Tuesday, April 14, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon fag 19 Bands Heard by Large Crowd An audience that was larger than uiual for uch affaire, . turned out Monday night to ; hear the concert provided by the Salem high ichool and Uni versity of Oregon bands. Although the program ex tended for more than an hour and a half, including t h e numbera played by the entire : group of musicians, the audi ence showed unusual enthusi asm throughout. Victor Palmason, who di rects the high school band, re ports other musical events will take place before the end of the spring term. These will in clude the performance of Gil bert and Sullivan's "H.MS. ,; Pinafore," scheduled for the nights of May S and 6. The nign school choir and orchestra wm participate. LEGALS NOTICE TO CRIDITOli NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN thlt , LeNoel niton Myers his been, bjr order , of the Circuit court of the auta of Oregon for Marlon Countv. annnlnt..t administrator ot the Estate of Marv - 'Mftud Fisher. Deceased. Any persons having claim against said estate are requested to present them, vttu prop er vouchers, to said administrator at SID Pioneer Trust Bulldlni, aalem. Onion, within six months from the date . of this notice. Dated Mar. 31, loss. LaNOEL EU3TON MYERS A Administrator of the Estate of MARY MAUD fisher. Deceased. RHOTB7N, RHOTEN Si SPEERSTRA Pioneer - Trust Bids., Salem, ore. Attorney! for Administrator Mar. 31. Apr. 7, 14, 31, 31, 19S! Sleeping Pill Sales Delinquency Problem Washington W) The aale of sleeping pills and other drugs has been described by govern ment omclaLs a s an "acute" problem linked, with Juvenile delinquency in a great many communities. Commissioner C. W. Craw ford of the food and drug ad ministration, In testimony to the house appropriations com mittee, asid his agency's in spectors have run into seri ous problems In the field In Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, Boston, Denver and Seattle. Administration Not to Back Alaska as State Washington, (U,R) Advocates of statehood for Alaska started an uphill fight today before the House Territories subcom mittee. The subcommittee opened a four day hearing on several bills to grant statehood to the territory. None of them has administration backing. Interior Secretary Douglas McKay was scheduled as early witness on the measures. He was expected to say the ad ministration favors eventual, but not immediate admission of Alaska to the union. WHEATLAND VISITORS Wheatland Mrs. Ada Hawkins of Jefferson has been a guest of her nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Braat, since Easter Sunday. Slay. on Plant Details Given Stayton The Stayton Can ning Company, Co-op. Is plan ning a $78,000 expansion. Con struction has begun for two ad ditions W inej yssuib. A 60x240 foot addition, hav ing a building permit value of $53,000 will be used entirely fro cold storage of cannery produce. Construction on this building Is expected to be lln Ished by June, i The 60x184 foot addition, having a building permit val ue of $25,000, will have two five foot freezer belts and will have space for repackag ing of frozen foods. It is ex pected the building will be finished some time in iuiy. The machinery for this ex pansion project will cost ap proximately $100,000. Not many additional employes will be required, possibly 10,' as the purpose of this expansion is to provide storage, and working space lor jobs, and