Page 18 FOR SALE HOUSES OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-5 1435 Evergreen Ave. - East Moreland District OVER 1100 0Q. rr. at floor DM In thla brand at lovely J b.d ' room homo, plue 16W4 tulip plealerod 1-wr rut, tile both, Iroa Unman furnace, auperlor workmanihlp, lood mn 111,000. 780 North 15th St. - Englewood District IDEAL family homi. tloae to trad, hub, and Junior huh echool,, fully ilolahad baeomani with two kit room and fireplace, plua two luio bed roonu ud Mparat dinlni rooma on tint floor. TMi bono li beautifully (intohod In Philippine mthotur. Tou'll Ilk, It I Tou'U Ilk, t h TlU i,jta. ED LUKINBEAL REALTOR 488 NORTH HIGH STREET FOR SALE HOUSES t BEDROOM suburban home. 4 years old, fireplace, carpet, double plumb ing, price 111,100. Prion soot. hd1 1-BfD ROOM Oood bus location. orntr lot, S yeara old, attached garage. 18500 ' without furniture. Phono 1-8387. a0 ., Si" OWNEB. ' 6 room homo, basement, jKaua luraactv awie, o anu Ph. 86980. 10J' BT OWNER 3-bedroom house, full baatment. new oil furnace, double ga rage. 60 1 lot. Wear echools and shopping center. $11,600. 1666, B St, Phone 4-4816. a88 OWNER TRANSFERRED Klngwood Height View Home. 7 bedroom, day light playroom, 1 plumbing, double earaie, 1 flreplacei. Wall-to-wall ear petlnr. 1-8013. W6 Poreet BtUi War. a 88 jTOB SALE by owner. S-bedroom ranch type home, bit roomy roonu, utility with automatic waiher and dryer. wall to wall carpet of beit euauty. Lavrt and choice shrubbery rn. S reare old and located In Bnrlewood dUtrlct at 195 N. Wrd. all1 IlMOST NEW 2-bedroom hoase, electric rante, hardwood floor, automatic heat. Insulated. 5334 Maple Aye. a3 BT OWNEB. 4 bedroom house with basement. On block to new hlih school. Additional lot Tellable, Phone 1-8086. aM lb R I VI BT iDO South 18th. Palrly new S bedroom. Beit of term. If Interest ed call 3-8848. 89 SMALL BSE. 13800 on rear of lot. Good location. Near store m sue. c Reeve Realtor, 1880 Mission 8t. 14690, Xve. 39M8 or 49948. a88 $1000 DOWN. 3 bedrm. home on H A. In Kelier Diet. Hwd. firs. Larva tar. Bxcellent garden soil, Bal. eaey terms. O. W. Reeve Realtor, 1880 Mission St. Ph. 34800, Ere. 39538 or 42946. a89 ItVST OFF State St. B.R. Hwd flri, Full basmt. Fireplace. Bunialow type. Le lot. 18960. O. W. Reere Realtor, I860 Mission St. Ph. 34B90, Eve. 445 i or 39536. a89 BT OWNER, 1 bedroom home, basement', oil furnace, hardwood floors, email On S. Leffelle. Phone 3-8738. e90 lot. SMALL BOUSE, wired for range and water neater, very reasonable. Phone 3-3871 before a.m. or after S p.m or on Sunday. a89 I. .500 TAKE over CM. loan on this . English type WEST SALEM 3-br. home. Lee. living & dining rms. Flrepl,, full basmt. with new Delco oil furn. $ttjMO THE cutest most attractive . home on well landscaped acre you ever saw. Home has a brs dining Tin., flrepl., full dry burnt, oil piped furn., all kinds of flowers, shrubs and trees. Pvd. rd. one mile south of city limits. I22.R0O Acre At half, colonial style 4-br home with nice else dlnlnv rm. a fireplaces, 2 baths, 1-car garace plus food bar ntor riding pony, etc, Pvd. rd. close to town. iHitto Near .Mate Hospital fe Medical Center, nice clean 3-br. home with full bajtmt. it sawdust furn., plenty of room for garden. Phone 3-8880. 433 N. High ftt. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor Xve. call 1-8704, 1-8413, 4-8917, 4-171B $1500 DOWN or tike trailer "iiouse. 3 B R., an down, l-yr.-old, wonderful cardan, youni fruit treee, 1 bike, to echool. full price nlr 16980. Auk for Bob Conklln. $3950 A really cute one-bdrm. houae, newly redecorated, lee. llv. , din. rm., 1 k.r., nice kitchen, elee, water beater at rani., Lee. lot wltb room to build on front .Eipenllve home neighborhood, pared it.. V, bl. bui, I blk. to achool. Aik for Bob Conklln. DUTCH COLONIAL Choice location In Enilewood, built In 1131 ind kept in perfect condition. J,.,', 1"' bth' " " . full dry burnt., double lot, beau, lind- 7i?h ""deriround eprlnkllni JTilem. They juet don't build them ?i'LT,v.,m", n" .. Art ror Bob Oonklln. Burt Picha 1 K. Xlih l. oil.: ,.041 b-mooM HOMt-Mrnl,hl, ,orn,r lot. 7 . I? . bul ""r leer. Ini for Callfornu 1M8 N.I. Everett Portland. PI leti. eos FOR SALE LOTS LARGE HOME SITU ln beeutlful XlnT wood Helihte, liooo m. Eeiy term! See owner, phone 1-8413. e,. Ifo DOWN. Oood Hied lot w. reedy In. Iicellent eoll. Bull! to eult younelf. ""MANN REAL ESTATE ft INSURANCE v. o. nun st, Phone 1-IJ03 aaae .....M.WW...W FOR SALE FARMS 5 Acres North! Two-bedroom horn wlttt unfinished petalre. Now vacant. The best of eoll. O round all plotted for building lots. Ideal location for subdivision. Priced at only Salem's First Drive-In SMITH REAL ESTATE 3436 Portland Rd. Ph. 11007 day or eve. ask zor Clyde roulk or Mr. Smith MR HOT DEAL S3 acres, 388,000. 