mill, enjoy spacious yard with oak trees, modern 4-yr.-o)d home, I bdrms.. fireplace, dlnlnt rm paved at., bus, school, fine nelthbor- hood. Forced sale, price cut, F.H A, terms. Offered first time today. See this for only -111.100. TREMENDOUS Stupendous. Colossal. Munificent, 10-room Erie Beauty in choice hilltop ifttlns. 1 baths. huse betnrooms. full basement, 2-cir tarate. Fine nelthborhond. This home has claas and should be owned by someone de alrlnr trecloua Uvlnt. Wonderful trees and shrubs, F.HJt. terms, 124,000. BELOW FHA PRICE Pint come, first served on this t-br. home offered today for less than F.H. A. appraisal. Oood paved st, Inside utility, larte nrk, nook, oil heat, lovely lawn, plenty of tarden space, neat and very clean. Will sell this week for IB240. THE ABOVR LTSTTNtW AR NRW ON THE MARKET AND WS BlXISTVl OOOD NEWS FOR BUYKHS WHO EX PECT VALUK FOR THEIR MONEY, ISM Fn I rt rounds Road Ph. 4-3395, Eve. 2-80M, 41700, 4-4671 !i To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Salem, Oregon REAL ESTATE Grabenhorst Specials RUILT FOR TV Mew three-bdrm. home, llr. rm. ectlvllr room, 1 . 88 laet loni, dble. l.ralorr, llrapiaca, all heel, dlehweaher, alolhaa waah tr at drrer Included In purchaae prlct tt 811,100. Bua br door. Belter hurrrl CALL PETER B. OE1RBR. PAIRMOUNT HT1X A apaeloua 4-bdrm. home la a Itlanalr and at traellra neUhborheod. La., llr. rat. with fireplace, din. rm., rerr eon renlent kitchen. Dan and full baimt.. dble plot., wall-to-wall carpet tbrouibouL A beautiful rard. To let thu home CALL . SL LAT1IOR. A PIN PAVfILT HOUR conv.nient'to aohool ai traaaporlatloa 4 Mi bMlrooma. tUed bath with aeparate ahower liaU on flral floor at full bath up. Llr. rm. with fireplace, lee. dm. rm.. beautiful kitchen and I nook. dblt. aarait. All aewir redecorated Inalde. attn i appt. onlr. CALL J, R. LAW. . MOB flTATB Strict No. butlneat aont. Lot 103 s 88 corner lot. Ideal for bualnaaa development. Home with 1 apta. Price HMO. 1 11008 . ' down. Balance 300.00 per month. CALL o. H. ORAEENHORIT, JR. TWO-TWO-TWO Two-bdrm. home, 1-car tarate. 1 block! to Rnilc wood achool. too aood K laat. Prlca two tlmaa lino. TO UM, CALL PETER U. OQBKR. GRABENHORST BROS.; REALTORS 134 . Ubartr at. ph. 1-1411 roniati da Rundara tall Pater H. Oelter l-MM J. X. Law t-8118 H. K. Urmoa 1-8488 tto Call Colbath LISTEN OWNER LEA VINO STATE MUST SELL thla l-bdrm. home In a hurrr. Telia ua to takt Itoo down and reduce prlct to 847M. Homt It beautlfullr raflnUhed Inalda. call David. Eve. ph. 4-1108 . FISHING IN OKSOON and opportunity time at thla wonderfully equipped PRUt INO REflORT. Let me tell rou how to earn Independence here. Priced rlrht at 818.900. Rome terma, or will take nice home In Salem ei part down. Cell Dand, Eva. ph. 4-1703. . GENTLEMAN'S ESTATE A larte COLONIAL TYPE l-bedroom homt on lit aerea. lOito hobbr or workahop. Oandr beautiful toll and verr oholce plctureaque location, cloae In. Alao out., neat, little red bans for ahatland polnet. THIS IB 111.100. TERUB. Call David, Eve. ph. 4-1701. POSSIBLE $650 DOWN OLDER HOUR with 8 bdrme. Beparate dinlnl rm.. oil heat, baaement, Slntlt taraae. Near achool