iinesday, April 15, 1853 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Pit 11 Tele-Views j Radio-Television Tcn By DAVE BLACKHEB otters are still coming into this corner from Salemites ;are casting their votes for and against BED JLTON. ' I LIKE BSD, it says here . . . 'ear Tele-Views ... 1 think ole Bed has been doing yjor himself. Seems if they got rid of any clowns ;uld be some of those goofs on Hollywood wrestling. .-. Moto, Han Schnabll and some of the others that have a on there every time for months ... i , Signed Bill . Note: Wonder if that's Just Plain Bill? . .. ' ' Cttch 1 1 Quch'I This one hurt ... ' Dear Tele-Views. I would like to put in my two cents r. 'orth, when Bed S M. Berle, Abbot and Costello and the ' be come on I snap the set off, and in my younger days, 1 have seen the real old time cowboys in some of the open c:untry. And since when did the cowboys start shooting ' c-ne another, and since when did two gun men come c out, as those days you had to go a long ways to see cttle hand, that had a gun at all, and then they only uced it to shoot coyote, etc. But when I see these rod's, nd ,liear their lingo, it is an insult to the old timer, so x'f. have to snap the switch again. But there are some very . rice programs on TV. ; . C. H. Bingwald, Salem, Ore. Ed. Note: Please don't take the cowboys and Indians i7 y from the small frys . , . That would be worse than t tildng candy ... YCOTS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING WEDNESDAY 3ite Smith 1:00. Kathryn and Marc Piatt, comedy irncers; teen-age panel featuring college editors. ' Matinee Theater 3:00. "Silent Partner." William Henry, Ejverly Llody. - Clue Ribbon Bouts 7:00. 10-round middleweight bout Pierre Langlois of Paris, France and Joe Miceli of York, from Miami. Hollywood Opening Night 8:00. Richard Carlson as photographer who set out to melt the cold heart of his very attractive "boss." I Married Joan 9:00. Joan wields her woman's club as weapon to beat hubby into submission when they re ceive eviction notice,' signed by him. This Is Your Life 9:30. Arthur Franz, romantic young actor, Air Force veteran is surprised subject 'on the . Ralph Edwards show. Kraft Theater 10. "The Summer Place" with Blanch SMS, of two sucessful artists almost ruin the lives and .i careers of two young people. ' Nite Owl Theater 11:30. "Melody Master" Bona Mas ; aey, Alan Curtis. YOURS FOR THE TELE-VIEWING THURSDAY Kate Smith 1:00. Kateds and Katydids; Virginia Sales ' inonologist. Matinee Theater 3 :00. "I Can't Escape" Onslow Stevens, Lila Lee. - Burns and Allen 8:30. Blanche buys a mink stole, with out her husband's knowledge and hides it in the Burns' home; George finds it and hides it at their house, Gracie reports to the police that the stole has been stolen. rora rneaier s:u. ivierie uoeron as iamous areas ae ' signer whose entire life has been planned to revenge a . cruelly broken marriage in Allison, Ltd." Hollywood Wrestling 10:30. Tag-team; Joe Pazandak : grid . Lou Newman vs. Hombre Montana and the Zebra ' kid. Hans Schnabel and Pat Meehan in semi-main. j Nite Owl Theater 11:30. "Desert Victory." Bout of lommel's Africa Corps by the British 8th Army." East Salem East Salem The Uteit bus iness change In Eait Salem li the ownership of the grocery department of the Orwlg mar ket at the corner of SUverton road and Lancaster drive. .Mr. and Mn. Ralph Jack