Tuesday, April 14, 1955 WANTED SALESMAN THIS IS IT If you're between the um of II and K .nd have ft ood Mr, are maluns leaa this 1100 week, are Intorealed n a position with top national or ganisation whtra you never have to worry wain about unemployment, with wonderful promotional oppor tunity. Ton mliht ba the man we ara lookln. for. Drop In and aea Mr. bona. Senator Hotel, Tueaday, April 14th, I p.m. and 1:10 p.m. sharp. no1 ftALPM JOHNSON Pood Club baa open ing for permanent salssman. We train yon. Average commission la 1400 per month with the Tory good poui blllty of doubling that figure. Apply Mr. Robb, HI Center at. Immediately. eee ty99999999999999999994 WANTED- POSITIONS MOWERS SHARPENED at door. Make It run eaay. Phone 1-0314. hat BOTOVATOB work wanted. Vincent Kramer 2100 Lansing Ave. phone 23100. ; hill 47UST0M garden plowing and dUelng, Phone 43110. hoi kOTO-TIUIira with rotary hoe. Phone joiioreon osa. or gaiem l-eooj. hOl WILL CA1I FOB email child In home. Reliable person. Daya only. 4-IOO0. ' hOl' kOTO-TILLIB WOBK done by hour or Job. Phono 11140. 9000 N. Church. " h84 Boto-tiller work 44. how mim- mum. Phone 44401. hOl fcOTART TILLING Nsw 34' Howard Rotovator. IS per hr. Ph. 3-3537. hot PLOWING and dlielng. Phone 4-i44t. Ml CABPENTEat Cabinet work, home re modeling, free estimates. Call 3-0411, POWER howebs sharpened at door. Make It work right. Phono 1-0314. hoi SMALL CHILD care, south, nursery ex. perience. rnone 2-0403. h01 BOTOTILL1NO evenings, s a t ur d a y a, Sudays, Kelaer area. Phone 3-5189. hl0T rusria, stucco Anywhere, orna mental ana fancy work. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Solo 12F3I. hOO PLOWING DISCING IMMEDIATE SERVICE. Phone 1-1300. h00 DRESSMAKING and alterations, prices reaaonaDie. rnone 07004. TBEE WORK. Topping, trimming, re moving. Insured operator. John Payne. Ph. 3-owo. hlia- NEW lawns, Rotary hoeing. Free esti mates. Dnane Wolcott, Phone 3-8137. hut WANTED Mother with small baby wants light housekeeping Job ft days per wk. for working couple. Live In. Some wages. Write Mrs. Arthur Need faam. Box 400, Rt. 3, Canby, Ore. h88 BOTOVATING work wanted. Phone 3-3044. 1103 PLOWING AND discing with Farmal A. franc w. liens. Phone 31184. h93 Sew LAWNS prepared. Put In after May first. In the meantime plowing, discing, gardens. Acreage welcome. O. R. Smith. Phone 3-3100 evening; 3-7373 daytime. h03 CHILD CASE In my home, day or night. Kelaer district. Phone 41087. hop HOUSEWORK, child care, days, phone 2-0701. hOO too NEED your kitchen, bathroom, celling, walls and wlndowa washed made like new. 4-0134. h03 BOTOTILLIR WOBK wanted. Can after o o'clock. Phone 38081. h83 will DO IRONING in my homo, 1315 ciaggett. pnone 30378. MS' HINTING, Paper-hanging, free esti mate. Don Lucero. Phone I-SS33. hlOO LANDSCAPE maintenance, pruning. trimming, planting, fertttlxthg. ServJ ice center, pnont -3fi7J. moo i NEW LAWNS, complete, frea estimates. Phone 4-3041. hlOS Licensed and non-licensed practical nurses, or domestic. Call 3-5072. hOO1 43ABDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre- i paratlon. Plowing, discing, leveling, rototllllng. Service Center. Phone 43873. 1 hl03 LIGHT CRAWLER, dosing, dirt- level log, grading. Phone 2-3220. hl03' PAINTING. Free estimates. 30 yeara ax perience In Salem. Phone 3-7083. hoi CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Plowing, discing, seeding. Phone 3-3041, . flLLINQ WITH Rotary - hoe. Garden lawns. Phone 3-8M0, aaoo evergreen, j hl04- eww,,ieewei RADIO TV SERVICE 37 CHANNEL Q strips. Installed 810. or 35.00 for atrip, you Install, phone 4-5170 alter 0 p.m. ha90 TV ANTENNA Bonded and licensed specialist. Installed. S10 plus material. Call any time. Free estimates. Phone 4-3203. neiui- 999999999999999999999999i EDUCATION IF TOU LIKE TO DRAW, aketch or paint write for Talent Test (No fee). Give age and occupation. Box 33, Cap ital Journal. hh03 MEN AND WOMEN WknUd to train as motel mantwera. Preparatorr train Inf by home atuIy under our culdance, prior to entrance for residence training In Modern Mo tel. Must be mature, an 35 to 00. Placement service maintained for, benefit or graduates. For personal In terview, write statins telephone num ber, to Bos 48, Capital Journal. hh93 WANTED TO RENT CLEAN 3-bedroom house, by May 1. Ref erences. Write Box bt, Capital Journal. Ja91 S OB i-BEDRM. home, oil beat, on one Uo6t. Prefer Salem. References. Pay to M. Must ba clean, phone 3-6871. 1891 WORKING MOTHER and 6 year old daughter, need 3-bedroom house by or before April IS. Need only stove, re- ' frlgerator, washer. Phone 3-3770. Ja89 NEWER TYPE home, 3 bedrooms un furnished except for stove or refri gerator or both. No children or pets, call alter 1:18 p.m., 4-0814. Ja90 3-8 BEDROOMS house unfurnished, automatic heat, preferably McKlnley District, Klngwood Heights. By May - 33nd. 3-4609. Ja8 WORKING PEOPLE House for lease. 1180 N. com'l. Phone 3-1470. jaai FOR RENT " 2-STORY CONCRETE WAREHOUSE BUILDING with electrlo elevator, alley en. trance, beck of Hotel Salem, s good distributor headquartera. ESTATE FINANCE CO. 187 S. HIGH ST. . I' 'FOR RENT ROOMS , ens nini.il. kitch.n orlvlleeea, use on- 1 tire house. 148 No. winter. 3-4373 or I 3-1460. I'M' 'aOR ONE or two. Phone H335I 70 N. Church. " 1 CLEAN, WAIM eUtplne rooms. 1 In. 881 N. Hleh. Close ' NICE BLEEPING rooms, hot , ami cold ; water. 801 No. Hlsh. ) a MICE ROOM for gentlemena. Close In. . as n. winter, vau auer into' SLEEPING ROOMS, gltehen prlvlleees. 