delays Bran 1 65 High Schools, 13 Colleges Participate By CHRIS KOWITZ ' The Willamette relays, only three years old but already a tradition, was run oft in all the -spectacle nd hugeness that could be crammed into a single athletic field on a sin gle day at McCulloch stadium Saturday. Upwards of 1500 high school and college athletes participat ed in the athletic extrava ganza that lasted four and a half hours on a damp track and field. , Sixty-live high schools and IS colleges were represented in the big show. ' The most amazing per formance of the day was that of Meet Director Ted Ogdahl and his staff of re lay officials, who put the 1500 athletes through liter ally hundreds, of events right on schedule. No team score was kept. The relays were designed as a preseason get-together for high school and college track - teams of this area. Neverthe less, competition was keen in all events, and a total of 13 new records were established. If we were to single out any one competitor, it would have to be Fred Hall of Crook coun ; ty high school in Prineville. . Hall set two new records in the high school division, 10.2 In the 100-yard dash, and 51.9 in the 440, and in both cases he bettered his own records, set last year. Oregon State college men won both of the two feature events of the day the col lege invitation 100-yard dash and the college Invita tional WO-yard high hur dles. Marvin Brock won the 100 in 9.9, nosing out Bob Hut chinson of University of Washington- and Jerry Mock of Uni versity of Oregon both by less than six inches. Hutchinson was second, Mock third. Don Chambers was the winner in the high hurdle event, in 15.5. Grant Schiewe of Linfield college was second. The McCulloch field premises were bnsier than three ring circus all day, with two high jump pits, two pole vault pits, two javilln throwing areas, two broad Jump pits, etc., scene of continual action. Twenty-two high school 100 yard dash records were run off in a period of 25 minutes. Meanwhile, 17 high hurdle races were being run on the other side of the track. Forty-four high school run ners were on the track at the time time for the mile run, won by Howard Sallng of Sa lem in 4:46.3. Results (new records indi cated): Hlih Mbool 100-j.rd !: lit Hut: lit HoffM, C.nronvlU.; and Vul, !rd B.nion, Colnr. Time 10 1. 2nd Htt: Ut Dfarborn, CuIyot; n DeKlmand, Low.lh Ird Pert, Monro.. Tim. IIS. Sra Ht l.t Torn.y, Condon; and oronnlcUui, Bltodd: trd Scott, Monro. Tim. 10.1. lh H..t: lit L". 81o; and Crosl, Bhirwood; Ird Bcriflor. HI1U boro. Tlm 11.1. h He.t: Ut Mc Lwd. North M.rlon; and Mirtln nedd; Ird Lok.n. HlUiboro. Tim. 11:00. th t Hlnrlch, Bur ton: Jnd BowUbr. Ernlrli rd M.rtln. Dtlf School. Tim. 11:00. 7th Htt: lit BwlnMh. Ortrldit; md 6tTtni, Cmw.ll: Ird Prltt, Pltuint Hill. Tim. 11:00. th Ht: lit Luibr. Virnonli: and Tow.rr, CMCldei 3rd Mltchill, Wlllimlnl. Tim. 10.. th Hilt: lit Dlvidion, Tift: and Endrii. Sicrcd Hurt; ard Doud, Mjrtli Crwk. Time 10.0. loth Hut: lit JonM. Plrtroie: Ind Piulion. Junotlon Cltr: 3rd Crouur, Griihim. Tlmi 10.3. 11th Heif lit Olltwrt, Dllliii and Mirih. Suno Hurt; Ird Dtttrlni, Tim. 11:00. lath Hilt: lit i..v 'wooilburn: and Schiller, ClJJ cide: Ird Kipplmir, Oirvin. Tlm ?0.. 