produce mat has had to be stored elsewhere in the valley. The expansion will eliminate this handicap. MARILYN IN HOSPITAL Hollywood, M0 Shapely film actress Marilyn Monroe was under treatment" at Cedars of Lebanon hospital today for an acute attack of bronchitis, but was reported in "favor able" condition. Commisioners' Court The following Is the official publica tion of the record of olalme before the Marlon County Commissioners' Court for the March Term, 1153, with the amount allowed, bllle continued, etc.. accordlnr to the records In the office oi the County Clerk. J. c. Curnutt, Tele., 4.83; Public Employes Retirement, Retirement, I,t3?.3; Ladd Jt Bush Salem Branch, Withholding ,U0.J0; state Industrial Accident Comm., Ins., 174.74. Surveyor .lohn Hanna, Surveyor, 341.70; Pat Hol land, do, JOJ.02. Bailiff Circuit Court Floy Mudd, Bailiff, 60.90; Esther Ward, do, 4.74. Coutr Clerk Helen L. Uulkey, Clerk, 1.77; Edith Toers, do. 140.11, Stayton Justtee Court W. H. Bell, Jus tice, 173.351 Oall Cflrlstensen, Constable, Is.lOi A. P. Ayraonc, eteno., 30.70. Woodburn Justice Court T. C. Qorman, Justice, 370.30; Harold Schlel. Constable. 19.40; 'Mary V. Gorman, clerk, 30.60. BierUf-Tai Ida C. Oldenburg, Clerk, iee.ee. uresis uonn wuuam a. rreele, Belllff, 1.14. Sheriff-Legal Roy Lamb. Eitra, 1.91. Assessor C. A. Lewis, Dep uty, ne.14; Leo quesnel, do, 301.33; Henry Jungwlrth, do, 310.311 J. L. 81eg. mund, do, 317.14; J. P. Schlmben, do, 309.711 Richard Nicholson, do, 317.70; Orace V, Babcock, do, 117.70: Ida M. Batille, do, 160.75; Dim G. user, Clerk, 304.81; Anabel Moon, do, 183.70; Joan Watterson, do, 108.19. Clrealt Court . A. A,- Richards, Reporter, 318.80; R. B. Hughes, do, 309.90; B. D.' Peyton, do, 348.40. Civil Defence Wallace S. Whar ton, Director, 330.30; Dorothy H. French, Seoretary, 333.30. County Clerk M. 3leinlcsek, Deputy, 159.03! R. Howard, do, 309.30: H. L. Mulkey. do, 198.10; V. Windsor, do, 339,40; P. NIbler, do, 301.14; N. Watson, do, 191.00; R. J. Stanton, do, 70.89; W. U. Olfford, do, 181.71! B. Bishop, do, 180.80; W. H. Freele, do, 193.38. Couoty Court M. Retnlesek, Clerk, 00.00! Joy Doyal, flteno., 180.38. Court House Ed Booth, Janitor Wght Watchman, 177.00; Ruth Hutchlns, wlthchboard Opr., 87.30: M. J. Mor rison, do, 113.10. Dlstrlet Attorney Robert H. Anderson. Deputy Diet. Atty., 11.00! Doris DeVall, Secretary, 177.39: Jason Leo, Deputy Diet. Atty., 331.70, Dletrlet Court Doreen A. Beddoe, Dep uty, 311.81: Lena Beal, do, 170.30. Dis trict Court Florence Young, Bailiff, 33.70. District Court Earl Adams, Cons table. 337.81; Arthur M. Roethlln, Deputy ' Constable, 338.10, Health Department w. J. stone, PHP. ii, 030.30; w. P. Green, Sanitarian. IL 313.001 F. R. Cole nan. Sanitarian I, 377.47; I. O. Ler- mon, Sanitarian rj, 378.37; W. O. Bel He, Sanitarian X, 303.00; Bernlco Yeary, P.H.N. V, 370.48; Edith Haulman, P.H.N. I, 330.10; Mar; Lois Mondloch, P.H.N. I, 335.15; Claudia oonneuy, f.h.h. iv. 341.98; Etta Mae Deterlnt, P.H.N. II, 310.30: Mary Testerman, P.H.N. I, 330.30; Erna Berstecher. Orad. Nurse XI. 331.30; Helen Poulade, P.H.N. II, 184.84; Viola Elteubaeh, P.H.N. II, 331.14; Margaret Forster, P.H.N. I, 348.10; Anthony Mill, Orad. Nurse 1, 308.30: Mary Schecher, P.H.N. I. 334,80: Ruth Intram, do, 330.40; Muriel Swerlngen, Orad. Nurse I, 304.33: Effie cole, P.H.N. II, 350.40; Vernon Olsen, Health Educator, 381.80; Vera Wood, Clerk-Steno. III. 314.00: Phyllis Flnnlcum. Clerk-Steno. I, 110.00; Allee Bergman, Clerk-Typist I. 151.60; Paulino Fugate, Clerk-Steno, I, 148.03; Joan Sawchuck, Clerk-Typist I, 150.34; Carol Sohm, Clerk, 40.09. Albany Jailer Louis A. Andrus, Jailer, 343.05. Jeffer eon Juetleo Court Marvin A. Hutchlngs. Justice, 100.90: Martha T. Hutchlngs, Secretary, 30.10; George F. Armstrong, Constable, 14.81. Mi. Angel Justice Court Joseph L. Faulhaber. Constable, 19.80. Sllvertoa Justice Court Alf O. Nelson, Justice, 101.10; F. N. Burch, Clerk, 60.40; E.