Saturday, April 11, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem. Orefoa Ac II ENNIS the MENACE 11 J" a r j ' iiOCSi IF HE'9 SZl MISCELLANEOUS It DENTAL PLATE RIP AIR 4 1-HR. BBRVICB IN MOST CASBS DR. HARVEY BSMLIR, DENTIST Adolph Bldi.. SUM Commercial Bt(. 1 BALEM PH. 1-1311 DKK-HIVX TRUCKS U-DRtTC MOV I YOURSZLP AVI V, PICaTOPB STAXU VAlfB TTUCACO STATION 111 OOURT ST. PHOKB Mill paos aravmaoN and al meitord i SALEM SAND GRAVE COMPANY contract work. Boad Clearlni Dlteblsi t Bewer and Basement Equipment Rental Wtchlni br Uu Pool Phone Dsn 14(01 vat. 1-4411 or 1-1411 Salem, Or tcon BUILDING MATERIALS KEITH BROWN SPECIALS Close Out Wi Bra aloilng out ar entire itook f Plumbtns. Housewear - and Work Clothae. Overalls, shirts, pants - at IS aft while they lut. ' Keith Brown Lumber Yard PR OUT OOORT 8TB. PRONE l-llll (Wa lira a H Oram Stamps) ma Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles p.. Is. 11 tnebai elear, IB; Na. I, Incite elear, 14. No asp wood or euils. Coma and let them. Tad Muller. a alsm-Inde pendente Road. Pb. Salem 3-1 1. ma SUBPLOT ITbTMK Uin prices. Coaat Rsnia Mill, Mt Baaeet at.. Waet Ba- lam. mat LUMBER Complete mill stock common lumbar. 100,000 ft, sblplap aheatlnt, 1x4 and wider, Ho. 1 and 4 iradea. Price lit war M delivered and up. Tad Hullar. Phone Sslem 1-1W6. miW LOOP. LOOK Brlcki while Urn lust, He; doort, windows, ahiptap, tal and 1x1. Com plete steam beatlni plant for nice homa. Can be seen 107 N. Com'l. or call eventni 37305. rna!7 Keith Brown ; SPECIALS Attention Carpenters Palntera ' Wa arc eloslns out our antlra atock of work clothes. 35 off, Indudlni ear- ' panter and painter overalls. Carpenters C74 KB rei., isle 4.13 Carpenters 014 SB res. 4.01. sale 1.74 Painters PI4 BB rei. I.ll, sale 3.K All Plumblni euppllei and Housewares 35 off. Doors - 3-0 x l-l to 1-1 to l-l, 1 panel. .1.15 '' e.a a. o.a . a-a tml panel. 1 lit , No. 1 Stained Shekel wltb under course U-0S 1500 feet 1 X 6-RL I NO. 116. ..150 M. I X 4 BM CftBtT MO Ploor Inr 1100 U. Vs 1 1 - RL C Cedar Bldlm ....til M. Outside White Paint 3 Keith Brown Lumber Yd. Front sr. Court at. Phone 1-0111 WE OIVE a. H. OREeH stamps ma' Building? New weatheretrlpped windows, eom pletelr assembled, hundreds rn stock ready to 10, 114 up. Mew picture windows IS.00 Mew doors 3'l"xfl'l" 15.50 l-tab hexsfon rooflni S0.05 S-tb thlckbutt rootlm HII Unpalnted cedar shakes 15.75 Reverse trap toilets, completa ...135.50 New 30"xll" wash basin 117.50 Cast Iron bath tubs, complete ...100.50 New shower cabinets, complete. .143.00 600-ial. steel septic tanks 103.50 4" soil pipe 70 New electric water heater $04.00 New steel laraee doors I56.O0 Asbestos aldlm 10.50 No. 3 cedar shinties No. S cedsr shinties New plasterboard 4x1 15.00 13.75 ....... 11.40 Exterior white paint (sal. i ....11.05 MahOsany Sr. birch plywood barialn C. G. LONG it SON Phone 46031 1 mil north of Kelttr LOOK AT THIS! Pickets, clear, dry cedar ...71c ea. Wetdtex squares 15c It . Doors all kinds, noorlni Plr M.50. Oak 134.90 atored In heated room. Hardboard l.M sheet, Wallboard 1.40 Whether cash, credit or monthly pay I ment wa are leered to handle your , neede cheerfully and economically. 0 Prea delivery. Open all day Saturday. JPorUand Road Lumber Yard S ISM Portland Road "' Fhono 4-4431 Salem, Oreioo ss's'e's's'sssssss NURSERY STOCK HEDGE OR WINDBREAK Privet, Isur it sl. esmelllas. conifers, boxwood. Ph 'I 11113. 3407 Hollywood Drive, mbios BVERBEARINO Strawbenles, Aaalea Unnis. Rhododendrons. Larse Red Asaleas, 1.00. Primrose, 35c. Merrill's ' Oreenhousat Brooke. mb!7 LARGE ROLI.Y treesi sore top worked. at 3107 North Commercial Street. Alio I llsht Brahma hatchlnl ens. Call alt- er I sr week end. atbli By Ketcham R3R THtS Pk3EON?f For Sale MISCELLANEOUS PBBE WestlnihouM aewlni maeblnae on all floor samples, safe bp to 40 TEATER APPLIANCE CO. Til Che. meketa. a PLAKT1-KOTI niiulraa no wailni. Por your noon or linoleum. TEATER AP' PLIANCE CO., 116 cbemeketa. n BOLLAWAY BID wltb mattreta, 14.60; Hoover V. Cleaner, ll.N; eervel las patriae., aa low aa 16.00; Monarch elee- trle ranie, 35.00: I niece walnut bd suite. 