Page 14 FOR SALE HOUSES A. A. Larsen, Realtor - Bast STATB arr.-4-bdra. lovely home with K z 1M lot, nicely landacapod Price 99600 NORTH 0UU0RBAN ramhUns Msch etrle. t bdrm,., Alt. lirif, Ohio, plumb. Bxelua. dlatrlet. t4 A. with planted tardea, family Iruit 1 Mrrlu. A real family noma. 9JI00 down Mil (15.D00 ' HEAR cur SCHOOL 3-bdrm. .title. Auto. .11 heat, excellent r- . raniement. Nice nnl S3390 down. Pita 11.759 TV omnia soon, plot bdrme. p, I down. ilrtpL, auto, oil hoot, toarmopene wtcdowi, atoreao place talore. Dead and etroet, treei, petlo. Oread plaoo tax ahUdren. Itetaonebl, down pop. Prtco tu.too. Pink HOC HK 9 bdrtu. Out MP. TU counters In kltelun, on Imi foomk. Rural 64, nu athoola, lovely planting! Prtco 39,700 ' lit S. High Ph. 1919 Andy Helroreen Ph. 97199 A. WeHl Ph. 331J9 A. B. Beckett Ph. HM1 Bvee. da Sunday 091" FOR SALE HOUSES NOW lo tho tlnto to bur thle 9-todrm. homo 9b Meier Trank'g sow Motion. S13.900. , . - . Chas. Hudkins & Son REALTORS 99 x. ih at. " . . Ph. Evei. 9I19 Ph. 1-41M en- $450 : I Down Au w.tR nth ut. Itatlomi burtan home, tut. Private wail, oood Urfc soli. Chicken House, vwnar aa met MIL Almost imm. pouwaiao. Full prig o4vu. AL ISAAK REALTOR toss Portland Road ihnaa iiill m . 34830 rt. 3-bone 46030 BY OWNER Lovtttv s-bedrtXHn araburban bone. X. Lnn. Tlcw Drm, 1m fireplace, Bllt-lD sue, l oearoom m anu mm w roo ma. clna Dr. room A full bath ttp. Basement, over 1 me. A perfect at ural landscape. Lots of If. fir trees shrubbery, -Ph. mm evewnii or un day. . en Y builder--Lovely new boa t, acuta, Autometio oil heat, fireplace, mahog any living room and dinette, birch kitchen, hardwood floor, 3 badronu , with wararooes aownsiair, unjio ' lahed upstairs for 3 mora badroomi with heat In. View location. For In pectlonp Phone 3-9339 or 4-9184. WANT TO ba clow to school, park, but Jn soutn village? see bob s. naia : S bedroomi, utility with dryer. Mice lawn, anniDB, patio, attaenea double sarace. Phone 3-6748. aM TWO NEW 3-bedroom, oak floon, auto matic oil ntac. choice, 7, boo. Terma. Batuen and Felton Ste. 3-8830. a81 UN G WOOD heights. We're not borne yet, coma meet oar neunbor. ioi Caecad Dr. Ml t BEDROOM, one floor, I year .old home . In excellent residential district. Slnile tarase. $13. BOO. 583 Roe. 3-7787. a82 ibwNEB S bedroom, Uvlni room, dlnlni . room, bath with ihower, lnalda utility, ska yard, ahrubs, sarden ready to plant, cut price, 9700. 45049. af2 ST OWNER, 4 room home, one acre oei. eon. en. inn evening!. asr ONLY $50 A MONTH Thlf 3-bedroom homo located clot In ean be bought with ft low down pay ment. Very nice back yard with fruit treei. The place needa aoma allcklng up, bat for Ifl.SOO it' bard to beat. Call Bamaey Real Batata now 4-6311. 9084 North Commercial. Craning and Sundaya phona Jim RanueyT-4-ie06. a83 14S9 EVERGREEN, new 3 bedroom houae, utility room, double aerate. 1800 aa. feet. Phone 37475. Ml $475 Down! t room with complete bath. Juat outside city, aouth. Pared atreet, alty water, 34 diocu to dim, itoraa. a fairly sood Tie to the weat from thla 4 acre. Full price 14,21)0. B nance 840 per month, lnciucin uteraat, E. J. ZWASCHKA 17arantiU Realtor Phone 3-40M nom- &NE-BBDROOH houae with aarate. acre lot, $6800, lncludlni furniture. Will take car or trailer houae in trade. 8450 Wlnola. m; 1 ACRE Immediate Possession Oood t-nor-old homo. Il l n UtIm ' room, oomblnotlon ' kltehon ond dln tw or, 1 bodraomo, lotfo onoloiod (tllltp room. Im mm. P.HA. tormo. Prloo T,to9. E. J. ZWASCHKA Phone l-403 Keaitor 176 Orant fit. SUBURBAN ACRES Very dealrabla location. Clone in on Oardea Head. Oood land, four -room houae, fruit treea, water ayatem. Price llffloo. Terma. Be -Owner, 3830 Oar den Road. Ml LOOtaNO FOR A XOUSt For tale: I bones an 3400 Mock, north cnuren. eaa A ACRES of tood around with am all. modern houae. Terma, Out lfacleer road. Rt, 8, Box 48. M3 V 9MMflVWlD lianiuilll! VIA A9UU91VV, fireplace, bullt-lne ealore, fenced-in t' OWNER, 0 room home,' baaemant, aawduit furnace, 7l, 1110 Hood St Ph. SflBH. aios1 FOR ' a ALE by owner. Two bedroom houae. Phone 4-4TH. asi t BEDROOM houae. cloae tn. also 3 room apartment for rent. Call before 8 or after 0. 4-3043 . 5y BUILDER 3-bedroom, flleaf new hh achool. 