Paw 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregon Tuesday, April 14, 195S MOOMHBlRMDBi mm In the. -Valley ; , . Edited by HIKE FORBES Aurora Aurora At the regular meeting of Una Temple No. 23, Pythian Sisters, the re-obllga-tion ceremony was given. The refreshments committee Mrs. W. O. Fry, Mrs. Frank or 'April is Mrs. E. J. Snyder, Thiel, Mrs. Fred Schneider, Mrs. William Wettstein, and Mrs. Belle Snyder. On April 22, Una Temple will honor charter members of 83 years. All neighboring temples are Invited. Mrs. Willis Yoder waB host ess In her home north of Aurora Thursday evening, April 9, to members of the Past Chiefs club of Una Temple. Mrs. Ebby, house guest of Mrs. Yoder, also was present. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Harriet Ehlen, Mrs. Wll- liam Dentel, Mrs. J. T. Smith, Mrs. Harry Schultz, Mrs. Fred Schneider, Mrs. Frank Thiel, Mrs. E. J. Snyder, Mrs. C. G. Pursley, Mrs. W. O. Fry, Mrs. Leonard. Nixon, Mrs. George . Wurstcr, Mrs. P. O. Ottaway, Mrs. N. E. Manock, Miss Emma J. Snyder, Mrs. William Wett stein, Mrs. Tillie Webert and ' Mrs. Ebby. i The next meeting, May 8, will be at the home of Mrs. Leonard Nixon In Canby. , Mrs. Coble de Lesplnasse of Hubbard, Mrs. Fred Schneider of Aurora, Mrs. Mary Smith and Mrs. Clara Hardlsty of Canby attended the Pythian Sisters convention at Forest ' Grove at which Delphia Temple .was hostess temple. Staytoh Sublimity Sublimity Mr. . and Mrs. Matt Wolf have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon, who will take possession June 1. The Wolfs will remain here until the closing of school, their son, Ray, being a member of the 1953 graduating class. . Mr. and Mrs. Wolf will move to SUverton, where he is em ployed at the Farmers Co-op. ) - , The Study club concluded a series of weekly discussions at the home of Mrs. Frank Wolf ou Wednesday. Classes will be resumed in the fall. - Duane Bradley, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Bradley, left Tuesday for induction Into the armed forces. Bradley is a graduate of the class of 1951. Jerry Basl, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Basl, is home after completing his term of duty, Stay ton The Stay ton vol unteer fire department will man the ambulance for the Santiam Memorial hospital. A driving schedule has been worked out for the members, who will be on call 24 hours a day. , J, , Anyone needing ambulance service is instructed to call the Stayton telephone operator, who will contact the driver. The Eva Rebekah lodge will meet Tuesday, April 14, at the IOOF hall at 8 p.m. t . A student body dance was held Friday, night in the high school gym. Music was fur nished by the high school band, led by Mr. Burgess, with Mrs. White at the piano. Deani Mc Donald sang several numbers. ' The Stayton Toastmistress club met at the high school li brary Thursday night at 8 p.m. The hostesses for the eve ning were Mrs. Mary Reynolds and Mrs. Evelyn Frugh A very interesting talk, en titled "Easter Customs," was given by Mrs. Rose Bell and Mrs. Bertha Frye. Toastmistress for the eve nine was Lois Blum, and Ma rie Hottinger was topics mis tress. The next meeting is scheduled for April 23. The Stayton volunteer fire department will' be host to the Marion County Firemen s as' soclation and the Central Wit lamette Firefighters' associa tion on Wednesday, April 15. It is estimated that about 150 firemen will attend. Refresh ments will be served and en tertainment is planned for the evening. . - The Farmers Union meeting was held Thursday night at Sublimity. Discussion for the evening was on the subject of "Off-Shore Oil Deposits." David Neitling showed col ored slides taken on his trip to the United Nations last sum mer. The Stayton Chamber of Commerce will meet on Mon day at noon at the Bon Ton cafe. Woodburn Woodburn The monthly meeting of the Women's Mis sionary society of the Presby terian church will be Wednes day afternoon, April 15, at 2:30 o'clock at the church with Mrs. Charles Byers in charge. The missionary society of the Bethel Presbyterian church will meet Thursday, April. 