Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 04, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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Olirhf Twk train Ow KhA (Mt) worhi e the
VUUII tajart4 rlfht toe a TnkH pitcher VI Itaseht,
Th rlfhthandsr was art by a Ma off th bat l
Philadelphia Athletics Mtflaldar Day rhilly m Mrntk .
ton Is ( ef xhlbrt4oa fm at It. rtarwf, Fla. Yanks
' won, a'-O. ' ' - ' 7
Peorce Pitching, Janfze
Hitting Leads Vile Victory
Two-bit pltchlnr by Lowell
Pure and a home run aplec
by the Jantze brother Phil
and Curt led Salem lilrh
echool'a Vikings to a 16-6 Tie
to ry oyer Lebanon on 011nfr
field Friday afternoon.
The two hit off Pearce
both came In the sixth inning.
They were by Flew and Mon
roe, the one-two men in the
Stayton Scores
19 Runs in One
Inning, Wins 30-6
Stayton Stayton defeated
Philomath S0-6 in a Capital
leu rue tame here Friday, and
it wai baseball, not football.
The Bailee aeored 1 pointa
we mean runs in the sec
ond quarter oope, we mean
second Innlnf.
: The 19 rum eune on 11
hlU, four walki, three errors,
and about three casee of
Philomath players throwing
to the wrong base. Wayne
Mlnten and Dave Neltluff
eaeh scored three runs la
the second inning.
Stayton had a total of 16
hit for the ball game. They
eame off two Philomath
pitchers, Carter and Wooley.
Hatch went the distance for
Stayton, glTlng five hits.
fhUMUlh t 1 1 lit 1 f I 4
tterton 4(11)1 MS 134 M t
carter. Waaler (I)
Batch tad BBnrtehe.
and QarrloUi
Lebanon batting order.
Meanwhile, Salem w a
banging out 15 hits off two
Lebanon pitchers, Sehaefer
and Neustrol. The Jantxe
bats proved the most potent'
Phil had two alngles in addi
tion to his home ran, and
Curt added a triple to his
home run. Curt had a total
of four runs batted in for
the day.
Rice had three RBI', on a
double and single. Other Sa
lem players getting more than
one ' hit were Osborn and
Larry Springer.
The Vikings exploded for
eight runs in the fourth inning
and six more in the sixth.
Pearce was in top form
all the way. Be Issued only
two walks. Pearce struck
out only two batters, but
was credited with 10 assists
as Lebanoon batters time
and again tapped the ball
back to the mound. The
Vikings did commit two er
rors, same number aa Lebanon.
Salem had a total of six
stolen bases, compared to Leb
anon's none.
B O A '
CmvbU,fl 4 S 4FIMI.I I
I I J unroi.u i
J S IKlrkllM I
S 4 0 Lmphr,o S
I 14 4 Nill,U-p 1
I 4 4Suton,rri
(4) LtUm
4 Schr.p-U 1
1 lSmlth,sf t
4 14 Bontr.l S
4 4
4 4
NY Increases
Penally for
Race Violations
Albany, H.Y. W) Governor
Dewey signed a bill Saturday
authorising the New York
state racing commlslson to im
pose a $5,000 civil penalty, An-
stead of a $200 fine, for viola
tions of racing law or regula
tions. The new law also gives the
commission power to impose
the penalties on track opera
tors. It formerly had the
power to fine only horse own
ers, trainers, Jockeys and
Jefferson Noses
Out Mill City
Mill City Jefferson noted
out Mill City 5-4 in eight inn
ings as the Marion county B
baseball league got underway
at Mill City Friday night,
home with the winning run for
Jefferson in the eighth Inning.
Mill City forced the game
Into extra Innings by tying
the score at 4-4 in the bottom
half of the seventh frame, when
BUI Hoffman drew a walk and
came home on AI Ward's dou
ble. Big inning of the game was
the fourth, when Jefferson
scored four runs on one hit and
five walks off Mill City pitcher
Roy Chase.
Lee Cameron, left-hander,
tossed the victory for Jeffer
son, giving up four hits.