11th Hilt: lit - Hill. Crook Coon t.i and Mirihill. Bt. Helena: Ird -Leuh P.rkro... Time 10.1 (Record). Mlh Heif lit - Mitchell. Hlllsboro; U Hudloi' Pirkro..; ' -''" c.ntr.1. Time - 111 tli He.t: lit -McKlnn.r. Bt. Helen.; and Mil er, HUUboroi ird - Bchroeder. MoMlnnvllle; ?lme - l'oo. nth Heit: lit - Pjntlui, IlbVnr; and - . ""m":M,rdnS; Bklnner, IKHlmond. Time - ";" Heit: lit - Edwirdi, H'B '"..T Morimin. Orenlmin; 3rd Beiverton. Time - 11:00. '""'" lit Smllb. Mllwiukle; and -Oreni.m: Ird - K"" - lo.e. nth Heit: ut - n;,p"; l.m: 2nd - Shelfold, Cuff, OerviH. Time - '' Jotl,""i ' lit Billiburr. Bilem: and Snook. Junction Cltr: Ird - Klnul.r, Oikrldie. ""Hl'irTicnool hlth hurdlei: lit Heit: lit McNlll. Shedd. Time - 1M. and Heit: lit Stinton, Pilot Hock. Time If " ird Heit: lit - oreer. Time - III. 4th He.t: lit - Riymond. iow.ll. Time - III th Heit: lit -Bui, Stiyton. Time - ' l,t - Bowmin. Eiticidi. Time - III. 1th Heit: lit - Clou, Newport. Time li ll .h Heit: HI, .t.c.di. Tim. 11:00. th He.t: Ut - Rejnoldl, Centril. Time 10.0. 10th Heit: lit -Otirnier. Redmond. Tlmi i - "l Heit: lit flchiuhorn. Redmond. Time ""is'tV'He.t: lit - Beirerton. Tim. - 1 a. th Heit: lit - Proi.ler. ieTverton. Time - III. Mill He.t: l.t Slo.n, Coll... Orove. Tim. - 113. lth Heit: Ut Crenih.w. ftelem. Tim. II I Hlh Heit: Ut - Oieette. Cincide. Time U.S. . t j, . Collei. Invlt.llon.l hurdle. ...... h... hthmi Ktite: llt -and i.... imtl.'lo: 3rd Lowrr. OM- PAY YOUR FUEL OIL BILL By Ihe 10th To enable your dealer to continue your monthly charcp service. SAIEM FUEL Oil DEALERS CREDIT ASSOCIATION ion Bute. Tlm lt.l. College hlih hurdlw: lit Den ! ion. Willamette; Jnd - UorrU, 06C. Tlmt 1:00. ' Hlih ichool dUtKQee medley: lit Hut: Ut Eitacds iBowman. Bryan, weU- berer. Rutherford). 2nd Kim Ira: Srd Cinyonvllle. Time U:S1.7 (new rec ord), and Heat: lit UcUinnvliie; 3rd 8t. Helena. Time U.K. Collet dlitanca medley: lit dlvUton: 1st Portland U. Time 10:.l. 2nd Division Watblncton. Time . - College Invitational daah: Ut Iter- Tin. Brock, 06C; Ind Hutehlruon, Washington; Ird Mock, Ortton. Tine 8.9, College loo duh: lit Keater. HOCI: 2nd Cock 1 nr. Willamette; Ird Mo Ktnile, OCT. Time 10.4. college proah - JV daih: lit Flow J. Portland: 2nd Griffith. WllJam- ette; 3rd Mlion, OBC. Tim 10.1. msn kmooI ut: ut Heat: lit Jonea, Pilot Rock: 2nd AWp, Central; 3rd Peteraon, Central. Tim 2:11.2. and Heat: lit Knapp, Salem; 2nd Kretten, Ore well: 3rd flprlgga, Oak rldie. Time 3:05.4.' High school 440 sprint relan: lit race: lit Canyonvllle: 2nd Shedd: 3rd Pilot Rock. Time 40:00. 2nd race: Ut Ot trail; 2nd Jefferson: 3rd North Marlon. Tim 4:4. 3rd race ut Vernonla; 2nd Sacred Heart: 3rd Junction City. Tim 48.6. 4Eh race: Ut West Linn: 2nd Wood burn; 3rd Central. Time 41.00. 5th race: lit Cottage Drove; 2nd Central: 3rd St. Helens. Time 47.3. Cth race ut Salem: 2nd Beiverton; 3rd Mllwaukie. Time 47:3. - College 440 sprint relay: ftertion Oni- Ut OSC Rooki; 2nd Willamette; 3rd Portland Bt. Time 40.6. Sec tion 2: lit Lewii Clark: lr,A SOCK; 3rd OCE. Tim 48.00. See- tlon 3: lit Oreton; 2nd OSC; 3rd Willamette. Time 44:00. iilgn acdtool J mil . 1t lit Kltacada: 2nd Klmtra- rA ' Oreiwell. Time 0:04.4. Jnd race: Ut Salem; 2nd Albany; 3rd Central, Time 1:50.8. Collecs 2-mlla relay lt whin.i ton; 2nd Seattle. Pae. irA ' Aim a:uv.t. i High school M0 rv lt i.i I usrvau; ana Monroe; 3rd Culver. Time 1:44.2. 2nd Heat: let rnt.i- 2nd cascade; 3rd Ventonla. Time 1 1:40.1. 3rd Heat: Ut Parkrw; 2nd Cottac Orov; Ird Molalla. Tim tn Heat: 1st Crook Coun ty; ana Salem: Ird nB.(AH Time 1:38. , High school one nii. T.t uA... Sallng, Salem I 2nd Newman, Newberg; 3rd Johnson, Oreiham. Time 4:40.3. High school sprint medley relay: let racB 1st Nrth Marion; 2nd Bstacada; 3rd Bmfra. Tim 2:30.0. 