Monday, April 6, 195S TOR KENT APAKTWEHTT BOOM miNlBUED apartment, m tjo. tltt, Phone 5-BB07. jpifl MODERN 1-aoOM duplei, nicely furn- Unea. urouna noor. rrooi im rear entrance. 14 month. Ho drinkers. Alto trailer hom for rent, 15 month. 1730 wiw. JpSJ' CLEAN, COMFORTABLE one-room pt, nnlv MB. Ldr nrafarrarl. fin lam jP83 COMPLETELY FURNISHED apt-. Includ lng utilities, ICS Mo. 13th. Employed couple. Jp82 $35 N. IUMMEI, nice t room furnished basement apartment, electric eooklnc. All Utilities paid. Available AprU 11th. 35. JP82- rtRNlBHED s room apt., bath, $fc lock er room. 1710 No. Capitol. pa7- 4 BOOM furnished apt. ISO. 025 No. winter. Phone 8-9388, jpst S ATTRACTIVE, clean apartment, furn ished: eloM In. Comfortable beds, elee trio refrlt era tori, stoves: private en trance. Alio baiement apartment furn ished. 22. 246 Union. Phone UM. Jpe2 S BOOM furnished apartment. Private bath, eltctrlo ranie. 70S N. Liberty, phone 20947. Jp87 KICK ONE bedroom furnUhed apart ment. 8695 N. Pth. Phone 41407. Jp87 X BEDROOM court apartment, itove, re frlierator and washer. Adult. 1429 Trade St. I71. Jp84 a BEDROOM, unfurnished apartment. close-in, 545 per month. Utllltlei furn ished, except electricity. Call Pioneer Truit Co, 3-3130 for details. Jp82 PARTLY FURNISHED 1 bedroom apert . ment. 773 N. Winter. 145 per month. 1 some utllltlei furnUhed. Call Pioneer Truit Co. 33136 for detail!. Jp82' MICE CLOSE IN apartment, first floor. Adulte. Bundberg apartments. 555 H. Winter Phone 3-5633 or 3-5241. WEST SALEM, furnished apartment! 855. 4 Juat redecorated, one bedroom, kitch en, living room, bath, electric heat, r electric olothei dryer. All utllltlei paid. Walter Musgrave Rlt. Phone 3-5101, evenings, 3-9939 JpB4 ftOOMT 4 room furnished apartment, food location on North Bummer. 910 - Norway. Jp85 MICELT FURNISHED apartmentu Am . bauador Apta. 590 Mo. Summer. Ip pUBNISHED apartment, newly deco rated. Close to Capitol, Phone 3-0714. Jp84 4 ROOMS Nicely furnished, quiet neighborhood. 1 block east Memorial ' hospital. 805 So. Summer. )p84 LARGE furnished 8-room close in. Call 42729. apartment, Jp83 I BEDROOMt unfurnished court apart ' ment with itove, refrigerator and TV antenna. S07 So. 13th. )p83 ONE BEDROOM Court Apt., moderately nriced. clean, modern. Unfurnished except stove and refrigerator. Olf- t itreet parkins. Close to bus. 2-3526. jp&3' FURNISHED t room basement. Private - heth. refrigerator, utilities. 135. 420 - SO. 20th. JP631 MODERN 8-ROOM basement apartment, i furnished, newly decorated, private ' entrance and bath. 1095 N. 6th. )PB3 PRIVATE THREE-ROOM furnished court loartment. clean. Adults. $50. 3560 ' Portland Road. Jp103' IflCE I ROOM, private shower, mostly furnished, ground floor. Quiet couple. 887 month. Phone 8-OBlOi a.m. JpB2' ROOMS, private bath and entrance, . furlnshed, clean, close in. 402 So, High. ipsa- CLOSE IN. sice modern 3-room furnish ed apartment. Adult only. Phone 31410. JP82 fr. SALEM Small 3-rm. unfurn. apt., , nitar ea.nnerv A bus. Phone 36009. JP82 llVXRAL furnished apartment!, good location. Inquire H. L. Stiff Furniture. Phont 1-9185. to Lee Apts. Salem's Most Dieting uUhed Addreu Following rentals can be shown now: a .j A-.ll.WI. WflH 11 (HI i-auiai. ijuid ........ For luxury living at moderate rates - call at 586 N. Winter St. Ph. 4-1641. Jpv FOR RENT HOUSES DOWNSTAIRS, unfurnished 2 bedrooms. 1029 Saginaw Street. $45 month. Phone ' 4-3082. JmM IIPSTAIBS furnished 3 bedroom, . Utllltlei. 186 S. 19th. 4-3982. 158.50. Jm83 1-BEDROOM fitove and ref rinrator furnished. Newer, clean and neat. 150 n- mnnth. Phone 4-1781 or 3-4664. r Jm NICE s room redecorated, St. Vincent district. Inquire lOBO uonna ave. Jmfl2 CLEAN 1 BEDROOM cottage, furnished or unfurnished, reasonable. 3845 Port- - land Hd. J"a I bedroom house with garage $45.00. Also trailer apace 10.00. No pets. Jm82 3-8886. 1740 Oxford. luill a fnrnltVlMll hmiati and rage. Adults. 3-u. I BEDROOM house, large lot, shade 3-1113. Jm" WEST SALEM, clean, nicely furnished 1-bedroom home and garase, ru. J4 JMtewater. eveniua. Jm84 UNFURNISHED t bedroom borne. At tached carase. Fenced In yard. Nice and dean, 165. See JOE L. BOURNE, 1140 N. CAPITAL. imti syVP f e.IjI I'DDinuuin vwu pletely furnished, tile bath, only 150 per montn. rnoni e-im wr OFFICE FOR RENT ( OR S-BOOM SUITS. I ilnil.. Oregon Bulldlni. Phono S-4114 " GROUND FLOOR office or .tore apace for rent. Call at Fltti Maritt. iv- LOST & FOUND Lnir. uitm Poodle, white curly heir, name Frits. Reward. Call 34113 day - time. 36954 evenings. km llOHT BLUE parakeet In South Village district. Answers to name nnvvi. reward. 3-0184. 