Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 04, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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    Four Local Dancing Clubs Arrange
Parties for Next Friday, Saturday
Next week-end brings a number of
parties (or the local dancing clubi.
Wisteria Event
On Friday evening, Wisteria club
member! will atage their dance at the
Veteran! of Foreign Wart hall, dancing
beginning at 9 o'clock. Bob Cross or
chestra is playing, r .
On the committee are Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Mayers, Mr. and Mrs. DeC Rams
dell, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Goodman,
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Black.
Trottera Event
Trotters club's party is to be Friday
evening, also, at the Senator hotel, danc
ing to be between 10 and 1 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ' Graber are
chairmen of the committee. They will
be assisted by Mr. and Mrs. William
Waverly Party
Waverly club's April dance is set for
next Saturday evening, at the Senator
hotel. , , . ,
The formal dinner danc will begin
t 8:30 o'clock.
On the committee for the evening
are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brady, Jr., Dr.
and Mrs. Richard .Upjohn, Mr. and Mrs.
William Bush.
Subscription Party
Subscription club members have a
"bonus dance," an extra one over the
schedule of the year, next 'Saturday
evening, April 18, at the Marion hotel.
The social hour will be at 7:30 o'clock,
the dinner at 9 o'clock.
GROUP of Salem women will go
to Portland Tuetday for an Ore
gon Women's Golf association
event at the Portland Golf club.
Among those going from here are
Mrs. Kenneth Potts, Mrs. Edward Roth,
Mrs. Harold M. dinger, Mrs. Leon
Perry, Mrs. Robert E. Joseph, Mrs Ches
ter Loe, Mrs. Glenn Wilbur, Mrs. Rus
sell Kanz, Mrs. Fred Bernardi, Mrs.
Fred Anunsen, Mrs. Frank Fisk, Mrs.
Bruce Williams, Mrs. R. I. MacLaugh
lln, Mrs.-Manley Robison, Mrs. How
ard Wlcklund, Mrs. Morris Crothers,
Mrs. Claybourne Dyer, Mrs. Don Huff,
Mrs. Ivan Marble, Mrs. John Lewis, Mrs.
Seth P. Smith, Mrs. Thomas Hill, Mrs.
John R. Wood, Mrs. Charles. McDevitt,
Mrs. T. W. Lowry, Mm. Rex Adolph,
Mrs. Orval Lama, Mrs. Charles Musser,
' Mrs. Thomas Watson, Mrs. Richard
Miss Christman
And Mr. Byers
Are Engaged
Being announced this week-end is
the engagement of Miss Audrey Christ
man of Portland, daughter of Henry
Chriatman of Salem, to William H,
Sf?' Jlii Salera' n ot Mr- nd Mrs.
William H. Byers of Albany. ;
No date was set for the wedding.
The bride-elect attended University
f Oregon and is now employed with
Dent and Russell company, Portland.
Mr. Byere is executive secretary of the
Oregon Agricultural association In Sa
lem and is manager for the 1958 Soap
Box Derby here. He attended Oregon
State college, was in the service for
three years, two of them overseas; and
is a director of the Junior Chamber of
Commerce in Salem.
Announcement is made by Mr. and
Mrs. Lee M. Bown of the engagement of
their daughter, Miss Margaret Elise
Bown, to Robert Holloway, son of Mr.
and Mrs. C. L, Holloway of Oakland.
Calif. ; ::'-y:,i:,;: w
An early summer wedding is planned.
The bride-elect attended University
of Oregon where she is a member of PI
Beta Phi sorority, and is now employed
in Eugene. Mr. Holloway Is a student
at UO and will eomplete his work there
next year. He is affiliated with Phi Delta
Theta fraternity.
Members of Chapter CB of P.E.O.
Sisterhood are meeting next Thursday
evening at the home of Miss Louise
Woodruff, 687 West Main, Monmouth,
at 7:30- o'clock. Mrs. Earl Benbow is
Mrs. James T. Brand and Mrs. Harry
S. Dorman will be hostesses to the
Thursday club next week at the home
1 Mrs. Brand, dessert to be at 1 o'clock.
EASTER Sunday tomorrow brings
family dinner and breakfast gath
: erings, also a number, of visitors
from out-of-town.
State Representative and Mrs. Robert
L. Elfstrom have as Easter week-end
guests, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Brown of '
Seattle. The Elfstroms are entertaining
at an Easter morning family breakfast
for their son and daughter-in-law, the
Robert Elfstroms, Jr., and their son,
Timmy; their daughter, Mrs. William F.
Johnson, and the Browns.
