ti W. iOCAL UNITED HISS ASSOCIATED PRESS NEWS AND FEATURES Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, April 15, 1953 Page 13 Bevos Please Home Fans With Twin Win Over Pads ,(Bt The Associated Press) . ; , Sacramento ipolled Seattle's -. racinc coast League home eomlnt; Tuesday but the Port- vland Beavers pleased their home fans with a double .triumph over San Diego. ;.', The Rainiers, playing before 11,979 opening day fans, in eluding Gov. Arthur B. Lang . v lie and . Clarence Rowland, ; PCL president, went down be ',. tore the Solons from Califor- , BIS. , Portland won a day-night , doubleheader, defeating the v Padres 6-5 before 11,026 sup- : porters In the afternoon, and ;. 6-2 before 8,1200 additional supporters under the arcs. i.-In other games, Holly : wood regained first place by jf blinking Los Angeles ( y behind two-hit pitching by ...Mel Queen, and San Fran- Cisco took both ends of a v ! doubleheader from Oakland, 4-1 and 4-2. Sacramento catcher John ; Ritchey, who played for Van couver in the Western Interna tional League last season, was the spoiler at Seattle. His two run triple in the sixth inning Bearcat Trackmen Defeat Portland Pilots, 79-43 Bill Van Horn won both prints to lead Willamette' to a 79-43 track victory over Portland University here Tues day. - Portland won seven of the 18 track and field events but 'Willamette's all-around strength provided the big mar gin. niih hurdlM: lit Hlnxhouie (P). Ind '.' atandUer (W), 3rd Huff WI, Mark: ' . :l.3. - ' loo: lit VU Horn (W), and coeklns WI. 3rd Flower (P). Mark: :10.1. MUe: lit Pendleton (P), Ind Carter : (Tl, 3rd Bmney (W). Mark: 4:31. 449: lit anlllth (wi, met Bertmen 'fW). 3rd Jnittn (P). Mark:- :I3.7. I Low hurdles: lit Blnkhjijii (P), Ind Season (W). 3rd Cocking (W). Mark: not- lit Van Horn (W). Ind Orlltlth - IWI 3rd Hlnthouie (P). Mark: :33:3. U0: lit HotIi (W), lnd Cbrlstenion - (PI. 3rd ilcKibbon (P). Mark: j:m. . v BroadJumn: lit Tereil (P. 2nd Shan tie (W, 3rd acrmlie (W). Mark: Jl'tW. Discus: lit OUion (WI, 2nd Moore (P), ird Altenhofen (P). Mark: 131'S". Hllh lump: lit Bchulie-Coluard (W), Me for flrit; 3rd Hltchman (W). Mark: ' ave". i Vault: lit Malcolm-Swift (W), tl for first. Ho Portland antrlefr no polnti. : Mark: 10'". hot: lit Hltchman (W), Ind OUion ,;, CW). 3rd Alfred (W). Mark: 433". Javelin: lit Nenerud (W), 3nd Huitan IT). 3rd Ollaon (W). Mark: U4'4t4". 1-mile: let Pendleton (P). 3nd Emoey (WI, 3rd Lannton (PI. Mark: 10:33.3. Relay: lit wlllamett (Hltchman, Ho- Til. omnia. MUierj, ana roruana. : Mark: :M. PCL STANDINGS (By The Associated PriHl W L Pen W L Pet Holljwd 11 I .ell San fren I .497 Seattle 10 t JOT saormntq S .410 Loa Ant 10 .007 Oakland 4 II .150 Portland 0 0 .000 San Dleio 4 13 450 Taesder'e Beealti: Portland 4-e, San Dleio l-i. Hollywood 0, Loi Anielei I. . Sacramento 0, Seattle 4. San Pranclaco 4-4. Oakland 1-3, gave the Sacs a lead they never lost. Eddie Bockman homered for the Sacs In the first in ning with one aboard, and Clarence Maddern dupli cated the feat for Seattle ia the same frame with Jack Tobin on base. Tobin singled In the third, stole second and Stayton Stops . Salem Academy - Stayton Stayton defeated Salem Academy 6-3 in a Capi tol league baseball game here . Tuesday. Roger Nielson pitched the win for Stayton, giving up seven hits. Schreder and Wy ant shared pitching duties for Salem Academy. Stayton got a total of seven hits off them. Dave Neitling of Stayton and Gerald Biggens of Salem Aca demy each got a triple. Neit ' ling's three-bagger drove in a run in the first inning, in which Stayton scored three times. , Salem Academy 010 001 0-3 7 3 Stayton 300 0J0J-0 7 3 Schreder, Wyant (01 and M. raden- recht; Hlelion and Hinrlchi. Oregon Prep