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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980 | View Entire Issue (April 10, 1953)
Page 2 mm In the W alley Edited by MIKE FORBES Sublimity Sublimity The first pa ilent at the . new Santiam Memorial hoipltal at Stay ton when it opened Monday morning April 0, wu Andrew La run, who Uvea a few miles cast of Sublimity. Mr. Lasen suffered an in jury to his foot In a farm accident at his home. He was released after a few hours spent at the hospital. Among the many Easter gatherings for family groups waa a dinner at the William Lulay home for the members of the family together with their children. Additional guests were Leon Berning of Mt Angel and Billy Albrich of Nebraska, Albrich, a cousin of Mrs. William Lulay is with the U. S. Navy stationed at Astoria. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Doer fler had as their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zuber and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Blades and family, Mrs. Emma Doerfler and Mrs.. Margaret Halfman. The Gene Butler's spent Easter In Pendleton with Dr. Gehling's, Mrs. Gehling is the former Mary Butler.. Mrs. Catherine Butler returned to Sublimity with her son, Gene and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hottln ger were hosts at an Easter dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Al bert Van Loo of Verboort, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Etea and , IY POPULAR DEMAND THE NEW VILLAGE INN S057 PORTLAND RD. is pleased to present the return of "THE THREE LOOSE NUTS A BOLT Eddie Cole (Brother of Nat King Cole); Jellybean (Brother of Rochester) Duke Johnson (Rag-mop); Garcia (Funny Man). Featnred at the Zanil Bar of N. T. City, Clro's Philadelphia, Bingo, Laa Vegas. The Brown Fox Is Coming April 18 Grand Opening Special Pork Chow . . Combination Plate We Feature the Finest in American and Chinese Food Open 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. MAKE-RITE CAFE 1964 N. CAPITOL Vmake mine ( meadow brook ljt "'"Ap LIGHTER RYE! If yon want all the mellow straight rye flavor-and lightness, too -try Hiram Walker's MEADOW BROOK. Find out how much better your favorite whiskey drink tastes, when you say: "Make mine Meadow Brookl" Hiram Walker' MEADOW BROOK Straight rye whiskey 4 yean old . 86 proof family of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Ditter and Mary - Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Bell and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert J. Ditter. Gilbert Kintz, USN ' was here - from Seattle where he is stationed at present. Mrs. Kintz (Joanne Lulay) return ed with him for a week. Mrs. John Mackie and children are spending the week with her husband at Crecent City, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Williams of North Bend were week-end visitors at the D. J. Ditter home . Mrs. Anna Ditter of Stay ton is spending several days with Mrs. Boie Becker. Clarence and Marvin Zuber and John Welz returned to Pistol River in Southern Ore gon Sunday evening. The Joe Wolf family spent Sunday at Beaverton. Mrs. Rose Riesterer visited with the Alroid Bernings the first of the week. Webfoot Webfoot Mr. and Mrs. Grady Bell of Napa, CtTlf., came Tuesday to be guests of bis sister-in-law, Mrs. J. R. Bell and family In the Webfoot district for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bell, Jimmy and Janet also of Napa, Calif., came Wednesday for a two days visit at the same home. Klein 1 $135 HIRAM I Smith field Smithfield Easter Sunday marked a special day for sev eral people of the community. The Evangelical Mennonlte Brethren church at Dallas held a baptismal service Easter Sunday, and Miss Marlene Burr, daughter of the William Burrs, and Loren Wlensz, son of the John Wlensz' were among those who availed them selves of this opportunity. Others who also were bap tized the same day were Orley Frlesen and Irvin Jantzen, both of Salt Creek; Betty Thlesse of Polk Station; Wayne Janz, LeRoy Rempel and Ronald Goertzen of North Dallas; Les ter Schultz of Oakdale; How ard Ediger of Salem; Ronald Isaac of Independence; and Leonard Brown and