A family dinner gathering is planned
at the Daniel J. Fry home. In the group
will be the hosts' son-in-law and daugh
. ter, Dr. and Mrs. William Snell and chil
dren, Bill, Danna, Chris and Kitty, all
of Portland; their son and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Fry, Jr. and
the junior Mrs. Fry's mother, Mrs. Mil-
ton L. Gumbert of Portland; Mrs. Earl
Snell, Milton L. Meyers, and Mr. and
Mrs. Fry.
At the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Weller the Monday birthday of their son,
Gordon Weller, will be observed at a
family dinner, Sunday. In the group will
be Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Weller and
daughter, Linda, Miss Marie Churchill
of Portland, sister iof the hostess, and
; the Wellers. . . ,;. . . .,.. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney B. Lewis will be
In Corvallis for Easter day to be with
their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Sidney B, Lewis, Jr. and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Qeiser will be
hosts for a family Easter dinner gather
ing. In the group will be Mr. Geiser's
mother, Mrs. P. W. Geiser, and his sis
ter, Mrs. Mary Jo Causey; Mrs. Geiser's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar T. Pierce,
her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and
Mr.s. Richard Pierce and family from
Portland and Mrs. Richard Pierce's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Van Scoy of
Jefferson, and the hosts' and family.
Justice and Mrs. Earl C. Latourette
are, among those away for the holiday
week-end, having gone to Gearhart.
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Powell will be
hosts Sunday afternoon for the tradi
tional egg hunt they give at their Mis
sion street home for their grandchildren
and group of friends of the latter.
Many Salem people have received in
vitations to the launching of the mine
sweeper AM480, Astoria Marine Con
struction company, next Saturday, April
11, at 11 a.m. at Astoria; Mrs. Rudie Wll.
helm, Jr.,' Portland, wife of the speaker
of the h o u s e at the legislature, is to
christen the vessel. , . ,
The Astoria Chamber of Commerce is
entertaining at a reception and buffet
supper at 5:30 p.m. at the Hotel Gearhart
following the launching activities.
On Sunday, State Representative and
Mrs. Joseph Dyer are to be hosts at their
home, 465 Ridge, Astoria, for an open
house between 2 and 6 o'clock.
Members of the legislature and other
guests throughout the state have been
' invited to the launching and , other
events. .. .
Delta Delta Delta alumnae will be
entertained at the home of Mrs. Charles
Clarke for dessert at 7:30 o'clock on
Monday evening. Co-hostesses with .
Mrs. Clarke will be Mrs. Allan Siewerl, .
Mrs. Dewey Rand and Mrs. Robert
-' James R. Humphrey is to be guest
speaker to talk to the group on furni
ture for the home.
Gamma Phi Beta alumnae are to
meet on Monday evening, a supper at
8:30 o'clock to be at the home of Mrs. .
Ivan Merchant.
Mrs. Walter A. Barsch, Mrs. Russell
C. Haehl, Jr., and Mrs. C. C. Higglns
are eo-hoatesses with Mrs. Merchant.
Among those in Portland today to at
tend the Chi Omega alumnae's luncheon
observing the 58th anniversary of the
sorority was Mrs. William C. Perry.
Mrs. Perry returned the latter part
of the week from several days stay at
her former home In Pendleton.
Theatre Arts group plans its meeting
for Tuesday afternoon at the home of
Miss Kate Dickson, dessert to be at
12:45 o'clock.
Mrs. A. A. Schramm is to read "The
King and I" and there will be record,
lngs from the music of the play.
parade Theirs fa .
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' A ' o
Alpha Xpsllon chapter, Beta Sigma
Phi, is to meet on Wednesday evening
at the home of Mrs. Eldon Lindhorst.
MONO hostesses next week will
Mrs. Francis T. Wade who is
1 entertaining at two parties to
honor Mrs. Paul L. Patterson, wife of
Oregon's governor.
Guests for luncheon and bridge hay
been invited for Thursday and Friday,
t 345 North 17th street. Twenty-four
guests are bidden for each day.
Varied spring flowers will be used
1b decorating for the parties.
I fv'vi I I, - - m, n ., , J)
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Benefit Party
An event for next Wednesday evening
will be the benefit card party olanned
by members of St. Helen's guild, St.
Paul's Episcopal church.
The party will be at 8 o'clock In the
parish house. Mrs. Norman Young is
general chairman and on the committee
with her are Mrs. James Mount, Mrs.
Howard Boomer, Mrs. Milton Chadsey,
Mrs. Frank Shafer, Mrs. Robert Brady,
Jr., Mrs. Dean K. Brooks, Mrs. Francis
Bealy, Mrs. George A. Arbuckle. Mrs.
M. E. Knickerbocker is president of
the guild.
Reservation may be made with Mrs.
Mount, 38622.