-L. Mobley, Constable, 99.00. Juvenile Department Nona White, Probation Of ficer, 367.97; D. J. Jepsen, Ass't. Officer, 354.341 Jo-Allen Bradley, do, 303.94: Ger ald C. Brown, do, 131.08; L. M. Johns tin, Steno., 133.31. Microfilming H. T. Klelhege, Microfilming, 100.50. Reg. Election Gladys White, Clerk, 314.40. Recorder Virginia Grltton, Deputy, 303.88; Irene Johnson, Deputy, 195.70; Jean Kumm, Clerk, 176.30: Irma Arends. do. 105.70; Nell Peterson, do, 39.70. firhool fluoerlntendent Agnes Booth; J. F. Remington, Deputy, 199.17: Betty l P. Sanders, Supervisor, 349.70; Mildred J. qi, AA. nl.rl.tln V MflT. ley, Secretary, 171.56: Jacqueline J. Ben age, Clerk, 148.40. Sheriff-Legal A. 1. Malstrom, Deputy, 340.00; L. M. Wright, do, 303.90; B. R. Smith, do. 341.31; Duane Lehr, do, 330.40; E. J. Boust, do, 336.00; Roland West, do, 308.30; Harvey Frank urn, do, 311.90; Frank Blank, 319.30: Everett Nortleel, do, 363.00: Cecil Joem mn. do. 310.10: Wayne Stevenson, do, 369.80: Roy Lamb, do, 31.80. Sheriff-Tal H. F. Domogalla, Chief Tax Deputy, 390.31: Howard T. Evans, Cashier, 340.00; Leonard Combe, Ass't. Cashier, 333.17; Vlolette West, Bkkp. Super., 184.00; Syd ney Ann Nelson, Deputy, 184.60. Surveyor Pern Cummlngs, Secretary, 1S3.85. Treasurer Audrey H. Ewlne.' Deputy, 188.58: Charlotte Walker, do. 185.53. Vet erans Office Rldelev C. Miller, service Officer, 314.70; Gloria J. Crary, secre tary, 100.40. Dog Control Edvln A. Ward, Dog Enforcement Officer, 331.16: R. J. Stanton. Clerk, 111.00. CountT Preoerly H. Wm. Thlelaen, Land Agent, 130.16: L M. Johnston, stenog., 50.00; Robert H. Anderson, Dept. DUt. Atty.. 189 40 Engineer H. B. Swart, Co. Engineer, 315.11: Theo Kuensl, Ass t. Engineer, 3.18.09; A. M. Presnall, Secretary. 311.11; Gladys M. Berry, do. 96.171 J. P Aspln wall, Labor, 349.11: Robtrt W. Hlndman, do, 343.61: Delbert J. Balr, do. 357.77: J. A. Burns, do, 175.61: Robert Hart, do, 364.63: Elmer T. Ideen. do, 174.90: Irving H. Johnson, do. 39366; Harold L. Merlin, do, 350 07; Frank Woe Ike. do. 185.31; O. D. Blnegar, do, 33097: Henry . a eiwe- rime Connelly, do, 336.35:' Richard Dalke, do. 131 13: Joe Debacon. do. aaj.on taw""" qnc OVt WtllmaV FoSlhO Rt, dO. 32,. JB, Harvey Olrod. do, 337.45: Clelr H.rvev. do. 331.99: Roy Hettleld. do, 319.83. Dick Hoover, do, 130.09: Barney J. Kropn, do. 193.99: Laurel Lam. do, 330.10. Herver A. Msrtln, do, 321.73; w. R. Me.srv. do, 10144: John McAllister, rto. 111.63; R. E. McAllister, do, 16415: Jes. Rise!, do. 344.00: Olenn b"'""'wdm' lotoo; D. P. Scharf, do, 164.01; Wm. Bh..: do, 101.83: Robert C 341.06; Earl D. StendlfV. do. ' J. Btravens. do, 350.19: Floyd Taylor do. 330.98: Lloyd E. Taylor da 345.14. A M. Thels. do. 334.15: Hugh Webb. do. 139 00; Sam wee.e, do, 163 0 41 Leo . Wells, do, 336.67: Tony Woelke, do, 341.80;Robert o. Bye, do, 384.19: Jos. A. Robl, do, 367.36; Jesse R. Carter, do, 344.30: Menno Dalke. do, 306.00: Lloyd Jarman, do, 315.38; Harvey Lively, do, 314.99; Leo