Thursday, April , 1953 Local Paragraphs 1 Chinchilla Meeting . The n monthly meeting 0I the Chin ,:chilla Association of America swUl be held April 10 at 8 p.m. at 1320 Edgewater street. Non 4 members are welcome. Salem Realtors Luncheon g Joe Coffey, farm loan represen tative of the Mutual Life In surance company will speak on ,the subject of "Farm Loans" fcduring Friday noon' luncheon of the Salem Board of Realtors at the Marion. Jn MILITARY MEN t AND VETERANS Thursday, April 9 Organized Naval Reserve sur face division at Naval and Ma rine Corps Reserve training cen ter. . Battery D, 722nd AAA, AW bat . teUlon, Oregon National Guard at quonset huts on Lee street. ' Company D. 162nd infantry 1 regiment, Oregon National Guard, i at Salem armory. Friday, AorlTlO 1 Seobee Reserves, at Naval and . Marine Corps Reserve training . center. -. Saturday and Sunday, April 11 -12 - Naval Air Reserve Squadron AAU 891, at Naval Air Faculty. ' Finishes Course ' Jacksonville, Fla. Pfc. Alan J. ' : Bruce, VS. Marine Corps, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Casey of 1356 Bonds Road, Salem. Oregon, ..recently was graduated from an I eight-week course at the Airman I Preparatory School at the Naval Air Technical training center. ' Bruce, a former student at the J Salem high school is now in avia I tlon ordnanceman school here. He I enlisted in the Marine Corps in I Bepiemoer, iroz. Serves in Hawaii Marine Corps Air Station. Kane. ohe Bay. Hawaii Pfc. Marvin Bibler, U.S.Marine Corps, whose girents, Mr. and Mrs. Prank lbler. reside at 2165 Wayside Terrace, Salem, is serving at this air station witn tne "Black sneep" aouadron. The Marine arrived in the islands In November, 1952, and a serving as a plane captain. Farms Available World War II veterans are civen priority in the purchase 01 108 full-time farm units currently offered by the federal government In the Columbia basin irrigation project in Washington. Applications must be filed with the office of the Bureau of Re clamation, Ephrata, Washington, on or before May 14, to receive Srlorlty. Veterans must have served onorably for 90 days or more between September 16, 1940, and July 3, 1952. The farms are situated 15 to 36 miles north of Pasco and about 130 miles southwest of Spokane and range in size from 38.4 to 107.3 Irrigable acres. Most of them are pncea Detween sz&oo ana Keeps nfilling tt btaktt with efry, foot euost-aufomafcaffy Continuous suppiyl You take 'em backl Keeps reiiiung xnm maun main All automatically! Just pick 'em oull Cubes are loose! No messy trays to fill or spill! No trays to empty or forget to refill! Super-cubesI Big, dry, supercold leeCireles! Always full size last longer! Won't stick together even during automatic defrosting! Take one or a handful! Wenty for porfes! Fills basket after basket! Replaces cubes as you use them! It' 3 Graat LOOK! NOW ALL ELECTRIC F,. To SALEM LIGHTING and APPLIANCE Co. Killed by Train Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Bowden, 1325 Broadway, received word Wednesday that a nephew, Wilford Bates, 10 years old, lost his life by being run over by a train in Spokane. The word came from the boy's mother, Mrs George Bates. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Bowden, Route 2, are grandparents of the boy. Indoor Sports Club A busi ness meeting of the Salem chap ter of the Indoor Sports club, also Good Sports and friends, will be held Saturday night at 7:30 at the home of Gertrude Fisher, 133S State street. Back to War Zone Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Shute, 827 North Winter street, had a telephone call Tuesday evening from their son, Robert Shute, in forming them that the TJSS Bremerton, on which he is a quartermaster, was to sail for Korean waters Wednesday. It will be the second tour of duty In the war zone for Shute, the first having been for a period of eight months. Chiropractors Show Film Chiropractors of the third dis trict, Oregon Association of Chiropractic Physicians, met at the Pine Inn, north of Salem city limits, Saturday evening, April 4. Following the dinner, Jointly attended by doctors and auxiliary, business meetings were conducted. An education. al program of .the evening fea tured the film "Angry Boy," depicting the emotions of every day living. The film was a gift from the Salem Alumnae chap. ter Alpha Xi Delta to Marion County Department of Health. Dr. and Mrs. John Ahlbin, Dr and Mrs. Peter DeMarco, Dr. and Mrs. J. Rombough, Dr. and Mrs. F. I. Goddard and Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Ivie of Salem at tended the meeting. BORN aai.EM MEMORIAL HOSPITAL DURBIN To Mr. ml Mrs. Wnn K. Durbln, 1810 n. winter n, a sin, inrll I. MCWADK To Ur. and Mrs. John McWade, 162B MacArthur St, Dor, April 8. naf.RM GENERAL HOSPITAL HATFIELD To Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hatfield, 1590 0. 13tn St., a dot, aptu s. HEUBEROER To Mr. and Mn. Hen. tv Heubercer. Rt. 1. Bclo. a boy. April S. MA0SET To Mr. and Mrs. William Uassey, 9990 Lancaster Dr, a Dor. April S. BILVERTON HOSPITAL STARZIi To Mr. and Mn. Wenol literal, a boy. April 1. BLODOETT To Mr. and Mrs. Earl Blodeett, Salem, a boy, Apru 7. cubes out Servel puts lcjuwjj; '3t'f ImoifnaAufomoJiclci-Moker v Appliances In 7 REFRIGERATOR... FREEZER...ICE-MAKERI Amaiing value! Defroirt Itself automatically! Store 80 lbs. of frozen fooda! Give you th clueiva Automatic lea-Maker plus extra features by the scots! Sea it today! $2999i $cno95 J77 COME IN! SEE AMAZING DEMONSTRATION TODAY AT OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL Plavs With Band Stephen Shipp, Salem, appeared as pl- mn anloist with the Canbv high school band this week, playing a Spanish number, Ante El Es corrial, by Lecuona. Shephen also played in the band con cert at Canby last year. He is a student of Feme Craven and also plays the oboe In the band here. Director of the Canby band is Glen Williams, formerly of aaiem. Pearson on Radio Drew Penrann- one of America's most controversial newspaper and radio columnists whose column appears In the Capital Journal, will ne neara eacn Sunday night at 7:30 on vkt.m utartine ADril 12. Pear son . was recently dropped from the ABC netvorK ana has now established his own rfutrlhntinn svatem for broad casts, via tape, on individual radio stations throughout the country. Boulders Encountered Workmen engaged in lowering the grade for the construction of the new Morningsioe graae school on South 12th street have encountered several huge boulders, slowing up the pro gram to a considerable extent. There will be no basement be neath the one story structure, but the surface is being cut so that it will be more nearly on a level with the street. Leaving for Texas Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Decker, for the past 20 years residents of Salem, are moving to El Paso, Texas, to make their home, leaving Friday. They recently sold their home here. They for merly : operated the Salem Watch Shop. They, will make their home with their son, Elmo Decker, who Is a radio technician with RCA at ii Paso. He is a graduate of Oregon State college and for two years was In radar work In Japan. YMCA Directors Meet The board of directors of the YMCA met Thursday noon for its monthly deliberations. The matter of constructing an ad dition to the present building was up for consideration. Pension Clnb Meeting Am erican