:v.3,..''sf-'1fc'-J;i - '-: Pag 18 FOR SALE HOUSES ONLY $300 DOWN On this suburban two bedroom house with hdwd. floors, Venetian blinds, attached garage, llreplace, oil floor furnace, unfinished upstairs, large lot. $8500 full price, $70 monthly payments Include prin., Int., taxes and ins. Owner has key at 8705 Sunnyview Ave., or call 3-6468. Adjoining Properties Ownn'i nines forces ene sale. Moving to Eugene forces the other. Both priced to encourage buyers' interest. 1462 MISSION tH bedrooms. Inside utllltr. ptrt basement, very attractively decorat ed, unfinished upstairs, nlet yard, p I UUU T The two together would make dendr business corner titer new Sen tl am nlgh wej eeesTon Mission St. Drive by. you wish to Inspect thoroughly, esll for appointment, 4-UNIT COURT SPEOIAL OFFER, 96500 Income 9130 monthly. Teka over owner contract, belenee of 93SW Ht ,60 nTonth. Building U 4 yam old, tiled floors, Vm.. completely modern. Would (He ear or trailer home for moil of equity. This won't last, cell today. CLAUDE Realtor and lit! N. Cepltol FOR SALE HOUSES completely furnished S room house. 1 3. 3j 0.00. 4004 6o, 21st St. a87 BT OWNER 2-bedroom, j-year-old house. 2370 Adami. wo Center St. Realty NEW HOME HORTH. Two bedroom i and beau tiful luii den. separate dining room, . hdwd. floori thruout, fireplace, forced air heat, attaohod aaraie. Near school and business district, .trice ih.wu. P.H.A. term. NO. 3 BUSINESS ZONE SIX ROOMS. Full basement, furnace he it, Vk baths, lane deep lot. This Is located on VS. 99, a two-way street. . All kinds or off-street park Ins. A line location for a borne and business combined. Be sure to see this. The price li only 412,000. The owner will consider a good two-bedroom home for part. Center Street Realty ITU Center at. Phone 4-6831 Er,. pnonei: Bright 3-9883, OIM 3-7113 e85" 10 A. HOME K.W. S MILES. Salem (one e mill. Plumbed, wired 1-b.r. home, 13600. C. W. "rrULLBR, Realtor, Salem, Ore. ,85 Edgewater. Ph. 3 M87 or 4-9783 a67 MAKE OFFER ON EQUITY on thin 2-bdrm. home, only 4 yrs. old with h.w. lira., plastered Interior, nice lance lot 69 x 117. Immediate posses Ion. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor 3065 Portland Rd. Phone 2-7042 Eve. 2-3864 a8M KINC.WOOD IIF.KIHTK The daphne fragrance has been tempered by the rain. Hyacinths and madron a add : their odor. Promising nectarine bloom act In. Pear, fruits In July. The mornlnr strawberry search makej the little children triumphant.. 101 Cas cade Dr. e4 Priced Right en the down payment and eaklng price (or thlj urea of Willamette toll with brn and email houae all modern. Aak to aee It today. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor lose Portland Rd. Phone 3-7(42 Eve. 3-3884 eat KEIZER DIST. 11,000 Large 4-bdrm. home, sew fcnc rm., atoraoe rm., fireplace, nice largo llrlng rraM kitchen and dining rm., hardwood floors. 8-ear garase. 9300 m. ft floor space, A real fine home for a large family, close to school and bus. J. E. LeClerc, Realtor 1M N. Capitol it. rh. I -13 as el 4 WANT TO be close to school, park, bus in South Village? Bee BC6 B. Ewald. a bedrooms, utility with dryer, Nice lawn, shrubs, patio, attached double earage. Phono z-5745. ai' OWNER. LEAVING Salem. Must sell 1 bedroom house. 4 rears old, HOOO down. IM month. ISO West Madron a Are. a' tRANMFKRRKD from Klngwood Height view home. 2 bedrooms. 2 fireplace), 1H plumbing, daylight playroom, wall- tc-wmtl carpeting, oubie garage. s.ania. MB SUBURBAN H aere with l-bdnn. home, large tlvlr.g rm., dinette, kitchen, com. pletely modern. eOftOO. A good buy. J. E. LeClerc, Realtor levfl N. Capitol St. Ph. I-136B e4 BY OWNER Delui I bedroom home 1st Englswood district, 2 baths, double garage, basement, Insulate, large loan available. 3-M3B. aB7 SMALL EQUITY, ft room older house. Oood location. Phone 4-g4. al7 BY OWNER, I room home, basement, aawduftt furnace, $M7, 1180 Hood St. Ph. 1(11)60. al02 4 HOUSES On South Liberty. All rented. Month ly Income 1330 and a good home. All for 133 oo. F. H. Weir, Realtor 1347 8. Coml. - Ph. SOtll US' BY0WNEiR I -bedroom, oak floors, aulomatlr heat, choice dUtrlct. Tl0. r.H.A terms. 3Q3S Felton, phone astm. am Tv OWVER 1-bedroom house, full basement, new ell furnace, double ca raae. 60x131 lot. Near schools and hopping center. 111.600. 