Results (By The Associated Pre BASEBALL ' Aahland , Ewle Point 1. Zstaeada 4, Canby 3. Yamhill 4, Sherwood t. Ml. Aniel 0, Woodborn 3. Oreion Proih 3, Euiene 1. Verboort 15, McLaren Bon' School 1. Lake Oeweio 1, WJ-Seit a. Toriit Orore I, Tliard I. oeaton 10, Oolton 0. Tillamook 1-3, aeailde l-l. ClaUkanla 4, Rainier 1. rhlloniath 1. Sicred Heart (Balna caieade 17. Central (Monmouth) 0. Columbia Pre 7, Concordia (both rortlandl. COLT Central Catholic (Portland) II, Orel ham t. TKACK Mllwauklo Wtt. Park Bail 40 Vi. COLLEGE OOLF (By The Asioclited Preiil Oreion Steta it, Willamette I. PorUand 11. Portland State 3. UwU and Clark 10!, Llnlleld 1M. COLLEOS BASEBALL (By The AMOclited Preil) Portland 10, Paelllo O. I. ... Uwli and Clark 1-10. Portland Slit. Southern Oreion 1-7, Oreion Tech l-l. COLLEGE TENNIS (By The Aiioclited Preil) lewis and Clan n, Sacred Heart Loses Another Overtime Game Sacred Heart Academy lost its second straight extra-in ning baseball game yesterday when Philomath nudged the Cardinals 1-0 in 10 innings on the SHA field. , The lone run of the game came with two out in the tenth, PBUomath had . bases loaded, after Garrlott had sin gled and two other men had walked. Prank Howard hit a line drive to the Sacred Heart third baseman, who deflected the ball and then couldn't find it in the confusion. By the time he recovered the .ball, Garriott had scored.' Sacred Hear threatened to end the game in the bottom half of the seventh. Bill Thompson led off the inning with a double, and went to third on a wild pitch, with no body out, Jim Rodewald and Lyle Shepherd hit hard line drives,- but they were straight st Philomath fielders. The Carter brothers, Wayne and Frank, - divided pitching for Philomath, giving up a total of only three hits. Jim Rodewald went the distance for Sacred Heart. He was nicked for seven hits. Philomath 000 0O0 000 11 7 4 Sacred Heart 000 000 000 00 3 3 W. Carter, P. Carter (0) and Oarrlott; Hoaewaid and pearl. Sheridan Rolls Over Warriors Amity Sheridan rolled over Amity's baseball team with a football score, 27-6, here Tuesday. Sheridan scored 16 runs in the fourth inning, mostly on walks and errors. Sheridan 303 (10)10 0-37 10 Amity 030 000 3 4 I Huleet, Clark (II, Hlbbert (7) and Hampton: Eblere. intram (4), Burch (O) ana Kilmer, Martin (5). then dashed home as Bitchey dropped a third strike. Royce Lint, a southpaw, got credit for winning the opener at Portland, but he was re lieved in the ninth by Dick Waibel, who gave way to Roy Welmaker, who bowed out in favor of Lyman Linde when the Padres put on a spirited closing rally. Southpaw Glen Elliott held San Diego to seven hits in the windup and gave only one walk. . Afternoon kame: San Dleie (I) B H O Murray,! M.Smth.S AUton,lb Rapp.rt Cliy.cf VnEmn.lf Peterln.1 Uathali,. 8alvein,p Dahle.p Hall-a T.Smth.p Strlnir-b Prnklln-d Poceky-a 1481&0-! Mauoy.p Paber-i A B 1 Austins 3 IMonli.rl I 0Ruiell.1t 3 OGldstn.ct I OArfl.lb 3 1 Eiiert.3 3 Biukl.3 0 Olldd.0 0 Llnt.p 0 Walbl.p 0 Wlmkr.p 0 Xrfnde,p 0 Belch, lb o 0 0 0 0 H O A 1 1 3 1 3 1 3 0 3 1 4 Totall 3 10 34 13 Total! 30 I 37 11 a Grounded tor fialveion In oth. b Piled out for T. 8mlth In Ith. d Safe on error for Dehle In 0th. a Slniled for Clay In Oth. f Walked for Van Eman In lib. l Ran for Pocekay In oth. San Dleio 000 103 003 8 Hltl 300 131 01310 Portland 100 410 00 0 Hlta 300 410 01 I R M. Smith. Aliton. Rapp. Peteri. Uathall, Austin, Riuaell, Arft. Eliert, tteiinikl, Oladd. B M. smith, Van Eman, Egiert, Baslnikl. RBI Petenon, Gladstone, Oladd. Eliert. Murray. Rapp. Pocekay, Arft, Monti 3. SB Peterson, ggert, Hussell, unt. HR Arlt. SH Reich, Lint. Lett Ban Dleto 13: Port land S. HBP Rapp by Lint. Winner Bint; Loier ealveaon. U Anlke. Strat ton