463 oxford. a8S ' ; Today's Best Buys BioopUonoI ' Moo t-aodroora homo. Lorao ooroor 101. mti. utidi room WOU to wui lorpvt. qco. cu 4allrlo Hmiu. vnir i i.w. t lodroom Hono. apoolollr donnwi lor TV. in n,w aiorui vat. ojaoiuoo, OBIT 919,000. CONTACT OWNBt, Mnum ; , GLENN HAMILTON lOS Pmlraroundt ltd. Ph. 99091, iliu 091 Phone 2-2406 Journal Want Ads Pay ctAsnirirD aivfino p.r Word. Moo 19. p,r word P.. Word. Umm H M WaH. 1 BOOlb 09 57 Borowlo 9lnlM99 1 Wd, Pof Word to PPr. Ph.n. t-M Befora 1 Jn. FOX SAL! HOUSES FOR SALE LOTS CHOICE COANKP. lot OOlllO'. W. Vllt. nd Poltop atroota. 9750. J-9929. 0091 paam tm lot mm; tm. aim lot 79x190', 9900. Both woodorlal mb4 loom. WALTER B. MINIER oo Plonoor Trait oo. ' Phono 3-PU9 . 14999. o91 119 DOWN. Oood IllOd lot. W.ter 01- roodr In. Bxoollont oo0. BaQt to tnlt POUTMlf. ItlWAMN KIAL aoTATI IN8URAMCX oi a. HUh at. mono 1-9101 So. Village 100x115 corner lot, with trees, paved ttratt, city water. View to caat"' Nice for daylight basement. On of the few lot left in thla lovely new dif triet, located oo Helen Ave. and Oak Hill Ave. $1890. PH. 45103 - 11153, OWNER 091 'WOW.' FOR SALE FARMS tu A. aTOCK PABJf on Klwor Rim. atockod OAd oaulppod,. pood oimi, uoop a Mttle. Toio Ineomo propirii. Trodo ' rn.OW. poopk'o Bzohonio, Rooiton, HcMumniM, oro. ooi' FOR SALE ACREAGE o ACMES. NE. 999 ft. rrontMe. Nlco pr. old, 1 bedroom homo, piMuna, lntulotod, olootrlo hitt, hordwood lloori. Vonotion blind,, now ownlnii. LR-DB comb., I ln. plcioro win dows woll-to-wtll corptt. LortlT boUl, nloo bullt-loi, dbl. limi with 10x10 flnUhod ntllltr room, brHtrwtr, lari. potlo. Iflco Iowa, tnruof. in iu i" mm. 1 1 ft rifnitrolOT and ft homo frtoxor tou with hoiuo. 9790 aorrin d. or rn. arati xor .ppt. bb91 SUBURBAN IA8T S bdrm., neentlr complotod, Nf io. It. piui 19x34 ottunod iiw lot 09x199. patio, jmoll bom. corrall, 9700,00 wotor intern, lario lown, bear- tor tree,. Beit television reception. Antena with plaoe. Total price 99900. 9M00 wlU handle. Bal. on P. H. com mitment. Evenlnu or week-end. Own er, 1119 Plaher Bd. - bMl" REAL ESTATE New Home Pull baaement with fireplace tn an extra fun room. Lane window aire lota of light In thla ell-purpoae baae ment. Beautiful Roman brick fire place In llTlni room. large, well-Plan- nea kitcnen ano an extra large eat ing area, a lovely bedroom. Porced air oil heat. Pared atreet lnalda city limits of North Salem. 13380 down Ad P.HJU payment. : TRADE Downtown rental for farm. Only t block to new Ueler ok Prank ah op. pint center, aaoo per month income. Large, well-built borne. No vacancies here. Will trad for a farm up to value. v OWNER SEZ SELL!!!! $3780 or what will you lire for a email bom inside city limit of South Salem. City bus 1 than on block. Tour own term mar be acceptable. REIMANN REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCE 901 South HUu atreet phone 1-9101 Phono nenlnn: 4-1971, 1-3999, 4-1199, 1-4179, 4-1J19, 1-3194 !! to but on am. BOMBS, PABUS, BUSINESS PROPERTIES CALL ' SEVERIN REALTY 17 TEARS OP SATT8PACT0RT . SERVICE SUBURBAN EAST On Center St. Real nice 3-bedroom home for asking price, fireplace and cute kitchen. Attached garage. Vt acre of garden, lovely lawn and shrub. Only 810,800. SUBURBAN WEST m acres of fruit, nuts, trapes, gar den. Well-built 3-bedroom home In excellent condition. Pull basement with furnace heat. Double sarate. Owner etklng 111,800 and He well worth It. CREEK HOME Near Buih Peiture. The knrir land leaped creek lot hai a red nice 9 room homo with 9 bedroom., i.r.e. petlo. A oloie-ln homo tor only 919,009. ENGLEW00D There are not many homiu in title price dan In thle popular dtetrtct that ha, ,o muoh to offer for price aaked. 1 bedroomi, tlr,pl,c A full baaemant. UvlM and dlnln, room, nk klUhen, attached oaraae. Tou mould ire the ,. u.ui OMinx f 11,000. NOB HILL . W1 - v... . . . .7 . "... . im, nome to oiler In thu deiireblo achool dutrlct. The 9-room home li In perfect eon dlllon. Hae 1 bedroomi and den that could be uied u a ipare bedroom. PlrtPl.ce A aut. hwt Pull burnt, with recreation room. Trt, .tirubi r. . omP''e Mm lovely corner lot. immediate occupancy. Owner aak- S "M4 " l. home. UorUaae 1. ID rw, v. ' ----- iirv.ra. MANBRIN GARDENS - . n, ror a real w.ii-bullt . . . . - we iioor ana 5.U w,n"?w Imdwaped i". . v. . ' ""' oarden don t fau to are thai newly.bulll oual r horn, tor tho aikini price of ,19,. Business I Y"' 01. un. eexese piua aHiy 111.500. One 49x900 plua allar at 95.900. Bialnei, location lou are ecarce and lolnt up. Tho kbovo lou Severin Realty Co. 919 N. Nlih 4-990i Breot I Mr. Kiau l-M'9 Mr, Moon 3-7el 0.