1M B St Phone 44916. BM mn SALE BY OWNER Hl East Rural SI. Schools, bus, and shopping. They are all handy to this eniality ouiit aninnn ijpr iwmr. id eated on well landsraned corner lot in this dp Irani dhtrlct. Ltv. rm. din. rm., den. kit. with nook. 3 bed rnnnu 2nd floor. Full basement with recreation rm. Property appraised at 914,500. Price reduced for quick sale to I13.2&0, existing mortgage, tl.ooo can be assumeo- immramir occu pancy. Call after s p m. 1-4695. ai; LASSIHKII AllVrRTlMNO Ter Word. tlmee .. Ward 4. Per Word. S tlmee lor Per Word. I month No Refondt Mlnlmwm IS Ward. REAnrBK 1" Loeol Newa Calami. Oaly, Per Wer e Mlnlmam IS Wari, T PUce M In 8mf Day, Psprr. rhon l-UB flrfort 10 a.m. FOR SALE HOUSES 1480 MISSION Corner lot. 1 btdroomi, dining room. Inside utllltr, nlet yerd. would tsks trailer house trade for equity. A bargain at KILGORE Auctioneer Ph. 4-00S3 FOR SALE HOUSES nr private owner. 2 bedroom house, full basement, floor furnace, hard wood floors, 16O60. Terms. 44787. est' BT OWNER. New S bedroom ranch type bouse. Bear Parochial, puonc ecnooi and bus. forced air oil furnace, ure plsee. wardrobe closet, tile bath. Bee at atrjo n. tnurcn or ajivo, mm FOR SALE LOTS VIEW LOT, near McKlnley eohool. Bast Dlst. want Deal easn oner, wwn.r, 36861. aaS4 LARGE HOME SITES In beautiful Klni wood Heights, 91000 up. Eaiy terms. Bee owner, phone 3-3413. ga94 FARM SIZE LOT 92X3M', 9879. Also lot 73xle0', 9000. Both wonoenui sandy loam. WALTER B. MINIER eo Pioneer Truat Co. Phone 3-3130 3-9404. aa3 LARGE LOT Janet Ave.. Kelaer Dial. Phone 3-4771. price 1700. w. o. Krueger. aa34 lie DOWN, oood alaed lot. water al ready In. Excellent sou. Built to eult youreelf. REIMANN REAL ESTATE Si INSURANCE 301 S. High St. Phone 3-03O3 aato REAL ESTATE COLBATH'S EASTEP BUNNY HAS RUN AWAY THESE GOOD BUYS WILL GO TODAY PREFERRED DIST. In ENOLEWOOD. Fireplace In lovely living rm., din. rm. oft dream kitchen, 3 bdrma. dc bath all on flrat floor. 1 bdrm. on and fir. Hdwd. flra., oil heat. Attached garage. Beautiful lawn ahrube. ONLY ,10.960. TERMS. SEE MRS. OOLESBEE. EVE. PH. 75313. HOLLYWOOD CUTIE fiTONrs THROW TO SHOPPINC- DI8T. 3 bdrma., nice llv. rm., large kitchen, bath, utility rm., 3-car ga rage, falr-alied lot. ONLY 3040O. TERMS. SEX MRS. OOLESBEE. EVE PH. 39373. COLOSSAL BUY FOR am DOWN. I bdrmi. on 1st floor. Large LR, DR, nice modern kitchen, bath, oil heat, large burnt. Oaragg. Close In on paved st. PRICE S7980. IN HARRY VAN HORN, XVE. PH. 41706. $1400 DOWN fe in per month makes this home YOURfil LA ROE LIVINO RM. with ornamental brick fireplace, 2 bdrms., DR. lovely light kitchen, un finished upstairs. Large burnt, with sawdust furnace. Party rm. m sets of plumbing. Corner lot. 2-car ga rage. ONLY 72M. REDUCED PHTCE PROM IftMO. SFK HARRY VAN HORN, EVE, PH. 41765. CALL DAVE TO SEE THIS 3 AMILY HOME for 10,0 down. Main Mr. with 3 bdrms., LR, DR, large kitchen, bath, utility porch. 3nd fir. haa bath, LR. large bdrm., nlee kitchen. Large deep lot. Attached garage. Near Salem hlah rhool, Parrleh Jj. & Englewnod. ONLY 90,30. hK DAVE LAZENBY, EVE. PH. 41703. S. SUMMER ST. Nice 2-bdrm. home with large lot. Can be sold tor 9700 down. Ttotal price I57M). Se T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. 70 ACRES LOCATED NORTH. 45 A. In CULT. 12 A. Peuue. 13-BDRM. MODERN home. i6-tanchlon barn. Penu on tractor a all equipment. ewe sheep, II lambs, 1 cow, 1 yearling heifer. ALL FOR 130,000 or tike small rental house In trade. SEE T. T. AHUIHOUN, KVI, PH. 42714. t ACRES with new l-bdrm. home. 4 miles of Salem. Ptlce aflooo. TERmB. ACRBR on highway (Sit, l-bdrm, home. 9S760. TER&tB. II ACRQ with no bVdga. Oood spnns- tPW. UNLI IBO0 OO. I A CRD! close In I Es in. Xo bldgi tliWS. 9500 dn. SEE T. T. ANDERSON, BVE. PH. 41714 orrict dial 4494,24552 $150 Down 3-beornom home balh, ,i.l ran., tutdaood floor,. 3 large for lot nou.e, good garriro a Pienlr of .,i jj, ,mll, ,m(, of llnlih. Cloj, to bu. nalance rent. NOR HILL BARGAIN .i.i.v o.iT 1-DfxlTOom home bawnifnt and taiase. Mvirts rimina loom, piaMf ml. Pa.ed A fod .nMpfnaivt m or rental Ith room street good $59 TER MONTH tout nf i-updror-n. home. 4.50 rton Bui:i under P.KA apectlon. All hardoort floors. Only . In Idrai limit. Mar consider your car as payment. city down REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 101 south Hlah Street Phone No Phone evemni. and Sundav I . 4 la, Mm, ,.13 3-,:ol 1971. II ell B, 4-494,24552 REAL ESTATE WE SPEQJALIZE IN TRADES WE NEED LISTINGS Par ticularly higher priced homes and all types with low down payments. PARRISH DISTRICT And a good home. Owner has left state. Full basement. Fireplace. Eco nomical sawdust furnace. This area Is growing In value dally. Only 91740 down, bal. 950 per mo. Full price only 110,400. Englewood Special This Is really a buy. Ideal for older couple or an Income property. 