An event for next Wednesday evening
will be the reception for which the Ma
rion county delegation in the legislature,
the Senator hotel management, and
Mayor A. W. Loucks will entertain for
all members of the legislature and the
legislative press.
The affair is arranged between 5 and
T o'clock in the Senator hotel Capitol
room. On the host committee are State
Senators Frederick S. Lamport and
Douglas Yeater; 'Representatives W.- W.
Chadwick, Robert L. Elfstrom, Lee
Ohmart and Mark O. Hatfield; Leonard ,
A. Rowan and Mayor Loucks.
And the Homburg . . .
' Always the ladies receive the mention for their Easter bonnets and fIm
nut the men, big and little, also have their new Easter outfits. I
And ever since the hassle about the headgear men were to wear at the inanmi.
tion in January, men's hats especially the Homburg, now' dubbed the Elm
bower Homburg have been In fashion news.
Leonard A. Rowan, at left, models a popular style hat, all arguments k til
contrary, i ;
At right, State Representative Mark O. Hatfield tries on the widely discuitf
Eisenhower Homburg and finds it to his liking. , ,
The little men, too, have their day when it comes to this fashion' buttfes,
Five-year-old Larry Hills, center, is togged out with a light tweed suit, a sittr
" ' fruwn-up men wear ana certainly the Jaunty manner, tun
im Mia suisi sJ U . SB Will- , , I
WW OVMM VI U. M llillBl
INSTALLATION of officers wiU be
conducted by Salem Sojourners club
on Thursday afternoon at the group's
regular dessert and card party at 1
o'clock at the Salem Woman's club
house. Mrs. Vincent Fletcher is the in
coming president.
On the committee for the afternoon
are Mrs. W. G. Rogers, Mrs. A. L. Rig
by, Mrs. Irving M. Henderson, Mrs. John
Shoemaker, Mrs. Seward Kellicut, Mrs
Charles T. Bremer.
5 Concerts' Due
Next Season
In CCA Series i
PRIL luncheon for Salem club,
Daughters ot the Nile, is calen
dared for Monday, the luncheon
to be at 12 o'clock at the Masonic tem
.ple.. .:
Mrs. Cecil A. Lantz is luncheon chair- ,
man and on her committee are Mrs. Roy i
L. Houck, Mrs. W. J. Braun, Mrs. James
C. Bird, Mrs. Arnold Davis, Mrs. J. C.
Frizzell, Mrs. Walter Dry, Mrs. Wayne
Anderson, Mrs. H. C. Lamb, Mrs. James
- H. Webb, Mrs. Edwin Purvine,' Mrs. Ab.
ner K. Kline, Mrs. Roy Reynolds, Mrs.
,Willard ..Thompson, n Mrs. Vernon- Wis-
carson, Mrs. W. A. Zwenke, Mrs. Ethel
Niles, Mrs. A. D. Shields, Mrs. A. N.
Wysong, Mrs. C. G. Hiltibrand.
TIJAOUNDERS day for Pi Beta Pnl
lip sorority will be observed by Sa-
ai-' lem alumnae next Thursday eve
ning at a meeting at. the home of Mrs.
Edwin. Keech. ' The meeting will be at
7:30 o'clock. Pictures of Holt: house
where Pi Beta Phi was founded in Mon
mouth, 111;, will be shown. '' '." '
': Co-hostesses with Mrs. Keech for the
meeting are Mrs. Albert T. Anderson,
Mrs. Berkeley DeVaul, Miss Adeje Egan,
Miss Lois Mulcahy, Mrs. Clarence Ham
ilton, Mrs. Charles H. Huggins, Mrs.
Ralph E. Purvine, Mrs. Loren Ranton.
Peg in Washington
'Washington, D.C., March 81 .
Dear Marian:
' When it's cherry blossom time in
Washington . . it's a magical fairyland
Five concerts are scheduled forte'' in the areas where the trees are plant'
Hostess to her bridge club next Wed
nesday evening will be Mrs. Emery
1953-54 season for the Community Cm .)
Home this week-end from a sojourn
at Palm Springs are Mr. and Mrs. Paul
R. Hendricks.
Mrs. Arthur A. Atherton is to enter
tain for her bridge club for dessert and
cards on Wednesday afternoon. .
Returning the latter part of the week
from a two months trip was Mrs. Prince
W. Byrd. She was ,in Florida and took
a South Caribbean cruise. En route
home Mrs. Byrd stopped in Denver and
San Francisco. ,
the April calendar u.
.u,. j - . " aou
7 .m silver tea event planned by
Junior guild of St. Paul's EpiscoDal
ifthH "'I8'' ta, dated for Ap?U
:h ChurCh parish hall between
o ana o p.m.
