Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 14, 1953, Page 18, Image 18

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Tuesday, April 14, 195S
Council to Keep Bye
So many applicant! for
building permit In Salem are
trying to "Jump the gun" In an
ticipation of changes to be
made In revision of the xonlng
code that an ordinance was en
acted by the eity council Mon
day night to put curb on
them. ' .
The ordinance, which was
Introduced, and then put on
second and third readings and
final passage on motion of Al
' derman Tom Armstrong, pro
vides that the council approve
building permits in certain
Ordinarily permits are
granted by the building de
partment of the city engineer's
office without other approval,
the department simply check'
lng carefully Into compliance
with building regulations
Buildings in the Capitol zone,
However, do have council ap
Among routine matters the
council gave the city engineer
' and the city manager power to
act on an application from the
Capital Baptist church for per
mission to connect to a city
sanitary sewer. The engineer
had recommended against 1'
because it requires an exten
slon of 900 feet, partially out
side the city limits, but an
amendment In the plan has
since been made.
Referred to the city man'
ager was a request from Con
solidated Supply company for
permission to build a loading
dock on city property" to ' fa-
eilitate rail car loading at the
company's property at Front
and Shipping streets.
A request from W. F. arid
Gladys Campbell for a setback
curb fronting property at 1429
Trade street was referred to
the planning and zoning commission.
'" Under a recent amendment
to the city charter whereby the
' eity can Improve a street re
gardless of petition from a ma
jority of the property If hazard
or convenience makes It neces
! sary, the city will go ahead
with the improvement of Taft
street between Madison and
the north terminus of Taft. All
property owners en the east
side of the street petitioned for
it, but Salem Linen Mills, on
the the other side, would not
Join In the petition, which gave
the petition only 30.62 per cent
of the assessable area. Thi
council instructed City Attor
ney Chris J. Kowitz to pro
ceed toward the improvement.
' Referred to the traffic saf
ety council was a petition to
. change the stop signs at Trade
end 21st streets. Traffic is now
stopped on 21st before enter
ing Trade. The petitioners
want that reversed.
To the city manager was re
ferred a petition from five
business firms on last . State
near 25th requesting two-hour
parking signs on both sides of
State between 23rd and 25th.
The council granted a re
quest from Salem Memorial
Hospital for waiver of the
city's fee for processing plans
for the hospital's new $300,000
wing. A similar concession had
been made Salem General Hos
pital relative to the new build'
lng now being erected.
Keterred to city manager
was a letter from Postmaster
Albert Gragg calling attention
to a dangerous condition along
blocks 2600 and 2700 of Port
land Road because of lack of
sidewalks or pedestrian walks.
The council adopted a report
of the traffic safety council
that parking be restricted at
all times to the north side of D
street between Summer and
Approved were recommen
dations for new crosswalks on
the. north side of Madison at
Capitol: at the south line of
Lana avenue at Capitol; at the
north side of Donald Way and
Capitol; and on motion of Al
derman David OUara the
north side of Highway avenue
was included. Also it was or
dered that all existing cross
walks In the area be repainted.
In response to a memorial
from the budget committee the
council instructed City Attor
ney Kowitz to prepare a reso
lution calling for appointment
of an interim committee to
study salaries and classifica
tion of positions of eity employes.-
A resolution for the im
provement of - Engle avenue
from Kingwood Drive to Mar
garet street was tabled for two
weeks out of consideration to
Justice and Mrs. James T.
Brand, who requested that
their names be withdrawn
from the petition. The with
drawal does not nullify the
petition. '
A resolution was adopted di
recting the city manager to in
stall parking meters wherever'
the eity considers it necessary
to restrict the time that ve
hicles may park. The resolu
tion is Important since it Is in
the plan of the budget commit
tee and is .expected to yield
added revenue in the next fis
cal year.
Ordinance bills callng for a
special city election and pro
posing special mlllage taxes
were all killed by indefinite
postponement, since the bud
get committee has decided the
budget can be balanced with
out them.
An ordinance was enacted
for the revision of driveway
regulations. It applies both to
commercial and private drive
ways, regulates the number
and with and seta up fees for
driveway permits.