70 acre under cul tivation. All good Willamette silt soil Entire p!ce can be Irrigated. Has really nlre l bedrm. home, clone In ah equipment goes. Tnt could made into a dairy, atock or grain farm. Owner want to ell and this to a reel buy. J. E. LcCLERC, REALTOR 1808 N. Capitol St. Ph. 3-3366 REAL ESTATE Center St. Realty MUST BE SOLD FOUR-ROOM BUN C ALOW la the Vert of Hollywood. Full basement, ga mer, lot 4ftxlO0. A ip lend td location cIm to all eto rat and transportation. A nice home for a couple, or a good Investment for a rental or future bua Inees, Due to 11 in mi, this must b old. The price la 86800. CENTER ST. REALTY P4I Center Street Phone 4-M31 Eva. ahonai: Olra 1-7111, Brliht I-IM5 FOR SALE HOUSES REAL ESTATE COLBATH BARGAIN SPECIALS DON'T PASS THm BUT Neat l-yr.-old lane l bdrm. auburban home with lovely kitchen, dinette, circular floor plan, hdwd. flri.. oil heat, attached earaie. THIS IB ONLY 18850 with lood term, to match. N K. location. SEX VAN HORN, CVZ. PH. 417M. SUNSHINE BUY BRIORT CHEERPU1 newer ranch atyl home, with 1 bedroom, excellent jivini room, dining room. Hardwood floorj. nifty kitchen, oil piped 7. A. furnace, utility room. Oar port, ex clusive dlst. Paced St. Only 89360. 61980 down makes you the owner. See van Horn, eve. phone 41761, $750 DN.? This nice 3-bdrm. home with lee. L.R., Dining area. Compact kitchen. utility rm., garage. Lane lot. THIS IS A GOOD RENT BEATER. K MRS, OOLE8BEE, JTVB. PH. 36873. . TRY $750 DN. for good older 1-ramlly home (good ror income) or ideal for (mother-in-law). Walking distance to grade. Jun ior fc high echool. THIS IS CHEAP FOR 85080. SEX DAVE LAZTNBT, JTVB. PH. 41703. M.O. $500 DN. 1IAKB OFFER OF ,300 down for food l-bdrm. home .oil heat, laraie, email lot. oloae In. IMM. POSSES SION. PRICE ,7H0. ALSO ANOTHER FOR 1500 down for rery nice euburben l-bdrm. home. SEE LAVE LAZENBY, XVE. PH. 41701. SWAPPIN' SPECIALS ' HAV7NO TROUBLE SELLING YOUR PROPERTY IF SO, CHECK THE FOLLOWINO ftWAPPIN' SPECIALS WE CAN DEAL. SWAP NO. 118 Acre In Turner. Good 7rm. older modern home. Lovely shad and yard. Barn. El derly couple want swap for small bom clow to bus. Price 88600. WAP NO. a 40 A. wltb S-bdrm. mod ern home, barn, eto. Price $10,800. Owner wants l-bdrm. home or apt. house. ' WAP NO. J 3 ACRES In Sllverton. . Well kept with greenhse 28x63 doing good business it nice email modern knotty pine home. Price 18360. Oood terms or take late-built S- bdrm. home In Salem up to 816,000. WAP N. 435 ACRES adjoining Brooks, good 10-fm. modern home, barn .part seeded. Price 830,000. &aa aaiem noma in exchange. WAP NO. Hacr with new, large l-bdrm,, ranch style home with hdwd, firs., double garage. THIS IS vnix gii.eDo. owner will take small ' 3-bdrm. home In exchange around idovu.i El T. T. ANDERSON FOR A SWAP EVE. PH. 41714 ' VAN HORN, 41711 ANDERSON, 42714 LAZENBT, 41701 OOLESBXE. 11173 OFFICE DIAL 44494,24552 A y i NELSON JUST LISTED $1000 DOWN l-bdrm. email home eltwe to Salem St.. achool, deep lot with berrlefl, fruit trera, itrden, amat) tood chicken nouie. priced to tell ror Immed. pom. Price 16500. Call Mr,. Wootten. Trade for 3 Bedrooms Opportunity to lot that coir l-bdrm nom. witn at,p-aavtne kitchen, eco nomical fuel bill, lie. tar. Enilewood oat. rrici leaBO. call Mu. Wootten. Suburban Grocery TRADE FOR HOME Wtll-tocated nelihborhood etore. eervlni a lie. territory, profitable family operation, llvlne, quarter, on vremiRea. inv, noOO to 14000, Call air. Sdhmtdt. $9500 BEST OF LOCATIONS This dasirabl 3-bdrm. home. 3 blks. from Hoover school, 1 blk. to city bus, nti jut been ottered for eale. You nave urai ens nee 10 buy. Nicely lend acaped. frutt, garden. Price 69600. vail ur. wane, 3 rat, 4 BEDROOMS ST. VINCENT SCHOOL Here la an opportunity for tht tim lly to be close to their echool and have plenty of bdrme. for the children. This la a good substantial weUbuilt home with hwd. firs., fplace.. auto, oil forced-sir heat, full basement, corner lot, waning distance to bualnees dis iriet. Due y door, price 814,600, NELSON & NELSON SPECIALIZING REALTORS TM N. Hlgft SU Ph. S-3666 C6I $4300 1-bdroom horn In Richmond dis trict. All good -sited rooms. Attached arae. Oood rich oH. On block lo bus line, , Large Family Special 8 bedroom, 3 full bathe. Large living room and fireplace. Extra larg din ing