1 telerlslon, 180.80 per month. Phone ' 3-7810. 5?J RKW FURNITURE, comlorteble, close In oaraea available. 101 No. Church FOR RENT APARTMENTS BOOM apartment. te. Will furniah. Close la, oil M. High. j?.T. HO lttrBj,b apartment, tie .... ..-u. . Dtoroom, kitchen. " ht trio clothe dryer. All utllitlee paid. Ull Bdsowater. HIM, evenlna Inst. JPM esx.oo ruENlaHan .. n ... : - .- w "'"w. rqqoe s-OBSB. Jp.1 Furnished I and I room apartments. Si. J""' """ included. Phone 37310. jogs FBOhr rmsT FLOOR furnished t-room Jr. i . nenoix. private entrance. w . uonir. mono 1-1134 appoint ment. , "D 4 BOOMS, bath, near state 12; 1" u""ue except electricity. 180. Phone 3-7841. ippi BOOMS, bath, range, large new wln dows, fashionable area. I-1U7. Jp.1 TWO PARTLY FDUNlUHRn .....,. ... who eacn, Sox o, Capital Journal. jpej LEE APTS. Salem'a Moat Dlatin.uliih.il AriHr... Beautiful bachelor apartments with Pullman kitchens, at moderate reus. 1-bedroom gpts. from 1771 1-badroom "u' ""en arauaoio. call 4-1041. win ter at Union Sts. jp. I BOOM furnished apartment. Private entrance, private bath. Refrigerator, steam heat, to month. 840 Marlon, JPOl 1 LARGE, 1 email court apartment, furn. unea. close in. 20714. Jp01 LOVELY APSSTMRVr A. kl..w. """, ree aettina. gire- j.. wuuutus. i-ienty oi neat and hot water. Automatlo laundry. TV con nectlon. Adults, see at 131 Oak atreet. JPVU CLEAN, COMFORTABLE t-room aoart. ment. Ground Door. Only 138. Lady H.cwrcq. eto rerry Bt. Jp88' NICELY FURNISHED apartments; Am. """""" fti1". n no, cjummer. Jp" HJ.80 furnished s-room apartment. riiwiie t-ajo, jm UlVlSlOn. Jp88' S.ROOM AND 3-room nicely furnished panment. uau S8850. Ip89 LARGE, CLEAN, furnished apt. Utilities iimiinnca. rteasonaoie. 880 So. 10th, JP83 CLEAN FURNISHED apartment. Close uhiccm. rnone i-ssie. Jpoo 1-RF.nnnnM ....... . . "mmumrcu, court apars- .v. RlbJ, e,ue, rcinseraior, iv an tenna. 807 So. 13th. Ioso PRIVATE THREE-ROOM furnished court apartment, clean. Adults. 160. 3500 Portland Road. Jploi' SEVERAL furnished apirtmenti, food locution. Inqulr H. L. stiff Furniture, Phone 3-9185. jp FOR RENT HOUSES 4 BOOK unfurnished home. Close In, owu.ii ,uuuncrciaj. inquire eeo n. JmOl OLE AN 4 bedrooms, full basement, wired for range, Venetian blinds, 3 blocks from State St. 4-3408, jmOl ONE-BEDROOM COTTAGE CkM to ous and stores. Located north, lto per month. Phone 11031 or 30083 even ings. im0i 3 BEDROOMS, clean and neat, full baaa- ment, only 188 month. Call Rawlins nr as a-nei or a-4884. jnr t BEDROOM HOUSE, Electrlo heat. Un- lurnunoa. Adults, No pets. 133.80. Phone 34304. JmOl I BOOM HOUSE, electric range, elec- .(h neat, re mil out on etaiam-uallaa nianway. swx am pailaj Bead. JmSS1 NICE CLEAN one-bedroom unfurnished house. Attaohed garage. In new friendly neighborhood, 181. No pete. Mile east of 4 Corners. Key at 4078 otato. rnone ems. JmOl' 1-BEDBOOM Stova and refrigerator furnished. Newer, glean and neat, 100 per mcnui. mono a-itai or a-aoso. ' Jm UNFURNISHED t bedroom house. Eec- trie neat, wirea xor electrlo range. Attached garage. 149. Also trailer space In same court. 110. No pets. i iu uxiorq. raone 38885. JmOO1 LOVELY 1-BEDROOM court rental pletely furnished, tile bath, only 350 jrcr anau, rnone C-1761 or 3-4804. OFFICE FOR RENT ?B,i-E00M mr- ""' Oson Building. Phone 3-4114. o GROUND FLOOR office or etore apace for rent. Call at Fltts Market 1a LOST & FOUND LOST NEAR Liberty dlstrlot, blonde female dog, 8 monthe old. Answere to - uiar.- nan cneaapeke, half Cocker. Phone 3-3156. ggg. LOST, DIAMOND snaka ring, Saturday night. Reward. Phone Tom 3-1003 or 4-6276. goo. MISCELLANEOUS DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 2-HR. SERVICE IK MOST CASES DR. HARVEY SEMLER. DFTNTTirr Adolpb Bids., state & Commercial 6ti. PflbCM PH. 3-3311 m BEE-HIVE TRUCKS o-DRnns MOVE YOURSELF PICKUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION 810 COURT ST. PHONE 9-lflgl PAOE STEVENSON and AL UEPFORD BELHAY'S GOLDEN WINDSTORM at stuo. sho aiiverion Road, Salem. neasonaoie rates. mol1 SALEM SAND At QRAVEL COMPANY contract work Road Clearing - Ditching Sewer and Basement Equipment Rental Ditching by the Pool Phone Daye 3-0408 Evas. 3-4417 or 3-7413 Salem, Oregon m BUILDING MATERIALS Coast or Mpuntain Cedar Shingles No. 3s, 13 Inches clear, 18; No. 3, 8 Inches dear, 14. No eap wood or culls. Come and get them. Ted Muller, Salem-Independence Road. Ph. Salem 3-1106. ma LUMBER Complete mill stock common lumber. 100,000 ft. ehlpltp sheeting, 3x4 and wider. No. 3 and 4 grades. Price 636 per M delivered and up. Ted Muller. Phone Salem 2-116. ma93 REDUCED MOO PER DAY UNTIL SOLO 1 onlr Scott Attwater 10-H P. Outboard Motor. 3apeed ehllt automatlo atarter. Startln, price April nth, 1386.80 APRIL 15, $281.50 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front At Court St. Phone 3-0111 WK GIVE S. At H. OREEN STAMPS ae USED TUBS, 130; lavs.. 310;. sinks, 83.80. auto, a-ater heaters. 821.80; toilets, ' t20. Judson's, 370 N. Com'l. tnaOO LOOK AT THIS! plckeu, clear, drr cedar ...me oa. Weldteg touarea I8 II. Doora all kinds. rioorlng-PIr 18.00, Oak 134.M atored in heated room. Hardboard 1 30 aheet, Wallboard 1.40 Whether casr,, credit or montblv par nenl we are geared to handle Tour needs cheerlullr and economically, rrre dellverr. Open all dag aaturdar. Portlanrl Hoad Lumber Yard ISIS Portland Road Phone 4-4433 Salem, Owon, AUTOMOBILES $TOP LOOK $AVE 1951 NASH RAMBLER Convertible Sedan. Rado, heater, while aide wall Urea. $1395 . 