Alice Ann Friesen, both of Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dris- coll and family entertained their grandmother, Mrs. Ber tha Thurman of Yakima, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Per kins and baby, Nlcki, of John Day as Easter season house guests. Mrs. Thurman attend ed the E.U.B. church at Dallas with the H. W. Boeder family, Sunday evening to witness the Pageant given there. Mrs. Allen Philips and Mrs Ross Simpson motored to Cres- well Wednesday, April 1, to celebrate the birthday of their mother, Mrs. Zula (Simpson) Alexander. Miss Hilde Boeder spent the Easter season at home from college at Monmouth. Ernie Ediger, together with his roommate, Wesley Voth, spent from Thursday afternoon until Monday afternoon here with the Edigers. The boys both are seniors at Multnomah school of the Bible in Port land. While . here the boys helped Ernie's grandmother, Mrs. J. 8. Ediger, plant flower bulbs, helped Frank Wall and Larry Fitzwater burn prune brush, and also assisted Sol Ed iger In pulling up some trees. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Gonshor- owski and family were Easter breakfast guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hiebenthal. Macel Burr spent the Easter vacation at home with the Wil liam Burrs. Gary Driscoll attended Eas ter morning church services with the H. W. Boeder family. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hieben thal were Easter Day dinner guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Kleman at Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Burley Lewis of Polk Station were Easter day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Burr. Sol Ediger accompanied Har ry Frlesen and Waldo Willems of North Dallas to McMlnnville Sunday morning to participate in the Easter Sunrise services there together with the Salem singers. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hiebenthal and son David were among the relatives who gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Peters, Jr., at Oak Villa on Easter Sunday for their annu Save These Dates Oregon (sllsg f Education Faculty Ploy Monmouth April 16-18 WAlKtt SONS INC, PEOKIA, ILLINOIS II THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon al Easter day dinner and Eas ter egg hunt. Grandpa David Peters and aunt Anna Peters together with Tina Linda Peters were the honor guests. Others attending were Mr, and Mrs. Elvln Quiring, Julia, Jay, and Merllee of West Sa lem: Mr. and Mrs. James Gu ard, J. D. and Mary Linda of Polk Station; the hosts and their two little girls. Later Miss Tina Linda attended Easter day worship services at her church In Dallas. Miss Peters, who was strick en with polio almost two years ago. Is steadily improving. Mr. and Mrs. Sol Ediger, Wesley Voth, Ernie and Joyce, had Easter day dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Neufeldt at Dallas. Miss Eliz abeth Rempel. Jacob Rempel, and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Quir ing and children, Shirley and Freddie Lee, also were present. Rev. Ed Peters of Chicago and Rev. Richard Baer of Nebraska are houseguests over the Easter season and for the coming week end "Workers Conference" at the John Neufeldt home. Little Patty, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Wall, has been quite ill over the Easter season. Hubbard Hubbard The Mary Martha Circle will meet at the home of Miss Lenore Scholl Monday evening, April 13 at 8 p.m. Miss Mildred Schoor will present "Situations Can Change." Thalia Rebekah lodge will meet Tuesday evening, April 14 at 7:30. A cake walk will be held to raise funds for a lodge project. The well-child clinic lor the North Marion county area will be held Tuesday afternoon, April 14, at 1 p.m., at the North Marion union high school. As sisting for the afternoon will be Mrs. Don Reed, Mrs. John Walte, Mrs. Russell Rollofson and Mrs. Floyd Dominick. The Hubbard PTA will apply the $80.66 received from the recent pie and cake social they sponsored in connection with a basketball game and a band concert, toward the purchase of 3-speed record players for the grade school. Douglas Colgan and Gordon Jones received awards during the concert from Hal Beyers, conductor. Hubbard lost the ball game to Aurora, 22 to 24. A nominating committee con sisting of Mrs. A. C. Brundage, Mrs. W. T. Lord and Mrs. Har old Wolfer, was appointed at a called meeting of the Parent Tegchers association last week. P. H. Hostetler, president, call ed the meeting. The committee will report at the April. 