Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 03, 1953, Page 8, Image 8

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    Page 8
Easier Sunrise Services io
A iiraci Thousands Sundav
v Given favorable weather
condition, the Easter union
aunrlse services, scheduled for
0 a.m. in MoCulIoch ttadium,
Bush park, is expected to at
tract thousand! of communi
cant from Salem ohurchei.
The services are being arrang
ed by the Salem Mlnlaterial as
sociation. .
Seating wlU be in the sta
dium and director for' the ierv
lee will be B. J. 'Holland, as
sociate pastor of First Presby
terian church.
' The Salem senior high school
chorus, directed by Howard
Miller will sing three numbers:
"Christ the Lord Ls Risen To
day," Wesley; "Angels Holl 'de
stone Away," Malrston; "Beau
urul Savior, Christiansen.
Bethel Baptists
Easier Workship
A special Easter service will
be conducted by the Sunday
School of the Bethel Baptist
hurch. North Cottage and D
streets, at 8:45 a.m. Sunday.
The service is entitled, "Doors
the Risen Christ Opened."
The young people are to
meet at the church for a fel
lows hip breakfast following
the Sunrise service at McCol-
Joch Stadium, at 6 a.m.
The Easter Worship of the
church will be held at 11 a.m.
The pastor, Bev. Rudolph Woy-
ke, will preach on "rat An
gel's Easter Message."
At 7:30 o'clock in the eve
ning the choir will present a
program of six anthems and
the pastor will deliver e brief
Easter meditation.
Missionary Alliance
Convention April 8
'Silverton The Silverton
Alliance Church of the Chris
tian and Missionary Alliance is
announcing the opening of its
annual missionary convention
Wednesday, April 8, with vet
nesday, April 8, with veteran
missionary, Rev. J. Arthur
Mouw, speaking and showing
pictures on Wednesday and
xnursuay night at 7:30.
Miss Blanche Palmer pion
eer missionary from the Philip
pine Islands, will be featured
Friday night and Sunday morn
ing. Sunday night Rev. W. O.
Brooks, veteran missionary
from Syria will speak and show
pictures at the closing service
of the missionary convention,
Keizer Churches
Kelzer The Keizer Com
munity church will hold two
services on Easter Sunday
morning, the first service will
be at 8 a.m. and the second at
11 a.m. with Sunday school at
10 a.m. The services will be
identical with special music.
Rev. Goertz, pastor of the
church, will take as his topic
"The Value of the Resurrec
tion." There will be no evening
The Nazarene Church of Kei
zer will hold both morning and
evening services on Easter Sun
day. Rev. Blum will preach the
Easter sermon at 11 ajn. The
Children's Choir will be fea
tured at the Sunday school
hour which will be at 8:43 a jn,
In the evening the adult choir
will feature a cantata at 7:30.
St. John's
Lutheran (hurch
Missouri Synod
16th and A Btrsets
Bev. H. W. Oroai, Pastor
Welcomes you to it
ajn. 11 ajn.
Sunday School and Bible
Class 10 ajn.
. North 17th a Nebraska
9:10 e.m. "Why teeter" by Pastor
11:00 e.m.' "The Impry Tomb" by Or. C. P. Cotes
Easter Anthems at Both Services
7:30 p.m. Of. C. P. Gates begins his prep hetie series
n "God's Plan of the Ages"
Annuel Foreign
By Rev. Paul W. Gunther, Pastor
7:00 p.m. "A. B. SIMPSON: Missionary Pioneer1
Dramatised b y the Younf People
Missionary Sound Film on South America
EVERY WEEK NIGHT (Except Sot.) at 7:30 p.m.
Rev. I. Arthur Mouw, Borneo
Rev. Orvllle Brooks, Syria
v Miss Blanche Palmer, Philippines
The Christian & Missionary Alliance Church
North Fifth and Gaines, Salem
Dr. Weldon L. Wilson, pas
tor of the White Temple,
Portland, will give the main
The program will Include the
presentation of we colors by a
First Baptist
Easter Story
The "Easter Story" in music
and art will be presented at the
First Baptist church Sunday
evening at 7:30 o clock. A series
of near life-size drawings will
illustrate the Scripture pass.
ages to be narrated by Robert
Goffrler, Theology student at
Western Baptist Theological
Seminary, Portland. Colored
lighting will enhance the beau
ty of the scenes. '
In addition to the ehoir
which will sing during a num
ber of the scenes, a women's
sextette composed of Mrs. My
ron Eaton, Mrs. Kessley Talley,
Mrs. John Goffrler, Mrs. Dan
Morley, Mrs. Curt Coe and Miss
Lois Martin, will sing "Tis Mid
night." "The Palms" will be
sung by contralto soloist, Mrs,
Daryl Willecke and Dale BuU
will render the familiar bari
tone solo, "Calvary." "God, My
Father" will be sung by John
Schmidt, Jr.
Gerard Brown will present a
violin solo and Mrs. Ben Owen
will play two familiar hymns.