Mrs. Virgil Ekstrand is to be hostess
to a meeting of the newly organized
chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha soror
ity at her home on Wednesday evening.
Shari Lee Hofstetter, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Hofstetter, observed
her fourth birthday this afternoon at
an Eastertime party given by her mother
at their home.
Feting Shari Lee were Phyllis and
Stephen Hill, Ronnie Urban, David
Singer, Bobbie and Margo Foote, Sharon
r u, joanne LwerKsen, Jerry Osterman,
Dickie Rex, Gary
McNall, Diane Brown,
' .Regular monthly meeting for Salem
General Hospital auxiliary will be W
day morning at 10 o'clock In the Salem
Invitation Is extended to all auxili
ary member, to attend. The ground,
busy now with its annual membership
cam with the following In"
Mrs. E. M. Page, honorary chairman
and chairman for sustaining member
Mr,. John Kolb, Mrs. Horiw McW
Mrs. Leon Perry, Mr,. Vernon Perry'
Jr."" ?nr.BUSi,Ck' M"' Morri" CroS
ers. The group is working to get 1000
names on the auxiliary roll 8 . 1000
ed in profusion. Before I came east
cert Msnolatlnn ci- u i. someone in the Secretary of State's of-
ed following close of the member. 'ce a SaIe asked ,m tof a?u
drive this week . i the cherry blossom festival here so that
-. ', . ; ,.-" . . r, his children might know r bit about it.
r.3 p? KWillJe Jln,0?H'Sf Actually It must be seen to be realized
niarf PUWiCfn BaJJd of Parl,'' but here are my impressions. :
piece group of lone history that MBStl .
to this country through- arrangemstt " To begin
with the minister of national defeoi
the French government.
Second concert is booked in Now
ber, Jorge Bolet, . pianist, to be Wf
artist.. , .
In December, the Paganinl
quartet will olav her.
The January mnmrt mill ho nffii
bination event, a two-star program wltsl
Todd Duncan, baritone, . and CmHf
Williams, soprano, to sing here..
i-onciuding the series will be BietM
cert of Eugene Conley, tenor of tH
Metropolitan Onora nnmnanv In Mlffil
Mr, Conley sang the National Anlh(f
ai ine inauguration in January. "" J
Officers of the Community Coned
association board expressed their pless
"re at tne choice made by workeri in
iuur ro an interesting season.
A card party will follow the J
c i ciock business meeting of West SilM
Woman's club on Friday at the fl
building. Commltteo hi- the event W
eludes Mrs. William Wilson, Mrs. Stt
'"i ieimer, Mrs. Robert Cameron i"
mrs. carl Oleen.
Zeta Tau Alpha alumnae are to tiff
entertained on Tuesday evening tt W
..unie oi Mrs. Ralph Jackson.
stgeSr.lTy Luncheon for Five Salpm I ionQ
wn, Susan Bartelt. L A .i. C OUGm LlOnS
'ub Auxiliaries tn R t.j.
Salem club of Zonta International
is meeting for its dessert and social event
and business session on Thursday eve
ning at the home of Miss Genevieve
Co-hostesses with Miss Morgan are
Mrs. Naomi Massee, Miss Bertha Kohl
hagen and Mrs. Robert McEwan.
'ones to Be Ti
An event atttin .
m..J; " . wge
'IU!'2? A BJ'8Y E?nth mlr of Balrm General Mn.nH-1 ....n. 1L
Ms roll to 0O mnbrt. Thre. el the cpUln. eondurtlns ' M awShSl.kS. t.he
M aet wm - bu airs. 4ona Kolb, Mrs. Leon Parry aVj viraan rirty.
tiki rttii.xi;liir.Mi.aBtVy.isiafc
WMtta-isniw mtm)
tronp working to build op
riciumi aoore read
St. Agnes guild, St. Paul's Episcopal
church, plans a supper meeting for
Tuesday evening at 8:30 o'clock in the
parish hall. On the hostess committee
are Mrs. Hope Edwards, Mrs. Gayle Fin
ley, Mrs. Mearick Moore and Mrs.
Hazel Johnson.
next Tuesday ,m u.': ,"'e WUP
the memberships ToThe Jive .un." M
to Lions clubs In Salem uxlllarie
The luncheon will be at u -i ,
in the Cave room at the Senator hot?
