Pagt 14 FAN FARE lyWeHDItxer. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Ortsoa Wednesday, April 15, 195S Pitchers Steal Show in Opening Games in Majors By CARL LUNDQTJ1ST New York U.R It wu s memorable openlnc day in wintry weather where the bit ten froxe up and the fans Just froxe. The pitching was magnlfi 'cient and big Bob Lemon, who has won more games than any curler in the majors since 1948, appropriately set the pace with heart-throbbing 6 to 0, one-bit victory over the White Sox a Cleveland. Then, Just to show that all of bis baseball brilliance is not contained In his strong right arm, he also drilled a home run. But the hitters also were on vacation elsewhere. At Yan kee Stadium, Lefty Alexander Kellner of the Athletics hand ed the World Champion New Yorkers their first opening day defeat since 1947 when he blanked them on five hits, 8 to 0. , A night game In St. Louis produced a third shutout when Veteran .Virgil Fire Tracks, in his first appear ance for the' St Louis Browns, ' set down the De troit Tigers with fonr hits, 10 to 0, as his mates pound ed ex-teammate Ned Gar ver and three other Tiger hurlers. In Philadelphia,' crafty Larry Jansen of the Major Leagues (Br The Aiiocuted Prill) AMERICAN LEAOVB W L Pet. W 1 Clereland 1 0 1.000 Bolton I PhlUdll. 1 0 1.000 CWcaiO e St. Loull WubU o 1.000 .000 Ktw Tork Detroit Taoetay1. Beialtii St. Louli 10, Detroit . . Philadelphia , New Tork . CliTeland a, Chlcaao 0. Wasrilniton at Boston, peatcald. NATIONAL LZAGtTl W X, Pet. W L Milwaukee 1 0 1.000 St. Loull I I Chleato 1 1.000 Phlladel 1 New Tork 1 1.000 FltUbrah 1 Brooklyn 1 O 1.000 Clnennatl I S TaeadaT'e Beaaltlt Milwaukee 1, St. Loull S 410 teniae. ). New Tort 4, pniiaaeipnia i. Brooklyn I, PltUburth I. ' Obloato 3, ClnclnnaU a. Pet. .000 .000 .000 .000 set him up to a firct inning lead with a two-run homer off Ace Robin Roberts. Rookie Bill Burton, two days in the majors and two days a hero, hit a 10th in ning homer In the Inaugural at Milwaukee to give Lefty Warren Spahn of the Braves ' a six-hit, t to I victory over Gerry Staley of the Cardi nals, who also yielded but six hits. It was a relief chore that took the prize in- Brooklyn and, as was the case countless times in 1982, it was turned in by Big Joe Black who pitched two-hit ball for six innings in an 8 to S triumph over the Giants Pirates that featured a three- pitched a' slick slx-hltter to run homer by Roy Campanella win, 4 to 1, as Bobby Thomson and a two-run, route clout by Duke snider that broke an automobile show wmt'ow across the street from Ebbets Field. . At Chicago, Bob Rush gain ed a sharp eight-hit, 3. to 2 victory over, the Reds when Randy Jackson doubled home two runs in the eighth inning off lefty Ken Raffensberger, who generally subdues Chi cago without trouble. Salem Jayyees Defeat Leslie Hank Juran's Salem high varsity Tuesday scored their first win of the season after two losses by beating the Les lie Rockets 10 to 6 at Leslie, Salem opened the game with four runs and Leslie could never catch up. Marion Lee went all the way for the high school, and gave up 11 hits while his own team could get only seven. Salem JT 41 1 10 T 4 LeiUe OA 3 11 4 Let and atubblftlald, luby (I): Krater, Sara (t), Trederlcka (4) and Ponaford, Uuk (3). Pairings for Gilts Golf Tournament Announced TIDE TABLE Tllee far Tart. Oraaew April. IMS (Camilla er TJ. I. Ceaal ul OaaaaUa aarrer, peruana, ore.) una walara Law watera April IB Time 13:1) a.m. 3:0S p.m. 1:1S a.m. 9:00 p.m. 1:M a.m. S:8 p.m. l:tl a.m, Helaht 