1950 OLDSMOBILE Sedan. No slipping with Hrdramat- $1395 SHROCK MOTOR CO. WHERE CHEMEKETA GOES BUILDING MATERIALS KEITH BROWN SPECIALS and Closeouts 3x4 - r1 No. 4 common FOB yard , 117.50 M 1x8 . r1 1 No. ill aiding 10.00 U. 1x4 em CAtBtr. mg 100.00 If. Hxl - rl cedar siding ..,,,.18.00 M. 8000 110. HUH - r1 DSBtr. oval casg. ; 03 ft. 1000 Un. 14 At 1H lattice (stained) 03 ft. 380 Un. 1" moulded oaslnt DSiBtr .03 ft. isoo un. Kxitt rl D&Btr. BN3S .03 it. 800 lln. 8" downspout 00 ft. uoo ft. 3x8 - r1 DiiBtr. T&o KD 150.00 ' M. II pes. 40x01 . V reject ply..l5o aq .ft. 3 pea. 48x84 K" reject ply... lto tq. ft. CLOSEOUTS Work clothes, carpenter at painter overalls 38 off Plumglns At housewares 35 off Sea ua .before you buy power tools. We have on hand electrlo drills, Stanley At Miller Falls power saws, 3 shapers, I drill preas, bench grinders, 1 Delta Homecraft combination Jointer, saw At drill press, lawn mowers. Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front Court Street ' Phone 3-0111 WX GIVE SAB OREEN STAMPS ma Building? New weatheritrlpped windows, com' plstsly assembled, bundfedj in stock rtady to fo, l up. , Hew pletnrt windows ...SB.00 Msw doors a'8"x6'r' $5.60 9 -tab heason rooflnt .95 I-tab thlekbutt rooflnt $0.98 Cnpalnted cedar shakes $5.15 Reverse trap toilets, complet ,,.26.60 Kew 30"xl$" wash buln $17.50 Cast Iron bath tubs, complete ...$8D.60 Mew shower cabinets, complete. .$,00 500-ial. steel septic tanks $82.80 4" soil pipe .10 New electric water heater $6440 New steel carat doors $t)5.oo Asbestos siding $0.50 No, 3 cedar shingles ,,,..$5.00 No. I cedar ehiml 3,75 . New plasterboard x $1,40 Xxterlor white paint (sal.) ....$2.95 Hanoi any A birch plywood. ..bargain Water proof waU board, 4x8 ....1.75 C. G. LONG & SON Phone 4BW1. 1 ml. north of Kelser ma NURSERY STOCK CHOICE GLOXINEAS now blooming. Visitors welcome at 8alem'a African Violet headquarters. Fuchsia. Petunia, tomatoe At bedding plants. Oppen's oreenhouee, 4330 Auburn Rd. mbll4' HEDGE OR WINDBREAK Privet, laur el, camellias, conifers, boxwood, rn 33111. 3487 Hollywood Drive. mblOB For Sal MISCELLANEOUS BY OWNER Hospital bed. latest model with Simmons "Beautyrest" mattress and utensils, all In good condition, 897. Good RCA-Vlctor radio, 318. c. F. Ward, 3488 Walker St. 3-1078. n91 1 14-FOOT EXTENSION ladder. 1 8-It. 1 9-tt, stepladder, I bundles compo sition shinties. 1235 N. 6th. n91 CAB RADIO BARGAIN '51-'53 Chev. 1 plece custom pueh-buton, ONLY $69.96 Installed. Pay only $1.95 a week. Ra dios (or nearly all cars. NO money down) (on approved credit). Green Stamps, too! MASTER SERVICE STATIONS, 306 N. Com'l. n94 FREE Weitlnghouse sewing machines on all floor samples, save up to 40. YE ATE a APPLIANCE CO., 371 Che meketa. n PLASTI-KOTS requires lo waxing. For your floors or linoleum. TEATER AP PLIANCE CO., -76 chemeketa. n CEDAB TELEPHONE and electric poles, fence posts, bean poets and stakes. Phillips Bros., Rt, 6, Eox 493, 3 miles east of 4 corners. Ph. 4-3001. n USED WEBER Pountalnette with com pressor. Very good condition. 4 pumps, 4 syrup Jars, 2 draft arms. Phone 3-6900. ' n94 SINGER TREADLE drop-head sewing machine. Good sewing condition and guaranteed. From 119.96 up. Singer Sewing Center, 180 N. Com'l. nB9a ELECTRIC CONSOLE, walnut cabinet sewing machine, A-l condition end guaranteed, 639.90 up. Singer Sewing Center, 130 N. Com'l. n89 PBE-CAST REINFORCED light ft heavy concrete fence posts. OREGON ORAVKIt CO. 1405 N. Front St. - Ph. 3-3417 n90 REFRIOERATOR8, NEW and used. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 371 Che meketa. n DEEPFREEZE home treeters. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 378 Chemeketa. n HOSPITAL BED for sals or rent. R. L. Still Furniture Co. Phone 3-0188. n ORGANIC FERTILIZER. Free ol weed seeds, and odorless. Sack or bulk or ders delivered. Phone 3-8137. noi FERTILIZER Pulverised, rotted manure, delivered anywnere. 30774 or j-ooiz. nOI PERSONALLY DESIGNED hand - made quilt covere, for twin beds and double beds. Call for appointment. 8-8071. noi BOTPOINT RANGE, 840. See at 1033 Ruse alter 3. MI- NEW AND USED-Hoes and rakes, 80c to 11.08; hey forks, 11.35 up: shovels, 78o and up; poathole auger, 12,38; bedse ahears, 81.80; pipe fittings, 10c esch. Hsmmers, chisels, punches, auaer bits-, ehrap. Lawnmowera, 17.60 each. Boy's bike. 110. SNOOK'S BARGAIN CENTER 13S5 Eroadway. - Ph. 41788 n80 METAL FENCES Chain link or ornamental types, residential and Industrial. No Job too large or too small. Material onlr or Job complete. Free estimates. BORKMAN LBR. & HDWE. CO. S460 Btats street Ph. 1-1701 TOP SOIL River silt and fill dirt, prompt dell-err. Phone 3-1749. n Mcculloch chain haws, oi Edge water. West Salem. Salem Logging Sup ply. Ph. 4-1541. STEEL elotheiltne posts, planters, rati tag porob columns, furnltura. 1146 It. Liberty. Bill 165 ea BULOVA wrist watch, 31 jewels, llthtlr shopworn, cloieout price 639.75, Hartman Bros. 399 state, nw M ALLOWED (or your old water heater on this new 43-gallon automatic elec tric water heater. Teater Appliance. 376 Chemeketa. Ph. j-uu. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon AUTOMOBILES 1949 HUDSON SUPER Sen. Two-tons paint. A w Odder rl family car. $1195 1948 DODGE SEDAN Ktv pfttet, n4 iwt took. onljr $695 TO CHURCH IN SALEM For Sale MISCELLANEOUS ' FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, aompoeta, tho game quality aa last year, fel home and garden. Flasetoaea, red Ian atone and other types for walls at gardens. Rus tic cedar fencing sad Inula won. FhUUna Bros., lit. 8. an all. Salem Ph. 4-3081. . USED washing machines. 