10 ST: ni.n fashion sold watch, with rlrnti nln 9.fl107. Reward. kB2 MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS U-DRIVE MOVE YOURSELF SAVE H PICKUPB STAKES VANS TEXACO STATION 19 COURT ST. PHONE 1-JM1 tin. vrrwwonw tiA AT, urrFORD - m. DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. SERVICE IN MOST CASES ' DR. HARVEY SEMLER, DENTIST Adolph Bids., State ft Commercial sts. SALEM PH. I-SSII .m Rawleigh Products Marion County north of Safem from Keizer to Sil verton and south to Auburn. Hugh C. Given Rt, 1, Box 409A Dallas, Oregon mil' BALEM BAND ft GRAVEL COMPANY Contract work '." Road Clearing Ditching Sewer and Basement ! Equipment Rental Duelling br the Fool Phone Days J-"" vas. 1-4417 or 1-711 (Alan, ajTesoB BUILDING MATERIALS KEITH BROWL SPECIALS Close Gut Wa Art doting out our entire stock of Plumblns, Kouebwear - and Work Cloth.., Overalls, shirts, pants At 35 oil while they lul. Keith Brown Lumber Yard FRONT ft COURT BTB. PHON1 J-IU1 (Wo ilvo BAH Green BtAmps) GOOD USED BRICKS lo, you pick. 468 Center street, mass GARAGE complete on your lot to your specifications, aa low aa 111 per month, no down payment. EORKMAN LBR. Jl HDWB. CO. 1400 Stat St. Ph. 1-1701 man Coast or Mountain Cedar Shingles Mo. ti, 11 lnehe, ol.Ar, At; No. i, lnohes dear, 14. No aap wood or culli. Come And set Tad Mullar, Salem-Independenco Road. Ph. Aalam 3-1194. ma Price War Reverse trap toilets, complete . $36.60 30"xll" Wash Basin 117.60 Cast iron bath tuba, eomnleta ..160.60 40-gal. water heaters 672.60 New 4" soil pipe .70 New shewer cabinets complete ,. $43.00 Medicine cabinets, 14"x24" 7.60 600 gal. septic tanks $62.60 Un pa luted cedar shakes $ 6.75 Painted cedar shakes $ 9.75 Overhead garage hardware ....s. $11-50 Waterproof wall board. 4x8 ,.$ 1.60 Plywood, interior & exterior .Cheap 3 tab comp. roofing $ 6.68! Steel garage doors complete 666.00: No. 1 doors, 2'8"x6'8" I 6.50 New dcor Jambs $ 3.60 Chicken house, barn windows, .Special New picture window $ $.00 New weatherstripped windows.. .$14.30 New door locks 11.00 Exterior white paint sal. $2.65 New plasterboard, 4x8 $1.40 HARDWOOD PLYWOOD Imported light woods and dark wood, Vt" and Perfect for natural color wall paneling and kitchen cab inets. Prices close to fir plywood. . C. G. LONG & SONS Phone 45051 (1 mile North of Kaiser) ma NURSERY STOCK COME IN and see our line of garden supplies, shrubs and bedding plants. Rototiller work. Middle Qrove Nur sery, 4920 SUverton Rd. inb82 LARGE HOLLY trees; some top worked, at a 107 norm commercial street. Also light Brahma batching eggs. Call aft er 6 or week end. mb87 For Sale MISCELLANEOUS FREE Westlnghouse sewing machines on an floor samples, Bave up to 40. YEATEB APPLIANCE CO., 375 Che meketa. n PLABTI-KOTE requires no waxing. For your floors or linoleum. YEATEB AP PLIANCE CO., S75 Chemeket. n CEDAR TELEPHONE and electric poles. fence posts, bean posts and stakes. Phillips Bros., Rt. 6, Box 493 , 3 miles east of 4 Corners. Ph. 4-3081, n REFRIGERATORS, NEW and used. Y HATER APPLIANCE CO., 379 Cne- meketa. n DEEPFREEZE homo freesara. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 376 Chemeketa. n HOSPITAL BED for aala or rant. B. L. Stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-0185. n 8il2 AXMINSTEB BUG and PAd, Ilka new, 845. Thor automktlo wuher, A-l oondltlon, 179. Child's Aldewalk bike, pneumatic Urea, l. 1-8388. nil ORGANIC FERTILIZER. Free of weed aeeds, and odorlese. BAck or bulk or ders delivered. Phone 3-8137. n81 FERTILIZER Pulverised, rotted monura, delivered Anywhere. 2-0774 or 3-5073. nil USED ELECTRIC ranges, 111 to 871, Ueed alectrlo refrigerators, 815 to S75. Used wringer -ashen, 314.91 to $48-05. 1 with pump used only 1 years. New floor model refrlgs. 9.1 cu. ft. regu larly $309.95, now only $335. These valuea mar be purchased on our low weekly payment plan and you get OREEN BTAMPS at MASTER SERVICE STATIONS INC. 385 N. Commercial Phone 1-4183 nSl KEITH BROWN . SPECIALS! DOORS ' 3-0 x 8-8 to 3-1 z - s 1H panel. .5 3-8 x -8 iHl panel 1 lite ... 8.75 1 lot odd Sash & Frames Va Price No. 1 18" Stained Shakes with undercourse U-00 1 lot Hand Tools, Wood Chisels,. Draw Knives. Ball Fein HAmmers, etc ' M off LUMBER 700 feet 1X4- RL B Bins, V Celling 40.00 400 feet 1 X 8 - R E Celling ... 40.00 1500 feet 111- RL No. Ill Siding 10.00 1000 feet 1Z4- BM CABIT. Flooring 100.00 PAINT stariina Outside wmie sal. Masonry 4V Bhaka Paint 0.08 sat Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Front ft Court Street Phone 19111 Wa Olva 8. X. Orten Stamps GIRL'S BICYCLE in sood condition, $30. 3388 Fairgrounds Rd. 1-4784. n83 TRY Golden Harvest Lawn ft Oarden Fertiliser $4.50 "It's Superior'' 3&s ft 80s ft 100s Oregon Fu Co-op Salem Ph. 3-3131 nM' $1 MERCURY Phone 3-43 aklrts, left evenings. damaged. n83 Clearance Sale Used Sewing Machines Treadles from Portable Eleetrles from Console Electric from Singer Bowing Center 130 N. Commercial Bt, .819.96 .8 9.96 .