"t-1" r Monday, April 6, 1953 THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL, Balem, Oregon Vve is SALEM LANDMARK OF 1890 f ' , . 1 V. (hlsV v r ? "-y mam I -fir -:r-2iA If I Bell in 0d Church May Not Be Heard Much Longer Although it makei no pre tense to ostentation in the ec clesiastical architecture, quaint rim united Brethren In Christ Church on Mission street near the Intersection with 12th street la local landmark and among the older of Salem's churches. Rev. Lloyd L. Rice, pastor, in preparing a short history of the church, says It was built in 1890 through efforts of Bishop H. L. Barkley, at that time pastor of the Marlon cir cuit. Then It was called Har riet Memorial chapel, prob ably to commemorate the mem ory of John Harriet of Salem who likely belonged to the faith and assisted substantial ly in supporting the' denomina tion. Later the church took the name of the First Brethren in Christ for which it la now known. Bishop Milton Wright of Dayton, Ohio, says Reverend Rice was the father of Wilbur and Orval Wright who invent ed and flew the first success ful aeroplane about 80 years ago. Bishop Wright was at that time bishop of the west coast and remained a faithful member of the United Breth ren In Christ church through out life. - In interpreting the faith of his denomination the pastor of the Salem First United Breth ren in Christ church says: "We stand for the old Gospel, the old Faith, and the old Bi ble. We were the first church to oppose slavery and the first church to oppose the open saloon. Our church has not By BEN MAXWELL yet been touched with evolu tion relative to the origin of the human race, or of the high er criticism. We stand for edu cation and hold and support educational institutions of the highest ideal ... ." ' Neighbors who have been Inspired by the toll of the church's bell each Sunday are fearing that it may not much longer contribute to their in spiration and edification, ac cording to Mrs. Keith Powell whp lives directly across Mis sion street from this quaint edifice. There appears to be some likelihood that the pro posed Mission street extension to the Salem approach of North Santiam highway may require right-of-way necessitating dis mantling of 63-year-old First United Brethren In Christ church at 1145 Mission street.! Four Corners Four Corners Before the students, faculty and a large group of parents, Mrs. Kathleen Toycen and her second graders presented the assembly pro gram at Lincoln school en Thursday afternoon. ; Leading the flag salute was Arlita Woelk. Group singing was accompanied by . Robert Ferrln, marimba and Mrs. Frank Ferrln, piano. Announcer was Mary Fitz patrlck. The program includ ed: Pop Goes the Weasel, with music, clowns; Dana Dee Mc Laren, Connie Rehfeld, ' Jon Voght, Donald Marqulss. Torn Clothes, Song the clan. -Silly Jack pantomime, characters, Lloyd Alldredge, Jane Wil liams, Gary Gilstrap, Barbara Behm. Aaron Thayer, readers Mary Fitzpatrick, Deanna War ren, Joyce Meyers, Irvln Cor bett, Susan Wing, Kathy Clark. Jokes, Mary Fltzpatriok, Tom my Stout, song by class with music accompanists. Ho key Pokey, the class. Curtain, Dick Brynelson. Easter Bonnets was the theme of decor for the Woman's club spring dinner Thursday eve ning in the Community hall at 8:45 p.m. Covers were placed for twenty five. Mrs. Jess Mc Ilnay, president and general chairman, presided at the busi ness meeting. The diversion for the social hour was an original hat modeling contest Something different In the prixe winning animal category in this vicinity are the chinchil las of Mr. and Mrs. William Marsh and son Edwin. Not con tent with a string of blue rib bons from the regional show held recently. They have Just returned from Culver City, Dr. Will J. Thompson Ovtenwtrkrt. MMee at suferoaw Examination In Afternoon or Eve. by Appointment Fer. Appointment. Phone. 44057 Calif., where the little animals entered brought home a gold cup for the World'! Reserve Male Champion of the Inter national . Chinchilla Show of Champions held in Culver City on March 20. A female also placed second In the big show. Although of vastly different in actual size, the sun and the moon take up approximately the same are of space in the sky when observed from the earth. . ; - , 2gg- 2J22S l Phone 4-1451 195 S. Commercial Presbyterian Aid To Meet Wednesday Woodburn The Presbyter ian Aid society will hold its regular meeting Wednesday af ternoon, April 8, at 2:30 o'clock in the church social room. Mrs. Alfred Mooon will preside, Mrs. Fred Rogers will lead the de votional service and Mrs. Frank Wright will have charge of the program. Hostesses will be Mrs. Harris Nelson and Mrs, J. W. Richards. First United Brethren In Christ Church at 1145 Mission street, erected 63 years ago during the pastorate of Bishop