18.01 ana UP. YEATIH APPLIANCE CO., 371 Che- SALXal DIESEL Roller and baU bearlnaa toy trucks and tractora. 1771 Sllterton Hoad. Gravel and Sand Anything In graveL wholesale ' and retail. VALLEY SAND a OPtVEL CO. Ph. 1-4003. Wonted MISCELLANEOUS WOODBI WANTS Pianos. Phong 1-1110. ELECTRIC RANGES, woodry'a. Ph. 3-8110. LOGS WANTED Stud Mill. Lengths 1 4" or It Diameter 1" to 11". Sawmill. Livltha 13' and longer. Diameter V to M". Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Phone 1118 na 9999999 '99999999 '999909999999 EXCHANGE MISC. WANTED TO exchange atandard also electrlo range for an apartment else 3-6380. nnss PERSONAL HUSBANDS! WIVE8I Oct Fop, Vlmi feel younger. Try OSTREX TONIC TAB LETS today. 11.10 alee only 08c. In Salem at Payless; also druggists ev erywhere. Pel1 ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Group No. 1, 3088 N. Commercial. Ph. 3-0410 or 3-4837. PS1 AUTOMOBILES 31 PLYMOUTH 4 dOOr, 1101. Phone ql 4-8813. 3320 Abrams Ave. 1841 PORD 3-door Sedan. Radio and heater. Only 1381, MoOALL's, 1307 state. an' 1010 studebakeb Convertible. White walls, ovsrdrlve, xadlo, heater. -Call 3-8401. 081 1016 FORD 3-door Sedan. Radio, heater. new aeat eovera ano in A-l meehan leal condition, not. MoCALL'S, 1307 state. 0,1' WANTED 1018 to '48 Convert. Bava 1848 Ply. Club Coup, to trade, call 41808 alter :ao. cl 1047 CHEVROLET Coupe. Recently had . new motor, new saint, vary clean in. tenor. 8608. McC ALL'S, 1317 state, ,01" Havb 3 CARS Must sell 11 atudebakar cnamp. 3-door da luxe. Low mileage. rnone eeu, silvertos. o. W, Hall. 003 1047 KAISER 4-door Sedan. Radio and neater. Has been very well cared for. This Is a fine automobile for only govs. MCCALb'S, 1207 State. q01' 1947 CHAMPION STUDEBAKEB 4-door sedan, equipped with overdrive, radio, heater, new seat covers. Motor has recently been reconditioned. Mew brakee. bH6. McC ALL' 6, i-97 Atate, ql AUTOMOBILES SO OLDS. SS de luxe 4-door sedan. Ra dio, heater, windshield washers, Hy dramatlc, top shape, 1670. Pihone 4-1764 after 6. q60 85 PONTIAC Convertible. Good condi tion, rnoue j-9565. 6730 Bell Road. q89 1U11 PLY. club Coupe. Heater, 1150. vst? rerry at. Befors I p.m. or after S P.m. ma MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 19BI TRIUMPH Thunderblrd. Very good cuiiuiuon. rnone a-vvno altar 9. qaVl AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOR TROUBLIT Taller Motor co. experts will solve your prob lems and savs yon money. Frea ostl mates. speedy service. Center t Lib erty, oc FARM EQUIPMENT Close-Out 2 Row crop Oliver 60 Tractors $1195 eacn 1 14" 2-bottom plow ...S210 2 10x24 tractor tires. $65 each 2 22A Oliver mowers. $325 ea. Nestucca Lumber Co. Cloverdale, Oregon Phone Cloverdale 271 cjbBO' 9999999999999999 BOATS 12 FOOT MARINE plywood boat and trailer. 731 Rosemont. Phone 66830. qq90 FINANCIAL 5 Interest If yon have Idle fundi sseklng In vestment, then you ara the type of pereon to whom we can be of aervlce. Por over Tweatr-flve Yeara era have been helping people In tbla eommnnlty find profitable work for their money. Purine thle period we have promptly paid 80 eeral-annoal Intereet payment, totalling many Thouasnds of Dollsrs. We ere correnUy paying 1 INTEREST on funde from 6800 to 18000. General Finance Corporation 136 B COMMERCIAL BT. Salem, Oregon Phono 1-1101 It US FOR FA KM, CITY OB ACRIAOI LOANS BEST OF TERMS WE BUY Real estate mortgagee ee eontraeto State Finance Co. 117 SO. High St. Fh. 1-4111 MONEY PROBLEMS? Let us take the "Ifi" out ot your money problems. Up to 8100 on small loans. Up to 1500 on auto loans. STATE FINANCE CO. 8-316 M-333 Phone 341 167 B. Hlsh 0t. r84 Lie. 8131 and M-136 and ROY R. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear 'Top Trades" 13:09 Dally KSLM 1390 Ko. GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 136 So. Commercial St. TeL J-tlM FINANCIAL " - AUTO LOAN, WILLAM1JTT1 CRKDIT CO. ; 111 eVMth Chureh Parking a-plenty Ph. 3-1U7 Lie. No. M-lte. S-1M LOANS UP TO $1500 an signature. Furnltura, Car AT PERSONAL Its "yea" promptly I employed men or woman. 1-rlslt loan . . . Phone tint. You aalact beat payment date. 0 Between payday loans. Phono, write or come In TODAY! ' Personal Finance Co. 101 8. HIOH ST, SALDI lata License Nos. 8-123. U-ltt Loans over 8800 VP to 11800 and op to 30 month, to repay made by poreonal finance Co, of Marlon county under the Industrial Loan Companies Aet of Oregon. rlOS- TO BORROW 84M4, first mortgage on 810.000 building In Monmouth. 1 atralaht interact eeml-annually. Box 18, Capital Journal. no ' PRIVATE MONEY . Special Ratea and Terms ' -On Larger Loane Long and Short Tim. ' Payments i ROY H. SIMMONS 131 to. Commercial St. Ph. 3-31(1 HEAVY EQUIPMENT D7 CATERPILLAR 110.800. 3.800 hours. with drum and doaer. Puny equipped for logging, new tracks, good shape. Cecil Mayas, phone Albany 3-708.14. TRAILERS 1' 7' UTILITY TRAILER with hitch, . tarp. and spare wheel,. 180. 1331 8. 