Boys and Girls
Derby to Be
Televistag of lha beys and
girls ftshhg aerby Id Mill
Creek Saturday, April II,
and ether events connected
with It was a probability
today, atosrdlag te G. Ira
Moore, assistant te the man
ager of the Chamber of
Meer informed Wlllard
Taylor, who Is one of the
. leaders la the fishing derby
treat, that he had a letter
from John F. Ewing, who
represents Normandy Pro
ductions, Inc., of Los An
geles, Indicating he Intended
to be here to take television
shots of the event
Kwing wants to be here
Wednesday of this week to
get a television shot also of
the plsating of fish In the
stream from the Roaring
River hatchery, and also ex
pects to be here Saturday,
April ZJ to televise the
award el prizes won by the
boys and girls In the derby.
Swing Is not a stranger to
Salem. Several months ago
he took televisions of wild
ducks In Hill Creek and in
forms Moore the pictures are
about to be released.
African Terrorists
Kill 6 in 2 Attacks
Nairobi, Kenya, (U.F9 Mau
Mau terrorists last night kill
ed two native policemen In
side this capital city and, In
another bold raid, attacked a
platoon of British troops, kill
ing four white soldiers. The
attack Inside Nairobi was car
ried out by 12 of the Mau
Weyerhaeuser, CIO
Negotiations Recess
Portland, UPJ Prospects for
an early signing of a contract
between CIO woodworkers and
Weyerhaeuser Timber compa
ny were dim today.
Contract negotiations were
recessed Indefinitely late yes
terday, climaxing a deadlock
that had 'existed in talks for
more than a week.
The company stood firm on
its offer to renew the old con
tract, and the union held to its
trimmed own demands of a
90-cent daily wage boost and
other benefits..
Oregon Chest
Heavy Penalties for
Traffic Violations
Albany A fine of $500 lev
ied against Willard Andrew
Mathews at Lebanon for haul
ing unbranded logs highlighted
Linn county district court pro
ceedings, but a fine of $100
levied against Jack Lee Oster,
Salem, for ignoring a stop sign
was the more severe, since Os
ter had to pay all of his fine
while $495 of Mathews pen
alty was suspended. ,
Oster paid an additional 15
for using a suspended driver's
license and Mathews was as
sessed another $5 for failing
to halt at a railroad crossing.
The placement staff of the
U.S. bureau of Indian affairs
found Jobs in industry for
about 59,000 Indians in 1952.
4-H oh Defensive Before
Session of City Council
Four-H clubs as a city
sponsored and financially sup-
. ported movement were on the
defensive before the city coun
cil Monday night.
And their representatives
were reminded that some mem
bers of the city budget eom-
' mittee, which also is on the de
fensive against a baffling econ
omic situation, think 4-H clubs
should not be supported by di
rect appropriation from city
Pointed questions
It wasn't before the council
for a decision. That will be the
budget committee's job. It
came up on a request from the
Salem 4-H advisory council
asking time for a hearing,
which was granted; and also
eh a letter from Burton S. Hut
ton, state 4-H club leader.
Among those representing
the 4-H dubs were G. F. (Ted)
Chambers, spokesman for the
group, Hutton, James Bishop.
4-H director In Sslem, E. Burr
Miller, Gene Vandcneynde and
ethers. .
Alderman Dan Fry, who Is
chairman of the budget com
mittee, asked Chambers, in
Yiew of the "many, many oth
er" very necessary activities
the city has to appropriate
money for, how he would Jus
tify an appropriation for the
'Among other things Cham
bers stressed "saving youth."
"Well then," pursued Fry,
"why shouldn't we be called
upon to appropriate money for
the FFA, the YMCA, the
YWCA and the Salvation
The argument that followed
brought out. the defense that
some of the agenles mentioned
by Fry are supported by the
Community Chest.
Alderman Chester I. Chase
asked if any other city In Ore
gon appropriates city money!
for supoprt of the 4-H clubs
uurion answered that no
other city does. He said that
while 85 or go per cent of the
4-H activity is in the rural
areas it wasn't Intended orig
inally to be exclusively a rur
al movement. Also he said the
4-H does not attempt to sell
itself to a municipality, and
mat it came to Salem by invitation.
for this fiscal year 1953-
1854 the 4-H Is asking for
fa-tu, me same amount as
appropriated last year.
