-1 Monday, April 18, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orem Pact 19 DENNIS the MENACE By Ketcham 1 0 For Sole MISCELLANEOUS DEEPFBEEEE horn, freeiers. YEATER appliance CO., 378 chemeketa. n BOsriTAL BED (or lilt or nut. I owl Furniture Co. Phone 3-H6I. ORGANIC TTEBTIUZEB. Pni ol weed Meoo, ih odorlese. Sack or bulk or der, delivered. Phone 3-8137. n91 rERTIUZEB Pulrerlied. rotUd manure, nouverea anrwnero, j-rm. or a-eoii. nil MeCULLOCH CHAIN RAWS, Ml Edie- weter, Weet Salem. Salem Loif ini Sup ply. Ph. 4-1541. n , "WO DID Wi LAUSH WHEN SHE CAUEDttEA UTTLE FOR RENT ROOMS UCE BOOM lor fentlemena. Close In. A 133 N. winter. Cell alter 1:30 p.m. 5 Jk90' BUILDING MATERIALS fLEKPING BOOMS, kitchen privilege. : ' television, (30.50 per month. Phone f it-mo. ; Jfcas Sew FURNITURE, comfortable, close In. '5 Oarst e available. 701 No. Church. 4-533. Jk8P FOR RENT APARTMENTS IIICELY FURNISHED 3 room and bath. 4 Flret floor. 694 No. Commercial. 1P88' 4 BOOMS, bath, rente, lane view wln - s dowi, taehlonable area, a-1117. 'p91 iSjRNlSHED J-room apt., ttl N. Cottete. Otllltle, turniihed. $40. (No imoklni ; v. or drlnklnE.) Phone 3-4831. JpBC two PARTLY FURNISHED apartment,. j 346 per month each. Box 40, capital :'i Journal. , Jp9J KEITH BROWN SPECIALS Close Out We are cloilni out our sntire stock of Plumbing, Housewear and Work Clothes, Overalls. Shirts, pants - at 25 off while trier lsst. Keith Brown Lumber Yard FRONT tt COURT BT8. PHONE $-9111 (We give B ctn oreen stamps; ma :'LEE APTS. flalem's Moat Distinguished 'Address -n BeauUIul bachelor apartments with - : pullman kitchens, at moderate rates. 1-bedroom apti. Irom $17, 3-bedroora ' unite when available. Call 4-101. win ter at Union fits. 1jp ; 1 LARGE, 1 small court apartment, turn- fished. Close In. 20714. Jpfll' COLUMBIA APARTMENTS. Furnished or .'. unfurnished. Modern S room, electric heat, garage. Bus close br. No pets. 4 Located 2311 Fairgrounds Bd. Jp88 LOVELY APARTMENT, 4 blocks from U- 8- Bank. In a tree setting, rire- .'- proof building. Plenty of heat and hot water. Automatic laundry. TV con nection. Adults. Bee at 330 Oak street. ' JP90 : aSlean. comfortable 2-room apart- - vent. Ground floor. Only $35. Latfy preferred. 84ft Ferry Bt. inCELY FURNISHED apartments; Am bassador Apta. 850 No. Summer. MICE JP S-BOOM, completely furnished apartment. Very good location In Bollywood. One block to bus. All Dtllltlea and heat inoluded In Tent of 65, with exception of electricity. J. b. LeOlerc, Realtor. 1696 N. Capitol Phone 1-3255. Jp88 I4t.ft0 FURNISHED 3-room apartment. , Phone 4-6930. 340 Division. Jp89 B-BOOM AND 3-room nicely furnished apartment. Call 88868. LAMB, CLEAN, furnished apt. Utilities larnunec. .Reasonable, 30s Bo. 16th. Jp89' CLEAN FURNISHED apartment. to state offices. Phone 4-5578. Close J poo 1-BXDROOM, unfurnished, court apart ment witn stove, reingeraur, xv an tenna. 807 So. 13th. Jp&fi1 PBTVATE THREE-ROOM furnlahed court apartment, clean. Adults. 50. 3560 Portland Road. Jpl03' JCTEBAL furnished apartments, good location. Inquire H L. Stiff Furniture. Phone 3-91B5. Jp" 1 ROOM furnished apartment. Private bath and refrigerator. Utilities paid. Phone 3-4084. JP88' FOR RENT HOUSES 1 - BED HOUSE, tood condition. Im mediate poneulon. 561 Mill. Jm88 S BEDROOMS, clean and neat, full base ment, only 115 month. Call Ravllna Reeltr at 4-1761 or a-.oo.. i 1 HiriRnnH rouse. Electrlo heat. TJn- furnlahed. Adulta. No peti. $33.50. : Phone 34304. li inna BOUSE, electric ranee, elec tric heat, V. mile out on Balem-Dallas Hltnwar. bo aioo uanaa amall 'but rilBNISRED, imall 'but Terr llarTClou, lor worainc coupie. lovelr. J.5015. 1 NICE CLEAN one-bedroom unfurnUhed .5 home. Attached laraee. In new i f,iutl n.l.hborhood. S55. No Pets. 1 una eait of 4 Corner!. Ker at 4o7S i State. Phone 41B7S. JmB2' 1-BEDBOOM Stove and relrlierator furnlahed. Newer, clean and neat. 150 . wnnlh. Phone 4-17S1 or 3-4864 . lm' LUMBER Complete mill stock common lumber. 100,000 ft. ahlplap sheeting, 3x4 and wider. No. 3 and 4 grades. Price 135 per M delivered and up. Ted Muller. Phone Salem 3-1106. ma03' TOP SOIL River Hit and fill dirt, prompt it llverr. Phone 1-1749. n' OLAD1EON manile. 171. New d-E Hot. maiter beater, 30-fallon, ,135. New uncrated O-B drrer, 9325. l-pleca wal nut dinuu mi, tm. S3 . i9tn. ' nil1 STEEL clotheiline poiti, planters, rall - lni poroh columns, furniture. 1145 N. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING. RAOIATOB TBOUBLET Taller Motor Co. ezperu will aolv. your prob lem, and aavo you money. Proa aett mataa. apoadr aorTuw. Cantor si 14b ertr. TRUCKS 1951 GMO tt-ton panel. Low mUeaee. excellent condition. Priced ftfbt. 531 Belmont. Phone 3-1401. del FARM EQUIPMENT tao.M BULOVA wrist watch. 31 Jewels. sllchtly shopworn, closeout price 539.75. Hartman Bros. IBB State. fcSO GARAGE complete on your lot to your specifications, aa low as 111 per month, no down payment. BORKMAN LBR. at HDWE. CO. 4S0 State St. Ph. 1-3701 mais Used Appliances No Down'Payment CoMspot Reff. Very clean and aulet runnlns motor and unit, just re nalred. Lara, family size. Da luxe with crlsper, only ........7.S5 Used None Reft. Small llae. I cu. ft. Very quiet and clean, a real our. Only 549.95 Used Uotpolnt Reff. New paint lob unit, vegetable crlsper. only lee ao Used De Luxe Coldspot. Quiet run- nlm, larye alse, very clean. Meat . or. vet. compartments. Only ..V Hb Used Oenerel El, Rett. Very clean, eealed unit, vesetable crlaper only tSB.gs Used Electric Rames. All makes, all In food condition 539.B5 A up. Dead Washers. All makes. Alt In food worklnt order, only... 514.95 to 149.95 TinkhamGilbert BENEm ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Close-Out 2 Row crop Oliver 60 Tractors $1195 each 1 14" 2-bottom plow ...1210 2 10x24 tractor tires. $65 each 2 22A Oliver mowers. $325 ea. Nestucca Lumber' Co. , Cloverdale, Oregon Phone Cloverdale 271 ajbtO TOP MAN IN CLASS am 2 HEAVY EQUIPMENT D7 CATEBPILLAB 110,500. 3.SOO hours. with drum and doser. Fully .quipped for lofilnf, new tracke, food abape. Cecil Mayes, Phone Albany 9-759J4. qell BOATS rOOT MARINE plywood boat and trailer. 731 Rosemont. Phono , 11530. qoBO FINANCIAL 5 Interest tf you have Idle fundi eeeklu in vestment, then you are the type of person to whom we can u. of aervlce. Por over Twenty-five Teara wo have been helptnr people In thle community find profitable work for their money. During this period we have promptly paid 50 aeml-annual Interest payments totalllnr many Thousands of Dollars. We are currently paying 5 INTEREST on funds from $500 to 55000, General Finance Corporation 135 8. COMMERCIAL ST. Salem, Orea on Fhona 1-9181 Marine Staff Sgt. Thomas W. Gates, left, of Lebanon, Ore., receives a certificate of proficiency from Col. William Mullen for successfully completing the unit supply special ist course at the Camp Eta Jima, Japan, specialists school. Gates, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gates, Lebanon, received a final grade of 87 per cent, the highest in his , class. He is regularly assigned to supply company of the First Marine Division's First Ordnance battalion. (U. S. Army Photo) S JOCKS 38t n. Liberty Phone 3-0! 13 n6B' BEE US FOR FARM. CITY OR ACRIAOE LOANS BEST OP TERMS WE BUY Real estate mortcatea ee eontrncti , State Finance Co. 187 So. Blth St. - Ph. 3-4111 Keith Brown SPECIALS Attention Carpentera t$ Painters We are closlnf out our enUre stock of work clothes. 25 off. lncludlnf car penter and painter overalls, . Carpentera C74 HB ret. 5.41, tale 4.11 Carpenters C84 SB rea. 4.9B, aala 1.14 Painter. P64 SB ret. 3,9!, aale 1.11 All Plumblm Supplies and Housewares 35 off. 3-0 x 8-8 to 3-8 to q-a, panel.. ..wo 3-8 3-8 z 8-5 x ltt 1 panel, 1 lit. .T No. 1 Stained Shakes with under- courae iz.uo ... 3500 feet 1 X 8-RL B No. 118... 880 M. 1x4. XM C&Btr MO Floor- lna tlvo af. U x 8 - RL C Cedar Sldinx ,.,.585 M, Outside While Paint 1,89 Keith Brown Lumber Yd Front k Court St. Phone 1-1111 WX GIVE S. H. GREEN STAMPS ma' FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, composts, the aame quality as last year, for home and arden. Flotstones, red lava stone and other typea for walls or aardens. Rus tlo cedar leucine and trellis work. Phillips Bros., Rt. 8, Box 493, Balem. Ph. 4-3081. USED washina machines, $9.95 and up. YXATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Che-maketa. model L Messeneer tree duster, Brlgee- Stratton motor. Used two aeasons, 136.00. Table model cream seperator. ood condition. 30.00. 13 qt. capacity, Call Lebanon 3455 or write 339 Elmofe at Th.nin fir. ' nSfi USED TUBS, $30; lava., $10; sink., $3.60; auto, water heaters, $21.50; toilets. $30. Jndson's, 379 N. Oom'l. ma90 BUFFET. DAVENPORT and oak chairs, over-stuff cnair ano ottoman, smau tables. Phlleo radio, waahlns machine, nurses uniforms. 43 and 44s. Phone 1-5045, 190 So. 35th. nSS1 S3t ALLOWED for your old water heater - on this new 42-fauon automatic ei.c trlo water heater. Yeater Appliance, J75 Chemeketa. Pb. 3-431L SALEM DIESEL Roller and ball bearlnas tor trucks and tractor.. 