Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 14, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday, April 14, 195S
Financial difficulties ltd to
,a 38-year-old Salem mother
taking her own life Mond
. afternoon, Marlon County
Sheriff Denver Young conclud
ed after Investigation of the
Mrs. Edythe Karolyn Case
beer, Route 2, Box 24.4-A, was
at homi with ti Mn n...i.i
- - - - wwu, sim T.U
r. Casebeer, Jr., 20, the youth
told Sheriff Young, when she
went Into the bedroom adjoin
ing the living room and closed
the door. A few momenta it-
. er, the son beard the sound of
a allot anil ntow1 4ha maw
to find her with bullet hole
in ner chest and .22 caliber
rifle beside her.
She had been despondent
lor some ume over money mat
ters, members of the family
told investigating officers.
Survivors are the son; the
widower; a daughter, Karolyn
Casebeer, 19, Salem; a sister,
Mrs. Marie Kieper, Salem; and
. ner mower, jars, Net Gooch,
canton, Ohio.
YiimtFAl FPMlMmMltl will
be announced by Howell-Ed-
. warns run era! noma. .
Albany Divorce ,
Albany Divorces have
been granted in Linn county
circuit court to Faye Z. Cos
ton from Howard Coston; Ma
rie Kandle from Jean H. Kan
die; to Hilda Evans from Les-
ter Evans; to Carmelita Foster
from Ronald L. Foster; to Bev
erly M. Bell from Junior L.
Bell, the plaintiff receiving
restoration ' of her former
name, Jackson; to Lewis D,
Dubell from Eva Dubell; to
James : Clem from Alvlna
Clem; to Mary J. William
from Donovan Williams, the
plaintiff receiving restoration
of her maiden name, Arnold;
to Louise E. Billings from E.
E. Bluings, the plaintiff re
ceiving restoration of her for
mer name, Tuaslng; to Olllva
Worden from Lloyd Worden
and to Kathryn Manning from
Archie Manning.
Joseph P. Ryan, president of the AFX, International
Longshoremen's Association, talks with newsmen on his
arrival at the office of New York District Attorney Frank
Hogan. Moments later Hogan's office announced that Ryan
had been arrested "in connection with an indictment that
charges theft of $11,890 from the funds of the ILA." Ryan,
lifetime boss of . the east coast longshoremen, had been
under grand jury investigation since last January when a
state crime hearing brought out he had used union money
for personal expenses. (AP Wirephoto)
Without Acid Indigestion
hat tat 1 oe 2 Ti
Ask Quotas on
Nut Imports
Washington VP) The depart
ment of agriculture was asked
Monday to renew its recom
mendation to President Elsen
hower for quotas on imported
Rep. Harris Ellsworth (R.,
Ore.) said that Agriculture
Secretary Benson has recom
mended the quota which
would prevent possible
"dumping" of some 16 mil
lion pounds of nuts on U.S.
markets by Turkish growers.
He added that the state de
partment is opposing the
Ellsworth said that if the
Turkish growers were permit
ted to dump their nuts on the
American market, U.S. prices
would drop and domestic
growers would then be en
titled to subsidies under the
price fupport program;
The tariff commission under
the , Truman administration
recommended that imports be
limited to 4 million pounds.
President Truman rejected the
recommendation. The matter
then was referred to the new
Eisenhower administration.
Briton Laments
Big Earnings
Of Johnny Ray
Elsed, England, 0IJ5 A
clergyman complained today
that Johnny Ray earned more
money in two weeks of sob
singing here than a British
farmer can earn in 40 years.
"Something has gone wrong
with our sense of values when
we are willing to pay such
person in a fortnight a salary
it would take a farm worker
40 year to earn," Rev. Frank
Parkhous wrote in leaflet
distributed in his parish.
"He shivers and sighs and
even cries," the rector said.
imagine that Is Just what the
audience should be doing when
they realize how they are being
Ray received $31,000 for his
two weeks of theater appear'
ances. . "'
r .:. vV'.", v (
Just 6 Weeks From Today
Th Rsvelwtlonsry Arallne
Con four Corrective
Treatment Take
Jmt 10 Mtaetes Day
This to no Idle) promise. With
in a week after starting this
truly sensational home beauty
treatment developed by Marl
Earls, you wiO notice a great
improvement in your appear
ance. In six weeks tlm the
change can be startling and
truly wonderful.
Only th Aralinn Method
does a doublt ob for beauty -working
to firm and correct the
contours at the ism time it
beautifies th skin.
Don't Stop Halfway
There are many fin beauty
preparations that help your sUo
look softer, smoother, younger.
But that Is only halt th lob.
There's still the problem of the
Inevitable sag of aging, relaxing
To look t tally younger,
requires, firm relisient contours
of face and chin and neck. And
no cream or lotion alone can
change your contours, but
Aralinn and Its simple method
of application wakes op Iszy
muscles, "plcks-up" sagging
contours, Improves skin texture.
YeeD tew Tow took
lust 10 mimits a day, that's
all th Aralinn Treatment takes.
And within a week of pre
scribed daily treatments, youTf
be looking at yourself with new
admiration, you'll notice such
an improvement, such a new
feeing of tingling aliveness. So,
don't stop halfway, don't bt
satisfied with just a nicer,
younger looking skin ... correct
your contours, too ... go sll the
way for a more youthful beauty
balance . . , with Marie Earle'
simple, sensible Aralinn Con
tour Corrective Treatment.
Aralinn Is $5.00 a bottle, tit
of 4 bottles sells for $15.00
plus tax, of course.
Capital Drug Slore
405 Sfatt, Cortm of Ubortf
We jive JMf Green Stamps
Rain Making
Efforts Beaun
Seattle (ff Rain-making op.
erations are underway In one
of the nation's wettest spots
Southwest Washington. And
there's a reason.