09.50; Hamilton dryer, taa, Ilka now. IM.Hi I drawer sheet, M.M; piano, uprltbt irand, 136.00. TRADER LOUIE, MID Lena nll CEDAR TELEPHONE and electric polar. faneo posts, bean posts and stakes. Pbiltlps Bros.. Rt. 6, Bos 401, I mllti out ef 4 Corners. Ph. 4-1011. a USED OAS HOT water beater, like new, phone 3-1616. nS7 OTPOINT Eleetrle Rama tn good con dition, ISO. can 1M70 or aee at 111! Nebraska. r" ANTIQUES OALORE New arrlv., pleca solid Cherry bd. suite. ln.M; Comode, aolld Cborrr. Si.00: draaier, aolld Cherry, 40.00; Setb Thomas weliht cloak, MM: Oono wltb Wind lampa; bracket lamps; ebalrar dlahaa; orsane, ate. TRADER LOTH 1170 Last nil' t OIL HEATER), 110-al. tank, with 71 ia. on. aii ror lie. caii snai ares n!7 BICYCLE FOR SALE. Oood SS now, t. 1070 Donna Ave. n87 RENT A REFRIOERATOR as low as 10 par mo. nsnt a waanina machine. i per mo. up. Master service stations Inc., 105 N. Com'l. n87' CHILDREN'S BOOKS, antique frames, china, rurs, walnut bedroom Mt. 14631 BIT SET DIAMOND waddlni rlnas. Value 320. Will sacrifice. Phone 4-1156. n!7 SINGER TREADLE drop-head aewlni machine, oood aewlni condition and luaranteed. Prom 110.05 up. singer aewlni Center, 130 N. com'l. nil ELECTRIC CONSOLE, walnut cabinet aewlni machine. A-l condition and luaranteed, 139.50 op. ainier aewlni center, lao N. com'l. an1 i DESKS ONLT 115.00 USED MERCHANDISE MART 70 South Liberty . Phone 4-1371 n!7' POR SALE, piano, Wurlltssr Spinet. 37085. RESTAURANT MEAT SLICER Olobe, 45, almost new. 30030. Rt. 4, Box 14, Airport Road. n!7 PRE-CAST REINFORCED llsht Sl heavy concrete fence posts. OREOON ORAVXL CO. 1405 N. Front St. - Ph. 3-3411 OH1 NEED A washlni machine In lood shape? We have them from 19.05 up. USED MERCHANDISE MART PTO South Liberty Phono 4-1)71 nS7 TWO Ixl overhead heavy aluminum doors, complete with hardware, 105, rnone 1-5573. 3890 suvarton Rd. n87' REFRIGERATORS, NEW and Used, TEATER APPLIANCE CO., 370 Che. meketa. DEEPFREEZE home freesers. TEATER APPLIANCE CO., 375 Chemeketa. n ARMCHAIR, floor lamp, Olbson refrli- erator, 7X10 flat metal bed trailer (heavy duty). 3-orao. Rt. 4. box 14. Airport Road. nS7 HOSPITAL BED for sale or rent. H. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-0185. ORGANIC rERTTLIEER. Free of weed eeeda, and odorless. Back or bulk or ders delivered. Phone 1-1117. nil' FERTILIZER Pulverised, rotted msnura. delivered anywhere. 2-0774 or 3-5073. nil RADIO-PHONO. Comb. Pbllco Cone. I49.5O-80.OO: RCA Cons.. 150.00: West. ant table model, 135.00: Packard Bell tabla model, 130.50; Zenith Cons, ra dio, 135.00. Many others to choose from. TRADER LOUIE. 1170 Lana nl7 TOP SOIL River sflt and fill dirt, prompt de livery. Phone 3-1740. 1x10 WALL TENT, 30.00; lolf clubs, sst of 13 matched, 59.50; outod. motors from 39.50: 9x11 umbrella tent, 39.05; 30-40 Kralc Rporter with scope, 75.00: Colt revolver. 30.00: Basch and Lamb binoculars, 7x35, 90.50. TRADER LOUIE. .1170 Una nl7' OARDEN TRACTOR, plow, cultivator, harrow. Used season. Phone 34931 n87' OIRL9 SCHWINN bicycle. 30 Inch, Ilk new. 3388 Pslrtrounrls Roed. nS7 McCULLOCH CHAIN SAWS, 808 Edte water. West Salem. Salem Loillnl Sup ply. Ph. 4-1041. SEWI.VG MACHINES. Menr makes to choose from. Some barely ussd. Tree, die at electric. 11.MMtl.50. TRADER LOUIE, 1170 Una S-DRAWF.R cheats, onlr 117.15. USED MERCHANDISE MART 170 South Llbertr Phone 4-1371 BIT OLADIRON manlle. 111. New O-E Hot master heater, 30-iallon, 1135. New uncrsted O-E dryer. 1335 l-plece wal nut dlnlni set, 1335. 1535 N. llth. nil STEEL clothesline posts, planters, rait Ini porch columns, furniture. 