room. Full basement. Well built plastered home. Fruit and nut trees. Close to echool, close to bu. 3-BDRM. - KEIZER Larg roomy home on a large 67x180 ft. lot. Only I yre. old. A fine home located only a block from school and transportation. Wall-to-wall carpet Wardrobe close U throughout. Hard wood floors. Fireplace, Would take smaller horn In trade. - REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE lot South Hlih St. Phone No. 1-1301 Fhrnie evemnu and Sunday: 4-H7I, t-llM, 4-11M, I.4IH, 4.,JU, 1-J3M . CBS" REAL ESTATE IBM! BUM WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WB NEED UST1N06. Particularly higher priced homes and all types with low down payment. LUXURIOUS BEAUTY Bastmoreland Diet. It' really lovely. 3 apaclou bedrooms on 1 floor. Base ment. Extra shower In basement plus extra half bath. Beautiful wall lo wall carpets. Oil furnace. Insulated. Was th en trip pad. Double garage. 80 by 300 lot. 4 blks. to Englewood school. Bus front door. Full pilee $26,000. TOPS IN LIVING It's In Candalarla. Owner leaving and offering this lovely 1 bedroom home at a price that 1 really attractive. Spacious rooms. Att. garage. Circulat ing fireplace. -Insulated. Bus front door. Attractive price 813,800. MOST BEAUTIFUL PARTY ROOM we, have aver seen. One of the saoit beautiful fireplaces In it that human hands can build. Besides It ha a : fireplace In living room and on patio. 1 baths. 1-car garage. Approx. 1600 m. ft. floor space. Iniulated. Unusu ally well built. Just like new. Owner may consider exchange for email er horn. Full price 61B.OO0. FINEST HOME ON THE HILL Most gorgeoua wall to wall carpet sou have ever walked on. 3 full bath rooms plus a extra half batbs. Party room In hutment. 4 bedrooms. One of the most beautiful dining rooms you have ever put your eye on. 1-car garage. Most enchanting view. Full price IK, 000. PORTLAND ROAD FRONTAGE Teila property has many possibilities, Very desirable for most any kind of business. Besides It has 3 homes on It. One has 3 spacious bedrooms, fire place, oil heat. Very modern Interior, The other li modern, has 3 bedrooms. makes a very desirable rental. Full price 838,000. IDEAL FOR NIGHT CLUB Very beautiful bkur. Almost new. Equipped with the finest equipment money can buy. Plus 6 acres 01 the beat highway frontage on 99E north. Modern, very clean living quarter. Owner going into aervlce. May consid er exchange for Income property or home aa part payment. Full price price $62,760. , 12 UNITS Either a motel or permanent Tentali. Unite are extremely modern. Each have 3 bedrooms, full bath, kitchen and gar age. Well landscaped approach. In come will surprise you. Expenses are very low. Modern automatic laundry facilities. Liberal terms. Fun price 680.000. CALL FOR MR. KIOGIN8, EVE. PH. 4-3494 or MR. CRAWFORD, EVE. PH, 4-5020. If no answer call 4-3348. CALL FOR DAN TBAAK, EVE. PH. 4-3a33. If no answer call 4-3348. $950 DOWN on this 4V4 acres. Only 15 minutes from down town. 1 acre strawberries. Modern 3 bedroom house. 3-car gar age. Good 30 by 30 barn. 3 chicken house. Some caneberries. Fruit and nuts. Near echool. Full price 87,060. MR. SEMI-RETIRED MAN This la It. 33 acres fin walnuts ln one of the beet walnut sections ln the vaiiey. completely remodeled 1 bed room home. Full basement. Lktic fireplace. Believe us you'll be proud to own this one. Will sell 35 acres without bldse. Last yre. crop 15 tons wainuu. Macnme shoo. 3-car aaratia. May consider exohanee for other prop erty. Full price 833,000. Liberal terms u oesirea. 3 ACRE BARGAIN offered for sale to close estate. Mod ern clean 3 -bedroom house. Very clone to school and etore. Good well. Family orchard and nut. This I really worth the asking price of 87360. 80 STATELY FIRS 1H acre, excellent eoll NX on pave ment. Clean, attractive l-bedroom home. Nice beth, fine kitchen. Work hop, chicken houie. Juet I7J50. tuso down will hendle. CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, EVE. PH 1-473S. If no anawer call 4-1341. aiORTQAQI LOANS 10-Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor umce rnones: -33ll or 3-7830 3038 PORTLAND ROAD Bve. Phones: 3-4735, 4-8484, 4-3633, 4-6020 or 3-3568 If no answer, phone 4-2341 e8 Hill mill Itlltll llllllll limtlttll mtiittti iittiuiii Mimim BTV IKIIIllllllllllll r TOT DUX iititmiimi L.IST . tiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiitii liiimiti it itiiiiii,, iiitiiu it iiiitiit mil ii iiiiii at SULLIVAN $500 DOWN on this three-room bungalow, single aerate, good well and aeveral nut treu. si, no. THREE