- REAL ESTATE , WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES VBV. WFFn T.TSTINGS. ram cularly higher priced homes and all types with low aown payments. WALLACE ROAD BEAUTY IJanr f you bar admired this whlto lond- acaped acre. Peneed. unexcelled view. Reatrkted area. Over 1200 w a.lut nailr Mvrtt-i9f It, Ol UTluai 9l. vim. - Plreplac. Aluminum aah and acrane a i. mai At vnlfliitM tf AIBVH W9J9B0JWJ aravii w drive down town, Plrat time on tho market, ruu pnee ouy e,nw. HURRY, HERE'S VALUE . 4 Bodroom homo In Terr food orea. Oil neat. Approx. pro. om. vwner i.t lnc dtp. Almaef Imm. pom. InaulaUd. In Terr (ood condition. Bpacloua lot. jut thus tho pneo u onir ....w. YOU JUDGE THE VALUE And you'll ecreo with tu that this If a tood bur. CocnpleWlr i-emvdlcl. In tip top coocition. liocauoa it line, su bSbSmen wun lorcea eur wi .arotw. Bpacloua cormer lot. a nearooma. nre' place, ratio. Pull prkw 13,780. $1000 DOWN rwi fchia aVrr.-obd hem. In fast arow- Inc area northeeat. OH heat. Very cloae to acnooi. mi prw coiy rreuv. HIGHLAND DIST. Attractive t bedroom been In fine lo- Mtlop. . Bbwellent yard. RXtra lane tar ace. Lane kitchen. Pine TV recep tion, scuer see tnu as eeovu. SUPERB VALUE Bodroomo on 1 floor. Oak floon. Bx MUMit plaoter Job. Attaohod paraie. South juburban on pavement near ichool and bu. lilt ea. It. of fine homo for only prooo. p.h a. terml. OAll. POR MR-. CRAWPORD. EVE. PH. 4-90M or MR. KJOOIKB, BVX. PH. 4-S404. If no nnower call 4-1141. BUSINESS FRONTAGE On Portland Rd. Close to Hollywood Diet, very recent irariie cljui ii.wo daur. 100 ft. frontage by 317 deep. Plus very modern 3 bedroom . borne and a 3 bedroom home. Both have oil furnaces. 1 baa auto, oil furnace. Oar uaa. W consider this an excellent property for development either now or at a future date. The price Is esB.ow. MECHANICALLY INCLINED? If ao let us show you thla excellent opportunity. All you need Is little know bow In business and be able to do some mechanical work. Exclusive franchise. Shown by evening appoint ment only. No phone Information please. Price about 333,000. - MONEY MAKER SACRIFICE This restaurant is n real money mak er. Has been established for many yean. Rent la extremely low. Has nv Ing quarters. Netting between $1300 and $1400 per mo. Owner forced to sell. Offering at the sacrifice price of 8500. CALL POR DAN IBAAK, EVE. PH. . ix no answer eau 4-3348, IDEAL 30 ACRES And we mean lust that. Thla 1s an excellent farm for seml-ratlred couple. 17 acres under cultivation. Very food modem elean 3 bedroom home. 30 by 40 barn, chicken house, machine shed. Will. soil. 3 acrea eaneberrle. Some cherries, apple. 9 walnut, trees. Sev eral other fruit trees. Pull price only 810,300. 2y2 ACRES PLUS Very close in. Modern lane 4-bed-room home with fireplace. 80 cherry trees plus several other kinds of fruit and walnuts. All under Irriga tion. Only 8 miles from Salem. Best of loll. Pull price only $0850. 15 ACRES Terr choice bldr. otto. Cloio In. Only lft mlDutM from down town Salem. Oould bo ..parated for I homo lltei. 19 acrei under cultivation, ft crop toei to buyer. Pull price 99150. CALL POR 11R. LEAVE IS, EVE. PH. 3-47A. Zf no aniwer call 4-3349. KORTOAoa LOANS 10 Tear Maturity Al Isaak & Co. Realtor Office Phonei: 4-3111 or 1-7910 9099 PORTLAND ROAD are. Phonei: 9-4719, 4-5494, 4-9011, 4-9010 or 1-3009 If no aniwer, phono 411 19 199999 991119 91999119 ' 9tlrHI9999 9949999999 90WMIH9 99WIHIII LIST 99999999999999 999111999999999999999 9999999999 99 ttllMlltl I9UIII9 II 9IIIIII9 99 H1 SULLIVAN THIS IS TT. So many bedroomi you can't count them. Baaement, dbl. plumbing. The addition of a kit. up could give you $120 a month. Thla old er home in really built. Close to Willamette U. and Salem Memorial Hospital, The price, 87500. Call Mr. Arndt eves. Phone 4-1788. 330 OXFORD. For etoo down you can have one of the finest new 3-bedroom homes on the market today, some palntlnv to do yet. Twenty-yr. PHA mortta at 4H available, 18.800. Call Mr. Nelson ares. Phone 4-8441. DUPLEX only 4 Mocks from State house. Raoh aide has 3 BR. Lane LR, DR. Kit and Baaement with utility. 