THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Pac 11 Gurif ighter's Return By LESLIE ERNENWEIN (A NmlHturM) CHAPTER 30 Hush flood then for mn. ment, idly kicking dust Into Rim baud' face, then ordered, "Go back nd keep watch for Malben while tua coou us some suooer ' Tense with diead of being kicked in the face. Rimbaud kept bis eyes closed against the gritty dust. There was a sadistic atreajc in Hugh Jubal that might prompt him to boot a man to death. The realization that this was so brought out a clammy sweat that drenched Rimbaud's body. "You ain't the only one that's cot a score agin him," Booger Bill thumb, didn't he? And Dtstol- whlpped me when I wasn't lookln'. That s more n lie a one to you. jubal chuckled. You'll' git your chance," he promised. "You can give Rimbaud the , ilnlshin' tmiehes." "Flnlshln' is right," Red Shatter predicted. Rimbaud listened to the reced ing footsteps as Booger Bill and Red moved off. Jubal remained, his boot propelling another spray of dust into Rimbaud's face. "You don't look -so big layln' down, and you don't talk so big," he (erred, the words merging into chuckling laughter. Then his voice rose to a higher pitch as he ordered, "Git up on your knees, Rimbaud." - Rimbaud- openea his eyes and blinked the dust out of them. It was almost dark now. A long shaft of lamplight came from the cabin doorway. Maneuvering himself to his knees, Rimbaud endeavored to get all the way up, but Jubal com manded, "Crawl to the house. Crawl on your knees!" Rimbaud peered up at him and asked flatly, "Afraid I'll be too big, standing up?" jubal snarled a curse. He kicked Rimbaud in the chest and knock ed him down and shouted, "Do like I tell you, Rimbaud, before I kick your teeth out!" The cloudless, star-studded sky held a subdued glow but the earth was wrapped In a quilted shroud of darkness as Charley Bonn ap proached Boxed M balancing a fresh-baked apple pie on the pommel of his saddle. Even though Maria disliked having him ride at night, she was purely proud of her baking and wanted Jim Rimbaud to sample it. "The poor man prob ably didn't have a decent piece of pie all the time he was In Mexico," she said. "And I feel that we're beholden to him for stand in?: up to Lew Stromberg like he did. There was a light in Malben 's cabin, and now, as Bonn was on the verge of announcing himself, he observed the vague shapes of horses standing in the yard. Two or three of them. Charley pulled up at once. Thse horses meant that Rimbaud hod visitors; unwelcome visitors, most likely. Then, as he tallied three horses near the house and heard another moving over by the corral fence, the full significance of it burst on Charley Bonn: The riders of those horses were doubt less Roman Four men, and they were in the cabin which must mean that Jim Rimbaud was either dead or disarmed! That startling realization struck Bonn with the impact of a physi cal blow. If Roman Four could so swiftly eliminate Jim Rimbaud from the fight what chances would lesser men have against Stromberg's bunch? He hadn't thousht thev'rt ,VM to r Ir I Dm. baud. Not with his reputation. The man was supposed to be unbeat able with a gun, and wary as a wolf. How could they have out- uuuieuvurva