4.1 It40 P.m. 4.7 Time Hfllbt 1:40 a.m. -1.4 1M p.m. 1.0 S:2 a.m. -1.4 1:03 p.m. 9.4 ill a.m. -1.1 M p.m. 3.8 Mill a.m. -0.1 141 p.m. 3.0 web 4m FISHING SEASON OPENS SAT., APR. 18 That's right! Just 2 more days and It's on Hie way. Stock up now for Hit opening day specials at your favorite store. Cascade Merc. Tapered Leaders Nylon All Sites and Lengths 75c do. Reg. S8 Each SALMON EGGS 5C Jar All Colon Reg.25 BAIT HOOKS Carlisle Type 19. DC of 10 Reg. 21 REGISTER NOW! CASCADE MERC'S TROUT DERBY OVER $1000 IN PRIZES - IT'S ALL FREE! TROUT NETS fti 99c Aluminum Frame, ' Elastle Cord FLY ROD Tubular Glass, Fine Action $7.95 SPINNING REEL Baehe Brown- Spinster $13.50 Reg. $Q QC W7anf $3.95 $4.95 $2.95 Bog. I l.H Fly Line, . OH. best oil finish 07, do,. 35c Reg. 9 .5 All Metal Level-Wind Reel .. Beg. f .8 Automatic Reel, free stripping. Beg. 9 Telescope Rod, revwrsioi naauia Beg. tie FIT Line. an.m.l flnlall Beg. te Dos. Snap Swivels, mn sura Reg. 932.50 Reg. lOo Reg. 4Se Reg. S5e Reg. 95e Spinning Reel, one of the best. $24.50 5c EGG HOOK SET II Gold Mustad Hooks, 1 430" Tippets 15C Set Hooks Alone Worth ARMY RATIONS Just rroelTcd! Famoua C-4 Rations, S ponndt of food. Mfat dlahra, coffee, cookies, fruit, au (mr, Jam, can opener, pooin, etc. $0 4 5 Pr Mm unit Special Tin Box of Split Shot, buck . . . Pkg. of Snelled Hooks, 4 1 sites 10-11-14 IJ- Salmon Wire Leader, nylon coated Trout Slse Spinners, aasortedjhajes 10c 10c FLY BOOKS For Files, Leaders, Hooks 39c Reg. 91.4 LIT US FILL YOUR SPINNING RW. STOOLS. SAVIS YOU TfMC, MONEY AND TROUBLE Open 'til 9 p.m. tVtryNlto BAIT CANTEEN Refills 35c Spinning Outfits Over tt different reels to choose from. Ton name the price and we can show you an outfit to fit Sev eral left-handed reels, tool T- I I I I First round matches In the Salem Elks club-sponsored mid' Willamette valley golf tourna ment are being played at Sa lem Golf club ihis week. First round matches must be x pletcd by 8unday night. Meanwhile, a three-way playoff for the medalist tro phy will be played Thursday between Bob Powell, Dusty Woods and Alan Wood. They each shot 73s in the qualifying round Sunday. Harry Carson of Sllverton actually had the lowest quail' tying score, a 71, but his was shot Thursday on a short course, before holes 4 'and 8 were lengthened for qualifying play Sunday. , Pairings for opening-round play: CRAMPIONSim FLIGHT Bob Powell ti. Vera McMulIln: Bert Victor Tl. Del Owjnn; Bob Saderitrom tb. Bob PraU; Don Sptllman tb. Andy Anderaon: Dusty Wood. ts. Bob DeAr. nond: Olen Lenaren ts Arm Fledlundl L. Alley ti. Kent Myers; Jim Sheldon a. John orabami Jim Bunt ti. Bob BurreU; Jack Brand, n. Pat Mlklla; Bob Burna ti. Dare Moon; Bill Sobafer Ti. out callanan; Alan wood Ti. BUI Tigard Wins ' Three-WayMeet At Sherwood Sherwood Tigard won a three-way meet with Oswego ana snerwooa here Tuesday. Tigard had 60 points, Oswego 51 and Sherwood 40. - Benfield of Oswego was high individual scorer of the day with 11 points. He finished first in the mile and 880. and was fourth in the javelin. Helm led Tlgard's win with 10 points, fashioned by firsts in the loo and ZOO yard dashes. Keith Elligsen was top scor er for Sherwood with 7 points. He was second in the 100 and 220, and ran a leg on Sherwood's winning relay team. Spartans Nose Albany, 2-1 Albany Corvallis scored two runs in the sixth inning to nose out Albany 2-1 in a Big mx baseball game here Tues day. A double by Frank Beer, a walk to WendeU Stott, and a triple by catcher Larry Ed wards provided Corvallis with its