10th. 101 8-WHEEL TRAILER New bed, well oon etructea. , soeo n. uoerty. . , i,i HOUSE TRAILERS NEW 1081 Trailer House, 14 foot, used only o weexs. isso wo. gain. tas- MACHINERY WISCONSIN gas engine with clutch, ttt-h-p. Oliver walking plow. Both new. 3081) N. 9th. v9 TRANSPORTATION GOING TO caUIornla April 14th or 16th. Will take a 3 wheel trailer or truck for use. Ph. 36806. X00 DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All makes used machlnai told, rented, repaired. Roen. 4S6 Court. Ph. 3-8773. BULLDOZINO Bulldosins road, clearing teeth. VlrtU Huskey, 1010 Fair view. Ph. a-3140 09fl BUILDING MATERIAL O. w. KLANG Wrecking Co. Bullderi cheap euppllea. 3-136J eTenlnn. oil CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA cash rttlateri. All makei. sold, ranted, re paired, itoen. mb court. Pa. 3-I77J. CUSTOM FARM WOBK Plowing, dlaclnf, seeding. Ford equip ment, ifarihati, iZIl Market. Phone 9-1SU. olOfl DBESBMAKING AJteratloni, hemstltohlng, .hattonsi buokles oovered, .buttonholes. Mrs. H M. AUender, 3-9911. olM' DBIVING INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Easy Drive" way. Call or see Mr. anelllnf, Valley Mo tor Co., Salem. Phone 1-3141 or 4-2074, EXCAVATING 3en OUtn ft Bona. Excavating, trad ing, land clearing. Phone 3-3080. oll3 FURNITURE BE FINISHING Furniture reflnishlng. repaired. Ed gar Brock, 664 Norway St. Phone 3-B307. 090 INSULATION Insulation, weatherstrips, aluminum screen. Frea estimates. T, Pullman, Ph. 1-5965. 0113 MATTRESSES Capitol Bedding, renovates. Pull line new mattresses. Ph. 3-4066. o OFFICE FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files, flllns supplies, safes, duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, type writer stands. Roen, 456 Court. o SHARPENING AND REPAIR SERVICE Obert's Sharpening and Repair Serv ice. Lawnmowera, knives, shears, bi cycles and small motors, ph. 24618 or 43165. 18th and "D" fits. oll4 SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septlo Service. Tanks cleaned. D'rooter cleans sewers, drains, Phone 1-6468. ollO Hamel'a septlo tanks service. Guaranteed 1-7404. cleaned, line work. Phone Sewer, septlo tanks, drains cleaned. Ro-to-Rooter sewer Service. Phono 35337. o L, W. Caudle, spraying and pruning. Phone 4-1461. olOS TYPEWRITERS - Smith, Corona, Remlnyton, Royal. Un derwood portables. All makes used machines. Repairs k rent, Roen. 456 Court, o" TELEVISION x TV Ssles, Service, Antenna. 1870 Lana Ave. Phone 4-5933. oBl VENETIAN BLIND LAUNfRT Canfleld's Laundry. Repairs. Reflnlsh lng. 1440 S. 13tb. Ph. 4-6402. Pick-up. Delivery. oOO WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor waxing, housecleanlni. Phone 3-3337. 147 Court. o LEGALS NOTICE NOTICK IS HEREBY QIVKN that El len A. Fisher and Jane Pisher Harvey have filed an application and petition for the issuance of letters oi administra tion with the will annexed of the estate of A.SA FlflHER, a person presumed to be dead on account of not havini been heard from In seven years or more; that such application allege that last known place of residence oi the said Asa risner was Salem. Marlon County, Ores on; that Asa Pisher left property in the State of Oregon subject to probate; that Jane Pisher Harvey is all and tne only heir at law of An Pisher, and that letters of admlntstrstlon of the estate of Asa Pisher should Issue to Jans Pisher Harvey. Notice Is further tlven that on the 18th day of June, IKS at 1:30 p.m. at the Circuit Court of the State of Oreton for the County of Merlon, Probsts De part, the court will hear evidence con cernins the allesed absence ot the pre sumed deceased and the circumstances and duration thereof. This notke is be nr pub Hhed under an order of the Honorable Judie Rex Klmmell, circuit Judse. and in accord ance with Section 10-1401 O. C. L. A. DATED this 13th day of April, 1059. ELLEN A. FISHER and JANE FIR H EH HARVEY R ho ten, Rhoten & Spcerstra Pioneer Trust Bulldlns Salem, Oreton Attorneys for Petitioners April 14, SI. as. May a. 1953. LODGE SALEM LODGE No. 4, A.F. & A.M., Wed., April 15. Pot Luck Dinner, 6:30, P. C. degree 7:30 p.m. 00 Pertlanel lastslde Market Portland u Cauliflower sold for 19.41-9 7s a erste todsy on the Portland Kastslde Farmers Wholesale Produce msrket. Very little else was offered and prices were nominal. nn wholeisle row, Willamette valley rhubirb brought ll.36-t.3ft a 18-lb. box. California asparagus waa $-s.3s 10-lb. pyramid for large sue spears. Board For Marketing Portland WV-The U. S. De partment of Agriculture Mon day announced these appoint ments to the Filbert Control Board which administers the federal marketing agreement in Oregon and Washington: Co-op handlers, John E. Trunk, member, Robert Mel den, alternate, both Portland; Independent handlers, Sam N. Peterson, Portland, and Ralph E. Dugdale, Cornelius, mem bers; Francis T. Rowell and Harry T. Larsen, both Port land, alternates; co-op growers, Harold Quick, Chehalls, mem ber; Frank E. Way, Salem, al ternate; Independent growers, M. H. Tillman, Portland, and John F. Wilkens, Huber, mem bers; Fred Patton, McMInn vllle, and Ben Forbes, New berg, alternates. MAR K E T QUOTATIONS PORTLAND PRODUCE LIST Botttrfftt Tentative, subject to Im mediate change: Premium quality, maxi mum 35 of one per cent acidity de livered in Portland 68-710 Ib.i first ouai' Uy 66'60ct second quality, 63-66c. Valley routes and country points, I cents less. Batter Wholesale r.o.b. bulk cubes to wholesales grade AA 91 score. . 66ci A sr&da fiS score. 64ci B. 00 score. 0301 C, 89 score. 62o. Above prices strictly nominal. ' Checs Selling price to Portland wholeaalere. Oregon singles 43-4c; Oregon ft lb. lost, 49M-61Va; tripieu, lHo less than singles. Ecss to Wbollsalera Cendfd asgs containing no loss, eases Included Lob. Portland, A grade lane, 68W67Het A grade medium, 66ti-ft9Vfcet B gradt largo, sm-524c. Psrtlanit Dairy Market Butter Pries vo retahan: Orade AA print, 71oi A carton, 73c i A prints, 71ei carton. 