McCalllster, do, 133.33; Henry Rasmussen, do, 333.60: Tom Rltchey, do, 333.90; W. Shelley, do, 339.31; J. C. Curnutt, do, 378.65; John Anderson, do, 341.34; Albert L. Canoy, do, 316.75; Cbas. P. Canoy, do, 184.71: L. R. Cooper, do. 319.10; E. J. Coover, do, 194.38; Wlllmer uaniberg, do, 338.43; Robert L. Martin, do, 133.57: H. J. Peterson, do, 378.071 C. a. Ross, do, 333.00; A. B. Rostad, do, 2DB.38; w. J. Btarsl, do, 330.13; Ted H. Btolle, do, 371.10; Wm. Natttgcr. do. 375.50: Leo A. Andreas, do, 354.63; VlrgU R. Fancy, do, 308.73; Virgil Long, do, 340.73; s. M. Martin, do, 190.00: Mel vln J. Mannler. do. 303.871 Delbert Shelllto, do, 308.43: Albert K. Wengen roth, do, 140.30: s. K. Ely, do, 174.00; Floyd Blackburn, do, 110.07; Wm. M. Duchateau, do, 336.69; Arthur Thayer, do, 337.74; Kenneth Watts, do, 314.331 Llle Wilt, do, 334,80; Tom Bowden, do. iiBv.ov;' Frank l. Hersna, do,- 300.39; Addreesogravh-Multlgraph. Buns.. 4B.O0: Burroughs Adding Machine, do, 9.43; Henry Jungwlrth, TE, 80.08: Richard Nicholson, do, 8.88; Leo Quesnel, do, 50.91; J. p. achlmberg. do. 39.07: J. L. Slegmund, do, 43.09; Thomas c. Enright, Atty. Fees, 45.v0i Thomas B. Gabriel, do. 30.00; Johnson at Cllne. Meals. 16.16: Howard Kaflun, Atty. Pees, 46.00; Dale Plerson, do, 41.00: Balem Lighting & app., Exp., o.oo: Wallace B. Wharton, TE, 15.10; Lestoon Howell, TE, 88.15; Homer H. Smith, Bond, 53.351 Robert H, Anuerson, -ij, ?.4B u, n, carter. Misc.. 1.00; Bl Conn, do, 3.00; Ben W. Coutant, do, l.oo; a. C. Gragg, postage, 9.00; Jason Lee. TE, 3.53; Joseph P. Meier, TE, 3.13; A. C. aragg. Postage. 08.48; Earl Adams, do, 16.00; Earl Adams, TE, 116.60; Dr. Geo. Mursell. Exam.. 16.00; Paramount Pest Control, Garbage, 35.00; jonn aonmid, do, loo.oo; Floyd m. Seamster, do, 350; Sllverton Sanitary Service, do, 10.00; Bloproducts Oreg. Ltd., Sups., 19.07; Dr. w. G. Burrows, Psy, Serv., luo.00; Communication Ma terials Center, OE, 3.00: Erpenbeck & Segessman, Equip., 33.37: Dr. Lucille Fortner, Med. Serv, 70.00: J. K. GUI Co., OS, 10.11: w. P. Green, Trans., 3.10: W. a. Hellle, do, 1.20; Hendrle Medical Lab., Lab., 310.71; Ruth Ingram, Trans., 13.55; Johnson A Siewert, Print ing, 11.00: I. G. Lermon, Trans., 7.50; Maternity Center Assn., OE, 1.00; Dr. John Meadows, Psy. Serv., 100.00: Ore. Btate Board of Health, Lab., 3.00; J. C. Penney Co., OS, 17.61; Physicians at Hospital Sups., Sup., 70.391 Qulsenberry Pharmacy, Sups., 75.04; Rawllnson'a Laundry, OE, 14.68; Salem Masonic Tem ple, Rent, 386.00: Salem Medical Labora tories, Lab, 166.75; Balem Memorial Hos pital, X-Ray, 333.00; W. B. Saunders Co., OE, 10.00; Scellars Foley at Rising, OE, 8.01: Mary Schecher, Trans, 13.10; school Dlst, No. 4, OE, 1.16; Sllverton Appeal Tribune, OS, 3.00; Mary Tester man, Trans, 13.55: Tide Water Assoo. Oil Co, Trans, 171.00; Nora Wood, - OS, 33.10; Wyeth Laboratories, Med. Sups, 86.71: Dr. Austin W. Elvers, Herd In spection, 442.35: John Hanrahan, do, 361.00: Dr. E. L. Henkel, do, 163.75: Dr. K. J. Peterson, do, 284.00; Dr. K. J. Peterson, do, 330.76; F. G. Rankin, do, 330.10; Glen E. Schwenke, do, 113.50: John Jacobson, Indemnity, 8.00; Lloyd Marlatt, do, 90.00:wuilam J. Meier, do, 10.00; G, F. Keller, M.D, Exam, 7.00: James C. Zan, M.D, do, 7.50; Dr. J. Alan King, do, 7.50; Dr. R. E. Furvlne, do, 11.00; Dr. Feul Wolfe, do, 7.50: Dr. R. L. Arthur, Medical, 6.00; Art Burn- side & Co, Sups, 17.79; Jean P. couette, Repair, 19.50: J. M. Lawless, do, 30.00; Oeorge