20 meeting and officers for next year will be elected. The Red Cross drive for the Hubbard area was nearly com pleted last week when Harold Colgan, chairman, reported $414 collected to date. Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Whiton of Minneapolis, Minn,, are guests of her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Suit. Mrs. Sadie Rich returned home last week after being' a guest of the Texas state cat tlemen's annual convention in Houston, Tex. Mrs. Rich drove to Texas via Death Valley in California and returned through Salt Lake City and Idaho, and was gone three weeks, Mrs. Lee Bower is workine in Mission Bottom for the El don Pughs. Mrs. Pugh recently unaerwent surgery. Grand Island : Grand Island Mrs. George 1 Sergeant, 90, has recovered from her recent illness. ! Miss Elizabeth classmate of Miss Delores Fin nlcum of Pacific university, Forest Grove, is spending the Easter vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Finnicum with Delores. Miss Delores Finnicum spent several days with friends at Shelton, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Will and Miiimiiiiiiiiiuiiuinijiin ACORNS FROM THE WITH DEL MILNE Well it looks like the Fashion Show on April 20th is going to be a huge success. Many have already called In and mad their reserva tions.. But why not It's a natural, Just like in Portland the ladles could hardly wait from one show to the next, in fact some of them Just left a standing order for tickets for all shows. After all, MLady mutt keep "abreast" of the times and these models will have plenty to show you. What would be more fun than looking at the latest styles while enjoying u-per-duper luncheon with all your friends. If your club or group wish to be together we will make ar rangements to seat you at tables In the same area, out of course you must let us know before the areas are filled. The price? Oh, 1 almost forget to tell you, will be $1.23 and tt.50. Ill Mm H i Nm Ht,l Karlen, 3-4123 r 1 ' f Aurora TV sets were installed this week at the George Dougherty and Harold King homes in Aurora. The birthday bf Mrs. Han nah Morris, widow of the late Otis Morris, and resident of Aurora for many years, late of Canby, was the inspiration of a surprise reunion of members of the original Peter family. Mrs. Morris was Joined at the birthday dinner by her two brothers, Fred Peter of Wood burn, Henry Peter and Mrs. Ernestine Campau of Lone Elder. Also ih the family group were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Peter and children, Charlene, Tommy and Ernest, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Campau and daughters, Carol and Cathy, and Miss Helena Morris, daughter of the guest of honor. The Home Economics club of Maplewood grange met at the home of Mrs. William H Brackett at Needy. Pot luck luncheon was served. Co- hostesses were Mrs. Louis Bushman, Mrs. Henry Calvin Mrs. Luke Farthing, Mrs. Henry Lettenmaier of Aurora, Mrs. Henry Moore and Mrs. Tom Dunn. Mrs. Mae Lettenmaier of Mae's Coffee Shop, Aurora, at tended Easter sunrise services in Portland, in company with her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. James Lettenmaier and infant son, Arthur. The James Lettenmalers will leave shortly for Fairbanks, Alaska, where Mr. Lettenmaier will be employed. C. P. Hagen is reported re covering slowly from his re cent illness at the home of his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Becke, Au rora. The Busy Farmers 4-H live stock club met Friday, at the Arden Hester home. Details of the last meeting of the club were given by Marilyn Fish, reporter. Leonard Wolfer, leader, gave a demonstration of tying a fig ure 8 knot. Members attend ing were Judy Yoder, Sandy Yoder, Dale Hester, Leroy Lim, Lloyd Wolfer, Larry La- mon, Ellis Hester, Aden Hester, Klcnara Hansen, Gordon Cook and Clive Cook, county exten sion agent, and assistant leader of the club. Una temple, Pythian Sisters. of Aurora visiting Home tem ple In Silverton recently were Mrs. Fred Schneider, Mrs. Percy Ottaway. Mrs. Erven Miller, Mrs. Fred Geiswein, Lena Mae Lambert and Miss Emma J. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. James T. Smith of Aurora were hosts in their home on highway 99E at East er dinner, honoring members of Mrs. Smith's family. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Julius Snyder, brother and sis ter-in-law of Mrs. Smith; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stearns, Emery, Marvin, Linda and sons, Larry and Kenneth, were Easter Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Finnicum. Mr. and Mrs. L.'T. Pomeroy were Tuesday evening guests of Mrs. Susie Douglas and son, Curtis. Pinochle was played. Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Douglas of Sauvles Island were Wed nesday dinner guests of his mother, Mrs. Susie Douglas and son, Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Worth lngton were Easter Sunday dinner guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris and fam ily near Salem. Floyd Worth ington was a Sunday guest of Richard Stanley at the Earl Chandler home. Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Worth ington are putting up the bean yard preparatory for planting eight acres of Blue Lake beans this season. PAN READY GOT GROUND POT ROAST RIB STEAK Swift' PEANUT BUTTER Pound Pill 50 Ibi. No. 2 Certified Blue Tag Potatoes Jerry Stearns, all of Tigard. Easter guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kraus in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Steven Kraus, Karen and Jlmmie Kraus of Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Harding entertained at Easter dinner members of their immediate family and their children. Mr. and Mrs Dale Miller and son, Craig of Beaverton entertained at a pre-Easter luncheon Thursday evening, honoring their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Askln of Aurora. Easter dinner guests at the home of the Norman Hursts, included Mrs. Hurst's mother and brothers, Mrs. Jennie Zlegler, Bill and George Zieg ler of Barlow, Stayton Stayton Students of St. Mary's parochial school re turned to school Wednesday, after a two day Easter vacation. Allen McDonald, a student at Stayton grade school, has been absent from classes since Christmas vacation. He was struck by a pick up truck while riding a bicy cle, the day after Christmas. He spent eight weeks in trac tion in the hospital, and went home In a cast, which has been removed and another one put on. He will remain In a cast six weeks longer. Hermin Busch, Rt. 1, Sclo, was burned about the face when a tar pot exploded and caught fire He was admitted to the Santiam Memorial hospital for treatment. He is employed by the State Highway Depart ment. The fire alarm was answered by the Stayton fire department. . . Stayton Mr. Dave York, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. York, is home on leave from the Marine Corps. . Salem Capital Post No. 9. will be host to the Marlon County Council of the Ameri can Legion, and the Auxiliary, on April 13, at 8 p.m., at the Legion Hall in Salem. At a meeting of the Stavton School board Wednesday night, it was voted to hire two new teachers, Mrs. Elsie Daly, and Mrs. Betty Jo Kaithley. Robbie Miller, young son of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Miller, will entertain a group of his friends at a party at his home on Fri day. The group will enjoy ice cream ' and then go to the early show. The men of the Methodist church are planning a work night Monday at the church. Roast Prime fta . Includes: Crab or Shrimp Cocktail Duchess Potato Hot Rolls ' Dessert Chuck's 3190 Portland Road Salem Phone 3-3992 AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. 