73c; B prints, 68o. Ei es to mailers, uraae aa israe, 63c; A large, 6S-60ot AA medium, 60ci A medium, SBc; A small, nominal. Car tons, 3d additional. ' cneesa rr ot wo waiters, roruana. Oregon singles, 46H-MCI 5-lb. loaves, 63-53Aoi triplets, mo leu than sin gles. Premium brands, singles, MVief loaf. BOUc, Processes American cneesa. fi-lb. loaves to retail, 45 H -44 Vic lb. Poultry Live - tjnieaens two, quality, i.o.d. plants.) Prysrs, lVi-3 lbs., lie) 6-4 itu aifli roastars. 4K lbs., and ftvar. Sic; heavy hens, all weight, 24-3601 light hens, all weights, ll-uci om roasters, 16-180. Dressed Chickens Fryers, iy.-3 ids. 43-46CI roasters. 43-44ot light hens, 31 32c; heavy hens, St-37ei out up fryers, aU welahts. 43-44o. Rabbits Average M growers: uve whites, 4-1 lbs., 15-2701 1-6 lbs., SS-26o lb., old doss, 10 -14o I few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers 61-6K; out up, fl6-6Bc. Cannlr Klllad Meats ' VestTop quality, 36-434 u. rousn hftuvlks. 95.33c. siess -mo oiocsera, jvmvi wwi, uim M.ais. . Ltnhi. Ton arada ipriniers. -; otner graaes, nocoroing w quaiivr. Matua Best awes ana wswsrs. sa iga lb. BeafDtiuty cows, ae-aoo id.i oaontr- cuttere, 92-240, shsiu down to aie. IfMh DtMMi HHU Wholesalers to retauarsi vouaxs par ett Bef . BUara. aholca 600-700 lbs 17.00-40.00; good, 16.00-39.00; commercial 13.00-37.00: UtUlty, Sl.IW-3t.iw; cows, commercial, 30.00-33.00; utility, 27.O0' 31.00; cennera-outteri, 95.00-39.00. Beef Cuts (Choice steers). Bind quarters, 46.00-60.00i rounds, 46.00-61.00, full loins, trimmed, 61.00-71.00; tri angles, 10.00-21.00; fore-quarters, 11.00. 35.00; chucks, J7.oo-ei.oo; rios. e-iw 63.00. Veal uooa-cooics, hs-ds.boi ovmmwr- clsl. 637-48. calves oooa-cnojce, ta-oa.ooi com mercial, 637-48. ... Lambs prime sprinfsrs, ao-eo ids 143-451 good, 940-44. Motion oooa cnoice, mi-nv. Pork Cats Loin i, NO. 1, 8-12 lbs., 660- 65; shoulders, 16 lbs., 626:39; sparerlbs, ssH.n: rresn nams. 10-ia ids., vdo-bv. milked Hams flkinnec. sot-bs.bo. Re fined lard in drums, iii.oo-tti siao oao on, 846-56.60. Portland Mlseellaneoas Celery Cel. flat crate, 6-3 Mi ooa., 83.25-4.26. Few to 14.60. Ore., 62.11 82.50. unions H ID. saoEl wess uresoa to lows, medium, 2-in. mln., No. Is, 9.25 3.60; 3-lncb, 64.60; No. 2s, $2.50-1.76; boilers. 10 lb. sacks. 45-47c; Idaho yellows, large, 14.60-6.00 Mo. I, white, large, 4.75-5.00. Potatoes ore. -wain, kuimu no. i, 64.50-5.25. name brands to 86.50; bakers, 6.00-50; 25 lbs. sise A. 1.40-55; 10 lb. mesh, 58-63CI paper, 60-65c; No. 3, 60 lbs., 1.50-66; Idaho Russets, No. 1A, 6.75-8.00: 6-10 lb. bales, 3.30-60. Hav u. b. no. i green wiaua, de livered car lots f.o.b. Portland, nominal ly 835.00 ton; Seattle, $36. Wool Grease basis. Willamette val ley medium, 50-63e lb.t Eastern Oregon fine and half-blood, 65-63e. Hides Ca ves. 19-2lo lb. according to weithta; green klpe, 17-lflc; bulls. 4-6c; green butcher eow bides, 7-9e. t (inerte wnoiesaie seiung prico no. a lane Baroelonas. 24-260 lb. I grower prices, orchard run, 14-18o lb. Wain els wnoiesaie seiung price, iirs quality large Pranquettes, 33-330 lb.; grower price, orchard run 16-ied lb few best to lc. SALEM MARKETS Compile, frosa rererte el lalem dealers .far Ibe aaloanee at vapisai aaarnas readers. (Be.Ueel l.llr.) Eetall Feed Frleeei Babbit rellete ll.u 110- u. naai. l4.oo-o.40 (100-lb. baa). Kit Masn ee.su-s.iu. U.lrr Feed - 13.S1-I.0I (M lb. bat), 14 Ci-S 15 UOO Kl.p. panitr Bnyin. Frleee Colored friers. 11c; old roosters, lie; colored fowl, loo; leshorn fowl. 3Ml roaetera. s.e. Sees: ... Burlnt Prleee UBS, AA, eaci isree a, 47-00ci medium A A, 40c; meaium A, 44-OOc; small, 40c. Wkeleeala rrleaa lea wholesale prices isneraur t-Ta biihar tban lha prleee above. Laraa sraoe A .eDeraiir auuiw at 01c: medium, 80c. Botiariai 'Buyina pncei rremium, iu- 71c; No. 1, 17-OOc: No. 1, 01c. Belter wnoieeiie araoa a paronmani. 71c lb.i tetall. ttc. Cbleaaa Onlnne Ghicaso oia Buppllea moderate, de mand fair, market about ateadr. Track eales 100 lbs, I; U. S. 1 un less otherwlee atatad; Taiea Yellow Ber- udaa 2 to l-lncti 9 cara i.to, approai ate u oer cent U. S. 1 showlni sllaht decay car 1.20; Oraoo l-lncb and terser esrs l.SS-1.00. 3 to l-IDrlt no orade specified but lair to lenerallr lood oar l.ao. street aalH too ibs.i: idano anei ore- aon Bpenlsh 3-Inch and laraer 1.00; U. B. medium renew oiouee .n-.io, few .151 Texe. Yellow Bermudas and Oranex 1-lnch and laner l.eO-1.71, 2 to l-lncb 1.40-1.10, tew hlsh aa 1.76 1.00, aom. amallar l.lli Greno 1-lrtch and laraer 1.00-1.11. 1 to 1-Inch few 1.00; Yellow Boilers lew lit; Crystal Whit. Waa 1 to 1-Inch l.lt-l.M. few smaller l.0-J.M; Meilco Crystal White was l to l-lncn few s.oo-l.le. Chleaco Orala Chlcaso teV-aorbeans showed a few flashta of strenseh on the board ot trade Tueaday but the rut of the mar. ket aold oft at tho .tart .Ml never made . recovery. Wheat waa the weakest awreu tfeepiu export ealaa to Mexico, Th. bread .rain continued under preeaure Induced by rtlday'a boost in the oovernment'e win ter wheat crop forecast, plus prospect of moisture In both th. winter and r andij eprlno wheat terrltorlaa. Wheal Oloeed town, liar STOCKS Bt The Aiaoetatod tfreaai Admiral Corporation S7t Allied Chemical , 10 AUle Chklmeri M S3 American Airlines 13 American Power I4fb,. ........... a American Tel Tel American Tobacco ... Anaconda Copper ...., Atchison Railroad 71 11 81H 'ait ...... 