Tuesday, April 14, 1953 Page 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Gunfight er's Return By LESLIE ERNENWEIN 11 Newsfeatnrasl ' CHAPTER 38 Obediently, u U Impelled by a. will stronger than bis own, Lew etromberg dropped the gun. It was an odd thing. All tne anger faded Irom bis eyes; there was a meekness In them and a baffle ment. Delia clung to him. softly sobbing. He placed an arm around her shoulders and said, "Hush, child. I'm all Tight." Then he looked at Rimbaud and said wonderingly. "You could shot me. But you didn't. Why?" Rimbaud shrugged, marveling at the abrupt admiration he felt for this little man. "Why didn't you shoot?" Btrom berg demanded. "Ask your daughter," suggested Rimbaud. ' "But I thought you said you didn't want" Rimbaud cut him off, saying, You think too mucn ana you taut too much. He wanted no refer ence to the marriage proposition here. Stromberg continued to start at him. as If unable to believe that so notorious a gunman had re frained from shooting. He said, "I'm much obliged, Rimbaud. Real obliged." "Enough to do me a favor?1 Rlmbtuul Asked slvlv. And when Stromberg nodded, Rimbaud said, "Leave those Span ish Strip folks alone." "I will," Stromberg agreed. Then a self-mocking smile creased his dark face and he added, "After what's happened I ain't got much Choice." Rimbaud liked that. He said, "That's fine. Lew." Observing that the crowd out side was so large it bulged through the batwlngs, Rimbaud walked to the rear doorway. . Slowly, In the plodding way of a man Done-weary, nunoaua walked to his horse. And present ly, leading It past the back stoop of Eve Odegaarde's restaurant, he looked at the kitchen hoping for eighth of her. But the kitchen was empty, and he thought: She'll be welcoming Sam Malben out of Jail. Eve was probably kissing him now; giving him a taste of all the wild sweet flavor that was in store for him. Rimbaud grinned, glad that he had taken one taste him self, "That's one kiss Sam Malben will never get." Whereupon he led bis horse into the deserted stable and un saddled it. Jim Rimbaud. His name was on every tongue. Jim, Rimbaud this, Jim Rimbaud that. It made Ernie squirm with envy each time he heard it. That's the way folks would have talked about him if he'd had a little luck with that first shot of his in the Shiloh. They'd have talked about Ernie Link and told how he chopped down Jim Rimbaud. . Link drifted over to the Alham bra lobby and glanced at the register. It was there, big as brass; "Jim Rimbaud, Two Tanks, Texas. Room Number 9. Ernie went out to the veranda and , surreptitiously transferred the little double-barreled der ringer to his right hand. The man who gunned down Rimbaud would be famous. He'd De better known than Junction. Arizona. Jim Rimbaud was on the bed half asleeo. when someone knock ed at the door of his hotel room. The knock came again. "Who's there?" Rimbaua called, feeling no sense of apprehension; reeling nouung oeyona a languid, oenumoing weariness. "Me Sam Malben." "Come on in." Rimbaud invited and was holstering bis gun when the door opened. Malben came over to the bed and shook hands in the queerly solemn fashion of a man going through a necessary ritual, "I'm sure much obliged," he said soberly. "You took long chances tackling Jubal and those others like you did. Awful long