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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 14, 1953)
Page It Tuesday, April 14, 1953 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon . - ; ' .. ,. . .. I , i... .......m HTirr iUii rcrATr REAL E5TATE ' - DCAI rTATf WANUBAlMii' ' Year, Satisfactory , V TOO PLAN TO BUT OK nil a Boior, farm on . INVESTMENT fROPERTY . CALL SEVERIN REALTY CO REALTORS REAL ESTATE DBDRBAN WEBT ' 1H aorea of fruit, Bute, trapes, garden. Well built 8-bedroom bom, la uullut condition. Full hutment with furnace beat. Double garage, Own asking (11,100 and If, well worth It. WALNUT PARK BEDROOMS AHONa lino homei. a bedroom, and bath down. 3 bedroom, and b,th ' o. Lara, living and dining loom. AU floor, carpeted with ,38 par id. ' carpeting. Finished basement nd 1-cnr iuhi. Hire U a Una horn,, ' built pre-war with beat material. It U joura for vain osat. substantial . snortgage can b arranged. 111,000. '.' ENOLEWOOD Hera U an attractive five-room, newer home. In a deilrabl, district, that ean bo bought for onlr 111,000. Auto, oil haat, fireplace, nook, Hardwood floori, garage, lot of home for the money. XTNQWOOD On top of the bin. If 70U need a 4-bedroom borne and a 1-car f araee, and want a Tlew, don't fall to oall ui to ate thu duality home for onlr , . , Severin Realty Company ; 835 N. HIGH ST, DIAL 4-5943; EVE.' 2-5695 Ur. Klang 1-1393 ' ' Mr. Moon 3-7683 S1 FOR SALE HOUSES SOUTH VILLAGE, 9 bedroom, 1267 8q. It. plus double garage, forced air furnace, fireplace, seperate dining : room, utility with dryer, sic lawn, shrubs, patio. 35745. 94 WONDERFUL VIEW BUILDINO SITE, FLUB 17 AC. FILBERTS 8-00. WILL TAKE HOUSE IN TRADE. JOHN jr. DANN REALTOR, 415 ft. HIGH BT. Pa. 434BZ. al BEDROOM suburban home, 4 years old, fireplace, carpet, double plumb Int. Price fll,700. Phone 2007s. aP0 BEDBOOM--Oood bug location, corner lot, f yean old, attached garage. 8500 ; without furniture. Phone 9-0387, aBO St OWNEE. room home, baaement. sawdust furnace, M75, 1110 Hood St. ' Ph. sem. aioa fiORGEOUS HOME for the moat exact- inn buyer. Beautiful 1 bedroom home ; with double garage, mohogany finish in llvlnr dlnlnt room, beautiful kitchen A nook, 3 flreplacei, outside covered partio, separata workshop. laundry room, and party room In tiled floored full baiement, .Drive by 1840 : north si st. If you iixe H call for an : appointment and see the rest. Owner Jeavlnr Salem, must ell, Bowes it Wood, Ph. 43353, eve, 20439. 934 N. Hih. afll ALMOST NEW 2-bedroom houae, electric range, hardwood floors, au torn tic Heat, Insulated. 3334 Maple Ave. a3 By Builder 1770 DAVIDSON ST. New, 1 bedrooms, oak floor, In closed utility, oil heat, attached g arase. F.H.A. appraised $6760. SELL THIS WEEK FOR 18400. Flbona 31053, aS9 BY OWNER, 4 bedroom houie with basement. One block to new high achool. Additional lot available. Phone 3-6085, tj2 FOR SALE LOTS LARGE HOME BITES In beautiful Klng- wood Height., 11000 up. Easy terma. Se. owner, phone 3-8413. a ,94- LARGE VIEW LOT. Reuonable or ex change to builder for remodeling work. Phone 33040. aa91- KE1ZEB DIST. 100U36, near new grade achool. Ph. 1-8818. Walt Socolofskr, Real Eatate. ao81 10 DOWN. Oood ilied lot. Watar al ready In. Excellent "oil. Built to ault yourself. ' HEIMANN REAL ESTATE INSURANCE 101 S. High St. Phone J-9303 aaB9 FOR SALE ACREAGE "3 Acres on Mill Creek" Hero folk U that nice older home , on the creek you have been looklni for, 9 bedrooma, nice living room and eparate dining room. Utility room. Barn and chicken houae. Part pas ture. Located Turner suburban. Well and city water. Aaklng $0500. Terma. -,: Salem's First Drive-in SMITH REAL' ESTATE 1136 Portland Rd. Ph. 37007 day or eve. Ask for Clyde Foulk or Mr. Smith boss REAL ESTATE illtu MMN IMIUII Mllltlt eiiimitu ttiMtuit twiiiitts Milium IIV lllllllllllllllll T TCT OVX IIMIIllttMU IIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIUM . tumuli II IIIIIHIM IMIUII II lllltlll MUM M Mllll M SULLIVAN S500 DOWN u IV.I. threa-rAOm bunaalow. Single ..i.e. eood well and aevaral nut trees. I4,3t0. THREE BEDROOMS and only six reera old. Outside patio .nrf iirmlice. certainly worth the money at ,7,500. 