nam so soon? ; Easlne his hnraa hx-lr Inf.. Mm. ber Bonn halted and peered at the lampllt cabin. What, he won dered, had happened to Rimbaud? Dismounting, Charley placed the apple pie at the base of one tree and tied his horse to another. Then he drew his Winchester from the saddle scabbard, Iavm-mI shell into firing position, and walked slowly out of the trees. Bonn had circled the cabin and was easing in toward an open kitchen window when he heard someone shout gleefully, "Pour it on hlro. Bill Pour it onl" Charley easnd cautiously up to the peeled wall, hearing the meaty Impact of fists against flesh, the scuff of feet, and gusty panting. What he wondered was going on? With a conflicting welter of appre hension and curiosity prodding him, Bonn cat-footed to the open window, peered along its edge, and was astonished by what he saw. It was an odd tight. A grotesque curiously impelling - sight. Jim rumoaud, with his left hand tied down by a pigging string, and blood oozing from a gash on his forehead, slugged toe to toe with Booger Bill, who kept a bandaged hand off to one side as he swung his right fist. Hugh Jubal stood near the kitchen doorway with a broad grin rutting his sorrel cneeks, while Red Shatter shouted. "Git him agin the wall, Booger. Crotch him I" And now, as Rimbaud dodged away from Booger Bill's massive body, Shatter struck Rimbaud from behind. . .. . . Repelled by the brutal unfair ness of it. yet fascinated bv Jim Rimbaud's savage will to fight, Bonn watched in wide-eyed won derment. There, by grab was a fighting man a real fighting It made Bonn proud to watch him. Proud and sad at the same time. Rimbaud was dazed and reeling on his feet, but he showed n0 sign of quitting. His blood smeared fist swung like a piston, pounding at Booger Bill's midriff, at his broad-Jawed face and the bandaged - hand. His lance-lean body was limber as a bucev whio: it arched forward each time he swung, then arched back to either side as he dodged Booger Bill's reuinaung list, jbui Jim was taking a terrible punishment de spite his shifty weaving. The big rider caught him now with a solid smash to the face, that pulpy thud ecnuea oy juoais nooung iaugn ler. . "Bull's-eye!" the Roman Four ramrod shouted haoDlLv. "Slue him again in the same place I" Kimrjauo ronea wiui uie puncn, rocking back on his heels. Twin trickles of blood ran from his flared nostrils. He shook his head. He staKeercd sideways as if dazed. and Bonn thought: He's going down i He dreaded what he would see when that happened. But Rimbaud wheeled abruotlv and targeted mil's bandaged hand with a lab that Brought a pain spawned shriek from Booger BUI The massive rider seemed to go Desert men. tie oargeo at Kim baud with the wild blindness of an enraged bull. (To Be Continued) ROOM 4c BOARD By Ahren Hte ;mfllit It rtVSF . IF THAT AlNt CRUDE OIL, THEN I CAN'T TELL THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A MELON AND A BOWLING BALL YOU'RE RIGHT HANOVER Wf .... 'VE BEfcN VOOC Nfc I 'f 1ml DCDCMAACC Dl IT MHPM IT WAFTS ?V. SX, ISA! J, WEALTH If vJW. fee OF THE DISCOVER 1 -.4 ACROSS 1. Evergreen tree 1 Potato; colloq. 