16, at 2 p.m. The semiannual meeting of volunteer health workers in the Woodburn-Gervais area will be held Wednesday, April 15, at the Woodburn library. The meeting will ' begin at 2 p.m. and all workers are urged to attend, Mrs. Dean Bishoprick is chairman. , Mrs. Sid Seime, newly elected president of the Wood burn Firemen's auxiliary, will preside ' at her first meeting Thursday, April 18, at 8 p.m. at the fire hall. Hostesses will be Mrs. Jack Bush and Mrs. Tom Cross. Charles Tyler, commander, and Mrs. J. Weber, president, will be installed at a joint installation of officers of Champocg post and auxiliary, Veterans of Foreign Wars., Wednesday evening April 15, ! Burglars Crash Albany Offices ' Albany Burglars escaped with approximately $85 in cash and dental gold sometime wr ing the week-end after ran sacking offices of two doctors and one dentist on the fifth floor of the First National bank building, city police re ported Monday. The police reported a jimmy bar was used to pry open doors leading into the offices of Dr. John A. Jern, dentist, where $10 in cash and 10 packs of dental gold, valued at approxi mately $40, were stolen. Offices of Dr. M. M. Wood worth and Dr. Lyle Bain also were entered by the burglars. At Dr. Woodwork's office $35 in cash was taken from a desk drawer. Valuable equipment in each office was left undisturbed, po lice noted. Nothing was missed from Dr. Bain's office. Amitv Lyons Lyons The Women's So icety of Christian Service held their meeting at the home of Mrs. George Huffman Tuesday afternoon. - Mrs. Alice Huber presided over the business meeting and Mrs. Alex Bode ker was in charge of devotions. Plans were discussed for the carnival sponsored bjr the Sunday school which is to be held Saturday evening, April 25th, at the Mari-Llnn school with the proceeds to go to the building of the new church. The nominating committee presented the following for the new officers for 1953-54: Ethel Huffman, president; Reta Cru son, vice president; Lucille Ro gers, secretary; Eva Bressler, treasurer. Present for the meeting were Orpha Roye, Georgia Oliver, Doris Roy, Jessie Chamberlain, Jewell Hartnell, Lucille Rog ers, A1U Bodeker, Gamett Bas sett. Carta Naue, Jacquie Smith Reta Cruaon, Inei Ring, Alice Huber and Ethel Huff man. Mrs. Earl Thayer and daugh ter, Marlene, with Mr. and Mrs. Ew KrlUer and family of Stay ton, have gone )to Ohio. Mrs. Hubbard at the Woodburn city hall.j a u -,-.. ir.iThaver will visit her ilttrr anri Mrs. George Mason and her 1 der o Eastern Star, and Sheri- family. The Kritiers are going team of Rickreall will install j .,.-..- host far a : farther east to visit relative 'm uuii. H I ctrict meotine at Amitv Ma. Mrs. Marlyn Bonacker and sonic haU Wednesday evening, I tusin , lanfrMerc T.inrta nri a a '" - April O. Luicia, left recently for Seat-1 Mrs. Leila Wimberly, grand w.cjr win ujr WOrmy matron, was guesi oi tie where they will go boat on a 14-day trip to Tokyo to join Sgt Bonacker who is stationed about 60 miles from there. Bonacker, a member of a troop carrier squadron, has another year to serve in Japan. Mrs. Amos Bonacker and Mrs. John Bothum took the Bonackers to Seattle and spent several days there visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bonacker and Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Bonacker. Macleay I honor. Sheridan chapter exempli fied initiation and Amity chap ter opening and closing cere monies and balloting. One hundred and twenty five members and guests at tended. . Chapters from Dayton, Mc- ,. hj M.i?,"!i" ,!S55S -S!.le' At the social hou'r Lfiuuia aim iiiuejjcjiueuce were The regular meeting of Faith Rebekah lodge was held at the hall Wednesday evening with guests present from Stayton, jenerson and Mill City, and the following officers in the chairs, Jean Roberts, noble grand; Gamett Bassett, vice grand; Helen Anderson, secre tary, and Helen Johnston. treasurer. . Hazel Lewis, who is an offi cer of the grand lodge in May, which included action in Ko rea. 