Friday, April 10, 195S Pact 17 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, ialem, Oregon :i - AUTOMOBILES CONFIDENTIALLY YOU'LL DO BETTER AT Buzz Cheffings Motor Co. 83 '51 50 51 49 '51 51 50 50 '50 49 '49 '49 '49 49 '47 '47 '47 46 46 47 41 41 41 41 - '41 '50 47 Nash Country Club with Healy motor, 140-H.P. and loaded with extras $3995 Hudson Brom; R&H 1795 Dodge Coronet Club Coupe. Gyromatlc ; . 1395 Nash Rambler. R&H, O.D ; . . 1495 Olds. 88 4-door Sedan. Hydramatic 1395 Ford Tudor. Very clean, 1 owner 1293$ Ford V-8 Tudor 1295 Ford V-8 Fordor 1295 Studebaker Starlight oupe 1195 Ford Fordor. 20,000 actual miles 1195 Chevrolet Fordor. R&H, 2-tone finish 1095 Plymouth 4-door. R&H 1095 Ford Club Coupe. R&H, O.D 1095 Mercury Club. oupe. R&H, new white side walls . ., 1095 Ford Club Coupe. R&H, flame red finish . 995 Dodge 4-door. R&H, sharp maroon finish . . Chevrolet Club Coupe. Motor overhauled. . Oldsmobile Club Coupe. Motor rebuilt Chevrolet fordor. Sharp, new maroon finish . Buick Sedanette Nash 4-door Plymouth 4-door 345 Chevrolet tudor 295 Buick sedanette 295 ' Pontiac 4-door 195 Oldsmobile 4-doOr. -Hydramatic 165 , PICKUPS Ford -ton. Radio, heater , '. .' ..$1095- Ford -ton. Rugged 595 MOST OF THESE CARS CAN EE BOUGHT WITH NO DOWN PAYMENT - AND EASY TERMS Quality Automobiles Need No Free Premiums Buzz Cheffings Motor Co. "Pop" Cheffings & Gordon Sines are now associated with Cheffings Motors 2646 S. COM'L. ST. PH. 4-1621 ACROSS AND SOUTH OP BETTER THAN AVERAGE USED CARS PRICED RIGHT GUARANTEED RIGHT Up to 30 Months to Pay 1952 Plymouth Cambridge 4-Dr. Sedan $1795 1951 DeSoto "6" Custom 4-Dr. Sedan. R&H . . . 1895 1950 Chrysler Royal Club Coupe. R&H 1895 1950 Plymouth Special De Luxe 4-Dr. Sedan . . . 1495 1950 Ford Custom V-8 4-Dr. Sedan. R&H 1395 1949 Plymouth Special De Luxe 4-Dr. Sdn. R&H 1295 1948 Dodge Custom Club Coupe 995 1946 Dodge De Luxe 2-Dr. Sedan 695 1946 Ford V-8 2-Dr. Sedan 595 1941 Chevrolet Special De Luxe Club Cpe. R&H 395 Used Cars. Open Saturday Afternoon Even ings by Appointment Over 35 Years in Business Satisfaction Guaranteed Salem Automobile Co. CHRYSLER (Your Dealer) PLYMOUTH 435 North Commercial WESTERN GUARANTEED USED CARS RANK TERMB $11 Mercury Sedan. Heiter, over drive I1W5 'II Chevrolet Styleline Dlx. 4-dr. R&H, one local owner KM 0 Ford C uj torn 2-dr. RAH, one owner MM 0 rord Cuitom (B) 4-4oor. RAH, RAH, overdrive, seat cover, white wall tires, 33,000 actual miles, an exception bur .... 1350 40 Chevrolet Stjlellna Dlx. 4-door. Heater, tailored teat coven, new tires, one owner 1165 51 Ford Custom Club Cpe. Heater. 1385 41 Ford Victoria. 3-tone brown and belie, low mlleace, fully quipped M85 '46 Chevrolet 8edan. Motor over hauled, a one-owner car MO '48 Dodse Custom Sdn. RAH ... 70S '48 Defioto Club Cpe. RAH, seat cove rs,tlptoe traas., very rood. 1098 M Plymouth Cambridge Sdn. Heat er, defrosters, undercoated, new tubelesa tires, 4300 actual miles, like new 17B5 I0 Oldsmobile 88 sdn. Selectone radio, heater, Hydramatic... 1986 '46 Mercury Club Cpe. Jet black fin ish, RAH, custom seat covers. 1395 11 WIMm Jeep. Heater. 