2 nice bedrooms. Att. garage. Insulated. 2 bias, to bus. Near school, ust think, the Price Is only 96790. Terms. REALLY A BUY t bedrooms on t floor. Fireplace. Oil furnace. Att. garage. 1010 sq. ft, floor pace. Insulated. Weatheratrlpped. Very well built. Pvd. st. If you want more room, adjoining lot available, only 4 yrs. old. Full prise 9L0.W0. - HERE IT IS I -bedroom home with a full base ment. Fireplace. Att. garage. Brlek front, wall-to-wall carpets. Forced air oil furnace. Lawn and anruoi. Terms. Full price U only 111,600. CALL FOR UK. XIOOINS, BVE. PH. 4-9405, or sin. rawwruiuj, snrs. rn. 4-5030. If bo answer, call 4-241. Large Business Bldg. On very good intersection. This property bu cement floors. Oood heat ing system. Apprx. 10,000 sq. ft. floor space. Very deep lot. Lots of space for parking, both front and rear. Very desirable for dance hall, skating rink, bowling alley, smalt m,anu factoring plant, or what have you. Full price f,000. 8-UNIT RENTAL Almost new. Furnished. In the best of repair. Present Income eould easily be raised. Desirable location. Owner may exchange equity for ether prop erty. Full price 945,000. GROCERY Owner forced to sell because of 111 health. This Is very desirable, es pecially for older couple. Overhead la extremely low. Rent only 460 per mo. Very well established business. Terms. Full price for everything 91500. How could you miss? CALL FOR DAN IS AAK, BVE. PH. 4-35J3, ii no answer, call 4-2348. 3 ACRES With modern smaller home In good condition. Large garage. Only I yrs. old. An opportunity to hive a- home of your own with only 95,000 Invested. Terms. 10-ACRE SPECIAL With a modern S-ruom home. Older type but in good condition. Near town. Machine ahed. Pvd. hlway. No waste land. Only 2000 down. Full price 97500. MR. FARMER, DON'T LOOK FARTHER If you want real soil, this 12-acre farm has It. 80 acres under Irriga tion. 30.000 ft. of 4 -Inch tile. Oood, modern 3-bedroom home. 20 by 24 barn, machine shed, 2 very good walls, school bus. We know this Is a real buy for someone. The price Is only 934,900. How could you miss? CALL FOR MR. LEAVENS, EVE. PH. S-V1J&, 11 no answer, can 4-3348. UORTOAOE LOANS 20-Year Maturity Al Isaak & Co., Realtor ontce pnonui: 4-3311 or 3-7830 303S PORTLAND ROAD Xve. Phone.: 3-4739, 4-94,4, 4-3933, 4-9030 or 3-3638 If no gnawer, phone 4-3348 $11,000 Duplex. Walking distance to capitol. Owner has lovely large rooms. Base ment. Upstairs apt. is furnished, rents for 965 per mo. Wonderful income property for statehouse employees. $9,950 Located east. One of the cleanest I B.R. homes we have had in a long time. Fireplace. Auto, oil heat. 18x20 carpeted LR. with large picture win dow. Kitchen has lota of bullt-lns. Utility room. Attached garage. Large lot. House has brick trim across the front. Owners are leaving state and have priced this property to sell. $9,250 FalrmounL Hill Arirf vr n .wnig. 4.nutuui 11 vine room, basement. Auto, oil furnace, lawn and shrubs. Fruit trees, Full Nice $9,500 .-acre with new. modern I I R. home. On paved etreet. Auto, oil forced air furnace. Imlda utility room. $6,750 Clean, lei, -built 3-B R. home. Salt. Cloie to aweele lohool. Pavad rd. TO'xlSO' lot. Immediate nou.uiinn Call STANLEY BROWN or O. V. HUME, vu-wf. oroaer, Wltn STATE FINANCE CO. 187 S. Mllb RFALORS Ph. 1-4131 M. I KOI or 3-9309 cm. lllllt 999491 mm iiiiiiii 9muimi iiuimii lllltlllll lul.'.i.ll II tjv Ittllltlllltllll99 u 1 imiimiiiii LIST iMiiiMmmiMiiii 99IIIIIII9 91 IIIIIIIII9 iiiiiiii it iiiiiiii Mllll 99 llllll 99 M SULLIVAN PAIRMOUNT HUJ-Thl. la your opportunity to move up a notch Into Halem'e moat eacluilve dktlrlct. Full buement. Four bedrooma, wall-In eool,r and deeplreeie. BELL ROAD Over 1300 ee ft. In thte line 10-rror-old home with 3 bdrmi. Short walk to Hoover echool. 18,390. THREE BEDROOMS, near Lull. Completely redecorated lnilrte. ThU you unould eee for only 97,090, and only 13 yra. old. WtlJUin STREET Approg. 1000 ao. ft. ol floor apace. 3 bdrmi. In. eulaled weatherelrlpped. On , paved etTvet. lt.030. ACRRrV-tt mile from Frultlend achnol. Ilea a well-built twn-room hnu.e and mu.t be enld by 1 May to aetlle an eitale. 99.0OO. ROBERT B. SULLIVAN REALTOR 9938 Portland Road Ph. 4-9SJS Br. olflcr. 397 N. Hleh Ph. 4-9433 Eve. Ph. 4-I799. 3-9911, 3-. 