3770 suvertou noea Gravel and Sand Anvthint? in travel, wholesale and retail. VALLEY BAND fe GRAVEL CO. Ph. 2-4002. n Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WOODBZ WANTS Plane Phone 3-5110, na- ELECTRIC 1-5110. RANGES. Woodry'a. Building? New weatheritrlpped windows, com pletely assembled, hundreds In stock ready to go, 314 up. New picture windows 18.00 New doors 2'8"x6'8" $5.50 3-tab hexagon roofing ....16.95 3-tab thlckbutt roofing I6.9S Unpalnted cedar shakes ...... .85.75 Reverse trap toilets, complete ...$35.80 New 20"xl8" wash basin $17.50 Cast Iron bath tubs, complete ...860.50 New shower cabinets, complete, .$43.00 500-gal. steel septic tanks .'... $83. 50 4" soil pipe 70 New electrlo water heater ..... .184.50 New steel garage doors . $85.00 Asbestos siding $9.80 No. 3 cedar shingles 15.00 No. $ cedar shingles $3.75 New plasterboard 4x8 ........ $1.40 Exterior white paint (gal.) ....$3.95 Mahogany ft birch plywood.. .bargain C. G. LONG & SON Phone 45051 1 ml. north of Kelser ma EXCHANGE MISC. WANTED TO exchange stand ara size electrlo range lor an aparimen. ;, 1-niais nnBU' PERSONAL ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Oroup No. 1. 208$ xf. commercial, s-o. .-. I.UH. V99 iKfiirnihhed bedroom house. Elec - h.t, wired for electric ranse. Attached garage. $45. Also trailer space In same court. $10. No pets. 1740 Oxford. Phone 38885. Jm90' LOVP-LY l-BEDROOM court rental, com pletely furnished, tile bath, only 150 per month. Phone 4-1761 or 2-4854. Jm" OFFICE FOR RENT S OB 8-BOOM SUITE. 3 slnele. Oreson Bulldlnf. Phone 3-4114. 1 GROUND FLOOR olllce or store space for rent, Cell at Fltts Market. lo; LOST & FOUND LOST NEAR Liberty dulrlct. blonde l.m.l. doe. 8 months old. Answers to Ledy." Half Cheiepeke, half Cocker hone 3-36. mo niiuoHti .n.lce rlnf. s.turdey nisht. Reward, rnone i " " I 4-837B. J!!L LOST It year old msle Chihuahua. Deaf child's pet. Pleeae cell 3-B3M. MISCELLANEOUS LOOK AT THIS! Pickets, clear, dry cedar ...mo aa. WekJtex squares 18 ft. Doors - all kinds. Flooring Fir 59.80. Oak 124.40 - etored in heated room. Hardhoard 1.90 sheet, Wallboard 1.40 Whether cash, credit or monthly pay ment we are seared to handle your needs cheerfully and economically. Free delivery. Open all day Saturday. Portland Road Lumber Yard 3545 Portland Road Phone 4-443$ Balem, Oregon ma NURSERY STOCK COME IN and see our line of garden supplies, shrubs sno o mains pianis. Roiotiller work. Middle Grove Nursery, 4P30 Sllverton Rfl. rnone wsd. mow nitrrir. PIJITE REPAIR 3-HR. RERVICE IN MOST CASE rtts .norv OFUI.VH nENTIfiT Adolph Bids., State 'a Commercial Bts SALEM PH 3-3311 m urnnr or WINDBREAK Privet, laur i ftmriiiiui. conifers, boxwood. Ph. 22183 34P7 Hollywood Drive, mbloa For Sole MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS C-DRIVE MOVE VOURSELP SAVE '1 PICKUPS STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION 819 COURT ST. PHONE I-1B11 FAOI STEVENSON and AL MEFroRD SALEM SAND At ORAVEL COMPANY Conttaet Work Road Clearlnt Dlttnlnt Sewer and Bssemenl Equipment Rental Dltchln, by the root Phone Days 3-X03 Eves. 3-4417 or 3-Itll Salem. Oreron if jajjff mirni BUILDING MATERIAIS : Coast or Mountain CpAut Shineles Ino. Is, 1 Inches clear 8 ' inenei enar. ... uuller, culU. Com, and .ft then- Salem-lndepondenc. Road. Ph. 1-1 HI. $): No FREE Wettinehouie sewinf mschinas on all floor Bampiea. o.Te up w VFATER APPLIANCE CO, 37$ Che. mekfle. B PLASTI KOTE require, no wailn,. For nur floors or linoleum. YEATER AP PUANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa, n' CEDAR TELEPHONE and electric poles, Phimos Bros. Rt. 8. Box 493. 1 miles ea.tt ef 4 Corners. Ph. 4-3051. LOGS WANTED tatiirt Mill. Tnsthi 8' 4" or 16 8' Diameter 8" to 18". Sawmill, Lengths 13' and longer. Diameter 8" to w Top prices paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. . Phone 1125 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. 183 South Church Parkin, .-Plenty Ph. 1-3457 Uo. No. M-160, S-154 Lie. S-131 and M-338 and ROY H, SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear "Top Trades" 13:05 Dally KSLM 1390 Kc OENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 136 So. Commercial St. Tel. 3-9151 (By The Associated Frees) Admiral Corporation - Allied Chemical 10 Allls Chalmers '1 American lrllnea 13S American power as lixo American Tel At Tel 155ft American Tobacco Tltt Anaconda Copper 38S Atchison Railroad ., 98 tt Bethlehem Steel 5014 Boelnf Airplane Co. 40 Borf Warner 76t Burrow. Addlnf Machlf 16V. California packtni 3814 Canadian Paclllc 39 Caterpillar Tractor 5T Celanes. Corporation 394 Chrysler corporation ,. 