and thopplni area. PULL PRICE 11810. See lira. Ofleabee, Eve. ph, 19873. FLASH -FLASH -FLASH . TOTAL PRICE IS ONLY 33310. Nice corner lot with l-bdrm. home, haa aome furnlthlmt. Lane llvlnt rm. A kitchen combination. Oa raie and fruit houae. Set Mrt. Otletbee, Eva. ph. 18373. YOU WILL BE SORRY TP YOU DO NOT SEE THIS VALUE FOR 1710 down. laat auburban , 3-bdrm. home with lane llvlnf rm., nice kitchen, dinette, bar win dow, hdwd. fire., oil heat: Roomy tarage. Penced yard. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. ONLY 17800. SEE MRS. OOUSBEE, EVE. PH. 39371. OWNER SELLING AT A LOSS STATELY-H UTLT OLDER HOME IN GOOD CONDITION. Peaturea lent Uvlnt rm. lino, nice dining rm., cheerful kitchen, unflnlehed up atalra, large baamt. with parly rm. Sarduat furnace. Corner let nicely landacaped. 1-oar aerate. THIS OOES FOR 17350. 11400 down and 101 par mo. Eve. ph. lull. TAKE TIME OUT TO SEE THIS ATTRACTIVE THREE-BEDROOM rlnch-STYLE HOME. Llvinl rm., dlnlni rm., lovely kitchen, nice bath, hdwd. lira., utility rm., on piped forced air furnace to all rms. Excluaivt location. THIS IS WORTH 89100. Takes 11900 down, and 857 per month Include, tenet. Int., Inc. at prln. on FHA LOAN. NO FINANCE PEES; JUST ASSUME PRES ENT LOAN ON PROPERTY. EVt. ph. 36923, ' BROOKY NOOK i2 ACRE l-ROOM RETREAT Purnlahed cabin, on creek, cloae In. New faa rente, water heater, new 1-ft. ateel cabinet At alnk. New dinette aet. PRICE 33300 ONLY 3400 down. HERE IB A STEAL. SEE T. T..AN PERSON, EVE. PH. 4-3111. PRICE $5700r-$700 DN. BUYS IT Nice l-bdrm. homt could eully be made Into 8 ndnna. Llvlnf rm., din. rm., kltohen, bath, utility. Nearly acre, located on S. Summer St. BEE T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. PH. 4-2714. $13,000 ON GOOD TERMS lot ACRBS, IS A. In cult., bit dairy barn, nice 2-bdrm. home, lane ohlcken house. l miles S.K.). SEE T. T. ANDERSON, EVS. ph. 4-2114. REDUCED PRICE $2000 POR QUICK SALE. 80 ACRES. 34 A. In oatl At vetch, 30x40 barn, 3-car taraae, home It 10 yra. old. Haa 3 bdrnu., fireplace, kitchen at bath. Penced. PRICE IS ONLY 14000 down, or take Salem home in KChtnit, SEE T. T, ANDERSON, EVE. PH. 42714. BIG SET-UP 180 ACRES with 130 A. In ult. Nice 3-bdrm. home, larte barn. 1 aprlnia. PRICE IB 823,000. Vl down. SEE T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. PH. 43714. GARDEN ROAD 2Jfa ACRES NIOB, NEAT, CLEAN, modern 3-bedroom home, aerate, amall barn, hen houae. All varletlea of fruit treea. Immediate po&seailon. Excellent aoll. 11,000 down buye It. Total 311,800. SEE T. T. ANDERSON. EVB. PH. 42714. OOLBSBEE EVE. PH. 9S37I DAVID - EVE.' 41T03 ANDERSON 43714 OPTICS. DIAL 44494,24552 ,yj REAL ESTATE 10-DAY SPECIAL Lovely television set fo be left in this I-rr.