J.ff,rcm 004 4 01-4 I t
Mill cur 114 004 14-4 4 1
csnnos n4 Wtktaabsmfi chut ud
RlettM I
P.JintM.l 4
O.JU4H.U 4
Osbora.e 1
Orm.rf t
SprlBitr.9 I S
Patmoa,! 4 1
ruiwi 4 i
BKkjf S 1
Finw.rf 1 4
ToUb J4 11 41 14 ToUU 11 I 14 It
Muon Ktmi ......400 000 4- t t 4
HlU 000 Ml 4
Stlira Ski ........101 tot 0-14114
Hit Oil Hi 0
rnni 1 13 4 4 4 I
SetaMtw ...,H 14 4 4 t 4 4
Miiutrol Itt It I I 1 1 1
wr-aehuftr. Btlk Mauttrol. Win-
Mr Ttaret. Lour 4AhMfr. LOB S.
1; L . B BuUn, KlrUU, CunoMU,
Klet. KB T. JMllH, C. JtlltM. 3BH
Ofboro. o. Janlit. 1BK Rlo, Bsrlniw,
F. JmIh. RBI f. Jut 1, O. AniM
4, RICO 3. PWH' 1. SB BHk, CIB1D
mu. r. nin, omt, rrnnon, ran.
CP Blflt to PaUrion.
1500 Athletes in
Willamette Relays
This Afternoon
The third annual Willam
ette relays got underway at
.McCnlloch stadium at 1 '
leek Saturday afternoon,
and was to continue until
- More than 1S66 high
school and college athletes
were participating m the
porta extraTagansa.
High schools entered in
clude: Albany, Beavertoa,
Cascade, Central, Chemawa,
Condon, Corvallls, Cottage
Grove, Creswell, C r k
County High School, Culver,
Dallas, Dayton, Detroit, El
mirs, Estaeada, Gates, Ger
vals, Gresham, Blllsboro,
Jefferson, Junction Ity, Lake
Oswego, Lebanon, Lowell,
Mohawk, Molalla, Monroe,
Moro, Myrtle Creek, Nestue
ea, Newberg, Newberg, North
Oakrldge, Oreson Deaf
School, Parkrose, Perrydale,
Philomath, Pilot Bock, Plea
sant Hill, Redmond, Sacred
Heart ef Salem, St. Halens,
Salem, Sandy, Selo, Shedd,
Sherwood, Springfield, Stay
ton, Sweet Home, Taft, Uni
versity of Eugene, Vancou
ver, Wash., Waldpert, Ver
nonla, Wast Linn, Wheeler,
Wlllamina, Woodburn.
Colleges antered: Willam
ette, Portland University,
Southern Oregon College,
Seattle Pacific, University of
Washington, Portland State,
Oregon State, OCE, Llnfleld,
Lewis and Clark, Clark Jun
ior College, University of
Oregon. . .
K-Falls Dog
Wins Oregon
Derby Stake
Portland AMD A Golden
retriever male, Oak Creek's
Fremont, owned and bandied
by Norman House of Klamath
Falls, won the derby stake at
the Oregon Retriever Trial
club's competition yesterday at
Sauvie island.
Jlbodad Blade, a Laborador
male, owned and handled by
Charles Gale of Bremerton,
Wash,, was runnemip.
The trials will continue
through tomorrow.
Coaches' Panel
Due at B-Club
Monday A. M.
A group of high school and
Willamette coaches will com
prise a panel at Monday morn
ing's meeting of the Salem
Breakfast club at the Senator
The meeting will be a quet
tlon-and-answer affair, with all
Breakfast clubbers and their
guest clven the opportunity
to ask questions of the panel.
The breakfast gets under
way at 7:30 a.m., and all male
sports fans, whether or not
members of the club, are invited.
Drowning Up
13 Percent on
Coast Areas
You may be one of the
hundreds of thousands of for
tunate persons that cruised the
beautiful waters of the Pacific
Northwest last summer.
Fortunate, the Coast Guard
says, that you have met with
no misfortune.
Death by drowning increat
ed 13 per cent along the coasts
of Washington and Oregon last
summer. Non-fatal marine
casualties increased to the same
Many of these deaths are at
tributed to those persons, not
living on the coast, but conv
ins from other areas to fish,
The Coast Guard atks your
cooperation in an all out cam
palgn for safer fishing, sailing
and cruising this summer.
Make plana now for next
Have every piece of safety
equipment on your boat thor
oughly inspected replsce
them if necessary.
For information on safety
and proper equipment contact
your local Coatt Guard aux
iliary flotilla.