$49.50 I.E.L. SUPER Pioneer power sawl Ex cellent condition. Phone SUverton 4984. nsl MAIIOGANT I foot 1 Webar srand pi ano with new hammers and bass strings. 131 Maple St. Phone Albany 709 R. " ANTIQUE LAMPS. We have taken sev oral In trade for TV acts. This Is rour opportunity to buy orlglnAls At low prices. Trader Louie. 1870 Lena Ave. nS3" -TWFiNtafiEn tabJea. Coffee, etep, only 87.95. Used Merchandise Mart, 370 So. Liberty St. Phone 4-0371. n DAVENO, good construction, almost new, very reasonable. Phone 3-8817. na FOR SALE, almost new 8 ft. relrlterator. Ph. 11309. Frlgldalre n8t WELSH BABY boodle bussy. Ilka new. ,17.30. 3850 Enselwood, 3-3851. 84 FRIEZES. New 18 CU. FT. Floor model. Rg- Price 831.30. Now only 8450. O. E Unit 5-yr. warranty. At MASTER SERVICE STATIONS) Next 385 N. Oomm.rclAl. Balem nst' ELECTRIC Sewing Machine, washer. 6x18 tires, tubes, miscellaneous. 3-4873 alter 3:10. BABY (1RAND Piano. Bacrlllce (335. Holoubeka, muss Bortli Brooks. Per Sal MISCELLANEOUS OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, hdwd., Tour eholcs. I1.M. e-drewer, mm. Trader Louie, 1870 Lank Avt. n63 OOMPUTI heueeheld furnlshlnss for I room home. Owner leevlne town, kfuat Mil. Phono 4-lOJS srenlngs, Sat- . urdar or Sundays. n63 SEWINO MACHINES. DDiTtrtAl c.bln.l aaly I mo., Aorllieo at Ills. Domestic cabinet, now oondltlon, $148.09. save $60. otherf u low aa $17.50. TrAdtr Louie. 1110 LAnA Ave. nil BETSY BOSS spinet piano. Ctlt efur 4 p.m. 1-046$. nM LADI'S FDR coat. Can bo aeon afur a p.m. 8410 Blouom pn... ne. must iell uprliht piano. Good tlon. 010 Norwar. FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, oompoiU, the tame duality aa lAtt year, for home and ardn. Plasitonea, red Iata aton. and other type, for walla w gardena. R tu nc oadar fanclns And trellU work. PhUllpa Biol. nt. a, Boi 411, Balm. Ph. 4-3041. USED waihlns maohlnee, and up. YEATKR AFPLIANCB CO., lit Che- moketa. n REDUCED! $10 per day until soUL USED ONE a INCH DRUM TYPE YLOOR SANDER. 300 BHKKTB OF BPEED ORIT PAPER. THIS PAPER ALONE IB WORTH I1M. Starting price Feb. 28, $57S APRIL 7, $238 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard WRONT A, COURT BTS.. PHON1 I-011I (Wa Olve BAcH oreen stampi; DIESEL vniiar .nd ball beerlnia for track. and trACtors. nn euvvm' Gravel and Sand ' AnvtHn. In .rAVel. WhOleiAl. And retAll. VALLEY BAND. l O RAVEL CO. Ph. 1-4001. OLENN WOODRI'B Furniture Mkt. open FrldAy to p.m. HW M. Bummer. nM BAA ALLOWED for .OUT Old WAtr h.At.r on thU now 43 -gallon autometlo Ho- . trio wator Beam, xaator Appliance 37K Chameketa. Ph. 3-4311. MeCULLOCB CHAIN SAWS, 401 Edi. w..t Salem. BAlem IiOIglnS Bup- m. Ph. 4-1641. Wented MISCELLANEOUS aamt wants Phono 1-1110. ELECTRIC RANGES. Woodrj'J. Ph. 3-0110. na DEER RIFLE dive all detail and price. B -"! ' AlhanT. UBi T,OGS WANTED ..... ...1. T .!,. A" nr ia r Bella 4miu. - - - - Diameter to 16". Sawmill, Lrogths 19 tind lomer. uiemavcr w v Top prices paML Burkland Lumber Jo, Turner Org. Phone 1126 PERSONAL opal KINO Piyehlo Reader, here tlu Kb..... .-..m. .... Wallace Road. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Oroup No. 1. 3018 N. CommerclAL Ph. 1-1411 or 1-4517. pr AUTOMOBILES 1M1 CHEV. 4-door sedan. Lady driver. Thfcs la really a gooa car. tw. .-on.. q83 1A47 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 4-door e. dan, excellent condition, 31,048. 1-0068 OSS So. Blma AvOj 183' $ for $ You Can't Beat Our Cars For Value PONTIAC 13 Station Wagon, Hydro, RAH $3891 (1 sedan, Hydro, RAH 34S6 51 CataUna Cpe. Hydro, RH .. 3395 51 sedan, Hydro, RftH 1896 50 Sedan, Hydro, RAH 1895 40 sedan, Hydro, RftH 1305 40 Sedan,. RAH 41 sedan. RftH 1095 41 Sedan, RAH FORD 4T Club OPS.. RftH 41 Sedan PLYMOUTH 49 Sedan Best For Less 30 International Pickup, Vt ton . 40 Packard Sedan 40 Chevrolet Sedan 14 Plymouth ALWAYS THE BEST FOR LESS AT M6 105 306 195 145 $t KELLY OWENS Co. 660 X. Liberty Ph. 2-4113 qB3' 190. SUPER BUICK oonv. 4 new tlret. 086' Ball or trsae. mono 1N1 PONTIAC ctedanette. condition fair. $160 cash. Phone 3-4041 days. ,ca3 IMS BUICK super 4 door sedan. New tires, new brakes, excellent. Phone M138. 1940 STUDEBAKER Convertible. Radio, heater, overdrive, white aide walls. good top. 3-8401. .85 list MERCURY Monterey sport coupe, like new. Mercamatlc, radio. Mater. Louie Zlellnskl, Rt. 8. Box 330. second House West of Hasel Oreen school. 083 OONV. 47 BUICK Super. Vary reason able. 318 Jerrla. Ph. 46088. 083 1941 BUICK CONV. flood con fully Mulppod. 1131 N. 13th. 36094 S. after s p.m. I DODGE 1 ton Tan, 060 br IS dual. A-l shape. Phono 4-8853 or 4-3505. Q84 1987 PLYMOUTH for sale. Call 31300. Reasonable. qS4 NEED A GOOD SECOND CAR? 18SS Plymouth coupe, ei.vuw actual mu.. Overhauled and has had the bast of can. Beat offer over 1190. 