Et the Valley- I . Edited by MIKE FORBES ' I Independence Independence At the reg ular meeting ot the DeMolay April 0 at 8 p.m. in the Ma tonic' Temple, Jamei Travii, Dennis Hedges and Gordon Brunk will receive their inltla . tory degree. The DeMolay mother'! club will meet at 8 o'clock on the arne evening In .the dining room. The Chamber, of Commerce will hold a regular meeting Tuesday evening at the Buay Bee cafe. Guest speaker of the evening will be Dave Hoss of radio station KSLM. April 10 is the scheduled date for the 17th annual crab feed to be sponsored by the local post of the American Le gion. The feed will be held at the Legion hall at 8 p:m. ' i Mr. and Mrs. Ray McClane and their son Paul, were guests of Mrs. R. A. Sylvester this week. The McClanes are the ' niece and nephew of Mrs. Syl vester. The Needlecraft club' of the Calvary Presbyterian church . will meet in the church par' lore Thursday, April 0 at J o'clock. Mrs. 7red Oppliger, mother , of Elmer Oppliger died fol lowing a major operation. Mr, ' Oppliger left Portland by plane to attend the funeral services which were . held Thursday, April 2. ,!; The Independence Worn' an's club is extending a cordial .invitation to all members of the school faculty, to be their guests on , Tuesday evening, April 7 at 8 p.m. at the club house. . Mrs. Kathleen Mitchell, club '.president,, requests that all members of the Woman's club meet at 7:30 for a short busi ' ness meeting. . ' 1 ; Hostesses will ba Mrs. Irma Cooper, Mrs. Lora Butler, Mrs. 'Etta - Welch and Mrs. John Pfaff. Bob Katter, son of Mr. and . Mrs. - Elmer Katter, and em- ployed by the federal govern ' ment as doctor of psychology, was one of the observers of the atomic explosion . at Desert Rock, Nev. , Mr. and Mrs. Bob Katter and daughter reside at Carmel, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith have purchased the Flavia i Branch home on 8th St., and ; are now living in their new ; Dome. - Sunday evening guests of the First Baptist church were Mr. and Mrs. James Cook and Mr,' and Mrs. Roland Halberg. Mr. Cook is the son of Dr. , and Mrs. William Cook' who pent several terms In Assam as missionaries. More recently they were appointed to India to establish a Bible training school under the Conservative Baptist Foreign Mission ao- ; eiety. Wednesday evening, the quarterly business meeting was held in the oarlora of th ; First Baptist church which was preceded ty a potluck ; dinner. The resular mrrtlntr nt h Independence elementary . icnooi riA wiu Deheld Mon day, April 6 in the Henry Hill :. school. ;. Guest speaker ot the evening will be Dr. Wendell Van Loan, : superintendent of the Corval : lis schools. ; Special music will be pre sented by the O.CJ!. Men's quartette. ' Polk county Girl Scout leaders and committee mem ' bers met Tuesday at 10 a.m. at the Woman's club houe. Miss Darlene Lane, field hi. : rector, showed several films on uin scouting and gave ln structlons to those attending. Another meeting will be held In May. ; An investiture ceremony UIIJH MIDIM, WtHWAY ft Gate Open titi Show at 7il Bndt Tenlte (Bat) In Technicolor "THE RAIDERS" . ! Richard Conte Plus In Superelna Color "ABBOTT AND COSTEI.LO MEET CAPTAIN K1DD" A JOYOUS RASTER TO ALU Eaattr Blind; Gaf 1:30, Show 7: STARTS SUNDAY "BECAUSE OF YOU" Loretta Young Jeff Chandler YELLOW SKY" Gregory Peck Ann Batter Richard Wldntarii was held for all members pres ent. Attending from out-of-town were Mrs. June Davis, Mrs. Nellie McMillan, Mrs.- Betty Nicholson, Mrs. Betty Reld and Mrs. Laura Boehler of Grande Ronde; Mrs. Ivan Marble, pre' sident of Santlam Council; and Mrs. Stanley Krueger, Polk county chairman. Local lead ers attending were Mrs. Helen Krieg, Mrs. Betty Warden, Mrs. Philip Orange, and Miss Joanne Abel. Girls in the high school group of the Baptist Youth Union, will be guests ot Miss Muriel Boomer at her home Saturday evening, for a slum ber party. . Mrs. Delia Peterson ot Springfield. Ore., and Mrs. Gail Hathaway of Washington D.C., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Darling this week. Mrs. Peterson is a sister of Mrs. Darling and Mrs. Hath away a very old friend. West Stay ton "How you as a parent can prepare your child for school" was the main topic of discus sion at the West Stay ton school Friday afternoon, March 27, when all mothers with a pre- flrst grader were invited to be guest of the primary teacher, Mrs. Janet Brownell. The county supervisor of el ementary