-old a-bdrm. east sub. home If sold now. 11x21) L.R., D.R., nook, T0il20 fenced lot, awnlnss, neat as a pin and well erranied, 12400 doWn. A. A. Larsen REALTORS 111 So. Hllh St. Ph. 31131 Mre. Well - Ph. 31738 A. K. Eeokett -34181 Andy Halvoraen 37163 .cll $14,500 One of the best of the many beautiful homes In Xnslewood Ditt. Located on corner lot with bus stopplnt at door. L.R. with fireplace, that la warm and brliht in winter, cool and airy for summer comfort, D.R. that Is spaclouji, I larte B.R.s, kitchen hu lots of bul It-in i. Tile dralnboard. beautiful nook or 306 cheery breekiexta a year. Bailment, auto, heat, earaee. Beautl- iui lawn, enru&s, aprinkilnt system, etc, $9,950 One of the cleanest, most attractive homes east. Lane L.R. carpeted with Beautiful carpet over hardwood floors. Fireplace, Verr workable kitchen. Lane lot. Close to stores and bus line. This is a tood value. $8,200 Late-built, neat, attractive home tn Kelser Diet. Has I larte B Rs. Hard wood floors. Autft. e l heat. Larte 1 car tarate. Insulated, can be bouiht on easy terms. $8,000 Larte l-B.R. home northeast. Double Plumblnt. New oil furnace, piped to each room, This Is a tood, clean home, 2-car tarate. Lot I4xl. $1,000 aown win nanoie. $5,750 Located on N. Church St, t-room home with basement. Equipped for either electrlo or cas cookint. Electric water neater, aarase. wrr tood location. $3,750 A dandy homt south In McKlnley school dtstrirt. Has 1 bdrms.. nice bath, attached tarate. one of the beel buys, ana can sell with low down pay ment. Call a V. HUME tr STANLEY BROWN with STATE FINANCE CO Ettltort 117 S. Hllh M Phont 1-1111 vet. 1-1308 Of 1-88(1 041 REAL ESTATE Dial 4-4494 TO THIS TIME OFFICE DIAL 44494, 2-4552, y REAL ESTATE 3-BEDROOM HOME Appraleed tt $10,600 under FH A and will sell at that price. Monthly payment $6$. Ranoh type with Jane attached tarate. All hardwood floors. Only l year old. Oood district. West eajem. st. vincent' 4-BEDROOM Only $8M .Newly redecorated and wall-to-wall carpet. Some furniture Included. Larte dlnlnt roof. Plastered. paved street, bus by door, extra larte lot. $2500 250 down, a small home, needs a little work. Has hot water and buth fixtures. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 Mulh Hlih at. Phont Mo. 1-1301 Phont tvtnlntt and aundari 4-1871, 3-3K8, 4-1313, 4-1311, 1-1114 til WANTED REAL ESTATE CLAUDE KILO ORE Needs a few lis tints on homes and farms for N. Capitol St: oflke. ph, 4-0C3. UB1 N. CAPITOL. ca' GREAT BUriNO DEMAND for farms and acreates. List tours with Colbath Land Co. See T. T. Anderson, Perm Asent. Phone 4-44S4. Eve. 4-3714. ce VOTiclt it rour propertr is for sale, rent or exchanse, list It with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS IBS S, Hllh St. ea WE ARE badly In need of 1 and l-bedroom homes, In Leslie Dlit, Also need home anywhere with small down pay ments. What have reuf AL KAAK. REALTOR. PR. 41111 If no answer, ph. 4-2341 ea JOE PALOOKA IJIST WEP STILL AN' W BUMS THINK TH I I THINK YOU SHOULD REAL ESTATE WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WE NEED urimJ. , ' hither priced horaee and all trott with lot; owa paratau. LUXURIOUS PLUS DESIR able DISTRICT An unuaoallT lotelr home In Ualle Plat. 1 beaulllul tiled oathroomi. 