1145 N. Liberty. nlll FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, composts, the lame Quality as last rear, for home and larden. Plaistones, red lava stone and other types for walls or lardena. Rus tic ceder fenclnl and trellis work. Phillips Bros.. Rt. I. Box 413, Salem. Ph. 4-3051. a USED wsshlnl mechlnes, 1115 and up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 373 Che meketa. in ALLOTTED for rour old water heater on thle new 43-iallon automatic elec tric water heater. Yeater Appliance. 375 Chemeketa. Ph. 1-4311. n ADDING MACHINE, electric with sub irrt. stao electric calculator. Phone 35371. ni SALEM DIESEL Roller and ball bearlms for trucks and tractors. 1771 Sllverton Road n Gravel and Sand ' Anvthlne In irevtl. wholesate end retail VALLEY BAND eo. Pa. 1-4003. ORAVEL a AUTOMOIILES HERE'S GOOD NEWS HERE ARE EXTRA CAR DIVIDENDS SPRING IS HERE, AND EXTRA TRAVELLING IS THE THING! HERE ARE EXTRA SPECIAL USED CAR VALUES FOR SPRING BUYING AND DRIVING. SEE THESE SUNDAY! BRING THE FAMILY! 50 FORD .$1350 OuJtom (I) Mdan, itefeH, orordrlvt, oMtom tat OTsri. local otoct, only s,MQ actual kIIm. , 40 CHEVROLET ..... .$1195 iitiiii 4tlm 4-door sodan, atw tl) if, oh mtr( 1-tont tfm flna-h. At G-MeC. $695 Vit-ton pickup, moMlitlonod throutt. out. A real burl WESTERN MOTORS 1K3 Broadway 51 FORD $1495 overdrive, lew Club eeupa, mlleaia. 50 HUDSON 6 $1395 4-door eedan. 1 owner, RAH, low mile Me. Really sharp! 49 CHEVROLET . , ....$1165 aharp Ins Ida Pleetlrae 4door sodan. and out. RON'S ItU Broadway 60 NASH .$1395 Tudor sedan, RAH, aeat, A-l condition, foam cushions, bod. 49 NASH $1095 overdrive, heater Ambassador aadan, and bod. 46 OLDS 76 $675 eMdanette, RAH, a real aharp buy at this price. MARION MOTORS Oorntr Commtrclal and Center Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WOODRT WANTS Pianos. Phone 3-5110. ELECTRIC RANGES Woodrr's. Pb. 3-5110. LOGS WANTED Stud MIU. Uni-ths V 4" or IV I". Diameter 8" to IS". Sawmill. Lntiths 13' and lonter. Diameter " to 90". Top price paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore. Phone 1135 PERSONAL ALCOHOUCS ANONIMOTJS, Oroup No. 1. 1091 N. commercial. Ph. 3-ltll or I-453T. HI' AUTOMOBILES OOOD A-l '39 Pord Coupe, 1131. Phone all 3S37I. 1MI CUSTOM PORD sedan V-l. Radio, heater, low, elean. pnone 3-3S83. HI LATE 1941 Packard sedsn; very clean. excellent eondtlon. Banaln. Ill Alice Ave. q 1M1 CBEV. U-TON pickup. 4-speed trans. Heater, very elean. 1557 Pine. Sllverton. Phone 4513. qST '50 OLDS. II de luxe 4-door adan. Ra dio, heater, windshield weahers. Hr dramatlc, top shape, 11170. Ptione 4-174 after 1. WO OOOD CHEAP Iraneportatlon: 1137 Nash. Oood motor and rubber. Nice point. Licensed to 1154. Phone 1-3 Ml 535 Larrr Ave. all MM PLY. COUPS 3-1331 eve. -Pair tires, HO. call .17 $ for $ You Can't Beat Our Cars For Value PONTIAC '53 sedan, Hydro, RAH .., 51 catallna Coupe, hydro, 'II Seden, hydro, RAH ... 'M etaden, hydro, RAcH ... '41 lwdan, RAH '41 Seden Coupe, RAH .., '47 Seden Coupe, RAH 43535 RAH 3335 IMS I3X 1313 1005 M5 FORD 41 Pickup. RAH. isharp) '47 Sedan. RAH '47 Club Coupe, RAH Best For Less 'It International Pickup .1543 . M5 . H5 ,.1353 ,. 371 ,. 14t ,. 145 . II '41 Pord Sedan (clean) '40 Chevrolet 6ftdan '40 Packard Sedan .... '34 Plymouth ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS AT KELLY OWENS Co. 680 N. Liberty Ph. 2-4113 1050 BTUDEBARER 1 ton pickup, lullr equipped, excellent condition. Phone 3-3134 or I-41M. W U PONTIAC Convertible Oood rondl. lion. Phone 1-tUI. till Sell Road ' sum i tnf AUTOMOBILES '80 FORD .$1395 Club eoupe. RAH, overdrive, sew p Iss ue aeat aovora, nearly new Urea, a aeptlonally clean tnalda and out. . 80 MERCURY . 11388 dub aoupa. RAVH, overdrive, direc tional atanala, low mll.'se, 1 owner. '47 CHEVROLET . ...7B5 Ohik ooupa. RSaH. ewolllaht. nearly new rubber, excellent mechanical con dition. ARROW, USED CARS W0 W. Hlfb '51 DE SOTO $1895 A 4-door S sedan, a beautiful 1-tone brown and tan finish, loaded with everythlnt you want. '51 CHRYSLER ....... $2995 4-door sedan, power steerlm. RAH. automatic llits, plus many other ex tras. Nearly like new wltb low min es.. '81 DODGE .