That phono number it . . j
I 3-3131 I
I . I
Cherry Cily
339 Chemeketa
hone 2-6762
VAN IrRlS 00.
889 No. Liberty
"Our reputation
your security"
Salem will be host to the
second annual Oregon Chest
institute Wednesday, with the
all-day session to be held at
the Senator Hotel.
Several National Chest peo
ple are to be here for the
event, stopping en route to
the National convention in
Riverside, Calif.
In the group will be Clar
ence C. Moore, director of
campaign and finance: Reg.
Kenney, associate director,
labor participation, AFL: Eli
Fox, public relations director,
united Defense Fund: James
S. Mitchell, associate director.
USO; Lawrence Johnson, west
ern regional director. USO.
San Francisco; and Paul Elliot.
labor participation, AFL, Se
Registration of the group
starts at 9 o clock in the morn
ing and C. C Moore is slated
for an address at 9:30 a.m.
Morning workshops start at
10:30 and include United fund
organization and operation;
Community Chest plans and
procedures; labor-management
plan Chest and United Funds
campaigns; budgeting, public
relations and year round pub
Speakers at the luncheon
will be C. C Moore, Dr. John
James, Paul Elliot, Eli Fox,
Jimei ft. Mftrli11 mnA
rrenca Johnson. '
Workshops will be held in
the afternoon, also, starting
at a o'clock and at 2:30 there
will be a general session with
IB-minute addresses by rep
resentatives from United Fund
campaign from Portland. Bend
ana coos Bay.:
Following the institute the
Oregon Chest will hold its an
nual meeting This is set for
8:30 p.m.
Lawrence, Robbins'
Cow Completes Test
Lawrence & Robbins, Route
1, Aurora, have a registered
Jersey cow that recently com
pleted a 305-day herd Improve
ment registry production rec
ord of 10,601 pounds of milk
containing 578 pounds butter
fat at the age of 8 years and 2
The official record was
made by Ramona . Volunteer
Blossom and her tests were su
pervised by Oregon State
college for The American. Jer
sey Cattle club, Jersey breed
registry organization located
at Columbus, Ohio.
The mature age of a Jersey
cow is reckoned to be 6 years.
This cow's production on a
twlce-daily-milklng, 305-d a y
mature equivalent basis would
be 10,919 pounds milk with
593 pounds butterat
The bird of paradise Is a
cousin of the crow.
Pilots to Begin
2-Week Cruise
Eleven pilots and five en
listed men from the organized
Naval Air Resrves squadron
AAU 892, which trains at the
Salem Naval Air Facility, will
start a two-week cruise here
Monday, April 20.
Part of the cruise will be
spent at the Naval Air Reserve
training unit Seattle,, and the
remainder of the time at the
Salem installation.
Commander of the squadron
is Cmdr. Clifford C. Burke of
Portland. Other pilots who
will be here for training in
clude Lt. Lloyd A. Griffith.
Lt. (j.g.) Leighton C. Falrbam
and Ens. Donald B. Bowers,
Kidney Slow-Down
May Bring
Restless Nights
Whin kidney function slows down, manr
folks complain of nstnrtaff Mekaeh, head
ache, distineu and tou of pop and enow.
Don t lutTer rtstleu nlnita with the dia.
comfort if reduced kidney function li .rot
ting you down due to such common causes
as stress and strain, over-exertion or expo
sure to cold. Minor bladder irritations due
to cold or wrong diet may cause retting: up
znsnu or irequenc paisaavs,
Don't neglect your kidneys if these condi
tions bother you. Trv Doui'a Pilla mllrt rii.
uretlc. It's atnailn how many times Doan's
live nappy reiiei irom utese discomforts
help the li miles of kidney tubes and flits rs
flush out waste. Ask for new, large, economy
sise and save money. Get Doan's Pills today) i
aU of Salem; Lt. (J.g ) Frank
A. Whlttemore, Jr., Eugene;
Lt. (J g) Daryl H. Sim of
Olympia; Lt. Arthur Howser,
West Linn; Cmdr. Robert T.
Aolaidlnger, Vancouver; and
Lt. Leonard T. Hayes, Lt.
Alexander McPherson and Lt.
Joseph H. Herrle of Portland.
Enlisted men coming on
cruise will be Rutherford R.