Several state auxiliary officer, will
Mrs. L. L. Hickok Th. n 'n presldent!
school, Miss at lT"g
with we first viewed the
trees more than a week ago when they
were just ready to burst, into bloom
'the hint of the color to come was al
ready in the buds. Since then I have
seen the trees in the Tidal Basin area
.four more times as different occasions
arose for a little "riding around" and
each time I have "ohed" and "ahed"
.with more, gusto. Picture the wide
.Tidal Basin, one evening with the wa
ters whipped by a gale and the next eve
ning placid and still. On one edge of
the Basin stands the: striking white
marble Jefferson Memorial and silhou
etted against the sky in the same area
is the stately Washington Monument
always an effective backdrop for the '
views of the trees. From pink to white
the trees vary and they circle the Basin
a necklace or a halo depending on
whether viewed from above or from the
walk that circles the water just under
neath the trees. Reflections in the water
bring out the camera addicts in full
force. Since there are some plantings
of eastern holly and other trees that
;show green foliage now, one gets a
pleasing contrast of the popcorn white
or the petal pink of the cherry blossoms
against the green. " ..
. And if that weren't enough to delight
the eye, at night three huge Signal
Corps floodlights are rotated about the
Basin, and the trees look like snow
covered Christmas trees a fairyland
for sure, with the water glistening sil
ver In the bright light. The trees bloom
ing now are the single variety and in
10 days, the double blossoms will be
out. The weather prophets guessed
wrong this year and the Cherry Blos
som Festival, opening on April 8, will
have the later blooming which is almost
. equally appropriate.
The Tidal Basin display where one
circles around the outsidt of the plant
ings is a spectacle not to be missed, but
in addiUon there Is a lovely residential
nd Sidney Kromer, with Miss Palric
'ss s accompanist; and skiw
Roger Moorhead and Mac Baker.
Mrs. A. J. Prnu n Unlluwnnd SUV
iliary Is general chairman for tlie luncf
eon. Other inter-club represent!
Misting on the committee are Mrs. VW
g'l Pade. Ro ci t anviiliry;
Mrs. Clyde Cvn ;. Oolpm St
jllary; Mrs. Charles' Nielsen, South , section of Washington where the trees
lem auxiliary; Mrs. Jacob Fuhrer, down- are planted along the streets in all di-
Jown auxiliary, Mrs. Milan bonilacs tf
tne downtown auxiliary is arrangU
decorations, Mrs. James Tlndall of t
Hollywood group Is hospitality
mn and Mrs. Ben Gilford from W"
Salem is the program chairman.
rections. On some of the streets were
are trees In a center strip and on both
curbs and you drive under the branches
that meet overhead. Large trees, Cull
of blooms, so that even on the streets
without the center strip, on is in the
midst of blossoms they seem to' be
softly caressing as you pass beneath
them. In this section, ; Kenwood by
name, lovely homes with spacious lawns
and flowering shrubs that augment the
cherry trees, the streets wind up and
down and curve about so that one al
most becomes lost in the maze of blos
soms. It is an extensive area in which
this community planting of countless
hundreds of trees has been done and we
noted some newly laid out streets where
young trees were blooming for the first
time. .
- .,
In some of the yards there were siz
able plantings of forsythia not single
bushes but many massed together out
lining the slope of the terrace. ' Tulip
magnolias are still bright with color
here although in the parses in the down
town area they have faded now. The
brick and stucco houses are beautifully
proportioned and interesting in design,
but this evening the magnificence of
the trees eclipsed the attractive homes.
The Park Police in the Tidal Basin
area estimated that more than 110,000
viewed the display on Saturday and
more than 180,000 on Sunday. . For a
while on Sunday it took cars an hour to
circle the Basin, which we had circled
slowly on Friday evening and late Sat
urday night In not more than 15 min
utes. Of the Saturday crowds at least
25,000 were pedestrians who found lei
surely enjoyment in walking at the wa
ter's edge under the canopy of trees and
who were busy with cameras.
The trees around the ' Basin ' were
brought from Japan in 1912. An earlier
shipment of 2,000 trees in 1909 had be
come infested with insect pests and had
to be destroyed. Mrs. William Howard
Taft, wife of the President, had been in
strumental in the plan to make the area
a local poini ior me Japanese cnerries,
as she. was familiar with the Tokyo
plantings where some 78 different kinds
of cherry trees grow. The vision of the
circle of trees Is credited to Miss Ellia
R. Scldmore, author of books on Japan,
who enlisted Mrs, Taft's aid and the in
terest of officials in Tokyo who shipped
the trees here. Two trees of the Somel
Yoshimo variety, the most delicate of
the single white flowers, bea bronze
markers as they were planted by Mrs.
Taft and the wife of the Japanese Am
bassador in the first ceremony In 1912.
.. ....
While still on the suoject of flowers,
one of the Easter features here will be
the display in the Botanical Gardens,
where 12,000 Easter lilies, 2,500 tulips
and many rare plants will be on display.