1H M OS 8 ...... iota 88 H U 10H 11 -1 ...... 8 J 14 81 Bethlehem ateel Boeing Airplane Co, ..,, Borg Warner Burrows Adding Machli California Packing Canadian psciiw , Oater pillar Tractor ; Ceianese corporation ...... Chrysler Corporation ...... Cities Service , Consolidated Edison .. Consolidated Vulteg Crown Leueroacn CurUss Wrlsht Douilas Aircraft Du Pont de Nsmours Eastman Kodak .... Vi HH ...... WH 65 Emerson Radio Oeneral Electrlo . General Foods Oeneral Motors Oeorsla Pac. Plywood ' Goodyear Tire ......,. 10 ,. 11H 40' 301e Homestake Mining Co. International Harvester' International Paper . 61. Johns Manvllls .... 088 Kennecott Copper Ubby McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loewes Incorporated .. Long Bell ,! ...... 1H ...... 10 ...... 1SV. 11 M 13H IK , 71H ...... 11H , .31 , USVt , 8U , 18 , 33 H ...... IS 31 , 11 11 48H ....... el tOK 38 H ....... (7 17 Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator ...,..' New York Central ,... Northern Pad! to PacKlo American Fteh Paclfle C at Electrlo Pacific Tel Tel Packard Motor Car Penney, J. C. ....,.i Pennsylvania R. R ..."' Pepsi Cola Co. Phllco Radio Radio Corporation .'' Rayonler Incorp , Rayonier Incorp. Pfd. . Republlo Steel ." Reynolds Metals Richfield Oil Aaleway stores Inc. .' Scolt Paper' Co .. Sears, Roebuck A Co. ; 8ocony-Vacuum Oil 3V. ....... 5M southern Pacific ,,..." Standard Oil Calif, .. Standard Oil N.J. Studebaker Corp. ....... 03 ....... 10H 3! sunshine Mining .t..v"' Swift tfs Company ,... Transamerlca Corp. .m Twentieth Century Fov Union Oil Company . 17 ....... 31(4 17V, 40U union Pacifio , United Airlines United Aircraft .,.... ..1014 ....... 3 United Corporation , IV. United States Plywood-.. United States Steel Warner Pictures Western Union Tel ....... 30V. lltt ....... 18 41 Wastinihouso Air BrtlCi Westlnihouse Electrlo ........ 104 4tV Woolworth at Florence Catterlln Irwin, employe of the Oregon . Ute tax commission xor. SO yean prior to her retirement, died at a local hospital Sunday after being In 1U health for three years. . The daughter of Solomon B. and Adeline Braa&tield Catter lln, Mrs. Irwin was born, in Iowa March 9, 1869, and at young girl moved to Salem with her parents. Her father was In the real estate business here and Catterlln street, east of Center street, is named for him. Educated in the Salem schools and graduated from the schools here, Mrs. Irwin taught school in Salem for a number of years before going to' the state tax commission. She was married in 1896 to George Ir win, who died many years ago, Mrs. Irwin was a member of the Episcopal church and of St. Agnes Guild ot that church. Survivors include her brother, Frank Catterlin and sister-in-law, Hazel Catterlln, both of Oakland; and three nephews, Conrad Caterlin of Oakland, Calif., Raphael Cat terlin of San Francisco, and Merlin Catterlin of Gardiner, Oregon. Services will be held at the W. T. Rlgdon chapel Wednes day. April IS, at 1:30 p.m. with Rev. George H. Swift of f lcating. Interment is to be in IOOF cemetery. ... ... , HIGHWAY CONTBACT LET ! A $216,616 contract for wi dening and paving 7.83 miles of the Noble Slough-Foster sec tion of the Santlam Highway west and east of Sweet Home was awarded by the Highway Commission Monday, The contract went to War ren Northwest, Portland. at. m u.v lower. May 11JIK-U. oats S-S lower, Hay 74-V., rye ltt- 1K hlsher, May ll.os, aoyneana re ly, lower, Mar ll.oole-tt, and lard 3 1 cents a hundred pounce manor, May 110.01. Chlrata Ltveeteek chieaeo uncatue receipt, were comparatively llsht Tueaday and prices on 1,000 aaiabla held mostly steady to silently hlshsr. BleuaMer ateera and veerllnee were mostly steady In a alow market. Some yearllnca war. etroni. Hellers were ateaay to n cent, nian- er and other cattle classes were mostly steady. Load lota to hleh choice and prime eteere weisnins i.sbo pounds .no below brouiht Ul.ao to ut.eo per Bun. dred pounds. Hoea wiui ..ooo aaiabla wer. eiow ana uneven, with prices down 10 to 10 cents butchers. Welshta around 300 pounds and hsavler were down 31 to so cents, sowe were oir luuy m cents, The early top wee I11.7S. fllaushter lambs, eatable 1.000, Were steady to Strom, with the top up 30 cents at 134.00. Portion, drain Portland 0P Coarse .ralna unquoted. Wheat (bid) to arrive market, -basis No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 3.41; Soft White (excludln. Rex) 3.41 White Club 3.41. Hard Red Winter! Ordinary 3.41: 10 per cent 3.421 11 per cent 3.43i 13 Bar cent 3.42. P.rtl.nl Uveeleek Portland ojJo Cattle: 100: fed steers. oalves active, eteady; cholc 741 lb, fad ateera 23.10i choice 1100 Ibe. 21.31; com- merclal-aood steers 10-33.101 utility 10- li.so; aood neuera 30-311 utility-com mercial heltere 11-101 Conner-cutter oowa 10-111 commerelal California iraae- ea late Monday 17; otllltr-oommoretal bulls U.BO-ll, Ceives: 10; tood-eholc vealers aaiabla Mil. Hoeai 3001 active, steady; choice I, I butchero 110-311 lbs. ll.M-Ki aholca I, I butshera 740 iba. Mi aowa aaiabla lo ll, so. Sheep: 100; aood-eholee wooled lambs sslable 10-21: top Mondey 31.10 for ohotoe It-lb. fed wools, laaaai choice owes salable V down. Former State Employe Dies Ptjrt IT Mid Willamette Obituaries Charles R. Russell ' Albany--Charlei K. Russell, 88, died at hii home at 118 