Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 03, 1953, Page 9, Image 9

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    Friday, April 8, 1958
Union Sunrise Service at
Woodburn Easter Sunday
Woodburn Preparations
for Easter services have been
tmade by Woodburn churches,
: beginning with a union Easter
! sunrise service at the Church
lot God from 6:30 to 7:19 a.m.
P Special speaker will be Rev.
F. K. Davidson of Trenton. Mo
currently conducting a series
of meetings at the Assembly of
God church here.
; Rev. E. H. Baldwin will be
chairman, Rev. . Ormal' . B.
Trick of the Methodist' church
will deliver the invocation,
I Rev. R. Brendler of the Bible
Baptist church will offer pray
ker, Rev. Arthur Goble of the
(Foursquare church will lead
vthe song service and Rev. E.
Kay Fenton of the Presby
terian church will give the
I Mrs. Frank Chapelle will be
; pianist with Mrs. E. H. Bald
iwin and Mrs. E. W. Lawson at
fthe organ. Special music will
'be. provided by the Christian
'church and the Church of God.
Ushers will be from the As
sembly of God. Foursquare
hurch, Church of God and
.Bible Baptist church.
k Easter services at the Pres
byterian church will be at the
(Sunday school hour of 9:45
a.m., opening with songs and
Recitations by the primary de
partment followed by a pa
ggeant by the junior and senior
'departments, "The Easter Gar
iden," featuring the choir and
specials by the juniors.
At the Bible Baptist church
Jthe Easter program will be
presented during, the" Sunday
school hour. -
On Easter Sunday Holy
(Communion will be at 7:30
va.m. at St. Mary's 'Episcopal
(church, church school, Buchar
est and a movie "The Upper
fRoom," at 9:45 Festival Eu
fcharist and sermon at 11 a.m.
The Bible school Easter pro
fgram at the Christian church
twill be presented during the
'evening services, beginning at
8 o'clock.
I Luther League
1 Early Easter services will be
conducted by the Luther Lea
gue, of the Immanuel Lutheran
church at 7 a.m. Sunday. Spe
cial music will be presented
by the Leaguers and a girls
quintet. Breakfast in the hall
will follow. The Sunday
school Easter program will be
f at 10 a.m
The Bethel Presbyterian
church will have an Easter
program by the Sunday school
at 10 a.m. consisting of music,
recitations and a pageant.
A telecast on the Resurrec
tion story will feature the
Easter program to be present
ed Sunday at 10 a.m. at the
Free Methodist church. Dur
ing the young peole's service
at 7 p.m. a film, "I Behold His
Glory," will be shown.
Easter will be 'observed at
the Sunday morning service at
the Woodburn Methodist
church. , "Toward the Dawn"
will be the sermon topic of the
pastor, Rev. Ormal B. Trick
and the choir will sing Easter
anthems. , . An Easter break
fast will be served at 7:30 ajn.
by members of the WSCS for
the young people.
Masses will be held at 7, 9
and 10:30 a.m. at St. Luke's
Catholic church on Sunday in
observance of Easter. The
children's cho'r will sing at
the 7 a.m. mass and at the 9
o'clock mass the adults mixed
choir will sing under the di
rection of Miss Harriet Nizic.
"The Story of Easter," a can
tata, will be presented by the
choir at the Church of God
Sunday evening at 8 p.m.
"This Easter 1953" will be the
topic for the 11 a.m. service.
Calvary Easter
Day Breakfast
Silverotn Rev. Arvld L.
Hokonson of Calvary Lutheran
pastorate is announcing Luther
League Easter breakfast to be
at the church dining rooms at
7:30. o'clock. A special devo
tional service w!U follow.
The Sunday school hour will
be observed at 10 o'clock. "The
Great Resurrection" Is to be the
topic for the worship sermon at
the 11 o'clock hour. The pastor
will give the special Easter ad
At 7 o'clock in the evening,
the Sunday school Easter wor
ship hour will be observed in a
Calvary events for the first
of the coming week include
Monday, April 8, 7:30 evening
meeting of the Calvary Broth
erhood in the church social
rooms. The prayer service end
Bible study at the parsonage
home of the pastor will be Wed
nesday evening at 8 o clock
Choir rehearses Thursday eve-
nine at 7:45 o clock, and con
f irmation class meets Saturday,
April 11.
Less than bO years after the
landing of Columbus, the
Spaniards had penetrated what
is now New Mexico
St. Mary's Plans
Easter Service
Mt. Angel The feast of
Easter will be solemnized in
St. Mary's Catholic church be
ginning with the Resurrection
services at 7:30 o'clock Satur
day evening. During the pro
cession of the blessed sacra
ment the Young Men't and
Young Ladles' Soladitles will
act as honor guards.
Sunday morning masses .will
be celebrated at 5:30, 6:30.
8:00 and 9:30 and a solemn
high mass at 10:30 o'clock, con
cluding with Benediction.
The Easter cantata, "Haec
Dies," for mixed chorus and
organ, - taken from the Se
quence of the Easter Mass, a
composition by the late Rev.