May I close with the report that Wash
ington has more trees in it than any
city in the world, Paris now yielding to
second place. The only fitting close to
this is tra-la for the flowers that bloom
in th you-know-what Fag.
At Garden Club"
MBIl. I. V . is isi . .
u auut unraviisT wui urn in
wbject for the program at the meeting
of Selem Garden dub on Monday aft-
amnjtn at 4 ai.lH.L . c , , . . ,
.wu i, w tiiKi t oaivin woman a
club house.
' Mrs. Ralph Gilbert is to give the talk
a birds. There will be special music
by students from Salem senior high
school. At the business session, a nomi
nating committee will be elected. A
plant sale is to follow the business
Mrs. Lawrence A. Ballmer is chair
man for the tea committee and will be
assisted by Mrs. Arthur Jones, Mrs. Lee
cantield, Mrs. George Gllsar, Mrs. Cora
Lippold, Mrs. William Nelson, Mrs. G.
A. Sprong, Miss Ellen Quail, Mrs. E. E.
Batterman, Mrs. Gerald A. Reeher, Mrs.
J ,B. Beck, Mrs. Frank Durbln, Mrs. Ed
Harrison, Mrs. M. M. Magee, Mrs. Jack
-anxratz, Mrs. George A. Rhoten, Mrs.
A. N. Copenhaver. ...
STATE Representative Lloyd Haynes
of Grants Pass will be speaker for
Capital unit, American . Legion
auxiliary, on Monday evening. He will
discuss cfvll defense and veterans', leg-
Islation, and will tell about the atom
bomb explosion which he witnessed in
Nevada last month. . The ffrnnn will
meet at the Salem Woman's club house
at 8 p.m. . ,- .. ,..
MOMTN ATIONS of officers head
the agenda for the Salem Wom
an's club business meeting on
' Frfday afternoon. . Members will meet
at the club house at 2 o'clock for the
' session which will be followed by an
: entertaining program of skits, readings
and musical selections presented by boys
. from Salem senior high school.
Tea chairman will be Mrs. George W,
Ailing, and assisting her will be Mrs.
Arthur R. Jones, Mrs. Charles LeRoy
Mink, Mrs. Frank ; G. Myers, Mrs.
Charles V. Mooney, Mrs. F. L. Brownell,
Mrs. George Rossman, Mrs. Charles E,
Roblln, Mrs. Letha A. Staats, Mrs. J. A.
Brownson and Mrs. R. R. Boardman.
Oregon Club Women to Gather f
Here for Conference Wednesday
Manbrin ' Gardens Garden club Is
meeting next Tuesday evening at 7:30
o'clock at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Ed
win Johnsen, 424S Rivercrest drive.
Mrs. Philip M. Brandt, Jr., is to be
guest speaker, discussing landscaping.
McKlnley School Mothers club is to
meet 'on Monday evening at 8 o'clock
in the Coral room at the school. .
Dr. Margaret Dowell la to be speak
er, her topic to be "Preventive Meas
ures in Health."
.Mrs, John Hughes Is chairman for
the social committee and serving with
her are Mrs. Lewis Campbell, Mrs. Em
ery Hobbs, Mrs. Frank Guerln. 1
The board of directors for Salem
branch, American Association of Unl.
versity Women, Is meeting Monday eve
ning at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs.
Charles Layport, 1133 Chemeketa
street. Plans will be made for the next
AAUW -luncheon on April 18.
A fun fest is being planned 'for Fri
day, April 10, for the school children
and adults of St. . Joseph's Catholic
church. The event will feature games,
a cake-walk, movies and special prizes,
and will , take ilace in the school
rooms and cafeteria from 7. to H o'clock.
John Kolb and Austin Walker are gen
eral chairmen, and proceeds will go for
school equipment and the new church.
Past Oracles of Oregon Grape camp,
Royal Neighbors of America, will meet
iraonaay, April IS, instead of next Monday.
An educational course will be con
ducted by Mrs. Henry Kayser on Tues
day at the Credit Women's Breakfast
- club. Business will include discussion of
the convention to be in Victoria, B.C.,
May 18-18. Members will meet at Nohl
gren's restaurant at 7 a.m.
Guest caller for Capital O Square
dance club on Monday will be Neil
Brown. A practice period will begin
at 8.15 o'clock at the Catholic Center. :
Hosts for the evening are Mr. and Mrs,
Al McKinney and Mr. and Mrs. Ted
, Morris. .- -
Officera of the Mothers club of bethel
No. 43, Job's Daughters, will be spe
cial, guests at . the monthly luncheon
. meeting of DeMolay Mothers club on
Thursday. The group wiU meet at the
Masonic temple at noon.
