Tift 'Capital Women Edited by MARIAN LOWRX FISCHEB MissJohnsen To Be Wed April 25 A nirprlM announcement for oTority tiiteri in Kappa Alpha Theta at Oregon State college Monday evening war that re vealing the engagement and approaching marriage of Mlu Sally Anne Johmen of Salem, to Thomas Moore Paterion of North Bend. The newt waa told at the traditional dessert at the sorority. The bride-to-be is the daugh. ter of Dr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Johnsen of Salem and Mr. Pa terson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. X. N. Faterson of North Bend. The wedding is to be on Sat urday, April 25, a simple serv ice being arranged at the John sen home for only the families. Miss Phyllis Johnsen, sister of the bride, and John Reed, cou sin of Mr. Paterson, will attend the couple. Miss Johnsen is a sophomore at Oregon State. Mr. Paterson Is a junior at the college and is a pledge of Sigma Nu fra ternity. He is to leave soon for rmy service. I k JX ft Rebekah Events Meeting notices were an nounce I at Salem Rebekah lodge Monday evening, the fol lowing groups meeting this week: " ' I Past Noble Grands club with Mrs. Roy Pearce, 275 South 15th, on Wednesday. On Thurs day, Theta Hho girls will meet for Initiation practice. The bloodmobile will be at : the temple from 3 to 8 o'clock on Thursday, those helping dur ing the day are to be there by 2:15 p.m. All donors are wei come. Ladles Encampment auxiliary will meet Friday evening for a no-host dinner at 6:30. An old-time orchestra will provide music for dancing and members and friends of all branches of the order are invit ed to attend.' Visits to Woodburn and Alo ha lodges were reported and the sewing club has purchased a membership bond for the IOOF home. ' i A special program will be presented by the Ladies auxili ary of Patriarchs Militant at the meeting next Monday, good of the order being the . theme. Party Saturday "Hard Times" la the theme of a party set for Saturday evening by Hanna Rosa court, Order of Amaranth. Members and guests will gather at 9 p.m. for dancing and cards at the Masonic temple, Mr. and Mrs. Don Patton In charge. Assisting the hosts will be Mr. , and Mrs. Joseph John ston, Mr. and Mrs. Brownie Bangert, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gilmer, Mr. and Mrs. Gorden Herrig and Mr. and Mrs. Foster Wlntermute. - Tells Betrothal Announ ced recently was the engage ment of Miss Joan King, above, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. King, to Albert L. Dillon, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Dillon of Toppen ish, Wash. (Jesten-Miller studio picture) Mr. Unander ClubSpeaker The current and future pic ture in state finances and the improvements needed at the state institutions, especially at the penitentiary, made up the topic for a talk given by Big' frid B. Unander, state treas urer, for Salem unit of the Oregon Federation of Republi can Women, Monday at the Senator hotel. Mrs. Charles A. Sprague introduced the speak er. A membership drive is plan ned by the group and details regarding it were discussed at the business meeting. Miss Hattie Bratzel, second vice president, presided. Mrs. Wil liam. F. Leary led the flag salute. Mrs. David H. Camer on led the group singing, Mrs. C. C. Geer at the piano. Mrs. M. M. Magee gave a report on the recent state meeting. Attend Breakfast ' In Portland Tuesday morn' ing for the annual bosses break fast given by the Credit Wom en's Breakfast club there, were several members of the Salem club. Attending the event at the Congress hotel were Mrs. Lloyd Myers, Miss Beverly . Hartzell, Miss Lena Blum, Mrs. Henry Kayser, Mrs. Francis Welsh, Mrs. Thomas Pickett, Mrs. Lou Lucas, Mrs. Robert E. Jones and Mrs. Forrest Eckles. OF S Meeting Friday will be the second friendship night for Trinity chapter, Order of Eastern Star, this year', . guest including Chadwick chapter, Salem; Ev ergreen chapter, Woodburn; Euclid