330 OXFORD For 1900 down you ean have om erf the finest new 3 -bedroom home on the mirkAt today. Some painting to do yet. Twenty yr. FHA mortgage at 44 available, ib.bob. vau r. "u TRADE ia i.tsir.nM viaw Ranch home en Radcllff Drive with natural wood ' finish anil m sixtri. lot Priced M.S0O, for a large 3 or 3 bedrm. with fireplace and auto neat. NOB HILL I bedroom,, 1ft blooka from McKlnley school. An older type houae wit lerie rooms In one of flalem a beat neighborhood!. Price 10,000. 2250 SO ..FT. ' all for 113,800. A home for the buyer that prelere aomethlng different. Two levels, three bedrooma and a'den. Lot slie 103X110. . CONTRACT d-infi mint mii and thia is your op- nortunlty to buy a three bedrm. home with a. den on a low down payment. Close to Leslie echool. Lie. tueat hotue Included. ,soo. SHADY BROOK TROUT In the stream by thte 9 bedroom home located 9 mile souin. ao-ioos nvina room In this home. $10,000. ; Robert B. Sullivan. REALTOR 3J0S Portland Road Ph. 4-533 Br. Office. J67 N. High Ph. 4-6433 Eve. Phi. 3-1734. 4-3345, 4-1441 CSS DRIVE BY 450 South 18th. Fairly new 2 bedroom. Beat of terma. If interest . ed call 3-8848. a' SMALL H8E. 13100 on roar of lot. Oood location. Near itore & bua. C. W. Reeve Realtor, 1880 Mission St. Ph. 34590, Eve. 39638 or 43948. B89 1000 DOWN. 3 bedrm. home on ta A. In Kelser niat. Hwd. fire. Large gar. Excellent garden soil. Bal. oaay terma. C. W. Reeve Realtor, 1880 MUslon St. Ph. 34990, Eve. 39538 or 43045. ,89 JUST OFF State St. 3 B.R. Bwd firs. Full basmt. Fireplace. Bungalow type. Lie lot. I80BO.'' O. W. Reeve Realtor, 1800 Mission St, Ph. 14590, Eve. 43945 or 39530. : a89 BV OWNER, 2 bedroom home, baaement, oil furnace, hardwood floor, email lot. On E. Leffelle. Phone 3-8731. aoo SMALL HOUSE, wired for range and water heater. Very reasonable. Phone 3-3B71 oeiore a.m. or after p.m or on Sunday. ,89' Croisan Creek Property Lovely home with view. Lee. nle- . ture window. 1 bdrmi. ds den. Dining mt. A. Furnished Including TV act. Wll Hake In trade prop, la Salem, late model ear or trailer hse. O. W. REEVE, REALTOR 1100 Mission St. Ph. 11190 Eve. 1K3( or 43945 .90 WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WE NEED LISTINGS; particularly higher priced homes and all types with low down paymenU. NELSON Welcome Wagon Sponsor OFF SUNNYVIEW 10750 FULL PRICE Neat, cozy 3-bdrm. home, nicely dec orated, hdwd. firs., good garden spot, approx. ft ae. cau Mrs. wooiien. LESLIE DISTRICT DUPLEX 17600 Located on Bo. Pacific HI way with 150 ft. of frontage, a. unit haa 9 b.r., bath and gar a it, about yri. old. See BURT PICHA 976 N -Hlfh St. Eves. 4-9159 Off. 1-4047 a89 !., 500 TAKE over O.I. loan on this jcngiun iype west salbtm 3-br. home, Lie. living & dining rma, Flrepl,, full nanms. wun new ueico on lurn. 12 Aoo Til E cutest moat attractive homo on well landacaped acre you ever aw. Home haa 3 bri., dining rm.. flrepl., lull dry baemt., oil piped furn., all kinda of flowers, ehruba and trees, Pvd. rd. one mile couth of city limits. t , S33.B0O Acre A half, colonial atylt 4-br home with nice alse dining rm. 3 fireplaces, 9 bathe, 3-car carats plus lood bar nfor riding pony, etc. Pvd. rd. elojie to town. IRRMV Near State Hospital Medical Center, nice Clean 3-br. home with full baamt. & sawdust turn., plenty ol .. room xor garden. Phone 3-flflBO. 433 M. High St. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor Ere. call 3-8704, 9-5419, 4-5917, 4-371 , aB S7ftOO BEE THIS before you buy, The moat 3 bedroom home In town for the money. Larue living room, even the bedrooms are good site. There la an Inside utility room and neat dinette In the kitchen. Completely fenced back yard. Could be had for 41,000 down or OI Terms. Tjall Bowm Jfc Wood. Ph, 433S3, eve. 30433. 