K. Miller, sheriff, Meals, 300.40; F. Morton Pitt, Sups., 187.00: Harry W. Bcott, Sups, .00; University of Oregon Med, Med, 15.00; Marvin A. Hutchlngs, Misc., 50.80; Oeorge F. Armstrong, TE, 4.48; Alf O. Nelson, Justice, Misc., 13.49; E. L. Mobley, TE, 0.03; W. H. Bell, Juntlce. Rent- 30.00: Mr. J. A. Braun- berger, Hosp, 74.00; Mr. Gerard C. Brown, do, 10.00; John J. O'Donnell, do, 14.00: Kay Typewriter. OE, 13.50; Mrs. Leroy Kuper, Hosp, 33.00: Mrs. Clinton Maddux, do, 32.10: Mrs. Clinton Maddux, do, 22.10: Royal Typewriter Co, Equip.: 145.00: The Boys at Girls Aid Society, Court Committed, 5.00: Children's Farm Home. do. 1.00: Catholto Charities, Inc., do 25.00; St. Rose Industrial School, do, ii.M! A. c. Gragg. Postoee. 18.00: Re- cordak Corp, Rent. 20.00; School District 24 CJ, Rent, 1.014.78: Florence E. Beards lev. Fees. 15.00: Agnes C. Booth, TE, 31 70; Dept. of Finance & Admin, Equip., it no: Mildred E. Odgers. TE, 11.13: Ore. gon Slate Highway, OE. 3 00; Oregon Voter, Misc., 4.00: rreo nemmmon, id,. 6.35; Conncl! I,, waru, leBtiiie, ivv.w. Capitol Olflce Equip, OE, 4.70: city of Balem, Radio, 18.54: The Klaslo Photo Shop, Mlc, .u; ic.w.n rum,. iiw, Misc., 4.10; Everett Norfleet, Trans, 1.50; Relcon Enterprises, Misc., 4.00; standard Oil Co. of California, Trans, 101.71: Wayne Stevenson, Trans, 0.80: L. . M. Wright, Trans, 4.10; Denver Young, Sherilt, Uniforms. '5.00; Denver Young, Sheriff, Misc., 47.35: I""n"-Bow"',;n.c'' OE, .85; Remington Rand Inc., OE, 35.60; A D. Orahem, TE, 0.76: Kllham Sta tionery, OS, 1 81: Rapid Blue Print Co, Bups, 36.09; Salem Hardware Co, do, 4 10' The Redman Manulacturlng Co., Cm. 13.50: Rldalev C. Miller, TE, 50.61; Rldgley C. Miller, TE. 30.191 Er Vln A. Ward. TE, 95.51; Flnley D. Le clalr. Refund, 3.00; Clelr Wilkes, do. 1 00- Mrs E. A. Beuell, Sheep Killed, 30 00: A. I. Eoff, do, 80.00: Steve Hlller, do , 20.001 Mr. Lewis Mellbye, do. 10MI Ssiem Linen Mills. St. Fair "0; The American Us Book Co, Books 12 M Bancroft-Whitney Co, do. 12.50, The iobbs Merrill Co, do, 35.00: West Pub lulling Co, do, 3100; Oeorge E. Allen, Rep. .01; Armco Drainage A Metal Prod. Mlsi, 6,681.60: Baldwin Mount, Stock, 39.53: Ballou Wrleht, Rep;, 70.50; Berfa Repair Shop. Rep, 13.15; Elake Motlltt A Towne. nrp, .... -. .-.., Rep 13.00; Wellard Branch. Bounty, 3 50: Broadway Tire Service, Hep. 200.47; E H. Burrell. RfP, 119 30: Capital Auto Parts, Rep, 85.74: Capital Journal, Ad vertising. 81.99; Capitol Lumber Co, Rep. 32 05; Capitol Tractor At Equip, Rep, 317.76: Cascade Mercantile Co, lsc 8.05; Central Paving Co, Gravel, 7.70; City of Balem Water Dept., Water, 4.40; Clyde Equipment Co., Rep, 3.37; fAiomhla K-auloment Co, Rep, 13.01: Commercial Book Store, Eqtlp. ft Sups, 1 070.21: Cooxe fliaiionerj. muip. Hum, 115.40: Dr. M. K. crothers, Exam, 50.06; S. C Si Nine B. Dark, Gravel, 70.201 Q. A. Downs Glass Shop, Rep, ib.04: Chas. Doerner. county uicra, Exam A fluoy. 17.00: Ray L. Farmer tmw. co, Ren. 1.80: Frederick Post company, Equip, 30.01) J. B. Gray St Son, Sups, 09.73! A. O. Qgg, Poltago, 15.00; J. E. Haseltlne at Co., Hue, lae-aii Hayden's Capitol City Laundry, sups, 2M.36: Herrold-Phlllppl Motor Co.. Rep, 81.70; Howard cooper co hop, sn.so Howser Bros, equip, 375.00: Industrial Supp:res;Howlmpa nrGBMtl63a70 bu supply CO., MUC, s.ou; interstate -xto, tor d Equip, Rep, 139.30; in jorgen sen, Rep, 36.07; Keller Band At Gravel, Gravel, . 