$1595 3-paesenier business coupe, low mlle aia, excellent rubber, beautiful blue finish. Salem Automobile Co. 4M N. Oom'L Ph. 1-4117 51 HORNET .. Hudson 4-door lodan. with accMBorlu. ........ ???T 1 owner, loadod $1095 49 FORD Cur torn 4-door Jed an, R&H, ' direc tional ittnala, very clean, nae ex cellent rubber. '48 MERC CONV. ......$945 Here's a aprlnitlroe bur with a new top, new tire, new paint and a new low price. SHROCK'S Where Chemeketa Ooea to Church BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A REPUTABLE ASSOCIATION DEALER Remember NO SUNDAY SALES! The Week-End Specials and Message Above Are Brought to You So You Can Look Leisurely Then Buy Later AUTOMOBILES 42 STUDEBAKER Champion sedan, heal er, food eondtion. 1385 Bo. lflth. g8T 1952 WILLYS AERO ACE S800 ACTUAL MILES HOUSE CAR $500 OFF NEW PRICE Radio, heater, o'drlve, w-walls, sew car tuarantee. ELSNER MOTOR CO. (10 N. Hllh Ph. 34111 qS7 1H3 NASH Ramblsr Station Walon. Ov erdrive, radio, heater. Price 11935. Call 4-7113 or 4-1451. q!7' LOTS OP SERVICE '40 Dodla 4-door with '41 motor, 1335, Phone 4-3155. 037 1141 PLY. Club Coupe. Heater, 1130. 713 Perrr St. Before 1 p.m. or after 9 p.m. q59' WE GIVE ON USED CARS Oldsmobile SO "7" J-door sedsn, clean and a sharp buy $1845 49 "88" Club Coupe. See this at this price. $1405 '40 "08" 4-door sedan. Choice of two spark ling buys. '48 "08" 4-door de luxe sedan, RcVH, out standing and excep tionally clean $1345 BUICKS '51 Riviera Roadmaster Coupe. 2-tone gray finiih, RcVH, very, very sharp $2405 '47 Super 4-door Sedan. R&H, beautiful orig inal 2-tone gray fin ish $1045 PLYMOUTHS '52 Cranbrook 4-door le dan. R&H. This car it looking for a satis fied owner $1845 '48 Special De Luxe Club Coupe. 27,000 miles, new tirei . . and the BUYOFTHE WEEK. $1045 Loder Bros. 45 Center Phone 1-7173 017" 1151 CHEV. 4-door redao. Lsdr driver. TBI. is really a lood car. Iltoo. HP! AUTOMOBILES '49 DE SOTO t??T Btautlful arooa IHnUh. 1 owaor. MH, yrr ltan, aad look ins for a proud owner. f49 CHEVROLETS TTT? Voor to thooM from-l todor. 1 for- dor. I oonpw; most an fully oaulppod. tn A-l ooiMliUpB and warantoott , '49 FORD tTTT Tudor itdan. vlui a, lbtVO Ford 4' dor aHdan. Both ar rtallr aleo, voll oqaippta ana roaiir anarp. DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLaTf CO. M. Oommarolal St. Phone 1-1111 81 NASH ....$1495 Rambler with radio, beater, overdrive. Really aharpl '49 OLDS 88 . . . 4-deor aadan, with many extras, Mtcel 47 DODGE .......$1395 hydromatle and ........$795 4-door sedan. RArH. aharp maroon fin, lab. Oood condition throultiout and s real buyl BUZZ CHEFFINGS MOTOR CO. MM 8. Commercial (Across ft. of Lailon Club) '81 DODGE $1895 Diplomat coronet, extra sice with many extras. '50 PONTIAC ..$1595 atreamline aadanatte. A wonderful oar to own and drive. '49 OLDS 88 $1495 4-door sedan, loaded, vary aharp at a low price. 1 Locations To Service You Easllyl . 55 North Rich I3S Chemeketa 1110 Portland Rd. Stan Baker Motors AUTOMOBILES 1S7 FORD. Oood motor, paint, tires, Make oiler. Pbone 3-6030. alt IBM. FOBDOMATIO CUitom de luie. loaded with extraa, 16. $100 under kveraze for like quality. HI ifm. Independence. Phone 364. q9? I Ei ,10 CHEV. ConTert. Phone 2-1881. at7 MACHINERY WISCONSIN gii enilne with clutch, Stt-h.p. Oliver walking plow. Both new. 3086 N. 6th. B9 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOR TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co. expert will solvt rour prob lema and lave you money. Free eitl mateia -needy service. Center at Lib erty, ox TRUCKS 19m v-8 Pord Dump Truck. Call 4-lSI after 9. t loftl GMC tt-toa panel. Low mlleate, excellent condition. Priced rltht. 