4-9637 C89 ACHKAQK HOME wonderful acre. WILLAMETTE LOAM. 190 feet frontaie on DUE. acre fruit A nuts. I acres open ground. Starter livable house. Oood well. Hleh ground. Well drained. Jolne leAHim! V1UI.AOE OHOTFRY. mile north of DRIVE-IN THEATER Are sien $.i(i(t. C. W. STULLrn. Rltr . fM tdaewater Ph. 3-157 er 4-57M f44 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon REAL ESTATE Grabenhorst Specials FARM - 72 ACRES Approx. 10 acres In cultivation, 4'Odrm. modern home. Oood 40 X 60 barn, 16 stanchion 2 poultry houses, 260 capacity ' each. 4 cows and 1 calf. Oliver 70 tractor, tandem, due, mower, com bine, drill, wagon on rubber, some other equipment. St. Louis district. Price 111,000. CALL H. K. LAYMON INCOME PROPERTIES: Apt. Income 4170 per mo. - No. I gone 9U S00 I-Unlt Court - Very neat clean Ilft.900 Apt. Income - I units - best buy In town Unit Court - 9544 per mo. - Income and Home CALL PETER H. O ETHER BNOLBWOOD DUfrRlCT Charm - Personality . Comfort - Llv, rm. with fireplace, convenient din. rm., 2 lse. bdrms. Floored attic. Very nice wall-to-wall carpeting throughout the house. Venetian blinds. Utility rm. Fatlo and beautiful yard. Price 411,850. CALL H. K. LAY MON , . CHOICE HOME IN CHOICE LOCATION Quality, charm, convenience In this 2-bdrm. home, partially floored attic that could be finished Into 2 more bdrms. sr bath. Lovely llv. rm. with Roman brick fireplace, kitchen with din. area, full bath with shower, utility room, lse. single garage. Auto, oil forced air furnace. CALL J. X. LAW GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS U4 B. Liberty ft. Ph. 1-2471 Evenings 4 Sundays can i. I. Law 3-1111 B. at. Larmon 9-H5P Peter If. Oelser S-ftMl OWNER MUST SELL Leaving town and will sacrifice this lVfc-bedroom home, located on c very large sot on paved ateet. This will go at a bargain price of only 9350. Act now call Tfbbetts. ANOTHER J. V. EPPING HOME Which means you may buy with confidence, this fine Englewood t bodroom home, with natural birch kitchen, featuring modern fold, doors, unusual large bath with colored fixtures and matching ceramic tile, full plastered garage. IbOO sq. ft, of better living. 910,300. Call Tlbbettg 8 BEDROOM, BIG LIVING ROOM, $8900 Beat this, If you can. I -bedroom on one floor, extra large living room, Ice kitchen with big breakfast room. Large utility room, knotty pine den, hardwood floors. Insulated, westherstrinplng. large attached ga rage,, good lot, big loan available. We have the key and will be glad to ahow you through any time. Call Jim. REALLY LIVE That's what you can do In this lovely 4 -bed room, close In, suburban home. On large tt-acre lot, lots of nice trees and shrubs, big basement, automatlo piped furnace, extra large living room with grand fireplace, big dining room, wonderful kitchen with nice breakfast room. 2 bed rooms down, 3 bedrooms, up. double garage, all In first-class condition. 918,600. Call Jim. 2 BEDROOM TRADE FOR 3 BEDROOM Dandy 3-bedroom In city, large utility, attached garage, owner wants too trade for 3-bedroom home, preferably In 4 Corners district, but would consider anything east. This home has just been redecorated and la fairly priced at 67o0. Call Chet. $500 DOWN SPECIAL Nice 3-bedroom home, attached garage, only 8500 down. Hurry and call Chet. $500 DOWN This acre with a nice 1-bedroom home, large garage, and utllty, back yard fencwJ. Drive by 23P0 Evergreen. This won't last, so hurry and call Dale Rayburn. SUPERB VALUE Here la the home you have been looking for. I bedrooms on 1 floor, . living room, dining room and kitchen are large, full basement, oil fur nace, breakfast nook, corner lot. This Is an exceptionally good buy at 112,000. For appointment to see, call Dale Rayburn, RAWLIN'S REALTY 30(0 N. Capitol Office phone,: 3-4084 or 4-1791 Evening phone, Tlbbetta 3-7498 Jim 1-9978 chet 3-0330 Dale Rayburn 3-304S e8V ROY TODD Real Estate HIGHLAND DISTRICT ' Nice living room, dining room, kitchen, nook. 3 bedrooms, 1 down, 3 up. Corner lot 10x135. 3 blka. to school. A good buy for only 98950. Call Mr. Ruch, salesman. WANT TRADE Lse. 2-bedroom home with big llvlnr room with fireplace, nook, and nicely arranged kitchen. Lee. beautiful fenced yard. Will trade for 3 or 4-bdrm. house. Price 9W0O. Call Mr. Vandervort, salesman. CANDALARIA DISTRICT Excellent 4-bdrm. home Just 2 yrs. eld. Has lse. living room, dining, conveniently arranged kitchen. Automatic oil wall furnace, large t lot. Terms, 911,500. Call Mr. Vandervort, salesman HOME & BUSINESS Nice 4-bbdrm. home with living, dining, kitchen, bath. Sets well back on lot which has 120-ft. frontage on hl-way and 330 ft. deep. New 04x18 building on the front of lot for radio ft TV repair shop. This Is a good bur at 813,400, Call Mr. St mpaon .salesmen. 