chances." Then frankly curious, he added, "I don't see how you done it. or wny." Rimbaud shrugged, still resent ing this man who would be Eve Odegarde's husband, and embar rassed by his gratitude. As if sharing a kindred embar rassment, Malben said, "Well, tbings have sure changed con siderable since Uie last time we met. Jim. For me and some others. I never saw the beat of it. You wouldn't think so much could hap pen In so short a time. Take Lew Stromberg, for instance. He don't act like the same man. Malben walked over to the doorway and turned, and said in an odd. flat voice, "Eve told me to tell you it's not too late for supper If you'll eat in the kitchen." Then he went out and closed the door. Rimbaud smiled, recalling how Eve had told him that once before, This invitation he supposed, was her way of manning mm lor clearing Sam: for furnishing them a marriage bed. She would have a new name soon. ve Ataioen. sirs. Sam Malben. But she'd always be Eve Odegarde to him. - "Well," mused Rimbaud, "I can stand some food. And I might get a farewell kiss lor dessert." Clo ae oniinoea; Webfoot . Webfoot Mrs. Martie Mar tens of Webfoot is visiting for mer neighbors near Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. John Hack- worth of the Webfoot district entertained with an Easter Sun day dinner at their home when 35 relatives and a few friends were their guests. I Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cook of Portland have returned home' after spending two weeks with her sister, Mrs. Dell Morgar- ledge of Webfoot, who has been 111. Carol Curtis Pattern 2741 SIZES 10 . M Distinctive Taste! A brilliant fashion future Is in store for this princess style with unmounted sleeves (In either short or three quarter lengths.) Prom breaki'ast to bedtime it will supply you with thnt exciting any-hour answerl No. 2714 Is cut in sizes 10, 13. 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16: 4:i yds. 39-ln. Send 30c for PATTERN with Name. Address, Style Number and Size. Aaaress rAii&nr BU REAU, Capital Journal, 652 Mis sion Street, San Francisco 6, Calif. Patterns ready to fill orders Im mediately. For special handling of order via flral class mall Include an extra Co per oattern. Crocheted in Corde. As smart a summer accessory set as you have ever seen is wis satiny-iooKing wnite, red ana navy corae bag ana chic half-hat! Bag has a flat base of 7 Inches square of navy; sides are alternating rea ana navy squares of 4 Inches: top is snowy white in an openwork lacy stitch and Is 4'i Inches in depth. Draw strings are red and blue cords run through white plastic circles. Very smart, Indeed! Perky hat is made over a bicycle clip so it hugs the head. Set Is completely hand some for summer outfits, very easily crocheted, may be made in any three colors. Send 30c for the RED, WHITE ana nflvi uuituh- Hat ana Bag (Pattern No. 605) complete crocheting Instructions, YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER lo CAROL CURTIS, 652 Mission Street, San Francisco 6, Calif. ROOM & BOARD By Ahren HERE'S AN ANSWER TO THE LETTER. I WROTE THE OWNERS OF THE PROPERTY ...AND FOR A C-VFA.R LEASE THEY WANT 15000 .. .HOWlL WE RAISE THAT MUCH? iVE GOT A RICH COUSIN, BUT HES THE TYPE WHO'D WANT 95 PERCENT OF A COIN DIVERS TAKE I MIGHT 60 TO OUR NEIGHBORHOOD BRANCH BANK . UM.AH. BUT, NO I'VE HAD TOO MANY TURN DOWNS ON REQUESTS FOR LOANS TO FINANCE MY INVENTIONS I 'She STUMBLING IK, I STEVE BOFER ' ' ' ' ' - ''''''' 71 7 gtr-.r--fa ff OKAY, MISTER.' - IM ai-kaiu IMC - avwcouyr w vmu. ,i- T nniT rr'iT porter's right, homicide-now, -J- 2ZtST ir SO AHEAD.'