1: Page 20 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Monday, April. 13, 1953 ' 4 ROYAL WELCOME ""'1 ; , J.,"'' 'i " X,: XVl M w v 1 I laiMffaMiliMMaa3iai 1? ' The luxury liner President Wilson, flying the Japanese national emblem from her foremast, and bearing Crown . Prince Akihlto Tsugunomiya, enters San Francisco Bay. Welcoming launch cruises alongside as fireboat in back ground sprays greeting. San Francisco skyline is In ' background. (UP Telephoto) County PTA Council To Elect and Install The Marion county council of Parents and Teachers will hold their final meeting of the spring at 7:30 p.m., Wednes day, April IS, In the Salvation Army citadel, 241 State street. Mr. L. S. Shuford, president of the council, states that the meeting will include the elec ' tion and Installation , of of fl eers; the reading, of reports from the 21 county and local units and discussion of the state f.x.jx. convention xo oe neia at Medford, April 21-23. Installation will be In charge of Mrs. Fred E. Corn, regional vice president of Depoe Bay and entertainment will be pro- viaea oy a women s vocal quar tet irom the Aumsville unit. Officers who have ' served Dennis Patch, vice president; mrs. it. juonK, secretary; Mrs. Evelyn Olsen, treasurer; Mrs. v. w. wright, Mrs. J. . Bunnell, Mrs. C. E. Calkins and Mrs. L. E. Marschat, com mittee chairmen. EDEN OPERATED ON London CM Foreign Sec retary Anthony Eden is in good condition after an operation for gall stones, his physicians an nounced, but he will be away from bis desk for at least six weeks at a critical time in world affairs. . Calm, Then Everything Went Boom Manchester, England (UP.) Sob singer Johnny Ray was mobbed by British bobby soxers Saturday night and was carried to his car In a semi-conscious state, police aald today. ... Ray's chauffeur said the teenagers tried to tear oft bits of the singer's clothing as souvenirs. ' "I thought he would be trampled to death," the chauffeur said. Eugene Man on Plane Feared Lost in Lake Niagrara Falls, N. Y. fll.R) Search planes today sought a trace of an F-47 Thunderbolt that disappeared over western Lake Ontario last Friday. Air Force officials continued to list Lt. William G. Stephen son III, 24, Eugene, as missing but said that "it's 99 to 1 the plane went into the lake.? Strike Closes Ford Lines : Detroit W) Assembly lines at 13 of the Ford Motor Com pany's 18 Ford, Mercury and Lincoln plants across the coun try were closed Monday be cause of a strike of 2,200 work ers in a Monroe, Mich., parts plant. The closing idled 47,000 of Ford's 130,000 production workers, and a Ford spokes man said that "the total idle couia easuy reacn V3.UU0 as more of our plants run out of parts." . CIO United Auto Workers walked out at Monroe April 1, charging a speedup. Company officials denied the accusation, O'Malley Says Unnamed Public Officials Profited Eugene O Public officials whom he declined to' name have benefited from prison la bor, ex-Warden Virgil O'Mal ley told the Young Democrats' convention here Saturday. When asked who these offi cials were, O'Malley said: "I want to leave this state and don't want to testify before grand Jury." O'Malley was fired by the State Board of Control March 31 after a group of out-of-state wardens bad investigated t h e prison and submitted report saying conditions . there were extremely bad. "It Is my belief the wardens' committee intended to frighten me ooara oi control into pre cipitous action so that there would be no opportunity for a rebuttal to the absurd charg es,- u iviauey said. He criticized Prison , Sunt. George Alexander "whpse phil osophy was in direct opposition 10 mine." Alexander, formerly warden. became superintendent . when O'Malley took over in 1951. O'Malley said all the factors which lead to prison riots were present when he became war den. He listed them as: Poor diet, overcrowding, lack of a recreation program, 'severe and inequitable sentences, in efficiency, politically appoint ed personnel and lack of seg regation. He said these condi. tions had improved during his administration. O'Malley said he didn't un destand why no one was fired after "all that serious trouble" before he came to the prison, and why he was fired after 19 months with, "no major trouble."