129-ACREIARM 100 ac. In cultivation, balance pasture. 16-stanchlon barn. 70-ton cap acity. Chicken hie. tie other outbuildings. Oood house, 3 bdrms., liv ing, dining, kltcben, bath. This is a buy at 915,000. Call Mr. Simpson, Salesman. . ROY TODD, REALTOR 30 State Street Office phone: 3-8991 . Eve. Phone: Ruch. 3-7918: Simpson, 9-8339; Vandervort, 3-8388; ' Todd, 3-1731 CBS' REAL ESTATE NELSON JUST LISTED 8500 DOWN l-bdrm. home, close to Salem Heights school, deep lot with berries, fruit trees, garden, small good chicken hse. PrlrM to eell for immed. poss. Price 16600. Call Mrs. Wootten. Owner Leaving City Near Washington school, 3 -bdrm. home newly decorated, ft yrs, old, lot 40x179, fruit trees, shrubs, sarden, auto, washer. 98400 furnished, unfurn. 87800. Call Mrs. Wootten. SUBURBAN HOME TRADE FOR HOME Well-Vocaied neighborhood store, serving a large territory. Profitable family operation, living quarters on premises. Inv. 93000 to 16000. Call Mr. Schmidt. Close in Apt. House. These five one-bdrm. furnished apt, with garages, always rented, will bring you a good monthly Income on your In vestment. Price 935.000. 2 BEDROOMS SALEM ITEIOHTS This fairly new mod. home Is only ft abort walk from stores, schools A bu. All city eonventenres In a sub urban environment. Price tisoo. O.I loan. 3 BDRMS. 1ST FLOOR Mckinley district This newly decorated l-yr.-old home la located with a view of the valley and mis. Sun-flooded llv. rm. den, Inside utll .rm., Younestown kttrhen with refrlg. A elec, stove Included, all for 110.600. - NORTH HOME - GARDEN - BERRIES Fatrlly new 2-bdrm. home, lmul , fir. furnace, garage 18x32), approx. Ana acre with W acre of productive raspberries, 2 cherry. 3 apple trres. some ttrawbtrrles. Prlre ISA00; fur niched 9M0 including TV aet. NELSON & NELSON aPECIAUZmO REALTORS T9 H. High St. Pel. .8M C84' 91'tlllBAN nROCFRT with nice living auerler with ,3 bdrma. Thla atore I, dolne a good buelneaa ej g money maker. Ha, clean etock. Very good fix lure,. If you want a atore that 3 peo ple can operai, at a profit, w, have It. Call o. V. HUME. Co op. Broker, or STANLEY BROWN, with STATE FINANCE CO. Ill . High RBALORS Ph. 3.1131 Eve, i-iw m 1-930 etv REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Real Money Maker Soft Ice cream business on SOE. Drive-In business with plenty of park ing, sale Includes all equipment and fixtures. lS-year lease at 965 per month. Nets 47. Average gross is 9X0.000 per year. Sale price Is 114,800. SEE OR CALL MR. FORD 3-8620 or 2-0011 McKillop REAL ESTATE 403 Center St., Salem NORTH CAPITOL 4 -bedroom home, I up. one down Very lance living room. Large kit. Full basement, with sawdust heat. An extra Income rental on the same lot. 2-car garage. Prked to sell at 910,500. SEE OR CALL FRANK VLASIO 3-8620 or 4-2670 McKillop REAL ESTATE 403 Center St., Salem cAI WANTED REAL ESTATE WR NEED more llitlnax on all claaiee of property city and auburban home,, mall acreaee, farma and biulneei . property. CEVITR STREET REALTY, Realtor, 1748 Center Slreet Phone 4-8931 ca44 JOE PALOOKA Several weeks Of INTENSIVE training have gone by, and both contestants are at a peak, the fight is a sell-out. and betting is furious. top sports writers from all over the world are on HAND. REAL ESTATE SEE 1600 JEFFERSON' ST. A WONDERFUL FAMILY HOME. 4 BDRMS.. 3 BATHRMS., BEAUTIFUL LY CARPETED L. Si D. RMS. VERY NICE FIREPLACE. MODERN. CON VENIENT KITCHEN. BASEMENT, OIL FA. FURNACE. PATIO, OUT DOOR FIREPLACE. SPRINKLING SYSTEM IN LAWN. we have the key, and will appreciate ghowlng thla well-conetructed home. JOHN 1. DANN, REALTOR 419 N. High St. Phone 43433 C34' WANTED REAL ESTATE CLAUDE KILOORE Neede g. few lUtlnga on home, end farma for N. Capitol St. office. Ph. 4-8093. 1493 N. CAPITOL. ca' WANT TO TRADE egultr In 1H3 Mer cury, 1,080.00 aa a down payment on 3 bedroom home. Preferable auburban. 3-1087 after 8 p.m. ca94 GREAT BUYING DEMAND for farms and acreage. Llat youra with Colbath Land Co. See T. T. Anderaon, Farm Agent. Phone 4-4491. Eve. 4-3714. ca CASH BUYER, wanu newer 3 or 3-bdrm. houae In the 10 to 113,000 price range. See agent, Ben Colbath. Realtor. Dial 44404, eve. 39373. eaJ7' WILL TRADE EQUITY In 1M0 Eudeon Pacemeker. Radio, heater, clean down payment on home. Prefer coun try 4-4394. ea98 WE NEED 3-bedroom homes. We need 3 'bedroom homes. We need acreages, both with or without Improvements. Relmann Real Estate Insurance 201 South High Street Phone 3-9203 Ca8 WB NEED LISTING! BADLY en small acreages and good 3 1-bedroom homes. , L. E, KLTJMPP, REALTOR 3061 Portland Bd. ph. 3-7443 cast" XOTICE: If jour property Is for sale, rent or exchange, list it with us. We have all kinds of cash buyers. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 163 B. High St. ea Wl ARE badly In need of I and 1-bedroom homes, in Leslie Diet. Also need nome anywnere with small down pay ments. What have you? AL ISAAK, REALTOR, PH. 41311 If no ana war, ph. 4-3341 ca" WE ABE in need of good bouses to sell, la or near Salem. If you wish to list your property for sale, etc GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS. 134 S. Liberty Ph. 2-2471 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR LEASE, Good Major Oil Co. service 1 UVIT FURNISHED apt. 839 00 month. u.uu siviv.uu, expenses 1930.00 year. Net Income 134.00.00, all clear. Price 435,000.00. will take new home up to 915,000.00 . 2-5070. cd88 TRADE your CONTRACTS or MORT GAGES for Oram and Dairy farm. 148 acres completely equipped Including stock. Farm It yourself or lease it and aave on Ineome tax and see your Investment grow Instead of decrease as it does In mortgages. We have a tenant eager to lease. CLIFF BOW DER, Realtor, 1980 Fairground Rd. Phone 43385. cdee- SHOE REPAIR SHOP for sale or lease, with living quarters. Complete, modern equipment, new building. Apply Clyde Woodruff, Box 346, Turner, Oregon. ed89 EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE! Available for Salem and vicinity. Highly profitable professional busi nens req, approx. 35 hours monthly. Eves, or weekends. Auto and good appearance essential. Medical or pro fessional background des. but not req. This work is done by appt. only and does not deal In any type of merchandise or vend. Investment re quired 91200. Monthly Inc. approx. 8600. Reply giving details of back ground. Box 43, Salem Capital Journal. cd84 BUSINESS & INCOME CHOICE CORNER 1075 N. CAPITOL ft furnished apartments, 5 bathrooms. Phone Bstep, 3-8706. 430,000, terms. - ceM WANTED FURNITURE MIDWAY AUCTION, Phone 4-8083 or 4-308. da97 )ViTiVi'VVJmafisM FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FULL-BLOODED Morgan mare, 8 years Old. Phone 4-1877, 2-0334. e86 CHINCHILLAS Proven breeders or young mated pairs. Easy terms. Write or phone for free literature. Visitors welcome. Crest Chinchilla Ranch, WB0 Portland Road. Ph. 4-4069. e3 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEF White fece Hereford. 98c. Locker pork, 99c. Nothing down, s m. to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Selem Meat Co., 1339 8. 39th. Ph. 3-4IW8. ee RABBITS WING 43919. NEEDS RABBITS 9988 Slate. eb8 CALIFORNIA BUCKS and doei. Phone 4-3091. 4410 Claxter Rd. C087 PETS MOURE TROPICAL FI8H. ParakeoU, turtle, eupplleg. 3 mllea from Lancast er on Macleay road. 4-9773. Clored Wednerdav. ec90 TWO BABY aUlgatora, 4-8330. 735 D St. 6 each. Ph BOXER PUPS, reduced 93t. Phone 99833 790 Hawthorn. ' ec83 HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM IK, UcCoV. one blork east of N. Oapltol, m blocks north of MadUon. Ph, 3-9997. eelOS CHOICE CANARIES 1910 Chimeketa at. Ph. 9-439. er94 FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up your Preito-Logs. Briquets and Wood. 198 So. Com'l., phone 3-7731. ,e Hiway Fuel Co. Sawdust tube aervlce. ,11 klnda wood. Phone 3-9444. e ANDERSON'S hand picked alab wood. 3 cords, 111. Phono 9 7791 or lira eelOl MOW DO T 1 BELlEVrJ LOOr. PLEASS, PfcREK T RIGHT. TH6V RE ThiScnCR FCT"Stees3e-eeej7jTJJ THEY LOOM. PALOOKA 'AS LIKE ...BRIEF ME ) OFFERING 6 TC I 1 LOOK .mE MsnJi.1 TO YOU. S BETTAIRE U.N. ON LATEST ON PALOOKA AW OOOlVTr "V J TL,TAKE FRANCOIS? T EXPER IANCeA tfETIN6 0COS...IF VOuT TANNG 7TO 44L !Jt 60INE 1 ALTHO' THEES Vv HERE. BE SO KIND, I GIVING J TO I ZTTV V 2 J0E" HT ONE, FUEL West Salem Fuel Co. WIiOCKWOOD, 14" CLEAN DIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood-133 Edgewatar Phone Salem 1-4031 Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. . . . . bvm) a nivg ern.mu .v.. -. ----- . , Planer trimmings, 98 load. Phon, 17731 FOR SALE POULTRY, GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire chicks, naieneo, every v. ---Thursdsy. Our ehleka grow fglter. Poi'e Hatchery, 3930 State St. Ph. 800 CAP. SEARS new automatic kero- aane chicken oroooer, e.w Second Hand Store, 1994 N. Com l. Phone 34070. J"" WANTED colored fryers, colored and legnorn nens. nisn.v .......... ---- u.l.harv ohona 3-3991. I DAY OLD Hemp chicks 917.90 per 100 Montgomery wara Farm Store