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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1953)
i a Fete f -FROM- Peg in Washington -BY Washington, D.C., April S Dear Harlan: ' . E aiter In Waihlngton brought countless thouianda to the city busloadi of ttudenta enjoying a holiday viewing apota ol Intarciti larga crowd at the many churehea and at the dozen or more tunrlie service In different areai of the city; a Connecticut avenue promenade of ipring attired pedestrians with prize for coi tumes; beautiful decorations in the avenue's shop windows with hundreds of blooms em phasizing the color of mer chandise displayed; traffic jams on street corners; and beneficent warmth of sun. ' One hotel had window boxes along its entire expanse on the avenue with plantings of red and yellow tulips and blue hyacinths, a single color mass ed in each of the several win dows. Secretary ef the Interior Douglas McKay attended the Presbyterian service, at which the President and Mrs. Elsen hower worshipped, as he and Mrs. McKay are also members of that church. He reported next day that there were some Hamburg hats and striped trousers in the audience but that he was still an Oregonlan at heart and didn't Join the Homburg' league. Dr. Edward L. K. Ebon, psstor of the church, the National Presby terian, delivered the sermon also at the 7 JO s.m. service at Arlington National Cemetery, which I attended. - The early morning sun filter ad Ma rays through tha marble columns that surrounded the amphitheatre and the 48 Amer ican flags suspended between the columns were fluttering in the rather strong breeze in a colorful encirclement. The Knight Templar Grand Encampment was in charge of the service and in uniforms and plumed hat they marched to their places In the amphi theatre. All seats were filled and row of standees were gathered on the upper level. The United States Marine Band and a Shriners Chanters Liberty Mothers Club Is Active Liberty Fifty attended the business of the Liberty Moth - ers club on Wednesday after noon, at the Liberty school. Mrs. Arlie Largent report " ed on the club's recent rum mage sale. George Wright, '"principal, spoke about the - spring festival to be on May 7, and the theme to be "West ' ard Ho." The rooms will be open for all the parent to view the student work at that time. He submitted the re port of the nominating com mittee. Officers elected are: President, Mrs. Lewis Clark, J. vice-president; Mr. Sid Van-O- Dyke; secretary, Mrs. Sid Boise; treasurer, Mrs. John ' .JTunier. , , It was announced that a tSesball team was being or- uized tor the boys in the of Dlcksona store. This Vr tha third, fourth, fifth si sixth grade boys. A ball 1 has been donated and mother WU1 Mil popcorn Saturday to raise money teld. They have asked T ny ether group ether group who Ike to form a team eon- am so practice for both (may begin at once. Liberty woman's club Boring a cake baking I May I, at Dicksons tr tha Joryville Park 111 the women living f louth Salem suburban i asked to participate, attendance award was Mrs. Mary Lovett's grade, with Mrs. Ernest room mother. the program a film was n. "Now There Were f Jr." from the traffic safety Mr. Murray Talks f r 11 rI..L. ror rroman s iuu Dallas J. S. Murray, Salem, former head of the Bureau of Identification of Oregon, was speaker at tha Dallas Woman' alub last wees. Mrs. Paul Morgan announc ed the nominating committee as follows: Mrs. Hollls Smith, chairman, Mrs. O. E. Ander son and Mrs. Laland LeFors. This committee win report at the next meeting. The members of the club 'voted to cooperate with the ity-wide movement to develop and man an observation post for the city of DaUas. RlckreaU has had aueh a post for some time which Is mm mm ujiaijksT : fry tt-GL r a --a, m ALENE (PEG) PHILUPS- organization provided the mu sic. Following the service cross of lilies was placed on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. After the service we drove back across the Potomac and spent some time wandering through the Botanical Gardens where a special Easter week display was arranged with thousands of potted plants- hyacinths, narcissus and