Wlnunlt Mian, MeCsllMk itedlu. I-liil ..
C!IK ktatUi OCB sOtotoa SUUjrrlHO,
Strtet (Kilt. IWLA olakkcaM.
nu a Maaal Iraaki Tferaa-war ami SalwM a&atldu, Wlllaalat aad Cmltal.
Oallan aaaaaaUi 00 w. WUlaawlta it Biuk'i tutaro, I jm.
Rita Maaal kaiaaalll Salaa at Mtt Bona, Selo at MIU Cltr (SUM).
Jaalar kUk Mkaal kaiaaalll Wall Salam al Utllt.
' -.. ukuf buki Altaan at fUltm.
TooDsellii Unpectiedl 6 Sigiro Todev
Senators Defeat Vies 1
. t
6-5 in 12 Innings
Calistoga, Calif. (Special to
the Capital Journal) Short
stop Geae TanselU, the most
stubborn holdout the team,
to apparently about ready to
some to terms with the Salem
Tanselll arrived at the Sen
ators' spring training head
quarters here Friday night,
and was to get together with
General Manager Hugh Luby
today. Luby is "pretty sure"
that Tanselll will sign.
"I wrote to Tanselll in Sa
lem a few days ago, and offer
ed him the best deal we could
make. The fact that ha came
down here right away should
indicate that he's ready to
sign," explained Luby.
While it looks like she
shortstop problem is about
Bearcats Bounce
Oregon College of
Education, 7-5
Willamette bbI varsity's
baseball team defeated Ore
gon College of Education
7-5 refularly-sehedaled
baseball game on -the WU
field In Bush pasture Friday
Four nuts la the fourth
Inning by Willamette broke
a 1-1 He, and sent the Bear
eats on their way to victory.
The four ran eame ' en
single by Chuck Naonl and
Pete Reed, a walk to Tex
Klrkendale, two errors and
two fielders choice.
Oregon Collegia of Educa
tion threatened with three
runs in the ninth inning, but
the OCE rally was snuffed
Dave Gray, Willamette's
starting pitcher, tolled the
first five innings, and got
credit for the win. Vem
Venice pitched the last four
Innings for Coach John
Lewis' Bearcats.
It was the second straight
win of the young season
for Willamette. The 'Cats
defeated Oregon State eol
lege 7-6 In Willamette's
opening game at Corvallls
Tldw far Talt. OrKoa AprU. 1441
(OnwIlM kr V. S. Oaait aa4 Oaadttla
sarTir. reruaaa, ere.i
Bltk Watata
Tim, Htliht
1:14 a.m. 4.1
1:10 p,m.
4:13 a.m.
7:41 p.m.
o: a.m.
' 4:01 a.m.
4:1B a.m.
4:50 p.m.
i:w a.m.
4:31 P.m.
4:17 a.m.
10:14 p.m.
10: a.m.
10:47 p.m.
11:11 a.m.
11:14 p.m.
4.1 '
Law Waters
Tlma Buibl
10:11 a.m. 4.0
10:07 p.m, 4.1
11:01 p.m. 4.0
11:10 p.m. JJ
l:M p.m. t.t
1:04 a.m. 1.0
1:01 p.m. -1.1
1:14 a.m.
1:01 p.m.
1:10 a.m.
1:80 p.m.
4:11 a.m.
4:18 p.m.
4:17 a.m.
4:14 p.m.
Change in Training Sched
Aided Bucceroni's Win
Nsw York U.B Heavyweight
Contender Dan Bueceronl does
not have to be told that "all
work and no play makes' Jack
a dull boy." Only In this ease
It makes "Dan a dull boy."
Always a sticker for heavy
training, the Philadelphia
puncher trained lightly, almost
casually, for his fight last night
with .Dave Davey of Seattle,
Wash. And it paid off with an
eight-round technical knockout
before th nation's television
tight fans.
"It was a Bhang m my
Three B's in
Driver's Seat
At Wilmington
Wilmington, N. C. m The
three "B's" Bolt, Barber and
Bulla were in position to pull
away from the field going into
Saturday's third round of the
$10,000 Azalea Open golf tournament
Tommy Bolt, Maplewood, N.