8. Contemptible child II. Commotion 11 Own 11 Depend 15. San IT. Scent 18. Soon 18. Buyer Zl.lilUt 11. Went up IJ. Public notice 14. Synthetic material 17. Town 40. Fatty fruits 42. Heated chamber 43. To each 45. Musical sound 47. Facts 48. Shook with cold 12. Dlllaeed Solution ef Yesterday's Penis S3. Form an idea 63. Prong 23. Climbing 64. Light repast plant 83. Simple 97. Reason 58. Prophet 30. Exist 57. Crafty DOWN 1. Long distance I Mountain in Crete I. Revolve 4. Get away ' I I 1ST Is 1 I fctf f 'u I" W Zir "I a ib ilir ii Trtf it pa wjr mM WF fwm. wmL r-rp-gsr w fpsr m- H w p 5l as fisT psr m iff mw m I I a&l II III If 'I' I l' J 8. Large basket 8. Grape 7. Search by digging 8. English author t. Blush i la Medicinal plant 11. Biblical city 18. Arrrow polion 10. Artist's stand 11, Scrutinize 22. Host S4. Herd 26. Blind fear 28. Wise man 29. Paradise 32, Famous psintlnf of a Madonna 35. Linger 36. Silt of olelt scld 38. Single 38. Wards off 41. Endows 43. First man 44. Sheet of glssi 46. Above 49. Hurry 50. Fish 51. Period of . time STEVE ROPER 60 AHEAQ ROPEC VE . THE 'HEBE'S -THE-DOOR TREATMENT I COULD HAVE SOME TO THE COPS WITH WHAT I KNOV"iv OR TO VOOB I 1 'CSt.. j.-bbs . OF ycxhjL 88 so08 S L I Ik I 1 1 Jl "U' PtAVED LsXE vou Ml I I I ..f - v.: J, m I trtje navuAjjnsTnc1 " I Irf I I Jk. W SAID liWfB insF. purr 1 Jln U W( Jff UN IB II 1 It-I tz 1 i r JT rk. THtN V p mm UK! iLLDflMellei I twats tic cteMjr mur tmAi c lAijiu'ma.i...1 ORPHAN ANNIE 7' i v . ; , . ,. , i . ... I lf Jl II Si' Iffr I S I - I X I 9-THtlYTMEGORi. t RADIO PROGRAMS DeMl't frt4 iwsv a' Awm fkJrtrmMt. W loltf most anything en trade reraDMHtttui Set. V First for FlMtt! TRADER LOUIE TV 1171 Lana Ave. Phtwa SI5II Otwa Monday a4 Friday Ir4slat MONrOAY P. M. , KGW KOIN KEX KSLM KGAEIKOCO ." I sm Mao n cat iw sac ; use nao test K. c. Mat sja 8-M Bm4 at Uts Mm sbrrcr tn Vraw IslSw uuu ' , ,.. :U rw. Fame Owm tM H Km asittaa Nwa . BsMtr hmI :BiHbM Bhm tutr Juk Ow Oar . SiMar aeMnh M Km mm rii Ink Oww Mm anew ' 1:M tksi w.' auitoa m. kf wt Klrkvn4 . ssisn ism. MtlMr I: s llalla DattH m Malm' Klrlvna . StMw -. . mu. tItM I: lauu arawa Kltkksa Lmtt" l ! snse , mm. M.loJr Jijt mu, mttsi 't wit snr miii sw. :SS Plain BUI Hula YhMI. i- TiBaay laws Baa'rSBaaai Kai. lam 1:11 ti. f. ram OaSlraF Cal Tlaaar "alia aaa'riBaaaa Hal Uaina :tUSaaaa OaSltar Ma Maala SUa-rS Baaai ifaj. bHM j;B aa' WSTa Oalrar ' MUltwalw Maala aaa'H Baai Hal. Laaaaa !: Walaaaia Oa4f rar " ataala BafM Oar Tain Uiai Daar MaJ, Laaaaa M Viaaalan eaStm ' Baa DaHu Skaw ' Mai. Uun :lt Br. raal gaaVrar fat Ska SMI Nawa Km Otmit Mai. Laana :i B. aawawag Oa kiaaaar ka awia Maa MaQXri Skaw m1. Laaiaa a.aa Ula Bait. Blikkaai Maala ratUai LawU KMa Imik Mai. Uaaaa i-15 Maato Bal . Balk Baklaa Saalnal Oaai Baaalamar MaaU Matt MaJ. km I sa Maala Bas ' wakalr Skaa Malrral Can Oail Maaaar Maala Mart Maala , 4;B Art Bakar Taaalallr Baasr Tlail laaa Bwa Maala Mart Maala -- !:M Naaa raraSa H ktarraw MarrU Ctrala Bak Baaiaa Maala Marl skawaaaa :1B Nawa , Balaaa Mawa V. tlaklar Bak Baaiaa Maala Marl Hkawsaaa :S rtraalaaa Warli laSar Okal Baallr Maala Maala Marl Vallar Bark M tVallaa Frank Oaaa iBak OarraS Maala MailaMarl 1 Maala ' LIL ABNER -THLRCa THE GOfU. OF MV DRlMMaM i SHE'S THE PRUTTItirr OMMIL. HIN MAL4.THE HEW HU8iiSrYTl: I : Balaa Maala BaSIa Waatkaraaaa O. Baalat Maala Marl IBaaarr :U Balaa ataaU Taaatar Baaa. HlUai Nawa Maila Slara Hat 8:1 Bak aa Bar BaSia . 