son have aold and the grocery department if now being oper ated by Mr. and Mn. Rupert Schulz who formerly had a grocery in Salem. A grocery itore that has been enlarged and a much larger itock of groceries add ed it that of the Swegle Mar ket on Birchwood drive, across from the ichool home. Mr. David Kara who bat Just ; moved into their new home on Hollywood drive, was given a surprise house warming party with a gift for the new home on Thursday night by members of the Merry-Go-Round club and her neighbors. In for the party were Mrs. Walter Fisher, Mrs. Royal wenlg, Mrs. Paul Barham, Mrs. Russell Proudflt, Mrs. Sam Rehfeld, Judy Rehfeld, Mrs. Ella Davis, Miss Ester Munsen, Miss Twila Bernard, Mrs. Keith La Due, Mrs. Clay ton Gibb, Mrs. V. M. La Due. Mrs. Harold Bunn, Mrs. Har old Holler, Mrs. Melvin La Due and Mrs. Kara. Mrs. Hol ler and Mrs.( Keith La Due were hostesses for the evening party. Two Mothers clubs are meeting this week in East Sa lem Washington school, club on Thursday afternoon, Au burn Mothers club Thursday at 7:30 p.m. A full evening's program is planned. Mr. Woods, from the YMCA will be present at 7:30 to discuss the organiza tion of an Indian club for boys 6 to 9 years old. A member of the "Flower Box" will be on the program showing dif ferent flower arrangement and discussing the flowers to be grown in home gardens for use in bouquets and arrange ments. New officers will be elected. Plants will be exchanged by those attending. Hostesses for the social hour will be Mrs. Enoch Merrill, Mrs. Clifford Long, Mrs Vir gil Mahaffey, Mrs. L. V. Win ger, Mrs. L. C. Smith, Mrs. W. L. Carter, Mrs. P. C. Good, Mrs. Ralph Heath and Mrs. A. E. Tinker. t for April will be held Friday at 7:30 p.m. at the school house. , . Garden Road Neighborhood club will meet Friday, April 17 at l:ao p.m. in ine nome oi Mrs. William Hartley. 1895 Lancaster drive. Keizer Keiier Marlon' County Pamona Grange will meet Wednesday at the Keizer Grange hall for the quarterly meeting. A bouse dress contest will be held at 1 p.m., with Mr. George Benson, master, presid ing. ; ' A no-host dinner will be served at 6 p.m. . . The Pomana Grange officers will confer the Sth degree at 8 p.m., after which the lecturer, Mrs. Thomas Bump, will pre sent a program featuring Mexi can music and colored slides of Mexico City will be shown. Mr. and Mn. Richard Curry, 5030 Windsor Island rd, are the parents of a boy, born April 10, at the Salem Memorial hospital. To the Edmund Comstocks, 8081 will ave. was born a girl at the Salm General hos pital Friday, April 10. . ; PTA County Council Elects in Linn County Lebanon The . Linn county council of PTA drew heavily Salem's Finest Picture Osvtlro PR ALL'S rwnwlyittl T.Willi 4 (e. ; 220 N. LIKRTY PHONE 4-4742 m via from central and eastern sec tions in choosing officers for the coming season. At the Al bany meeting, last of the year, Mrs. Xd Manthe of Crowfoot was elected president. Assisting her are three vice LISTEN TO THE Choral Symphony under tin direction ot Dk. FRANK BLACK TODAY 6:30 P.M. KSLM brought to you by yout CADILLAC DEALER presidents: Mrs. John Albert of Foster; Mrs. Ernest Strong of Albany, and Mrs. G. C. Moist of Hamilton Creek, Lebanon. Oth er officers are Mrs. Anton Se divy, Sodavllle, secretary, and Mrs. P. P. McCarthy,, Sweet Home, treasurer. ' APPUAMCE lin1 Call m In prais4 u - vj.rk a all piH as ,: Mares