Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 14, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tuesday, April 14, 1953
ran v
I Named by
; J W Club
New president of the Junior
Woman'i club ts Mrs. WaUace
R. Cowen. Election of other of
fleers will take place May il.
Mrs. Theodore Jennv. retir.
lng president, Mrs. Floyd Miles,
aus. uoraon uraeer, Mrs,
Lawrence Barnard Jr., and Mrs,
Walter L. SDauldlne of the Sa.
lem Woman's club were In
charge of a tour for delegates
to the O r e g o n Federation of
Women's clubs meet inn in Si.
lem last week. Twenty-eight
women Joined In on the trip to
the forestry building and state
capltol where they called on
Oregon's governor, Paul L.
The club will participate in
the table setting contest spon
sored by the YWCA, May 15
17 at the Valley Motor com
Mrs. Robert Johnson, for
mer member of the Junior Wo
man's club, sent films from
Greece which were shown to
the group at the meeting Mon
day evening. Mr. Johnson is
with the ECA in Greece where
the family has lived for the
past two years.
Refreshments were served by
Mrs. Bill Clabaugh, chairman,
Mrs. Gordon Graber, Mrs. Fred
Joenke, Mrs. Margaret White
, and Mrs. George w. Dewey,
New members will entertain
for the social meeting, April
21, Mrs. Ted Tibbetts to be
hqstess at her home.
DAR Meeting
Woodburn Members of
Belle Passl chapter, Daughters
of the American Revolution
will meet In an all-day session
Thursday, April IB, at the
home of Mrs. R. N. Pomeroy
. near Fedee. A no-host lunch
eon will be served at noon.
During the business session,
final, plans will be made for
the annual silver tea at the
Memorial cabin at Champoeg
Park on May 1.
Yv -l t v"
At Folio Meeting Mrs. Grant C. Rogers, left above,
chairman of the women's division, Marlon county chap
ter of the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis, ii
shown talking to Miss Elaine Whitelaw, center, National
Foundation women'a director, New York City, and Mrs.
Frederic W. Young, right, Portland, state adviser for
women's activities in the foundation. The picture was
taken at the recent state women's meeting In Portland to
discuss polio and the gamma globulin program.
Auxiliary Members
To Wear Caps, Pins
Several members of the
Marlon-Polk County Medical
society auxiliary who are reg
istered nurses will wear their
caps and pins as a feature for
the punch and cookie party
planned Saturday morning by
the auxiliary.
The party is to be between
10 a.m. and noon, Saturday, In
the state school for the blind
auditorium and honors all 9th
and 10th grade girls in Marion
and Polk county schools, their
mothers and faculty members.
The event is planned to inter
est girls In the field of nursing
aB a career. A program is
Among the auxiliary mem
bers wearing their caps and
pins will be Mrs. Dean K.
Brooks, Mrs. Merle Brown,
Mrs. D. L. Callicrate, Mrs.
Charles Campbell, Mrs. V. D.
Casterline, Mrs. Tom H. Dun
ham, Mrs. Carl W. Emmons,
Mrs. 15. V. Fortmiller, Mrs. Er
nest Greenwood, Mrs. Russell
Guiss, Mrs. Lynn M. Hammer
stad, Mrs. Irvln B, Hill, Mrs.
Carl Holm, Mrs. Robert E. Jo
seph, Mrs. Brace Knapp, Mrs.
Otto F. Kraushaar, Mrs. John
Meadows, Mrs. Horace McGee,
Mrs. Owen Miller, Mrs. Thad
Moreland, Mrs. W. B. Mott,
Mrs. Harold Poole, Mrs. Ken
neth Power, Mrs. John M.
BiaeeYouiself fir a Ffcasanf Shock-
Now the flavor and aroma
of fmhly ground coffo. . . .
jjjjp foundation
0 "V
Your figure smooths out fashionably and com
fortably when expertly fitted by Billie Rogen
graduote corsetiert.
Rarnage, Mrs. Maynord Sniffer,
Mrs. w. c. Smith, Mrs. wmara
Stone, Mrs. Dan Trulllnger,
Mrs. Edward Vanderhoof, Mrs.