2nd race: ut west Linn; 2nd 5 ,rd ndy. Tim 2:80.5. 3rd race: Ut Albany; 2nd Cottac drove: SrA T..k.HM n 2:60. 4th race; lit Springfield; 2nd ar1 Time 3:50.. Collt sprint medley relay: Ut sec tion: lit OSC Rooks; 2nd OCE; 3rd Portland St. Time j;4B.t. 2nd section: 1st Oregon; 2nd OSC; 3rd ILi-T """'"" A,m" a:i.i (new ree- Ora). nign icdooi 440: lit Heat: 1st Stanley, Cottac Grove; 2nd Relmer Central; 3rd Praer, Newport. Time m nw. MTr MCEril. Wheeler: 2nd Pries!!, Dallai; 3rd Papke, 17- i'- ro neat: ist nan, crone county; 2nd Johnion. Miem; am Kretten, Creswell. Time nign scnooi 480 shuttle hurdles: Ut uoweij. -iim 1:00.1, 2nd Heat: lit Kite cad a. Tim 1:07 ara neat: j Taft, Tim 1:10: th .i CoUm Oto. Tim L;' ut Lebanon, Tim i:7.. oth Heat: 1st - mill, boro. Time 1:05.4. totieg inutile hurdl relays: Ut niuBuieur, iime as. a. College on nil relay: ut Waah lncton; 2nd Oregon Stat; 3rd atti rmmic, nm 3:29.2. jficn scnooi broad Jump: Norte: 1st L, Sclo; 2nd Lane, Oakrldg; 3rd Domagalla, Salem. 20'2" (new record). Senior: 1st Bacon, Waldport; 2nd . ' urove 3rd Klmsey, Oakrldg. 20'5". High school high Jump Novice: ut avuflua, BBTerion; ano Harihmui, No. MoUlnnTlU; Ird Keran.n m" Senior: 1st Walker, Salem; 2nd oiomu, wttace orove; 3rd Bailey, un scnooi pole vault: Novice: Ut Lane, Parkros and Keech, Salem, tide. 2nd Ballew, Cottage Orove and Gte ly, Salem, tied. 10'". Senior; ut Eaton, Beiverton, and Wilson, Cottage Orove, tied. 2nd Lclner, Hlllsboro. Hlth school discus: Novice: 1st -Baling-, Cor vail Is; 2nd Parker, Park rose; 3rd Martin, Redmond. lll'O (new reeord). Senior: lit Falls Van couver; 2nd Stone, Oreiham; 3rd Keppmger, aervaii. I4fl High school lavelln: Novice: 1st nutter, parkrose; 2nd Hyde, Mll waukie; 3rd Stanard, Redmond. inw (new record). Senior: Ut Crouaer, Oreiham; 2nd Sloan, Cot tag Orove; 3rd Da Pron, Pleasant Hill. 173'2" (new record). High schoo ihotput: Novice: 1st Parker, Parkrose: 2nd Person, Salem: 3rd Kutter, Parkroie. 4110". Senior: lit Marshall, St. Helens; 2nd Meyers, Salem; 3rd Casey, McMlnn Vllle. 815" (new record). College broad Jump: Senior: 1st oniodo, l-c; 2nd Cook, L-C. 22'8A", Novice: Ut McKenxle, OCX; 2nd Mcrariand, Oregon. 22'V. College high lump: Senior: 1st Wldenfeldt, Wash.; 2nd Tarpennlng, Orwon; 2nd Badorek, Portland. t'V. Linfield. 6'2". Novice: Ut Paucett, Collei pole vault: Senior; lit Holmes, Oregon State; 2nd Snyder, Clark JC. 13. Novice: lit Klcken bottom, Oregon; 2nd Sfegriat, OSC; SPORTS MONDAY, April 6 flprlng frolic, 1WI A rlubhoutr. High ichool irark: Three-way inert between Sheridan, Wlllamlna and Central, at Wlllamlna. TUESDAY, April 7 Colin bate ball: OSC va. Willamette at Biuh'a puture. t p.m. High aebtol baitball: 8 item at Bweet Home, Bcio at Mill City (night). Junior high ichool bateball: wext flalera at Leslie. High eihool track: Albany at Salem. Professional wrestling: Salem armory, card alarts t 1:30 p.m. It's fun to go to San Francisco on the "Shasta Daylight." You relax. The engineer does the driving. Travel through the high Cascade mountains; around 14,161-foot Mt. Shasta. Coffee shop and dining cars: colorful Timberline Tavern car. Giant picture windows. Seats are foam rubber and recline easily. Leave Salem any morning 9:00; arrive San Francisco 11:15 same night. Convenient connections from points north and east. Phone Southern Pacific or your local railroad agent for resqrvations. 