636 Belmont. Phone 31401. od BOATS PACTORY-MADS ftshlnl boat, II rt. 3515 N. Pront. 07' FARM EQUIPMENT Close-Out 2 Row crop Oliver 60 Trsctors ...... $1 1S5 each 1 14" 2-bottom plow . . . $210 2 10x24 tractor tires. $85 each 2 22A Oliver mowers. $325 aa. Nesruoca Lumbar Co. Cloverdsle, Oregon Phone Cloverdale 171 HEAVY EQUIPMENT D7 CATKRPILLAB 310.500. 1,100 hours, with drum and doeer. Pully aoulpped for loselni, new tracks, lood shape. Cecil Mayes, phona Albany 1-7WJ4. aell' TRANSPORTATION OOINO TO California April llth or llth Will take a 1 wheel trailer or truck for use. Ph. 15101. j FINANCIAL 5 Interest If you have Idle lands eeeklnt In. vestment, then you are the type of person to whom wa can be of aervlee. Por over Tw.oly-flva Teara wa have been helplni people In thle community find profitable work for their money. Durlm thle period we have promptly paid 50 seml-annaal Interesl permeate totalllni many Thousands of Dollars. We are currently paylni 1 INTEBKBT on lunde from 1300 to 15000. General Finance Corporation 131 a. couiixrtciAL st. Salem, Oreion Phona l-llll ass us por parm. crnr or acriaqs LOANS BEST OP TERMS WS BUY Ftesl aetata mortaaiee Si contracts State Finance Co. in so. Hish St. Ph. 1-411 AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CRKDIT CO. 113 South Church Parklnl a-Plenty . 1-3117 Ue. Mo. M-130. S-114 ff mm FINANCIAL Lie. 8-131 ant M-1M and ROT . lOniOHl tmURArlCB AND LOANS Rear 'Top Tradee" U N Dally KaLlf I3M Ka. OBNERAb PINANCa CO. . LOANS 134 8o. Caamasaralal as. Tel. Milt LOANS UP TO $1500 ob IsTDfttur. Funtitmrt, Cmr AT PBUONsU a "TM" wwiir 1 mpiwrM mn m wonm. 1-vUlt lou . . . pboo tint. You it... bMt psnntwl tat. ttittm NM17 imm. Vstmf. vriU m cosjdi 1b TOOATI Personal Finance Co. IN . mOB 4TT. BKUOl lliti Umdii Mm. i-iu, it-tu Lou ovtr MM UJ ! $lb09 d tip to M bkibUu lo ropar md br Ptrtonol nnuco co. or Mann couaw uwur ttat IndaJlrlbU Lom CompOBlM Ael of Oreson. rlW TO SORROW staaa, first ssortsuo on no, duo Buuoini in Honmauu. i atraisht lnt.reet Mmt-annuallr. Box 11. Oapltal Journal. no PRIVATE MOKET Special Ratea and Torml . On Laraer toans Lass and abort Tlaw lyranta ROT a. SIMMONS Be. oonmenlal at, Pb. 3-tlll 131 MONEY PROBLEMS? Let na take tbe "Ue" out W m money problceaa. Up la CMS an eaeal loans. Op to Weil an suts loans. STATE FINANCE CO, a-iii M-iu Pbona 14111 MT a. R3ah at. ru HOUSE TRAILWS IT FT. BOUIE Trailer. Bxoollont eon- dltlon. Sleeps lour. J. 1 br Rd. Phono loom. . Blum, Qulna taH7" Bur . . Barselne . . . Sell LARA LAMB TTUmrR PLABA Trade . 1048 Lueaater Ave. . Rental taiT TO lAlsE ohtap, loar drop trpo camp trailer m tooa ooncnuom. none ijws. NW l-ua Trailer House, 14 toot, UMd only s weeks, loo rio. Pfitn. m DIRECTORY ADDINO MACBINIS All makae used maebtnaa sold, rejnted, repaired. Roan, 451 court. Ph. 3-4773. BULLDOMNO Bulldoalni road, alaartns teeth. Vlrail Buskay, 1111 Palrvlew. Ph. 3-3144. BUILDINO MATERIAL O. W. KLANO Wraekuu Co. Builders cheap auppliea. 3-7395 avanlnia. oil CASH REGISTERS Instant delivery of new RCA o reilstora. AU makae, aold, rented, re paired, noon, in court, n. i-erri, CUSTOM PARM WORK Plowlni, dlsctni, Medina. Pord equip ment. Marshall, 71 Market, Phone 3-1343. olOt DRSSSMAKINO Alterations, homattteblni, 1 bnttanl, buckles oovered, buttonnolea. Mrs. H. M. Allender. l-llll. clM DKIVINO INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Easy Drive" way. Call or see Mr. snelltnl. Valley Mo tor Co.. Salem. Phona 1-1141 or 4-1014. EXCAVATING Ben Otlen as Bona, Kxoavatlm, srad lni, land clearing. Phone 1-1050. olll' PUBNITUBE BEPINISHINQ Purnlture reflnlshlni, repaired. Bd lar Brock, 104 Norway St. Phone 1-III7. oil INSULATION Insulation, weatheretrlpe, soreene. Pree estlmatu. T. Pullman. Ph. 1-5905. olll' MATTRESSES Capitol Beddlni, renovates. Pull line new mattresses. Ph. 3-4011. o OFPICI FURNITURE a SUPPLIES Desk chslrs. flies, flltni suppllee, aafea, dupllcatotri, suppllee, desk