Aftliaaea Phnw 4-HU IM State t FREE 10-FOOT ANTENNA I compute wrrji mait-imiy ssvke muct - ON ALL (ROSLEY 21" CONSOLES " FOR ONE WEEK Also One Year Guarantee on All Ports end .... Picture Tube ,k . ;t '. ' H0CKER HARDWARE 990 S. Commercial Open Sundays MnnnMWMMi nmiMrrffrM qm m, i m . MITCHELL'S Factory Trained Service and Installation 1IM State St. Phone 1-7577 MARR RADIO 1 and TELEVISION INC Salem's Moit Complete Television Center 2140S.Com'l Phone Day or Nliht 2-1611 or 2-4728 Motorola TV MOTOROLA SALES SERVICE i WW STATIONS INCORPORATED OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 'Tit 9 P.M. 365 N. Commercial Phone 3-4163 The Merry-Go-Round club meets Thursday, April 18, in the home of Mrs. Wilson Biles on Hollywood drive. The Merry Minglers meet Thursday, April 18, In the home of Mrs. Henry Sprlck, 3390 N. Lancaster drive, at. 1 p.m. Edina.Lane home extension unit meets Thursday, April 18 at 10:30 a.m. in the home of Mrs. Scott Foster, Jr., 181Q N. 23rd street. An extension agent will demonstrate the care of rugs and upholstered furniture. Hoover Cub Pack meeting On Television KPTV (Channel 27) (Only prorrtnu lebeduled In advance) WEDNESDAY J:M p.m. Matinee The iter 4: p.m. ereh for Tomorrow 4:10 p.m. Love ot Life ft:00 p.m. Howdf Doody 6:30 p.m. TooUte Hippodrome 6:00 P.m. Btrlki It Rich :I0 p.m. Dout IdwanU :4ft p.m. Time for Beanr 7:00 p.m. Fit hU 7:4ft p.m. Ntwa Caravan 8:00 p.m. Hollywood Opening Nliht S:I0 p.m. Arthur Oodfrer 9:00 p.m. I Married Joan ;I0 p.m. Thl li Tour Uft 10:00 p.m. Kr(t ThtaUr 11:00 p.m. Pacific Criuadi 11:10 p.m. Nit Tbtatu FUCIAL! Monufacturers Closeout tWf net frmA 4-75 u Formerly Sold Under A Famous Brand Name Limit 2 Top Quality Split Bamboo Automatic Fly Reel Level Wind CASTING REEL i Single REEL All Metal Parts Hold 50 Yards Fishing Season Opens April 18th Licenses Available at Sears Open Friday Night till 9 P. M. E.M.w.iiMiym nil -' J I fV yjr3 Compare with nil I, "0uf '" ; Holdi 100 ydf. - U ' , Ktf-jpWfwmiiiwwii , Csl W U' Tackle Box . A : . . 3i?iSil Compare the ' Action J98 tM'Jw 3-Piece Cans t 'r tn imf ' us The Best i We've Had for Yean! FOR EXPERT TV & RADIO SERVICE See Television Serv. Co. 1410 8. 12th Phone 4-5512 11:00 11:10 11:4S 12:00 11:90 1:00 1:00 2:11 1:30 1:00 4:15 4:10 4:45 1:00 f :00 6:30 :4 1:00 1:10 1:41 1:00 1:30 0:00 1:10 10:00 10:10 11:10 TBUBSDAT .Prtdom fU&fi v Hollywood R.il (i.rry uoort -Tht Bit Piroff -Weleomt TrTelen i. Kttt Sralth Show Th Feminine Anile .Arthur Godfrey . Strike It Rich i, Mitlnet Theater 4eerch for Tomorrow .Lore of Life . Atrtnier Than Fiction Howdr Doodr -Renee Rider , Doui Bdwerdi, Xlwe .Time for Beanr .My Hero . Dlnln short i-Newe Cltreven oroueno Mir .. Burnt end Allen The Uneipected Ford Theeter . Mertln Kent wrutllni -Nile owl Theeter Earl A. Gooch-Supervisor-Salem Districr e 1 010 North 1 Sth Street. Salem, Oregon Telephone: 3-3314 IS) Special! Canvas Creels ,198 SlMl It Ihli price Wear-Master Rshing Boots For Men, Women, Boys Shoe Dept. Cushion Insole Snug Inside Harness Semi-hard Toe Give Added Protection Cotton Lined Siiet far the Whole Family Special! Braided Cotton Line SEARS ' Ai , y$& 1 c HiMins fibre G,ajs ' i' ' ! Re9, 9,95 nJJ v Fm rT''"'1" ( Won't Rust, Rot or Take a "Set" i isRk ' sP,Nse (0)29 fWkX REEls ?nv I . .1 J J FrMtd'e Spinning Line USE SEARS EASY PAY HAH du Pont Limp 6-lb. Test Spool 550 N. Capitol Salem Ph. 39191