3 apeelouo bedrooma. Partr room In lull baaement. flpacloul anoint rnum. no- . Ih.iI. .nrlnklln. av.teni. Comal lot. Owner may conalder exehanit for amallar homt or Income propertr. Pull prlca onlr 831,308. OUT OF STATE OWNER ... ..ii hu hnma. it haa a baaement 8 bedrooma, llrapiaca, lurnaca. In tood repair. Almoat 1mm. poai. Near but and aonooi. met it omr anew. $3750 FULL PRICE Uodera .mailer home In tood loca tion. Pvn. at. Bua front door. Near achool. Oood tiled Uvlnl room. Seven! fruit and walnut treea. win conaioer trade for l-bedroom home. HOTTEST DEAL IN TOWN l-bodroom home, eompletelr remod eled. New wlrlni, new plumblni. new forced air . oil furnace. Fireplace. 1 bit. la bua. Aa a matter of fact, thla homa haa averrthlnl a ntw modcrn- Utle ont hat and tht prlca It onlr 888S0, CASH MARKET And a aood ontl Virr tood volumi. loot term lease on bldi. at vtrr reae onable f fture. Clean etock. Oood equip ment. Meat, fountain and aro terr atock. Plxlurea 88B08 plot lnven torr. TRAILER PARK T tralltr ipaoea, plua ont tralltr which It rtnted. Almoit new duplex renttd for 3100 per mo. Utllltr room with waahlnc machine on mtter. Etch tpaca on ttwer and water. Purchaae prlct Inol. furniture In 1 unit of du plex. Thu le well worth tht aaklnt prlca of 113,800. S HOUSES ON ONE LOT Plua anouth room to build another. Almoct new. etrlctlr modern. Thla would Ba a pleaaura to own. Shown br appointment onlr, Bui by door. Zmulated. Paved at. 8 bike, to tchool. Pull prlct onlr 114,100, Terma. CALL POR MS. CRAWPOrtD, EVE. PH. 4-HU0 ,or M. K100IN6, EVE, PH. 4-5494, or DAN XSAAK, EVE. PH. 4-IMl, u no antwar, tall 4-1148, WORTH THE PRICE Modern i-bedroom houae In a Terr aood area. 4 acre land. Bmall chicken houae. Soma btrrlts. Oood well. Pvd. rd. Nice entailer homt and tht price It onlr 11980. 8 ACRES with 8 under tultlvatlon. ti acre atrawberrlea. 1 acre blackbtrrlea. Modern houle. email barn, taraae. Pvd. rd. Sevtral fruit Ireti, Pull price onlr 88000, 30 ACRES Verr tood modern a-bedroom houit, 10 br 40 barn, chicken houae, maehtne ehed. 1 aerea caneberrlet. fieveral fruit and walnut treea. Bait of tolL Pvd. rd. Pull prlct 19.930. CALL POR MR. LKAVENE, EVE. PH. 1-4735. If, ao aniwer, call 4-3318. MORTGAGE LOANS 10-Year Maturltr . Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phonea: 4-3311 or 1-7130 3019 PORTLAND ROAD ' Eve. Phonea: 3-4795, 4-5494, 4-3533, 4-5030 or 3-3558 II no antwer, phont 4-1341 C90 WANTED REAL ESTATE WE NEED LISTINGS BADLX on Small acreaae and aood 3 & 8-bedroom homea. L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR 3055 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-7143 WE ARE ln need of tood houaee to sell, in or mar Balem. II you wish to 1UI your property for aale, aee GRABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS. 134 a. Liberty ph. 1.3471 . EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE WE'LL TRADE this l-bedroom, $8,100 home for a low priced I or l-bedroom home. Or will sell with a low down payment and low month) r payments. See our agent. Hungry Real Estate, 3084 North Com mercial. Phone 4-6211. Evening 4-lflflS.. - cb90 RESORT PROPERTIES BEACH COTTAGE. Payments like rent. Fnone 4545g. 1019 Mm. ccfto BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Itll FIELD OIL CORP. offer for lease. moaern cow mown location at Mc Mlnnville. nines forces Immediate sale. Financial assistants to qualified partr. For details and appointment, Phone Mr. smith of sir. H