344 North Him. a9l G. I. OR F. H. A. Beautiful new 3-bdrm. hse. In K plter Diet. Near schoot, Lovely Irg. rmi. Forced air heat. Will take m late model car or trailer hxe. in, boo. C. W. REEVE, REALTOR 1M0 MUllon St. Ph. 3451)0 Eve. 3 Eft 34 or 4S045 , aflfi LUXURIOUS PLUS DESIR- ABLE DISTRICT An unusually lovely home In Lealle Diet.' 3 beautiful tiled bathroom. 3 spacious bedrooms. Party room In full baaement. Spacloua dining room. Au tomatic sprinkling aystem. Corner lot. Owner may consider exchange for amaller home or Income property. Full price only 131,300. OUT OF STATE OWNER sari sell hlc home. It hat a basement, I bedrooma, fireplace, furnact In good repair. Almost 1mm. poss. Near bua and school. Price la only $9750. $3750 FULL PRICE : Modern amaller home in good loca tion. Pvd. at. Bua front door. Near achool. Oood alied living room. Several fruit and walnut trees. Will consider trade -for I -bedroom home, HOTTEST DEAL IN TOWN 4-bedroom home, completely renod aled. New wiring, new plumbing, new forced air oil furnace. Fireplace, l blk. to bus. Aa a matter of fact, this home haa everything a new moaern- latlo ona has and tha price la only 18950. CASH MARKET And a good onel Very good volume, Long term leaae on bldg. at very reas onable figure. Clean etock. Oood equip ment. Meat market, fountain ana gro cery clock. Fixtures 8600 plug Inven tory. TRAILER PARK 1 trailer space, plua one trailer which la rented. Almost new duplex rented for $100 per mo. Utility room with washing machine on meter. Each space on aewer and water. Purchase price lnol. furniture in 1 unit of du plex. This Is well worth the aaklng price of $13,500. 3 HOUSES ON ONE LOT Plus enough room to build another. Almost new. Strictly modern. This would be a pleasure to own. Shown bv appointment only, Bua by door, Insulated. Paved it. d blks. to achool. Full price only 114,500. Terms. CALL FOR MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH, 4-5030 .or M, KIOOIN6, EVE. PH. 4-B494, or DAN ISAAK, EVE. PH, 4-3633. If no answer, call 4-334B, WORTH THE PRICE Modern 3-bedroom house In a very good area. H acre land. Smalt chicken house, some berries, oood well. PVd rd. Nice amaller home and tha price la only iidoo. 8 ACRES with a under cultivation, acre strawberries. 1 acre blackberries. Modern house, small barn, caraie. Pvd. rd. Several fruit trees. Full price omy 30D0. 30 ACRES Vary good modern 3-bedroom house. 30 by 40 barn, chicken house, machine hed. 3 acres caneberrles. Several lruit and walnut trees, sect of soil. Prd. rd. run price to. OALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, EVE. PH, 9-4735. If no answer, call 4-334B. Cozy 4-rm. home, den with attrac tlve fplace., open beam celling, outside entrance to patio, bdnn. with adjoin ing bath, comb. Kit. a oining area, hwd. firs., dbie gar. n5Q. uan Mrs. Wootten. BEST OF LOCATIONS This desirable 3-bdrm. home, 3 blk a. from Hoover school, 1 blk. to city bus, has Just been offered for sale. You have first chance to buy. Nicely land scaped, fruit, garden. Price $9500. Call Mr. Watts, 3-7365. Suburban Grocery TRADE FOR HOME Well located neighborhood store. nerving a large territory, profitable family operation, living quarters on premises. Inv. $9000 to $0000. Call Mr. Schmidt, , Croisan Creek Road HOME81TES Live on this quiet canyon road In a secluded setting, city deliveries, school buses. We have from clty-aUe lots up to 8-acre tracts. $800 and up. Ask to these. . ONE BLK. TO LESLIE SCHOOL This 3-bdrm. home Is Just being of fered today. A real opportunity for a family with achool children. In sight ot public playgrounds b swimming pool, walking -distance to 9 schools. Newly redecorated 8-rm. home, full basement, sawdust heat, all for $10,900. NELSON & NELSON SPECIALIZING REALTORS T03 N. High St. Ph. 1-3881 C89 CLOSE TO SCHOOL You'll like thle rearly n,w and ana clous 1-brdroom home on a lovely lot with trees. Bealdea the large kltrhen. there'a a very nice dining room. Forced air oil heat and attached garage. Hardwood floors. Priced at 113.750. Ramsey Real Estate, 3084 North Com' mercies. Phone 4-6311, Evenlnrs 4-3698. 00 lo-ROOM HOME Furnished, corner lot, garage. 19500. Real buy I Owner leav ing for California. 