J., was on top at the halfway
mark of the 72-hole event
which winds up Sunday after'
noon. He tacked a second
round 99 three under par
onto nis first day SB for a 139
and a one stroke lead over Jer
ry Barber, the bespectacled
little Callfornlan who registers
out of La Canada, and Johnny
Bulla, one-time North Caroline
resident who now plays out of
Verona, Pa.
Barber, who last week at
Greensboro shot himself out of
contention early with an oDen-
ing day 80, whizzed around the
0.720 yards of the Cape Fear
Country Club in 33-32-05, the
best round of the tournament,
to deadlock Bulla at 130, one
shot from the lead. Bulla did
it In 67.
1 fherrv filw
111 Chemeketa
hone 2-6762
to amine schedule that did
it," Bueeehronl admitted aft
er the bout at St, Nicholas
Arena. "Previously I awed to
par eight and nine rounds
a day before a f l(ht But this
time I cut it to four rounds a
day, and never felt better." .
As a result, dangerous Dan
entered the ring weighing
193 M Bounds, the haavit nf
his career. But he appeared
to be much sharper than at
any other time and was hitting
with more power against Da
vey, who scaled 308 H.
It was th second meeting
between the rangy heavy
weight hopefuls. In their first
fight last September Buece
ronl won a close but unanimous
decision. But this time it was
the "Butcher Boy" all the way.
solved, Salem has com up
with a new problem la the
outfield. Tom Agoeta, the
youthful slugger who was to
have been optioned to Sa
lem from Sacramento, re
ported for Induction Into th
army Wednesday.
Connie Perez, third base
man last year, will probably
be switched to the outfield
this season, ssys Luby. .That
would give th Senators an
outfield comprised of Perez,
Henry K. Wltherspoon and
Don Taylor.
Taylor continued to show
promise an an exhibition
game against Victoria at
Sonoma, Calif., last night.
singled home the win
ning run In the 12th Inning
aa the Senators defeated th
Tyees, also of the Western
International league, (-5.
It was the second extra-inning
victory for the Senators
in two days. Jack Hemphill
and Wayne Rick shared pitch
ing. . r
Taylor smacked a horn run
in Salem's 8-8, 10-Inning vic
tory over Focatello of the Pio
neer league the night before.
N Jack Hemphill and Wayne
Blck shared pitching duties
for the Senators opposite
Victoria last night. Book
ie Larry Borst and Jim
MoGee ar slated to pitch
against Pocatoll at Uklah,
Calif., Saturday afternoon.
MoGee has already signed
a Solon contract, while
Borst, a Forest Grove, Or.,
lad, is still tryint; to land a
berth on the team.
Luby is still waiting for
lefthanded Pitcher Bob Col
line to arrive in camp..' He is
recovering from a foot injury,
has already agreed to terms,
and will check into eamp as
soon as he is able.
; Feres la still stuck in Ha
vana, Cuba, trying to get his
passport straightened out.
Luby conferred' with immi
gration officials in San
Francisco yesterday, and
started some more govern
ment red tap in gear. San
Francisco must writ to
Seattle, Seattle must write
to Washington, and Wash
ington in turn write to Ha
vana before Peres can get
Into th United States.
Salem plays an exhibition
game with the Treasure Is
land Pirates at 2 o'clock Sun
day at Calistoga.
Skiing Good
At Mt. Hood
(Br Tbt .tuMtaUd Prwi)
Th PortUnd Wtattatr Biumu luutd
Uu followlat tkl art ft report turdtr:
GvveVBBMBt Camp -All towi will optr
att; skiing toodi M lnctai now, pMkod.
TrUb.i lliht wtiUrly wind; partlr
eloudr. -nortCaU t Sundar, wearing,
wind WMterlr to northwesUrlr. dt-
eriajlntt afttrnorm ttmptraturaa 10 at
Timbarllna aad 49-4 at Oorarantnt
TlBhtrilaa No report.
WUlaaMtt aad aatla FatMa Ko
rtport. Forte ait; Oltarlnf sundar, aft.
rnoon temperature, near 40j deoreai-
utf VMterir to aorthwatter. winds.
Orator Lake No resort. Porenait:
Cleerin flundar, decreasing weiterly to
oorinweeicr. winds; arte rnoon temper
ature 15-W.