Scott, AN; Lee E. Nieswander,
AUOl, and James R. Hollis,
AN, Salem; Ralph A. Dlercks,
AA, Jefferson, . and Harold
Martin Sanders, AA, Portland.
Istanbul, Turkey, like Rome,
Italy, is built on seven hills
Cole Burglary
Foiled by Parrot
Abuquerque, N. M. WT
Mack foiled a burglary Sun
day. T P Wntann. who owns
Polly's home cooking restrau-
rant, says a window was
broken In an attempted burg
larly but nothing was taken, veiled "Wat. Wat."
his nickname for Watson, and
the burglar took on.
Mack a four-year-old red
headed Cuban parrot went
back to sleep.
Tt f I nam im,l to halo VOU
meet tans or for ny worthy purpote, Kt
MYES to . out 01 a wmvivjw -"
women, married or tingle. For a loan Bad
your way in a Mendiy, way, gat in touch
with ui today. Phone firit for a loan in one
viiit Come In today or wnie.
Need '
Loans up to $1500 on
Signature, Furniture, or Cai
v S tiniimai finance co. :
Ground Floor. Oregon Bldg., 105 S. HIGH ST., SALEM
Phone: 2-204 . Re E. Doyle, YES MANsier
. team ever $300 trade by rtrional Finance Co. of Morion County under y
Industrial lean Companies Act of Oregon,
turn met rwleiati tl til wtrw.l mm Suit Hiiro HB. am
I flOW.1
Loans up to $1500
Take up tt
24 months to ropey
Bean Acreage Wanted
On Stringless Pole
Better prices warrant planting, for
a good return this year. For com
plete information and our help in
setting up a yard, contact us at
once . . . Write or phone.
Hudson House, Inc.
(Dundee, Oregon)
R. A. Howell
Home Phone Sherwood 4345
Field Dept.
Office Newberg 64
Providing the world's most luxurious ride, the new Nash
Ambassador now effersMhe ultimate in performance
the world-famous Nash "Le Man" engine that topped
all American competition for two straight years at
Le Mans, France. Also optional are Dual-Range Hydra
Malic Drive and Nash Power Steering.
Pain Farina's crest
appears only on the
worlds pnest t
YES 9 Mash. Started It...
Completely new Nash Rambler Country Club,
world's finest compact car, now wears the proud
crest of Until Farina. Completely custom from
bumper to bumper, the Country Club, like the
Rambler Convertible gives you radio. Weather
Eye System even the continental rear tire mount
included In the standard price.
Pictured here are the can that brought the "Continental
look" to America to stay. Can so fresh and exciting
they've Inspired a whole new motoring trend. -
These are the Nash Airflytes for 1953 ... a complete
line of can styled by Pinin Farina . . . each and every
one a sparkling gem from the world's foremost custom
car designer. Each and every one featuring new
engineering advances exclusively Nash in performance,
in economy, in comfort and driving ease.
These aren't just "dream care" or "one-of-a-kind can".
They're being built and bought today in record numbere
by the most enthusiastic ownere you ever talked to I
Yes the newest of the new is at your Nash dealer's
now ready for you to see and drive. We want you to
drop in . . . take the keys and discover why there's
none so new as Nash for 19531 , "
Now all Nash Ramblers offer you Dual-Range
Hydra-MaticDriveasoptlonalextra. Thisdoubls
duty Station Wagon quickly converts from luxury
sedan to ready-to-work load carrier. The first
cars designed for today's traffic, the all new I93S
Ramblers now feature new engine performance
plus record economy.
Tmke thts Key and See ... You'll Find None so Now as
The Nosh Statesman series, like the
Nask Ambassador, has the widest seats
and greatest eye-level risibility ever built
Into an automobile. Both offer such
famous exclusive comfort features as
Airliner Reclining Seats, Twin Beds,
Weather Eye Conditioned Air System
,., and Nash Airflyte Construction.
CfMf Cm flora 1902
333 Center St.
Salem, Ore,
Attention Used Car Buyers!
Record-breaking sales of new Nash Airflytes W. giTe,
Nash dealers the 6nest selection of Select Uied Car trade,
ins they hive ever offered. Wide choice of makes and
models-priced to sell at once. Early birds get the biesett
bargains-so see your nearby Nsih dealer today.