3148 N.I. Everett .jy.'M'rjj'.J?. Mil. a9S FOR SALE FARMS 1SU ACRES 194(0. Located No. of Salem, hi 4 B.R. Home only 7 yra. old, also barn garage, would make good atock or chicken ranch, set BURT PICH 171 N .High St. Evee. 4-11H Oft. 1-4047 b8 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 MORTGAGE LOANS 30-Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Office Phones: 4-3311 or 3-7830 3035 PORTLAND ROAD Eve. Phones: 8-4735, 4-5194, 4-3033, 4-5030 or I-J6JI If no answer, phone 4-3348 $4300 t'l.ASSIHFII AIIVFRTI8INQ Per Word limes I He Per Word 4e Per Word, I lime. lee Per Word, I month ' oe No Kefinde Minimum 1, Words. READER In Local Newe Colamn Only, Per Word e Mlnlaaaaa I Words To Plars Ad In Samn Day'! PaiNT. Phons Z-24fa Before) 10 s.m. t-bodroom home In Richmond dlS' trlct, All good-slsed rooms. Attached garage. Oood rich loll. One block to bus lint. Large Family Special I bedrooms, 3 full beths. Large living room and fireplace. Extra large din ing room. Full basement. Well built plastered home. Fruit and nut trees. Close to. echool, close to bus. 3-BDRM. - KEIZER Largo roomy home on a large 97x150 ft, lot. Only 8 yrs, old. A fine home located only a block from achool and transportation. Wall-to-wall carpet. wardrobe closets throughout. Hard wood floors. Fireplace, Would take smaller home In trade. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 301 South Hlsh St. Phone No. 3-9303 Phone evenings and Sunday: 4-1871, 1-1158, 4-1388, 1-4871, 4-8318, 1-1384 Cit REAL ESTATE MAKE YOUR OFFER ' Owner must tell thte nearly new t-bedroom home located on a paved treet In a good district. It haa hardwood floor, throuthout, wardrobe elosets In all bedrooms, modern bath, utility room, large garage, patio and fenced back yard, in O.I. loan can bo aesumed with payment! f only 183 per month. Aaklng price 111,000, roeslble 11.000 down. THIS CAN BE YOURS On. ef the smartest 1 bedroom homej we have had the pleasure ta ahow. Large living room with beautiful fireplace, aunny dining room, large kitchen with dining area, utility room, nicely landscaped lot in a very good district. Priced to sell at 111,000. Appraisal should permit down payment of only 11,550. Or owner would trade for 1 or 4 bdrm, borne. k 285 ACRE FARM 100 acres In cultivation, practically all In fall crop, balance pasture and timber, I room modern house, new 60x80 barn, 40x40 barn, 3 hp barns, all fenced with woven wire. Priced at I40.O00 with term, or owner would consider taking In smaller acreage or house. Call Mr. Wlllouthby. . .. NEW 3-BEDROOM HOMES - We have builders now completing homes In various residential sec tions that will please the discriminating buyer. Priced from $11,800 to $19,000 with good terma. Let ua show you these remarkable homes now and you can choose your own colors. MURPHY & KENT REALTORS , 464 No. CHURCH ... PHONE 4-3399 Evei. and Sunday: Anderaon 3-1744 - Persona 3-1509 - Xeene 3-407$ " Wllloughby 4-4197 . WE ABB In need or gooa noues sell, In or near Muem. to list your property for aale, see ORABENHORST BROS. REALTUHB. 134 S. WDeriy m. - WE NEED LISTING BADLY on small ... Am t.harlrnnm acreages an r , -- homes. L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR 3055 Portland Rd. Ph. ca89 jjjjjfmrffr." RESORT PROPERTIES BEACH COTTAGE, payments like rent. Phone 45456. ioi hiii. , "- BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Lit onraers JUST WHAT YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR ! ! A modern 3-bedroom home with about 1500 so. ft. floor apace, large garage, fireplace, excellent resi dential district. North on Laurel Ave. Good buy at 113,900. Rudy calaba SWELL LITTLE HOME FOR $7500 Neat and clean, full aired lot, garage, located aouth In good residential . area. DO YOU LIKE PRIVACY? AND a beautiful setting among native trees? Plus a lovely view of river and valley, not new but a comfortable home, a small barn, a place to keep a horse or cow and priced right with email down payment. If so you will find It all on this 9 acres located South. $8400. , IN THE ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT' An attractive 3-bedroom home with basement, fireplace and att, garage. Priced right at $10,500. SUBURBAN SPECIAL An excellent 3-bedroom home, large living room, a handy kitchen with attractive nook, small barn and chicken house, lota of fruit and berrlea located on 3 acres black loam toll, east on paved road. ; $13,600. BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME . 3 bedrooms and den, basement with party room, extra plumbing, nicely . finished throughout, auto oil heat, fireplace, located In the McKlnley school Dlst. Here is the home you've been asking for, Oood buy at ; $17,500. . Ohmart & Galaba Realtors 477 Court St. " - - Phone 34115 34111 Eve. -Henry Torvend 33833 - Ted Morrison 3S048 - Louis Lorena 35590 Ralph Maddy 33488 - nmu field OIL CORP. offer for lease, modern downtown location ai - Mlnnvllle. lUnes forces Immediate sale, financial aaalitanU to qualified party. For details and appointment, Phone Mr. Smith of Mr. Holden, Salem 3.9333. cdr LOCAL WHOLESALE CORPORATION w labia additional capital lor expan sion purposes. Active or non-active itockholders considered. Box 03, cap ital Journal. BARBERSHOP FOE SALE 3545 Port- land Rd. PnnJJB5- com FIVE AUTOMATIC portable bowling alleys, 40 feet long, all in sound condi tion. Dries 1100. 1545 Mission Street. Phone 45738. cd91 TAVERN LUNCH COUNTER Near Salem doing excellent business. Snooker b pool tables. Main St., toad oayroll town. Sell up to 30 kegs week ly In summer. We also have several other taverna. C. W. REEVE REALTOR 1840 Mission St., Ph. 34690, Eve. 39538 or 42945 cd89' MONEY BACK GUARANTEE $713 Investment gives you your own Independent business operating a route of new money-making 5c dispensers handling new fast-moving confections la drug stores, cafes, clubs, bus depot, eic. ttouie set up ur you oy our ex perts. You must have car, references and $713 which is protected by Iron-clad 100 Money-Back Guaran tee. Devoting a few of your spare houra each week to the business you should earn up to $80.00 weekly spare time, full time more. Liberal financing assistance to aid expansion. For full information write, giving phone num ber and address to Box 68, Capital Journal. " cdBO - SHOE REPAIR SHOP for sale or lease, with living quarters Complete, modern equipment, new building. Apply Clyde Woodruff, Box 348, Turner, Oregon. cd89 ROY TODD Real Estate KEIZER DISTRICT t $9500. Call Mr. Vandervort, aalesman. NEW HOME "' r : salesman. ENGLEWOOD CANDALARIA , , klKtoM Mr. Vandervort, aalesman. GRADE A DAIRY . acres, 35 ac, pasture. I. fj. SJTZS ft& " hired help. About Blmtxton, salesman. NORTHEAST mi acres all cultivated and all Willamette loll. Two modern homes, 4 bedroomi' each one wlS. basement. J , and a I other outbuilding.. On paved highway. Price 150,000. Call Mr. Ruch, ' ROY TODD, REALTOR piiwu. a-.w. Vandervort 9-6308; Ruch 1-7811 Simpson 1-83391 Todd 1-1731 130 State Street Xve. phone: NEED MORE ROOM? . ' Need two-bedroom home. Living room with lnS'00ml' : birch kitchen, bathroom with built-in vanity and ahower. Oodle, of bullt-ins and Wardrobe closet.. Hardwood floora throughout. Largo garage, aervlce room. Corner lot. Thla la a view home. CREEK LOT There.' a foot bridge across the creek 'neath th large trees. Attrac tlve 3-bedroom modern bungalow with att. garage. Make ug. an offer on the down payment, reasonable terms on balance. . GOTTA DOG TO TRADE? ' In the heart of lively email town. RENTAL suitable lor beauty aalon and barberehop or retail business. Convon- venlent suburban location. Builders Homes, Real Estate BUSINESS & INCOME CLOSE BY THE SEA on Hwy. 101 near Newport. 