18147 after 1. 63 189 CHEV. FLEETLINE 4-door. Radio Phone qS3- and neater, oniy n.wv nua. 8-77. 1951 FORDOMATIO custom da luxe. loaded with extraa, sisso. ,vuo onn,r average for Uke quality. 833 Main. Independence. Phone 36. q87 '41 FORD Coupe rebuilt Into 1 passen ser. Clean, new paint, blankad out and front end completely rettrled. Not am ateur'a work. See at Bulck Body Shop. After 1 call 4-1011. 063 It FORD 3-door, '41 Mercury Motor, 11" wheels. Ph. 4-1831. 1074 So. Liberty. q83 IMS PLYMOUTH 4 door deluxe. This car has same body style aa a aa. uoon ,i nM..,. nAlinv .vit.m. runntne gear, tires, ate $390. Phona 38650 or Journal Want Ads Pay THE CAPITAL JOURNAU km, Onto AUTOMOBILES LODER BROS. USED CARS 458 Center BEX OUR WIDE BXL1CTIOII OF GOOD USED OARS MOW . . . AND OET PENNY SAVER STAMPS WITH YOUR USED CAR BAROAHf. tit i s ft f f f rrrrr r rrm AUTOMOBILES 1951 FORD VICTORIA 2-tone green, radio, heater, directional signals. Fordo matlc, 16,000 miles. A good buy in a clean car from orig inal owner. . PHONE KEN at 2-2533 or 3-3992 , ' ai AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING RADIATOR TROUBLE? VAlley Motor Co. .zperta will aoive your proo loma and ear. you money. Free esti mates, speedy eervlce. Center at Lib arty. TRUCKS FOB SALE or trade, 40 Chev. dump truck. 1311 Eltctrlo Avenue, i-oeci. ddBS IMS CHEV, truck. .An typ. body, con dition sood. 8800. Phone 1-4041. od83 FARM EQUIPMENT SEE WARDS complete Una ol garden tractor.. to hp. HOt.tO to $343.30. A prlca and model for every puree. Montgomery Ward Farm Store QbM HEAVY EQUIPMENT POR SALE 30 Caterpillar with blades, good condition. Joe Sanders, J mues south of Turner. Phone 2108 Turner. qe83 BOATS NEW BOATS 10' fc 16' 550 UP. mil stout h of Brooks m svl hlwar. qq83 TRANSPORTATION GOING TO California AprU 14th or 16th, W1U tak. a 3 wheel traUer or truck for use. Ph. 39806. zoo1 FINANCIAL 5 Interest If Tou iiava Idle funds seeking in vestment, then you are the type of person to whom we can be of service. For over Twentr-flve Tears wa have been helping people In this community find profitable work for their money. During this period we hart promptly paid 50 eemi-annnal Interest payments totalling many Thousands or Doners. We are currently paying 5?$ INTEREST on funds from 50O to $5000. General Finance Corporation 130 B. COMMERCIAL BT. Salem, Oregon Phone l-illl Lie. 133 and M-331 and ROY H SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear 'Top Trades" lt:0S Dally KSLM 1380 Xc. GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 1S6 to. Commercial Bt. Tel. 1-1 161 STATE FINANCE CO. 5 SIMPLE WAYS TO END YOUR MONEY WORRIES 1 Furniture Loan a Auto Loan 1 Livestock Loan 4 Co-Maker Loan 8 Signature Loan Maximum small Loan ISOO Maximum Auto Loan $600 167 BO. High Bt. Phona 3-4133 8-11$ M-IJ1 rS3 BEE US FOR FARM. CITY OR ACREAOE LOANS BEST OP TERMS WE BUY Real estate mortgages ft contracts State Finance Co. 187 Bo. Hlsh St. Ph. 1-4111 LOANS UP TO $1500 on Signature, Furniture, Car AT personal its "yes" promptly to employed men or women. 1-vlslt loan . . . phone first. You select best payment date, $9 Between payday loan. Phone, write or come In TODAY I Personal Finance Co. 105 S. HIOH ST.. SALEM Stat. License Not. S-131, M-lll Loans over 1100 up to 61500 and up to 30 months to repay made br Parsons) Finance Co. of Marlon County under the Industrial Loai Companies Act of riot r3 AUTOMOBILES Phone I-7B7S FINANCIAL AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT CO. ' 183 South Church . . . Parking a-Plentr ' Ph. 1-3457 Uo. No. M-ltO, S-IM PRIVATE MONEY , Bpeclal Rate, and Terms On LArger LOAne Long And Short Time .' Payment. ROY H. SIMMONS 131 Bo, Commercial St. Ph. 1-1H1 HOUSE TRAILERS 11 FT. ROBINHOOD trAller houaa, good oondltlon. 1450. 1130 woter. tAU ISM LAKEWOOD, 15-ft. long, All-Aluminum, excellent oondltlon. Ph. Black 351. SUverton. tass MACHINERY WISCONSIN GAS angina with clutch, tt h.p.; Oliver walking plow. Both new. 3081 N. Itb. DIRECTORY ADDING MACHINES All make, uied mAchlnea aold, rented, repaired. Roen. 460 Court, Ph. 3-4173. BULLDOZING Bulldoilng road, clearing teeth. Vlrgn Huakev. loio rairnew. rn, a-iito. oS BUILDING MATERIAL O, w. KLANO Wrecking Co. Bulldere cheap auppllel. 3-7381 evening.. oBl CA8H REGISTERS InsUnt delivery of new RCA aai ragleUra. All makea, aold, ranted, n paired. Roen, 450 Court, Ph. 3-0771. DRESSMAKING Alterations, hsmatltchlns, buttons, buckle, covered, buttonholes. Mrs. H. M. Allender. 2-oau. oiw DRIVING INSTRUCTION Learn to drive the "Easy Drive" way. call or see Mr. snelllng. Valley Mo tor Co., Salam. Phone 1-1147 or 4-3074. EXCAVATING Ben OUen St Bon. Excavating, srad, lng, land clearing. Phona 3-3080. 