olden, Salem l'WS3. edBl LOCAL WHOLESALE CORPORATION wishes additional capital for expan sion purposes, Actlre or nonactlre stockholders considered, BO 02, Cap ital Journal. cdm BARBERSHOP POR SALE 3S45 Port- iana no. rnone 2-VS34. cdM t MILK ROUTES for sale. Haul to Mc Minnviiie. uiness lorcini aale. Reason eble. Phone 4B27 Woodburn. cd5 TAVERN .AND 7 CABINS Dolnr fine business. See Tom Hill at Port Hill Tavern Prl, or Sat. eve. on HI way 17, 1 miles west of Wlllamlna. Ore. cdfl2 PtVE AUTOMATIC portable bowllnt alien, 40 feet loni, all in sound condi tion, price 1700. 104S Mission Street. Phone 45731. cdUl MONEY BACK GUARANTEE 1712 Investment elves rou rour own Independent business operating a route of new money-ma Ins Bo dispensers handling new fast-movlni confections In drui stores, cafes, clubs, bus depot, etc. Route set up for rou br our ex perts. You must havs car, references and 1712 which Is protected br an Iron-clad 100 Money-Back Guaran tee. Devotlni a (ew of your spare hours each week to the bueiness rou should earn up to 180.00 weekly spare time, full time more. Liberal financine assistance to aid expansion. For full Information write, tlvint phone num ber and address to Box 68. Capital Journal. cioo BUSINESS a INCOME E8TAUSMNT FOR. BALE Can be op erated aa drlve-lm eeau about SO In. tide; two new drive-In theatera, one on each aide. Contact Archie L. Mc Kentle, Club Cale, woodburn. cell Journal Want Ads Pay iC&!sOw7.-R CNAOSe.. I I YOU SURE NOW? I T REAL ESTATE ROY TODD Real Estate KEIZER DISTRICT . beauMM 11100. Call Mr. Vanderrorl. aaleeaan. . . . NEW HOME ' -... ,, amino, nice kitchen with lata tf bulll-lni. Blllltr, -booma, blilL itTiaraia. torntr lot. Onlr I10.80O. Oall Mr. ImMon, lineman. . ( ENGLEWOOD A heme rou wis lava Uvt In. It hu 1 bdrma., full burnt with ntw til forced air (urnece. Lit. llvlnt, dlnlnt Excellent TV reception. Verr nict location. Bur on P.HJJ. ttrma. Price i hu been reduced for tulck itlt. Onlr lo,810. Call Mr, Todd. , CANDALARIA icellent 4-bdrm. home I uat 8 ire. aid. Ltt. Ilvlnl, dlnlnt. Convenient kirchen'Tulomatle all wai furnace. Ua. lot. Terma. Prlca 811,100. Call Mr. Vindervort. aaleamaa. GRADE A DAIRY . HI aerea. 11 ac. piature, 14 ae. wlater peu at abruccl, 11 at. rra treat. 40-atanchion barn. New lo-itadohlon milk parlor, buU t.lf . barn, I oalf thede, chicken hie, Modern '-room hat. l-rjam aabln for hired help. About I mllu from (Hem. A Heal at 118,800. OaU Mr. . aimpton. aalteman. NORTHEAST 101 aerea, ell cultivated and all Willamette loll. Two modern hornet, 4 bedroonu etch, ont with baaement. 1 barna and all other outbulldlnu. On paved hllhwar. Price 150,000. Call Mr. Ruoh, aaleaman. ROY TODD, 118 atllt Itrttl Eve. phonei NEED MORE ROOM? Need two-bedroom home. Llvinl room with fireplace, dlnlnt room. : birch kitchen, bathroom wltti built-in vinltr and thowir. Oodlea of bulll-lna and wardrobe clo.eta. Hardwood floorl throuihoul. Larte att. urate, nrvlce room. Corner lot. Thu It a vltw homt. CREEK LOT . - . Therea' a foot brldtl aerou tbt trttk 'ntath tht lartt treu. Attrao llve l-bedroom modern bunaalow with att. tarait. Makt ui an oner on the down