-ASK HIM.' V-'T? r OFFICER I FOUND ' WHAT'S VOW NAME, , 3 (CSSSk HE WAS IN MISS TOJCVTV5 JsV THE SlNSER tVING MISTER f I ... VJ .tlwpfl I'C DgESSROOM pjk ON TH6Qg" J jt X fakrt . . - frqg)nAlM-TH6AUTH0ltlTy f (VWATHfcWNiA tVSTAf,w neeva-HouH' invwtsp in ms id bach of bu I Tou wasa.; , 7&sXr- o&ttett what Wft cant Both I VAIWlNT,WH6eS'7tUGlT0, 1 FKlWtH!- NOW fPS MMMT WTTyiHNSfm I 1 0W5Ne WITH i K RAAIINSOEft CAU.ToeO900VlN'F0I.KAIiJN', NST MlMPtlt HSP PWZ BUNC1 mC0.m.M3it K.. . THI9 CHAC TS TBOWra T SSL'S! SClml r izsvtt Y wsS in rsSilA S 1 ORPHAN ANNIE for spenw rr- you put ( shucks-onuv woiY vouvou I I f MILLIONS-MflKES T WmTLL WE DO WITH 1 WEU.,NOW WE FVWOFF THffT BACK TH' OBVIOUS-I'M NO ?TUi WANT I Tf I II ME PEEL LIKE A tT-'PttRS LIKE FIRST 1 THE MORTGAGE ON DfltfS ON ITS FEET NEWSPAPER SAL" To QO ON WITH I , I I I FOOL-WHATILMW OFF I GOTTA LEARN I HOME HERE-OUg HOME- WHILE I WAS BUT MAYBE I ALLTHISN ' I II DO WITH IT? I M5UTH' LAW 'BOUT J THEN THEPAPER-- LAID UP- J VyOUl LEARi4J : PTTIJ I i iiri7f u iiic. ; i fci ts nil i um tit i rwiTr i j LIL ABNER - , ' .' 'v I IKI 7A HOURS, THE BOY "TH EF TH' LAW SAYS AH BECOMES I I BUT-?-WIU- DAISY MAS I l-AN'THETXL HAVE A ROTTEN KNOWN HAS LIC3PLE f fjj ACAL IN 4 HOURS-AH r IT 9-NOfr- SHE LOVES ME TOO PRE-NAVAL INFLOOENCE ON OUR HABNER WILL BE LIGGAUy ) s m WILL OB&Y THAT LAW.T J MUCH TH' WAY AH 14, TO OBEV j CHILE.r-NO.'-DAISV MAE . DAPV-VOU BAOPER TAL J C.jJjB I I ANY LAW WHICH SAYS AH BETTER THINK AH IS VOU r VCjSk i HAIN'W ME' SHORE J REALLY DA ID".'- f C ' sii, HOPALONG CASSIDY P . I THEY'RE PARC'S OF T0LP I I NOW THAT WE UNPER6TANP ' " si S MINE , HIKEP V) KEEP THEY'RE ALL EACH OTHER, MR. BROOD ANP VSN. WHO ARE V TELL HIM, A YOU FROM 6TERPIN' 1 EXPERT I ARE LEAVING TO TAKE 55E TWO MEN 7 A MR. BRO0P. J M OUT 0' UNE.THERE'6 MARK6MEN.' cARE OF THIS CA6S1DY.' 1 - f r B ANOTHER STAKED A1 VlSlJffl IA VIA Vfr lil I paww ...hi ir . icbj msim ...hie ,,ai--iiirSa' ri.ft-KM!o REX MORGAN. M. P. 1 11 fT r vsW 111 e VAvm u ' br ' a mxta 1 11 ffik 1M4 ! msf Jfc.A nnv tin imtiMT r . 1 rz. -a..- n xrs rr: i .r W- '- - " ! MARY WORTH " . ' ' ,1 ICWCd lrsre3FS133l I m ONLY FI6HTIN6 BACK, GIVE Mt H I J!J1) GOOD! I ONLY WISH ItT FEMALt!.WEU.ARL I..IIL A CHANCL TO DtNT It. S THAT TENDtfLLITTIL r- ss RADIO PROGRAMS WEDNESDAY P. M. KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAE KOCO (I, ,K t7 CB1 IIM SBC t MBC MM lW LM lt:W Km N.w. N.w. r.l tT. TrS MK'r Sltwj U:S i T.,, H..M r.rl, lukOmi '"' UipfIdii, Hm rfl Jc Qi 0f Q BpKer lr TIm :li BtiK, wifT iiiunp Bm a w' siriwws siiu . . Mm MtMr : sum d.hm A.-t j ii ; f1"" S!i" 2!" E'!'