086' FURNITURE REFINI8HING Furniture rcflnlshlng. repaired. Ed, gar Brook, 081 Norway St. Phone 3-8367. DIRECTORY 1 INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS Fork-Uft trucks. Intlda and outside work. Hystar, Clark, Mobile lift, 3000 and 4000 lb. machines. Br day, week or month. Ph. 3-3436. Capital city Transfer. 0 Insulation, weatherstrips, screens. Fres astlmstes. T. Fullmsn. Fhons 3-6965. 086 MATTRESSES Capitol Bedding, renovatee. Full line new mattresses. Ph. 3-4069. OFFICE FURNITURE ft SUPPLIES Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, safes, duplicators, supplies, desk lamps, type writer stands. Roen, 458 Court. 0 SEFTIO TANKS Mike's Septlo service. Tanka cleaned. D rooler cleans aswan, drains. Phone 3-961. os Hamel's service. 1-7404. septic tanks Guaranteed aleaned, Una work. Phona 099 Sewer, aeptlo tanks, drains cleaned. Ro-to-Rootor Sewer service. Phona 1-1137. TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona. Remlncton, Roysl, Un derwood portables. All makes used machines. Repairs ft rent. Roen, 416 Court. TV Sales, Service, Antenna. 1870 Lena Dhm. S.KQ19 O01 VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Canfleld's LAundry. RepAlrs, Reflnlsh 1ns. 1440 B. 13th. Ph. 4-6403. pick-up, Delivery. o90 WINDOW CLEANING Acme window cleaners. Industrial floor WAilng. housecleanlng. Phona 1-3337. 347 Court. LODGE Salem Lodge No. 4 A.F. tc A.M., Wed., Apr, E. A. 84 decree. 7:00 P. M. LEGALS NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT No. 16001 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OP OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MARION In the Matter of the Estate of ARTHUR L. HARDING, Deceased. Notice Is hereby given that Tuesday, the 36th day of April, 1959, at 1:90 A.M. In the court room ol the above entitled Court, Is the time and place set for hear ing of objection, to the final account on file In the above entitled estate and for the settlement thereof. Dated and first published March 10, 1951. Dsts Of lsat publication April 97. 1953. LOTTIE E. KARDINO, Administratrix PATRICK X. DOOLEY Attorney for Administratrix. March 10, April 1, 13, 30. 37, 1953 SALEM MARKETS Compiled from reperte f Saleee Sealers ter the gaidanee or capital jearnai readers. Revised dally.) ' Retail Feed Prleesi Rabbit Pellet 13.05 (10- lb. beg). I4.40-5.40 (100-lb. bill. Etc Mash 55 30-5.70. Dairy Feed - W-55-S.9J (M . bag). $4 655.76 1100 Wt.l. Foaitry Baring rrtcea colored fryers. 30c -. old roosters, 15c; colored fowl, JSc; let horn fowl, 3tct roasters, 10c Etrst Raring Prleee Ben, AA, 4le; lane A, 46-62c, medium AA, ftc; medium A, 4l-47c; smell, Itc. Whelesale Prlee Ecg wholesale prices generally 5-7o hither than the prices above. Lane grade A generally quoted at 58c; medium, sic. Salt erf at Buying price: Premium, 11-7Je- No. 1. B-70e: No. t, 7c. Bitter wholessio srade A parchment, He Ib.i retail, 17. M arkb t QUOTATIONS Portland Pmonurx USY BatUrf at Tentative aubjwl t tat- soedrata change: Premium quality, raaxl- asum .34 or on. par cans aciaity n uvered In Portland M-Uo lb, I first qual ity 17-7001 second quality. 4-s7s. Valley routas and country points, a cents im. Baiur Wholesale f.o.b. bulk cabas to wholesales srad. AA 93 score, sic; A trade. 91 score, Ual B, 90 aeon, S4cl C, SO scora, 44c Above price, strictly nominal, Cheawa SaUlng pries Itl Portland wholesalers, Orsgoa alulae aitt-aaol Oregon I lb. loaf, ttVs-tlVtc; trlplstl, Itts leu wan aingiaa. Km to WAalasalara Candled atss containing so loss, cams Included to.b. Portland. A grade large, aavs-avwoi a grade medium, MV-Mrae! B srade large, Slva-UVso. P.rtlaad Dairy Markrt Batter Prlca to retanera: orada AA print, 71ct A earton, 73c; A prints. Tool carton, 73cl B prints, 46c. Boss To retailers, Orada AA larss, Olci A lsrse, (6-99CI AA madlum, 69c; A madlum, 68c; A smAll, nomlnAl. CAr tons, lo AddltlonAl, Cheese Prlca to retailers, Portland, Oregon slnslea, MVt-Wc; l-lb. loaves, 53-53Vcl trlploU, lVsc leas than sln slea. Premium brands slnslea, Mrioi loaf, SOtto. Procaasad American ahaaaa, 0-lb. loavaa to retail, 45H-44H0, Ik. P.allry Uva sAtakaas (No. 1 quajlty, f.o.b. plaoU.) Fryers, lve-1' Iba., 31c; 1-4 lbs, llel roasters, 4Va lbs., sod ever, 11c; heavy hens. All weights. 15c; light hens, all welshts, 30c: old roasters, to ne. Draaaad Ckleksne Pryars, 1V.-1 lbs., 43-45C; roasters, 40 -44c; light bans, 31 33cs heavy hens, M-lfsl mil sv tryera, all weights, 43-440. Babbits Av.raae to srowers: Live white., 4-1 lbs., I5-I7c; 1-1 lbs., 11-150 lb., old does, 10-140; few hisher. Fresh dressed fryers to retailers. 41-64c; cut up, 66-69C Coantrr Klllsd Moats Vaal Top quality, 36-430 lb.; rough heavies, 15-33c. Hose Lean blockers, 11-33C! sows, light 15-3SC. Lambs Top grade springers. 