500 Shfes; O LOCAL UNITED PRESS ff i x nrT ; ' jfj Here They Come :!2ttjr& SS turn in their event during the third annual Willamette re lays at McCulloch stadium Saturday. Howard Sallng of Salem won the mile. Over 1500 high school and college athletes participated In the' four and half hour athletic extravaganza. . Body of Jim Thorpe' To Be Sent to Oklahoma . Lynwood, Calif. ( The body of Jim Thorpe, whose sports exploits won him ac claim as the world's greatest all-around athlete, will be sent to Shawnee, Okla., after fun eral services today. The Indian star will be bur ied near his birthplace in Ok lahoma. " . Friends here paid their fi nal homage to Thorpe at serv ices beginning today at Malloy Brothers mortuary. His body will lie in state until tonight when rosary will be recited. Sweet Home to Play Viks Here Tomorrow Having won over McMinn- ville and Lebanon without too much effort, Salem high's Vik ing baseball club will play Sweet Home Tuesday afternoon on the latter's field. Coach Harold Hauk expects to give the nod to Lowell Pearce for the pitching chores. Pearce, an experienced chuck er, is considered the No. 1 man on the Vik squad. WEE WILLIE'S WINNING . San Bruno, Calif., CP) Wee Willie Shoemaker is riding winners at a record breaking clip at Tanforan Race Track. Six victories Saturday zoom ed Shoes' 1953 total to 101. That pace could smash Tony Despirito's 390 winners in one year, set in 1952. Hlckenbottom. Orefon ind Rewl, On ion, tied. li t". Collwe ihot: senior: 1st HHcnm.n. Ind Lloyd. OBC. 44' 10". Novice: lit Jonei. orwon: anil M.rtln.L-C. 46'11" lnw record). Collei. J.velln: Senior: lit Nep. rud, Wtllimette: 2nd Button. oeo. 19510". Novice Churcn, oec; ina Hl.don. Oregon. 190'lj" (new record). Collei. dlsrui: Senior: lit Wklen telt, Wuh.: and Ollson. wllllmette. US'. Novice: 1st Blictciitone. 06C; Ind C.rlteni, L-C. 13&'2". SLATE ltcll tltSAiUht J ASSOCIATED PRESS Salem, Oregon, Monday, April 6, 1953 Senators Win Sunday Game Calistoga, Calif. The Sa lem Senators' bats really boom ed here Sunday as the Western International league team lam' basted three pitchers and beat a Treasure Island Navy team 24 to 3. Tonight the . Senators will play the Vancouver team of the W.I.L., a considerably strong er opponent. ... Salem scored in each of its seven innings except the sev enth, getting one in the first, four in the second, six in the third, three in each of th next three frames and five in the eighth. Gene Tanselli was the heav iest extra base hitter for the Salem team, with a homer and a triple. Les Witherspoon and Don Masterson hit a four bag ger apiece. Bill Bevans started on the hill for the Senators, giving up three hits and thre runs in the four innings he worked. He walked two and fanned two. Dick Strombach fanned five, yielded thre hits and no runs in the remainder of the game. The short score: Navy 010 200 000 2 6 4 Sen'rs 146 333 05x 24 22 1 Harper, Boyd, May and Sul livan; Bevens, Strombach and Masterson. , TIDE TABLE Tldp. for, Orer.n- -April, 1908 .nd Geodetic (Compllcd by U. 8. Survey, P.rtl.nd, Hlrh W.t.r. Ore.) Low W.l.rl Time Heithv 13:02 p.m. 0.0 11:30 p.m. 1.3 April Tims Helnht 4:12 . m. 1 7:01 p.m. i n m. :01 p.m. 6:45 ..m. 8:50 p.m. 8:00 ..m. 33 p.m. (:17 m. 10:10 p.m. 10:13 . m. 10:47 p.m. 11:33 .m. 11:34 P.m. 13:17 p.m. 4.1 1:08 p.m. 0.0 1:04 .m. J O 2:08 p.m. -0.1 3:24 l.m. 2.4 3:01 p.m. 0.0 3:30 ..m 1.6 3:50 p.m. 4:26 . m 4:36 p.m. 6:17 .m 8:16 p.m. 0.1 0.7 0.3 -0.1 0.7 6:06 .m. -0.1 5:58 p.m. 1.1 Dangerous Trees A SPECIALTY Topping, Trimming and Removing Insured ... Ph. 36628 FOR ONLY PLUS TAA FROM SALEM