BEDROOMS and only six yean old. Outside petto mivn urepiace. certainly worth the nwupy m j,ouu, 330 OXFORD For 1900 down you can have one of the finest new 3-bedroom homta on the merket today. Some petntlng to do j-wih iwcmy yr. Fni mortgage at 4H vnui. v,suv. iau sir. neuon eves, TRADE Ihli 7-y,ar-old view Ranch home on neaemi Drive with natural wood tlnlih and en eilra lot priced at M.son, for a lane 1 or 1 bedrm. with u. ,nq auto neat. NOB HILL 3 bedrooms, m blocks from McKlnley echool. An older type house with lane rooms In on of Salem'a best nv is noor noons, rric at), O0O. 2250 SO. FT. all for 113,800. A home for the buyer that prefer something different. Two levels, thrr bedrooms and a den. Lot CONTRACT Owner muit nil and thla la your op portunity lo buy a three bedrm. borne with a den on a tow down peymvnt. Clo.e to Leelle ichool. Lit. tueal bouae inciuu.a. ee.ew. SHADY BROOK TROUT In the stream'by thla 3 bedroom home ocaiecj p miles south. 36-foot living room In this home. IIO.OOO. Robert B. Sullivan REALTOR 3115 Porllend Road Ph. 4-1531 Br. Ofllre. 3,7 N. HUh Ph. 4-33 Eve. Plu. 1-17,4. 4-3111, 4-1441 cl to Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon REAL ESTATE A. A. Larsen, Realtor 7H DOWN Small J-br. home on auiot at. north. Auto. ,11 beat, att. araie.' Full price into. . . 7e POLL PRicx-i-br. Lire, dlnln, room. NIc, lawn and ,hrub. Cor. lot on bui line. Term, . M7to FULL price i-br. home, aortb, I yri. eld. TV antenna lou. Lovely yard wltb urd.n apace. Torma. 11700 POLL PRICE-N.arlr aew Lull. dUtrlct. Imm. poet. Take over O.I. loen. ' .. !Mt I"OOM APARTMENT PoaelMa MM monthly. Near etat, kulldlnia. Terma to eult. 191 S. HIGH PH. 1-8629 A. Welti Fb. I37II A. . Beckett . Ph. 14611 Andy Italvorua Ph. ,7111 vee. and Sunday el MAKE YOUR OFFER , Owner ntuot aell thla nearly new l-bedroom home located oa a paved atreet In a food dUtrlct. It baa hardwood floor, throughout, wardrobe elosete In all bedroom,, modern bath, utility room, lane earaie, patio and fenced back yard. O.I. loan can be aaiumed with peymenta only Ml per m,ntb. Aeklnc price 111.000. Poulble 11,000 down. I THIS GAN One of the amarteit 1 bedroom bomea we have had the pleuure to ahow. Lam llvio, room with beautiful fireplace, eunny dlnini room, lane kitchen with dlnln, area, utility room,, nicely lendiceped lot in a very mod dUtrlct. Priced to nil at 111.000. Appralea! ahould permit down payment of only ,1,1,0. Or owner would trade for I or 4 bdrm. borne. ' . 285 ACRE FARM loo acrei In cultivation, practically all ln fall crop, balance paiture and timber, I room modern houee, new OOzlO barn, 40x40 barn, 1 aheep barne, all fenced with woven wire. Priced at 140,000 with ternu or owner would eonilder taklm In amaller aereaie or bouae. Call Mr. Wlllouthby. NEW 3-BEDROOM HOMES W have builders now completing home In various residential sec tion that will please the discriminating buyer. Priced from 611.600 to 613.000 with good term. Let u show you these remarkable homes now and you can choose your own colors. MURPHY & KENT REALTORS 4M No. CHURCH Bvee. and Sunday: Anderion 1-1744 Wlllouihby HjUST WHAT YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR ! 1 A m6dern l-bedroom horn with about 1600 sq, ft. floor space, large garage, fireplace, excellent resi dential district. North oa Laurel Ave. oood buy at 818,800. SWELL LITTLE HOME FOR $7500 Neat and clean, full elied lot, caracc, located south In good residential area. DO YOU LIKE PRIVACY? AND a beautiful vetting among native trees Flu a lovely view of river and valley, not new but a comfortable home, a small barn, a Place to keep g horse or cow and priced right with email down payment. If jo you will find It ell on this 3 acre located South. IB400. IN THE ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT An attractive 3-bedroom horn with basement, flreplac and att. garage. Priced right at 310,600. SUBURBAN SPECIAL An excellent 3-bedroom home, larg living room, a bandy kitchen with attractive nook, small barn and chicken house, lot of fruit and berrlea located on 3 acree black loam soil, cast on paved road. 813,500. ' - BEAUTIFUL NEW HOME S bedroom and den, basement with party room, extra plumbing, nicely finished throughout, auto oil heat, fireplace, located ln the McFlnley achool Dlst, Here l tb home you've been asking for. Oood buy at 117.500. Ohmart & Calaba Realtors 477 Court St. Phone 14115 - 3411) Ere. Henry Torvend 13131 - Ted Uorrlion 15041 Loula Lorena 131,0 Ralph Uaddy 33411 Grabenhorst Specials MANBRIN OARDENS 3 bdrme., full baimt. Spacloue Uv. rm. wltb fireplace. Din. rm., very convenient kitchen with brkf. area. Lie. beau tiful yard. Price 113,140. CALL H. K. LAYMON APARTMENT INCOME (170 per mo. six epartmenU. Houie In No. I lone. Price 111,500. CALL PETER H. PEISER NEAT 3-BDRM. HOME Enalewood dUtrlct. Llv. rm. with fireplace, din. rm. with French doora leadlni to patio, bath, kitchen with nook. Auto, oil forced air furnace, nicely iandacaped lot. A lood buy at ,11,500. OALL J. E. LAW. APPROX. 