Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 14, 1953, Page 3, Image 3

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    Tuesday, AprU 14. 195S
Sewer Service Charges
Make Council Argument
A reautat fmm r r r-.i
to the city council Monday
night for a refund of rewer
jervice charges dating back to
December, 1948, caused an ar
gument that wasn't settled.
The reason for the request
wa the usual one that sewer
service for which he has been
paying the regular 65 cents a
month Isn't available.
The city engineer recom
mended that the refund be only
for the last six months, and ex
plained that City Manager J. L.
Franzen and Water Manager
John L. Geren had agreed with
Dim on that
"Why for only six months?"
Mayor Al Louckj and others
asked. "If a property owner
has been paying the charge and
not getting the service for sev
eral years, why not refund all
of the money he has paid in?"
"Because," the engineer an
swered, "properties change
hands frequently. So to whom
would you refund it?"
Davis reminded the council
that a few weeks ago it author
ized a survey to find out how
many properties in the city are
without available sewer service
and should not be asked to pay
the sewer service charge. Be
We Give and Redeem
H? Green Stamps
V JlJ "Triple Fitted" fo
'j. 'TV
till j
fore that th fttf Hirra hmA
no way of knowing who was
paying tor service not given
until they protested to the city
council. It seems there were
many who went ahead and
paid regardless.
The survey la now about,
complete, and since lot of the
property hat changed hands
one or more times it seemed
necessary that a basis for re-
iunas be fixed. That accounts
for the six months.
"This man is some to Bet it
all back as far as I'm con
cerned," said Alderman Robert
F. White.
lW'r tfntnrt tA irma this
out after the council meeting,"
added the mayor. '
West Salem Club
The West Salem Home Ex
tension club will meet Tues
day, April 14. at the home of
Mrs. Herman Boese, 1615 Bon
nie Way Drive. The demon
stration will be Ready Mixes.'
with Mrs. Boese and Mrs, W.
A. McCormack as leaders, The
meeting will start at 10:30 a.m.
with a no-host dinner at noon.
has Life
as size
are 'Triple
(2) your cup size, (3) your separation wide,
medium or narrow. See and feel the
difference, be "Triple Fitted" today!
You look your trim, youthful best and Anon; it,
in a new Life Bra and Girdle by Formfit! You feel
incomparably comfy and free, too. That's because
only Life Bras are 'Triple Fitted" to (1) your
bust size, (2) your cup size, (3) your separation
wide, medium or narrow. And Life Girdles alone
have Formfit's all-over comfort control that flattens
the tummy as it slims the waist, trims hips,
smooths thighs. Be fitted from our
. wide array and sett
Funeral Held
For Jim Thorpe
Shawnee, Okla. W) Indian
Jim Thorpe, acclaimed by the
world as the greatest athlete In
history, was burled Monday
with all the honors the mod
ern land of the red man could
bestow on one of its most be
loved sons.
With the reading of requiem
high mass, the body was laid to
rest In a mausoleum in the
shadow of an athletic stadium
which bears the great Olympic
star's name.
He will be immortalized by
a bronze and marble statue, 21
feet high, showing Thorpe to
the world in the role which
first brought him fame as a
football player for the Carlisle,
Pa., Indian school.
White and Red men alike,
numbering in the thousands,
mourned their old friend and
idol who was born here 64
years ago when this state was
still Indian Territory.
In the funeral procession
were six of Thorpe's children
and many other relatives from
the Thunderblrd Clan of the
Sac and Fox tribe, which Sun
day night held its own ancient
secret rites of prayer and
street store
Bras by Formfit to
every figure
your degree of separation
and cup
High, young curves are yours
, with action-free comfort in a
Life Bra from our wide selection.
Fonnnt's vital new measurement is
the reason! Only Life Bras by Formfit
Fitted" to (1) your bust size,
Long-Line Life Bra shown, $5.00
Satin with plush lined cups
Other styles from 1.25
Life Bras and
Girdles Are Here keep you slim, trim,
comfy and confident
Life Girdle shown, $12.50
Nylon Taffeta front, Leno Elastic
Sides, Satin Elastic back
Other Life Girdles from $6.50
Life Brai from $1.25
liberty street court street
Need fabrics, lingerie, clothing, notions,
domestics, shoes, furniture, draperies, ap
pliances? Then it will pay you to read the
values listed here! Everyone is outstand
ing. Read carefully, pick the items you're -interested
in, then be here when the doors
open Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. No mail,
phone, C.O.D. orders accepted. All items
subjet to prior sale. ,
Men's Dept.