Father Dominic Waedenschwy
ler, OSB, monk Of Mt. Angel
abbey, written in 1908, and the
"Regina Coell" by the late Rt.
Rev. . Abbot Flacidus Fuerst,
OSB, also written after the
turn of the century, will be In
cluded at both Saturday eve
ning services and at the offer
tory of the Sunday high mass.
The St. Mary s church choir
under the direction of the Rt.
Rev. Abbot Damian Jentges,
OSB, will sing the mass,
'Mlssa Pastoralis," also writ
ten by Abbot Placidus. These
compositions have- been tradi
tional with the Easter service
for the past 40 years.
.The proper of the mass Is an
arrangement in four-parts by
A. Edmonds Torer. Organ ac
companiment will be by Miss
Helen Keber. '
The St. Ann's Altar Society
will provide the flowers which
will be used in decorating the
altars in the church.
Easter Message at
Silverton Christian
Silvertcfa At the First
Christian church, the Rev. Ar
thur Charles Bates, pastor.
"The Easter Message" is to be
the sermon subject for the 11
a.m. worship.
Bible school is at 9:45 a.m.
The evening services in
cludes the youth meeting at
6:30 p.m. and the worship
hour at 7:30 p.m. There will
be the baptismal services at
this time.
A sunrise service is planned
for 6:30 a.m. at church follow
ed with an Easter breakfast for
the youth of the church.
India knew how - to make
sugar from sugar cane before
400 B.C.
Mill City Churches
Tint FrMhyUtUftIUv. NobW Btrttt-
r. ralnlaUr. undftj acbeol :M .m.
YovUi FtllowiWp 4 Church wnr-
i- 11 m. tod fiso. .
Tift ChrtiHsm Rt. Bush Jull u
tor. Sunder ichool t:4l m. C. t:M
p.m. church MiTtm 11 tod
9 m.
Ik CalhwlM CtthoHt Ptthcf Rob
ert O'fUrt, putor. Uornloi Mm I
i. ConuMloni Heard beiore mw.
ft MaUwUat RT. C. It. Brewer,
putor. aundur school t:U Churrh
Mrvicei 11 jb; tod 1:M v-m.
Cowavaaltr IUt. Ls Joiner. - putor.
und.jr ubool ! vn. Church wrrieM
11 R.M. tad p.m. .
AtMavklr l Rev. attvftrt. no
de Khool 1 .. Church eerrtow 11
t.m. fend 1:9a p-nr. Tount people d:t
p.m. .
ChrtelUa falmoo-dtUr It vn. 4
Wednesday a p.m.
Three Services
At Immanuel
,, Silverton Easter Sunday
in Immanuel church will be
observed with three services
and an Easter breakfast.
The Sunrise services at 8:30
a.m. will again te sponsorea
by the Lutber League and con
ducted by the young -people
themselves. The Easter medi
tation at this service will be
given by Norman Funrue.
. Ray Lester, a student at Pa
cific Lutheran college, Park
land, Wash., will conduct open
ing devotions, and the closing
devotions will be in charge of
David Strand.- 1
Miss Paula Scott, a student
at Lewis and Clark college,
Portland, will give a reading.
Musical selections will in
clude a song by a girls' quar
tette: a trumpet duet, "Ended
His Strife, the Battle Done,"
by Ronald . Jorgenson and
David Nelson; and a vocal solo,
"I Know That My Redeemer
Lives," by Trygve Ambjor of
Seattle. ,
Those attending this Sun
rise service will be the guests
of the Luther League at its
traditional Easter breakfast.
Mrs. Wallace. Satern is chair
man of the committee arrang
ing for this event - .
The children's service will
be at 10 a.m.
"Because He Lives!" Is the
subject of the pastor's sermon
at the festival Easter services
at 11 a.m. .
Woodburn Communion .
Woodburn The Communion
of the Lord's Supper will be
observed Friday evening at the
Woodburn Presbyterian
church. A devotional message
will be given after the opening
son gservlce at 7:45 p.m. AU
members and friends are in
vited to this service.
Easter Services
;- Lebanon Six local churches
announce plant for Joint sun
rise services by their youth
groups next Sunday morning
in the Methodist church at 6
a.m. Participation faiths in
clude the host church, First
Baptist, First Christian, Evan
gelical United, Naxarene, and
Wesleyan Methodist of Crow
foot Rev. Arlo Bristow of the
First Christian church will de
liver the morning address on
"Sharing the Resurrection."
Preceding the service, re
corded Easter music will be
played from the First Christian
church public address system in
the benry and after the service
another period of music will
conclude the worship.
Trinity Lutheran
Services at 6:30 a.m.
Silverton Trinity Luther
an church will hold Easter
worship at 6:30 a.m. Sunday,
Joseph A. Luthro, pastor, an
nounced. The senior choir will
Easter breakfast will be
served by the Luther League
after worship.
Sunday school worship will
be at 9:45 a.m. - !