chapter, Jefferson: Vic toria chapter, Turner; Willam ette chapter, Shedd. Mrs. H. D. Kortemeyer will be In charge of refreshments following the 8 p.m. meeting at West Salem city building. AMONG SALEM folk plan ning a trip are Judge and Mrs. Joseph B. Felton, who leave Wednesday. They will stop at Cheyenne where Mrs. Felton will visit her brothers and sisters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. How ard McAllister and Mr. and Mrs. James McAllister, while Judge Felton goes on to New Orleans to attend a convention of circuit Judges. He plans to stop in Cheyenne a few days before he and Mrs. Felton re turn to Salem. Alumnae Meet At the meeting of Mu Phi Epillon alumnae last evening at the home of Mrs. Frank Burlingham, the group made plans for their part in the pro gram and silver tea planned by the active chapter at Willam' ette university on April 26. The actives will take charge of the program and the alumnae will be In charge of the silver tea. At the next meeting of the alumnae, officers will be elected. Miss Smith, Mr. Mootry Wed Sunday Wed Sunday afternoon In the First Presbyterian church were Miss Claudette Smith and Keith Mootry. The bride is the daughter of Z. L. Smith of Salem and Mrs. William Woelke of Glendale Calif., and Mr. Mootry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mootry of Salem. N The service was at 4 o'clock the Rev. Ernest Preston Goul- der officiating. White, pink and yellow snapdragons and can dles decorated the church front for the service. For the music, Josephine Albert Spaulding of Portland, formerly of Salem, sang and Mrs. Goulder played . the organ. The bride wore a lace over satin wedding dress, made with long sleeves and train. The elbow-length ' veil was arranged from a nylon tulle headpiece trimmed with pearls and arranged with pearlized orange blossoms at the side. For her flowers, the bride carried a bouquet of Amerl can Beauty roses. Miss Jean Spaulding of Portland, formerly of Salem. was maid of honor. She wore a floor length frock of pink nylon tulle with fitted bodice and full skirt, a stole of the tulle caught to the bodice. Her flowers were white stock and blue irises, tied with blue. The bridesmaids were Misses Mary Rauk, Carol Thompson and Sharon Beard. The three wore blue frocks similar to that of the honor attendant's and all four attendants carried bouquets of white car. nations and pink snapdragons, tied with pink bows. Carol Talley and Corinne Mootry were the flower girls, both wearing yellow frocks with matching bows in their hair. Richard Smith was ring bearer, Ronald Helgeson was best man. Ushering were Ronald Nelson, Richard Smith, Mac Webb and Rex Layton. The reception following was In the church also. Assisting were Mrs. Evert Glvens, Mrs. Hubert Seamster, Mrs. Forrest Seamster, Miss Joan Seam ster, Mrs. Kessley Talley. The brides table was set with a white satin cloth and yellow ribbons. The cake was encir cled with pink roses and ferns and the top ornament was a heartshaped one with a minia ture bridal couple. " For going away the bride wore a dusty rose, suit with navy blue accessories and corsage of pink rosebuds. Mr. Mootry la in the navy, stationed at San Diego, and will return there next week. Mrs. Mootry to Join him there later. Today's Menu Family Supper Savory Sausage and Kraut Boiled New Potatoes Snap Beans Bread and Butter Fruit Cup Beverage Savory Sausage and Kraut Ingredients: 1 No. 2tt can auerkraut, 1 medium onion, 2 tart apples, 1 teaspoon pure monosodlum glutamate, 1 pound smoked pork sausage. Method: Drain sauerkraut and put in mixing bowl. Grate onion fine and add. Do not pare apples; grate coarsely and add. Sprinkle monosodlum glutamate over ingredients and mix well. Arrange half of mixture in 2-quart casserole. Cut sausage in 2-lnch pieces; place on top; arrange remain ing sauerkraut mixture over sausage. Cover tightly; bake In moderate (850 F.) oven 60 to 