dailo- dill, hydrangeas, azaleas, East er lilies, tulips, and other spring blossoms in pleasing color combinations throughout the large building. The per manent plantings of tropical foliage, palms, ferns, all man ner of green things, afford an Interesting contrast to the flowers In seasonal displays. A drive along the Anaoostla river through the park area where crabapples were coming into bloom and some cherry trees were still in blossom end' ed our early morning obser vance of Easter. Congressman and Mrs. Wal ter Norblad and their son, Al bin, spent the Easter week-end at Myrtle Beach, South Caro lina, one of their favorite vaca tioning spots. The Homer An gells returned to Oregon dur ing the Easter recess and the Sam Coons are in Florida, where Congressman Coon is Joining with fellow representa tives in a baseball training sea son for Congressional games, tor and Mrs. Gay Cor don and Congressnisn and Mrs. Harris Ellsworth remain ed in Washington. Senator Cordon and Secretary McKay enjoyed a quiet dinner Mon day evening in the Secretary's dining room where undisturb ed by telephones they discuss ed legislative and administra tive problems in which they share a deep mutual Interest. On another evening, Gov ernor Arthur B. Langlie, of Washington, and the Secretary had a similar dinner confer ence.' The Governor has been here for ten dsys on matters of concern to the state of Washington. Mora later. Peg, operated on a 14-hour basis. The Red Cross committee re ported that club members who had helped in the house to house canvass for Red Cross had collected $98.60. The tea table was decorated 'with pink spring flowers, Mrs. Roy Donahue and Mrs. John Cerny pouring during the tea hour. SILVERTON Trinity Lu theran Dorcas society is to meet this evening, Friday, Ap ril 10, at 8 o'clock at the M. G. Gunderson home. The devo tional topic for discussion ' is 'Christ, Our Passover," to be presented by Mrs. James Phil lips. Hostesses are Mrs. Elmer Olsen end Mrs. M. G. Gunder son. '. .;-'.- Today's Menu SATUBDAT NIGHT SUPPER Chicken and Spaghetti Dish Tossed Salad with French Dressing Crusty Bread Biscuit Tortonl . Beverage .... Chlcken and Spaghetti Dish Ingredients: 4 ounces spa ghetti, 1 pound green peas, 8 tablespoons butter or margar ine, 8 tablespoons finely diced onion, 8 tablespoons flour, Yt teaspoon salt, Vi teaspoon dry mustard, H teaspoon pepper, cup well-seasoned chicken broth, V4 eup milk, on 3 ounce can sliced broiled mush rooms, Z cups cubed chicken, Vi cup cream, H cup freshly grated Parmesan cheei. Method: Break spaghetti In half; cook in large amount of salted water until just tender dram. Shell and cook peas In small amount lightly salted water until tender; drain. In 1 -quart saucepan melt butter; add onion and cook, stirring onen, unui lightly browned. Stir in flour, salt, mustard and pepper. Add ehltken broth. milk and liquid drained from mushrooms. Cook and stir con stantly over low heat until thickened and bubbly; cook ana stir 2 minutes more. Add peas, mushrooms and chicken Rinse cooked spaghetti with hot water, drain and turn Into shallow casssrolt or deep 9 or m-incn pie piate. Pour sauce over. Bake In moderate (S7SF) oven until hot through about zs minutes. Whip cream until stiff; fold in Parmesan; spread over not spaghetti mixture place under broiler until liaht. ly browned watch carefully Decauie mis will onlv tak second. Serve at once. Makes 4 generous servings. Note: It canned or aonk.rt frozen peas are used, you will neea aoout i cup. "HRiNMnjHsr 2007 Capital Edited fcy MARIAN Zontians Elect 5 Directors Five new directors named for Salem Zonta club at the group's meeting Thursday evening at the home of Miss Genevieve Morgan. Elected were Mrs. Oscar C. Chrlstensen, Mrs. Mabel Clock, Miss Hazel , Roenlcke, Miss Echo Yeater and Mrs, M. Theo dore Madsen, Jr. These five with the four hold-over mem bers, Mrs. Vernon Wlscarson, Miss Mary Larson, Mrs. Phil Brownell and Dr. Betsy Rider, made up the new board. The board will meet later to name officers. At the Thursday evening meeting the group voted to enter the YWCA table setting contest, set for May 16, 16 and 17. Mrs. Mary Thomas, will chairman the club's