two runs in the sitxh. Albany had scored its run in the fourth inning, when Doy Gatlin singled, stole second, and scored on Bun Doerfler's single. Corvallla 000 002 03 7 V Albany 000 loo 01 4 s Oambte and Edwardai HejelwoorJ, Bnrford and Bradley. Pioneers Down Vikings, 6-1 Portland W) Lewis and Clark Pitcher Ray Hyde allow ed only three hits and struck out 12 as his team defeated Portland State 6-1 in the open er of a baseball doubleheader here Tuesday. Six runs in the sixth inning gave Lewis and Clark a 10-7 victory in the second. Evory fa mellow drop o TOP 4 KENTUCKY 1 60URB0II that's why if s America's top-selling Bourbon I Ooodwln: Bob tashenaea Ta. Clllf Wi lli; tea Bate ta, Daa leudaaj Jack Bussell ra. rrant run. sscond most Harry Car ion Tl. atortoeni Dal Win. ti. Kerlei Harm Qulalad ti. Hiuy Mooni Fred Anunaan Bias Wodaani Chorea Hanken Ta. Jons KOIbl Had In arara ta. Floyd Baxtari Halph Mapaa Ta. Barney PlUeri Kelts Anoaraoa Ta. O. S. Meorary. worjKTM vug Oaear Spatht Ta. Oeonte saalaai Oaeraa Bmlah Ta. Jack Baker; van filler Ta. Bob TbompaoBi John M. Wood Ta. Tom Kayi Prank Mapea Ta. Prank Ward: Clay Dyer Ta. Otorii Hollmaai Don Bar eh TI. Bob Price mm Von lichen, Jr.. Ta. B. stlamonla. aixTW njnHT Howard Wlckluad ra. Elton Tnoma aani Bud Hani Ta. Dara lyrai Pred abladaaaher Ta. Swede Gambit; zniae ya. Bill Pbullsa: allllard Pekar TI. Her ald GlUciple; Prank Hlohala Ta. KeUy Three Salem Hard Tops in Portland Race Slam bang racing and new power will highlight the open ing hardtop race of the 1953 season Sunday at the Portland Speedway. With time trials set for Sunday afternoon at 1:30 the hardtops will hold their fi nal warm ups and tests on Sat urday afternoon. Three Salem drivers will participate in the big opening racing program, with Bob Por ter the most famous. Bob fin ished second in points over the 1932 season and will be gun ning for top shot Sunday. Lar ry Gardner, another Salemle, will drive Nick Nichols' high riding No. 54 car in the open ing hardtop classic. Don Por ter, a colorful little driver will be wheeling Lee Harra's No, 88 when he makes his initial appearance at the Speedway. Three G. M. C. engines are entered for the opening tiff, with Chryslers, Hudsons, Lin- colns, Mercurys and Fords also gaining s t a r t i n g positions. These red hot engines will be in older model cars . . . the main reason for the slam bang thrills that the hardtops offer race fans. Included In the long list of name drivers are: Bob Greg, Art Watts, ucky Glascock, Dick Btraniff, Kenny Dean, Dick "Pretty Boy" Gaboury, Don Guth, Rod Love, Chuck Wil liams, and a host of other top names. Although no charge is re quired for the warm-ups on Saturday, the seats for the Sunday event will sell for S1.50 with children under 12 being admitted for only SOc. Patent Lowell Sloan n. karl Bourlaadi BUI Tramall Ta. BJorne Irlcatoa. . SIOBTH PLIGHT Cory Hitman Ta. Rax Xlmmelll Irian Ttiomion Ta. Pred Rltneri Bun Bone ataele Ta. John Johnionl BUI Lowery ti. Darw Reynoldai Burr Owen ti. Wu Ritchie; prtla Hlehola Ta. Jim Walton; Dan Pry, Jr., n. Bruce wlUlamal Don Hendrla aa. Ralph BUetalnt. TENTH PUOHT ' OlUa WUllame ti. Disk Chaaai Tom Hoberla Ta. M. I. Bdwardis Harold Hauk ti. vara Hallldayi Ray Howard Ta. Ralph Mohlfrenl Lores Upper! ti. Ray Oallaiher; Jus Pike ti. Gordon Buckout; Bob HI okla Ta. Dr. Reynoldai Harry Ouitafion ti. Don Woodry. TWELFTH PUOHT Hush Me Ta. Bob Oordont Clyde Frail tb. John Crockett! Walt Ooertaen Tt. Roy Hanti Tad Johnaon ti. Al I Cohen! Jim Tooee Tl. sura Tabacenii Mai Allen tb. John Johnaon; Jim Clark ti. Rad Smith) Emory Hobb ti. Dick Sort. POUBTEENTH FLIGHT Aba stalnbock ti. Frank SneUiroTc. 