A business meeting at 7 o'clock will
precede public installation of new offi
cers for Hanna Rosa court,, Order of
Amaranth, on Monday evening. . In
stallation ceremonies will begin at 8
p.m. at the Masonic temple, and follow
ing the event, refreshments will be
served by. a committee beaded by Mr.
and Mrs. Don Patton, assisted by Mr.
nd Mrs. Joe Johnston, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Herrig, Mr. and-Mrs. Foster
Wlrttermute, Mr. and Mrs. Brownie
Bangert and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gilmer.
Yomarco group of the First Methodist
church will gather for salad luncheon at
1:15 on Tuesday with Mrs. Ronald
Glover, 1720 South Winter. Mrs. R.
W. Marsters will be chairman of the
committee and assisting her will be
Mrs. E., E. Bergman and Mrs. Fred
Plan Card Party
, An old fashioned card party an
evening devoted to card playing, from
bridge to pinochle is arranged by the
women of the parish of St. Vincent de
Paul Catholic church for next Thursday
evening, April ?. : ;.: .: : , ,,
The party will be at 8 o'clock in the
Catholic Center, 725 Shipping. Invita
tion is extended to the interested pub
lic, men and women, to attend. Reser
vations may be telephoned to either
Mrs. Vere McCarty, 43987, or Mrs. Ar
thur Lewis, 20244.
13.HMAAJ. - X- ' - . ., a . .
i iuwcus tm to hu lowaxa ine xuna xo
furnish the chapel in the new convent
- now under construction.-
General chairman is Mrs. George Gru-
, challa and assisting her as chairmen for
various groups are Mrs. C. J. Muesey,
Mrs. Vere McCarty, Mrs. Roy Green,
Mrs. Clarence Williams, Mrs. Austin
... Eivers, Mrs. Arthur L. Lewis. Others
. assisting include Mrs. Leroy Marker,
Mrs. Roger Hoy, Mrs. Joseph A. H. Dodd,
Mrs. Raymond Haines, Mrs. Cyrus Jar
vis, Mrs. Mel Pillette, Mrs. Fred Ben
nett, Mrs. Joseph Pfeifer, Mrs. Kerby
Johnson, Mrs.' Bernard Koehler, Mrs.
Clarence Danen, Mrs. William -Breed-'
love, Mrs. Everett Fear, Mrs. Richard
Keane, Mrs. L. S. Smith.
There will be prizes and refreshments
will be served. ;
A large group of women will gather
in Salem on Wednesday, April 8, for the
one-day state conference of Oregon Fed
eration of Women's clubs, at the Salem
Woman's club house. Mrs. Marion T.
Weatherford of Arlington, president of
the Oregon Federation of Women's
clubs, will open the meeting at 10 a.m.
Mrs. Theodore S. Chapman of Jersey
vllle, 111., first vice-president of the
. General Federation of Women's clubs,
is special guest for the conference. She
will be conference moderator and will
deliver the keynote address at 10:18
o'clock. -"'Vi; .'i.'.'.,;...n
The invocation will be given by Mrs.
Carl L. Krause, Portland, religion chair- .,
. man of the state organization, and Mrs.
Carl W. Chambers, president of the Sa
lem Woman's club, will extend a wel
come to the visitors. ; Mrs. William B.
Chandlee of HlllsborO, music chairman
for the OFWC, will lead group singing. ;
Mrs.-Saidie Orr Dunbar of Portland,
past president of the General federation
...v. yw, ucucii, ui me uicgun xvuera- .
tion, will be among those attending. She
is state chairman for revisions. .
Patirl Set , '
Participating in a panel on finances
to begin at 11:30 a.m., will be Mrs. Guy
D. Johnson of Portland, financial sec
retary, OFWC; Mrs. George W. Ailing
of Salem, treasurer, OFWC; and Mrs.
Neal Davisson, Hlllsboro Junior Wom
an's club.
Luncheon will be served at the First -Christian
church at 12:15 for the con
ference members.:? Mrs, Roy Raley of
Pendleton, program chairman, OFWC,
will be in charge of the music.
"Club programs", will be the subject
of the 1:30 o'clock panel, speakers in
cluding Mrs. H. E. Woodward, Portland,
state communications chairman,: OFWC;
Mrs. Walter Moore, president of the
Pendleton Woman's club; Mrs. Clarence
Hines ot Eugene; education chairman of
OFWC; and Mrs. Walter Vogel, presi
dent of the Union Woman's club.
At 2:30 p.m., "Your District and State
Federations" will be the topic for a
panel, with district presidents discussing
convention planning. Representing dis
trict 1 will be Mrs. Herman Mayberry
of Ashland; district 1. Mrs. David Avery
of Newport; district I, Mrs. George
Rossman of Salem; district 4, Mrs.
