Monday, April 13, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregoa Paz I SIGNS HISTORIC AGREEMENT It V . North Korean Maj. Gen. Lee Sang- Cho, Communist chief negotiator, signs the agreement at Panmunjom for the exchange of sick and wounded prisoners of the Korean .war. The Reds have not yet said when they can start delivering the 120 Americans and 480 other POWs they have promised to return. (UP Telephoto) :Kite Flying ;Priies Given .. Ten members of Cub Scout Pack No. 17 won prizes in kite .flying competition in Bush Pasture Plirk Saturday after noon, sponsored by the South ;Salem Lions club. I Prizes won by the 10 out of 'about 25 who entered included (flashlights, first aid kits, Scout (bracelets and knives. Two mothers, Mrs. Vernon Salter and Mrs. C. L. Fritz. jwere awarded prizes for being imosi neipiui 10 Kue iiyers. ! The 10 prize winners were: , Michael Faist, prettiest kite: 'Douglas Davis, funniest kite; Jimmy Warnack, most original; iKeith Salter, highest flat kite; biggest box; Daryl Gooch, big gest flat kite; Kenney Roasette, longest tail; Allen Nelson, saf est flyer; Dick Pogue, smallest flat; and Charlie Wright, small est box. Judges were R. E. Emmons, Clayton Jones, Dave Randolph, Glenn Browning and Howard Obershaw. Another Title To Salem High Salem high school was win ner of the Oregon state debate championship in the annual scholatic speech tournament Saturday at Oregon State college. It was the third consecutive state championship for Salem high, coached by Miss Amanda Anderson, and the fifth victory in eight years. . The Salem team won all five of the debate contests in which it competed. Team members were Louise Owens, George Matter and Ronald Anderson. Opponents were teams from North Bend, Grant nigh of. Portland, MacLoughlin high from Milton -Freewater, .Eu gene and Ashland. ' , Runner-up up was ugene high. Salem students also placed in contests other than debate. Matter was second in extem pore reading and third in ser ious reading, Anderson was third in discussion, and Karen Johnson tied for third in ex tempore speaking. ' They also was coached by Miss Anderson. Other Salem students who competed in finals were: Bill Cook in radio speaking, Carole Warren in poetry reading, Ron ald Anderson in radio speak ing, and Louise Owens in after dinner speaking. The meet was over a period of two days and was partici pated in by 147 students from 37 schools. FRENCH RED GOES INTO HIDING . I French Communist chief Maurice Thprez,. who spent 30 months in Moscow recovering from a stroke, leaves train at St. Quentin, France, accompanied by his wife, Julie Marie Vermeersch, He rode in an automobile to Paris and immediately went into hiding at his secret headquarters. (UP Telephoto) 1 Michael Fritz, highest box and 1952 show also Wn. Bull Champion of Klamath Angus Show Klamath Falls. Ore. WV- Meadowmere Farms of Deer Park, Wash., consigned the bull selected Sunday as grand champion of the sixth annual Pacific Coast Aberdeen Angus Association show. It was the second straight championship for Wayne and Don Lenhard. operators of Meadowmere Farms. Their ex. hibit took top honors at the French Union Forces Withdraw From City Hanoi, Indochina VP) The French High Command an nounced Monday that French Union troops have been or dered to withdraw from Sam neua, key city on the border between Laos and Viet Mam. The announcement said the troops had been ordered to pull back to the interior of Laols. The withdrawal was started Sunday night, and is being carried out withont con-Vietminh. Samneua, a city of about 80,000 population, is 120 miles southeast of Hanoi. Ritchie Returns For Night Talk By rpecial request Missiona ry C. J. Ritchie returne at 7:30 Monday night to the Spillman Lyman meetings at Crystal Gardens to present miracles oi grace in the Caribbean. By unanimous vote of the large gathering that heard him on his first visit he comes back to tell of the remarkable progress of the aosoel of Christ in the Islands of the Caribbean. Missionary Ritchie will also relate the uncanny doings of spirit mediums and the marvel our conversion of Blque, tile great spirit of Guadaloupe. Moving to the other side of the Caribbean sea he will tell of the opening of the gospel work in Cayenne and the nu merous providential openings which made possible the thrill ing story of "Daybreak Over Devil's Island," a heart-warm ing recital of the power of the gospel regions of deep human degradation and enslavement. Colored pictures will help to visualize these tropical lands and their inhabitants. Polk Co. Extension Meetings Planned Dallas Polk county exten sion unit meetings for the week were announced by Mrs. Malno Reichert, extension