3-bedroom home and two well-built furnished cottages. Beauti ful grounds. Monthly income - $50, $9000. W. .Whltwell, Otter Rock, Ore gon. ' ' ce89 RESTAURANT FOR SALE Can be op erated, aa drlve-ln; seats about 80 In side; two new drlve-ln theaters, one . on each side. Contact Archie L. Mo Kenxle, Club -Cafe, Woodburn. ce91 CHOICE CORNER 1075 N. CAPITOL 8 furnished apartments, 9 bathrooms. Phone Estep, 3-8706. $30,000, terms. cefl3 INCOME PROPERTIES DUPLEX, completely furnished. Holly wood district. Income $136 month. Price $11,500. Owner 1990 McCoy. Phone 38843. sfflO FURNITURE FOR SALE 3736 So. Commercial St. PRODS --XMttMggMM SSSMtf s sss s tst w"m99mam ' ' Eve. 35830, 31770 WANTED FURNITURE GREEN MOHAIR frlexe davenport, like new; blue leather cbalr. Phono 31316. d91 FOR SALE LIVESTOCK GUERNSEY COW and heifer. A. M, Jen sen, Rt. 3, Box 33, phone 10X10, Day ton. e94 Englewood - 4-bedroom home. Fireplace, Close to schools, shopping and bus. 1 Fairmount Hill 4 bedrooms, full basement, close to schools. Owner would consider smaller home In trade. $11,500, terms. $500 Down Nice 3-brdroora home with fireplace. Will Trade Cuts 3-bedroom home on H A. Fire place, attached garate, for home in Oregon City, Milwaukee, or South Portland. Miniature Farm , 9 A, Eftit. 3-bedroom home, cloat to school. 18500. Home in Firs 4 A. overlooking river. 3-bedroom home. Also small rental home. $9500. 3-bedroom home and 9 A, for leooo. Terms. South Summer St. Home 3-bdrm. home with 3 large lots. Pnces 3 streets. Will sell both S8200 or will sell home & 1 lot for $7500. Lot separata for $1,000. Oood shop & chicken hoime on place. Good 62-Acre Farm Most all In cultivation. Modern 3 BR home, not old. Sets back from road In tree letting. Also barn, machine sheds, illo and granary. Irrigation ditch runs throuih place. Different kinds ot fruit and berries. 13 miles from Salem. Price 136,000. Art Madsen Realty 1336 State Ph. 9-6580. 3-8819 Ere. Ph. 4-5384, 3-6648, 9-7383 A SUBURBAN BEAUTY . tt-acre with two-story home. Two bedrooms up and two down. Large living room, large dining room, and large kitchen with cheery break fast nook. Dry basement, double plumbing, double garage. Lots of ' shrubs, flowers, trees, and a good well. I'll be happy to show you this beautiful home. Contact Dale Ray burn. 4-BR. ENGLEWOOD - $12,300 Full basement, automatic oil piped furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, 3' bedrooms, living room, dining room down, with 3 bedrooms up. Large lot, excellent shrubs and flowers. Fruit trees. 13 years old. FHA commitment applied for. Call Jim. 3-BR.,. FULL BASEMENT Located east in city .this home- is a bargain. Oood fireplace In nice light living room. Wall-to-wall carpeting. Kitchen has excellent bullt ins and adequate breakfast space. 3 bedrooms down with hardwood floors. 1 bedroom up, nice and large. Basement is very neat with party room, utility room, etc. Home is 11 years old. Priced at only $13,000. Call Jim. , , HOOVER SCHOOL DISTRICT This clean 3-bedroom home, located In one of the beet suburban dis tricts, has everything a family would need in a home. Fireplace, roomy kitchen, large utility Inside, attached garage, and nice yard. Lot 60x110, May I ahow you through this lovely home? If so, call Dale' Rayburn. v -ACRE SPECIAL $500 DOWN Here's the buy of the year, Beautiful -ecre located on Evergreen. 1 bedroom, nice garage and utility. Full price only $4800. Better hurry on this one. Call Chet now. , NEW 3-BEDROOM $6900 New 3-bedroom (not quite finished) but livable, located In the heart of Reiser. Buy this and move In and finish In your spare time. Full price only $6900. Hurry, call Chet. ' RAWLIN'S REALTY (Hollywood District, Realtor) 1080 5. Capitol Office phones 3-4664 or 4-1761 Evening phones Tlbbettj 1-7466 Jim 3-8578 chet 3-8336 Dale Rayburn 3-3048 Center St. Realty MUST BE SOLD FOUR-ROOM BUNGALOW In the heart of Hollywood. Full basement, ga rait, lot 45x100. A splendid location- close to all store and transportation. A nice home for a couple, or a good Investment for a rental or future bus iness. Due to illness, thla must be sold. The price la tsooo. CENTER ST. REALTY 1711 Center Street Phone 4-6831 Ive. phones: Olee 1-7811, Bright 1-8863 c0 EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE Grabenhbrst Specials MOTEL OR BUSINESS LOCATION-WI11 trade lit acres on 991 with three-bdrm. home for 3 or 3-bdrm. home In good location. Price 118.300. CALL PETER