3 ACRES located on Main 1, hlihwar. 400-foot frontaie. Nice 6-room home with burnt, daraie and lie. chicken home. Let me ahow you this place. CALL O. H. ORABENHORST, JR. MB. INVESTOR 1115.00 per month Income, reitaurant bulldlni wltb llv. Quarter!, adjacent to perklni ana and other builneai bid,,. Bulld lma and equipment In eicellent condition, lood leaie. Price 111.500. CALL C. L. ORAEENHORST. .". GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 A. Liberty St. Pn, ,.J47l Evenlnee A aund.v. i.n Peter H. Qelaer 1-0161 H. K. Laymon 1-1451 J. E. Law 1-1111 WANTED REAL ESTATE PRIVATE PARTY wanta amall aereaie or i.rie auouroan lot for home alts, preferably aouth or weit. Phone 1-9103. '. call WE NKED 3-bedroom homei. We need a-oedroora homea. We need acreecel, both with or without Improvementa. Relmann Real till., ft Insurance 101 South Hlih Street Phone 3-9303 ce!9- WE NKED LISTINOH BADLY on emeu ecreaiee and lood 1 l-bedroom home,. L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR 1051 Portlend Rd. Ph. 1-7611 ce89" NOTICE: If your property te for iile, lent or exchanic, lut It with ue. We have all kind, of ceith bnvera STATE FINANCE CO.. REALTORS lSSJIJIIIhBt ca WE ABE badly In need of 1 endT-bed-room hornet, In Leelle Dlit, Alio need home anywhere with amall down pay mentl. What have you? AL ISAAK, REALTOR, PH. 41311 IIJoanewer, ph. 4-3341 ce WE ABE In need of lood houaei to aell. In or near Salem. It you wlih to Hit your property tor aale, ae, ORABENHORST BROS. REALTORS. 131 S. Liberty Ph. 1.3471 ca CLAUDE K1LOORE Need, a few lutlnie on homea terma for N. Caollol St. olflce. l-OOir 1HS N. CAPtTOL. GREAT BITINO DEMAND for farmi and aereeiea. Llit roure wltb Colbatb Land Co. See T. T. Anderacn, Farm .,-m. mono,. wve. 4-2714. ce,eei.,. RESORT PROPERTIES BEACH COTTAGE. Payment, like rent Phone 446. lot, xetll .hmi BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BICHFIELD OIL CORP. olfera for leaae, modern downtown location at Mc Mlnnvllle. lllnee forcea Immedlet. aele. Plnonrlel eaalilanu to ouallfled perty. For delelta and appolnlment, Phone Mr. Smith of Mr, Holden. Selrm 1-1533. edll" TAVERN LUNCH COUNTER Neer Salem dolna excellent bualneal. Snooker A pool teblei. Main St., eood payroll town, sell up to lo ken week ly la lummer. w, alio have aeveral other taverm. C. W. REEVE REALTOR IN, Mllon 81. Ph. 34510 Eve. S9531 er lilts Mee. WEEKLY NTWRPAPVn Located in heart of laal lane remain. Ini aland of timber In 8W Oreion. Oood eoulpmenl. will aril for leia than irua, 133.000. half down, bal ance eaay terme. Mint aell to buy other huiloou intereiu. writ, Sox It, Cep. Ital Journal. adit REAL ESTATE BE YOURS . raraona I-1IM 4-4117 PHONE 4-ftlll Keeni l-ooil BUSINESS OPPORTU N ITI ES BUSINESS bulldlni on ,91 north. Bulld lni le 48150 It., plenty perklni ipace. For eale or leaae. Phone 4-1463, eve. dlnii, 3-1141. edit- RESTAURANT on busy Intersection ln city, well equipped and good lease at low Tent. Ideal spot for doing good buslnana. Well Worth asking price of 84000, Ask for Bob Conklln. Burt Picha 171 N. Hlih St. Oil.: 1-4017 Cd81' MONEY BACK GUARANTEE 1711 Inveatment Uvea you your own Independent builneai operatlni a route of new money-maklni lo dlapemera handllnr new fajt-movlm .onfectlona In drui itorei, catea. clubi, bui depot etc. Route aet up for you by our ea perti. You muat have car. reference! and 1711 which ll protected by an Iron-clad 100 Money-Back Ouaran lee. Devotlni a few of your apare houra each week to the buelneaa you ehould earn up to 150.00 weekly apare time, full lime more. Mberal flnanclni ai.latance to aid expanalon. For full Information write, ilvlm phone num ber end addrea, to Boa 11, Capital "'"h"' Cd90 1 rvrr furniuhed apt. ills oo month Orou 14030.00, Expeniei 1830.00 yeer Net Income 131.00 00, ail deer. Price 115.000.00. 1-I07Q. jj. FOR LEASE, Oood Melor OH Co. aervlre latlon. in Salem. Cell 4-445,. Mil' JOE PALOOKA TIT'S A FANTASTIC SlOMT HERE TONITE AT THE SYDNEY CRICKET GROUNDS. THIS BROADCAST IS BEING SHORT WAVED ALL OVER THE WORLD .