Liberty Street
24 Ea. Famous Make Wool
Vicara V-Neck Sweaters
All alaea. Ref. a QQ
H IS II perfect U.OiJ
6 Ea. Part Wool Gab
Sim 40-41-44 f QQ
Hea. 13.0s D.OO
4 Ea. Quilted Lined Jackets
Sliu 39-40-44 r QC
Rai. 1.(5 0.00
1 Ea. Quilted Lined Jackets
Shut 41. Bn. 11.11 g QQ
t Ea. AU-Wool Flannel
SUM 11-11. Rot. I.M . g QQ
4 Ea. Cotton Flannel Robes
SlM U-h. Rot. S.M g gg
17 Ea. Wool-Silk
Coat Sweaters
lilta M-ll-40-44 inn
IUI. 10.9S I'Vo
10 Ea. Peg Top Faded
Blue Pants
SUu 39-30-31 Q OK
Rot. 4.10 O.SO
Floor Sample Clearance!
Box Springs
Values to 69.50
Famous names. Discontinued cover patterns.
Slightly soiled. Choice of twin or full sizes.
H Mop today and eava
S Dos. Men's White
Sto talue. I lor J QQ
24 Ea. Coopers Colored
Sweat Shirts
Rod, Yellow, NaTj. AU 1 no
alaea. 1.50 value X.VO
tl Ea. Colored Cotton
Tellow, Tan, Blue. GCln
S-ll-L. Ilo Mlua 0C
T BVD Terry Polo Shirts
Whlto and Yellow 1 oc
Ml value l.0
Closet Shop
New items of closet accessories to relieve
Jour storage difficulties,
umbo Garment Bags 1.00
Zip Suit Car Bags .00
Plastic Hanger Covers 35 c
Plastic Sweater Bags .OAe
Dampening Bags 30
Metal Skirt Hangers 49 c
Plastic Formal Garment Bags 1 ,99
. Shoe Racks tQQ -
Mezzanine Liberty Street
Boys' Dept.
Liberty Street
14 Boys' Satin Jackets
Black with lellow and
oranee trim. Slaee S to n nn
II. 101 value, now 0.1)9
St Boys' Knit Briefs
II L onlr, ref. lie, now gg
38 Terry Tee ShlrU
raatel colore. Slaea 10 to m.
IS. Re. 1.01, now IOC
4 Button Sweaters
All wool. Slaea I-10-1S.
Oreen blue.
Res. 4.11, now
41 Gancho Shirts
Btae S to 14. fin '
Ref. Ml, now DC
4 All-Wool Plaid ShlrU
Tom sawvor. alio 11 o QQ
II onlr. Ret. in, now O.Va
24 Rebel Caps
Auort. i tin
JUff. Mo, now
t Beacon Robes
Slu II. blue nlald r rr
Ref. 1.13. now O.VO
XI Pr. Socks
sin IK to 10 in.
mi. 3M, now 1UC
4 Pr. Grey Gym Shorts
SIM SI and 34 waiat on
Rot. 1.1, now . C
5 Turtleneck Tee Shirts
SIM 10 only ' fq
Ret. 1.19, now OfC
I Flannel Shirts
Tom Sawrar, alM I t I I nfi
Rot. now X.UU
2 Pr. Denim Pants
Slit' 11. oolor bluo ana 4 en
brown. Ric. 1.41, now .OV
2 Pr. Unions
aa ankle lonith rn.
RM. I.SI, now Ogl
Liberty Street
Nylon Hose
Broken aliea aheere
Rayon Pintles
Aut. Itylet 390 Tlu
Nylon Slips
Value to (.OS
Broken alaea
Court Street
Rayon Gowns
Viiuei to 3.IS n rrt
Aaat. colon ai.UU
Ladles' Jersey Gloves
Aaat. colora waahable , QQ
Nylon Briefs
Atet eolora 1.S0 value
Rayon Briefs
Bond Aaat. oolora. o np
I Pair .OO
Nylon Hose
Valuea to 1.50 cr
Broken alaea WC
Liberty Street
Flour Sacks
Slltht print Ho value
G-E Electric Blanket
Slnele eontrol. twin on nc
alae. Net. M il 09.30
Cannon Bath Towels
Re. 1.11 Aaat. colon j
Foam Pillows
I II, II perfect j gg
Name Towels
tana bath alia in
I N value 49C
Cannon Hand Towels
I eo value
S aiat. colore
Cannon Wash Cloths
Mo value to natch ieu
Mattress Pads
Fun lire tint oualltr QQ
n :
V ,
;V "
'fit s v
, ,Wf,cM sr. ;
i to n: .r
: i: i cias: . t -t
L,..K,- tXtMmama
Special Purchase!
These art budget savers deluxe! A selection
of leather or denim! Six assorted colors. You
will be delighted with these beauties. All
popular sizes!
.i Shoes
Liberty 8treet
One Group Sportswear
ShlrU. bloutoo, 1
eweatera l2 pHCe
16-Rib Umbrellas
Novaltr handlea 1 nn
l.H value . . i.y
Costume Jewelry
2 for 1.00
Ladles' Handkerchiefs
T 1.00
Jewel Cases
v"'" 6 for 1.00
ArUfloUl Flowers
now aprlu creations rjQj,
Infanta -Children
Liberty Street
Receiving Blankets
u "" goc
Girls' Spring Sets
Jutt 10 of theaa 1 nn
Ml valuea J..UU
Girls' Coats
Broken etaee
Valuee to 11.11
Girls' Cotton Panties
Just IS nr.
iff value SOC
Fabrics Dept.