!' wi Bro v,w,, 0 Sti'n M'USr 45 i. Hi ihihm Wt Banch g,u.r " "'4r t:inrui. Bin srkin cl timf mi ..,! .). u.,u rrrtr rrrll r..Slr C'l .'" Bte.rdi M.J. Lmiu I'Sl L. JBtt Catfrrtf LT L" Miiala Bteard, Mai. LcatH t:4 Dm,, Wt, GedlifT Mllllilra Show BeorSi Ml. UM I'tf Wlen " Gdrrcr " ' MaileBtfBt OarTawn Jim Dftndr MaJ. Laaiaa f ' 1 5 Tranltra nadlrer ' lllfarlam Sba MaJ. Laaiaa I'XS Dr Paal Qadfrar ' rar lh atrl1 Matla Jim Dandy Mai. Ltaiaa 1:4." Data Orrwr f 'arl MaaHf n 0Mt Mag MaOalr, Shaw MaJ, Lean, Lira Be.utllul Klrkbam Tln Taoaa Fallaa Laula Hrin. Train Mai. Laataa 4:U Mailt U,i KathA,hta Saulrra Oaf Il,mlnawa Haala Mart Mai. Laaiaa 4:Wmu Baa JlmWakal Sa.lrral Cia "a M.Ha Mart Ma.le 4:45 H.,le Bai T.a,lallr H.pa; Tlma Sam Ba.aa M.ila Mart M.Ha t.aa N... Marraw Naw, Urn Bak Sanaa al Maile Mart Shaveana 'VlZ... SalimNewa S'ara Bar Maila Marl Skawcaia '. SI L MeCall arld Tadal Ckal Rantla, Wild BUI Maile Mart Val'r Bcaarl 4:4' . ralaraar Nana Bak Oarrad Blekak Mail, Marl Bemamaar TTuKalas wllk PM ' Waalhrrman OabrlBaalar MailaMarl Candkllakl J'-Vi Maalr n.,b.a,a Hama Id. NW Naw, a,la Marl VO Caacbaa ' Mr Ban Jarp Wbat'a Mr Oaad lUt Srmpbaar Maile Marl awa MtSanJaap Una Oaad LIU. Mam Harea lan Olf BS Kara i-M Bab Hopa lOn Slaaa Una Baniar Maila .... - P"rr H Bab Hon, On Stata Una Baniar Maala Sun Slar SB Walk Mil warld Alfalr Mm! try. Dr (tldara Maile ;IH Walk n Ml Faram Tbaatw Pr midare Duteal Papa 4:00 Maa'a ram Ntwa Simpbanallt spelllna Track IIP 4:15 ,, Oa 8pal Srmpbanatla Canteat Traek ln 1:4(1 Oraal Dr.Cbrlitlaa Mr. rraildtnt Spelllna Traek I4W 4:4 alldanleaaa Dr. Cbrlillan Mr. fraildenl Cealeil - Traek " 00 Graaeba V. B. I. Talaa Tamar 'lea Bardr , Traek IIM I." Man Teaea War "-! Uab Traek IIM 4:3(1 NamaTnal Ja SlaKard Mail, la Maala Traek UPS :4f Tana lanlar Mlaa M, Bailnei Maila Stmt I4:4I VaarHi S Star Pinal Final Edlllan Benlnd Slarp Nlabl Sana 14:15 Sparta Final Inlerrlava Daaea Tim, Mrnereel Nlabl Sana IB:Sfl Maila Rear Ki ale Danea Time Neaia Maala Tan 10:45 Mule Bant Maile Danee Time Dar Maria - Waal 11:4' Marie Hear- Orinn MeL Dance Tim, III Mnrdar Naetarne 11:15 Maile Bear On.Meladlaa Oanee Time Heladlea Neelnrna 1:J(I CllrCannrll Treaaarr Danea Time Meledlea Naetarna 11 :45 Cltf Cannell Banditand Danee Time Meledlea Nnclarae U;Saeti on Itllcnt I Wnile . I IPanee rarap " i a Don'f Blow Your Top HjV ji S YOU, l00 C4B 4OT 4 bIlifDl - Trader Louie will take most anything in trade. Trader Louie 1820 lini 14. Hl 3S55I THURSDAY 5 A.M. T0 11:45 A.M. j fl:0( Maile Time jNewa Ore. Farm Neva Breakfaal - W Meledtee : 1:15 Mnile Time R.F.D., Ore. Ore. Farm Farm Nent Naak ' W. Meledlea : sso Maala Time KOIN Kleck Ore. Farm ' Newa Breakfaat Farm Neva ! t';4' Farm Time KOIN Kleck Ore. Farm Marck Tlma Keek New, 7. nfl Cenntrr EdT KOIN Kleck Flrel EdTlien Bnalami Breakfall Medllallene 7-15 Jebnnr Willi Newa M. Aeremkr Breakfaal Naek KOCO Kleek ?-S0 ITewi Newi Reb Garred Breaklait Breakfaal KOCO Kleck ;45 K. Mannim H. Babbltl Beb Haien Sam Bayee Naek KOCO Kleek a. 50 Old Senia Carala Breaklait Cecil Brewa Jim Dandr Newa S'.Ti Old Same Newa Braakfail Fam. Allar Jim Dandr KOCO Klnek '0 Muile Ban Grand Slam Breakfall Raeea af K Jim Dandr KOCO Kleck R;45 Mnile Bex Beiemary Breakfaal Baeen ef B Jim Dandy Newe n.o Newa W. Warren 9 am EdltleiiVewe Mr. Smyth Waman'i r,t ill Muile Box Aunt Jenny Todiyi Stan Milady Mam Mr. Smylh Plane Pat. 9,r Maile Box Helen Trent Friend In Paitar'a Call Mr. Smyth Seeend Look f :4r V. LIndlabr Onr flal Ban Need Bar. Ceantei Mr. Smylh Dlnab Share 10:00 B. Reynold! Read ef Life D. Gardner Glen Hardy Back fenea Raye 14:15 B. Reyneldi Ha Perklna C. Huntley Tela Teit Hatlnee Recerda 14:30 Strike It rlel Eiienbower True Stery Aniwer Man Back fenea Raya 10 :r Strike II rite1 Quia, Llthl True Story Mmtlt Matinee Bccerda 11:40 Dbl ar Neth.Mr. Burlen whliperlnt Ladlei Fair Back fence Ran 11:15 Dbl ar Nath P. Maian Girl Marrlea Ladlea Fair Matinee Record! 