88 X 100 lot. Excellent Investment property In a top location. Call Bob Davis, 1-tTtH for appt. INVEtTTMENT. Plve Bedroom elder Nome with basement. Only tt block from Sears Shopping1 Center. At pres ent, 4 of bedroome an rented to stu dents. Income can be treatly In creased. Pull price only $13,700. Call Bob Davis, 3-8784 for appt. 30 ACRES, Skyline Road. Substantial 8 bedroom home. Pull basement, wall to wall carpet. Approx. five acres strawberries. RXtra three room bouse and $500 worth of lumber. Oood barn and all equipment included. $16,000. Call Bd Bristol Eves. Phono 3-8814. DUPLEX-PHA constructed. This fine duplex local to: on paved St., near shopping center. 3 lane bedroom ,tn each. Tou tet an extra lot ok a very substantia loan may be secured. Will take a home la trade, call Mrs, Boyd. Xves.i 3-1843. 17,000. Robert B, Sullivan REALTOR 3H8 Pcrtlsnd Road Branen Office: 7 N. Sign 4-8533 4-3413 C83 VT:7TTB "n. must sell un- - - .iuhm or April JVlil. Sili hl,w" bldd.r. 1 acre of J!l".."l? rno, l't mllea. I It. IP hUl, Beuaa mm. Bat. a, eu. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oragon REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN CUTIE , Attractive -yr.-old 1-bdrm home on tree-ihaded atreet, North. Nleo ltvlnx room, dlnln, room, kitchen with nook, utility loom, alMO, lane lot. Only 97.750.09. Terma. Call Mr. Paraoni. NEED THREE BEDROOMS? Nearly new weU-arranied home with thro, urn bedroomi, Uvlni room, lane kitchen, hardwood floon, attached (araie, oU heat. If you want more for your money aak Mr. Paraoni to ahow you thla at only , 99,900. Oood termi. ONLY $8,500 Tou will Ilk the large lot with tnee. In a good district. last. The borne ha 3 bedrooms, lane Urine room with dining area, modern . kitchen, automatic oil beat, larate. 4 OX loan can be assumed. Call Mr, .Anderson. ENGLEW00D SPECIAL Perfect for a working- couple. Excellent location, email lot. 1 bed roome, llvln, room, kitchen with dlnlni area, utility room, only 4 kloekl to achool. Priced to cell at 99.909. Call Mr. Andaraon. CHARM A-PLENTY Tnli 4-bedroom Enilewood home will ploaee you with 1U lovely living roon, cheerful Roman brick fireplace, dlnlni room, convenient kitchen, full baiement, oU furnace, nice lot. If you want a real home, aeo thla dellfhtful homo, 911,900. Terml. THE STORK CAME TOO OFTEN We need a lane borne. Mom. dad and slater all have a room, but ' what will we do with the twins? We will trade our attractive 3-bedroom . bom with fireplace, dining room, lane kitchen and lovely lot for a 3 or 4-bdrm. home. We are asking 11,000 for our borne with good terms. Lane 4 loan, can be aaaumed. MURPHY & KENT REALTORS . ' 494 No. Church ' Phone 4-2191 Evei.: Mr, Andorra ROY TODD Real Estate V WEST SALEM SPECIAL Neat four room and bath. Store e apace tn attic with stairway up. Lota of shad In back yard. Nice picket fence. Oarac. Only 1400. ., Call Ura. tenultes, aaUswoman. . NEW HOME Nke llvtnr 13x17, Dlnlni, Kitchen, I bedrooms, bath between. Att gareee. Lot 88x180. Only 1 toll, to school and a tores. This 1 a real buy for only 86000. Call Mr. Simpson, salesman. LESLIE DISTRICT Large llvlnf sx dining combine. Nicely arranged kitchen. Utility, I bdrma. Olaaaed In breeseway with Att. garage. Fenced back yard. ' Only 4 yrs. old. Close to school and itoras. Only $0W0. Call Mr. Van dervort, talesman. - , , OWNER SACRIFICES ' ' Just reduced $1000 for quick salt. Nice lan living. Dlnln;, ZUtehen, Nook. 1 bdrm. down, 3 bdrm. up. Oil furn. Pull besmt. Outside fin place. Lot C0H15. Xnglewood district. Price $10,5O. CaU Mr. Rucb, salesman. LOOK THIS OVER New 3 bedroom borne, large Living, Dining, Kitchen with plenty of ' at apace. Utility, forced oil heat. 1130 to, ft. floor apace. Lie. garage. Corner lot 49x100. Only PlO.tDO. CaU Mr, Slmpaon, laleeman. ' INCOME PHOPERTy Two apartmenti plui aeparato 9 room houae ai owner'o- borne. Apte. conelat of 1 room, at bath each. Purnlture In apartmmta In eluded. Corner lot 130x110. Rent from apta. will par for home. Price 910,950. Call Mr. Todd. , ROY TODD, REALTOR 930 STATE STREET OFFICE PHONE 1-9J91 Eve. Phone: Schultei 3-9919; Simmon 3-9339; Ruch 3-7911; Vandervort 1-9399; Todd 3-1731 Grabenhorst Specials 10 ACRES Three bdrm. borne, barn, machine abed, chicken bouse, dble. garage, black-top road. Price 8OT0O. Term. CALL PETER H. OEI8ER. MANBRIN GARDENS 3 bdnna., full basmt. Spaelou Uv. nn. with fireplace. Din. nn. very convenient kitchen with brkf. area. Lge. beautiful yard. Price 113,800. CALL H. K. LATMON. CHAR&I wTTK ECONOMY A lge. family home wltb every modern . convenience for gracious living, 8 bdrm., lge. reception room, Uv. rm. it din. rms., dream kitchen nook, den, 3tt baths, auto-coal forced hot air heat. A wonderful borne for entertaining. CALL J. K. LAW. , APARTMXNT INCOMsT 8170 per mo. Six apartments. Rouse tn No. I one. Price $11,500. CALL PETER H. GBISER. GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 134 8. Liberty St. Phone 3-2471 i Evenings and Sundays Call J. V. Law, 3-5113 H. K. Laymon. 