Pension club No. 1 will meet Saturday at 6:30 p.m. for a no-host dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hall, 2240 Shelton. Members are to bring their own table service, and also to bring sewing sup plies to be donated to patients at the state tuberculosis nos pital. llberil Trtdehi Alltwtnci 9 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Ortffon Stayton School Bids Revealed Stayton Erwln E. Batter- man, Salem contractor, submit tel a low basic bid of $189,500 for construction of the new grade school at Stayton. The bids were opened by the school board Wednesday night. Nelson Brothers of Salem submitted the low bid for the plumbing and heating Installa tion. It was for $50,084. Other basic bids were Bar ham Brothers, Salem, $192, 000; Raymond W. Lillie, Al bany, $-98,864; Wall Bartram and Sanford, Junction City, $208,500. Other heating and plumb ing bids were Salem Plumb ing Co., $61,653; Arnett's, Al bany, $62,133; Bowen Broth ers, Salem, $64,992; B. L. For syth, CorvaUis, $69,850. L. A. Smith, school board chairman, announced that the board will study the bids for several days before reaching a decision. - Capitol Toastmasters The Capitol Toastmasters club will meet Thursday evening at the Gold Arrow. Philip Orange will be toastmaster and David Stall will be In charge of ta ble topics. Speakers on the list are Dewey Davis, ' Al Thomas, Elmer - Amundson, Dennis Brenner and George Koertge. Vandalism Continues A fourth motorist in recent days has reported the breaking off of the side mirror on his car by vandals. R. W. Hege, Eu gene, told police his car was parked in the 200 block of North High street Wednesday night when the damage was done. Car Damaged A thief at tempted to prowl his car Mon day night, Donald R. Jones, 2009 North Capitol, reported to city police. The right door han die was broken and the window was jimmied but entrance was not gained. Sparkless Someone took the distributor cap off of her car sometime in the last few days while it was parked in front of her home, Naomi Buchert, 675 North Summer street, reported to city police. Pleads Innocent Emory Marson Wilson, Woodburn pleaded Innocent in district court Thursday morning on a charge of concealing stolen property. He is accused of con. cealing property that was stol en recently from a farm west of Woodburn. Trial was set for April 30. He was held in lieu of $1000 ball. Cited to Court Jim Wong, Mak-Rite cafe, 1964 North Capitol street, was cited to dis trict court by the Marion coun ty sheriff's office Wednesday on a charge of dumping gar bage on a public highway. Wong admitted to officers that he had dumped the garbage on Silverton road east of Salem. Amazing Silverware Offer mmt I ' 71 I 66fiece Service for 8 Yom for Only... t(JS M tm TO fJCTrOM aa' U a2 a16Taoepaom "8 Solod ork S Sew Spoons earner Screodert tieSeneorti at Owns IH, e Perla l Sutter KitHe 1"'" et tverlpM fft'OuK) IlSBfZl ' M TW MAWIR jaaawjawsasajasawjawwaeasawjwsawj , a Tabes leeem at Gravy lodle ;' al Cold Meat Port ej Pokv Salt and? fx Pepper Shelters i oforci o 4 MrrsN wli 1 wt law aW Napefi (a Molt V XLV ' Open Friday Night Til 9 iVei JT 7 JEWELERS ViL VV Vviv SALEM'S LEADING CREDIT V ' I JEWELERS AND OPTICIANS t rhlmim Dawn A nlne- year-old boy admitted to city police Wednesday that he had climbed onto the roof of a va cant house at 240 E. Laxeiie and pushed the chimney over onto the ground. His father was notified and promised res titution to owner Grant Kight linger, 1186 South Commercial, and appropriate action for the boy. ' Dr. Christian Speaker Dr. James Christian, registrar at the Bible Institute of Los An geles, and vice president of the Alumni Association, will