H. L. Barkley, may be dismantled it the Mission street approach to the North Santiam highway becomes a reality. ' East Salem Extension Unit Elects Officers for Year East Salem The first new i Fromm on Silverton Rd. officers for the new year, 1953 54, of the East Salem home ex- tension unit were elected Fri day when Lancaster unit met at the home of Mrs. .Robert MILL SUPPLY CORP. N W MILL gT. OUR NEW ' ''C3 LOCATION NEW ADDRESS 465 S. Church SAME PHONE Thr.rpBoirok?ffc0.nth Dial 26989 or 41471 MOVED APRIL 6th "Better Facilities to Serve You" Expanded Stock and Facilities Expanding With Salem SINCERE CONGRATULATIONS TO THE MILL SUPPLY CORP. Upon Their Moving to a New Location 465 SOUTH CHURCH STERLING ELECTRIC MOTORS, INCORPORATED PORTLAND Miss Pauline Schaplowsky, home extension agent, was the project leader for the subject, -Becoming a uood Buyer." mew omcers elected were: Chairman, Mrs. Ernest Butler; vice chairman, Mrs. Frank Nieswander; secretary, Mrs. Wade Carter, and treasurer, rare, narvey rage. Program planning charts were under the direction of Mrs. Carter. Mrs. Charles Hagen, legisla tive chairman, had several items to report. The May meeting, the last l before vacation, will have Mrs, Ralph Harlan and Mrs. Hagen for project leaders. Hostesses for the social hour were Mrs. Covil Case, Mrs, Nieswander and Mrs. Grimes. Others attending the meet ing were Mrs. C. M. Briggs, Mrs. Buuer, Mrs. Carter, Mrs. Richard Casteel, Mrs. L, L. Hanson, Mrs. Hagen, Mrs. Har- luTid, Mrs. Bert Hulst, Mrs. Ja cob Kaal, Mrs. R. Gordon Scott, Mrs. Fromm, Mrs. Carl Snyder, Mrs. Joe Slimak, and guests, Mrs. B. T. Dougherty and Mrs. Carl Williams. The May meet ing will be with. Mrs. Hagen. Three extension meetings are scheduled for this week in East Salem. They are Lansing Neighbors meeting in the Grace Lutheran church, Thursday, April IB, at 10:30 a.m. with project leaders giving the demonstration, "Herbs for Variety and Accent- Middle Grove unit meets Thursday, April 8, in the home of Mrs. Sam H. Eshleman, 3370 orenna Ave., at 10 a.m. The : subject to be discussed by ai county agent is "Becomlns a Good Buyer." Swegle unit meets Frldav. April 10, in the home of Mrs. Wilson Biles at 2396 Hollywood Ave. at 10:30 a.m. Project leaders will have the demon stration on "Herbs for Variety and Accent." Swegle Woman's club meets Tuesday, April 7, In the home of Mrs. Albert Patz, Swegle Rd., at one o'clock. Mrs. Men no Dalke will.be assisting hostess. Swegle Road Garden club meets Tuesday, April 7, at 7:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. E. N, Wilhelm. Auburn Woman's club meets Thursday, April B, in the home ol Mrs. Charles O. Gillming, 748 N. 15th St., nl Salem, at 12 o'clock for a covered dish din- Siarffha Da Right wMiot After-Breakfast Setup Why mm the day M. kiUlal loecr b caue of too mocfc add bulling in yvmr Mon aco? jmwt 1 or 2 Tanu, uea iter bnak&M will pall joe oat of that aAer-breakfut i(nii pat yoQ back on top of tin world afain. Tao qaicklT nai alin xcaas acid. Coataia no soda to e-M(-Ikalii or can.. mriA iiliiml Mo auxins, do water needed. JaM aat U caodT. Aiwan keep Tacat bandf far lacoRMaM raMtrom acid Momach. SalMt'lOiaa - mm BEST WISHES 1 TO THE MILL SUPPLY CORP. At Their New Address 465 SOUTH CHURCH B F, GOODRICH CO. MATCHING ZEPKyR AWNINGS and DOOR HOODS fa YEAR ROUND COMFORT . AND BEAUTY Ztphyr Door Hodi prtttd ntww. and doerwoyi In wtt wtathtrj frviftt kollwayt and Iftttrion from "trklrg". f HA fcrni. Cll r writ today for fra littrotura. ihowfng all typw af Ztpbyf Awning and Doer Hoodt. F CSV DOC. HOOD i 3 rr C 3 DOO HOOD Edmondson't Venetian Blind 2022 N. E. Alberta Street and' Shad Co. Portland, Ore. rltcit Itnd M ffM llttralwrt at alftrtd abovt. 1288 State MDMsLvS 1 Phone 3-6489 From the Folks You Have Learned lo Expect the Most and the Best MOT-OWE BUT -ft V' 1EEIF SM At a time when we know you will most appreciate it our pleasure is to bring you this fine Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef at the lowest prices in years and years! Wholesale prices on every beef cut in the house! Plan to buy a week's supply. Fill your locker. Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Arm Cuts-Blade Cuts Rumps Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Round T-Bone Rib Steaks FBESH'.SS0HM.iEEFi-3 fresh Ground IE AM :' SHOOT .RIBS LEAN iEEF CmiES lb. lb. m m NEW YORK CUT 62)' ROAST or STEAK 3S) IK7 TENDERLOIN ... MM KIT Hearts and Tongues u. IB. 89' 35' SUCUD EASTER SPECIAL U.I.No.1 DrylttforCttrod Seal Pack, Full SI ieee Lb. PLUMP VOUMG HENS iKr' ,W buy mam ieeif mows Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fail to take advantage of these prices. Convenient credit may bo arranged Nothing down a full year to pay. Half or Whole Front Quarter Hind Quarter Pound Pound Pound Nana. 6 AdaVtil-