-, A contributing factor to his difficulties were rumors about him spread by malcontents and former employes, O'Malley said. , APPLIANCE REPAIR Call as for prompt and expert work on an appliances ' Mayes Appliance Repair Phone 4-5911 23 State bt TENTH VICTIM DIES London V-The toll in the London subway crash reached 10 Monday with the death of an injured passenger in a hos pital. The accident occurred Wednesday night. ,. . WAR m I KUUI RENTALS 394 North Church Phone 3-9600 DOCK WORKERS STRIKE - London W) A walkout of 1,300 dock workers at Tilbury docks halted the unloading of 14 ships Monday,. , WU Teams Win At Missoula Both Willamette university debate teams competing in the annual' Tau Kappa Alpha for ensic tournament at Montana State university in Missoula late last week' qualified to en ter the. semi-final round held Saturday. The senior team of Tom Scheidel and James Wood was debating for the university for the last time. The sophomore team consisted of H. Paul John son and Fenton Hughes: ' : 1 , The four men were finalists in their individual events as well as debate. Scheidel took the tournament.'s second place rating in extempore speaking; Johnson took fourth and Hughes fifth. In oratory Wood was ranked the tournament's fourth best speaker. The four students competed In Missoula with 200 speakers from 24 colleges and universi ties in eight Rocky Mountain and Pacific Coast states. At tending the Montana event with them was Dr. Howard W. Runkel, Willamette's director of forensics. SECRETARY DIES , New York UJ9 Malvina C. Thompson, ol, personal secre tary to Mrs. Franklin D. Roose velt for nearly 30 years, died In a hospital yesterday after an illness of several weeks. Hoover Believes Ike Doing Remarkable Job Cleveland W Herbert C. Hoover believes that "Presl dent Elsenhower is moving with great vigor and doing a remarkable job" in cleaning up what Hoover calls the "mess" in Washington. The 78-year-old former Pre. sident added in a news confer ence: "And he is going after reorganization and I am sure there will be reforms to elimi nate waste." THE SMART SHOP, FOR VANITY FAIR!;.; LINGERIE ' 115 N. Liberty ! Everything for Your Window ELMER THE BLIND MAN Venetian Blinds, Drapes and Shade Traverse Rods Bamboo Drapes and Shades Columbia Matlo Screens Cloth and Aluminum Awnings aFlreplsee Screens and Accessories 'Chapman Home Freesers Vert! Vertical Blinds Folding Doors Transparent Plastic Store Shades. ; We Wash, Paint, Slat and Retape Venetian Blindi Free Estimates 10 Down Pay Monthly 1879 Center St. (formerly West Salem) Phone 3-7328 "" p-'-? .... DRIVE OUT TO MKN AND SAVE! In Addition to Our Superior Quality We Offer You . . . , o GREEN STAMPS o FREE DELIVERY o FREE PARKING o LOW OVERHEAD COMBINED TO GIVE YOU THE BEST VALUES IN SALEM SP lll - With warm weather just around the corner, be sure and drop in to see our wide selection of lawn furniture which is arriving daily. M Of special interest to the kiddies are the "Gym-Dandy" sets (pictured above) LIMITED TIME ONLY ?iUL0T.1.,0.?a h.ellth i lor wshed appearance . . . if? Ei Jttr ,ensa,ionl Double-Guarantee offer! h.S,L.' "'!T.B,f"l?i,rest ,or 30 Blht- ,f " a cent. mattress back. And it won't cost you (,) m!ft h'T.".g4?lmm5ni "" guaranteed for 10 yeara. Ten hit. .ff .iS d0Wn t0 lera th l "'ft! two m!Sr.e'yhi!Lr ,to.,,,ta ' ' nothin lose! Choose from IpHnOM SO. NOrm,'-Flrm Kxtra-Flrm. Matching hex 260 STATE ST. wiuiMim tiuiti limn iFniAicEtin 1425 Edgewater St West Salem auCM UKEOON CITY