794 Cltlea servleo 85 consolidated Edison 38V Consolidated Vult 19H Crown Zellerbach 81 curtlsi Wrliht 8 LOANS UP TO $1500 ; in His nature. Furniture. Car AT PERSONAL it's "yes" promptly to employed men or women. 4) 1-vlslt loan . . phone first. You select best payment date. 4 Between payday loans. Phone, writs or come In TODAY t Personal Finance Co. 106 fl. HIGH ST.. BALEM nut Mpe-TinB Nos. S-123. il-185 Loans over $300 up to $1500 and up to 20 months to repay mace ny rersonai Finance Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Oregon. rlQ3 TO BORROW $4M0, first mortgage on 310.000 hu.iding in Monmoum. tf straight interest semi-annually. Box 35. Capital Journal. r90 PRIVATE MONEY Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loans Long and Short Tims Payments ROY H. SIMMONS 138 So. Commercial St. Ph. 3-9181 AUTOMOBILES GOOD A-l 35378. '38 Ford Coupe. $125. Phone QB8 HAVE t CABS Must sell tl Studebaker Champ. 3-door de luxe. ixw musc. Phono 4813, Bllvsrton. O. W. Hall. QB3 r - MB. Douslaa Aircraft Du Pont de Nemours Eastman: Kodak Emerson Radio ...... Oeneral Electrlo General Foods General Motors Georgia Pao. Plywood ... Goodyear Tire Homestake Mlnlnx Co. ,,, International Harvester. .. International Paper Johns Manvllle Kennecott Copper V Ubby McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loewee Incorporated Lon. Bell Monttomery Ward Nash Kelvlnator ,. New York Central Northern Paciflo , Padflo American Flflh .,, Paciflo Gau Jk Electrw ,. Pacific Tel At Tel Packard Motor Car Penney, J. C Pennsylvania R. R. ... Pepel Cola Co. Phlleo Radio Radio Corporation Rayonter Incorp Rayonler Incorp. Pfd. .. Republlo Steel Reynolds Metal, Richfield Oil Safeway Stores Inc. .. .. Scott Paper Co. Sears, Roebuck ft Co. .,, Socony-Vacuum Oil Southern Paciflo Standard Oil Calif. Standard Oil N.J. Studebaker Corp Sunshine Mining Swift At Company Transarnerlce Corp. .... Twentieth Century Fox.. Union OH Company .... Union Pacific - United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood. . United Stales Steel Warner Picture. i Weatern Union Tel Westlnehouse Air Brak.. Weatlnshouse Electrlo ... Woolworth , 63 .. my. . 40 .11 .'89H . 837, . 03 . 16H ,. 63Ml ,. 40 ,. sou ,. 63f. ,. 68 .. 10Vj .. 33'A .. II .. 65 .. 33 .. 31 .. 70 H .. 11 .. 37 ..116 .. sy. ,.. 'A ... H ,.. 14 Vi ... 13 ... 26 ... 28 ... 35". ... 47 ... 4 ... 57 ,.. 94 ,.. 67 ... 67 ,.. 34 .. 46 ,.. 64V. .. 70 .. 16 ." 36 .. "'. .. 17 .. 40 ..108 V, .. 2H .. 13 .. oy. .. 30 .. 18 .. 16 .. 41 .. 36 .. 45 .. 45 Clyde Brummell Elected Vice Commandant Clyde V. Brummell, Salem, commandant of the Salem de tachment of the Marine Corps League was elected Northwest vice commandant of tne uregon Marine Corps League at the re gional meeting of the league held in Portland Saturday and Sunday. Brummell replaces Frame Snook of Salem, who resigned the post. Approximately 110 persons from Oregon and Washington, the two states comprising tne reeion. attended the convention at which James A, Fryde of Olvmpia, Wash., commandant of the department cf Vashing ton Marine Corps League was the speaker. In the Salem detachment group attending the convention besides Brummell were Mrs, Brummell, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Furlough, Miss Goldie wneeier, Gene Wheeler and Mrs. Rose Muir. all of Salem, and Mrs. J Tubs and son, Jack Tuss of Woodburn. " s. Silverton, Dies Sllverton The unexpected death of S. Parzy Rose, Sr., 66, Saturday afternoon, April 11, came at shock to his many business and social friends of Sllverton. Mr. Rose bad served as man ager of the Sllverton Portland General Electric office tinea 1930. He was active In the gen' efal progress of the town. He was born July 27, lBo, in Vinton. Iowa. He died while visiting at the suburban home of Robert Darrahi, dur ing the early afternoon. Satur day, succumbing while walk ing near the home, from heart attack . ' Mr. Rose was married to Un dine Sarah Anderson, at Ster ling, Colo., In 1918. Hhe lived in Yakima for seven years com ing to Salem in 1927 and to Sllverton In 1930. The Rose home is at 218 Coolidge St. Mr. Rose was a member of Mt. Adams Lodge No. 227, AT & AM in Yakima, Wash. Also' of Salem Chapter of Rose Croix Scottish Rite of the or-' der. As a member of Rotary International of Sllverton, he was a past president ana sec retary, and also a member and past president of the Sllverton Chamber of Commerce. He was a member of the Sllverton Izaak Walton League. He was af illated with the First Pres byterian church In Salem.' Surviving besides Mrs. Rose are three sons: S. Parzy II, of Canby; Lt. Nell Rose In- Ko rea; and Lt. Wayne Rose in Panama, both serving in the U. S. Army. There are also three grandchildren. - .