lamps, type writer etands. Roen, 456 Court. o SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septic Berries. Tanks cleaned. D'rootar cleanc sewere, drains. Phona Mill. olio Hamel'a aervloe, 1-7404. aeptle tanks Guaranteed eleaned, Una work. Phona Sewer, eeptle tanke, drains cleaned. Ro-to-Rooter Sewer aervloe. Phone 3-6337. L. W. Caudle, Phone 4-1411. prayini and prunlni. oln TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona, ftemlnston, Royal, Un derwood portablee. All saabee used machinal. Repalra as rant. Roen, 456 Court. TELEVISION TV Sales, aervlee. Antenna, 1175 Lana Ave. Phono 4-5813. oil' VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Canfleld'a Laundry, Repairs, ffteflnlsh Ins. 1440 a. 13th. Ph. 4-6403. Plek-up, Delivery. M0 WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor wailni, hotuecleantns. Phono 1-133T. 117 Court. o" LEGALS MorUKte Raatie A real NU1I .... Btal 4MUtt-, Cash and bask 4e- poelU Agnu' telaofM er tinootieeteff premtomf InlarMt dlvltlenrli Btifl rTone tm,SSS.44 1TT.TS6 II 'Mi eetaie incomej tu aa4 acema her aeoeie . .1 ill.5M.61 Lote aJjwetment i tapeneee Uneamtd twecnluma All other HaMlltlee 1S.93I m 805. r Total HtMlllUe am- trym B. rpt eaptUl .-.IS. 163.4.BS 8T Caplfil paid up .. 60O0O0.00 Mjnai eurpiue rnnai on 'naeelfneo fundi ......... (lurplua) .......... I.J1MT8 IS Total ...,-.u--m.809.T6.7 Premium! earned .VB4B.398 17 f)50.1 MM 3.821.M Lom experiHa Inearrefl Othr ontlerwrltlTiK DnMa lneurrvn Tfrtal unrttrwritlnr .11 4B.M0.M Net uoAerwrltlnR lala or in aa 'Ms Invert man Ineome IB uirvtr ineome Total, before federal Income tee t Fedfrtl Ibeome ftuea Incurred 141.U9 T 1T.S00M Net .1 128.8B9 BT Dlvlfjfnoj ta a teak hnMere . . Dividend to poller hfilrlere Capital rharara fnat) Other Itcma affectlnff eurplue (net) I Total capital and avr plua Itema (net) -t 1B.T8T.BT iMraaae In aurplqi a Net premlume received ..123 89713 Nrt Iruflta nnld 4 MO. 7 1 tildndt pui't or ered "n in pnnrTnoioere Nnna tf9 ll Orecon. Bylna "yci flaner. Imw sTorV moWksJ fflTr1?o?i BaasTQ. to ellariA matJe to tha iTrurrran i mmu hp Mid Willamette Obituaries Melton K. Logan wuiamlns uraveslde wrv- iccs were held last week at Green Crest Memorial park in Sheridan for Melton Keith Lo gan, who died in Doembecher hospital in Portland at the age of one year, six months and 39 days. Rev. Harry Olson offi ciated, and the Sheridan Fune ral home was In charge of ar rangements. He waa born Sept 4, 1961, and is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mii. Melton H. Logan, and two sisters, Barbara Rose and Karen Maria, all of Wil lamina. Gerald Anderson Sheridan Gerald Leon An derson, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Anderson, Sheridan, passed away April 7. at the Me Minnville hospital. Graveside services were held April 8 at the Masonic cemetery in Sheri dan, with Rev. . H. Gardner officiating. He waa the grand son of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Men- denhall. - v Mrs. Doris Anderson ' Sheridan Funeral services for Doris Mendenhall Ander son, 5, wife of Leon Ander son, were held at the Sheridan Funeral home April 11 at 1 p.m. Mrs. Anderson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Menden hall, passed away Wednesday LEGALS SUMMONS Mo. iint : . IK TOT CIRCUIT COURT OP TUB STATE OP OREOON POR TUB COUM TY OP MARION. WILDA PAY! DAT, PTjAIKTIPP Tl. BOBSKT DAT. DEPBKDANT. to neaert Day, daianflasi aoove aimid. In tha aama at tha Stat of Oroton, you are hereby rooulred to ap pear and answer tha ooraplatnt, rued In tha above autt, on or before May S. 1P51; and If you faU to appear and answer, for tha want thereof, plaintiff will apply to the court for a decree arantlni absolute dlvoroe from post and the relief prayed lor. Thle summons la published br order of tha Honorable Joseph Palton. a iudie of tha above nam Ml court, enhleh order waa made and entered on March II, 1153. Tha flrat day of publication la April 4. UI3 and tha last la May 1, 1K1. C. WM. DOBSON Attorney tor Plaintiff P.O. Address, Or i on Bolldlni, Cains, Oreion. ' Apr.l,II,il,li,Ma for the pear ndd Daoemner S3. 