fS4' FOR' SALE Twice weekly, devoid hicks In Nsw Hsmpstitre, rarm.niers. Red. White Leghorns, Auitra-Whlte. Whit, Rocke. White wyandottee, Par menter cockerels. Lee Hatchery, phone e-easi. f PRODUCE NOW AT Wards farm atore etrawber via.. rasBberrlea. crapes, rhubarb, as- 'paraglgs. eurranta, gooseberries, at low, low prices. Montgomery Ward Farm Store tin HORTBWEST strawberry plants 910 I thousand, you dig. Phone 3-1430. ffoi1 HELP WANTED wanted PERSON lnt.re.led In canning platoon to pick 30 acres lrrlggted atrawberrlee. Contact or eall Alan wlaaner. suverton. Oregon. miles north of Centre! Howell echool. Phone Sllverton 1IF21. git' IN SWEET HOME, correspondent for Cepltal Journal, with typewriter, aome experience. Contact Mike Forbes, alley Editor, capital journal, na lem, Ore. I HELP WANTED MALE ALERT XDUNO MAN for service-trainee position with national concern resident man In -Salem. Must have mechanical aptitude, and car. Many employe benefits Increasing with length of service. Write Roger Manary outlining experience and qualifica tions. PITNEY-BOWBS. INC., P. O Box 1451. Portland, Oregon. Bt85' HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Experienced beauty operator before April 11th. Oood going busl ness in Salem. Write Box 37, Capital Journal. gbSB HOUSEKEEPER under 16 tor man, one teen-age boy. Own boss. Inquire 433 Division, Apt. 4, upstairs, after t. gbSO EEPERIENCED waitress wanted. The bps, 3fl2 state. - goBo' PERMANENT position open for experi enced typist. Oood working conditions in established business. Apply 444 Marlon St., Salem. gb85 GIRL OB WOMAN -Q en oral housework, help care for 2 children. Must live In. 2-6350. gb80 EXPERINECRD housekeeper for 2 sdults, stay In. Phope 3-4341. gb85 BABY SITTERS. Deed pay. 3 to 9 p.m Own transportation. Call 37345 before 3 p.m. gbB5' GENERAL OFFICE WORK Dictation, insurance experience helpful. Box 47, Capital oJurnal. gbB6 ATTRACTIVE WOMAN over 26. capable of meeting public, 5 days a week. Ap ply 1335 State St. 8 to t a.m. and 12:30-1:00 p.m. gb84' LADY for general help, some cooking'. Hubbard Mineral Springs, Hubbard, EXPERIENCED salesgirl wanted. Apply in person. Hariman srs., ass state. gbS4 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES Office Jobs M Jr. Acct 1276-8300 M Ofc. boy, type and sales .,,.9300 F PBX, recept., sd. fut 933ft F Typist, beginner , 1160 Fseey.-steno., dr. oic 1325 F Secy. -s ten o., apt fieri. ..to 9335 FBkkpr.-recept to 9378 F Gen. ofc, typing ,.,.,1180 F Dictaphone opr 1186 COMMERCIAL PLACEMENT AOENCY 494 State St. (Oregon Bids.) 4-3351 PORTLAND OFC., 60S CORBETT BLDG gf94 WANTED SALESMAN RALPH JOHNSON Food Club has open Ing for permanent salesman. We t train you. Average commission Is 8400 per month with the very good possi bility of doubling that figure. Apply Mr. a odd, .ma center at. immediately, BIRD1 WANTED POSITIONS ironings done In my home, loss Evergreen Ave, Phone 3-8301. hB5 WILL DO Ironing and baby sitting in my nome, anytime, lao N. 23rd. 19937, h65 WILL DO TYPIVG 3-0858. In my home. PLOWING and discing. Phone 4-8449. nil1 WILL DO CEILING, one wall or entire house. Do all kinds of painting, brush and epray. furnish references, by hour or contract. in, hflR1 mowers SHARPENED at door. Make i run easy, rnonc 3-6314. h88 TWO HARDWORKING MEN want farm or rancn worx, loading departments. general laoor. Morris Hotel, phone 3-3133, Donald Winters. hss CARPENTER Cabinet work, home re. modeling, free estlmetcs. Call 3-6411. ROTOTILLER WORK wanted. Ceil after o'clock. Phone 30691. hB3 ROTOTII.LING evening!. Sgturdaya Sudaya, Keller area. Phone 3-3185. hl07 DRESSMAKING and alterations, reasonable. Phone 97001. prices h03 TOU NEED your kitchen, bathroom celling, wells, and wlndowi waihed made like new. 4-8134. h87 IRONING, Your home. Rental cleaning. Moving? Clean house or apartment Experienced. 75c hr. bus fare. Ph 94613. Mrs. Welker. h48- PAINTING. Paper-hanging, free mate. Don Lucero. Phone 3-5533, e,tl- hl06 OARDEN PLOWING, discing. rotolHN Ing, by the hour. Phone 3-7170. h86 PAINTING. Free eitlmates. 3960 Robert, Ave. Ph. 36191. hll WASHING AND Ironing preferred. House work by hour. Also will drive rer. Do not eall Saturday,. Phone 38878 his" Wednesday, April 8, 19S3 WANTED POSITIONS PAINTING AND decorating, hourly or contract. Martin Jim wouer. -3eig.. h9. LANDSCAPE maintenance, pruning,. trimming, pienttng. leriniaing. scrv-'. Ice Center. Phone 4-3973. h!09 NEW LAWNB. complete, fre, astlmatea. Phone 4-3341. niuo Licensed and non-licensed practical nurses, or domestic. Call, 1-6072. h9 GARDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paratlon. Plowing, oiscina, leveling, rototllilng. Service Center. Phone 43673. hl03 LIGHT CBAWLKR, doting, dirt level. h!03" Ing, grading. Phong a-s'iu PAINTING. Free estimates. 