committee for the event. Several members plan to go to Eugene for an inter-city meeting there next Wednesdsy evening, about lz Indicating their intention of going. A half scholarship for a 4-M member to attend summer school was voted at the meet ing. The group also voted to collect some magazines to be sent overseas, also to collect some same for the older chil dren at the state school lor tne blind. Mrs. John Schmidt and Mrs. Tom Wolgamott were initiated new members, Mrs. Ksn Becke officiating. HOSTS for a breakfast narty after the Waverly club dance Saturday evening win be Mr. and Mrs. Rollin Haag, entertaining a group at their suburban home. Their guests will Include Mr. and Mrs. John H. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. James R. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gormsen, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bogardus, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Elgin, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Barnlck, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gahlsdorf, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fearmine, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Smith. MR. AND MRS. K. A. Olson of Salem are guests at the St. Francis hotel during their visit to San Francisco. Guests at Star Woodbum Guests from Chadwick chapter of Salem and Laurel chapter of Canby are expected for the regular meeting of Evergreen chapter, No. 41, Order of Eastern Star, Monday evening, April 18, at the Masonic temple when friendship night will be ob served. Refreshments will be served by Mrs. Harold Ticknor, Mrs. Harold Schiel, Mr. and Mrs. Lafe Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan C. Beers. Decora tions will be arranged by Miss Laura Bonney and Mrs. Ar thur Burt. . TINKHAM GILBERT Brings you tha NEW G-E LEADER RANGE AT A PRICE YOU'LL LIKE! I ill ' SSJm: . J 229" quipped with wemUffvl 04 m. 1 . M lures formerly ectjr on nn east- iT TODAY" tag much morel The An tim Out I you eu nave an mm r rum aBBBaaasasseseHBi at this low, low prlcl it New JUtocMtte Ovaa Tsaari Fafl-WldtJi nooreseeat lampl it Hug Naa Master Oveal Tiniirm II n 260 N. Open Fridays TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Women LOWBT FISCHER Happy Ending For Cake Incident Here's the sequel to the cardboard cake incident: H. R. Hoaell, who bought the cardboard cake by mis take and thought he had some thing special to serve visiting nieces and nephews, i to re ceive a special cake. Through the cooperation of Mrs. T. W. Creech, a special cake is to be' baked for Mr. Hodell to take with him when he return the visit of his rela tives from Washington next week-end. Furthermore, Mr. Hodell can name the kind of a cake he wishes to hsve made. The cardboard cake, a dis play one, la some way showed up in the group of real cakes and was sold at the cake sale last Saturday, Club Lists New Officers New president of the West Salem Woman's club i Mrs. Stanton Zelmer. Other officers elected Thursday evening were Mrs. R. C. Cameron, vice presi dent; Mrs. Carl Oleen, secretary and Mrs. Darrel Bradford, treasurer. Members and friends played cards following the meeting. Mrs. Robert Kunzli was given a special prize. Miss Bales and Mr. Smith to Wed Four Corners Mr. and Mrs. Homer Bales, are announcing the engagement of their daugh ter. Miss Geraldine Frances Bales, to Darwin Dick Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman S. Smith. The wedding date will be announced later for early June. The bride-elect will be grad uated from Salem high school in June. Her fiance is a grad uate of Salem school and is employed in Salem. . ' Airs. Ramage Hostess To Garden Group Salem Heights Fifty-eight attended the luncheon of the Little Garden club of Salem Heights on Thursday at the home of Mrs. John Ramage on Crolsan Creek road. Mrs.: John Ramage was in charge of the decorations and serving were Mrs. E. A. Carle- ton, Mrs. Charles Hagemann, Mrs. Virgil Allen, Mrs. Ken neth Zwicker, Mrs. Lyle Bay- ne, Mrs. . Ramage, Mrs. Hunt Clark, and Mrs. L. L. Bennett. After the luncheon the guests went on a tour 'of the gardens, and attended a plant, sale spon