4-wheel drive, leu than 16,000 miles, like new 1370 '47 O.M.C. H-Ton Pickup. Heater, defrosters, reconditioned thru out, a food buy 8M Phone 3-9622 1283 Broadway SMITHY of UNION St. INVITES YOU To Look and SAVE! 81 Plymouth cranbrook 4-door se dan, heater, exceptionally celan, bright iray finish, food rubber. 11395 '48 Nash Ambassador 4-door Sedan. Overdrle, excellent rubbfr, very clean, beautiful 2-tone cream and brown finish, an outstand ing buy at I 965 Two 1941 Pule Special ftedanettea Both for $aoo. Should make one good car. K. Smith & Son ("Smithy", formerly of Marion Mtrs.) 146 Onion at. Phone ! 1952 WILLYS AERO ACE 8800 ACTUAL MILES HOUSE CAR $500 OFF NEW PRICE Radio, heater, o'drlve. it-welli, ntw ear euarantee. ELSNER MOTOR CO. io . rath M STUDEBAKF.R Champion leden, bett er, I MM cononon. 1MI NASH Rembler Button Wmo Ov erdrive. r.dlo, heeler. P '. Cell 4-71H3 or 4-1481. tl mtv. COACII-sell or irede, ire. 1-1541. lies Perk Ave. AUTOMOBILES' 795 785 795 665 i, 545 495 AMERICAN LEGION CLUB Phone 3-4117 Qlt1 CAPITAL BUYS 51 Buick Riviera. This sedan has Selectronic radio and heater, beautiful Barton cray finish. One local own. ei who has taken excellent care of this hardtop buy $2395 '5C Buick Riviera. This sedan has radio, heater, lovely 2 tone blue f jnish. This sport model sedan is in A-l con dition for only ....$1993 '51 Ford Custom Sedan. R&H, O.D., sparkling green fin ish, white side wall tires, ' 1 local owner who has tak en exceptional care of this car $1595 '51 Chevrolet De Luxe Sedan model with pushbutton ra doi and fresh air heater. Has original jet black fin ish, white side wall tires, low mileage $1595 '49 Chevrolet Fleetline Tudor Sedan. R&H. A steal at $1095 '48 Chevrolet Fleetline Fordor Sedan. R&H, 2-tone green finish. See and drive this buy to appreciate at only $995 '48 Aero Chevrolet Sedan. R &H, sparkling jet black finish with white side wall tires. It's a very popular model at only $995 '47 Plymouth Special De Luxe Club Coupe. Original pow der blue finish. The club coupe you've been looking lot at .$795 '50 Chevrolet De Luxe Club Coupe . . . also a '50 De' luxe 4-door Sedan . . your choice 'f these two fine selections, loaded with ac cessories, at only... $1395 CAPITAL AUTO SALES Chemeiete et 8. Commercial hitth a f rintir At. Phone 4-H07 $ OOOD CHEAP treneportetlon: MIT H.ih. oood motor end rubber. Nice paint, llcenied to 154. Phone l-IMI SB tarrr A". 2; IDffl PLT. coirB-felr tlrei, ISO. Cell atil .v.. AUTOMOBILES YOU WILL LIKE WHAT YOU SEE WHEN YOU INSPECT THESE A-l USED CARS AT A PRICE THAT'S A RIOT! WITH A 6-MO. 6000-MILE GUARANTEE IN WR1TINO CHECK AND COMPARE BEFORE YOU BUY 1949 Pontiac Conv. R-H. Winter price $1295 1950 Chev. De Luxe Sdn. R-H. A real steal . . . 1095 1951 Mercury Sdn. R-H, Mercomatlc. A buy. 1795 1950 Olds. 88 Clb. Cpe. R-H, Hydra, dr 1395 1950 Pontiac Sdn. R-H, Hydra, dr. Full price. . . 1JB5 1950 Chev. De Luxe Conv. A honey , . . 1495 1949 Chev. De Luxe Conv. R-H, green ,.. '... 1145 , 1949 Ford Custom Sdn. R-H, O.D., dandy. . i $95 1951 Ford 6 De Luxe Sdn. R-H, O.D., Clean, low ' mileage 1895 1950 Ford De Luxe Clb. Cpe. R-H, a bargain. . . 1095 ' 1947 Mercury Sdn. Heater, excellent rubber, clean ...... 