West Third avenue Saturday after a long Illness, and will be buried in Willamette Memo-' rial park Tueiday, following ervices to be conducted at the Fisher funeral home. : ; ' ' :. Mr. RusseU waa born at Mar ion and had spent aU of hit life in Oregon, living at Mar ion and Eugene before coming to Albany 11 years ago. Mr. Ruisell and Bertha M. Gentry were married Septem ber 25, 1902, at Salem. . She survive- as do two sons, Delta G., Mitchell, Ore., and R. Edgar RusseU, Eugene; four brothers, J. Ben, Glide, S. El mer, Fall Creek, Hugh L., Sa lem, and Hal E. Russell, Mar ion, and four granddaughters. Basil Stupfel St. PaulFuneral services for Basil P. Stupfel, aged 71, who died April 12 in a Port land hospital, will be held at :30 a.m. Wednesday ,. April 15. at the St'. Paul Catholic church. Burial will be in the St. Paul Catholic cemetery. Recitation of the rosary at 8 .ra. Tuesday in the St. Paul church. Born November 1, 1881, at New Wcstport, Wis.,,fhe son of Mrs. and Mrs. George Stup fel, he married Miss Mary Kemmerlck at Mt. Angel, Jan uary 13, 1914. . He had resided in the St. Paul district for 38 ; years as a farmer, Survivors include tne wid ow, a son, Nor pert Stupfel ot St. Paul; daughters, Mrs. Mar cella Zielinski, St. Paul; Mrs. Marnaret Fromherz,. YaKlma, Wash.; Mrs.. Anna Mae Van Keulen, Yakima; Mrs. Dorothy Duyck, Roy, Ore.; Mrs. Bea trice Peters. Gales Creek, Ore., and IS grandchildren. Services will be under tn direction ot the Unger luneiil home, Mt AngeL . ; ,, , i DEATHS S. tany Baa. si. Paras Bos.. .1 aiiverion April 11. survived by wife, lira. Undine Saiaa Boss, fluvertont inree eons, o. raray Rose, n, Cubyi 1st M. Hell Bow, Ko- . real let U. Wan. Rosa, Panama; three trandohlVdran, a. Parsy Rose, mi Be- becoa 10 atoa.; ana atwvea emju mwm. all ox canbyi outer, sera, siaxan stem Rutherford, Oolden, Call!.; brother, A. If. Roaa, Lon. Beach, Calif. Announce ment ox arvtca. inter bt vuau i. uer sn Co. In lion of Dowers, contribution. to auvorton rtaa oroam ib mt. waray lloora, auvortoB... Minnie U A. BamehU .' ; Mrs. Minnie L. A.- Bouehut, at the residence. . Turner Bout. 3. Bos , AprU 11. eurvlred by husband, Bat; Bouchlav Turner; daothtere. Mra. Raaal Teste, Salami Mrs. Eslen scholium. Turner, and Mrs. Marjorle Cass, Asar, a.D.t Jons, Forest Bouohla, Turner Claud. Bouchla. Lont Beach, Calif., and nilott Bouohla, Aiar, e.D.i asitera, Mra. Maria Harmon. OorvallU; Mrs. Vlda Bump, Portlsndf Mrs. Den. Clay, An choraae. Alaska! Mrs. Lura Hunt, Pay ' attevlUo, Ark, and Mrs, Inea Barnes, Lincoln, Nab.l a brother, Orant Aspen wall, Denver, Colo, Also survlvlni art 31 .randohUdres and nine neat-irandchll-d,.n. sarvteeo will be held, in the cioush- Barrlck Chapel Wedneeday, AprU 11 at l:so D.m. with tna iter, uuy Armatrona offldatlnt with Interment In City View Cemetery. ' Mrs. Bouchla held deire. of honor la Royal f elihbou el Woodcraft, afarlta Carl Xaaaaa ' Martin Carl Monaoa at a local hos- nltal AnrU II. Lata resident 1721 So. Cepttol St., Salem. Survived by wife, Llllle Monson, Salami eon, Louis Rlohtan elstars, Mrs. Anna Conrad, Lonsdale, Calif. I Mrs. Mabel Shaw, Lonsdale, CHIf.l Mra. Plorenoe Scudder, Loa An sel u. callf.t Mra. Huldft Beneon. St. , Paul, Mlnnesotai brother, Andrew M on ion, HI.! two .randchlldren. Announce ment, later by Vlrall T. Oolden Co. Idyth. Karalrn Caaakear , Sdrth. Karolyn caaabeer, it th. resi dence Salem Route , Box 344-A, April II at the ase of II years, fiurvlved by husband. David P.. Cassbeer Sr.. Salem: dauahtar, Miss r.rolyn Jsan Caaabeer, Salami - .ons, David P. Oasebeer, JrH Balemi mother, Net. Ooooh, Kent, Ohloi elsters, Mrs. Maria Xleper, Salem) airs, M. X. Bryant, Akron, Ohio, Mra. Wil liam Arnolds, Albion, Pennsylvania, Mra. Bthel CrlteU, Akron, Ohio, Mra. Hasel Oosche, Akron, Ohio, Mre. Viol. ' Oreene, south Bend, Xnd.1 brothera, ' Raymond Oooeh. Kent, Ohio, Don Oooch, Kent, Ohio, Harry Oooeh, Ak ron, Ohio. Funeral arraniement will ba announced later br Howall-Bdward. Co, Miie Edna Mar Weal ' Mlu Edna May Wut lata laaldaBl of 111 Market St, in a local hospital April 31. survived by aunts, Mra. Allea Nosh, Salem, Mrs. Eva Hays, Seattle, Wash.. Mrs. Lucy Bernett. Oalletoea. Calif, Mra. Clara Hotter, Van Muya, t-aiu.i uncie, uianaa rtoaa, aronorw. Oallf.; and numeroue cousins. Announce ment of services later by Clouah-Bar- rlok Co. ... Oaal Benlker ' Oust Henlker. fa aids eltv Anril 11 at th. a., ot 70 yean. Late resident of North Bend, shipment has been mad. -to Portland br W. T. Bis don Co. tar eervlcea and Interment Nancy Braako - ' ' Nancy Brook, la Inks Anrfl 11. Lata realdent of lilt Center Street, Mother ot Byrum B. Brooke of Port land, service, will ba held AprU 1. at iu:.u a.m. in an. w. T. stutdoa ohanal with eoncludln. eervlcee at 3;00 p.m. In th. Roaa City Park aamatar in Portland. Plerenc. CatlarUa trwta norenca Catterlln lrwln. en ehi. April 11 at the aa. of It years. Bur'' vived by brother, Frank Catterlln, and slattr-ln-lew, Haiel Catttrlln, both of Oakland, Calif.) three nephewa, Raphael Catterlln, Baa Prandaco. Calif- Coo. red Catterlln, Oakland, CalU, Merlin Catterlln, Oardlner, Oreion. Service will be held Wednesday, April II at till p.m. In th. W. T. BUdon Chapel with coneludlnr aarvt... In Trvist r. .. alsm. Th R.v. oeorea H. Swift and pr. f. T. Ua, MA Dr. O. ChaaTlU) DR8. CHAN . . LAN CHINESE NATTJHOPATHS Vpitalrs, Ml North LOerrtw AM.. . . . v.... w M.onisy awry if aa. Mood pressur. and ,to. U.U an