40-43c; other grades, according to quAllty. Matin Best awe. And wethers, li ne lb. Baf utuity sows, M-30O aanner eutters, 36-170. Vruh Draaaad MaAla Wholesalers to retaUera: Dollars per owt.: Beat Steers, choice 500-700 lbs., 17.00-40.00; good. 16.00-39.00; commercial ll.oo-P7.oo; utility, 81. 00-16.00: cows, commercial, 39.00-33.00; utility, 18.00- M(M: unnrn outters. 37.00-30.00. Bf Cute (Choice steers). Hind quarters, 46.00-50.00; rounds, 43.00-49.00; lull loins, trimmed. 01.00-71.00; tri angles, 30.00-33.00: fore-quarters, ll.oo 15.00; chucks, 17.00-41.00; ribs, 48.00- 63.00. Veal osod. 11-93.50; commercials. $37-48. calves onoioo, sss-si.w; tommer clals, 117-48. umos rams sprinssrs, w-ao to... $3-49: sood. $o-44. Matton oood choice, sai-lf. Park Cats Loins. No. 1, 1-11 lbs., $61- 57: shoulders, 1$ lbs, $16-39; sparerlba, 846-49 fresh hams. 30-14 ma., ats-os. sraa . Basaa Sklnnaa. 157-63.50. sts- ftned 'trd In drums, $11.10-151 slsb bac on, S4S-5C.B0. Partlani Mlaoenaaaeas. Celery CaL flat craw, s-iva dos., 13,36-4.36. Few to 14.50. Ore., 13.34 $1.80. onsana ao as. aacas wast arrssoai yai. lows, madlum. 1-ln. rnln. No. la, tl.79. a.2s s-mcn. s4.7s-b.xb; no. as, hollars, 10 lb. sacks, 4-47o; Idaho yellows, larss, $1.90-1.001 Ho. 1, white. Urge, 4.70-5.00, Fetatoas -- Ora.-Waah. Ruaaats no. 1. 4.85-5.36, name branda to 9.86; bakare, 6.00-60; 39 lbs, slaa A, 1.40-09: 10 lb, mash. 58-cac; paper, 0O-95ot no. 1, $0 ina,; tnano Hussata, no, 1A, 1.79-1.00 ; 6-10 lb. bales. 1.30-10. Hay u. B. no. a sraen AlfAlfA, da Uyerad car lota f.o.b. Portland, nominal ly S36.00 ton: Seattle. 137-11, Waal Willamette vaUey moaUy nomi nal at 4Bo lb. sreaae baals. Hides Calves, ll-llo lb. aoeordlng welshts; gram kips, 17-10c; bulls, 4-I01 sreen butoher cow hides, 7-sc. FUberts Wholesale salllns price No. larte Bareelonas, 14-3SC lb.; grower prices, orchard run, 14-150 lb. Walnats Wholesale sailing price, first quality large Franqusttes, 33-330 Ib.l grower price, orchard run, u-iso lb. few best to 19c STOCKS (By The Auoclated Press) Admiral Corporation 37H Allied Chemical 71 Atlls Chalmers 13 American Airline 1314 American Power ft Llgb. - 3vs American Tel ft Tel ,164a American Tobacco ........ Anaconda Copper Atchison Railroad Bethlehem Steel Boeing Airplane Co. ....... Borg Warner '. Burrows Adding Machi.... California Packing Canadian Pacific Caterpillar Tractor ..... Celanesa Corporation Chrysler Corporation Cities flervtcs Consolidated Edison .., Consolidated Vultea Crown Zcllerbach 094 ... 3814 ... Mi .... 80S ... 39tt ... SO ... ieu ... 351 ... 39 ... 87 !4 ... 39 ... 78 ... sett ... UVt ... 10 ... S3 ... Itt ... SI ... 06U ... 46 ... 13 ... 81 H ... 64 ... soy. ... 10V. ... 534 ... 1914 ... 30V. ... 93H ... 10 ... low ... 6 ... SIM ... 11 ... II. ... ... 19 ... M ... 70 ... H4 ... 17 ...lievs ... 8 ... 084 ... JO 14 ... 1314 ... lilt ... 1! ... Mrs 474 ... 494 ... Ii .... 3414 ... M4 564 .... 114 43V. .... 034. ... TO I4 i... $4 17 ... 18 ... 18 ... 404, ...100 ... 39V, .... 134 ... 64 ... 30 V. ... 14 194 ... 1 .... 364 Curllat Wrlsht Douglas Alrcralt .--. Du Pont de Nemours Eastman Kodak Emerson Radio Oeneral Electrlo Oeneral Foods OenerAl Motors OeorglA Pac Plywood .... QoodreAr Tire Homestaka Mlnlns Co International Harvester..... International Paper , Johns Manvuie Kennecott Copper Llbby McNeil Lockheed Aircraft Loewea Incorporated Long Bell Montgomery Ward ....... Neah Kelvlnator ..., New York Central Northern Paclflo Paclflo American Fish.... Pacific Oas ft Electric .... PaclIW Tel ft Tel Packard Motor Car Penney, J. C -" Pennsrlvanla R. R. ....... Pepsi Cola Co Phllco Radio Radio Corporation Rayonler Incorp Raronler Incorp. Fid Republic Steel Reynolds Metals Rlchlleld on Salewar Stores Ino Scott Paper Co .... Sears, Roebuck ft Co. -.. Socony-Va"..". oil Southern Pacific Standard oil Calif Standard Oil N.J. Btudebaker Corp Sunshine Mlnlns Swift ft Company Trsnssmerlca Corp Twentieth Century Fox,... Union oil Company Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft United Corporation United States Plywood.... United States Steel Warner Pictures Weatern Union Tel ,. Westlnghouse Air Brak.... Waatlnthouae Electric Woolworth 41 .... 