-, Funeral arrangements are to be under direction of the Gold en Mortuary of Salem with the Sllverton lodge No. 45, AF & AM to be in charge of the cere' moniali. The date will be an nounced as soon as word has reached the two sons. The family has made a spe cial request that friends bring no flowers. HEART VICTIM v, : 8. Pars Rose, manager ol the Sllverton office of the Portland General Electrlo Co., who died of heart at tack Saturday while visiting friends. (McEwan Photo) S to t-tneh lncludlnf ortaa l.to-Ln. but mostly 1.50-1.75; ara l-tacit n4' larter 1,00-1.15, S la -tneh U Ml Crystal Whit, fu S to 8-Inch 3.2S-1.35, few best J.M. some amen .ui and Ore.cn Spanlab, 1-Inch and letter few 1.151 Midwest nudlnm Velio Globe. Porllena Enslsld. Market Portland (UJO-r Cauliflower .old for $3.85-3.76 a crat. today on tha Portland Eestslde Farmers hWoleaal. Produce market. Rhubarb was $1.36-1.50 a 15-R). flat with 30-lb. boze, tolnf at $3.10-1.35. Red Delicious apple, brouaht tXSO 7.65 . box. wnea.pe wer. $5.80-6.75. On wholesele row, California lettuce waa $3.85-4.35 a crate; aeparaau. was $5.60-8.75 . 30-lb. pyramid, and straw berlre, brouaht 14.35 a 13-hallock flat. 149 CUSTOM FORD aedan V-8. Radio. heater, low mueate, clean, rnone 1-3883. , LATE 1948 Packard aedan; very clean, icellent eondtlon, Bartain. lis Alice Ave. . jm MONEY PROBLEMS? Let us tak. tha "Its" out of your money problems. Up to $304 n small .loans. Up to $504 on tuto loam, STATE FINANCE CO. 8-218 UM Phone 1412 117 8. Rifb St. - r86 SALEM MARKETS '50 OLDS. 8 de luxe 4-door sedan. Ra dio, beater, winasnteM wasners, mt dramatic top shape, $1870. Phone 4-1784 after 8. oOQ' $ for $ You Can't Beat Our Cars For Value PONTIAC 51 Sedan. Hydro. RAH ., 51 Catallna Coupe, hydro, 51 Sedan, hydro, RH ., '49 Sedan, hydro, RArH ,, 49 fcedan, RliH , 4B Sedan Coupe, RArH ., 47 Sedan Coup., RAH ... $95 RArH 3295 1995 1395 1295 1095 896 FORD 41 Pickup. RArH, Isherp) '47 Sedan. RArH 47 Club Coupe, RAH $505 ,.$295 ,. 275 . 14 ,. 143 ,. 75 HOUSE TRAILERS FOR SALE cheap, tear drop type camp trailer In good condition. Phone jsbos. t88 Vrw 1038 Trailer House, 14 foot, only a week. 1430 No. ntn. used tSP MACHINERY WISCONSIN gas enslns with clutch, 6'i-h.p. Oliver walking plow. Both new. 3085 N. 5th. VflO Complied from reports af Baleaa dealers for the guidance ei capital joarnas readers. (Revises sully.) i Bets II Peed Prices i Babbit Pellets $3.0$ (30- lb. bag). 14.60-8.40 UOO-lb. bas. Egg Mash $5.30-5.70. Dairy Feed $3.55-3.93 (80 lb. bag). 14.85-5.15 .100 Wt.l. Poultry Baying prices colored xryerg, let old roosters, ISo; colored fowL 25c; leghorn fowl, 33c; roasters, 31c Bggat Buying Prices Eggs. AA. 48c: large A. 48-54ci medium AA. 45oi medium A, 41 -4 Be; amall. 39c. Wholesale Prlc Igg wholesale prices generally 5-7o higher than tha prices above. Large grade A generally tjuoted at eoci medium, oec. Baiter fat Buying price: Premium, 70- 73c; No. 1, 87-70c; No. 3. 87c. Batter Wholesale grads A parebment. 710 iD.i retail, too. TRANSPORTATION OOINO TO California April 14th or 15th will take a 3 wheel trailer or truck for use. Ph. 3M08. x.01 DIRECTORY AnniNO MACHINES All makes used machines eold, rented. repaired. Roen, 466 court. Fn. 3-8773, Rt.LLII07.INO Bulldoslne roed. clearlnt teeth. VlrfU Huikey. 1010 Falrrlew. Ph. 8-1140 o95 STpniNT Electric Ren,e In food con " . ... .u ..are n. ... at liue v.hruke. nB8 :ra TnEAiiLE drop-heed sevrlnf merlilne. Oood ewlnt condition and Bueranleed. Prom ti$5 UP. Sineer ...inaCenter, 130 N. Coml. H19' rTirTRIC CONSOLE, walnut cabinet lnl mKhlne. fueranteed. Center. A-l $29.58 UP. 130 N. Com'l. condition and Slnaer Sewinf n$9' FRt'Ct'fT REINFORCED llfhl at heavy Moerfte fence post.. W ORroOl. ORAVEL CO. net N Pront M. Ph. 1-3417 B90 nrrifiiirftATnRe. Ntw and used. TEATER APPLIANCE CO, 171 Che; Best For Less International Pickup Ford Sedan (clean) Chevrolet Sedan Packard Sedan ......... Plymouth . ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS AT KELLY OWENS Co. BUll.niNO MATERIAL O. W. KLANQ Wreeklns Co. Builders cheep suppllee. 3-73.$ .venln.s. 091 CASH, REGISTERS 660 N. Liberty Ph. 2-41-13 qtt 8 FONTIAO Convertible. Oood condl' tloo. Fhon. 1-8565. 