-WO CHAMPION SHIP EVENT EVER HELD GREATER ,i, INTEREST 7 nvrc nc I He WON'T. km DON'T GET MOTHER 'JZ HURT. I'LL I PALOOKA ITT Put Joan Al a T'BED. (TplEASE, IjO' PROTECT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SHOE REPAIR SHOP for aale or leaie, with llvln, ouartera. Complete, modern eoulpmenl, new bulldlni. Apply Clyde Woodruff, Boa He. Turner, ureaon. so" BUSINESS & INCOME CHOICE CORNER 1078 N. CAPITOL 6 furn lined apartments, f bathroom. Phone Ii Up. 1-6706. 820,000. terms. ce03 BT OWNER i Ago and alone compels me to sell a large home, 3 duplexes and I apartments. Oood Income Invest ments. Box 88, Gervals, Oregon. ce86 INCOME PROPERTIES MOTELt One of the bandleat and won derful location. 1 rentela. 1, 1 and 3 rooml.. l-bedroom llvln, quartera. will take borne aa part down pay ment. We would like to retire. Phone 1-7110. INVEBTMrNT Completely furnlihed, l-unlt apart ment houee ln very vood locetlon for M.oOt. TIM la a ,ood buy, Call fdr appt. J. E. LeCLERC, REALTOR leM N. Capitol St. Ph. 1-1335 eill DUPLEX, completely furnlihed, Holly wood aiatnct. ineome ma monin. Price 111.500. Owner 10 llcCoy. Phone 31143. :ttO FURNITURE FOR SALE TRADER LOUIE OPEN PRIDAY A MONDAY IVENINOS mi- WANTED FURNITURE Fran AUCTIONS Auction OF FURNITURE AT SCOTTY'S TUESDAY EVENINGS 4140 CENTER ST., SALEM d FOR SALE LIVESTOCK EOR RENT Irritated paiture tor cattle. Good ihade At water. 14-10. ft ml. E. Liberty ichool. Phone 1-3141. R. a. Doeie, 365 Boone Rd., Salem. .11 CHINCHILLAS Proven breederi fount mated palra, Eaey terma. Write or phone for free literature. Vliltora welcome. Creit chinchilla Ranch, A090 Portland Road. Ph. 4-4010. e03 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF White face .lereford. 36c. Locker pork, 35c. Nothing down, 1 moe. to pay. Cuitom kllllni. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co., 1335 8. 35th. Ph. 1-4,58. ea RABBITS CALIFORNIA BUCKS and doea. Phone 4-20B1. 4410 Claxter Rd. . eb!13' WINQ NEEDS BABBITS 1016 Stete. 43911. eb PETS TOY TERRIES PUPPtea, aire. Hadel, ec88 Phone 3-3376. MOORE TROPICAL FISH, Parakeeta, turtlea, auppllea. 3 mllea from Lancaat- er on Macleay road. 4-3773. Cloted Wedneadaya. ec89' MATED CANARIES, 113.00 pair. Oeone Slack, 1458 Hickory. Phone 3-0745. ec93 OBANGE CAN ABIES, Phone 1-4115, 1310 cnemeaeta. ec98! BOXEB PUPS, reduced 135. Phone 13533. 750 Hawthorn. ecss- REGISTERED Shetland aheepdo, pup. . plea (miniature Colllee). 3765 Chema wa Road. . ec89' YEAR OLD female Boxer, 165. R. W, Dlmlek, Rt, 1, Jefferaon. Phone 481, ec90 HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1951 IfcCor, one block east of N. Capitol, l.e blocka north of Madlaon. Ph. 3-1897. ecioi' FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up your Preato-Loi,, Briquet! and Wood. 198 So. Com'l., phone 1-7731. ee Hiway Fuel Co. Sawduat tube aervlce, all klndi of wood. Phone 3-6444. te. ANDERSON'S hand picked ilab wood. 1 corda, 111. Phone 37711 or 44353. eel08 West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD. 16" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1536 Edieweter Phone Salem 3-4031 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co! SPECIAL FOR 30 DAYS Planer trlmmlma, IS load, Phooe 17731 FOR SALE POULTRY BROILERS" " FRYERS FRYERS RAISERS 1. Would you tile 1c extra profit per bird? 1. Would you like an avrraie weliht of 3.1 llu. at 1 week.! I. Would you like to have I t feed convenlon? 4 Would you like thrfecta and proof? See or Cell , OEO. M. PETERSON HATCHERY Elmlra Road - Euaene, Ore. ph. 6-1483 fill "S'" "ROAD and "New H.mpenlre chlcki. hatched every Monday and Thuredev. Our chirk, .row fa.t.r. fm'l Hlcller, t,l t- Ph WANTED-Colored fryere, coioTed-? . leahorn hena. Hlme.t price,. Ue'a Hatchery, phone 3-3861. ,. '"hi a"!" i T"'" "ckly!-deyTolJ n.mwnire. rarmeni wmi. nl" -l0""' Auitra-Whltei Whll. Rock,, White Wyandoltea, Par f.uY. '"'"" u' Hi'chery, phone Journal Want Ads Pay I JUST rworv fl He WON'T, enuiHCH There PALOOKA ARE ABOUT SIXTY TH&jc,Auri SPECTATOR S AN9 THE 6ATE HAS EXCEEDED 600,000 POUNDS a OVtR 1, '00,000- JHE FK3HT WILL BE HEARD U.S. TUAE.8A.M. MM 9 I- nc mtxsx t aa FOR SALE FARMS North Marion Co. Farms MONEY-MAKER IRRIGATED BOTTOM FARM 14 Acre., aloitly Chehalle and Willamette loama. '"'""fV.l?!'