payment, reasonable terma on balance, GOTTA DOG TO TRADE? j Ravi buatneaa bulldlnt with two axeallent rental! plu, one apt. Owner will trade for farm, city or Income property. ThU le a Utile tern, located In tht heart of lively amal! town, RENTAL Sultablt for beauty salon and barbershop at retail business. Conren- renlent suburban location. Builders Homes," Real Estate 1T1I (a. Commercial at. BUSINESS & INCOME CHOICE CORNER 1076 N. CAPITOL 5 furnished apartment., 8 bathrooma. Phone Eatep, 1-1708. 110,000, terma. ceil1 INCOME PROPERTIES DUPLEX completely lurnuthed, Holly wood district. Income 1115 month. Price 811.500. Owner 1910 McCor. Phone 38111. efOO FURNITURE FOR SALE OBEEN MOHAIR frleie davenport, like new; blue leather chair. Phone 31318. dtl' WANTED FURNITURE gos; AUCTIONS Sudtell's AUCTION THURS.. APRIL II. IK ml. t. of Salem on Bllverton Rd. Phone SoOftl anytime. 10 A.M. Misc. Furniture! Flowers, Shrubs, etc. t 1 P. M. LIVESTOCK Chickens St Rabbits. Calfs A Veal. Wcaner St Feeder Piss, Milk Si Beel Cows. This week alons with our resu- lar stock sale we have our Heifer At Feeder Stock Sale. Manr head alreadr listed, a real demand for all types of youni cattle. "Mr. Farmer do rou have some etock rou would like to sell on this sale?" Uanr burers and sellers. 7 P.M. FURNITURE 4 Pe. Wal. Bed Rm. set (larse mirror). 8 Pc. Duncan Phyfe drop L. Din. Rm. sec, 5 re. Maple Kinette set, s Fc. Chrome set. China Closet (glass front) Youth bed complete, Pie cabinet (tin front & side punched hole). Table & caoinet radios, itamp dt coiiee tables. Lamps, Davenports A Chairs, M.W. Washer, Mattress, Beds, Coll Sprints ate Manr other pieces of furniture br sais time. LANE SUDTELL'S AUCTION SALES YD. dd90 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK GUERNSEY COW and heifer. A. M. Jen sen, Rt. 1, Box 13, phone 10X10, Day- ion. e04' GOOD FAMILY milk cow, sentle, sood mu iier, just irean, sieo. w aT, Mc Gilchrist St. Phone 11241 after 1 p.m. tn aTi lift Tivn Ili-klltlT w i j,- ' . '""" aavuuuat (is, ajauujaj, VI1U- less steel mounted bridle end breast cnr. new puBBfj corona, see at 136 nun Di, tB3 CHINCniLLAS Proven breeders or rouns mated pairs, sasr terms. Write or phone tor free literature. Visitors welcome, crest Chinchilla Ranch, 6090 Portland Road. Ph. 4-4089. e93 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF White face .larelord. lac. Locker pork, lie. Nothlni down. I moa. to par. cuaiom amine. Trailer loaned tree, salens Melt CO.. 1121 8. isth. Ph. 1-IKI; . ...I.,,,,t..,.,. PETS MATED CANARIES, 812.00 pair. Oeorie once, isae niciorr. rnont 30745. tell OltANdE CANARIES, plion, 1-(1S. 1340 ' - , VC. YEAR OLD leniala Boiar, MS, R. w. uimica, hi. i. jeireraon. mono 411. eceo DALMATIAN, male, tood with children. Reiltlered. Phone Monmouth 1873. eell HOLLVtvhnn aotiasitirw 1-0 one block east ol N. Capltol. Ivs blockt north el Madison. Ph. 1.8187. MlOie DON'T wr.RRv m n 1COVE...M WAR.MIN UP... HA HA. rvTinf1 Wednesday, April IS, 1958 REAL ESTATE REALTOR uukb pnon. ...... Tandertorl I-838H Ruch Mill Slmpaon 1-13381 Todd 1-1711 ' 8T Eve. 15110, 81770 FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Flea