11.00; T. L. Kuans Co., nop, 10.30; J. J. Lambrecht, Bounty, 2.501 Claude Lewis, Rent, 35.00; O. J. Lewis, Gasoline, 100.57; Marlon Electric, Mlse, 1.10: Marshall Wells store, Mlse, ie.ee; Douglas McKay Chev. Co., Rep, 3.91; Merrltt Truax Oil Co, Oil. 0.90: B. J. Ulnden Lbr. Co, Lbr.. 13,60! Mountain States Power Co, Power, 1.30; Need- ham's, MUc, 170.16: rlonigren'j, Meau, 449.50: Norm walker paint CO, misc. 1,338.49; Oregon 1 Gravel Co, Oravel, 138.31: Oregon Physicians Service. OPS. .27; Tile r. T. 6s t. Co., Phone serv ice, 511.60; Pacific Building, Rent, 310.00: Phlllppl Tire service. Rep, 14.09) Port land General Electrlo Co, power, 97.35; Red's cabinet Shop, muc, 177.46; Red Croes Pharmacy, Med, 79.71; Roberte Brothers, MUc, 6 A3; Roberts Truok at industrial qulp., Mlse, 43.73; W. w. Rosebraugh Co, Mlso, 86.00; Saffron Supply Co., MUc- 11.30; fialem Auto Parts Co, Rep. 8.00; Salem Brake At Wheel Aligning serv. Rep, 19.00; Salem i-oncreie ripe at proa, .pipe, m.gi Salem Inguranee Agenta, Bond. 6.00; oiiem baunurr as uieaners, u av li.zu; Salem Steel at Supply Co, MUc 1.53: Santlam Oil Co, Oat At Oil. 46.24: Shell oil company, Gas, 11.35) sehell OU t;o, oas, 40.43; smiling Jack's Inc., Rep, 373.46; State PubUo welfare Co., car of Poor-and Mnse. 61,005.00; State Tire Service, Rep, 39.96; Stevenson at Mefford, aBttery, 88.64; The Texas Oo 37.90: union on Co, Diesel, oo.w: un- run-Knapp. supa. 113.66; valley Farm ers Coop, Gag St OIL 419.98; Valley Farmers coop. Oil Assn., Gas St OU, 3,011.47) Valley Motor Co., Rep, 113.19; Valley Welding Supply Co, Rep. 33.73: Vlesko As Post, Const, 13,443.33; Vlesko 0Al39:E7s-AlanO63.077GkLRentD:yX 38 Sand As Oravel, Gravel, 396.60; Walling 8and at Gravel, Oravel, 004.56; Warren Hortnwest inc., cold patch, 31.05; Wil lamette Machine At Welding, Rep, 10.00; Willamette Valley Tel. Co, Freight, 1.30; Zellerbach Paper Co., O. B, 1.16; Walter H. Zosel Co, Trans, 186.10. Calm, Then Everything Went Boom San Francisco (UJ0 Ed ward R. Datcha was calm after the ear he was drivlnf mashed Into a parked vehi cle and' careened lata another Ha. lighted a. clfaret, smoked it and tossed the atub away. It landed In a pool of gasoline. All three damaged vs hides were destroyed In the explosion and fire, Mine Drifts on Oregon Coast and Explodes Cane Mearei, Ore. W) . House beams were broken and windows shattered a iialf mile away Monday night as a float ing mine exploded near wis north Oregon coastal commun "y. - . . .. , No one was injured. The mine, which the Coast Guard here was unable to iden tify, washed ashore Monday noon on the cape which sepa rates Tillamook bay from the ocean. . A number of spectators gath ered and several had tinkered with it before the Coast Guard arrived and cleared the beach, The incoming tide Monday night picked up the mine and slammed it against some rocks, exploding it. Executor Named Albany Wesley Vols has been named executor of the will of Charles A. Voss, who died March 14 at Albany, leav ing an estate whose estimated value is S33.BUU, including ?o, BOO in personal and $25,000 in real ' property, according to records of probate court. In the other probate report Eldon Foster, who died March 25 at Portland, left a $26,200 estate including real property whose estimated value is $25,000 and personal property valued at $1200. . ' The king snake, a constric tor, la immune to the Venom of many ' poisonous snakes, says the Nantional Geographic Society. Detroit Camp Ground Started Detroit First recreational