.' St ali Modernlted 4-bedroom home. Pine, lane hern; machine ahadi 1-oer leraV. Bcellint land and location, near Woodburn, .a.t. V"r atream. HURRY ON THISI Will be for aale only a abort lime. 131,000. Bl, loni-term loan available. v WOODBURN DAIRY AND GENERAL FARM Tl Acrea. SUt loaml aU eultvlated. On paved roadl all routei by. Spacloui modernlied home (pleit. conat.l. Il-atanchlon barnl water and electricity to bern. Several other ,oo! bulldlnia. Includee aeeded cropl. . Conalder home ae down payment. Perm will carry heavy loan. 10 acrea additional al barialn. Very ,ood al 34,1M. BARGAIN OF THE YEAR . tl Acrea. Sllibtly rollln,, Willamette loam: at edie at ally, tocei. lent lubdivuion poeilbUltlii. Valuable frontaie on paved road. VERY OOOD BUY AT 115,750. Terml. ' POULTRY AND BERRY FARM CLOSE IN. lacrei, on paved road. Ceneborrlel. Older modern I bedroom borne, 1-car aaraie, 1-atory poultry houae, brooder and bars. A STEAL at 15150. lair term,. FARM LISTINGS NEEDED WE OPPER NATION-WIDE ADVTaTtTIaV TNO AND MAKE LONO-TERU PARK LOANS. HIGGINBOTHAM REAL ESTATE Downtown Tint Nat'l Bank Blda., Woodburn Office, 77111 Ire., till bile HELP WANTED IF YOU LIKE TO DRAW, sketch paint, ee Talent Test ad In Instruc tion column. IN SWEET HOME, correspondent for Capital Journal, with typewriter, some experience. Contact Mike Forbes, Valley Editor, capital journal, ea lem. Ore. HELP WANTED MALE . SALESMEN Due to a permanent expansion pro gram and a natural increaae in bus iness, a reputable 48-year-old com' pany will increase it ale fore by svddlna two mora men. Whether or not you have had sales experience rt will pay you to lnv titrate these sales positions. Full train' log Will be given, with Income guar anteed at minimum of 8100 per week while training. If you have an honorable business record and are Interested In a full time, permanent position, contact: WESLEY L. SANDO. ' SENATOR HOTEL, SALEM WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1ft v 10:00 A.M. - 8:00 P.M. taSB' MEN WANTED for training is Motel managers. See ad under classification Education. ga93 HELP WANTED FEMALE WOMEN WANTED for training as Motel managers. See ad nndar classification Education. gb93 EXPERIENCED INVENTORY control clerk. Permanent. Olve detail of ex perlence, education and personal his tpry. Box 67, Capital Journal. gb88' SECRETARY TYFIBT. Must have short- nana. General of lice work with girls. Steady work and good aalary for right girl. Ask for Mr. Teague, 34179 or 34534. N.W. Fir Fine Lbr. SCO. 690 N. 15th. gbM' WANTED: Office girl and bookkeeper. Western Auto Supply Co., 301 N. Coml. abac HOUSEKEEPER For man. live pn farm, can have children. Write Box 69, Capital Journal. gb90 EXPERIENCED salesgirl wanted. Apply in person. Hartman Eros., 899 State. ibBQ WOMAN TO care for baby 6 days week. Prefer West Salem vicinity. Call 28230 after 6. xb-90 RESIDENT AGENT Protective territory open In Salem for experienced sales lady as resident agent for Parents Mai a tine, car necea- aary. Full time pleasant work with rapid advancement If qualified. Apply senator Hotel. 4-6 p.m. Ask for Mr, Kolbo. gb9S WANTED Experienced beauty operator before April 11th. Oood going busi ness In Salem. Write Box 37, Capital Journal. gb8B EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Good Jobs F Typlat 1160 P File clerk 1160 F Cannier, 30-10, muit type 1110 P Sale! clerk reteno., yen. ore. pari time. ,1.3a nr. F Aait. bkkpr., icn. ofe 1115 P Caihier, ateno 1175 m-f Typlat, train to operate mi- chchlne 11.01 hr. M Acct. Ir 1350 M len. ofc 1335 M Saleaman (can) out !eoo COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AGENCY 494 State St. (Oreion Bldl.l 4-3351 PORTLAND OFC., 601 CORBETT BLDG. 1188 WANTED SALESMAN THIS IS IT If you're between the ages of 91 and 80 and have a good car, ar making lese than $100 week, are Interested In a position with a top national or g animation where you never have to worry again about unemployment, witn wonaenui promotional oppor tunity. You might be the men we are looking for. Drop in and see Mr. Long, Senator Hotel, Tuesday, April mn, i p.m. and 7:80 p.m. sharp, suae RALPH JOHNSON Food Club haa open inr xor permanent salesma.. We train you. Average commission Is 8400 per month with the very eood noasi bllity of doubling that figure. Apply Mr. kood, m center at. immediately. KC89 WANTED POSITIONS PLOWING and discing. Phone 4-6448. h99 WILL DO CEILINO, one wall or entire nouse. do an kinds of painting, brush and epray, furnish reference, by hour or contract. Ph. 4-3944. has MOWKRS SHARPENED at door. Make u run easy. Phone 28314. has rinprNTLti y.t.i... t a. - -'- Kwiim wo i K, it u Lav rr- Himicuui, nit Miiniiiei. emu a-eu, 4-1833. hi DO POWER MOWERS sharpened at door. wwr, runi. rnon i-exi. nm SMALL CHILD care, south, nursery ex- kciichcc. rnone a-Moi. H9i HOTOTILLINO evenings, Saturdays, uuj, reiser area, prion 