'i ' i ' Francis Heubcrger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Nick J. Heuber ger; Francis Etzel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Etzel, and James Peterson, a former high school student here, are to leave Monday, April 13, for their physicals, preparatory to induction into the Army. Contract Bridge Lessons BY SAM GORDON, "The Kibitzer" The Easiest and Quickest Way to Learn Bridie Taught In a Simple and Entertaining Manner that Appeals to BEGINNERS AND ADVANCED FLAYERS Three Nights April 21-22-23 8 p.m. $2.00 Sponsored by Knlrhts of Columbus and C.D.A. Held In Columbus Ball, North Cottage and Shipping OPEN TO THE PUBLIC TICKETS NOW ON 8ALE NEEDHAM'S BOOK STORE, 465 STATE ST. Macleay The annual benefit plant sale was held at the community club meeting Friday night, netting $31. The program of the even ing was presented by the school and included, songs by the cooking and sewing clubs, a comic skit, 4-H club girls; accordion numbers, Marilyn Martin and vocal numbers, Patsy Carver, Sadonia Burton and Jane Smith. There will be a .potluck supper at the May meeting. Mrs. M. L. Hopkins is chair man of the program committee. Foursquare Leader Due at Woodburn Woodburn Dr. Harold Chalfant, International Four square Youth leader, from Los Angeles, will be at the Wood burn Foursquare church Tues day, April 14, at 7:45 p.m. to show colored films of the many Youth camp activities through out the states and foreign countries. Dr. Chalfant has traveled extensively in many parts of the world in the interest of youth, according to the pastor, Rev. Arthur Goble. represented, Arden Breuer, Amity fire chief, resigned Wednesday evening at the firemen's meet ing. Cliff Wolf, assistant chief, was selected to head the group and Harold Johnnson, former fire chief, will be assistant. Members were urged to put on a concentrated drive for the ticket sale for the annual ball April 25, at the high school gymnasium. The Women's Society of Christian Service of the Meth odist church met with Mrs. Stephen Tarter Wednesday, April 9. Mrs. Glenn Stevenson presided. Miss Pearl Allen was elected president for 1953-54. All new officers were elected to serve with her. Reports of the district meeting at Dallas last week were given. The society is invited to meet with the McMinnville WSCS early in May. Mrs. Edwin Waddell led the devotions and Mrs. James Mc Kenney presented the lesson. Mrs. W. R. Konzelman hon ored Miss Doris Newman, bride elect of Robert Baker of Los Angeles, Calif., Thursday eve ning at the Konzelman home with a miscellaneous bridal shower. Mrs. Wendell Martin and Mrs. E. H. Lehman were in charge of entertainment. After the games, Miss New man, assisted by her mother, Mrs. F. V. Newman, and grand mother, Mrs. H. O. Newman, a silent auction was held. Miss Bettye Bentley, student at Llnfleld college, spent her Easter vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bentley. Mrs. Jeannine Bonebrake, formerly, Jeannine Bentley, spent her vacation with her husband at Parks Air Base in California. Thursday evening a meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Bodeker. Dr. George Roseberry, Salem dis trict superintendent, and Mrs. I Roseberry were present to meet with th church officials to dls-1 cuss the church program before conference. 