be the special speaker at a meet ing of the Biola Alumni on Monday, April 13, at 7:30 pjn. at the Four Corners Bsptist church, Elma and State streets. All persons who have gradu ated from or attended Biola or who are interested in attend ing the school, are invited to attend the meeting. Onlv Six Candle's for Mary's Birthday Cake Atlanta, .w urayinsj aiary Pickford, "America's. Sweet heart" of sllent-movle fame, hxenma S9 veara old today but charmed admirers placed Just six candles on ner Dirmaay cake. The fans would always remember her as the pensive little girl she portrayed on the screen. Miss Pickford dslntly brushed tears from her eyes. COURT NEWS Circuit Court A. HarlOai VI IBBBH V. nartiui: Divorce aomplamt. onarflns cruel and Inhuman treatment. Married Bept. 18,1991 at stayton. sss migra tion or xortner name or -xraor. Rhea Borkman VI Foreman Brothers: Defendant's aniwer ehanlnt neeleet an part of plaintiff In eonneotlon with damage Milt reanlted from fall In Stand theater. Esther Elaine Malone n oeone wuiu Malone: Order of default ant trad atalnet defendant. State oi Of aeon ax ral Oliver V. attnes va xola a. Hlnee: oraer bomuc rendant snutr of eon tempt for eus- obedlenee of aourt order br removing minor ahlld from aertaln realdenee. calla Marine Laneier vs Ira L. Una. lev, Jr.: Order of default entered erernet defendant. Viol Chapman Ambon m BtntfleUl Standard Life Zniannct 0b. Order dlimlual. B4 Luktnbtal lMal MteU Jota Zumsteln; Defendant' amurrtr mr ruled, William H. Batr and Motoxa luurance Corp. vi J. K. and Dorothy jieken: evlt for lodement of 1604 daaaasea eald to have reeulted from aatomobfla aecMent near Xdanha, Nor. 37, lata. . Probata Court Drclo a. Weaver eatato: WHoert Weaver named admlnlatretor. Bernard Waaa aetata: Olaatnt eeder. Rota E. WnlUoek aetata: OtSar aa- provlna aeml-annual eoeounlrac. Zetta Kropp auardlanahlp: Order Sta ins Apru so aa time for neartat sail. tlon for suardtan. Thomei K. Rowbotham aetata: Potl tlon to aell peraonal property, approved. William J. UUhop auardlaaahtp: Peti tion for appointment of snarcaaa. Xmmi X. Schubert aetata: Bvtats ap. pralsea at 9B137JB. Alice Adella Tomaend aetata: Order authorising aominjetrator ao par ear tain Indebtednesses aaalnat estate. David Watson tTjardianahlp: AswaieJ account approved. Edna P. Baal estate: Pinal aeeoirat a be heard Mar 16. Marriage License Dalles Warna McKlbben. It, Mew- port, and Doris Case, IS, Newport. High Marks by Dallas Students Dallas Record breaking marks were made by the two Dallas high school senior stu dents chosen as valedictorian and salutatorian for the gradu ating class of 10SS. Earl Gibbs, valedictorian, at tained a grade of 3.S72 and John Kitzmiller, 3.944. These marks according to Carl Mor rison, principal, are the high est attained during his direc tion of the school. Grades of other high ranking students were Loma Lawrence, 3.803; Mary Gerlinger, 3.783; Bonnie Regh Regehr, 3.722; Sara Neufeld, 3.617; Verna Wade, 3.5; Shirley Wolff, 3.5; Arletha Mueller, 8.470; Tran ces Regehr, 3.457. Mf.Angel Hears Irrigation Plan Mt. Angel VP) A series of meetings explaining the pro posed new irrigation district under the Willamette Basin Project are being held In this area. ' Lee McAllister, district area engineer for the Bureau of Re. clamatlon, which will admin later the project, spoke at a meeting here Monday. Another will be held soon at the Oak land city hall, north of Monitor. The area to be served covers about 42,000 acres. Water would come from a 70,000-acre feet storage dam at Felke, about 20 miles above Molalla. It would be brought to Dickie Prairie and distributed from there by a canal system. Aurochs, the extinct primi tive wild settle of Europe sometimes stood six feet at the shoulder. 