development on Detroit Lake is the Lakeshore forest camp ground, now nearlng comple tion at a site two miles west of Detroit, When completed and ready for use about May 1 the piclnc area svill accommodate 170 outdoor enthusiasts. Includ ed in the plans are 18 tables, 12 fireplaces, six rest rooms, parking space for 60 cars and a space for boat launching on the lake shore. ' The camp ground will be completed at a cost fo approx. lmately $10,000, the money having been allotted by dam project appropriations to re' placa the former Berry camp ground which la now under water. The area la expected to be exceptionally popular, accord ing to S. T. Moore, Detroit dis trict ranger, because of Its lo cation on the new lake. It will also be among the most scenic spot, affording ,a full view of Mt. Jefferson across the lake. Liberty Meeting Liberty Salem Heights The Liberty-Salem Heights Home extension unit will meet Thursday. April 16. at the lem Heights Community hall at 1 p.m. The project, becom ing a good buyer, will be pre sented by the county agent. There will be an election of of ficers, and all persons are ask ed to bring their fish pond ma erlal for. the carnival. Wm. S. Weidel Named Market Administrator Portland W William 8. Weidel Monday was named Oregon state milk marketing administrator. The state board of agricul ture appointed him to the $550-a-month job after accept ing the resignation of Thomas L. Ohlsen. Weidel baa been Ohlsen's assistant since 1051. Ohlsen, who has been asso ciated with milk marketing since the state began controls in 1933, will continue as an agricultural economist to study milk problems. He also will assist Weidel. . Geneologlsts have traced the ancestry of Queen Eliza beth II of England to Woden, fourth century Germanic tribal king, later defined as Odin for whom Wednesday is named. .. . . - LIGALS . NOTICE TO CBED1TOM Do. 18.40! -u the Circuit Court at the Kits at Oregon (or tho County liar Ion, Pro bate Department. Notloa Is hereby given mat ant uader- signed Joseph J. fisher has beset sp- pointed Administrator of ths estate eg Wllford O. Plsher, also known si W. o. PUtier. deceased, by the Circuit Court of ths State of Ores on for star ton Cou tr, ana nag tjuauiieo. au persons navis olslnts asslnst said estate oro hereby notified to presonl tho sams, duly tori nea ao or taw required, so ins anoer- . si sued at Box St. 444 ehsgaekaU srs Salom, Oregon vlthta sts saonths freest ' ana aaao nereor. Dated owl fust pabllsliad April T, IMS. Last publication May t, 1961. Joseph 1. Plsher, Adnuntstrator Johnaon, Stephens Panel, Attorneys. Apr. 1, 14. II, St. May t, INI. CALL CADWELLOILCO. FUEL OIL Mkt tksM Mnriigt nmiilNii FHONB S-7IU Journal Want Ads Pay S i t ..'.... tVM. 4 OREGOHi OWN rNt see. SINCE SS6 There's nothing that we can say PROCEEDING! March i, 1053 Pipt line permit, Salem Height Water District; Permit to haul lore, Clarence M, Murphy, John Kendli, John e. zoiotoii. March 4, county Sur veyor to determlt.0 adequacy of tlgna turn on petition for Improvement of Peck Avenue: Quit Claim Deed to Frank Alcher et ux; Permit to haul Ioki, John Llnd. March 6, Petition br John fltaetny for rwht 01 insrejs ana egree to ami from County road No. 413. March f. Dr. Schwenke authorlted as lubstltuta herd inspector on Relnhold wahl herd: permit to naui ioc. u, m. woooj. inr- roll Mauldlng, Ralph A. Wllaon, Jamei a. Muzzy, w. f. Meiaener, Keith Miuer. March 7, Annual financial report br