schools, Mrs. Betty Sanders, and the Marion coun ty Health nurse, Mrs. Detering, were guest speakers. Mrs. Rose Goss was in chane ot rezresmnents. Friends of the Anton Swo- boda family, former residents will be interested in knowine that Mrs. Swoboda, who . has been making her home in Sa lem lor many years, moved to Washington to be near her husband, who is a patient in me veterans hospital hi Se attle. Although much im proved, his stay at the hospital is maeiinite. Mrs. Swoboda will live in Snohomish, near the furniture store of her son Alien. Unionvale Unionvale Mrs. Louis W. Magee of Unionvale returned home Monday after a visit with her son-uvlaw and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. Clark Robb and family, at Spokane, Wash. . Her little three-year-old grand .daughter, Rebecca.who was seriously burned three weeks ago, is now in the Spokane Shrine hospital where skin-grafting is in progress. She is making satisfactory recovery. ' cont. snows Hat. Sun. TOMORROW! THE PERFECT HAPPY EflSTEH SHOW! wy'f,111"' rTTT II .,rj WarnerColor Hew m v. .,; "JS JFtO I f ffllertoinmwrt . . . vi wT 7 I f' IWarnerColor 1 h Gilbert ROLAND Angela CLARK tank SUVtRA tor NOVtUO fflrhtfd HAU CO-fEATURlTTIf AU THE THRILLS OF THE CIRCUS! "UNDER THE LITTLE BIG TOP" Silverton Mrs. Sadie Morrison, for many years a resident of Sil verton and Salem, is under care at the Silverton Patterson Rest home.- - . Mrs. Nellie Hargreaves - of Silverton, and her sister-in-law, Mrs. Merton M. Coon of Sa lem, spent Wednesday in Port land on a social and shopping trip. The local volunteer firemen, by vote of the city council at a special meeting, Wednesday night, will have a new 800 gallon pumper to replace the old Pontiac pumper. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Yates are to be paid $200 a month to care for the fire calls after the dial phone system is in operation. is a member ot the fire department and also water su perintendent. Mrs. Yates will care for the alarms and calls while her husband it on other duty. - Freddie Crites was assessed $30 and costs in justice court on a charge of "dumping rub' blsh on a public highway." The Silverton Red Sox have begun their spring training un der supervision of the mana ger, Wally Flagler, beginning warming up last Sunday at McGinnls Field. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Kaufman of Central Howell returned home Thursday afternoon driv ing a new car that was picked up in Chicago, and driven over many sections oi the soutn ana eastern portions of the United States and Mexico, enroute home. Roy C. Gosso and John Mc- Killop served on the Wednes day jury panel of the county circuit court having been cai ed for several months' service the first of April. Mayor Harry Carson and Mrs. Carson have returned from a several days' vacation in southern California, making the trip by car. Pedee Pedee Mr. and Mrs. S P. Slngler and Steven spent the weekend in Portland on business. Mr. and Mrs. Emmett MCGee and children of Eddyville, were Sunday guests of his mother, Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Dodge. Elmer Hastings of Mon mouth is painting the R. J. Smith house. The Smiths have spent the winter in California. Miss Theda Condron of cor- vallis spent several days the past week at the home of her sister, Mrs. There Womer. Mrs. F. M. Dyer went to Portland Friday evening and on Saturday accompanied her parents, . Mr. and Mrs. JE. A. Burbank to Seattle, Wash., where they met Aaron Bur bank returning from 14 months in Korea. Mr. Burbank was also met by his wife and baby son, Lonnle. Miss Alberta Ronco of New- ENDS TODAY (Sat.) "BODYSNATCHER" 4 "WALK WITH ZOMBIE" .JTV ' V"rW""?B "Under , k$ , the Un law reporting a miracle la a crime! . . You must say that It it a lie!" THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon berg spent the past week at the home ot her brother, Paul Ronco, and family. Braddy, small son of the Roncos, who has been ill with an ear infec tion, it improving. Mrs. Gus John spent sever al days the past week in Port land with relatives. Mrs. John Jungllng was hostess for the Woman's club Wednesday after a covered dish luncheon. Mrs. Amos, president, con ducted a short business meet ing. It was decided for the club to have charge of the lunch at the Yates sale. No date hat been tet. Mrs. Maud Burbank received the attend ance prize. The members worked on a quilt for the club. Ronny Edwards has been ill for the past two