1-5386. h!07 PI.A8TER, STUCCO Anywhere, orna- mn.... nna j.ncr worx. natiifaction guaranteed. Call Sclo 12FS5. MO FLOWING 8j DIHC1NG IMMEDIATE ocwviii,. rnone I-B300. h90' DRlssmakiso and alteration., prlcea reaaonable. Phon. I7nni i... TAEE tt'ORK. Topplni, trlmmlni, re- -... iiu,urv operator, jonn Payne. Ph. 3.1618. nil3- Nf w lawni. Rotary hoelni. Free eitl- ., uuene wolcott, Phona 1-1137. ' hill W GLAD Ul V.fll r. fr HAVE TIME TO 1 I HEAR THIS FIGHT 3 I I BEFORE THE "-JfW .f. I CABINET MEETING. VTT KjOF ANNE. rA fczg Altho frs NOT LEGAL TO BET ON PRIZE FIGHTS. THE BETTING HAS BEEN FURIOUS... THEY'RE LAYING EVEN MONEY NOW -THE FEELING IS THAT THE STIFLING HEAT, A RECORD FOR AUSTRALIA, MAY FAVOR -aVFARLANe.?? Monday, April 13, 195S FOR SALE FARMS WANTED POSITIONS WANTED Mother with email baby wants light housekeeping Job 8 day per wk, for working couple. Live ln. Some wages. Write Mrs. Arthur Need ham. Box 408, Rt. 3, Oanby, Ore. h89 BOTOVATING work wanted. Phone 3-3044. hflJ PLOWING AND discing with Farms! A. Frank W. Hen. Phone 31184. h93 NEW LAWNS prepared. Put in after May flrt. In the meantime plowing, discing, gardens. Acreage welcome. O. R. Bmlth. Phone 2-190 e renins'. I-T373 daytime. h98 CHILD CARE In my home, day r Right. Reiser dUtrlct. Phone 41987. h90 HOUSEWORK, child care, daye. Fhon 2-0769. . h90 YOU NEED your kitchen, bathroom, celling, wall and window washed made like new, 4-0184. h93 ROTOTlLLER WORK wanted. Can after 8 o'clock. Phone 28891. h98 WILL DO IRONING In my home. 1215 Claggett. Phone 28278. h93 IRONING, Your home. Rental cleaning. Moving? Clean house or apartment, Experienced. 7Se hr. Js bus far. Ph. S4618. Mrs. Walker. h8B FAINTING, Paper-hanging, free esti mate. Don Lucero. Phona 1-6823. blOfl LANDSCAPE maintenance, pruning, trimming, planting, ferttllglns, Serv ice Center. Phone 4-3873. h!06 NEW LAWNS, complete, free estimates. Phone 4-2941. hl06 Lloensed and non-licensed practical nurses, or domestic. Call 16072. h96 GARDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paratlon. Plowing, discing, ( leveling, roto tilling. Service Center. Phon 43873. 1U03 LIGHT CRAWLER, dosing, dirt level ing, grading. Phona 2-3220. hlOS PAINTING. Free estimate. 38 year ex perience ln Salem. Phone 1-7562, hot CUSTOM THACTOR WORK Plowing, discing, aeedlni. Phon TILLING WITH Rotary - ho. Oardea lawns. Phone 1-6329, 3396 Evergreen, hl04 RADIO TV SERVICE 37 CHANNEL Q strips, Installed 6)10, or 18.95 for strip, you Install, rnona 4-517B after 6 p.m. ha90 TV ANTENNA Bonded and licensed specialist. Installed, 910 plus materiel. Call any time. Free estimates, phon 4-3262. haioi EDUCATION IF YOU LIKE TO DRAW, sketch or paint write for Talent Test (No fee), Olve age and occupation. Box It, Cap ital Journal. hh93 MEN AND WOMEN Wanted to train as motel manaker. Preparatory training by home study under our guidance, prior to entranca for reaWence training ln Modern Mo tel. Must be mature, age 98 to 60. Placement service maintained for benefit of graduates. For personal in terview, write statins telephone num ber, to Box 48. Capital Journal. hh03 FOR RENT J-STORY CONCRETE ' WAREHOUSE ' BUILDING with electric elevator, alley en trance, back of Hotel Balem, a flood distributor's headquarter. STATE FINANCE CO. 187 S. HIGH ST. WANTED TO RENT CLEAN 3-bedroom houie, by May 1, Ref. erencea. Writ, Boa 16, Capital Journal. Jail I OB l-BEDRM. homo, bll heat, on en. noor. prefer Belem. Rererencea. pa, to lit. Muit be clean. Phon, 1-1671. lalie Working mother and year old damhter, need 3-bedroom bouae by or before April 11. Need only atove, re frlierator, waaher. Phone 1-3771. lelie WANTED SMALL houie, furnlahed. Re rerencea, pnone 44644. l-e p.m. Je90" NEWER TYPE home, 1 bedrooma un- rurnianed except for itova or refrf erator or both. No children or pen. call alter 1:11 p.m., 4-5814. Ja0" BEDROOMS houae unfurnlihed, automatic heat, preterebly McKlnley Dlilrlct, Klmwood Helahu. Br May 33nd. 1-4601, JeV TOUNQ COUPLE wieh to rent amall huh or court witn reirit., nova furnlahed. Permanent. No children. Call 3-0666 er 3-0617. laia. FOR RENT ROOMS FOR GIRI.a, kitchen prlvlleiee, uae en. lire nouae. etl wo. winter. 1-4171 or P4n. IV90 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. Per Word. S llaaea ur Per Word . ' Per Word, I llmel , 10c Per Word, 1 month - I ait N. Refonde Mlnlmam 1 Werdl. READERS In Laeal Nawi Only, Per Word le Mlnlm.m 11 Ward, T, Place Al In Same Day', Paper, Pbons Z-ZM Before 10 a.m. By Ham Fisher ''MAKE IT Y RlGHT.'CrVPtS A TENNER 7 ,1'a. MELTIN' RNccn out Jfr