Pag 12 Salem, Oregon, Saturday, April 4. 1953
Beavers Win 2-1 as Linde
Halts Angels With 2
' fBr Ilia Aaaaalatad Frail)
Still undefeated after four
days of play, the Seattle Rain
ier are off to a flying start in
their quest for a Pacific Coast
learn pennant. -
Bill Sweeney's club edged
Oakland Friday night, S-4, by
virtue of Gorton Gojda berry's
ninth-inning home run with
the bases empty.
Oakland, still without a vic
tory, tried valiantly to crash
through in the eighth inning,
when Jim Marshall cracked a
homer with one on. That blow
knotted the score at 4 -ell and
set th stag for Ooldtberry's
Al Wldmar went th dis
tance for Seattle but Oak- .
land need frv burlers tn Iks
vain easts.
Los Angeles suffered its
first setback to four starts at
(Br Vnllad Fnal 7
W t Pet. OB a 4 1.004
u Annua S 1 ' 1
Hollywood J
Baaramtnta ,,( S S
Ban PraMlMO 4 S
Ban Dlaia
PorUaad 1
Oakland ; 4
rrMar'l BawlUl
Baatua 4, Oakland .
ratUand S, Lot AnnlM 1-
San rraaalata 4. Saoramanto
Hollywood 1, Baa Dleto 4.
aw tka atrial aland:
Holljwood I, Ban Dlaia 1.
Saaraatnta t, San rtanolHO
BaaUla a. Oakland 4.
Lot ABtalaa I, Portland 1.
.t t
.400 IVt
.110 1
.000 4
th hands of Lyman Linda,
Portland righthander. He
handcuffed the Angels, gave
them only four hits and reg
istered a S-l win. Two of the
three runs eame on homers.
Jim Russell clouted one for
the Beavers and Max West the
other for Los Angeles.
Hollywood's tall, sum,
New Orleans rookie, George
O'Donnell, made his debut a
winning one as the Stars
wi, aha an Dleco Padres,
rvnnnnell breezed along
well enougn uniu mw
He had a 7-1 margin oui ota
Diego quickly tent three runs
...... nr. of them Tom Al
ston's homer, and Hollywood
had to rush in uarry nsr
dorn. He forced pinch hitter
Dain Clay to fly out and end
th game.
Sacramento thlt Ban .
Francisco, ll-, but th
Seals won S-S, as Bill Brad
ford, assisted by Bob Mun
crief, bore down when it
Muncrlef came on th scene
in the sixth and held Sacra
mento scoreless the rest 01
the way. It was ms secono
effective relief Job this week.
(1) Laa awlaa
s h o A
4 4 14
4 411 4
4 114
5 1 4 4
4 S 4
4 111
(Br Tbt aaioclatad mu)
Atlanta, oa. (sv-Manatar Caur Stan
111 sumi up tka Amartean Leaaua Ban-
sank raca thti war:
'Tva sot to Blck Ina Tankiai la win.
Mr puriri would leaa losndanea la aa
aa a manaaar u I oian't,"
Cam' aaM ha waa particularly fntar
aatcd la llndlna out hew mueh OIiti-
land and Obleaio bad Iraprortd and ln-
oicaiea itrontir, witnoot aannt ao ol
rtctly, that UMaa ara thi aluba bi'i
worried about
Port Worth, Tax. Tommy Wrltbt
la maklns a belt? bid (or a Chleata
White Sox outllild birth.
The 48-raar-old Shilbr. N.C.. plarir
baa batted .144 In 11 exhibition eamai
and la a apeedr defender. Hi'a bean air
en 14 kaiee on belli and baa lenned
only twice.
He eame to the Sox la 1441 after
Mrrlee with the BMton Bed Box and St.
Louia Browne.
Ban Antonio, Tex. OP) Hank aauar.
the CbJoaao Cube iHitilnx outfielder, la
expected to njoln the elub saturder,
Whithir the lanky outfielder will par
ticipate in any of the rimalnlns ex
hibition tamii hain't bean determined.
He luffirid a broken flntor a eouple
ef wieki aio.
Hoottomtry, Ala. (tV-Tba PbUadel
pbla Pbilllii announced Saturday they
have obtained waiviri on Xen Helntile
man, Titeran ooothpew.
A lO-year-aan In the major IlMuei,
BelntllemaB lUrted with the Plttebnrfb
Plratel la 14IT. and wai aold to the
PbUUee la 1441. HU belt yiar wai la
1MI when he woa It end loit 10. Hla
major league record etenda at Tf-44.