agent, as follows: April 14 10:30 Mistletoe Unit Mistletoe School, Home- Made Ready Mixes. April 1410:30 West Salem Unit. Members Home, Horns- Made Ready Mixes. April 1510:30 Dallas Unit, Dallas City Hall, Hom-Made Ready Mixes. April 1610:30 Alrlie-Suv er Unit, Whitaker Hall, Home- Made Ready Mixes. April 1710:30 Fort Hill Unit, Member's Home,' Home Ma de Ready Mixes. " 150 to Play n Two Bands Annroxlmately 150 instru mentalists, consisting of tne combined bands of the Salem senior high school ana tae University of Oregon, will be nreumted in concert at 8 o'clock- Monday night in the hlh Khool auditorium. The two organizations win play separate numbers ana then loin in rendering two se lections, including Souza's fa mous march, "Stars ana istripes Forever." The program: . March. Men o! HUM Ueretta BIktoqIo Rhepeodr yrledmenn Xmrtn f0, piano ai Band .. Bennett eolout, smut Oekfclatt Tbe Peea-Horn'a Rareue Bowie (Novelty xeeturing ine jrenaa buib eeetlort). Narratur, warrie Olbbeni. Cake Walk Bennett (Vrom Suit el American uanceer March, Whip and Spur Allan ALAm auuit avnuvb mnu Mania chsrtii Warner (From Tannnaueer main .Horn Qaartett: Marvin Tar tar, ela Cauble, Richard Bnfdahl, Pete Lader a Overture. Italian In Aleitre .... Roulnl The Three Tnampetera Aaoellnl Trumpet Trio: Kar wexnn-, Mir ihall PaUett. John Ellbourn Smite of American Dancea .... Bennett l. waliuower weita 3. Weetern One-fltep VI ul D'ante from l Totca .... Puccini Sporano Bolout, Janle Erane election! from South Pacific .. Beaeri ololet, Want Mercer March. Srd of Februerr Ronoal imivzmsrrx or Qiauun euirur . Eugene; vice presidents, Ralph Hillier, Eugene, Dave Trusty, Tillamook, Patricia Mayo, Roseburg, Harry Kelly, Grants Pass, Ted Whiiler, Lakeview, JeanetU McCormick, Garibal di, Keith Burns, Portland, and Gene Brantley, Medford. - Fire Wipes Out N.Y. State Family of Six EllensvlUe, N. Y. W) A family of six was wiped out early Monday in a fire that leveled their 100-year-old ru ral frame home. The father, a guard at the Woodbourn correctional in atltution near here, apparently died in futile effort to save his wife and their four small son., ' : ' r. . , The dead wert Vaughn Deck er, 30, his wife, May, 27, and their sons, Richard, 5, Stephen, 4, Carey, 3, and Vaughn, Jr., 8 months. . . CALL . CADWELLOILCO. FUEL OIL Mail rtat Mrulngs wire ts fns) ' , t PHONE S-74J1 n Thou Be Near tart and atrlpae Porerer cxnaouraTiorf auue Salem Hlfh atndantt. Baah Bouaa Medford Woman Heads Young Oregon Demos Eugene W Noreen Kelly of Medford Is the new presl dent of the Oregon Young Democrats. She was elected hare Satur day at the close of the organi zation's annual convention. i Other officers: National com mitteeman, Don 6. Willner, Portland; national committee. woman. Donna Blue, Eugene; treasurer, Harvey L. Orner, PHONE 3-8853 WALLY'S PRINT SHOP "where Is ft Ple4ce, not Juit a promise" MASONIC BLDG. Comer Stats and High WALLACE 6. 6REUR SALEM, MESON J kt of tk ls-n-tliat V SID BOISE GEORGE HUGGINS Plaos don't soil on George for onything within tht next few days except to osk him for a cigar. Ever arrival of a prospective quarterback In his family tia lem High, 1969) he has been of very little help around here so we decided to leave him out of the picture entirely. We found a job for him In the back room sharpening pencils but the rest of the office staff Is still available and will be happy to assist you. Things should settle down within the next few days and we II be bock to a state of normalcy. ' ; Just for the record, we would like to bring you up to date on the number of Huggins' there are already. There are seven in Coos Bay, eight In Salem (nine as of lost Monday) and one is on Guam. He Is In charge of our Overseas Marine Insurance Department through i tko il. s Naw. As ona as insurance: is being written It looks like there will be a Huggins to : hondle the transaction. ' . INSURANCE : FHONC 3-9119 SALZM "tin (spHil Stsck tmm Mtrrst IW . IIS N. Church SPEClAUstole SUITS . . .box jacket SUITS . ..cardigan SUITS . . .jewel-trim SUITS .v , . . . tailleur SUITS . . . dressmaker, SUITS . . .in misses' and women's sizes created exclusively for us and completely HAND-DETAILED in the most important fashion fabrics, extraordinary VALUES ORIGINALLY PRICED FROM 49.95 TO 110.00 AmO ) O 4800 58 I " fePW ' - Fobrics by Forstmonn . . . Miron's worsted flannel . . . Miron's novelty ribs . . . sharkskins .'. . gabardines . . . Navy, beige, grey, light blue, black, red, pink, novelty mixtures and checks. Misses 10 to 20. Women's UV4 to 24 Vi. ALL SALES FINAL NO MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS NOT EVERY STYLE IN EVERY SIZE AND COLOR 409 COURT