Kenneth G. Vollmar, Mrs. Don
ald Woodard. '
HOSTESS to her bridge
club on Thursday will be Mrs.
Donald McCargar, entertaining
the group for luncheon and
the afternoon,
Mrs. Hall Honored
By Silverton Folk
Silverton Mrs. Lewis A.
Hall has been feted in honor
ot her birthday anniversary
on two occasions
Mr. and Mrs. George Towe
were Saturday evening dinner
hosts in honor of Mrs. Hall
with guests including Mr. and
Mrs. Hall, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Allen, Mrs. Edwin
Overlund, Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
Towe and the hosts, Mr. and
Mrs. George Towe.
Earlier in the week, the
Halls were supper guests at
the home of a nephew of Mrs
Hall, the Richard Hartleys.
The social hour featured tele
vision programs.
Leaving early Sunday
morning, Mr. and Mrs. Hall
left by way ot central and
eastern Oregon, for an ex
tensive trip by automobile
through the national park
areas, to Reno, and Los
Angeles, with visits planned
enroute south. They will re
turn through California. .
Home From Trip
Silverton On her return
from a winter's stay in Clyde,
Calif., arriving in Portland
by plane, Mrs. Ella Moser
was met by two of her grand
children, Miss Phyllis Loe and
Larry Lincoln.
Daughters of Mrs. Moser,
Mrs. L. W. Coughennower,
Mrs. James Bonner and Mrs.
Harvey Lincoln, and members
of their families, arranged an
open house Sunday afternoon
and evening at Coughennower
residence as a welcome home
gesture for their mother.
Others present for the affair
were Mr. and Mrs. O. Coug
hennower and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Sander Johnson of Sclo,
and Mrs. and Mrs. Bob Smith
and family of Salem.
Hostess to Group
Silverton Mrs. Malcom
Cameron of North 20th street,
Salem, entertained members
of Delbert Reeves unit No. 7,
American Legion auxiliary,
past presidents parley last
week. Seventeen guests at
tending were Mrs. Cameron's
mother, Mrs. Charles John
son, Silverton unit organizer
and first president; and Mrs.
Grace Apperson and Mrs.
Gladys Bacon of Capital unit
No. 0, Salem auxiliary.
Past Matrons Meet
Woodburn The April din
ner meeting of the Past Ma
trons club of Evergreen chap
ter. Order of the Eastern Star,
will be Wednesday, April IS.
Dinner will be served at 7 p.m.
followed by the business meet
ing with Mrs. Evelyn Morris
in charge. Hostesses will be
Mrs. Maude Scott, Mrs. Rose
Gibbens and Mrs. Minnie Rich
ards. MT. ANGEL The quarter
ly meeting of the Mt. Angel
Preparatory School Mothers
club will be Thursday evening,
April 16, at 8 o'clock, in the
prep assembly hall. Mrs. E. G.
Unger, president, will preside.
Mothers of the sophomore
class will be hostesses at the
social hour.
Salem Trio
Honored at
Honored queens of the three
Salem bethel were f e t e d at
grand session of Job's Daugh
ters In Portland last week-end,
Miss Barbara Anderson repre
senting bethel UD, Miss Patsy
Snider, bethel No. 35 and Miss
Charlen Woods, bethel No. 43.
Misses Vickl Ward and Nan
cy Snider of bethel No. 43 and
Misses Judy Bancroft and Sha
ron Long of bethel No. 33 were
invited to participate in the
flag drill during the opening
ceremony. Chosen ho n o r e d
grand Inner guard for the com
ing year was Miss Jan Roberts
of bethel No. 35, and Miss Char
len Woods will be honored
grand representative to South
Carolina. Special recognition
went to Miss Nancy Snider who
was appointed grand fifth mes
senger for the meeting of all
the Job's Daughters present
with their grand guardian, Mrs.
Mamie Wilson of Myrtle Point.