up your mtio-iiott. ainqueta and Wood. 118 ao. Oont'L., phono 1-7711. Hiway Fuel Co. aawduat tube service, all kinds af wood. Phone 1-1444. tt ANDEBSON'S hand pleked elab wood. 3 coros, 114, Phont 17781 or 44l. West Salem Fuel Co. BLOOKWOOD, II" CTLSAM IUalEDIATI DELIVERY -Pickup Wood lilt Ediewatlt Phont aaltra' 1-4011 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. aFnub ran w uai. Planer trlmmrnit, 88 load. Phont I7T11 FOR SALE POULTRY BROILER PHYtna PRYiM RAUKRS t. Would rou ilka 80 aitra profit per bird! f. Would rou Ukt an avarail walihl of 8.8 Ibt. at 8 weeks! I. Would rou Ukt to have 1.8 toed eon version! 4 Would rou Ukt thifaota and proof aee or Oall oio. m, psrataoN hatchery Ilmlra Road - lutene, Ore. Ph. 8-1411 fill qolden BROAD and New Hempahira chick,, hatched tvtrr Monday and Thuradtr. Our thicks arow falter. Foi'o Hateherr, 1110 tete at. Ph. 1-1188. ( WANTED colored frrert, aolored and leihorn hlna. Bltheet prices. Lee'a naicncrr, pnont 1-2101. r POB IALI Twice weeklr, dar-oVd mcu in new uampanire, farmentera. Red, White Lethorna, Auatra-Whlta, White Rocks, White Wrandottee, Par menter cockerele. Lee Hateherr. phona 1-3801. HELP WANTED IF YOU LIKE TO DRAW, sketch Of paint, lee Talent Teat ad tn Instruc tion column. tol IN SWEET HOME, correspondent for Capital Journal, with trpewrlter. aome experience. Contact Mike Forbee, Valler Editor, Cepltal Journal, ae lem. Ore. g ' 'WWW WOW . HELP WANTED MALE MEN WANTED lor tralnlm as Motet uiBnonera. oeo aa unoer ciassiucatioa fiuenvion. atV3" HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMEN WANTED for tralnlm aa Motel manaterl. flee ed under elaailflcltloa Education. tboi OIRL OR WOMAN, central housework. u.iii we . wirarco, lira in. a-aaao. toil xperienced trplat for ptrmanenl position in insurance oompanr. Oood opportunltr for advancement In tha .............. ,Biy. tllWI. .-..Ol, .P.i- MIDDLE AGED womln, 70c an hour, board and room. Holmea Nurelnff Home, Brooka, Oreton, ablla CALCULATING MACHINE OPERATOR needed br Tax Commission. Bstlnnlnt par 1301 a month. Contact llr. Pen well, Rm. 100, state Ofllct Bnlldind. HOUSEKEEPER For man, Uvt on firm, can have children. Write Box 81, Capital Journal. tblO EXPERIENCED aalesllrl wanted. Applr In peraon. Hartman Broa., 898 atate. lblo WOMAN TO care for babr I dara week. Prefer West Salem vlclnltr. Call 11110 alter 8. tblO RESIDENT AOENT Protective terrltorr open In Btltm for experienced aalaa ladr aa resident atent for Parente Mitialni. Car necea tarr. Pull time pleasant work with rapid advancement If ojuallfltd. Applr Senator Hotel, 4-1 p.m. Aak for Mr. Folbo. ,bll WANTED SALESMAN. WANTED Industrious mm with car to tupplr 1500 famine, neir aurtrton and Mt. Antel with Rawitlth Produete. If rou like ouuide work and a profit able bualneaa of rour own, write ana al once for Information and Interview, will be In Selem for thla purpose. Please live complete addreaa end phona number If possible. Id Welker, PO "... roiupne e. Rear To Place Classified Ads By Ham Fisher ALL Rl&HT, T L-LE'S T HA HA,Tl-LISS6N T' 1 hSS-.B-BABy. rvi not th-j-joik... THE ESCORTS J O-OOVT BE A BIT. HE SHOULD 1