695 1947 Chev. Fleetmaster 2-dr. R-H. Only. 675 1946 Chrysler Windsor Sdn. R-H, clean 549 .' BE SURE YOU SEE THESE BUYS BEFORE YOU DECIDE Valley Motor A-l A-l USED CARS WITH A PERSONALITY PHONE 33147 ' CENTER AT HIGH SALEM Drivein and Trade We'll Give You THE BEST DEAL GREAT CHEVROLET BUYS ' - i52 4-Door. Radio and heater, Powerglide, seat covers, beige 2-tone finish. Very nice. '52 4-Door. Heater, seat covers, 2-tone green, low mileage. '62 2-Door. Radio and heater, seat covers, low mileage, beautiful solid green finish. Four '51 4-Doors. All with radio, heater, seat cov ers, fully equipped. Three have Powerglide, one conventional transmission, one has only 10,000 miles, all in A-l, tip-top shape. , '51 2-Door. Powerglide, fully equipped, beige fin ish. . . '51 Club Coupe. Fully equipped, including over drive. Light grey color. CHOICE f TON PICKUPS '52 STUDEBAKER, with overdrive '51 FORD, with heater. Low mileage '51 INTERNATIONAL. Stake body WE ALSO HAVE '51 Chevrolet Panel. Low mileage, radio and heat er, extra seat. Looks like new. '47 Chevrolet 2-Ton. Completely overhauled, in A-l shape. Many other Models, from 1940 on up; any color or type you may desire. THEY'RE IN TIP-TOP SHAPE Buy from a dealer with a long-standing reputation lor dependability, fair price, service and satisfaction. DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. 635 N. COMMERCIAL 1 PHONE 33175 WILSON'S Better Used Cars 1948 Stude. Champ. Sedan $895 1947 Buick Super Sedan . 995 1949 Plymouth De Luxe Club Coupe . . 1095 1948 Frazer Sedan 595 , 1946 Ford Sedan 695 1947 Pontiac 8 Sedanet 795 1950 Chevrolet Fleetline Tudor 1395 1949 Buick Super Sedan 1495 1950 Buick Special Sedan 1595 YOU CAN GET A BETTER USED CAR FROM YOUR BUICK DEALER OTTO J. WILSON CO. COMMERCIAL AT CENTER AUTOMOaiLES Used Car Mart WC ODARANTSTt oor post-war 1IODEIA PHONE 2-3623 AUTOMOBILES MAJOR MOTORS IS MOVING TODAY ! ! Reducing OLDS SUPER 88 t Tudor de luxe model. Beautiful tu tone green. Hydramatic. Radto, Heater, WMtewall tlree. Skirts, Di rectional algnals, Etc. $1995 '49 FORD Convertible Original dark blue itnUb. Radio,. Heater. But toll oar on the win ter market and aave several hun dred dollars. $895 Many Other Models at Equally Reduced Prices -Come In At the Crossroads of Salem LIBERTY at CENTER PHONE 4-4931 MAJOR MOTORS WE GIVE ON USED CARS Oldsmobile '50 "76" 2-door sedan, clean and a sharp buy $1545 '49 "88" Club Coupe. See this at this price. $1495 '49 "98" 4-door sedan. Choice oi two spark ling buys. 48 "98" 4-door de luxe sedan, R&H, out standing and excep tionally clean $1345 BUICKS '51 Riviera Roadmaster Coupe. 2-tone gray finish, R&H, very, very sharp ........ $2495 47 Super 4-door Sedan. R&H, beautiful orig inal 2-tone gray fin lsh .$1045 PLYMOUTHS 52 Cranbrook 4-door se dan. R&H. This car is looking for a satis fied owner $1845 48 Special De Luxe Club Coupe. 27,000 miles, new tires . . and the BUYOFTHE WEEK. $1045 Loder Bros. 4M center Phone 1-797J q7 l7 CHEV. 4-UOOR. or will Irede lor older mod.! cere. aS7 N. Liberty. qft6 191 roRll. Clood motor, pelnt, tlrre. Melee offer. Phone 3-&030. qon 1MI roRiidMATIc evutom de luxe, loeded with eetrat, I163ti. 1200 under evereee for like Quelllr. S3S Hem, Independence. Phone in. .17 1 SUPER RI'ICK .one. 4 new tlrre Sell or trede. Phone 37473. am 1M1 CHKV. -door irden. Ledr driver. Thl le retire- . eood etr. 11500 . 