Festival worship will be at
11 a.m., with the sermon text
"The Empty Tomb Eternal
Lige." The junior choir will
Woodburn St.. Luke's
parochial school closed Thurs
day, April 2, for the Easter
vacation and will not reopen
until next Wednesday, April
8. Students are , expected to
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That's why we should all have them.
SELECTION? Over 4000 plants, 10 varieties.
SEASON? From now to mid-June. '
PRICES? From 60c on asaleas, tt.tS on fine rhododen
drons such as Cynthia, Betty Worm and, Quantity dis
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. 105 Fairview Ave. Phone 3-618 ' " . V
Turn East from S. Com'l., Opposite Erickson's Market
Amity Churches
BaU.t WUII P. Iw, puw. ami
do Kbool M a.m. Moraine vanhla, 11
K. IKuUr vracrtm. arwlu Mrv
im s 9-m. awuua. warn, "tm tmt U
Ckmrak at Ort.1 Htt fmU, ft
tor. aiblc KbMl It u. Uwalu wor-
hlp 11 mi. Youns mmUbs S.-M
p.h. KTtoioi aortic. l:3S ml
M.Uw4Ut DmM MMHUt, BlnliUr.
Sund.r Khool It Manias vtrftnlp
II . Toilb miowuii :J .n,
attains Hrrleo S p.m.
Oik Oim C1-IM FoliidMtor,
IsliUr. Moraine ihiUi. t:.l
auaaa; MhMl !: u. . ,
ikb d OoSrtuk X. M.POL
poolor. annany wbool S:U Morm
ku onhl II anams httIoi
1:M M. .
Unionvale to
Vnlonvale Easter services
in the Unionvale Evangelical
United Brethern church will
start Sunday, ' March 20, at
11 a.m. with the dedication of
aix babies followed by re
ception of new members.
Communion services Good
Friday evening April 3, at
7:30 p.m. Easter Sunrise
services will start at the same
church at 3:30 ajn. Sunday,
April 8,"The Coaqueror" will
be presented , with choir of
15 voices directed by Mrs.
Clyde DolUr.
The Easter breakfast . wlU
be served at 6:30 a.m. with
Mrs. Louis Magee, Mrs. Clark
Noble, Mrs. J. . Bell, Mrs.
Fred C. Stockhoff, James
Richardson, Roy Stoutenburg
and Jamie Edlger in charge.
Regular worship services
will be at 11 a.m. Easter Sun
day April 5.
attend the Good Friday serv-
I Ice at St. Luke's church this
Friday. The Woodburn public
schools will not close.
Silverton Sets
. Silverton ' Good Friday
services sponsored by the
Silverton Ministerial associa
tion will be held at the Im
manuel Lutheran church and
the First Christian church,
Friday evening at 8 o'clock
with Rev. A. W. Nelson and
Rev. Arthur Charles Bates,
host pastors. '
Immanuel, Trinity and Cal
vary Lutheran churches 'are
to meet at Immanuel church,
whUe at the First Christian
church will be meeting of the
Christian, Methodlat, Chris
tian and Missionary Alliance,
The First Baptist and the
Assembly of God.
The Lutheran service is to
center about the theme of
The Three Crosses of Cal
vary," with three ten-minute
meditations by the pastors.
The Rev. Joseph A. Luthra's
topic: "The Cross of Redemp
tion," Rev. Arnold W, Nel
son's subject, "The Cross of
Rebellion," and . Rev. Arvld
L. Hokonson speaking on
The Cross of Repentance."
All three Lutheran choirs
will sing, Trinity choir, "Jesus
Keep Me Near The Cross;"
Immanual, "God So Loved
the World;" and Calvary, "O
Sing of His Mighty Love."
Rev. Nelson will lead the
meeting, Rev. Hokonson, will
read the scripture and Rev.
Luthro will direct the closing
devotions. . -
The services at. the First
Did You
Barlngi Building
" 1M N. Com'l.
Christian church wilt also
center about the theme: "The y
Thee Crosses ol Calvary."
The Rev. R. Triffer giving :
the opening devotlnal prayer; .
the three ten-minute medita
tions by Rev Douglas Harrell, ;
his topic: The Man Who Died
in Sin," the Rev. Josepn
Cooper's talk on "The Man
Who Died to Sin," and Rev.
Edward Duerksen, "The Man
Who Died for Sin.",
The-First Christian church
choir under direction of Mrs.
Robert Nelson .with John
Mlddlemlss at the organ, will
give "Were You There?" and
"The Old Rugged Cross." !
Host pastor, . the Rev. Ar-.
thur Charles Bates, will pre-'
aide at The Christian church
meetings. . "
. Offerings at both service
are ' for the ' school Bible
classes. , . - .
Silverton The Rev. Ar- !
nold. W. Nelson of Immanuel
Lutheran church, and the Rev. .
Joseph A. Luthro of the
Trinity Lutheran church, are ;
planning to attend the Pacific '
district pastoral conference, of
the: Evangelical Lutheran
church, April 7-9, Tuesday j
through Thursday, at Menucha '
camp, near Portland. -
About half the .people of
Cuba are farm workers. -
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