Children'! Farm Home of Oregon W.C.T, U. March 9. Final hearing on Indemnity claim of John Jacobaen; Amended plat of NorLhgate Addition to Salem, and Amended plat of Norths ate Addition to City of flaftra Annex No, 1, placed on file: permit to move Cat.. J. D. Schack. man; Permit to haul loga, Van handel Bros., Frank J. Pokorny, Rak Lumber Co., John Kendle, H. J, Wagner; Order for Vacation of portion of shiricr Ave nue In Sudtell'a Highway Tracta Add! tlon; Petition for Improvement of Che. hall Drive. March 10. Permit to haul log, Leo Pankrats, Don Nlelaon and Geo. Baal. Theodora R. Dodaon. O. Bradley; Permit to haul Piling, Harrison McNeil: Quit Claim Deed to United State of America. March 11. Permit to haul log, Geo. wirtb. Marcn ia, Jtnoenv nlty claim of Elbert DeOuIre, final hear ing 33163; Bond for luuance of Dup lout warrant to Florence Jatman Permit 'to move Building; Call for bid for Asphalt. March 10, Permit u naui lom, Jack Pennington, Arnold W. Van Handel; Permit to lay tile, Melvln Du-' Hette. March 17, Petition for Vacation of a portion of Brandon Street; Permit to haul Ioks, James A. Mutzy; Plat of Hllldate Addition placed on file. March 18, Bids on O-asollne, etc. by Shell OU Co.; Bid on oasollne by Union Oil Co. March 30. Removal Order No. 83-1 by State Tax Commission removing cer tain lands from reforestation piaceo on file; Permit to haul lom. Howard Neal; Indemnity claim of Maries H. Merten, final hearing 3-31-53. March 31, Permit to haul logs, Andrew J. Bishop, K. C. Parker, March 33. Beer license, Frank B. Nichols: Affidavit of publication of Call ifor Bid on Asphalt, placed on Ills; Order for Survey and securing tae menti on corner along County road No. Amended Sheriff's Deed. March 34. Resolution by Stat Highway Com mission prohibiting parking oi ve hicles on portion of old Pacific Highway B. where It Intersects new Highway; indemnity Claims of Oeoria Kaufman, Meivin R. DuRette. Wm. J. Meier, final hearings 4-6-S3. March 3ft, Pipe line oermlt. Salem Height water ujstnei; Beer Ilcenae, Anna J. Stevens; Quit Claim Deed to Kenneth J. Qolllett at ux, Mftrrh 38. surveyor to determine ade quacy of signature on petition tor im provement of Chehalls Drive; Engineer to make report on petition for Vacation nf oort on oi Brandon street uraer on nvinc Detition (or vacation oi portion of Brandon street; uupeniers license, Oliver M. Willis; Order including "Rag weed' 'In Marlon County Weed Control District: Transfer order. Marcn so, Agreement between Marion County Civil Defense and Four Corners Rural Fire Protection District, and Marlon County Civil Defenae and Falser Rural Fire Protection District in Ri: equipment under FCDA matching program; Dis pense ra license, Kenneth L. Kelly tt al Frank B- NkholU; Indemnity claim of Ludwlg J. Hits, K. Merle Poote, Lloyd O. Marlatt; Permit to haul loia, Clyde . Bllven, Theodora R. Dodson, Oeorge Jungwlrth. March 31, Final hearing on indemnity claims of Elbert Deoulrs. Maurice H. Merteni Permit to haul poles and lows, OWe and Robs tad; Permit te haul lots, Fred J. Blalke; Indemnity claim of Flbert DeOuIre, final hearlni Ajprll io, mi. drivind doesn't say befe! t ! &aqWaada4gta4ik PROVEN V-8 PERFORMANCE-GREATEST IN MERCURY'S EXCLUSIVELY V-t HISTORY Get the facts you'll be convinced it's priced for honest value Symbolizing (he Progress of Ford Motor Compony'i 50l Annlvtrtary "SO Ytart Forward on (he American Rood" WARNER MOTOR CO. 430 No. Commercial St., Salem a