Thursday, April 9, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon FOOD SECTION Page Sheridan DENNISON'S I rMnrcpc 77 w n MittURY 1 uIsTia I ciihcuime LLH II FT In )) Diannno rw p. I 14-oz. Sheridan Judy Grewelle of Longvlew, Wah., la vot ing at the Arthur Moen home. Ann Beardalee hai enrolled at OSC for the iprlng term. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ellis have arrived home from Missouri. They plan to stay i here this summer. Mllo Elliott has returned home from the hospital where he waa confined with pneu monli. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lamkin have returned from a vacation trip to Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and California. Mrs. Guy Vaughn la re covering from surgery at the McMlnnville hospital. Frank Stuck is recovering from a recent illness, and is . in the Providence hospital in Portland. Henry Sundberg returned home from McMlnnville hos pital this week, where he had an operation. Charles Gould is recovering from major surgery perform ed in the McMlnnville hospital. Mrs. Ernest Huntley, who has been ill for several weeks, underwent surgery this week in a McMlnnville hospital. The Sheridan Garden club will iiave its annual Spring Flower Show In May, and Martha Davis will serve as general chairman. Committees include: Staging: Thelma Mui ford, Nellye Titus, Cora Wil bur, Kay Sparks. Placing Gertrude Reid, Thelma Hill, Ella Griffin, Pearl Hyder. En try: Sue Hibbert, Yolanda S w a 1 1 s, Alladeen Byrklt, Betty Heider, Valora Irwin, Alberta Kurtz. . Classification: Rhoda Smith, Mano, Beneva Keltner Tea: Agnes Ellis, Aladlne O'Dell, Carol DeJong, Helene Harris, Ada Green, Clara Tatom. Procuring judges and lunch con: Mildred Cooley, Kather lne Flynn. Door prizes, Etta Ladd, Dorothy Krouthoefer, Doro thy Johnson, Bertha Brown. Plant sale: Marjorie Johnson, Frelda Shively, Alkie Wiser, Neva Huntley, Flora Baird. Signs: Marjorie Wilhite, Velle Heider. Information and hospitality booth; Calli Heider, Maude Aldrlch, Lena Cooley, Elsie Morris. Publicity: Myra Ash, Rogene Burch. Cleanup: Isa bella Smith, Nell Brandt, Vivian Trice, Peggy DeJong. Cookies: Evelyn Ehnes, Frances Ducrst, Dorothy Ivie, Rose Jones, Belle LePage, Ruth McKibben, Carrie Mont gomery, Wilma Paulovich, Nancy Stoddard. Clerks: Schedule: Sue Hibbert, Rhoda Smith, Mildred Cooley. Airman First Class Delbert Nickerson, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Nickerson, arrived home from. Guam on a 20 day fudlough. He will report April 14, at an air base in El Paso, Texas. Leslie Heider was honored on her third birthday this week with a party given by her mother, Mrs. Wallace Hei der. Guests were Annette and Evangeline Kessler, Billie, George and Martha Heider, Margaret and Carter Boggs, Mrs. Otto Heider Sr., Mrs. Otto Heider Jr., Mrs. Roy Malo, Mrs. Eva Morton, Mrs. James Kessler, Mrs. Edna Lamson, Miss Marian Kels ven and Mrs. Carter Boggs. North Howell North Howell Gary Espe, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Espe, celebrated his birthday anni versary April 6. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Gerome Epping and sons, Douglas and Dennis; Mr. and Mrs. Loren Rolie and chil dren Rod and Kelly, all of Sa lem. . Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hat trick and daughters, Sharon and Kathy of Portland, were Easter guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Blaney were hosts Easter Sunday to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Faulhau toer and children of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Richard John son of Eugene. The girls 'are daughters of the Blaneys. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sawyer were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stark and children Gary and Nikki of Sweet Home. Janice Jackson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jackson, has been sick with the flu for a week, Janice attends Louis and Clark college at Portland. Mrs. K. D. Coomler is re ported Improving after several days in bed with an attack of the flu. 2 Killed in 218 Foot Car Plunge, Ashland Ashland, Ore. U.R) Two persons were killed and two others seriously injured when a car plunged 218 feet down a mountain canyon near here late yesterday. The dead were identified as Uno Matias Karpplner, 59, of 255 Ramsell St. Son Francisco, and Ida S. Martilla, 53, Brush Prairie, Wash. In the hospital here with serious Injuries were Lillian Ellna Karppincr, 54, San Fran cisco, and Abram Martilla, 55, Brush Prairie, Wash. Bottles BUY NOW AND SAVE NALLEY'S I FU1 ( 9 STARCH 12-0Z. Pkg. k&U ! ' ".,- . " Pka. ggMk- III.. Hi. "isLLjJStzzz , . 'Z- BSJBS I ll Kill WSmW BOLB lBb i - F U - IllPllI luie . rf'. 1 ?U ; hmmr W ' . 11111011) f II I 1 I II I . r - I ,,,llll,lfwJlhM!llolllililii nl T'llllllllli i ,'"""" . 's ' ,. 1.-v. ;. ?Ta' IpO 1M O J Variety Pack 35' I Karo Syrup. . . . .M-oi. totti 4rk I Karo Syrup..... 14-01-botue 23 I Mortons' Salt 2 5; 21" I Beg. or Quick ' yil I Quaker Oats Pki. fl I Log Cabin Syrup ftSI; 29' I Campbell's 'I Pork & Beans 2 - 39' I Campbell's TOMATO SOUP Tall cans tomato 1 Reg. Price 12c See What You Save WW id. u ,fiA I6A TOMATO Giant " 46-oz. can " 2 Win a TV Set at Saleiii IGA! Register Today! As Many Times As You Wish FREE ENTRY BLANKS at each check-out stand at VISTA MARKET ORCUTT'S MARKET STATE STREET MARKET IGA STORES RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES 39' Ktncsford j STARCH... lbPkr. 15 Argo Gloss - M Jf d ' STARCH ttB lO Unit t . 1CL :-STARH. .... Borden'a . '.-...-.j:. ffi ' HEMO a,OT v Special Frlcei Effective Friday and Saturday, April 10-11-12 100 Pure Fresh Daily Pure Pork Mildly Seasoned 1 Center Arm Cut-Well Trimmed Blade Cut From Eastern Corn Fed Pork LB. C Salem' Cascade Brand Colored, Pan R 1-lb. 14-oz. 2 lbs. Each s$139 DIAL SHAMPOO Bottle C "HI CH fl NIBLETS Whole Kernel CORN NIBLETS MEXICORN SHOW'S CLAM CHOWDER SHOW'S ' . MINCED CLAMS KA IK K' RAGGED PEACHES T NALLEY'S VALLEY BEEF STEW 2 15-01. cans B (5) rt i IGA STORES Be Featured on the (ESSES Thurs.-Frl., Sat. April 9-11 KSLM-9.-25 A.M. lpW 27' U.S. No. 1 Netted Gem POTATOES W lbs. M(0 Oranges Sunkist 3 doz. or more in bag Arizona White Grapefruit !X Sunkist Lemons 300 Size Doz. IGA Reserver the Right To Limit Quantities VISTA MARKET YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 3045 S. COMMERCIAL State Street MARKET YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 1230 STATE STREET ORCUTT'S MARKET YOUR FRIENDLY IGA STORE AT 4200 N. RIVER ROAD J