Wleblta Pall Tix. (ity-U Ray Boone
aaa ehanxe hla throwing atria, Lea Du
roeber thlaka ClerelaDd will have a fine
"1 like him," the OUnti Uaaager told
reportiri, who remembered he eald the
lame thing leak yeer and Boone fol
lowed up with a wretched leaion.
"I think be hai Improved very much.
Hi'i lower aa ground belli and be
doein't maki that funny baikit with
bli haade any more. A dengeroul hit-
Cmethlna I don't Ilka U hll throw.
lag, I don't like a abortitop who geU
aet to throw. I Ilka one who catcbel
the ball and tnrowi It In one motion.
"But. all m all. I think he'i virr
good, I ean't undentand how he hid
each a bad leaion."
Albany Downs
Sweet Home in
District Game
Albany Albany high school
pushed across five runs in the
first two innings, and went on
to defeat Sweet Home 5-3 in a
district 8 baseball game at Al'
bany Friday.
The Bulldogs put together
three hits, and took advan
tage of a costly error by Sweet
Home first baseman Phil Klkel,
for three runs in th first in
ning. Albany added two more
tallies in the second.
Owens, who relieved Sweet
Home starting pitcher Bob
Morley in the third inning,
shut out Albany the rest of the
way. Albany also used two
pitchers, Frank Burford and
Hal Doerfler and Burford
led Albany's hit column with
a double apiece. Morley had
two doubles for Sweet Home,
while Ed Norqulst had one.
Sweet Horn 004 Ml 4-4 4
Albany 110 000 x 4 4
klorley, Owene (1) and Alwert; Bur
ford, Smith (4) and Bradley.
Portland (1)
B O A 4 4 4 1 Taloot,ei
Huutll.ll 4 1 4 Blehrdi,!
ReitellUt 4 114
01aditn,cf ill 4 Wlt.rf
Ar(t,l 4 1 a a Euer,ee
Bxiirt.1 1 4 S 1 Devil,!
Bunik!,! S 4 4 4 HollU.l
Robmon.0 4 4 4 4 Tappl.o
Unde,p S 4 4 S alcLlih,p
14 4 4
1 4 4 S
40 41114 Total! 44 44114
000 401 401-4
100 Oil 4014
ooo on looi
140 100 1004
Ab R H BrBbSe
1 10 14 114
Riui'ell. Welt. X Rui-
11. LOB Portland i, Ul Anillu I.
IB-Oleditone. HR Ruuell, Wt. 4H
HuuilL RBI Ruaull, Wilt, Rtltelll.
OP Hollli, Biker end Rlcherdi! Auitln,
BiiUukl and Arltl Honu ind Rlobudi.
T 1:41. U Somtn. Bentl, Ptllkoudaa
and Powell. A 1491.
hat AnillM...
Undi It)
McLlih (t) ...
Rune Auitln,
SeatU Ill 1M 001-4 t
Oaklind 100 000 040-1 4
Wldmar and Orteltl Orcit, lUanl (1),
Van Cork (41, cendtnl (I), Oettle (t)
and Heel.
Hollywood 410 000 104 T IS
San DIMO 000 014 401-4 4 1
COonnell, Heiedom (I), and Bragaal
Bchulte, Rayli (1), Ualloy (t) and Po-eekay.
Sea PraneUco ......001 001 001-4 4 4
Sacramento 401 000 OOO J 11 1
Bradford, Muncrlef (1) and Alblnl, Tor
nay (1)1 Oablei, Llirmaa (4) and
By lh lOih
To enable your dealer to
continue your monthly
charge service.
uu .ju.ii.i iu, lauiiijjijuiM
Thot phon number li . .
van nils ee.
889 No. Liberty
"Our reputation
. I
your security"
Everyone Welcome at the
'PosmtMii's Spoig IFrolic
Ssr D00R prizes
vli ) 1 A,mlro1 21 minth mp,--,y
Iff fufj&&l ln4oHd m your home.
fi Y$fty' 2- MrHhH $pirttil Rl nd
I HomellRod.
f l WK 22 Retningron Automatic Rifle
vi yVA M A.f air 750 Binocular.
W A V 0A U I. Universal Wrk Blanket,
dual control.
April 6 4
for all sportsmen and wives
and sweethearts
500 S. Collage