1730 Bell Road. q9' 1941 PLT. Club Coupe. Heater, 1150. 71$ Ferrr SL Before t p.m. or after p.m. .89' 1917 FORD. Make .tier. Oood motor, paint, tires. Fhon. 8-50)0. .$$ Instant delivery of new RCA cash rerlsters. All makes, sold, rented, re paired. Roen, 456 Court Ph. 1-6771. CUSTOM FARM WORK Plowine. diactnf. aeedlnf. Ford equip. ment. Marshall, 4171 Market. Phone 3-1343. OlOB tlRESKMARlNn Alterations, hemstttchlnf, buttons, buckle, covered, buttonholes. Mrs. H M. Allender. 3-9911. 0108 DRIVINO INSTRUCTION Leem to drive the "Easy Drive way, Call or see Mr. snelllnt. Valley Mo. tor Co- Salem. Phone 1-1147 or 4-3074. EXCAVATING Ben OUen A Son.. Etcavatlnf, Brad tnr. lsnd elearlns. Phone 8.1080. ells ri RNITI'RE RFFINIMIINO rurnlture reflnuhln,. repaired Kd' tar Brock, 884 Norway St. Phone 1-8117. MARKET QUOTATIONS Mid Willamette Obituaries Fern Ridge DIRECTORY Insulation, weatherstrips, screens. Pree estimates. T. Pullman. Ph. S-Sftm -eiia MATTRESSES Capitol Bedding, renovates. Pull line new mattresses. Ph. 34050. o OFFICE rURNrTUBE A SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, safes. dupltcatotra, supplies, desk lamps, type writer stands, Roen, 458 Court. o1 HFPTIC TANKS Hike's Septic Service. Tanks cleaned D' rooter cleans sewers, drains. Phone 3-8408. ollO Hamel'a aervlce, 3-7404, septlo tanks Guaranteed cleaned, line work. Phone oft.1 Sewer, septle tanks, drains cleaned. Ro w-Booier sewer service. Phone 3-8337, L. W. Caudle, spraying and pruning. rnone a-i40i. oios' TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona. Remington, Royal. Un derwood portables. All makes used machines. Repairs it rent. Roen, 458 Court. TFLEVIfitOy TV sales, Service, Antenna. 1870 Lena Ave. Phone 4-5933. oei VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Can 1 1 Id's Laundry. Repairs, Rs finish Ini, 1440 . 13th. Ph. 4-1403. Plck-UP, Delivery. ot0( FORTLAND PRODUCE LIST KaiuriKt Tentative, aublect to Im mediate change: Premium quality, maxi mum .38 of one per cent acidity ae llvered in Portland 88-7 lc lb.t first QUal lty 88-690 : second quality, 63-66C. Valley rnutj sind fnuntrr Doints. 2 cents less. Batter Wholes aJe f.o.b. bulk cubes to whoif.it.iei 8Trs.de AA 83 score, 6 a mrwd S3 aeore. 6401 B. 90 soore, 83c C, 88 score, 3o. Above prloes strictly nominal. Cheese Selling price to Portiana wholesalers, Oregon singles 43tt - 48c; Oregon $ lb. loaf, 49n'61VMi triplets, lo less than singles. Ergs la Wholesalers canaieo eggs containing no loss, cases Included f.o.b. Portland, A grade large. S8t.-87ttoi A grade medium, 55V4-8BV4cj B trade large. 61H-33Vio. Portland Dairy Market Batter Price vo retaners: oraae aa print, 71c: A carton, 73c i A prints, 71c; carton, 73oi B prints, 68c. Eggs To retailers, uraos aa large, 01c; A large, 88-69oi AA medium, am;, A medium, 88c j A small, nominal. Car- tons. 3o additional. Cheese Price to retailers, roruano. Oregon singles, 48tt-50et 5-lb. loaves, 62 --63 4c: triplets, mo leu than sin gles. Premium brands singles, 66ttet loaf, OOtiO. Processea American cnees. 5-lb. loaves to retail, 46 V. -48 Vic lb. 'Ur' . Livs cnieaens (o. s quaii.r, 1.0.0. 1 planU.) Fryers, afc-t lbs.. Slot 1-4 1 lbs., sic: roasters, 4 Mi lbs., and over, 31c; heavy hens, all weight, 34-3501 light hens, all weights, .( on roasters, 18-18C. . Dresses Chickens Fryers, ivs-i ids.. 43-4Boi roasters, 43 -44c ! light hens, 31 32c; heavy bens, 36-3 7c j out op fryers, all weights, 43-44c. Rabbits Average to growers: Live whites, 4-8 lbs., 26-370. 5-8 lbs., 33-360 lb., old does, lO-lto; few higher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers 01-04O1 cut UP, 66-6SC. Ceintry Killed Meats Veal Top quality, 30-430 lb., rough heavies, 33-33o. Hose Lean DioeKers, jo-iao; sows, ugnt 36-280 Lmb Top irMt springers, u-tja; other grades, according to quality. Haiten Best ewes ana wetners, is- 100 lb. Beef Utility cows, -3o id.) oanner- cutters, 33-340, shells down to 31c, Fresh Dressed Meats Wholesalers to retailers: Dollars per ewt.: Beef steers, eno.ee sdu-iow ids., 37.00-40.00; good, 38.00-39.00: commercial 31 00-17.00; attlltr. 31.00-34.0O; cows, commercial, 2000-13,00: utility, n.w ii.oot eanneTS-outters. 35.00 39.00, Bfr Cau (orMice steers., tuna ouarters. 46.N-80.O0t rounds. 45.00-81.00; full loins, trimmed, 61.00-7l.00t tri angles. 30.00-33.00; fore-quarters, 33.00- 33.00; CllUCks, 37.O0-4t.0Ol fibs, 48.00 83.00. Veal oooa-enoiet, ow-oa-wi commer elal. S27-4S. Calves Oood-ehoiet, 843-53. so I com mercial, 137-48. Lames prima springers, -so-sw ids. $43-45; good, $40-44. Matian-aa-uooa enoice. sri-w. Perk Cits Loins, No. 1, 6-13 lbs., 150- 1,5: shoulders, 18 lbs., $36-3Bi ipsrerlbs, 145-40: fresh herns. 