As Ferguson Hall, director
of the Weather Bureau project,
explains it, Southwestern Wash
ington was chosen for the ex
periments because of the large
number of rain clouds which
roll In off the Pacific ocean
Navy two-engined PV2 pa
trol planes from San Point Na
val Air Station are expected to
log about 1,000 hours while
seeding the soupy skies.
The meteorologists will seed
the clouds with thin particles
of dry ice. The Ice particles
attract thousands of tiny water
drops. These turn to snow
flakes and become rain as they
Thnradaj, April IS
Organized Naval Reserve sur
face division, at Naval and Ma
rino Corps Reserve training cen
ter. Battery D, 732nd AAA.AW bat
talion, at quoneet huts on Lee
Oomnanv D. 162nd TCRlment.
Oregon National Guard, et Salem
Aiken at Desert Rock
Camp Desert Rock, Nev April
14 Among the over 2000 Marines
here now at the Atomic Energy
Commission Proving Orounds lor
th latest series or atomic testa
la a Salem, Oregon, Marine, First
1.1. ttooert f. Aiicen, son oi Mrs.
Oeorg Alktn of 1175 East Street,
Salem. The lieutenant Is a mem
ber of a battalion of Marines from
camp Pendleton.
Observer Openings
Word had been recolvsd hv Mat
Roy W. Remington, commanding
ofiicer of the 9414th volunteer
reserve squadron, that the Air
Force has -Increased its quota for
aviation cadet aircraft observer
nils field Includes lobs In bom'
bardmenL navigation, radar and
flight engineering and graduates
are commissioned second lieu
tenant in the Air Force reserve,
The training received will Qual
ify men for top Jobs in the elec
tronics new in civilian me. it in
cludes two phases, baslo with ap
proximately 316 hours of instruc
tion, and technical, which la
about 680 hours. Following this
uie caoet nas vu a ours oi iugn
training In 17 field missions.
Among the subjects studied are
airmanship, weather, radio, com
bining gunnery, photography, elec
tronics, radar scope interpreta
tion and long-range navigation.
When the cadet graduates he
begins earning up to $544 monthly
Immediately, la given a $290 cloth
ing allowance and free government
Insurance amounting to S 10.000
coverage. Men must be between
the ages of IS and 26H years,
hav at least two years of college
and meet physical requirements.
More information on the open
ings can be received from head
quarters of the S414th at the ORC
armory on th airport road.
Air Medal lo
Sat'. Sproule
Staff Sgt. William D.
Sproule, whois brother, Fred
erick James Sproule, lives at
88S Garnet street, Salem, has
been awarded the Air Medal
for his part in aerial flight
over enemy territory in Korea
from Jun SI to November SI,
Th citation that accompa
nied the medal and was signed
by Maj. Gen. JE. A. Pollock of
the u, S. Marine Corps, read in
"For meritorious acts while
participating in aerial flight
over enemy territory in Ko
rea, while serving with a Ma.
rin division from July 23 to
November 21, 1952.
"serving as , a crewman,
Staff Sgt. Sproul displayed
outstanding professional skill
and devotion to duty. During
this period he participated in
a total of 20 reconnaissance
and troop support flights in
slow, unarmed aircraft at ex
tremely low altitudes over
areas where enemy anti-air
craft fire was received or could
be expected.
"Mission accomplished dur
ing these flights contributed
materially to the success of
ground operations."
Theoretically, when a pin
drops, the earth moves a little
to meet it, but because the
earth is so much bigger than
the pin, the movement of the
earth is so small it cannot be ages or casualties were renort-
measured. Jed.
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This picture marks a mile
stone in the Hollywood ca
reer of English Astress De
borah Kerr, known for her
lady-like roles. It's her first
"cheesecake" picture and.
was taken because she's play
ing a sexy easy-to-get sol
dier's sweetheart in "From
Here to Eternity" who wears
shorts and bathing -suits in
the movie. (AP Wirephoto)
Izmir, Turkey in Two
more earth tremors shook Iz
mir Tuesday morning, the third
day this Mediterranean port
city has felt quakes. No dam-
Cut delivery costs with
Gf T off lh high-cost mrry-BO-round.
Com In and examine th gas-saving
design of a good-looking new Sludobaker
plck-vp; See what a grand buy H Is.
Cut cost with thl truck that ha th right
build for real thrift V htwky but entirely
fro from power-wasting xcs poundage.
Cash In en Studobaker's war-rslHng
truck craftsmanship. Mak big avlng en
upkeep, mile after mile,
Studebaker trucks com In Vj, Vi 1 154
and 2 ton models -oeh on a top value.
370 No. Church St. Salem
scrubbing clothes in China
5", n y
Water carrying, back
bending, scrubbing and scrub
bing until both the woman and
the clothes are worn out . . .
this drudgery is the fate of most all
the women of far-off China.
The clothes are laid on the ground
or thrown over bushes to dry,
and the job of ironing if it is attempted at aB-e
k dona with a crude, heavy hand iron
heated over a makeshift stove.
Picture it and ompart ti with tht mark of an
tkctrkal washday I
The modern PGE homemakar has an abundance of hot
water at the turn of a tap. Clothe are popped into the
automatic washer and with one flip of a twitch they are
washed, rinsed, and damp dried. Into the electric dryer they go
to emerge all dry and fluffy in a matter of minute, ready to be put
away or ironed on tha electric ironer. ,
Yes, electrical living is gracious living. It saves bows of baofcreafcrnf,
work for just pennies a day.
Make sure there's an automatic eleotric laundry in your family's future t