3-8458 Peter H. Oelsar, 3-M8B Aa aaAA--afi .AA...r......ffffffff fflf ffr SttSSSSJ REAL ESTATE COLBATH SPRING SPECIALS INCOME TRADE HERE IS A LA ROB 4-BEDROOM IN COME HOME. Located iutt 4 blka. from cllv center. Buslneai oone. PRICE IS ONLT 113,900. Owner will take farm property 'or email city borne In trade. SEE VAN HORN, EVE. PH. 41795. , POSSIBLE $750 DOWN Nice city home with 9 bdrmi., ut, DB, kitchen, bath, utility, large ga rage. Paved It. ONLT 9t0. SEE VAN HORN, EVE. PH. 41795. EARLY COLONIAL - DBSION It io neat, elean and luit what tho doctor ordered, wall-to-wall carpeting. Dream kitchen with bat doori. 1 bdrrm.. very large living rm.. fenced yard, nice lawn or attached ga rage. THIS IB ONLT 97500, SO HUR RY SEE MRS. OOLESBEE, EVE. PH. 35373. . " . COTTAGE FOR 2 AND MADE POR TOU. Start living in thle nlc. 1-bdrrn. home with LR. DR. kitchen, bath, largo lot. NEARLY NEW. LOCATED N.E. CLOSE TO STATE HOSPITALS. ONLY 145O0 with 9900 down. BEE MRS. OOLES SEE, EVE. PH. 39173. CLOSING ESTATE ON BUSINESS LOT TN HEART OP SALEM. Dirt cheap at 99,930. Hal charming older 3-bdrm. home PER SONALITY PLUS. Bur thu and double your moner In 9 rri. "MY OUE88". CALL DAVID COOK, BVE PH. 41703. $3500 BARGAIN OLD TIMER Small down. Oood older $-bdrm. home. Needs to be cleaned, then rent for $50 per month. SHOULD PAY 12 on your money. BEAT THIS? SEE DAVID COOK, EVE. PH. 41703. EXTRA GOOD BUYS 9 ACRES IN CULT. 4 mllei N.W. Sa lem. 7 A. Royal Anno erherrlei. Har vested 14 tone In 'U end 14 torn In 1953. New 3-bdrm. modern home built In 1951. Price 99009. 31 A. adjoining haa 4 A. Bartlett peara, heavy bear ing. 1 A. young prune treei. ftb A. feeoue and cub. clover. TOTAL OP 114.500 for 33 ACRES. SEE T. T. AN DERSON, EVE. PH. 41714. tS ACRES In (S C. KDOB OP TUR NER), 3 A. palture, bal. grain. 7-rm. older modern home In lovely letting of cedar, cyprui and fir treei. Lovely yard, tlowera At ahrubi. Pair barn, hen hN. hand toota. PRICE ONLT 99500. WILL TAKE l-BORU USE. IN TRADE. PREFER 4 CORNERS DIST. SEE T. T. ANDERSON, EVE. PH. 41714. 3 ACRES. X.leer Dlit., under lr rliatlon. Neat 3-bdrm. modern home, barn. Tou ean raUe anrthtng here. IHRIOATION SYSTEM ' INCLUDED POR 97050. 93S0O down. SEE T. T. ANDERSON. EVE. PH. 41714. ALMOST SOLD OUT OP OOOD LISTTNOS. WE NEED L1STTNOS ON HOMES. FARMS. AO RKAOKft, LOTS. BUSINESS PROPER TY. LIST WITH US, OUR BALES VOLUME B OVER 1100,009 PER MONTH. VAN HORN-11719 ANDERSON -43714 COOK-41703 ' , OOLKSBKE-3MT3 crnci DIM, 44494,24552 RSI 1 REAL ESTATE 1-1744. Pariona 1-1509, Kent 1-3790 091 REAL ESTATE ACREAGE Located on Delia rlghway near Kola park. 3 bedrooms with room up stairs for bedroom and storage apace. Living room, large kitchen and di nette, bath, full basement with saw dust furnace. Lovely view overlooking river. Nearly new and priced at $10,000. Shown by appointment. KEIZER . Lovely 3-bedroom home en Clark street wltb lot completely fenced. Like new. Only 8000. FARM 31 acres, 4-bedroom bouse, full base ment. Lane barn, 1 acre In orchard, balance in treats and hay. Located aouth on Highway 80. Only 1$ min utes to Salem. $16,000. DUPLEX 1 side completely furnished. Live In one, rent the other. See thu, $13,800. Abrsmi, Bourland & Skinnejr 411 Masonic Building Real Estate Insurance Mortgage Loana Phone: 3-9317 Evenings: 1-4700 IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Like new 3 br. ranch home, flreplece, din. rm., lge. kitchen, inalde utUlty, garage, car port di small shop. The yard Is like a small park. Top loca tion. Out of town owner. Priced right. 3 BED RM. NORTHEAST Tou will like the Bay window and lane rms. Fruit fe nut treea. Straw berry patch and plenty of garden space, on bus line inside city, race 10,500. We have the key. APT. HOUSE TRADE 7 furnished opts. 8 baths. Close in. Always rented. Pine condition m furn lahlnta. Income over 8830 mo. Take, a $10,000 home for equity. Let rent pay balance. Price 133,800. RENT BEATER 3 br. furnished home on very good corner lot In w Salem. $500 dn.. $40 bio. rnce is'fsv. van aioa utcary. WALTER MTJSORAVB REALTORS 1311 Bdeewater 3810$. Eve. 3993$ caa WANTED REAL ESTATE CLAUDE KILOORE Needs a few listings on homes and farms for N. Capitol St. office. Ph. 4-8083. 