Liberty Street
Dan River Sheen Denim
l.o value Aaat. t-n ,,J
colora pollahed 09" yu.
Rayon Prints
Hew larto aelectlon
Fancy Denims
Plaldl aollda
Fsncy Outing Flannel
rrlnu-llorau 2QC yd.
Orion-Nylon Fabrics
a;:,.1"" 1.34 yd.
Court Street
Apex Ironer
Ret. Itl.lft loklametlc Jg gg
Benf" Dryer
power vent 189.95
Bendlx Economat
afuilr u torn tic 189.95
Air-Flo Dryer
Ret. lit is- en QC
ruUr automatic 09.90
Coleman Oil Heater
Ret. 11.6 rin qc
S room alee I i.0
Quaker Oil Heater
U4..6-D.IU,. 6905
Apex Wrlnser-Washer
net. bv.ib
Porcelain tub
L & H Freeier
43J.lft-13 ... ft. 3gg Q5
Admiral Range
lll.lft- 07Q qk
Fully automatlo
t4 I o.ou
Final Clearance
Values to S9.95
Ladies' Coats
A large selection of better quality
coats in all popular sizes. Fleeces,
bouclei, poodles, novelties. Shop
early for best selection.
Fashion Second Floor
T .
Furniture .
Court Street
yamom makt
Hat. 111.00, aow
Sella; Chair and Ottoman '
: Tweed -t
n.t. ui.M, now - 79 88
Occasional Chair
Br Belli. Ret, a il, bow 29.95
Special Purchase
P Regular. 1. 39 .
Printed Sailcloth
W id.
Tops in favor for spring, summer wear! Col
orful selection of dashing stripes and pat
terns. All color-fast. 36-inch width.
Fabrics Mezzanine
Matching Ottoman
Ret. 11.00, now Q Og
Tweed Chart M Brows
Ref. 14.00, now
MunUr irttn
Rtf. O.N, now
Tweed Lonnge Chair
Ret. n.fft, now Q gg
Sofa Foam Rubber
Modem. Ret. 141.00, now gg gg
Chair Linen Cover
" n" 39.88
Step Table
Br Tonk L. O.
Ret. IMS, now
Glass To
op cocktail Table
ifn, no. U gg
L. o. Ref.
Round Lamp Table
L. O. Ref. 34.11, now gg
Corner Table
L. O. Ret . 14.80, now . gg
Cocktail Table
L. o, Ret. 41. so, now on oo
Step End Table
it. u o.
Ret., now
Mahogany Chalrslde
Al le. Ret., aow Af qq
Step End Table
h. 0. Ret. 44.IS. now QA QQ
Cocktail Table
Ret. 4100, sow 19.88
, End Tables
1 Onlr. L. o. '
Ref. 39.1ft, now -
Houseware Dept.
- Court Street
Stand Easy Floor Mat
Ref. I.H. Sbw lOllltv. f on
Aaat. colon XM3
Larre Clown Cookie Jar
Kf. 3.
BrlfhUr decorated "
Clothes Basket
Bet. 3.00
4S-Pe. Golden Rose
Ret. 41.00. Servloo for t 10 QQ
with twelva titra plecea XO.OO
TV Trays
Ret. 1.11. Aaat, OOQ.g
natterna SfUJ CO..
Dust Moos
I.oe. Removable dn...
tor waahtnt
eo. Popoorn Popper -
.11. with cord 4QQ
bowl aet .70
Ret. I.
plaatlo bowl aet
Hambarger Mold
Rival Can Opener
Rat. I H. Swlnt awar 977
wall tree
... en a
Metal Ironing Board
I. 10.11. Adjustable , ft QC
1 helahU V.VO
Clothes Hamper
Ret, wicket Q QQ
trna, plaatla top
tft-Gal Garbage Can
I. 4.M. aalvanlaed g gg
Garden Hose Hanger
Rot. 131. Stront fteel gg
Lawn Mower
Ret. IT.IO. ir aUe 1A AQ
. with wood handle VtuttV
. Elee. Golden Fry Deep
Ref. MIS. Fully auto- 1Q An
matlc. Free home trial
Draperies .;
,. Court Street
Fancy 8ofe Pillows
Mew (election. 2,19
Chromspun Yardage
Sun won't fade!
For draw drapaa
1.00 yd.
Antique Satin . .
Fraek new colon. . J QQ yfa
Chromespun Draperies
Chromeapun readr made a ort
1HI4. 4.09
Rayon Prlsclllas
IOkM, colon g gg
Heavy Vphl. Tapestry
?r 3.98
Monks Cloth
Venetian Blind Tape
Ninon Prlsclllas
Flocked, lout g gg
Bamboo Blinds
1'ir, ether elaee
New Low Prices
Muslin Sheets
(81x108 Size)
These five count Spring Mills
iheeti are perfect quality! Cello
phane packaged. Bleached snowy
white. Buy your linens now!
Domestical Downstairs