1 Present for th emeeting were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Julian, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Roye, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Smith, Mr. and Mrs. John Prldeaux,' Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Rogers, Mrs. Leonard Cruson, Mrs. Clyde Bressler, Mrs. James Hollingshead, Mrs. Alice Huber, Oral Toland, Viv ian Boyce, Norma Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Bodeker. - . Hubbard Two baked food sales were scheduled for April and May by the ways and means . committee of Arion Temple, Pythian Sisters, at the last meeting. One was held April 11 and the other wlU be held next month at the Red & White store Mrs. Lester Will, in charge, will be assisted by Mrs. Russell Rollofson, Mrs. Leon Graham and Mrs. Jack Moomaw. Mrs. Zane Yoder was elected representative to the 46th an nual district convention at St Johns, Portland, May 2. She will enter the scrap book of the temple. Mrs. Harold - Colgan ap pointed Mrs. Norman Stauffer, Mrs. Julius Stauffer and Mrs. Lester Pulley on the social committee. Mrs. A. F. de Les plnasse reported a 310-pound package sent to The Nether lands. Past Chiefs of the temple will give the knights initiation April 21. The staff will work at the convention in May. Mrs. E. C. Boyd was hostess for the all day meeting of the Hubbard Ladies Aid Wednes day when arrangements were made for a 1 1 e n d i n g the women's association meeting in Salem April 20. Representa tives from here will go with Mrs. Glen Purdom. Mrs. George Leffler presided in the absence of Mrs. R. C. Mains. Mrs. Russell Rollofson reported on two chapters from "Human Rights." Mrs. Hannah Hunt reported a "love" gift had been presented to Mrs. E. H. Hastings from the Aid. ' A bake sale was scheduled for Saturday, April 25, 12 to 3 p.m. at the Red & White store. Dedication of the woman's gift will be held at the April 22 meeting and doring the church service May 3. Nomin ating committee, Mrs. J. C. Morrison, Mrs. Boyd and Mrs. W. T. Lord, will report at the next meeting and election of new officers will be held at the -home of Mrs. Sam King. Sublimity issMaflBawFYfOgiw DRIVE-IN THEATRE A former instructor of the class, Rev. Franz Schubert of Portland, was guest speaker at the St. Boniface high junior senior banquet held Tuesday evening in the parish gym. He chose the class motto "One Step at a Time, but Al ways Forward" as the topic for his speech. Rev. Robert O'Hara acted as toastmaster. Invocation by Rev. Jos. Scher bring. ' Others seated at the guest table were Rev. Math Jonas, Stayton; Rev. Bernard and Rev. O. McKenna, both of Jor dan and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pendergast. Class prophecy was read by Richard 'Minden, the class will was under direction of senior president, Jimmy Tate. Twenty-four students comprise the graduating class. Pink and blue were the col ors used in the decorating scheme, with pink tulips and and blue iris in the flower ar rangements. The banquet was prepared by the Junior stu dents' mothers and served by the sophomore girls. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Etzel and Mr. and Mrs. Henry, Miotke, Carolyn, Kenny and Merelyn were Easter guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kremer in Susanville, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Andy Klntz and Mr. and Mrs. John Kintz drove to Klamath Falls where they attended the wedding of Stanley Neitling, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Neitling, of Hills boro. John Kint7 acted as best man for his cousin who was married at a nuptial mass at 10 a.m. Monday, April 6. Joe Neitling is a brother of Mrs. Andy Kintz. The group en countered a snow storm on the return trip. David Neitling, who was the recipient of an Odd Fellow- sponsored trip to the