9 DINE DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT Music by Stubby Mills and Hit Band SPECIAL SUNDAY $400 CHILDREN DINNER 65c MOUND ROUND WITH FRESH MUSHROOM SAUCE 1650 S. COMMERCIAL PHONE 4-3329 Legionnaires, Auxiliary and Their Guests Invited BEEF I I III III III I I $E59 100 $f25 lbs. O 1120 S. 12th St. They will do some remodeling in the Sunday school depart ment, building some cup boards, and a new door. Mrs. Thelma Darby's moth er, Mrs. Mary Zuber of Port land, underwent a serious operation at a Portland hos pital, and is convalescing at the home of her sister, Mrs. Theressa Smith in Portland. She Stayton Canning Com pany Co-op, will begin con struction soon on the $78,000 addition to the freezing plant. They will construct one build ing on the north side and one on the south side of the freezing plant. St. Louis St. Louis Easter Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Andres and family were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Simon and children Gary and Linda and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Saterlee, all of Woodburn. . Mrs. Emma Lelth has as her guest, her sister, Mrs. Keagle of California. Mrs. George Rush, who has been in the Salem Memorial hospital for a few days, is home and is well on the way to recov ery. Mrs. Ruth underwent mi nor surgery. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Horning had as Easter Sunday dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schwingler and Mrs. Schwlng ler's father, Mr. H. C. Standi fer. ' . Later in the day Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horning and chil dren Donna Jean and Morris stopped on their way back to their home in Vancouver. - They had been at the home of Mrs. Homing's parents at Aumsville where they had Sun day dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ferschweiler had as their din ner guests Sunday their son FREE! DANCE LESSONS 8 Til 9 SAT. NITE (Prior to our regular dance) CRYSTAL GARDENS Professional Instruction by Mr. Triplett and staff of specially trained teachers from the JON MARK STAFF Plus Gala Floor Show 7 air Mamand "I Ar I C Old Time tC CHOICE Ribs of Beef 2.50 Au Jus Salad Coffee Steak House Lb. 3 $1100 lbs. A I lb. I I FREE DELIVERY On Ordtn Over $4.00 ED'S MARKET Open 7 Days a Week 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. Ph. 26403 Friday, April 10, 1953 Pioneer Grave Care Movement Grows Silverton Mrs. Carl Specht, Mrs. Alvah VanCleave and C. H. Bowen were appointed personnel : of the cemetery committee, at the Bethany meeting, to make arrangements for further action In respect to upkeep of graves of Oregon pioneers. A Saturday, April 11, all day meeting is announced to be at the Bethany school house, beginning aat 8 o'clock, and to make definite plana for fi nancing and making the plans at least county-wide, and hopes for a state arrangement for all rural cemeteries which are seriously neglected. Any one Interested is urged to attend the Saturday meeting and assist in furthering the move. Idanha Idanha Mr. and Mrs. Frank New and children are in Mon tana where they were called because of the Illness of Mrs. New's father. Lester White is ill and has been under a doctor's care for several days. Thomas of Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Don Davidson and chil dren Mary Ellen, Kathy, Larry and Mike of St. Paul. New Showing - Open 6:45 Broderick Crawford -Claire TreTor "8TOP YOU'RE KILLING MB" - -Also . Dennis Morgan "CATTLE TOWN" HOLLYWOOD KIDS MATINEE Tomorrow - 1:00 to 4:08 pjn. S CARTOONS - SERIAL Special Matinee Feature "BOYS RANCH" Botch Jenkins Also BENSON'S BIRTHDAY CAKE for Birthday Kiddies 2-7829, UIISH 6AIDINS, HWHWAT Gates Open 6:45 Show st 7:15 ENDS SATURDAY In Technicolor "THE MAN BEHIND THE GUN" Randolph Scott Plus Mark Anthony's "CLEOPATRA" Clandett Colbert Fri. (1:15) All Color Cartoon Carnival! PrlOttt S-S7SS Mark 8leveni Dorothy Malone "TORPEDO ALLEY" Rod Cameron In Color "RIDE THE MA V DOWN" . II VMONI a-toso Marjorle Main Percy Kilbride "MA PA KETTLE ON VACATION" Andle Murphy In Technicolor "GUNSMOKE" PHONf S.1721 Angela Clark Gilbert Roland In Color "THE MIRACLE OF OUR LADY OP FAT1MA" Abo "UNDER J LITTLE BIG TOP' PHONC S-S447 Clifton Webb In Technicolor "STARR ft STRIFES FOREVER" Dinah Shore In Technicolor "AARON SLICK" HEY KIDS! TOMORROW! AT NOON PRIZES! CARTOONS! SERIAL! 2 BIG FEATURES In Technicolor!