10-11 to.. o-o, smeketi Hssns aiinnea so.-w tw. fined lard In drams, 1 11.80-15 1 slab bac on, US-66. 60. Portland Mlseellaneetai Celerr CaL flat erata. l-3vfe flog. $3.35-4.38. Pew to 14.80. Ora $3J6- $3 80. Oaiaaa M id. sacks wen oregon yel lows, medium, 3-ln, mtn., No. is, 3 35- 3501 3-Inch. 84.601 No, 3S. $3.M-1.7S; boilers, 10 lb. sacks, 48-47ei Idaho yellows, large, $4.80-6.001 No. L white, Istra-s). 4.7a.S.OA. PAtstinM Ore wash. Russets no. I. $4 60-5.36, nsms brands to $6.60; bakers, 6.00-no; n lbs. else A, 1.40-66: 10 lb mfun. fti3ei Daner. h-tjsc: no. 1. l.&o-es: laano nusseu, no. ui, 6.7-8.00: $-10 lb. bales, 3.30-60. Havu. m. no. 1 green auana. llvered ear lota f.o.b. Portland, nominal- 1 aisfia ton: Seattle. 636. Weet urease oasis, wiuameite val ley medium, $0-$3o lb.t Eastern Oregon fine and ha If -blood. 55-63c. Hides Calves. 18-31e lb. according to welihta; green kips, 17-10ci bulls, 4-801 green butcher cow nwes, 7-sc. Fiinsrta wnoiesaie selling price no. large Barcelonas. 34-360 lb.i grower nrlrrs, orchard run. 14-180 lb. Walnate Wholesale selling price, first quality large Pranqusttes, 33-336 id.i grower pries, orenara run. is-iso M few best to lie. A petition bearing, severd score signatures, was present ed to the county court Monday asking that the Fern Ridge road be included in this year's oiling program. The petitioners, only a por tion of whom live along - the road Involved, seek,, the hard surfacing of the approximate ly one and a half miles from the junction at Mehama with state road 22 to the Tietze place. There is little likelihood that the improvement will be made this year because the county has already made com mitments that will Involve all of the money available. Chicago Llvesttek chicaao un Tne neaviest run 01 cattle In Chicago sines 1946 forced prkes downward as much as $1.00 hundred pounds Monday. ' Salable arlvals in Chicago were ,oou head. Slaughter eteera and heifers wars slow nnd steers lost-from $0 cents to $1.00, Most medium weight and heavy steers were moving very slowly. Several prima loads of steers held above 639.80. Heifers were off fully 50 cents, bulls were steady to 60 cents higher, and cowa were slow and steady to 36 etntt lower. Veelers were steady to weak. Hogs mostly wert steady with Friday i fairly active trading. Sows were steady to 38 cents off. The hog top was $31.90. Salabra receipts were 9,000 head compared with 7,800 m week uo. Slaughter lambs wera steady to strong. topping at $33.76 for Cotoradoe. Sheep Ten weak to n.w to n.vo. sheen sal able Arrivals were 8,000 head. WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor wasing, hovmcUaning, Phono 3-3337 $47 Court, LODGE SALEM LODGE No, A.F. & A.M.. Wed., April DEATHS Parties! LIveotMk Portland OJJC catUe: 1904: steady to weak i hlfh choice-prime fed itMr. 13.751 cholc. steers 33.36-13.60: food- oholc. 13; tood 3I.60-13.50i utility-corn-menial 18.60-31! eannor-cutter cow. 10- 13: utility 13-16.50: commercial cowa 16-18.60: utuity.commerclal bulls 17-18.60. divas: 300: slow: weak to lower: .sod. eholc. vealere 38-30. Hoes: 800; actlv.t 80c hlthcrl oholc. 180-136 lb. butcher, 13.50-34: 160-190 lbs. 33-33.60; 160-170 lbs. 31-331 oholc. 350-660 lb. KWS 10-111 llfhteT W.Uht. 31.50. Sheen: 6001 utll!tv-ood lamb. 18-10: choice above 11.801 alaufht.r awe. down; cull, down to 3. Mrs. Anno Hoffner Mt. Angel- Mrs. Anna Elis abeth ' Haifner, 52, wife ol Charles HaHner, died Sunday morning in Portland hospi tal. . Mrs. Haffner was born Sept 14 1900. at Blchardton. S. D., and married Charles Haffner at Widaux, Mont., Nov. ae, 1920. They came to un. Angei in 1927 and moved to Portland two years ago. ','-:.'-.. She -was a memoer 01 ek. Ann's Altar Society ot Mt An-. gel, the American Legion aux iliary ana tne veterans ox n or- -eign Wars auxiliary. . The rosary will be recited at 2 p.m., Monday, April 13, at the Unger Funeral Home, the parish rosary will be said at St. Mary's cnurcn at o p.m., Mon day, April 13, and the Legion auxiliary rosary wui De at b:u p.m. at the Unger, Funeral Home.. , Funeral services will be at ' 8:13 a.m., Tuesday, April 14, at St. Mary's church with bur-, ial following in Calvary ceme tery under direction ot the lin ger Funeral Home. , . Members ol tha American Legion will be pallbearers. - Pomona Grange - ( ' Keizer The Marlon coun ty Pomona Grange will meet in the