60 minutes. Makes t serv- Church Group General meeting of the Christian Women's Fellowship will be at the First Christian church on Thursday. David Byerlee, missionary to the Bel' gian Congo, will be the speak' er, the program to be in the chapel at 11 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Byerlee returned recently from Alrlca. He will tell of his evan gellstlc experiences in that area. Luncheon will be served In Fellowship hall at noon by the Eva Marie Johnson group, business session following at 1 o'clock. There will be a nur sery for pre-school children 60th Anniversary. Observed by Couple SUverton Observing their 60th wedding anniversary Sun day afternoon at the family home near Rocky Four Corners were Mr. and Mrs., Charles Heinz. The affair was arrang ed by the families of their four children, Vlnnle Heinz, Lloyd Heinz, Mrs. Milton Woodford of Oregon City and Mrs. Henry Shuts of Scotts Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Heinz have lived at the present home site since their marriage, April 14, 1893. The wedding was at the home of the bride, who was Ella Minler. They had six chil dren, four of them living. There are 24 grandchildren and sev eral great grandchildren. ' Many friends called to greet the honored couple between 2 and 5 o'clock. SILVERTON Recent vis itors at the home of Mrs. Ed Holden have been her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. Gordon McCall and Miss Edna Jeannette McCall. Miss McCall, will graduate in education at Pacific Luth eran college in May and will teach in the Portland schools during the coming year. To Initiate Conducting initiation for Kingwood unit, American Le gion auxiliary, Thursday, will be a group of past presidents of the unit, Mrs. Carl Mobley directing. Revisions of the by laws will be considered at the meeting, and hostesses for the coffee hour will be Mrs. George Combs and Mrs. Floyd White. The group will assemble at Kingwood Legion hall at 8 p.m. KAPPA DELTA alumnae announce their meeting for this Wednesday has been postponed until the folowing Wednesday, April 22, Mrs. George Bag' nail to be hostess to the group. m m m HELPING HAND . Mission ary club will meet with Mrs. E. A. Prultt, 940 Madison, for dessert at 1:30 o'clock on Fri day. Plans will be made for an all-day quilting party and no-host luncheon to be at the Catholic Center this month. VISITORS in the capital Monday afternoon and evening were Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Boeh nke of Eugene. In the evening they were with State Senator and Mrs. Angus Gibson, Junc tion City, for dinner. Wolffs I h L ' A II - 1 ill vV,i ii l '-' t A ' ' " A '4 Spinsters Plan Spring Activities Activities for the spring were discussed by aaiem Spinsters club members at their meeting Monday evening at the Harland Brock home. The group is to enter the table setting contest of the YWCA on May 15, 16 and 17, Mrs. William R. Shinn, Mrs. George C. Alexander and Mrs. Russell C. Haehl, Jr., being on the committee for the project. Dated for May 23 is the an nual silver tea of the club. the place for the tvent to be announced later. Mrs. John P. Mauldlng and Miss Evelyn Johnson are co-cnum the tea. Other chairmen an nounced for the event include: Invitations. Mrs. Roy Edger. i Mri. Russell C. Haehl, Jr.; Mrs. Wallace Guild, refreshments; Mrs. James R. White, patronesses; MUs Adele gan, aoor .- nest h. Miller, decorations; Miss Norman Sletton, assisting .i i .k. .nm- Mn. Delwyn HUUUI Hie vw.., ' Kleen, chairman for the group serving; Miss Mary Louise Lee, publicity; Miss Marlann Croi san, Mrs. Carl Collins contact ing inactives. Next meeting will be May 4, at the home of Miss Janet Kirk, inactive mempers oem Tuesday, April lit 1953 invited as special guests. Misj Antoinette Kuzmanlc h and Miss Evelyn Johnson will be co-hostesses. Nomination of of ficers will be reported, Mrs. Peter M. Gunnar as chairman of the nominating committee. Hostesses ior wi Bvu. " - . m . u Millar Mlu Mrs. x-rnen - Luella Campbell, Mrs. Ronald Jones, Jr. nAvnoivn Mn -TnV Mill DUllUli..." er, Mrs. Don E. Phillips enter tained this morning at a brunch and shower, guests being in- . . , , . , .a. an .Uub vlted to can bi jlu;u uuv A group of 16 was invited. SPIRITUAL Sunflower club win meet Thursday from 1 to 4 o'clock with Mrs. C. H. Brandt, 2205 Carlton Way. Recently Wed Mr. and Mrs. William W. Covert, Jr., (Mary Adelaide Howe) were married on March 29 at Court Street Christian church. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Adelaide Howe of Camas, Wash., and Mr. Covert is the son of W. W. Covert of Stayton. (Artz studio picture. Club's Election To Be Thursday Macleay Mrs. . Virgil Bur- son will be hostess to members of the Macleay Woman's club at her home Thursday, April 16, for 1 o clock dessert. Mam business of the after noon session will be election of officers for the coming year and election of delegates to the Federation of Women's clubs at Jefferson April 17. Betrothal Told Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Gipson are announcing the engagement of their granddaughter, Miss Sharon Baney, to Milton D. Sohn, son of Mrs. Ralph Sohn. The wedding is planned as an event of July Both young people are grad uates of Salem schools. Mr. Sohn is now stationed with the army at Camp Roberts, Calif. DAUGHTERS of Union Veterans of the Civil War will meet at the Veterans of For eign Wars hall at 2 o'clock, Friday, for a business session. Mrs. J. F. Ulrich will enter tain a group of the members for luncheon at her home pre. ceding the meeting. PARENTS club of St. Joseph's Catholic church will meet at the school at 8 p.m., Wednesday, to see the film, "Angry Boy." HAL HIBBARD auxiliary, United Spanish War Veterans, is meeting Thursday at 2 p.m. at the Woman's club house for Its regular business session. StaceysAre Hosts at Dinner Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stacey were hosts last evening for a dinner party at their home, guests including members of the finance committee of the Leslie Methodist church. Guests included the Rev. and Mrs. Collis Blair, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Orwig, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Vick, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Metzger, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Hobart, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Otjen, S. M. Laws and Miss Doris Orwig. Special A nnouncement It is with great pride that we announce a Fashion Luncheon THE FIRST OF A SERIES TO BE PRESENTED BY JOHNSON'S AND THE MARION HOTEL Monday, April 20th MIRHOR ROOM MARION HOTEL N LUNCH SERVED 12:30 to 1:30 FASHION SHOW 1:05 to 1:50 P.M. Your host for the Fashion Luncheon will be Del Milne, formerly of tht Multnomah Hotel In Portland and originator of the Rose Bowl. Whether you are a "career girl" on her lunch hour, or a "home gal" on a shopping day you can view the latest fashions from Johnson's while you are eating a leisurely lunch! , . - Make your reservations now! Call Marion Hotel 3-4IZ3 fUMMiS 464- Qbfe f 4r r ill h if 10 Have you checked your medicine chest lately? Do vou have anv DOisible Doisnn item nut nf rnrh nf i youngsters? This is a good time to check and see 1 to it that the aids in the chest are up-to-date. Re plenish yours now from our complete stock. CAPITAL DRUG STORE 405ifs-tMNr(IUI)wrf We Give Z.'fC Green Stamps -Tt t ft.0AMA (W MANDHUY o1 tWIIEOEWAy KM. CytfM s&tns, XJooJ, Make this Wonderful Discovery during April 13 to 18 Come in . . . choose from our beautiful Red Cross Shoe Week Collection of pumps, straps, spectators. Discover how pretty you look, how sure of yourself you feel, in styles so becoming, so sure to be admired in shoes that your feet so beautifully. America's unchallenged thoe value $895 to 1295 This pndutt hoi m tmnattim AoJMr wilk Tht American fiotioMl Red Cnm --.