In t rtserved seat on Ihe streamliner Try this easy, dependable way on the luxury streamliner everyone can afford. America's Most Modern Trains San Fiancisco M50 inc fab NEWS AND FEATURES Page 11 ti.i " , i V I Vik Trocksters Will Compete Twice Here Salem high s track and field squad will take part in two meets this week both at din ger field. They will entertain the Albany Bulldogs Tuesday afternoon and Milwaukie the following Friday. Coach Vernon Gilmore gave his candidates much needed experience when he placed SI of them in the Willamette re. lays of last Saturday. Many of them were sophomores. ' WASH. KETRIEVERS WIN Portland U.R Retrievers from Washington state captur ed three of the first four plac es in the all-age event of the Oregon Retriever club s three' day spring trial which ended here yesterday. . . New International Trucks Roomiest Cab On Tba Rood Comfo-Vision cabs in the new Internationals have new comfort and interior styling. Extra safety is provided with one-piece Swcepsight windshield, new high visibility in strument panel. New non-glare safety glass is optional. Drivers say this is the most comfortable cab on the road. Value only IH can give. Only 1H offers 168 basic mod els with thousands of variations to assure exactly the right truck for the job. Only IH provides 307 new laboratory proved, road-proved features. Only IH combines unequalled performance with lowest maintenance and operating costs. Now foaturos you want In Amtrlca'i moit complote truck lintn Now International styling identified by the IH emblem . . . First truck builder to offer choice of ganoline or LP gas with Under writers' Labor.tnrics listing in l'4-ton sizes and other models . . . Stool-flex frame . . . 296 Whrnlbases . . . Eoiy starting, greater fuel economy . . . Wido range of aile ratim , , . Troniminionr to meet any requirement . . . Real steering comfort and control . . , Sitae from Vi-ton to 90,000 lbs. GVW rating. ffi 2255 Silverton Road See Breakfasfers Talk Relays Monday momtng'i teasion ol the Salem Breaktait club was devoted to a round table discunion concerning a vari ety of snorts, with nartlrulfil. I attention to last Saturday's i Willamette university sponsor TKsk mIdm l4ntJ si A A more participants than a year ago and coaches agreed that the event was well worth while. In this connection Vern Gil more, director of athletics for boys In the Salem school sys tem, pointed out that the re lays enabled him to send SI boys Into competition. Ted Ogdahl, track coach at Willamette, said the university hoped to - attract a few big names In track and field for participation in Invitational races. Greater participation for boys of the high school level was suggested by Vern Mc Mullin, layman. G 1 1 m o r e agreed mat It was desirable but pomted out that coaching and physical facilities were being used to the utmost ca pacity. . . ; " ' " ., ! ;: , Wolves Blast Prison Grays The Oregon State Peniten tiary Grays came out on the short end of the 20-3 score Sat urday as the visiting OCE Wolves smacked out 16 hits, mi of them by Roger Dasch in the same number of trips to the plate. Four Wolves pitchers took the mound, allowing but six hits among them. Starter Arnie Fitzer was credited with the win. Five Grays worked the mound. The Wolves made two errors, the Grays nine. . Grays hitting was marked by a round-tripper by Ted Wil son in the fourth. ' OCE ..413 031 710 20 16 2 Grays 000 300 000 8 6 9 Fitzer, Suttong (4) Nairn (6) Kundsen (8) and Grassman; Enijman, Webb (2) Moster (6), Gault (7) Williams (9) and Gwinn, Hershey (2). 