3-.17I. .7 I960 CHEV. Convert, Phone 1-1981 11' AUTOMOCH.e$ Introducing Our New Lot - We All Prices For This Week As Much As $400 - BUICK . FORD Riviera Sedan Custom Sedan The finest car that Buick builds, tints is a real bur. Radio, heater. Dynaflow. white wall Urea and many other de luxe features. $1595 - '50 OLDS 88 SEDAN one-owner ear with Terr low milt'' Me. , Radio, heater, Hydramatic, kirts, and other Old, accessories, features. $1695 $35 AND UP 1936 Chev. ooich, lull prlc t 16 13 Plymouth och, 13. dn,... M 1338 Cher, totch, 13 Sdn. W 1337 Ford ooupe, 3S5 dn M 1933 Old.. Bedtn, HI dn n 1940 Oldl. Sedan, Kt dn W lttl rord Club Coupe, I3S dn. ... M 1341 Pontleo Coupe, $38 dn. ... 96 193S Chev. Coeoh, 969 dn 146 1941 Ford Olub Coupe, tin dn.. 1S6 1941 Chev. Club Coupe, 106 dn... 19t 1933 Chrnler Sedan, 969 dn.... 346 1941 Buick Sedanette, 1100 dn. ... 196 1941 Plymouth Coach, 1 100 dn.,, M6 1941 Pontlao Clb. Cpe. loo dn.. 396 1943 Buick Sdn. $100 dn 196 1943 Pontlao Bedan. $100 dn. ... 196 1941 Chev. Club Ope. $141 dn... 94t 194 Rudion Sedan. $136 dn..,. J4 1943 Chev. Aero Sdn. $16 dn... 496 Or your own term, within reaeon. AYNBEE MOTORS 640 Union Nleht phonee: Phone 3-0701 3-SJHV 4-3033 .M CUT V TO THE BONE '49 Cadillac 62 4-door sedan. R&H, Hydramatic, new rubber $1795 '50 Hudson 6 Fordor Sedan. R&H, overdrive ....$1495 '49 Buick Super 4-door Sedan. R&H, Dynaflow.... $1395 '49 Dodge 4-door Coronet. Very clean $1295 '49 Pontiac 2-door Sedan. R& H, Hydramatic ..,.$1195 '49 Ford Club Coupe. R&H, overdrive ,......$995 MANY MORI TO CWOOSI FROM IAJIT TIRUS LOW DOWN PATMINT ARROW USED CARS I 190 tl. Huh . Ph. 4M $ AUTOMOBILES Radio, heater, Hydramatic. White ' wall tires. Lifeguard tubes. Dlreo- ; clonal signals, M.OOO, one-owner miles. This car ii Just like new. $1495 . '50 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN DELUXE Tudor Bedan with oomplete acces sory line. Tu-tone green. White wall tires, sportllte, radio, heater, Hydra matic. etc , i $1595 SEE LES . BEE JIM fhOM 1-6141 253 UNION STRUCT ACROSS FROM fARieM JQUAM Over 20 Makes and Models To Choose From All Priced To Sell! No down payment (on approved credit) on units priced below $1000. SEE JIM - SEE LES - 8EE JIM - SEE LES DeSoto - Plymouth QUALITY USED CARS This Week-end's Specials 1948 Dodge Custom 4-door Sedan. R&H 975 , 1951 DeSoto Custom 4-door Sedan. Auto, trans., fluid drive, R&H . . 1895 1952 Plymouth Cranbrook Convertible Coupe. R&H 2150 1949 DeSoto Custom 4-door Sedan. Auto, trans., fluid drive 1395 1948 Ford V-8 Super De Luxe 4-door Sedan. R&H and overdrive .... 1295 1950 Chevrolet De Luxe Fleetline 2-door Sedan. R&H 1365 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM W. L. Anderson, Inc. 654 N. LIBERTY AUT0MO6ILES Are End Only , '50 Chevrolet Tudor Sedan With Powerglide This is the clean est we have in stock. Has had -callent ears ,one owner, with only 10,000 actual miles. $1345 '50 Studebaker STARLITE COUPE , Radio, heater, overdrive, one own er car. We have Just overhauled tho engine and will give it a oom plete guarantee. $1095 - SEE LES - SEE JIM PHONE 4-8483 2