0aa4 Saawar Maa Maala WarM Maws j-M Bak aa Bar Tkaalar tulaam tmm Baraa im on SS Kara i:M MarrNI Bak Bawk UM Baara Caal TkU , CaaSloiliht " .i WHaaai i Bak Bawk. Uaa Baatai Ba Taa CaaSlallikl :it Swaraa Caauaaaa ; Baarr Tarla OaMaa . Maala : aa Olra Tkaalar Ball at Taail lekaaa Br-arta Brit. fit! ir'.H. VJ! L'?": snaal-aaikl t OaMsa , . I'2J2 1:11 Wartt Bawi Oa Brat trawkaaatta Ba II. . . Track tare - 1:14 Ballraa Tataat laaal tTSL JT Maala lira 1:88 aar THaal aaai Yaaiarraw Maala " Traek laaa : a:M ratorkaaa Saaaaaaa skawllaia Olaa ftarar r77'. rratk !" 8:18 Baar Saaaaaaa ' . pawarlaaS ralaaa Lawla .-.v. -.i,,i;. Traak Mat ' Ml Skaa laaa. J. Slall4 J". Bail? , ' Traak llt :B Skaa t aaa. u.r Mia. ' 'J . ' Wawa ' M:8t Baawrlar t Star fkaaT ratal asWai BaklaS lUrr Caauaa Cka 11:18 IMM raaal btarrlawa Daaaa Tawa Mataal Nawi . - - Nkjkl Saaa B:M CaanSaaalal Ckaaikar Baaaa Taaaa Nawa . Maala law. '! W! laraaMaaaar taraai Daaaa Tiara Ball ' Waat 8;a Nawa M. BaMwaa Daaaa tlM Faataar : - : Nlski Baae f :1 l MaCaa M. BaMwta Daaaa Tiau MlSalla :, Hkjl .Baas .. :N Cllr CaaaaU Traaaarr aaaaa'Ttaaa MalaSlaa NIcM Baaal :l ajr Caaaall BaaS ' Daaaa Taa. i. ' .v.y- KkrM Baaal r aMlaaaa4t 'taaal . . Baa. tama laara CMI . I . .. I Skaa t) B LX aa ta t tvaa. I I BBS. ta fa ,. Don't Blow Your Top . Yw, Vh cm twi i tamtrltil : : RAYTHEON TV SET Trader Louie will take most anything In trade. k ti OH,WHT TROUBLEl I I NIPOA NORMAC HAMMERICAN 1 1 -BUT-t'H-THE OIL- ) A T Wi m ii I IB fill I.RIP VON LEGOFF, 1 I GORLTO BE SFARRIN6 POTTNER 1 1 NORMAL. GORL IN ALL V7 ,1 I f? 1. TlllV-l Cl0r " t -i I TO MV DAUGHTER, r 1 1 THESE HILLS IS DAISY VvI I lfiV 1 I I TARALEGOFF 1 1 MAE BUT SHE TOO J I . !'- "Zll I LSSiIC2fJlU lNCH "" MEAN SHE j IT OSOeJSEP KElOV I I V ListLl Trader LOu'lC I ygJxx, rr) rz, I 1 """LT "llLA N0KIH0FWWN- ytmrf llrD' TUESDAY 6 A.M. TO 11:45 A.M. taaP aa.' m. ' t '.j& jf C !l5 Uaauaai d ja wmtW&Vil II '- H ll (M Maala Tlaaa 0B8 Bvaa Tarai Baar Mawa Btaakfaat Waat. Mala? fSSMi4ia-V!mICm. Hwif ak9&&'WZi tSS&l S&TiKrt 1 l U i:U Maala TUaa BFD Oiataa Tana Baara Wllim Naak Wtat. mla8t fS!jlt WiwSfmW sMSg TSifcIP&Sjl " Wl- 1 ,it ,lfi J W X IlltMaala XL. Eom ataak rr traar Nawa Braaklaai ' Fua Nawa jfePaaaal IrWWW jt9tjf Wl3rJ 1 1 I L.9 llwjf I i fTl ' ' Taawi Twaa BOW Bla Taraa Baar Hana-ar Baa. Naak Nawa PafJaM wFS&imil&h!?A TJVrKSl! aWiffTiKaSirC i I X I I c5t. YvfflJ A. - I I i 1:88 Caaalrr la. BOIIf Blaak rM BHUaa Nawa Braakfall M.dllallona XT 'i. 1 "ir i 9f7Lsi& jU Urly fokXEUi iAMjSrSVlI Ul I V ? ,3 f:i Jakaaj Will Nawa M. arraaak; Braaklaat Naak Kara Black t yfJKirSiraT"'BaSQ'i Trfll3 V IWi i iSMf . t1 J lllaBawa Nawa Bak Oarraa Oaat ' Braaklaat , Kaaa Black V - Sil J ' -VMm, J I wMglS I y7 Aif T:aB Maaaaa. H.Babrllt Bak Baaaa Saai Baraa Naak Kaaa Blaak ."fSaWrlft i kWHmLdCvfcfl'''--?. r tlsj2lr tSiSlW 3 t 13 " " S?. lr8OI aaa Caa. Nawa Braaklaat , CaaU Brawa IlaiDaaSr, Kaaa Blank .R:I5SVv W afl-A ) I AOlS mVwAim 5-v raTK I SI rfi'jL-A IrUOl aawra Bara Tain InOlul ' raaillr SHar liar Danir KaaaKlaek' LJSH "-VtM naMI lT iSl ' .'