054 Slock Market New York (7 severe eelllns pressure sent the stock market down eharply Monday with all major divisions In volved In the fall. The retreat extended to between 1 and 4 points at the worst with A few high priced Issues railing more. There were few important plua signs In the list and onlr a handful of issues rs malned unchansed. Volume built up rapidly to an esti mated 1 minion shares. LINF1ELD CO-ED CHAMP Fredericksburg, Va. UP) Cotestants in the 25th Grand National Forensic Tournament at Mary Washington college here named Alan Southwell of Llnficld college, McMlnn-villa-, Ore., as the best debater, GRAND PRIZE WINNER sgi pphn naaias'. tmnpmtmuimpmm ieataM,seapaaaa;tp V. Mrs Prrstnn Doushton. wile of a Salem High School faculty member, was winner oi the Mercury cnistom sedan offered as grand prize in the Coronation Day went at Capitol Shopping Center. From left, Dav Hoss, mce at ' the drawing Saturday night; Fred McKlnney of Wivrner Motor Company, presenting th prize, and Mr. and Mr. Doughton. ' v Mrs. Doughton Auto Winner It was a happy Easter for Mrs. Preston Doughton and her husband, 1131 N. 14th, who won a brand-new 19S3 4-door Mercury custom sedan abso lutely free at the sixth and final big drawing of the Capitol Shopping Center's Cor onation Days event. Doughton, who teaches at Salem High School, and his wife ran to the Shopping Cen ter being Informed of their grand prize. Doughton practic ally took down the platform on which the car rested single- handed so they could drive home in their new automobile which came equipped with a temporary license and a full tank of gas. The car was pre sented to the Doughtons' by Fred McKlnney of th Warner Motor Company. . , Other lucky prize-winners at the drawing, which took place at p.m. Saturday night at the Shopping Center, were Mrs. John E. Hall, .410 Bell Street, who won a $100 ward robe from Hughes Apparel Shop: Ray Bairey. 1725 North Capitol, who won a $100 ward robe from Shryock's Men's Wear; and Otto Bier. Route 1, Box 446, Dallas, who won a $100 wardrobe from the Towne Shop. The final drawing, which drew such a huge crowd police had to be called to direct traf fic, was emceed by Dave Hoss. Gus French, a Spanish-American War Veteran, drew the prize-winning tickets from the giant cement-mixer donated by River Bend Sand & Gravel Company. Entertainment was provided by the "Gruesome Twosome, Larry Springer and Bob Payne, students at Salem High School; and by a trained monkey nam ed "DoDo" who delighted the small fry in the crowd. 1 - - All prize-winners were also presented beautiful orchid cor sages from Jary's Flowers and Fine Candies by Floyd Mor gan, president of the Shopping Center merchants. Portland Bastaldo Market ' Portland 9JJB wlllamstU valley cau- Uflower sold for $3-1.36 a crAta today on tha Portland Hastslde Farmers Whole ssio Produce msrket. Other produce was scarce and all prices war. nominal. on wholesale row, weatern Oregon No. medium dry onions brought $3.75-1 50-lb. sack. Two inch minimum, ware 81.60-4 with 1 Inches $4.80-9. Central Oregon No. 1-A russet oota- toee were quoted at $4.79-1 a 100 lbs. Partlani Uvaetsck Portland OJJO-CatUa: 1700; alow, atea. dy; choice light .iperimentaUr-fed steers 33.751 sood -choice stssrs 33; sood light steers 11.901 good-choice 1301 lbs. 33; utility steers 18-19; ohoice 840 lb. fad helfere 13.36: food 780 lb. heifers 111 canner-outter sows 10-18: wtuitr aowa 13.80-11; commercial to 17; utility-com mercial bulla 16.50-16.60. Calves: 150; not established; good- ohoice vealers M-31: sood-cholca 4)00 H). stackers 11-34. Hogs: 1800; slow: Mo Iowati abolM 180-336 lbs. 13-11.501 MO-190 lbs. 19 13.60: choice 150-600 lb. sows 10-11. Sheep: 400; aholee-prlma fad wooled lambs 30: qhoioa woslad ewes lot other supply werttad. Chlcara OaJena Chicago sjjb ftupplies modsrw. mand modarata, market weaker. Track sales SO sue.: Texas Yellow Ber mudas U.S. 1, I to 1-Inch, 1 ears 1.00, approximate 4 care 1.00-3.10; Orano TJ.B. 1, 3-Inch and larger, approximate lVa cars 3.10-3.16, 1 to 3-lneh approximate Va car 1.76. Street tales 10 lbs.: Idaho and Oregon Spanish' 8-Inch and larger 3.60-3.60, few best 3.76: midwest medium Yellow Olobet .75-1.36: White Boilers 3.50; Tsxaa Yellow Bermudas 3-Inch and larger 3.60-3.60, few best 3.76; midwest me dium Yellow Globes .76-1.36; Whits Boll ere 3.50; Texas Yellow Bermudas 3-lnch and larger 1.76-3.00, 3 to 3-lnch 3.00. 1.50; Orano 3-lnch and larger 1.36-1.50, 1 to 1-Inch 1.90-3.36, few 3.36; Crystal White wax 3-lncn and larger 3.39-3.60. 1 to 3-lnch 1.00-3.36. fair 9.36-3.80; Mexico Cryetal white Wax 1 lo 1-inch 3.31. Chleaee Uveateek Chicago UP) Two factort In hoi trading combined Mondar to send the market 1$ to 10 centa higher. There waa aoma recovery In demand from outside order buyers. Receipts over th. wssk end wer. lowest In six weeks. Resultant prices were tha best slnos March 18. cattla were ataady to 50 cents lower except for some strength In bulls. Most butcher weight hogg sold from 130.79 to 131.50 and moat aowe from 117.50 to 819.70. Top prices In the two divisions were $31.60 and 180.00 respec tively, clearance waa sood on the 7,500 hose estimated to be on sale. Steers weighing upward of 1,100 pounds showed most weaknese. Good to prime ateers and yearllnga brouhgl $11.50 to 137.00 and sood And choke heifers were $10.60 lo $31.00. Commerclele oowo topped at 818.00. causas, bulls at $19.00, beet bull, at $16 00, and choice vealers at $31.00. NO market waa