United Nations last summer, honored the Farmers Union at Sublim ity Wednesday evening by showing slides of colored pic tures taken on his three weeks trip. He gave descriptions of various phases of the trip. Unionvale Unlonvale The Country Flower club will not meet dur ing the month of April to en able members an opportunity to attend spring flower shows. The next meeting will be held with Mrs. DeLaurice Hel. mine at the U.S. Alderman farm in the Unionvale district Wednesday, May 13, Mrs. Har- ry Gray, president, announced. The April monthly Family Night dinner of the Unionvale Evangelical United Brethren church was held Wednesday evening. Fairview Fairview A.D.A.N. Robert Watts, machinist mate at the naval air port at Sand Point, Wash., whs a recent guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Watts in Fairview district. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Marley of Fairview were recent din ner guests of her' father and sister, W. V. Appleman and Miss Helen Appleman. Their son Donald Marley, a the U. S. navy stationed at San Diego, Calif., was transferred April 10 to ' San Francisco where his ship, "Frybarger" will be in dry dock two months for repairs. The largest diamond in the crown of King George III of England fell out during his coronation. MAUI 2.7A.2Q1 MiiMMRDINI, HIGHWAY to I GATES OPEN :45 SHOW AT 7:20 ENDS TONITE (Tues.) "ABOVE & BEYOND Robert Taylor Eleanor Parker Plus "HERE COME THE MARINES" The Bowery Boys J rH0NIS-S73i - 1 Rex Harrison I' I Lllll Palmer I rl "FOUR POSTER" J II Also! "MAN I I 11 WITHOUT A YH COUNTRY J HiMJI'l I '1 Dan Dalltjr I' 1 In Technicolor J .1 "MEET ME 11 AT THE FAIR" I l Rod Cameron II AU "THE JUNGLE" U, niHS3S23iTl Ends Tonight Open 6:15 . "UNTAMED FHUNT1EK" and "DESPERATE SEARCH" Starts Wednesday Open 6:15 Cleopatra Claudefte Colbert Warren William Htmy Wilcoion tan Keith Joseph Schiktkinit C Aubrey Smith Gartnide MkM opened the gift packages. - The wedding is scheduled for May 22 and the young couple will graduate from Los Angeles Bible Institute June 2, after which they will leave for Cuba where they will be missionar ies. Starts Tomorrow! Mat. Daily From 1 p.m. Ends Today! (Tne.) ROBERT MJTCHUM "ANGEL FACE" Johnny Sheffield "Bomba& Jungle Girl" TWO OUTSTANDING ADVENTURE PICTURES! SAGA OF OUR NATIONAL GUARD! ... THE STORY OF THE FIGHTING 45th DIVISION! From the Girls They Left Behind, to the Beaches and Babes of Salernol THESE ARE THE KIDS WHO HELPED TO WIN A MAN SIZED WAR! HERBERT J. YATES PRESENTS Y- - v mr ii r i ls il "THUNDERBIRDS" JOHN DEREK JOHN BARRYMORE, Jr. MONA FREEMAN GENE EVANS EILEEN CHRISTY WARD BOND ScntsPlsybyUARYCMcCAU. Jr. Story by KENNETH OAsKT Aswdsti Prodnetf'Dirsctor JOHN H.MJEI A REPUBLIC WW LOOK! WE HAVE ONE OF THE BIGGEST SCREENS IN TOWN! NO SNOW! ... NO TUNING! JUST 5,184 t Square Inches OF PERFECTLY ILLUMINATED, EYE PLEASING "VIEWING" ENJOYMENT! - AND THE TOTAL COST IS STILL THE SAME! STILL YOUR BEST BUY IN GOOD ENTERTAINMENT! 117 mm A hundred . . miles oi burning desejt... . A thousand ' ' painted . warring Indians... The last great : light lor - . , : the West! LAST i OFifHE W k V mm coto " Starring 1 Broderick CRAWFORD Barbara HALE JOHNNY STEWART IXO YD BltfDGES cotuMuncrni SNEAK PREVUE TNITE 8:30 P.M.! j-j Bozotflce Open 6:45 P.M. Ends Today! THE STAR" SNEAK PREVUE TONITE 8:30 P.M. pa Thi Year's Biggest Tl Z.V N Jfd f Bonann of Song-Hits! $ 0 , i , J 7 gpJ Men a v QfiD even Berrejt on Tire screen f. Ertel MERMAN Donald O'CONNOR VERA-ELLEN George SANDERS - Muiic and lyrtes by Inist BERLIN roim JUST IN IOV lOVf IV DAY TO0AY HOiTCSS WITH THt MOSTCS' ON 71 THltCSt THING tO WHAT CHANCE HAVf I V lOVf INTf HNATIONA1 DA SPECIAL ADDED ATTRACTION! TAKE AN EXCITING TRIP ON ERROL FLYNN'S PALATIAL YACHT! "CRUISE OF THE ZACA" IN THRILLING COLOR COLOR CARTOON AIRMAIL NEWS