152, of Che CALEDONIAN InBUR ANCE COMPANT OF IDLNBUROH, COT LAND, made to tha Iniuranca tommiH i o(icr ox nm nmm m vrv , roo, purauant to law: ADMITTED ASSETS Sonde R,47e, 877.00 tooki --. 1,864,046,00 Uortnia loans oa real aetata Kiel aatate, leaa Nona encumbraneee Caen and bank da pualta Aianta balancea or uncollected, premium Intereit, dlvldende and real estate Income due and accrued . Other aaeeta ........ . Nona 60.MT.DW tTS.T0t.14 SIS, 505. OTHEfe iUNDB IS - B 888,378.71 aaiuatment az- anaci 30.400.00 unearned nremluma.. 4,088,008.14 Ail Otber lfablUtli- 1,2B1.B06.8 Total HablllUee, cipt capital Capital paid up r Special aurplua fundi Nona UnaaalfMd lunaa taur plue) - 1,44S,9.S4 policyholders . 2,048,303.8. Total ,..! .7aa.60o.SS STATEMENT CP INCOME Premiums earned lneurr.3 other undenvnuni ex peruwe Incurred 3,103.638 II Total underwrlUns deductlone - 14,113,171.16 or lose Invectment Income mi 62.53 Total, nfore Moral Income tasee p.dir.1 income taxea BST,41S.S incurrao N.t Income . . Dividends to stock holdere Dividends to policy- Nona SOB ona noiu.r. f. pltsi enarsee iner, TU.T1B.OT mrphia ltema (net)- fM.TlB.0T Iiwtdkaae In aurp-- aa PHCinwgsa JIVBBB JLW ' JH 'fit- 1 . Twtr-trKnlAall-a wtnerkO Bond. KntTOSoTOal eeiate ImI eatlle, leea adna ncumviancee Cuh and bank depoalta Aiwti' talancee or un- collected prmitarna. lottTwt. dlvldende and rtaal aattaLa Inrntna dne aupd accrued.... Total admitted 14? los!a(lj"u i it imm aa i adluatment awritinadta . e pedal aturpitie fundi None Unae-alcied funde TiUffiM) 418.176.14 orpine u ntardi poilcrholrf.rg ...BM98.i7t.94 Timinirj .nrnea., es Mpvns.s Infiifrsd eipensw Incurred. B30.tll.lS Tolel undenvrttlns deductlone 11.097.038 1 Net underwrlunl loss I Inv.Klmml Income Other income---.-..., Tolel. bvfore federal Inrom. tales.. . Pederal Income taxea Incurred .......... net Income ...... Dl.lil.nde to atoelt ........... Dlvldende to poller hold. re - T1.130 Bl 47.J5T.01 705.61 4,10121 SJVol.31 Mono Seplta eheriee S th.r Heme affectlns 100,000.00 141.611 IS surplus (net)... Tolel capital and surplus Iteme . 64S.nll.ll Zncresse Tn aurrjlue as relerde policy- THE TEAR, i Net Premltima s Nit Inaiva rtalrt 8.138. c None Piv-tdendi paid or t-red- I'm to pniif 7noiaejre- f. sfel. oijviiw Tqvb. snad. to the fneurastc. ctomrolaeloner of lb. atata of OrMorj. rsuairant to 1mv: STTWl7-T-t;n jeervrti. at the UcMlonvlUe hospital. Her infant son. Garald Leon, passed away Tuesday soon af ter birth. ! Mrs. Anderson was born near Sheridan Feb. S3, 128. She iradusted from tbe Sheri dan high school in 1846, and married Leon Anderson Nov. 4, 19S0. Survivors include her hus band, her parents, two sislars, Bertha Marcsaux, Sbaridan, and Naomi Matxke of McMlnn ville, and her ffendmother, Mrs. Kate Mendenhall, Sbari dan. Rev. X. H. Crardner. officiat ed at the services, and Mrs. Arvid Njrleen waa soloist In terment was tat Green Crest Memorial park. ' Sarah Hanna Wlllamlna Fiineral aerv- icea were bald April 10 for Sarah Hanna, $5, who pasaad away here at her home after a long illness. Rev. Keglay of ficiated at the services, which were held at the Seventh Day iVdventlst church in Sheridan. Interment was in Green Crest Memorial park in Sheridan. sue was born Marea a. 1$U. ia Platervllle, Calif, and had made her bora here for the past 16 years. She ia survived by a son. Walter G. Hanna of Salem, a daughter, Mrs, Nellie Moudy of Wlllamlna, and eight grandchildren. , .... Alfred Ray Lux t V' snerldaa Alfred Ray Lux, inlant son at Mr. and, Mrs. Harry Lux, passed away Wed nesday at a Dallas hospital. He ia survlyed by his parents, brother, Wendell; grandpar enU, Mr. and Mrs. Creorge -Lux and Guy Tatom, all of Sheridan. Graveside . tervicei were held April 11 with Inter ment in Green Crest Memorial park. Rev. X. H. Gardner offi ciated. ; ., Benjamin Phillips Albany Benjamin Franklin Phillips, 88. 