and Mutart. T 3.3. A 11,300. .epresentative Connie Peres, Salem Sena tor home-run specialist who has been stranded la Cuba with passport difficulties for weeks, will be aa his way to the Paeifle coast la a matter of hours, thanks to aa assist from V.. S. .Representative .Walter Norblad. . Norblad, who had been call ed in the play by Salem Sen ators president Bruce Wil liams, yesterday contacted of ficals of the State department in Washington, and the State department okehed Perei's en try into the United States. State department' officials were to wire immigration officials in Havana today, sleeper hold on James, then ular little Cuban should be on his way to join the Sen ators in a few hours. Perez will fly to San Fran cisco, and from there may go to the Salem Senators spring camp at Calistoga, about 70 miles from San Francisco, or he may come directly to Salem, since the Senator team is due to drive home Thursday. Salem Senator manager Hugh Luby in Calistoga said today he is not worried about Peres Joining the elub so late In the training sea son, for Peres always keeps in shape. He plays baseball all year, and completed a season with the champion ship team la the Mexican . league. -s Vikings Register Sixth Victory Keppinger Tosses Three-Kitter as Parrish Wins 7-0 JE. HIGH LEAGUE Team: . won Loot Pet. Parrish ,. 1 , 1.000 West 6alem 1 1 .IM Leslie 0 1 .000 LebanonEvery member of the Salem starting lineup scor ed at least one run and got at least one hit as the Vikings rolled up an easy 18-2 victory over the Lebanon Warriors here Wednesday. It was the sixth straight victory for coach Harold Hauk's tram. Nine runs in the second in ning sent the Salem team on its way. Salem had a total of 19 hits for the afternoon. Third baseman Larry ' Springer had the most, three, while Jerry Gregg had the longest, a home run. - Dowell Pearce went the dis tance on the mound for Salem, giving up only three hits. Pearce pitched no-hit, no-run ball after the third inning. , Salem's next baseball action is against Albany high school at Salem Friday. - Gary Keppinger threw a three-hitter for : the ' Parrish Pioneers as his team won their second straight of the season 7-0. The game was played at West Salem. Parrish's Tom Plgsley was the game's hitting star with a triple and two singles. . Mc Cormack started on the mound for West S?lem and was re lieved by Davis in the fifth, . This was the first loss of the season for West Salem.; , Parrish . , , 003 330 07 1 t West Salem 000 000 00 4 Kepplmer and Stephens: McCormaek, Davla (tl, and Dali, McCormaek (. Niiht lame:. - San niece it) B H OA Uurray.S MAnth.1 Alston, lb Rapp.lt Cliy.lt Faber,cf Petersnj Poceky.o Rayle.p Mauoy.p LeBlnc-a Austln,l 4 Monli.r 4 Ratlll.lf I OMstn,cf 3 Arft, lb 3 Esgert.3 4' Bsnakl.3 3 Robnin.e 3 E1I1011.P 4 (6) Portland H O A Total! 34 7 34 13 Totall 31 10 37 10 a r-annea zor Kayie in 7th. San Dleio 000 100 010 3 Hltl 003 111 030 7 Portland 011 003 00 6 Hlta 033 103 10 10 JS none, r Alston, Rapp, Anitln, Asonii, nesteii:, oiacuione, EBiert 3, RBI Baslnskl 3, Rapp, Egiert, Robin- ion. Anion. 3B Rayle. M. Smith. Aui. tin, Clay. HR Rapp. Alston. SB Euirt Austin, Monlc. DP M. Smith, Murray mm aiswa, mum;, rcierson ana Al iton. Left Ban DleicT 0: Portland a PB Pocekay. Loser Rayle. u Btrat- iDn, wart ana Anixe. T 1:6S. A S,li0. Sacramento 00 004 0000 10 0 Seattle 301 001 0004 11 o ronnson. siarkeiow (SI and Ritchey; rindsfather. Del Duca (1). Lovrlch (0) Darli (7), Wldmar II) and Orteli. I o .. 