39 years ex perience in aaiem. mm. e-,pg.. iw. CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Plowing, discing, seeding. Phon, 1-3041. h89 TILLINO with Rotary -ho.. Oarden lawna. Fnone e-eo... .joh .i,if,h, hl04 PLOW1NO and discing. Orovgr L. Ha- maon, 3499 liiossom vr., oaiem. rnun, 3-1111. h98 NEW lawna. Rotary hoeing. Free esti mates. Duane woieotl. a-none g-aisr. h8T TILIVQ WITH new M.E. ROTARY TIL LER, pnooe evening s-esss. nee. CV'STOM WORK plowing and discing. Phone 9-433. isve Dircnwooo ur. hSI PLOWING IMMEDIATE SERVICE. Phone 3-93D0. h84 RADIO TV SERVICE TV ANTENNA Bonded and licensed specialist. Installed, 910 Pius material. Call any time. Free estimate!. Phono 4-3263. halOl FOR RENT i I-STORY CONCRETE WAREHOUSE BUILDING with electric elevator, alley en trance, back of Hotel Salem, ft good ' distributor's headquarters. STATE FINANCE CO. 167 S. HIGH ST. I SEPARATE garages, between Cottage and Winter, north of Union. Phone 4-1631. 678 N. Cottage. JB6a FOR RENT Irrigated pasture for cattle. Oood shade it water. 94-18. Mi ml. X. Liberty school. Phone 2-2141. R. a. Doege, 365 Boone Rd., Salem. J84 WANTED TO RENT WANTED; General Motor's representa tive desires clean 3 bedroom unfurn ished house about 876. W1U sign lease. Call , Oscar Sederstrom office 4-3483. Rest. 2-5319. Ja84 FOR RENT ROOMS NICE. FOR gentlemen, cloee In. S33 N. Winter efter 6 p.m. Jk89 SLEEPING ROOM, kitchen privileges, 817.80 per mo. Ph. 37830. jk89 NEW FURNITURE, comfortable, close In. Garage available. 701 No. Church. 4-5343. JK69 NICE LIGHT housekeeping room. Lady. 685 N. Church. !k88 SLEEPING ROOM, heat, hot and cold water. 755 Center. Jk85 FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR COUPLE or 3 girls, modern apt., near telephone office, atate buildings and shopping center. Utilities paid. Including Bendlx and electric dryer, plenty hot weter. 468 No, Winter. ll85' NICELY FURNISHED 3 room and balh. First floor. 094 No, Commercial. Jp88 CLEAN, FURNISHED apt., with bed room. Utilities paid. Also duplex. 765 Marlon. Jp85 FURNISHED 3 room apt. 853 Oak. JpS5 NEWLY DECORATED, modern, furnish ed 3 bedroom duplex. Oarage. 3310 Breymen. Jp8S NICELY FURNISHED 3-roOm apt., 1st floor,, front. Laundry and alee yard. 948. 095 8. 18th. jpre FURNISHED Ph. 45678. 1-bedroom apt. eloeo In. Jp85 S 9-ROOM APT., newly decorated. Ap. ply box office Hollywood Theater, cv. enlngs. jpae. 3-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, 493 So. 31st, Phone 9-6867. Jp86" S LARGE ROOMS psrtly lurnlshad, wired for range, utility, ground floor. Work Ing couple or lady. 930. 9-9331. Jp86 CLEAN, COMFORTABLE S-room apart ment. Ground floor. Only 938. Lady preferred. 645 Ferry St. Jp89" NICELY FUBNISHED apartmentai Am-' banador Apti. 850 No. Bummer. Jp FURNISHED 8 room apt., bath, ok lock er room. 1710 No. Capitol. Jp87. ROOM Winter. furnlahel apt. Phone 3-9388. 93S No. Jpat" 9 ROOM furnished apartment. Privet bath, electric range. 70S H. Liberty. Phone 38047. jpgf fICE ONE bedroom furnished apart ment. 3598 N. 6th. Phone 41407. Jp97 1 BEDROOM court apartment, tore, re frigerator and washer. Adults. 1429 Trade St. 34671. jp9. BEST SALEM, furnlihed apartment: 9SaT Just redecorated, one bedroom, kltch n. living room, bath, electrlo heat, electric clothe, dryer. All utilities paid, Walter Musgrave Rlt. Phone 3-8109, evenings, 1-9939 J )P94 ROOMY t room furnished apartment" good location on North Summer. 910 Horwgy. IM. FURNISHED apartment, newly deco rated. Close to Capitol. Phone 1-0714. )p8l LARGE, CLEAN, furnished apt. Utilities furnished. Reasonable. 383 So. leth. Ipso. I-hedroom, unfurnished, court apart, went with atove. refrigerator, TV an tenna. 907 So. 13th. j p. j. CLOSE IN, 3 rooms, private ground floor. 633 Ferry. bath, JP96 4 ROOMS Jflcely furnlihed. oulet neighborhood, l .block eait Memorial j hMPjtgLioa So. Summer. ipbi PRIVATE THREE-ROOM furnished court apartment, clean Adults. 150. 3180 i-ortland Road. JP103 SEVERAL furnlihed apartments, good Weellon. Inquire H. L. Stiff Furniture. Phone 9-9195. .. Lee Apts. Salem'l Most Dtetlngulshed Address Following rentals can be shown now: 1-Bdrm. Available Now n no For luxury living et moderate ratet call at 985 N. winter St. Ph. 4.16, If By Ham Fisher -., . ... -, ., 1. e U