established up to s lata period In hte session for sheep trsdlng. Indications were, however, for A eteady trade and A top price of 134.50. Cattle arrivals, estimated At 19.000 head, were well ahead ot the 13.000 week aso. An estimated 100 salves And 4,100 sheep also were received. Pat 11 jwssfsija fBlaaaa, iv-OrAtns drOBPAol m tsrtp iaaltnss am aha boArd of trAda Monds,y and then spent tns rest 01 tna aessiou v trying to recover. Best prices for tns day wars scored shortly bafora the oloaa. Early selling wag oaaaa on wa true, davalopmanta, molstqra In tns Southwest over the week-end sad fairly llbarsl recslpU of aaAh srafa. Fowevar, sailing never became heavy and this fact In Itself encouraged soma short covering and haw ouyms nar sn. us. lah. WJiaat closed H-i lower, May AM. H-V.. corn Vb lower to Usher, May $1.I6-A, OAU A,- lower, May $ i, rys 1 lo JVs lowsr, Mar $1.63-S1.3!4, aoybeana 1 to 1 lower. May W.llVa-H, and lard 38 to 40 cents a nunorcu pouw lower, Msy 110.10. Partlani Grain ' Portland 17 coarat srAina wsquuwo. Wheat (bid). Is arrlva market, basis Ho. t hulk, delivered coast: Soft White 1.41: Soft Wall, (excludlss Rax), 1.431 Whlta Club 1.41. Hard rad wlnUr: 10 par east l4i U par cant 1.44: 11 par aant 1 44. sara wnita Daart; i. par aw. . 11 par oant 1.11; 11 pay sent 1.41. MondAy. say racelpU; Wheal til flour 11 corn 11; mill feed s. DEATH S Mrs. OsraUaw . Mrs. Carolina Lovan, at tna resioeacn, $7$ H. Cottaae at., April I. Survived hp s daughter, lalaa OUva H. Lovett, Bruise- wster, ASAAg.l sons, m. aw asra a. v att. Salami P. M. Lovett, Detroit, Mlch.l S. K. Lovett, Norwalk, conn.; slater. Mrs, Kmlly Truscott, ntuinga, aaa.i flva srandcniidran mciwuns vnariaa sa. Lovett, Portland; and four mat-grand-ahudran. Services will be held Tuesday, AprU 7, At t a.m. in ana 7iousn-E.mca chapel, with privet, tntarmant. Iter. B. Holland will smeiato mrsdaT snracnoa of clough-zrATrtek. . Aa-nit Hanaw Arndt Henna, at hs tqsldensa. 4MB Monro. Ave., AprU I. Survived ay wife. 1 0 - v sirs. . ABiAAoetn Henna, naiam; aauan- . ten, Mrs. Bdna Nalaon and Mrs. HlldA Lae, both Portland: Mrs. Alma Mai tin. Pendleton. And Miss Batty Henna. aalam: sods, ' Alfred and AItIb Henna, both ot Salem, And Herbert Hsnne, Kan newvok, waan.; s liter, Mrs. ..naoevu Mueller, QACkia, n.u Ana oroinar, . Adolph Henna, Crarrleon, NJ3. Also sur viving are 11 grandchildren. Services will be held Thursday, AprU t, at 1:30 p.m. In tha Clougb-Sjarrlck Chapel with the Rev. V. L. Loueks officiating, and Interment at Belcrest IsemorlAl Park, under direction clough-BArrlelt Co. , . ESward Brawn Bdward Brown at Meal hospital Aprn a Survived by son, BIU Bown, SAlsm. Announeament later by CIoQgh-Barrlck Company. David D. Van Clear. David D. van Cleave, tnranv son a Mr, and Mrs. Dsryl IT. Van Cleava At Salem at SUverton AprU 4. Besides par ents, survived by grandparents. Mr. And Mrs. F. B. Simmons of Eugene, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Van Clears -of SAlem. Oregon. PrivAta servlcsg am- der direction VlrgU T. Ooldes Co. . WIUU Horton ' Wills Horton. lata resident af 666 it. Winter St., at A local hospital. AprU s. Survived br daushUr, Mrs, Agues . Thompson. Salem. Mrs. Hasel Amass. Vancouver, British Columbia; three) grandchildren; four -great trandohU- dren. Services wedneadAy, April S, i:ss -p.m. In Chapel. Private Interment, trader direction Clough-Barrlck Company. ;i Mid-Willamette Obituaries F. J. Kraxberger Aurora Funeral services were Saturday afternoon, April 4, at the Everhart-Kent funeral home in Canby, for Ferdinand J. Kraxberger, 83, well known resident of Clackamas county for 60 years, who died at his home m Macks-burg, Wednes day. Services were conducted by ministers of Peace Lutheran church, Portland, and Christ Lutheran church, Macksburg. He was a charter member of both. Mr. Kraxberger was born Oct. S, 1860, at Thening, Aus tria, and came to the United States in 1889. He lived in Mis souri for a year before moving to Portland. In 1893 he moved to Macksburg, where he had since resided. On August 11, 1895 he was married to Bertha Klebe, who survives. Besides the widow, he leaves two sons and four daughters, Rufus and Ferdinand,. Canby; Mrs. Carl L. Raines, Canby; Mrs. Walter Zacher, Bend; Mrs. George Fuge, Portland, and Mrs. E. W. Kraft, Portland; two brothers, Rev. W. R. Kraxber ger of Gladstone and Otto Kraxberger of Macksburg, and a sister, Mrs. John Etzel of Portland; 13 grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. . 'or. r. T. Lam, N O. Sr. O. ChAn, KB. DRS. CHAN . . . LAM CHINESE NATUROPATHS Upstairs, 141 North Liberty Ottlce open Saturday only It a.aa. to 1 p.m.. to 7 P.m. Consultation. blood pressure and urine tests aft) tree of eherge. Practiced adaae lilt. Writ, for Attractive gtft He obU- tatlos.