1481 N. CAPITOL. ca WE NEED more listings on all classes of property city and suburban homes, mall acreage, farm and business property. CENTER STREET REALTY, Realtor! 1748 Center Street Phone 4-8831 cast WE NEED 3-bedroom bomes. W need 3-bedroom homes. We need acreatea. both wltb or without improvements. Rclmann Real Estate s Insurance Ml South High Street Phone 3-8303 JOE PALOOKA BtAWnwTaWMAa.aBfclV' THCRfS Y CvAOW V POT.;, Kf3 POT PASH... IT'S DOT lJf7! FlSMMP at V . WLJ WANTED REAL ESTATE ejE NEED LISTING! BADLY on email acreage! and goou ' -homea. L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR 1095 Portland Rd. Ph. I-79U (1111 NOTICE: It your property la lor lale. rent or exchange, Uit It with ua. We have ell klndi of eaih buyen. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 151 S. Hlih et. . ca . atvivn fnp f.rml and acreaiei. Llat youra with Colbath Land Co. Sao T. T. Anoereon. r.ra Agent. Phone 4-4494. Eve. 4-3714. ce abw hull. In naMl of 9 and 3-bed' room homei. In Leine Dial. AUo need horn, anywhere with amau sown par menu. What have yoof AL KAAK. REALTOR. PH. 43311 If no aniwer, ph. 4-3149 ca WE ABE In need of good houiel to ell, In or near Salem. If you wlib to llat your property for lale, aee ORABENHORST BROS., REALTORS. 131 S. Liberty Ph. 1-1471 ca BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GROCERIES, GAB, 1 cablni. Poatolflce, living ouarteri. 309 ft. Hlway front age, full price 49500. Terma. People! Exchange, Realtor., McMlnnvllle, Ore. ' poo. FOB RENT, Bualneee Building In Kclier, Phone 99954. coil' BUSINESS & INCOME CHOICE CORNER-fl07S N. CAPITOL 6 furnlihed apartmenta. 9 bathrooml. Phono Zitep. 1-1709. 930.000, termi. ceoe FURNITURE FOR SALE COMPLETE household furniture, includ ing appliance. Bargain. Leaving state. 3381 SUte. 2-0558. 482 WANTED FURNITURE ass FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Registered Polled Hereford Herd. Complete herd of 33 young cows and bred heifers, 10 calves, 1 herd bull, expect 19 more calves this year, All show animal; will sell only c - plete herd. Write or phone Harry Lea- ton. Kt. l, box iia. eprinineML ore aon (1 mile north of Harden Bridge on Marcola Rd.). Phone 8-3300. e88 CHINCHILLAS Proven breeders or young mated pairs. Easy terms. Write or phone for free literature. Visitors welcome. Crest Chinchilla Ranch, $090 Portland Road. Ph. 4-4069. e93 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEP White face Hereford. 36c. Locker pork, 35c. Nothing down, $ mo, to pay. Custom killing. Trailer loaned free. Salem Meat Co., 1325 m. 38th. Ph. 3-4858. ea RABBITS WING NEEDS BABBITS 3983 State. 43918. CD88 CALIFORNIA BUCKS and does. Phone 4-3081. 4410 Claxter Rd. ebB7 PETS SIAMESE MALE at atud. Orderi taken for klttena. flneat lndomeitlc, and lm- ported blood llnei In slameie and Abyailnlam. 3-0619. acll WANT GOOD HOME for pet coon. Ph. 3-3979. 0O93 THOROUGHBRED SFKINQEB apanlel pupplea 919. 3455 Portland Rd. Salem Art Tile. tear COCKER PUPPIES from champion atock Nice for Hiter. 3-1353. col HOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM 1959 McCoy. one block east of N. Oapltol, ltt block! north of Madlion. Fh. 3-SS97, OO103 CHOICE CANARIES 1840 Chemeketa at. Ph. 3-4395. .CS4 FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co, Pick up your Preito-Logi, Briquet! and Wood. 199 So. Com'L, phone 3-7731. ee STOVE WOOD for J el,. 149 Bait Miller. 0C51' Hiway Fuel Co. Sawduit tube lervlc, all klndi of wood. Phone 9-6444. oo West Salem Fuel Co. BLOCKWOOD, 14" CLEAN IMMEDIATE DELIVERY Pickup Wood 1535 Bdeewater Phone Salem 3-4011 Oregon , Fuel Co. SLAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Phone 9-5513 3097 Broadway Capitol Lumber Fuel Co, SPECIAL FOR 30 DAYS Planer trimming!, 98 load. Phono 97731 FOR SALE POULTRY GOLDEN BROAD and New Hampshire chicks, hatched every Monday and Thursday, our e nicies grow raster. Pox's Hatchery, 3830 State St. Ph. 3-4969. WANTED Colored fryers, . colored and lee horn hens. Hit he t prices. Lee's Hatchery, phone 2-2861. T FOB SALE Twice weekly, day-old chicks In New Hampshire, Parmenters, Red, White Leghorn. Austra-Whlte, White Kocks. wnue wyanooues, rar menter cockerels, Lee Hatchery, phone 2-3881. f HELP WANTED MALE MEN Part or fuU time Lake orders for Britannic a. We show you bow. Make up to $3.00 hourly comm. wire or write Dept. EC, INuyciAJr abd 1A bhtt ANNICA. 