H. OEISER SPACIOUB LOVELY HOME ON MILL CREEK for the particular buyer. Well built and In top condition throughout. Lee. Ilv. rm. with fireplace Ige. din. rm., glassed nook overlooking creek, convenient kitchen, den' 1 lge. bdrnu., 1'4 bathe, full basmt. Auto, oil hot water heat Ige. bricked patio, with outdoor fireplace, hdd. firs, throughout; shown by appt. onlr. So call J. E. LAW. 40 ACRES CLOSE IN-33 acre, cultivated. Some pajiure land rind some llmuer. roautltul bldg. site with nice stream and pond. CALL H. K. LAVMON LOVELY ENOLEWOOD LOCATION-A11 on one floor, .1 roomy bdrma.. Ilv. rm. with fireplace, separate din. rm.. Innlde utility, nicely land scaped, fenced yard. CALL PETER H. OEISER GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 S. Liberty St. ph Evenings & Sundays call Peter H. Qeiser 3-9941 J, E. Law 3-5113 H. K. Laymon 8-8459 wr'Saf6.7 CHINCHILLAS Proven breeders or young mated pairs. Easy termt. Write or phone for tree literature. Visitors welcome. Crest Chinchilla Ranch, 0090 Portland Road. Ph. 4-4089. eB3 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF White face Je re ford. 36c. Locker pork, 35c. Nothing down, 6 mos. to pay. Custom killing. Trailer 'loaned free. Salem Meat Co., 1835 8. 35th. Ph. 3-4868. ea RABBITS CALIFORNIA BUCKS and doea. Phone L'l.xier nu. cun- WIND NEEDS 43918. BABBITS 1988 State 0089' PETS tnniit- trnnptnai. wirr. Parakeets. turtles, supplies, 9 miles from Lancast er on Macieay roau. . vs. Wednesdays. MATED CANARIES, 13,00 pair. George Slack, 1458 Hickory. Phone 3-0746. ec93 PETS REGISTERED Shetland sheepdog pup- plea (miniature corneal, vnema wa Road. aclg YEAR OLD female Boxer, Dlmlck, Rt. 1, Jefferson. 868. X. W. Phong 481, DALMATIAN, male, good with chlldrea. Registered. Phono uonmouin BZ73. ecll HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM-1981 McCoy. one block east of N. Capitol, 14 block, north of Madison. Ph, 1-6887. acioio FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick np your r-resto-boga, sriauets and Wood. 191 So. Com'l., phone 1-7731. ' oee Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tuba service, all kinds mt wood. Phone 1-8444. ae ANDERSON'S hand picked alab wood, 1 cords, 114. Phone 37701 or 44393. eel06 West Salem Fuel ,Co. BLOCKWOOD, 18" CLKAX IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1818 Edgewater Phone Salem 1-4031 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. SPECIAL FOR 80 DAYS Planer trimmings, 18 load. Phone 17711 Journal Want Ads Pay ORANGE CANARIES, phone 9-4385, 1340 .u ec98 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED The Owl Drug Company NEEDS Additional alert, courteous, enthusiastic Sales Personnel Openings, full time, part time, and Sunday Relief APPLY IN PERSON TO F. D. MORGAN OWL DRUG CO. 400 NORTH CAPITAL - - - SALEM, ORE. FOR SALE POULTRY cao REAL ESTATE 10-DAY SPECIAL Lovely television set to be Itft In thla S-yr.-old 3-bdrm. eaat sub. home If gold now. 18x30 -L.R., D.R., nook, 70x130 fenced lot, awnings, neat as a pin and well arranged. 13100 down. A. A. Larsen REALTORS 111 So. High St. Ph. 38639 Mrs. Wells - Ph. 33738 A. E. Beckett -34501 Andy Hslvoraen - 37163 cSl 3 BLOCK ft FROM Meier A Frank's on Union Street. Owner will sell lot with 6-room house (rented) for tlS.ftoo. Should prove good Investment Box 61, Capital Journal. dl WE'LL TRADE this 3-bedroom, 86.300 home for a low priced 1 or 3'bedroom home. Or will sell with a low down payment and low monthly payments. See our agent. Rumsfr Hes- F.fate, 3084 North Com merfial. Phont 4-6311, Even In i 4-1694, tb90 WE NGRD 3-bedroom home,. W, need 3-bedroom homee. We need aereaaea, both with or without Improvement.. Relmann Real Estate ft Insurance 101 South High Street Phona 3-9303 ea89 CLAUDE KILQORK Needa a few listings on home, and farms for N. Capitol St. office. Ph. 4-8083. 1463 N. CAPITOL. ca (IREAT BtTlNO DEMAND tor farms and acreages. List yours with Colbath Land Co. see T. T. Andcrsnn. Farm Agent. Phone 4-4494. Ira. 4-1714, aa WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE: If your property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list it with ua. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATS FINANCE CO.. REALTORS 153 8. High St. ca WE ARE badly In need of 1 and 3-bedroom homes, in Leslie Dlst. Also need nome anywnere with small down pay. ments. What have you AL IRAAK, REALTOR, PH. 43311 If no answer, ph. 4-3348 ca BROILERS V FRYERS FRYERS RAISERS 1, Would you like 8c extra profit per bird? 3, Would you like an average weight df 1.3 lbs. at 9 weeks; 3. Would you like to have 3.8 feed ' conversion? 4 Would you like thefacla and proof? face or Call OEO. M. PETERSON HATCHERY Elmlra Road - Eugene, Ore. Ph. 0-3483 1113- GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire chicks, hatched every Monday and Thursday. Our chicks grow faster. Pox's Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969. M WANTED Colored fryers, colored and leghorn hens. Highest prices. Lee's Hatchery, phone 3-3861, f FOR SALE Twice weekly, day-old chicks In New Hampshire, Parmenters, Red, White Leghorns, Auatra-Whlte, White Rocks, White Wyandottes, Per menter cockerels. Lee Hatchery, phone 3-3881. f HELP WANTED MALE SALESMEN Due to a permanent expansion pro-vt-ftm nrf natural Increase in bus iness, a reputable 46-year-old com- pany will increase Its sales force by adding two more men. i Whether or not you have had Bales experience It will pay you to inves tigate these sales positions. Full train ing will be given, with Income guar anteed at minimum of 1100 per week white training. . If you have an honorable business record and are interested in a full time, permanent position, contact; WESLEY L. 8ANDO. SENATOR HOTEL, SALEM . , WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 10:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. laflfl1 EXPERIENCED INVENTORY control clerk. Permanent. Olve details ot ex perience, education and personal his tory. Box 67, Capital Journal. gb8Ba IF YOU LIKE TO DRAW, sketch or paint, see Talent Test ad In Instruc tion column. sW IN SWEET HOME, correspondent tor Capital Journal, with typewriter, some experience. Contact Mike Forbes, Valley Editor, Capital Journal, Sa lem. Ore. g HELP WANTED MALE MEN WANTED for training as Motel - managers. See ad under classification Education. ga93 HiLP WANTED FEMALE WOMEN WANTED for training as Motel managers. See ad under classification Education. tb93 GIRL OR WOMAN, general housework, help care 3 children, live In. 3-5360. gb91 EXPERIENCED tpUt for permanent pasltlof. In Insurance company. Oood opportunity for advancement In the Insurance field. Phone 4-3387. gbBl1 MIDDLE AGED woman, 70c an hour, do era ana room. Hoimes nursing Home, Brooks, Oregon. gbBl' CALCULATING MACHINE OPERATOR needed by Tax Commission. Beginning pay I201 month, contact MT, Pen well, Rm. 100, state Office Building. gbso HELP WANTED FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER For man, live on farm. can have children. Writ Box 50, Capital Journal. gbfiO EXPERIENCED saleiglrl wanted. Apply In person. Hartman Eros., 309 State. gbSO WOMAN TO care for baby 6 days week. Prefer West Salem vicinity. Call 38230 after 8. - gbB RESIDENT AGENT Protective territory open In Salem for experienced sales lady as resident agent for Barents Magazine. Car neces sary. Full time pleasant work with rapid advancement If qualified. Apply Senator Hotel, 4-8 p.m. Ask for Mr. Folbo. fbB3 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Office Jobs See us for quality jobs. Eenaflt by our knowledge of employers and by our ex perience In the community. Check our listing! Mon. ft Wed. COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCT 494 State St. (Oreotn Bldg.) 4-3381 gf8 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 JOE PALOOKA By Horn Fisher afTTa THEY'VE JU Ri? L A "600 SAVE I auo TUP CTI Sag 1 gygylJ ITS A KALeiooscore of COLOR ...ALL THE GREAT FIGURES OF THE SPORTS WORLD, SOCIETY, GOVERN MENT.. .THERE'S PRIME MINISTER RT. HON. R.G. MENZIES, THE LORO AWOR, GOVERNORS OF TASMANIA, NEvV S. WALES, VICTORIA...