Weaver Edwards of Arlington; district
5, Mrs. Fred Olmstead of Ontario; dis
trict 0, Mrs. Frank Triska of Bums.
Other topics covered in this panel will ;
be conducted by Mrs. Kenneth Higbie,
president of the Albany Junior Wom
an's club; Mrs. Ernest X. Hall of Port
land, first vice-president, OFWC; Dr.
Henrlette K. Burton of Corvallis, scsond v
vice-president, OFWC; Mrs. A. T.
Brownlon, president of the 8t. Helena
-Woman's club.-; . .:: .r . ,
. Preceding adjournment of the meet-
uir, mrs. koapman wm give a summary
of the meeting at 3:80 p.m. ,
Committees Listed ' .
Mrs. William Schoenfeld of Corvallis,
chairman of International affair for the
OFWC, will be timekeeper for the con
ference. ' 'V-rr'-''. '-.:';.,;-:',.;;.::'''!---:.,!
The Salem Woman's club members
will be hostesses to the visiting repre-
cuMiuTn w uuict wrcauil . wuuieu .
clubs, and committees for the one-day '
session are as follows; Registration, Mrs.
at .111. . ... . rt v .
AiiuiB, mil, uuy tionnson;
coffee hourf : 9-10 a.m.; . Mrs. Charles
Palmer, Mrs. Howard R. Pickett, Mrs.
T.. urninn. l u i i
servatlons, Mrs, Mem Pearce, Mrs. Al
bert C Gragg, Mrs.; paul Griebenow;
hospitality and seating, Mrs.- Frank
Marshall, Mrs. Walter L. Spauldlng, ;
Mrs. William F. Leary; dignitaries, Mrs.
Merle D. Travis, Mrs. Carl W. Cham
bers; place cards, Mrs. Walter Sieber;
flowers, Mrs. John Can, Mrs. Howard
..Members of Salem Junior Woman's
club, Mrs. Ted Jenny,, president, will '
conduct tours for the visitors, one to the
state capitol, the 'other to the state for
estry building. : ...:. .. I ...
On Tuesday, Mrs. Marlon T. Weath
erford of Arlington and Mrs. : George
Rossman will entertain officers of the
Oregon Federation of Women's clubs at
dinner complimenting Mrs. T. S. Chap
; man, first vice-president of the Gen
eral Federation of Women's clubs, who
will be in Salem for the state federation
meeting on Wednesday. ..- . ,
Cherry court, Order - of Amaranth,
will meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the
Scottish Rite temple. Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Dilatush are in charge of the
coffee hour.
Tir -lrrlrriM im-i-i i iri Mr iiir.iii ii mnai. m niin m
Meeting at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the
American Legion club will be Salem
chapter of the American War Mothers.
Copettes will meet to make Easter
favors for the state hospital on Tuesday
evening at 7:30. Mrs. Glenn A. Bow
man and Mrs. Nap Roque, Jr., will en
tertain the group at the Bowman home,
795 Breys avenue. : , ,
Mr. Ralph Barnes will entertain the
Accent club at her home, 1625 Hazel
venue, at 8 p.m. on Thursday. Mrs.
James W. Go in will assist the hostess.
Meeting at 8 p.m. on Friday, April
10, will be the Cootiette club, with Mrs.
Dorman Crow on Bilverton xoad.
On Thursday, Salem unit, American
Legion auxiliary, will meet at the Worn
"an's club house for a business session.
Mrs. Donald Rasmussen and Mrs. Clyde
Beatty will be hostesses for the social
time following the 8 p.m. meeting.
Mrs. Cora Scott will entertain Hit
Friendship club on Friday at her home.
483 North Front. Dessert will be serv
ed at 1 o'clock by the hostess and Mrs.
Erie Hall.
- Salem Weavers guild is meeting next
Wednesday afternoon: at 2 o'clock at
. the home of Mrs. Richard Sorlck, 1885
Madison. Members are asked to take
samples of weaving and be prepared
to explain the thread count and pattern.
: A no-host dinner at 6 o'clock will
i precede the meeting of bethel No. 35
of Job's Daughters on Monday evening.
The event will take place in the Blue
room of the Scottish Rite templet "
c f f.Ji .mm " ".v.--,'4ifi '.:.::v..: r
h wife1 ... A Ac a,., :,
tv ' WWW " U v L
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l u k ..-- JJL .... --,-. JT
(4Mt.UI studio Wolnrt)
THE FIVE MON8 club suslllarirs of Salem will gather for a Joint luncheon
eti Taeadsy at the Senator hotel, the affair to honor several state officera. The iolnt
committee arrantlns the event met this week at the boms of Mrs. A. J, Cross, who Is