478 if. ssunigan, cnicaio. taai MALE WOOL preaser. Box 42, Capital Journal. tear OLDER MAN for evenine. Sat., Sun. work. Must like kiddle, hare Iron-clad references as to honesty. Light work, Capital Journal, Box 38. gagl1 BOOKKEEPER (AGE 30-451 Credit Ex perience neceasan. Lumber office. Pur nlih experience and business refer ences. Box 40 Capital Journal. ga82a NEED 80 MEN for hopyard work. Call Jack StefanV 4-1333, Salem. tall AUCTIONS Gigantic Merchandise AUCTION SALE BY POPULAR DEMAND . RAIN OR SHINE - ALL UNDER COVER 1 to 6 p.m. - 7 to 12 p.m. Scotty's Auction House Attn rr.VTF.P. RT. SALEM. OREGON p lOIV VJ-i' " TUESDAY AFTERNOON & EVE., APRIL 7th THESE AND MANY OTHER ITEMS TO HEW 1963 XLECTRIO SEWINO MACHINES Regular 1109.50 Pull alae portable! and cabinet.. Sewa forward and '..-everae. Round bobbin. Mew Bectrlo Mlxera (Mod Outalde Paint New Cnlnawere. New Leather Good! Houiehold Purnlihlngl New Pop-Up Toaiterl NEW TREATED TARPAULINS Slaea 9X10 10x13 10x14 30x19 13X-4 13x30 14x14 30X30 Mew Table Lamp! Electric Raiori , Plihtng Equipment Hunting Vqulpment : Pen and Pencil Seta . Furniture V Vacuum Cleaner. Radloa SAVEI SAVEI MEW H-TNCH DRILLS ARMORED STEEL CABLE MANY MORE OUT ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION TOME EARLY BUYERS. SO YOU CAN EXAMINE MERCHANDISE dd97 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Experienced woman for wait ress and kitchen work. Hours u a.m. T p.m. LeOarle's Delicatessen, 453 Court., gb83" GIRL for general office work, on with real estate and Insurance experience preferred. Tel. 3-9303, phone evenings 3-3384. gb STENOGRAPHER, requires complete knowledge typing, short hsnc. msing. Some figuring. References required. Box 41, Capital Journal. gb82 WANTED Olrl for general office work. . Please reply to box 38, Capital Jour nal. gb8l WANTED Experienced beauty operator before April nth. Good going busi ness in Salem. Write Box 37, Capital Journal. gb82 CAR HOP Woodroffe's San Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phone calls. gb' WAITRESS Woodroffe's San Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phone can. go' ARE YOU in need of more money? AVON COSMETICS holds the answer. Be come an Avon Representative and serve your neighbor during convenient hours. We train you. Por Interview, .write Avon Dlst. Mgr. P. O. Box 3761, roruano a, ore. gosr SECRETARY - BOOKKEEPER Prefer girl with - lumber experience. ateadr work with a future for poraon who can nandle detaue and reeponll- bllltlei. Aak for Mr. Teigue. NORTHWEST PTR A PINE LBR. CO. Phono 34173 dayi, 14514 evening!. gb81 WANTED SALESMAN CYCLONE PENCE needs commission man your community. Excellent opportU' nlty for retired business man or part time selling. Contact D. M. Whitney, 400 N. E. nth Are., Portland, Oregon. Phone East 8108. g83 WANTED POSITIONS EXPERIENCED practical nurse wishes eigbt-hour-day duty In private borne or institution. Aged or chronics. State particulars. S.W. 8339 Monday only (Portland). h83 PAINTING, Papcr-banslng. fret est! , mate. Don Lucero. Phone 8-8623. hl06 OARDEN PLOWING, discing, rototlll lng, by the hour. Phone 3-7170. hflfi PAINTING. Pree estimates. Ph. 38191 3U0 Roberts Ave. hB6 WASHING AND Ironing preferred. House work by hour. Also will drive car. Do not call Saturdays. Bhone 36876. ne" PAlWTINto AND decorating, hourly or contract. Martin Jim woirer. 4-2879. h88 LAWN CARE evenings and Saturdays. 4-3870. h81 LANDSCAPE maintenance, pruning. trimming, planting, fertilising. Serv ice Center. Phone 4-3573. blOS NEW LAWNS, complete, free estimates. Phone 4-3941. hi 06 Licensed and non-licensed practical nurses, or domestic. Call 3-5073. h96' GARDEN, PLOWER bed and lawn pre paration. Flowing, discing. leveling, rototuiing. service center, raone 43573, hl03 LIGHT CRAWLER, dosing, dirt level log, grading. Phona 3-3220. hios WILL DO CEILING, one wall or entire house. Do all kinds of painting, brush and spray, furnish references, by hoar or contract, rn. e-iiutt. nor PAINTING. Pree estimates. 