0UTSTANDINI VALUE 1 1 Our drmct purchottng power ffMiVM thli ffr eisible. INOAGI MfNT WNO wMi a bril llont, sparkling, finely set guaranteed atlo- mend, set In son 14-f; white or yellow gold fitSo set of bride and room's matching wed. tiing bands Intruded at his low prke. Imagine. All THRIE forenfylJO. Full allowance en all Id diamond rings re' gerdless of tondltlon, OPEN SEE OUR COLLECTION Of PERFECT REGISTERED DIAMONDS '50105000 SALXM'S Former Chemawa Teacher Finally Pays Taxi Fare Oakland, Calif. W) Mrs. Eva Sutherland, a teacher for many years In the Chemawa Indian School near Salem, won dis missal of a court charge against her Wednesday. She did it by paying a taxi- cab driver 70 cents. Mrs. Sutherland, who had been accused of refusing to pay the driver, said the whole thing was a misunderstanding. She thought Driver John J. Stone was overcharging her for an eight-block trip here March 81. She said at the time she would pay no more than the 50-cent minimum. Police were railed, and Mrs. Sutherland ssid she got over excited when a policeman ask ed if she had been drinking. She told the court firmly that she does not drink. Good rummage sale over Greenbaum's, April 10th and 11th, 0 a.m. 85 Rummage sale Tri. and tat, 0 to 8, Ixaak Walton League Aux., 501 South Cottage. 86 Rummage sale at Jason Lee church, No. Winter and . Jef ferson streets, April 9th . and 10th . .-- 86 Rummage sale Friday, April 10, 9:30 to 1 p.m. 103 N. Com'i Reliable lady wishes 2 or 3 room apartment. Call 4-5665. ,85 Lady leaving town wishes to sell 1948 Ford club coupe. 8-7662 after 6 pjn. 88 Castle. Permanent Wavers, 305 Livealey Bldg., ph. 8-8663. Permanents S3 and up. Ruth Ford, Manager. . 85 - Moving and storage across the street, across the nation. CaU Russ Pratt, Capital City Transfer Co. . 83 M If w i 1V.ii MrtifiM Hvtrt at will ftpjw r rtpalf Al. J f, fig g k a WQiHtfud 4m4 tnq ibKrluM; lltt H . J -StU FRIDAY NIGHT 'TIL 9 OiW1& BSaw SSfJiassaefBn UtADINO CSFDIT JKVl'SLIRS AND Then' Ihe handed the driver 70 cents and they shook hands. Municipal Judge Edward J. Smith dismissed the case, and released her from her f 23 bond. ' Police eyed her with respect as they had ever since they discovered, the night of her arrest, that she was carrying $32,400 in government bonds, $100 In travelers' checks and $6.10 in cash in her handbag. She was en route to her horn in Benchland, Mont. Leaves Hospital Mrs.' Jay ne Lacy, 845 East Judson, has returned to her home from Salem Memorial hospital where she underwent major surgery. Wanted Experienced Beauty operator. Write Box 37, Capital Journal. 85 Spencer Corsets. See them at Senator Hotel Friday, April 10th. Arment Felt from Port land will be here. 85 Johnnie Flathers Is moving from ATs barbershop to 285 South Commercial. . 87 1 Newly open business - In Hollywood. Make - rite Cafe, 1964 N. Capitol.. Specializing in Chinese and American Foods. .. ; 85 Cannery Local No. 670 An nual Party, Friday, April 10th. 8:00 p.m., Salem armory.' Ad mission by union book. 85 ' Arborvitae for hedges. Most sizes, $1.25 up. Painted daisies, box, other perennials. Closing out on fruit trees. Boyd Nur sery. 2440 State. 3 Cannery Local No. 670 An nual Party, Friday, April 10th. 8:00 pjn., Salem armory. Ad mission by union book. 85 nMlacivrlng tki fintj fullf coMptltt wild UNITED STATCI GOVERNMENT ITANOAIDI, Tht diomtx.0 Ml In rhii hond roftdJ rMli Itrtd rflarMftd lifiQ htm nt rtig sotl Mcltrvf ' Hit. h vMry, color, nt and britlatrm. fMSSSffil O'CLOCK YOU STILL HAVE TIME TO ENTER OUR ANNUAL DIAMOND CONTEST Ask for Fro Entry B ranks 3th OPTICIANS 183 N. High Phone 3-9412