weeks with rhumatic fever and is con fined to his bed. Ronny is in the second grade at school. Sublimity Sublimity Mr. and Mrs. Duane Neal and daughter, Ka thy, returned to their home in Seattle after spending a few day;! of the spring vacation at the home ot his mother, Mrs. Clara Meal. Rodney Watts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Watts, is spending two weeks at New ton, Kan., where he is visiting his grandmother and other rel atives. . , Watts, who enlisted in the navy, expects to leave April 13 for active duty. At a recent meetlne ot tt.e Sublimity . fire department, plans were made for a dance to be siven Friday. Mav 8. No amateur hour program will be given tnis year. Miss R o s e a n n Mlnden. daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Minden, and Joseph Stein kamp, son of Mrs. Lena Steln kamp. have been named ntif..n and king of the senior prom by a vote of the student body at a recent meeting. The Junior-Senior Banauet will be an event of Tuesdnv evening, April 7. A dance ooen to the nnMin will be held after the banquet. Mrs. Ralph Tate is a patient at the Salem Memorial hospi tal. Mrs. Mary Zuber. who Is im. proving nicely at Emmanuel hospital in Portland, plans to convalesce at the home of her sister, Mrs. Teresa Smith. A Redemptorist Father Is conducting a mission here this week. ASK PLANE DAMAGE Albany Menford E. Lar son asserts in a comnlaint filed Thursday that L. w O'Brien, defendant, ran into Larson's parked J-5 Cub Cruiser airplane on the Lans- mack airport at Sweet Home Feb. 23. Larson nslrs n it Ann Judgement to compensate him xor damage to his aircraft. THRILL PACKED CO-FEATURE! Dayton Dayton Mr. and Mrs. Da vid Heinzenriter of Warrens burg, Mo., came Saturday eve ning to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Palmer. Mr. Heizenriter, who is with the Air Force, is home on a 19 day leave. He is going to Georgia for re-assignment His wife will remain here for the present. Leaders of the Dayton Girl Scouts met Monday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Clare Hei der to form a board ot direc tors. Mrs. Charles Beers will take over leadership of the Girl Scout troop 2, replacing Mrs. Earl Lofton, who is ill. The Board of Directors are: Mrs. Howard Holt, presiding officer; Mrs. Floyd Willert, secretary; Mrs.' Clare Heider, treasurer; Mrs. Dave Ellis, cookie chalrmaan; Mrs. John Asquitn, leader and camp chairman; Mrs. Clayton Rich ards, transportation? Mrs. J. S. Imlah, representative of sponsoring committee; Mrs. Earl Lofton, advisor consult ant. The ladles present were Mrs. Holt. Mrs. Willert, Mrs. Ellis, Mrs. Asquith, Mrs. Imlah, Mrs. Harold Lewis, Mrs. John An derson, Mrs. Delbert Temple, and Mrs. Heider. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sher man and sons Jack and Bill went to Forest Grove Wednes day to help Ernest Haevernlck celebrate his birthday anniver sary. ' ' The Harry Sherman family had dinner with her sister, Mr. ana Mrs. Oscar Dower and Kay. Sunday evening - guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sherman were Miss Kay Sherman and Kenneth Serves of Portland. Richard and Earl Lofton were business visitors in Sa lem Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stilwell and daughters visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tracy in Portland to meet the new baby. Mrs. Arne F. Willson have returned home after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Webb who has been quite ill. Mrs. Charles Hagan and Mrs. A. F. Willson visited Mrs. Clara Hadaway, who is a resi dent of the MeMiiinvilie rest home. : Mr. and Mrs. James Mcin tosh of Portland were over night guests of their son and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Mc intosh. . Mrs. Elsie Kirkendall at tended the funeral of a friend. Noah Swope, of Sherwood. Grand Island Grand Island ; .Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Fowler of Grand Island accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Clarence L. Matinee Daily from 1 P.M. TOMORROW!. .. A big HAPPY EASTER PARADE OF FUN! 1 1 i t Wmtt Sy7L (TynniUUfn Fowler.of Unionvale took a motor vacation trip to visit frienda at Castle Rock. Ole- queah, Toutle and Sightly Wash., Tuesday ana weanea day. Mr. noli. L. Fowler accom panied friends to Centralie. They were weanesuay evening dinner guests of Mr. Mn Flovd E. Fowler in Portland. Eight other relatives and friends, called to visit them at the some home. Willamina WlUamina The VFW Aux iliary gave its anual Spring Style show this week at the VFW hall. Berniece Soules was announcer, and Miss Sharon McGrew played background music. Sheridan and Willami na stores participated in the showing. Several musical numbers were given. A silver tea was served at intermission. There were 42 pots of tulips given away, and a donated crocheted tablecloth was won by Mrs. Esther Severson of Burns. Models were Mrs. Vera Bil yeu, Barbara Oglevie, Miriam Hirn, 'Margaret Cunliffe, Mrs. Marjorie Lenaburg, Dewey and Gwen Lenaburg, Marcia Pechman, Vietta Praitt, Min nie Kampstra, Verna Eden, Patty Lee and Mrs. Soules. The Theta Rho club will have a food sale April 4 at Ro bertson's Grocery. Proceeds will go to the IOOF home in Portland, which is the club's project this year. Proceeds will go to the IOOF home in Port land, which is the club's pro ject this year. FL club will meet April 8 at the home of Mrs. Gordon Slsk In Sheridan, with Mrs. Robert Wise co-hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Staggs of Grand Ronde are the par ents of a son, Terry James, born March 27 at Dr. Barr's Clinic. The Past Noble Grands club will meet Thursday, April 9 at the Rebekah hall, for elec tion of officers. Gayette Barn ett and Mary Young will be hostesses. At the March meet ing of the club, Nettie Wise was initiated into membership. PLAN NEW AIR WING Lebanon Opportunity is being offered airplane owners PNONK -S47 Robert Taylor Eleanor Parker "ABOVE AND BEYOND" George Montgomery In Technicolor "THE PATHFINDER" BIDS TODAY. (SAT.) "MACKBEARD THE ' PIRATE" ("TANGIER INCIDENT" THEY'RE ON A SPREE IN GAY PAREE! ADDED COLOR CARTOON DAFFY DUCK AS "SUPER SNOOPER" Monmouth Mnnmnnth The American Red Cross mobile unit will be in Monmouth Friday, April 10 from 1 to 5 p.m. at OCE. C. L. Tompkins is cnairman oi th local American Legion committee in . charge of the visit. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ray iiipra 0iipau for a aumrise "go ing away" party following the regular session oi tne juur lodge Monday evening. The Hnv a have sold their farm south of town on the old Cor- vallis highway and are plan ning to travel for the next three nf innr mnntha. Thev Will EO as far as Florida before re turning and will then live near Albany .' . ' Mrs. Opal Bowers oi urDa m rhio. is visitine at the home of Mrs. Susie Grazen. Mrs. Bowcia is a sister of the Rev. Virgil Speece, who is hnlHina meetings at the EUB church. Rev. and Mrs. Speece also are at the Grazen home. Mrs. Speece being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. urazen. xne Speeces and Mrs. Bowers drove west six weeks ago at the time Rev. Speece closed meetings in Ohio. Rev. Speece was speaker for the Monmouth Luncheon club Tuesday noon at the Monmouth hotel dining room. John ftrund. aon of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grund, re ceived his bachelor of science degree at OSC and has gone to. Lowry field, Denver, Colo. and pilots of this area to form a flotilla wing in the U. S. Coast Guard auxiliary. The organization meeting will be held in the Cascade Airways lounge, Friday April 8, at 8 p.m. " ' Cont. Shows Sat. b Sun. ' , And Just Look at This Happy Easter Show . . . Starting TOMORROW! A Fast, Hilarious Af i ir ) and Wonderful NJY &f f5 Comedy Thafs Just V JN .... the Year" BESTI A jrv J i jK" - y ' " j V ' Jim DONALD- DEBBIE 1 1 O'CQNHQR REYNOLDS UNA CONFIDENTIALLY, HERE'S THE COMEDY YOU'VE BEEN WAITING FOR! 1 M SHIM twUBWj rcff ; y . . . FREE! LOVELY EASIER CORSAGES To the First 100 Ladies Attending - Through Courtesy of SHAFER FLORIST Saturday, April 4, 1953 Grund is an airman first class in the ITS army and will be an Instructor m electronics in Colorado. rnl riobert Park, son of Mrs. R. L. Park, is now "at Camp Desert Hock, Nev., lor the atomic tests. Park is sta tioned at Fort Ord, Pallf. . Mrs. Julia Alton is being treated at the Sacred Heart hospital, Eugene,, for bruises and broken ribs received In a fall in her yard Friday eve ning when she was returning from church. Carl McMahon has been con fined to the Salem Memorial hospital the past two weeks for medical treatment. Ends Tonlfht Open 6:00 P.M. And "HOUR OF IS" Starts Sunday Cont. 1:45 ENDS TODAY. (SAT.) ."SHE'S BACK ON BRDWY"i"JAlOPY" CO-HIT! 3391 vil 13 .. ., JOUAR t -A asiESTHER ? UH VICTOR ''I' IiuamMature A WAITER Eg" ' m ' i hi II sir .aaywva Adie MURPHY 17 I Swan CABOT I J HM lil:4wa COLOR CARTOON LATE NEWS err raw I -' saa