sored by the club. Other clubs invited were Friendly Neighbors, South Hills and "Wee Weeders" and friends. w laaatf Storag Drtwtr M Oawt NyVM Rollers! tatart WittactiM Stylingl Fssjwm Sri Dcpmdabilltyl Gilbert Liberty f tH P. M. 7 -f . -L 1 "is; Showers Fete Four At tha Accent club meeting Thursday evening, Mrs. Carl Beebe and Mrs. L. J. McCoy were honored at showers. Mrs. McCoy is leaving soon with her family for Japan where she will Join her husband who is with the armed forces there. Mrs. Ralph Barnes entertained the group at her home, Mrs. James Goln assisting. Miss Gisela Zlrkel of Lebanon was a guest. . Mrs. Robert Pickerel was hostess to a group of the mem bers last week when Mrs. Clark Clarckson and Mrs. Rus sell Chrlstensen were honored at handkerchief showers, both ladies leaving soon for a visit to Australia. Mrs. L. X. Watson will be hostess to the group at the next meeting, Mrs. Jack Williams assisting. For entertainment there will be a Chines auc tion. ' IN PORTLAND this evening to attend the show of Kath arine Cornell, "The Constant Wife," are Mrs. R. W. Land and Mrs. Harry W. Scott. AMONG those to be in Port land on Sunday for the matinee of Katharine Cornell's "The Constant Wife,' will be Mr. and Mrs. Sidney B, Lewis. see the taste the difference that cotnei from finest eoffaai ... roasted superbly... and from MJ.B'i exclusive, full-flavor grinds. pi Ns.TT . ...fatim Work en Benefit Plans An event for Friday evening is the fun fest for all children and adults of St. Josephs Catholic church, the event to be in the school rooms and cafeteria between 7 and 11 o'clock. Proceeds go to buy equipment for the school and the new ehurch. On the committee a-e these five above, left to right, Mrs. Austin Walker, Austin Walker, Mrs. John Graham, John H. Kolb, Mrs. Laurence J. Kelsh. ' Surprise for Miss Johnson Miss Donna Johnson, who la to be wed in late April to Stev en Benson, was honored at a surprise party and shower giv en last evening by Mrs. Ferrel Covalt, Jr. and Mrs. James Blackman at the home ef Miss Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George J. Johnson. ' Feting tha bride-to-be were her mother, Mrs. George J. Johnson; Mr. Benson's mother, Mrs. L. V. Benson; Mrs. Homer Davenport, Mrs. Donald Mc- Kenzle, Mrs. Richard Grenz, Misses Patsy Walters, Helen Reimann, Joyce and Joan Tra- viss, Cleta Martin, Wilma Wll- llck, Lavonne Brannon, Donna Pcaron, Marilyn Blakely, Col leen McNeil, Delores Winferd, Norma Harrington, Roberta Sjodlng, Bernlca DaMoude, ; America's MttT MODEM KITCHEN! CAPITAL IOCNGSTOWN KITCHIN I 181 N. High St, Exclusive, full-flavor difference 1 You can't mako a Harriet Just, Bllli Miller, Mar gie Dunlgan, Dolores Gottfried, Carolyn Parker and Helen Cadd, sit I .VV I TABLE Values $3.98 WONDERFUL SAVINGS "Store IN THE CAPITOL AS grinds guarantee you . i i i. i Compare M.J.B's full-flavor grinds with other best-selling eof fees. Notice that every particle of M J.B is almost exactly the seme sise. No large lumps to knprimn flavor ... no nail, powdery parti cles of chaff to dilute the rich oof Ice goodneas. You get all the won derful coffee flavor you pay for. bad cup of MJ B Friday, April 10, IMS Betrothal . Told; June . Vedding Set Announcement is made by Mr. and Mrs. Dow Lovell of the engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Kay Louise Lovell, to Robert P. Perlich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Perlich. The wedding is planned for June 27, the ceremony to ba an afternoon one in the Jason Lee Methodist church. The bride-elect is a senior at Salem high school. Mr. Per lich was graduated from Salem academy and is employed here, Engagement Is Told Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Wheeler of Eugene announce the engagement of their daugh ter, Miss Chartene Edna Wheel er, to Paul Edward Wanner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Xd Wanner of Woodbum. They are both graduates of Trinity Lutheran high sehool of Oregon City. : The bride-elect is employed at the telephone company in Eugene. Mr. Wanner is present ly engaged in dairy farming in Woodburn. Friday and of Enchantment" SHOPPING CENTER 0L f . i iaturaay