Winning second place in drill
competition was the team from
bethel No. 35, this being only
Is Tuesday ,
Dr. and Mrs. George S. Hoff
man observed their 25th wed
ding anniversary, Tuesday. .'
They have invited a group to
their home for an informal so
cial hour this evening, the
group later going to the Ameri
can Legion club for dinner. In
the group will be Judge and
Mrs. Rex Kimmell, Mr. and
Mrs. Bertram Thomson,' Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Hauk, Mr. and
Mrs. Russell Bonesteele, Mr.
Mrs. Howard Wlcklund, Dr.
and Mrs. Walter E. Snyder and
the Hoffmans.
e ...
ELECTED treasurer of the
state organization of deans ot
women in Oregon schools at
the meeting In Eugene Satur
day was Miss Antoinette Kuz
manlch, teacher at Parrish jun
ior high school. Miss Elizabeth
Gilbert, dean of girls at Salem
high school, went out as presi
dent at this meeting. Mrs. J.
the second year the group has
participated. The team repre
senting bethel No. 43 received
honorable mention.
Allan Wlckham, dean of wom
en at University of Oregon, Is
the new state president.
Rainbow Event ,
Silverton Ramona Assem
bly Order ot Rainbow tor
Girl announces the local can
cer drive "kick-off" break
fast to be Saturday, April 25,
at. which event the young
women will ' be assigned to
separate teams to canvass the
This effort marks the third
year the Rainbow girls are han
dling the campaign. The work
starting April 25 is to cover a
section ot town not previously
At the past week'a meeting
member completed their
plan for the April 11 Spring
Dance. The theme was "Blue
Moon." "
When termites swarm they
have wings which they bite' off
of each other before entering
tne ground to build nests.
Boy Scout Troop 15
Has Overnight Camp
' Fifteen, members of Boy
Scout Troop 15 and (even boy
affiliated with Explorer Post
15, conducted an overnight
camp at Smith Creek in the Sil
ver Creek fall area over the
The Explorer post, with Joe
Marcroft as the leader, In
structed the Scouts In compass
work, mapping, axe work and
fire building., Gwen Gates,
Scout committeeman, gave In
struction in Identifying shrub
and wildlife on a six-mile hike.
Scoutmaster Don Crenshaw
was in charge of the Scouts.
His assistant were Harvey
Hill and Bill Bush. . '
The U.S. bureau of mines
has saved more than 185 mil
lion ton of coal by controlling
fires In inactive deposits, at
cost of less than a cent ton.
WhM young MotW Hubbaf
sow to rt apboord, "
lock wooa UKk lw h riMro.
JMt n ooVwIk.o' proo)t '
okw dollciom wdwlofr
two o by IHH. tm alooloU '
Aad Uod a groad
irilk loftrcf soot Of voo
tobl.i . . . or to odd tot7
Rover to taladi and cold cod.
1 owl ot oil, n'l htnptmlnt
TV Set Given FREE
- " with purchase of
v::';;-'h:''-;''.at v.---- :
Regular piano price. This offer lasts for a
limited time only. The finest instruments
money can buy AND offered at . . '.i'
Two for the Price of One;
The Music (enter
! 20 Percent Cut Seen
For Interior Budget V
Washington vn House jeaa-
iFnaulw wcra MMrted to
be aiming at 20 per cent cut
in interior department appro
priations proposed by former
president xruman.
Th Avttmat tumM mad
Tuesday by an official who,"
wnue asking to remain un
identified, hold an authorita
tive position on Capitol Hill
and knows what is being dsn
cided there. . .'':-,r.'T'
Such a slash would be on
any government department
470 N. Capitol
Phono 2-5371
1 Doggl In the Window
2 Tell M You're Mine
3 Slde by Side
4 1 Believe
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6 Til I Walts Again
With You
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Downstair Orege- Bldg. '
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SUUonary dish tray covered with plastic to protect fine
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Fan-clrcolated warm air really dries
Made by world' oldest manufacturer of dishwasher you
can put your confidence In O-E
Never touch garbage again
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Save 124.95! Offer Good Until April 30. Save 124.95!
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