11:3P Bob Kay NoranDraka V. LIndlabr Qn. lar Day Back fence Ran 11 '.A Bob Hone - Brlehlcr Day Barney Keep Q. for Day Matinee Kccordi FM Mar.i KOIN 14 1.1, 4 a.m. la II p.m. KE tt.t, I la ! p.m. DIAL LISTING KOAC, SSt Vfkf Wednuday p. m, l:M, Ore- Ike Maileril I'.M. Serenade in Blaei :M, Chlldran'e Tbeateri S:M, Chleaia Keand tablei ;e. Newa and Weather: d.15. Ore ion Uililataret 7:1S. Kyenlni Farm Heart l:H, Badla Sbarlbandi S:4S, N,wi, Weath er I Pitt, Medllatlani 1:M, Sin Off. KOAC faT II :M, SefaMl f A If) 11:15, Cinetrt Bfttli lt:M, Ntwn :!. N4j Farm Bwt t , Far Waacai f :W, Inaatrlnr Mwielaai t:U, Ort. Schawl af Air; S:M, Oragaa B parlcri 4:f, Uatrertiir Baar. Low Temperatures Attack Middle West (By The Auocleted PreBi) The upper . Midwest had freezing temperatures today as the entire nation experienced cooler than normal weather. There were rains in New Eng land, showers on the Northern Pacific coast and some snow in the Northern Rocky Mountains. Freezing temperatures were reported as far south as West- Central Illinois and Central Kansas. Minot, N.D., reported 18 degrees. A storm center off the. Southern New England coast brought rain and strong winds to that area, and during the night as far west as Ohio and Japanese Prince Lands at Vancouver Vancouver, B. C. (IP) Prince Akihito of Japan landed at Vancouver international air port Monday after a .half-hour flight from Victoria. The 19-year-old prince, en route to Great Britain to rep resent his father. Emperor Hi rohito at Queen Elizabeth's cor onation,' will Journey by train across Canada and board the liner Queen Elizabeth at New York. Southern Indiana. Showers and thundershow ers in Georgia, Florida and the Carolina! dumped as much as 2.57 Inches on Atlanta and 3 inches on Appalachiola, Fla. mm ACROSS l.Iloitelrr 4. Spear (.Seat In church 12. Fish egg! 13. Music drams 14. Wonder and fear 15. Detail 17. Small branch 18. Coif peg 19. Type ol car 21. Kind of Ash S3. Old cloth 25. Minister 28. Of the gov ernmcnt 52, Large plant 53. Beverage 94. Great fear 37. Make a mistake 38. Fodder pit 4C. Walked 42. Corrupts 45. Pedal digit 48. Lines the roof 43. Extend 52. Greek letter 54. Masculine SR. Heavy wagon 57. Pouch 58. Elephant's tusk 40. Doctrine 81. Discover 42. Restrain 53. Lair DOWN 1. Flower AlMlilDnSMAJMnLl IlNEEAt AlliE. a ANT aUMEiUREEJ S C ElNlTffD R AEIJCa EIJrBa tIDlTe imkl n r"1 fXu dTtWr e n ol lA RRfe knAjkiN E Dj A R U MlrWLr""l BE 5 0 MnvljjEflP PIT EnUR ' C EffgAL VP Ekyni ARifli.E a r EEulifisnirAiE If AIRURIEnBlDUeiDIEIN Solution of Yesterday's Puzlldj 1 Promise to pay S. Require 4. Behold . Likely (.Tiding! ' I" P PI4 I lfe P la I10 1" ft ?js j? is ir ii rig 'm' 5ar arprpo r-b-jr w y !rpr J7 W ST ??j 5Tp"5? 5T 5T T fV 5T--BT ErrnN 1 1 I lk T. Corrugatt 8. Anxious 4. Rained lightly 10. Female sheep 11. Tiny 18. Female horst 20. Spikenard 22, Illuminated 24. Pikelike ash 26. Dry 27. Sea bird 28. Rapid 29. Charles Lamb 30. Daintiness 31. Allow 35. Skill 38. Portal 39. Number 41. Act 43. Bashful 44. Bondmaa 47. Narrow opening 49. Barren 50. Container 51. Religious song 52. Worm 53. Stroke llghtlj SS. Before 99. Period ot time: bbr. HE BLOCK TO A FORTUNE