. -lal . SZjfi CZIJ "tJJJ Ira HI 1 Vll MM" Grand Slaal Braakfail Baraa at Ilai DaaSr Kaaa Blaak ' aSSr8; 5a aaaaaifi:;?'','Vi.J aa.aaaaL.lLaf VO VJ iaaaj I aaalllV 17 (fl :88 Nawa W. Warraa la .... Salt mZT. Mr. Sairtk Baralaaa. MUTT SV ircr j: If Maala Baa Aa.lJaaar star. TaSar MaMr Mr. Sairtk Tana Tina MUTT ft JEFF . :lt Maala Baa Balaa Traal Braak Baak Paatara OaH Mr. Sairlh PI... Pal I lll'-tt1 UJJ-J--. I l U .J?rrSrm fT- W 1 1 -I' l I I V. Uaalakr Qr Oal Braak Baak Baa. Oaaatai Mr. Smrlk Mia. C.raaa -mi il? , HOW? yTFPnH!gN'TDP VOKHErVASSORHj OS0 I GME HIM iTy.s .... ul. p. oh. k WHAT A SAPI TO LET J I SOLD OFF I SOLD OHET I THE 6UV Htr KICKED UP Kl BA(?K HIS BUCK" J:S ' Ma Parkia. CkalBaau-p t. tmi i.r.d. Baaart. i ; A MAN SELL WajE VCA0! 1 WHO WOH ) Ar, AWftA. FU9S rfiP 7 B ".' " i&JlS-l ZZT lYUS" rSa "V. DEAD HOCSEj Cg) "Se FO f.K ( h SAV ? CflL IfS SrTIi irSS- iMTr; ikTi- T. FOR 2fS 'tTT . ."" . UsS A PIEOEf S U ifV -l.aQ' 1 'M ""aaaf ParrrMaaaa OlrlM.trlaa LaaMa Pair laraaaaa . Baaaris . I f N30 vfakT ' V. , V CT ur.y - lV'Tb -T I !8 Bar Nafak Draka UMUi gaaaa lar Baak Paaaa B.ra !TSMf (y) J-aaJT3!wifc J I 'SaVfli "' WrlfHar BarlBaraar Kaaa Par h.raaaSa BaaarSs '. C 'Vr'vi 'l VSS'P1 Vy KM f i 1 " tfQ Af Maaaar A. M.i ltiSt, Bawa B Waaiaai t;St, Orat. Basirlini lilt Maalal tlW , fliyfrr- S. hi-Jr.- "IV 1TV Tl jl Waalkari M:U JUMtallr la. , ekIMraa'a Tkaatari S M, Baak. aal 1 hMf Bonnie Bondil -Wll lOaanup Waekt v-i REX MORGAN, M. D. V i., 4 Vu wn. 7. .a. . iwaaaawaagar 1 ' ' " Portland l.ra Glenn Roy Lebanon The week ot May . : lC3kBB!SSHe UP CNEHEAXr mav t askiou a X vt.jmsj 1 Tabe -atxj irj LOtrvcu ioitw Sullsky, 18, Umatilla, will face 4-10 has been designated by Zj TOO tvkjswes wr-iooucE Ptvworaait. QtsssnON, JL. . with sheila iVe BC6N TRYW3 " federal grand jury on. charges the Linn county cleanup com- . IS.', ccTj KZJl!tJ'!?u A!l wx r - LgTF mrff I Tw-tMBR t -trrr 10 swe5 that he held up a bank at ML An- mlttea for county-wide effort, . vra Va'StSS?0 V-n55 IXnrW S?1, "l ,"t month " d "" Lenon chairman Elmer Fite- v. t Ttrlfl ..-8lStBev TWciW I M 7f M i Y2 1 MPrS . with 18,000. gerald said. .. .. K jrya. TO.D BA5u MBOJT rA.' ; ? a?-F 4 'HkB"'r FCuK HOts-' "V A telegram received from U. Residents of urban and rural . II h lnarIt?Ti5allrri mxw -jTiT ESi-IiS :' &XWaPti aarT ' Attorny General Herbert communities are . asked to il IkS'DlrlE'Lal "Tfffn i J 1 j7gir T ;- jTa' 1 f W I Brownell, Jr., ordered the lo- clean up their properties. The ' lCT JeZ&Si SI Br'naWnrT VA$J ;' wTaH55llwit ' "'U.S.- attorney's oice to county eommittee headed by "A1 ' 'JXVN7a Jii fi 1- T'taJ Til "I I r HrW J z. 1 "1 PWTv JP" SB " Sfllv NrA 5. rA. II oresent luliskv's case to a fed- n T uivaaoii n Cafjs v5u-55ff jytf VhSiaM ui ' iwivi n ' jlsW va-iu -v il a .i -,. t..r. n.- rrj err. .r.".u.,: a "jj' K js' hy, who tmd 18 today, had men throughout the country. lX xOr.l ETlH J BY CARL ANDERSON - . . Effl IHI I IJyOLtl? 7 OH.OONALO-. I f" llMH 1 Ua. a. a, a. A0" " !t'V I I I I I III I IL" H I BUT IT MXtO Sf TERKIBLt T I" j.-timi lfLrl I " 'I II I" I '" l ' ."iJ I 1"' , T-Wf ""V", "J I IJ.kMJ--- '"tXaT mIIttTcSZe ir ctt; i K00MTTH U V 607 YOU KKHT WHRC ZjT XBZ- -n TtlTf l!! aB ifliJR, jLg y . APRIL