Keizer grange hall on Chemawa road., a half mile west of River road, at 1 p. m. Wednesday, April 15. A no host dinner will be served at 6:30 p. m. by women members of the Keizer Grange. The fifth degree will be given at " t. m. Mrs Thomas Bump will be in charge of the Lec turer's hour.. Basil Stupfel St. Paul Basil Stupfel, 71, St. Paul farmer, died Sun day in a Portland hospital. Funeral arrangements will bt announced later by the unger Funeral Home at Mt. Angel. Cfalear. Oral. Chicaao lm drain, took off In dir. ferent directions on the board of trad. Monday. whwt dronnod In resuona. to last Fri day's bl. boost In estimated winter wheat production by the A. rloultur. D pertment. The bre.d cereal lo,t more than 3 cerate at on. um., but moved up toward tht eloe. Soyb.tns developed considerable .trensth In the last half of th. wesslona on . drop la visible ftattstie. ana tumor, of .iporte. Corn waa depressed la view of the Af rlcultur. Departmont'a dlecloaure lart. stocks et this Brain war. next on farms. Wheat closed 1 te 1T4 lower. Mar 53.13V.-t4l com tt-tt lower. May 61.59 HI oata et-iu hither, May 16-14141 rye IVi to 1 cents hliher, May ll.Ut.lil eoy- beena 1 to Va hither. May W.OfH-v.. and lard II to 14 cent, a hundred sound. hisner, mm eio.eo. Partl.nS Oral. Portland un ooar.. train, unquoted. Wheat (bid), to arrive market, beau No. 1 bulk, delivered coast: Soft White 3.41: ,oft whit, (ucludlns Ret) 1.41; whit, club 1.41. Herd red winter: ordinary 1.441 18 per cent 1.441 11 par tut 1.44 11 por cent 1.44. Hard white ..art unquoted. Monday's cer receipt.: Wheat It: bar ley 1; flout 111 tor Mi oats- li mill feed it. Florae, team trleaaera . Flor.no. Emma stricaeon, m April 11. Lata resident 01 . via ... a.iim- wife of Peter L. Krlokeon, Salami mother of Helen Hewell, Meaa, Arlf.l Jamee A, aricaeon, Daiem. m. Oano,. salami outer 01 mra. aeinm. Bloom, w.ytata, Minn., ano nuiu. Eckitrom, Bertram, Minn.: three broth era, Paul, BUmer and Walt Simon,, sua ot Minnesota. Also lurvivlnf ar. tlx trandchlldren. Service, will be held It 10 a.m. Tuesday, jipru te. in uj. n. Rltdon Chapel with Interment at JM crest Memorial Park. Mlnnla L. A. BoaebU Hre. Minnie L. A. Boucnio, u u. residency Turner Rout. 3, Box aa, April 13. Survived by husband, Carl Bouchlo, Turner: daufhters, Mrs. Hasel Teeta, Salem; Mre. Helen Boholllam, Turner, and Ura. Marjorle Cass, Atar, S. D.l sons, Forest Cats, Turner; Claud. Car., Lon, Beach, Calif., and Elliott Cam, Atar, S. D.l tistert, sirs. Man. Harmon, oorvaliui Mre. VIda Bump, Portland: Mrs. Den. Clar, Anchorete, Alaska: Mr,. Lura Hunt, Fayette vllle, Ark., and Mr., lnel Barnes, Lincoln, Neb.; . brother, Grant AapenwaU, Den ver, Ooto. Also tunrivlnt .r. 38 trand chlldren and nine troat-trandchlldren. Service, will be held In th. cloutS Barrlck Chanel Wednesday, April II at . 1:90 p.m. with tha Rev. our Armstronr offlclatlnt with Interment In City View Cemetery. Mrs. Bouchl. held detre. ot honor In Royal N.isbbora ox woodcraft, 1 S. Farar TS... S. P.ray Rose, at Sllverton April lt. Survived by wife, Mrs. Undine Seraft Ros., Sllverton: thre. Mns. a. Pa ray Rom, 11, C.nby; 1st Lt. Nell Rosa, Ko rea: 1st Lt. w.rn. Rosa, Panama: thrv. trandchlldron, a. Pa ray Ron, nil Re becca Lee Ros. and Steven P.ul Rom, an 01 lienor! .rater, ears, craran Bail. Rutherford, Oolden, Oallf.i brother, A. M. Rose, Lont Batch, Calif. Announce ment ot Mrvlcea later by Vlrtll T. Oold en Co. In lien of flower., contribution, to Sllverton Red Orie. In car. ot Carer Moore, Sllverton. Flerene. Irwal. In this cltr Anrll 13. Florene. Trwefo. Survived by brother, Frank Catterlta of Oakland, Calif.. Services wlU be held wednesdey. April II at 1:10 "m. In th. Chepel ot th. W. T. Rltdon Co. with Intorment In th. IOOF Cemetery. Th. Rev. Oeort. H. Swift offlclatlnt. 15. Pot Luck Dinner, 6:30 F t g$ C. degree 7:30 p.m. 80 ls.rudat i-mu and it Chleeee Onle.e CklcafO 8JJ0 Supplle. BoeHrst., mend alow, market dull. Track sales (50 lbs.lt Texas Yellow Bermndft. O M. 1, S $ 3-tneh, S tar. 1.88, c.r 1.84, approalaat. It pwr went O. a. I (howlm alltht decer .ar 1.18, car 1.151 Qrano U. a. I, 1-Inch and larecr. .pproalm.t. IH ar mostly 1.88. few 1.90; Crystal Whit. Was O, a t. Texas Yelloer Urtet l.H-1.18, pr. t. T. Lain, MA Dr. o. Che, njj DBS, CHAN . . . LAM CHINKS! NATUROPATHS 0Ulra, 141 North Utarrty OfftM AlSm aimttieHke Mt est, . to 1 B.m.. I ta tt si ph rAn.Hii..l- blood pressure and nrlnt tasu art tar rrsvcHcea aineo it it, Blqw tr BlBClIVO gilt, HO 6 sratlrm. 4 Hi; t - ' .. '