35 years ex perience in Salem. Phone 3-7553. h9l CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Plowing, discing, seeding. Phone g-3041. h9B' WHEAL'S DAT NURSE RT Licensed and state inspected, miant up to 3. pnone x-ooio. h80' SPECIALIZED CHILDREN'S sewing, al tera lions, rn. a-epui. nB3 j TILLING WITH Rotary - hoe. Oarden wna. rnone s-bdw, as xrersreen hl04' PLOWING and discing. Orover L. Ra ni an n. 3496 Blossom Dr., Salem. Phone h66 MOWERS SHARPENED at door. Make run easy, rnone Z-0314. h83 FINISH GIRL wants house work. By nour or oaj. t-owj. hfia NEW lawrts. Rotary hoeing. Pre esti mates. Duane Wolcott. Phone 3-8127. h87 Patch PiaAgTEuivr. h..M9. ..." prooiea Dy plastering. Frank's Service, phone 3-8548. hai tlUSQ WITH new M.I. ROT ART TIL- ruwui mjnuii h84 CtJSTOM WORK plowing and discing, araivud dt-Twia. irwj mrenwood Dr. hS4 NEW LAWNS PREPARED, put In after May first. In the meantime, plowing PLT?v.WiN, ""WATt SERVICE: ha. , 4 KAPIO TV SERVICE TV ANTENNA Bonded and llcemed ipeclaiut. lnat.lled. 110 piu, mater If Call any time. Free eallm.t... Ph"", haioi Saturday, April 4, 1953 AUCTIONS NATIONALLY AUVMiio BE SOLD NEW CHROME DINETTE SETS Reg. 9130 to 9170 Rubbertied Spring Chain Tablil .re gtaln-proof, burn-proof, acid - proof, gray, yellow, green, red. New Preaiuro Cooker! New Blectrlo Iroua New Waterleia Cookwaro New Drop Oorda New Bedepreada ' New Comforter! ,VK1 ' SAVEI ; SVi-lNCH POWER SVAWB FOR RENT x-STORY , , , CONCRETE WAREHOUSE' ' BUILDING' with electric elevator,' alley en trance, back of Hotel Salem, a good distributor's headquarters. STATE FINANCE CO. 167 S. HIGH ST. WANTED TO RENT WANT TO RENT! with option to buy or leaae, email building or apace lultabla lor Barber shop. Box 99, capital Jour nal. FOR RENT ROOMS CLOSE IN, clean room, private bath, en trance. Refrigerator. 745 Marlon. Jk81 REASONABLE, clean, attractive, warm rooma, cloae In, private entrance. Phone 3-7491. IkSl" ATTRACTIVE BOOM. Oentleman. 999 N. (Vummer. Phone 9-4399. Jk93 NICE, FOR gentlemen, eloae In. 633 N. Winter alter 9 p.m. )k91 NICE LIGHT houaekeeplng room. Lady. 986 N. Church. Jkll- FOR RENT HOUSES DOWNSTAIRS, unfurnished 3 bedrooms. 1029 Saginaw Street. 145 month. Phone 4-3982. Jm83 UPSTAIRS furnlabed 3 bedroom, 858-50. Utilities. 1& fl. 19th. 4-3983. Jm83 HALF BLOCK from Washington school. Furnished five rooms and bath. Ad joining garage. 'New construction. One or two bedrooms. Phone 3-7448 or 3-6960. JmSl 1-BEDROOM Stove and refrigerator ' furnished. Newer, clean and neat. 850 per month. Phone 4-1781 or 3-4664. Jm AVAILABLE now, nTly new, modern all electric 3 bedroom bouse. 8055 No. Lancaster. 860. Call after 8:00 p.m. and Saturdays. 3-1338. Jm81 NICE B room redecorated. St. Vincent district. Inquire 1090 Donna ave. JmB2 S-BEDROOM, fireplace, larae lot, north, 370. - 3-BEDROOM, oil beat, suburban, nicely remodeled, 880. 3 BEDROOMS, suburban, S50. Murphy & Kent 458 No. Church Phone 4-3393 Eves.: 3-3780 )m8l SMALL 4 room furnished house and ga raae. Adults. 2-7440. Jm81 CLEAN 1 BEDROOM cottage furnished or unfurnished, reasonable. 3845 Port land Rd. Jm89 WEST SALEM, dean, nicely furnished l-bedroom home and garage, 80. 1211 Edgewater. 35109, evenings 19939. JmB4 X-BEDROOM HOUSE on 3185 Hazel Ave. Inquire 2085 Haiel Ave. Jm81 CLOSE IN, 3 bedroom unfurnished cot tage. All electric. 685 N. Church. -. Jm81 CLEAN 1 bedroom house, nice garden spot. 1950 .Howard street, 340. Call 3-8315. JroBl 6 BEDROOMS, 3 bathe, completely fur nisnei, oisiiwasner, automatic wash er, basement. Older comfortable home. Nice neighborhood, $100 per month. Phone 3-8136. JtnSl TO RELIABLE PARTY 4-bedroom fur nished house, near shopping center. 180 month. Call 3-4957 after f km. JroBl LOVELY 1-BEDROOM court rental, com pletely lurniinaa, tile bath, only 150 per month. Phone 4-1761 or 3-4884. lm OFFICE FOR RENT S OR 9-ROOM SUITE, 1 ilngle. Oregon nuiioing. Phone 1-4114. Jo GROUND FLOOR office or etore ipace for rent. Call at Pitta Market. in FOR RENT APARTMENTS S-ROOM FURNISHED apartment, 495 no. ant, rnone 9-0867, JPB6 MODERN 8-ROOM duplex, nicely furn- uneo. uround floor. Front aod rear entrance, 946 month. No drinker,. Also trailer horn, for rent, 919 month. 1730 Water. lp43 FOR COUPLE or 1 alrli, modern apt. .-car hvicpnon. omce, ataio nulla- Inn at ihopplng center. Utllltlee paid. Including bendlx A electric dryer. Plenty of hot water. 499 No. Winter. i JP81 ATTRACTIVE ROOMS, furnlahed Apartment, eloae to bualneaa center. Adulti only. Phone 1-9343. Jp91 CLEAN, COMFORTABLE one-room apt. omr .ao, uuir preferred. 646 Ferry. 1P83 By Ham Fisher SI