1040 E. Sixth Ave., worm war 1 veteran and real dent of Albany the past 19 years, died at Salem Thursday alter a long Illness. - services were held at 10:30 ' e.m Saturday at the Fisher Funeral, home with burial in ' the Sand Ridge cemetery. Mr. PHiUlps was born In Idaho and had lived In- north ern California before coming ' to Oregon.: -r - On June 14, 1919, he married Christine Schulte at Albany. . She survives as do two chil dren, Mrs. Harold Shoop, Al bany and George M. Phillips, Houey ; two nau-brothers, Clar ence Wirtningham, Waterloo, Ore., and Calvin Winnlngham, Seneca, Ore.; two sisters, Mrs. Charles Wiley, Redmond, and Mrs. Viola Beldon, Fall River Mills, Calif., and two hslf -listen, Mrs. Clara-Smith and Mrs. Violet Demorest, both of Dex ter, Ore. DEATHS Areble Lorey Pseeor t Arohia Larov Punsr. lata ruwet as 130 Chemawa road. Kaar SusaM April 7 al the as. f 54 pearl, aunrrvod bp wile,. Mrs. Orlla Purser, avalara; daush tar. Mrs. Melba Oladyl Pay, Oartobad, N. M.i eon, Archie Parwr, TMenela Lake, Or..: tva brothara, Irs Clauda ' Purser, Riverside, Calif.: ad Purser af Portland; half bnthari, John Borrr, Palm aprisa, Calif.: Jmaph BUI, Port land; Jim Berry, Warm Sot Ins s. Call!. I also threa trandoblldrea. Svrvloas wees held at the Bowell-Bdwards chapal Seturday, April 11, st 1:11 pjsl 2a ter ra it at Citr Tlew ometery. " r ' : WllUaat Nakaa Ask ' I Uliam rielsoa Asa. sl a Heal h Mortal April to, al the aae at SS this. Lata resident st llll Plr street, aalaam. Sar vtVNl by wife. Mn. BU.n Ash. asMMl dauihter, lavs. w. a. Marks af Sony- wood, caiu.i aoa. M. w. Asst at rSMbraa Saudi Arabia: nbrat avendaans. Lara Ash, aaiaaai oaith Ash, omdora. euf. rtonort saran. ejawanai sraa dauahUr, Ylorta Ash. Sale.. a-raat-narohiMroa ka Oasaba wis bo bold Monday, April It at s p-a. la tbe Vtrsll T. (MMaat sual wltk aha Rev. Oollle Blah- and tha Ror. o. w. Tamer attlalaMas, sal tens ant Is Saw vie. Oesssliif. Kra. taaMlda Mseslsa, al a laaad Ins aoaaa AvtU w. eTsrntvsS br aweh tan, MM. rsaoal aeawar, Bosm, Maiw ' Mn. Pratm Bolton, ankami aSra. Bdna BarnM, Toledo, Otttai MM. HellSdae MoBlrsi', LMeooa, Oreaaai aaaa, Louis sMcatar, weerni; sbarpa Manloa, rortlassd, Cm on; Dale Maaloa od Jack Manlon, Salem; Vsoa.r laaslon. V. a. 3(avy Istwnsvoa Manlon, Vaa Maya, callf.i aeswr, MM. UlUa atahr, fsan DlMO. caw., SCrs. Banna Color, oounell Bluff, knra; brother, itant Eookhahn, Dattm, Coio.1 Oaovs Bock habn, and Albert Bosahaha, Orand Is land, Mabr., Prad Boekhahn, San Bar nadlno, Callf.i 11 srandchUdren and ona r. .ruocniio. nooitatlon of tha rosary was held al 3:10 p.m. Saturday, April II at Clouah-Beirtah rrh.Mi shipment belm made to Orand Island, ... ... .v, ,, etii.m .mi inMnnent, WaUlam . AUea William Allan. In .hi. .11 . Lat. resident of Wottan. w.u., Oladya Parmer, Weston, shipment haa been made to Pendleton h w. t wi.- don Co. for aerrkei and Interment. William Patrick Tallaa' a. ,ii "m."Vlc: J"',n' ' "OMburs. April 10. aurvlvMl few bum. u ..... Tallon, DtUan thrM deuahters. Mrs! v.'r!i1 Un- 'bc. Jr., both AL1 ,0o, Thomu Tallon. Da l aa, Alfred TaUon, Bpnnefleld, Carl Tallon. RoHburti Ihn. .Ulara7 Mrs. Kite Tate. Mrs. ,aarr Bueh and Mn. aadia Ryan, all of Canada; aleo li will be held Sunday, April IS at l is P.m. in tha Vlrill T. OoMen Chapal. Re quiem mass In at. Joseph'! church Mors- !? a'jBarbara's Cemetery. : a 'V ifi1 Jr. T. T. tan, R4. Or. O. Chart, HS. OR8. CHAN . . . LAM CHIrVBSE NATITROPATBB UpaUlra, Ml North Uberty Office nm eatsrdap ml? IS a.m. to 1 p.BL, S to 1 la. Coeuuiuuoa. oiom prauura ana ttrtna tee Is are ir. oi onarv. rraotiead smea HIT. Writ, for atttacUvi sift, a bU- ..IIOW 1 a. 4 .4. 4 , e ... fc ; A"' 'a i i ,