1. W. McAUUMr tb. Charles McDirltt; Joa Darin ts. Loren Kltcheni Don Huff Tl. Norn Campion; Ted Chamber! tb. Seotty uarrt Dour Cola tb. Mel Kelly; Charles Bates tb. Ray Beardl CeoU Lents ts. Paul Otlki. SIXTEENTH FLIGHT Jim Phillips ts. Leonard Ahsennacher; Elmo McMillan Ta. Bob Mysrl Stan Smith tb. deorse Mooreheadl L. W. Frailer tb. Oene Kokka; Rick Oraben horit tb. Harvuy LovaaUl Wheeler Ene ush ts. J. H. Thompson! Dan Qassner ts. Joa Gray; Flelda Merk tb. Jim Brewer. EIOHTEENTB FLIGHT Dean Belnrlck Ta. Immatt Klelnke; Cnarlaa Muiaar tb. c. K. Murphy, D. Dara ti. Sid Schechtmani Dr. Golden, bra. . fights Last Wight lay The Aawclatad Preas) . Oeralaat-HlS OarUan. 1U. HaTana. outpointed Llrlo MlnaUa, lal. Italy, U (non-UUal. Braakm (EldsewaaS Or aril Johnny Button, lit. Chleaw, autpolnlad Al "Buiar" Wilson, lttk, Halewood, HJ, II. Saeramenla, Cant. - Bobby Why, I3S, Los Anseles, stopped John Butterworta, 133 W. Manoheitar, Endand. a. White Plelne, N.T. Eddla Compo. mii. New Haren. ootpolntad Jlmmr Wllda. Ul, New York, S. All 1953 Johnson Motors Now in Stock Outboard! and Boats Are Our Business Not a Sideline Outboard Repairs Guaranteed Used Motors Bsnk Terms Grumman Canoes Salem. Boat House 100 Chemeketa Ph. S-9303 t . I -I mm So smooth OTfijjJW It leaves you jw breathless - ' the artatttt ?uutte V0BKA lr.MicrrrOTlOCelorwtrelilrtal. Ste. PierreSmiraoR Fit. IrKHirrfofd.Coaa. I M JJ M I TaWNw? WJLVWii HI ADNWrfM FOR A tROWINA TORTLANP THIRfiT, THE CnV OFVOKMHO HAS CAllCD ON rUKKNBRG CDMSTRUCTtON , TO LAY A NEW 56 INCH BteBU UNEaMU01Orl6 ONIHf PlEStXTOWER OTTHfirCATtWllWR B30IPPEP WITH TrCrJMOWaPrTt lAVFRTO WAIX tv ion: seenaHS into piAce- amy S ANPfCONOMlCAUyi! Cmm SAYS 2355 Silverlon Rd. CI) s.ba7. 'TrhTCATP-dVVITHTrlBMOVV-SPIPaT y UXLHA'- LAYER 19 CUTTING PIPE-UMNO C091 v-5 ti i Mree me umoi n. ama riTtveii ill mauiar. nt. TTwrva.i' nur w i w rt i NTERSTATE TRACTOR EAk?THMOVIN& EQUIPMENT IS KCCPINO - - M Tutr tmtij a lira n ruts txoc ina lr i wtt nnww wi trm rirai Ph. 2-4161 tlow enjoy IIUDSOMS mighty power, matchless roadability and economy in any price field (INCLUDING WE LOW-PRICE. FIELD) 4 e8?e - t . I Hie fabulous Hudson Hornet is now stock-car champion in all three major VS. racing saciations! The reason for this exciting pey formence is Hudson's exclusive "step-down" design, with the krwest center of gravity among American cars. , That is why only Hudson can handle such tremendous power so safely why it gives you the safest, most comfortable ride you've ever had. Whether you choose a Hudson Hornet or its lower-priced running mate, the spectacular Hudson Wasp or the low-priced Hudson jet yaa get Hudson's exclusive "step down" design, Hudson's mighty power, matchless roadability and economy. Visit us and try the Hudson of your choice. What about tomorrow? Only HUDSON, with the lowest center of ymiy among American cars, con handle such tremendous power so safehl $Q65 rINT J" "HT. i, i New Dual-Range HYDRA-MATIC DRIVI and temational TWIN H-POWEft Mwr or boKi optional at extra coat HUDSON HUDSON HUDSON HORMET WASP JET NATIONAL STOCK-CAt CHAMMON IOW0ICITJ UNNINO-MATI BEST PIKKMMANCt AND ICONOMT TO TH1 HORNIT IN TH1 lOW-MICI HUO BUndtrd trim and other ejiedlteatlona arjd accaeauilea eobject ta cfeanfe wftlioot aotlca. IIHTWn ItUKKl togllM tmUIT. RIUT II, j Hwl TUIS. H NOW. StUtt HH. CA, RJHIOII, SHROCK MOTOR COMPANY 316 No. Church St. , Salem, Ore.