000 000 11 3 3 mine, candlnl (7) Pint lame (7 Innlnis): flan Francisco 000 013 vaiiana Lien and Alblnt and Neal. 6econd tame: San Francisco 010 001 010 I 1 Oakland (KM 100 0013 7 0 Shandor, Muncrlet (0) and Alblnl: Mann, Van Cuyk (0) and Neil. Yam a to, Sakata Retain Tag Team Crown Tor Yamato and Mr. Sakata retained their Northwest tag team wrestling championship by defeating Frank James and Don Kindred at the Salem ar mory last night. In the third and deciding fall, Yamata put his famed sleeper hod on James, then put it on Kindred for good measure, leaving both the chal lengers stretched out flat on the mat when the match ended. Oregon State Defeats Willamette Golfers Corvallis, () Bill Sunder strom, who fired a 76 for med al, paced Oregon State to a 19-8 golf victory over Willam ette here Tuesday. Saleea (II) (IV Lebanon B H OA B H O A Federu.1 1 . 1 I 1 Pleas.th 1110 RIcim 4 13 3Unroe,3 S 0 0 3 P.JnU.lb I 3 I I Lmphr.o I 1 It O.JntaJf lilt MeuaU.lf lilt Osborn.o 4 1 OSaxton.r 3 1 0 Oreti.rf tit OCarrolU I t 1 0 Sprlmr.l 13 10 Smltn.cl 1110 Becs.o! 3 10 OBllHop.l 10 4 1 Pearce.p I 1 I SSotifer.p 110 9mitb.lt lit 0 Hoover. r 1 t 1 0 Payne.lt I t 1 OLot.lt t 0 Bouon.rf tot OWckU.U lost rripiet,cf 1 o o 0 Totall 43 It 31 t Totall 34 I II 4 Salem I.. 000 334 011 Hltl 100 133 114 Lebanon 003 000 0 3 . Hlut ' , 103 000 t 1 Pitcher: IP AB H R BTt SO BB Pearce ...... 7 34 I 3 , t t 0 bchaeler ... I 31 II It 4 14 Neuitol 3 II I 4 1 11 WP Scheefer. HP Smith, Bishop, Osborn. Winner Pearce. Loser rkhael- er. LOB Salem t. Lebanon 4. X Beck, Pearce, Monroe, Lamphere. Neuitol, Car roll 3, Bishop 3, Lot. HR Well. RBI P. Jentse 3, Oreif I, Sprlnier 4, Beck 3, Pearce 3, Eolton. SH Monroe. SB P. Jentse 3. Sprinter. Beck, Monroe. Umpires Helberi and Anderion. Tune j I:. Perez, who played third base last year, will probably be moved to the outfield this year. Let Witherspoon, . who has been playing Tight field ; in Salem exhibition fames in California, was moved to first base last night as Salem easily defeated the Napa Valley AU Stara 18-1. V. , i Ernie Telles, a' left-hander who lias not been signed, and Jim McGee shared pitching duties for Salem last night. ; Director Happy Over Choice of Jr. Hi Coach ..The school board Tuesday night authorized the retention of the services' of Mark Cotton in connection with the West Salem junior high's spring sports program. ; V . Authorization of the hiring of Cotton, caused Director Gus Moore to remark:' "We have won two track meets this spring." . Moore's family lives within the boundaries of the West Salem district' Bearcats, OCE Play Today At Monmouth - Coach John Lewis' Willam ette Bearcats seek their fourth win of the season Wednesday afternoon at Monmouth as they tackle Bob Livingston's r OCZ Wolves. " : ' Later In the week the Besr- inta laiinprt iriet TJnwthearMr Conference campaign in a two- game' series with the 'Paeifle Badgers. Friday Willamette travels to Forest Grove to face the Badgers and Saturday the two clubs clash on McCulloch field.;;. , ,;v .". Willamette : won its ' first three games of the campaign, then' suffered its first defeat at the hands of Oregon's Web foots last Friday. ' - Lewis probably will start Mickey Coen, Benny Holt or. Dave Grey against the Wolves Wednesday. Andy George, the ace of the staff is the likely nominee for the conference) opener with Pacific. ". Loi Anielei 000 000 0000 1 o Hollywood 303 000 II 10 0 Splcer. Ihde (!) and Tappe. Xvam (7): Queen and Braian. CALL CADWELLOILCO. FUEL OIL Hake Iheis mornlngj wmv is foul PHONE Z-74I1 ATTENTION BOURBON DRINKERS and other rectol disorders. ft .tun Ml swuci wmuiii Js- iJ: (PTItE (Israea) THI DEAN CLINIC One 10 eal I elT ! ''' u.Tt e... er. 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They're aTI firtta no seconds Come in with the eaah and drWe o3t with one or a set at 3Q off new tire prices. 1 ) ) I Y I J ) ) Y ) ) Y ). THE GENERAL TIRE STATE TIRE SERVICE 710 State St. Salem, Oregon Ph. 22459