1 . New Comfort SEE Tie New CAPITOL TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT CO. LjJJ4:l,r,3bEra Kowttf- ECmiss to cuts num. n. iwui Six American Legion junior baseball teams may operate In Marion county during: the 1953 season, reports district 2-A Chairman Bruce Williams. Mill City and Aums ville Legrion officials are considering- starting Legion ball in those towns, neither of which has ever had junior baseball before. If Legion teams materialize In those two towns, it would mean that district 2 would be the biggest Legion baseball district in the state, as far as number of teams is concerned. Salem, Stayton, Wood burn and Mt. Angel, Marion county towns with teams last season, will all be back In the race this year. Williams asks that any other Legion post interested In sponsoring a team contact him as soon as possible. His phone num ber Is the envy of every taxi company 44444. Salem's Legion team, whfch last year won the North west region championship, is still in need of a sponsor . to take one-third sponsorship this season. A local auto mobile dealer has definitely taken one-third sponsorship ... a group of merchants in a certain district outside the city limits will probably take another third . . . the remaining third is wide open. Prospective sponsors may contact Daryel Donaldson, chairman of Capital Post No. 9's baseball committee . . . 24528. Bobby Sturgeon, manager of the new Edmonton team in the Western International league, plans to play second base himself this year. He is a former shortstop for the Boston Braves. Was lats with them in 1948. Sturgeon worked with two other minor league baseball managers on his job with the Fluor corporation, a Los Angeles building and contracting firm, during the summer. Also employed at Fluor were Cliff Dapper, ex-catcher for the fionywooa btars and Brooklyn Dodgers, who will manage the Billings club in the Pioneer league this season; and Jerry Gardner, former St. Louis Cardinal, who will pilot vibhiih in xne uaiuornia league. , f Tl ri1 i it m - . , . me soiem nerrians win noi iiKeiy sponsor any more amateur boxing cards at the armory until next fall. -It's too difficult to get kids to spend much time with boxing during the spring and summer months, when fishing' streams, baseball diamonds and summer em ployment beckon. A series of amateur cards is being planned for next fall and winter. The Cherrians hope to conduct them on a steady schedule, instead of just spasmodically. ' Journal Sports Man Will Cover Senators Capital Journal Sports Edi tor Chris Kowitz, Jr., left Bun day for Calistoga, California, to cover the final stages of the baiem senators pre-season training program. , Reports of Senators activi ties will come to the Capital Journal from the spring train ing camp daily by wire until ' CALL CADWELLOILCO. FUEL OIL Htkt thtst mornings wtn it feast PHONE Z-14S1 N.w Mod.l R-160 with von bod, on..pi.c. Sw..ptight windlfii.ld. Internationals of ECross Jmuui Scorn am tor .Korner the end of training there this Saturday. The Senators are due to re turn to Salem Saturday for ! their final few days of training before the opener with. Cal gary on the 24th. WRESTLING MAIN EVENT Battle Royal Jaok Kiser, Dale Klur, Don Kindred, Frank James, Tar Vamaio,; Ralph' Alexander, Oewsa Drake. ' : ' SALEM ARMORY TUESDAY, 8:30 P.M. Spwnortd by An. legta No. 9 N.w Mod.l R.H4 LOADSTAR with dump body. IPO pow.r optional. Phone 2-4123