The 11 o'clock morning wor
ship service will be held in the
auditorium of the new church
with Pastor Anderson speak
ing. ,; : '- -'--J . ..
Episcopals Meet
At Corvallis
The 65th annual convention
of the Episcopal diocese of
Oregon will be held at Cor
vallis April 12. 13 and 14.
The Rt. Rev. Benjamin D.
Dagwell, D. D., bishop of Ore.
gon, will deliver his annual
address at 7:30 olclock the
night of the opening service
which will be conducted in
the Memorial Union building,
O.S.C. campus. v
Clergy from every mission
and parish west of the Cas
cade mountains hi" Oregon will
be vested and in the
Registration for the 64th
annual meeting of the wom
en's1 auxiliary will begin at
4 p.m. April 12, at tthe church
of the Good Samaritan, host
church to the convention. I
Four congregations are ex
pected to be admitted as
parishes at the convention:
All Saints church, Hillsboro;
St. Barabas, Portland; Christ,
Oswego and St. Martin's
Four Services af
Good Shepherd
Tour Easter morning wor
ship services will be held at
Good Shepherd Lutheran
church of South Salem.
- The congregation will Join
In the sunrise services at
McCullock stadium where the
pastor, Rev. Lloyd Hamilton
will read the scripture.
I At 8:30 a.m. Holy Commu-
lon will be observed at the
church with Edward Corrigan
The custom o I firing
I flowers to children of the
I church school will be followed
; at 9:45 a.m. and the fourth
I service will be held at 11 a.m.
when Paator Hamilton will
speak on the subject "Salter
and You."
National Guard unit; scripture
and prayer ' by Rev. Harold
Hamilton, Good Shepherd Lu
theran church; singing ' of a
congregational hymn "Christ
Arose," led by Rev. G. Philip
Hurd, Court Street Christian
and benediction by Dr. Brooks
Moore, First Methodist church.
The offering will be taken by
tne. iiayesvuie troop of B o y
Scouts and Dick Louth an of the
Evangelistic Temple will be the
Safem Ckurclied
m mmwUrt .worth Coitus and D
irotto, JUr. ftvdotpta Work, Mtor.
union nnru sMrrtc M MoCaUoeh Bu
rn m .m. nwi school BuUr
tfrotTun : tun. woribip Mrrlet.
Oonunualon 11 sVb., ths putor prttcli-
Uxg on "Tbt AnMl'a luitr ICssmcs."
rromm 07 enoir p.m.
LMlU Mstttitit Sonlh flanmeireUl
JfHN, IUt. Collls C. BltMr. HlnUUr.
WrktMt mttkI for MrtbodUt Tontb
Jtllowtbip In bwch pulori t Till .m.
0iiBd7 Mhool :. Butor worship, tbt
swrsnon wtat, "runinc on xmmorteUltr'
11. M.T.T. . BwaUMntl MTVlcM t. Tbm
tutor, Mn, a, i. mmutot. dlrtcUnc.
VTmU th CtnUU, "Tho Umloti
hut ox wuw" 7:. .
Flni CmUs.svMs,rlon ad OotUsa.
Union tmrlM Mrrlet i skin. Iutir
nroaUMU TM vm. ririt morning mit
bm : v.m. Ohareh mhool : m.m.
coat. hwh Mfrleo 10:44 t.m. Solo,
PMor V. lisaroon, "no Holy Cltr" Ad
MDi. aorMon, DodWr train. it It Yet
it." wtninc Mrviet. itraoo, xnidler
Strain, "It TakM Bo UtUt." Bapttimal
Hmei, , . . ... . ..
Christ Uthsraa-ttata stmt at 18th.
His Rt. T. af. Otbhard, pastor. XasUr
aanricas, itstital asrvleea at and 11
a.m. sasur massait br tnt pastor, cnu
drtn's aanrlea and Bibls elassas 1:30 a-m.
SastaT srsngocs and morli, "X Bahcld
His Glory" 7:30 p.m. Quarterly oonvre
atlonal mtetlnvi Wsdnatday, T:45 p.m.
First Kyanrsllsal United Brethren
Corner of Marlon and Summer, Rev. A.
Jam is son. 1sT.a minuter. SundaT
school a.m. BaiUr anday school pro
ram : a.m. Bastar worship sarvlca
10:50 a.m. Usssus: "Ths Brtrlaatlna
Triumph." A ehoral musical and ortan
eonosrt f:30 p.m. "Christ Triumphant"
directed by Bmory J. Ptttleord, with
Wm. Fawk, onanist
lirst Chunk af God Cottage and
Hood. B. J. Molntlrt, mlnlstar. "Chris
tian Brotbsrhood" Sunday mornlnis S:30
:00, K.O.A.B. Sunday school 10.
Uornlnt worship 11. Special Bastar senr-
Brnlni atmce. Pacific Bible col
lege 48-TOtea a eappella choir 7:10.
St Mark's LutheranSt N. Church
street. Rev. John L, Cauble, pastor. Sun
rise srvlce 1 a.m. Sunday sohool 9:30
ss9tr srvlc and Teceptlan of
new members XL a-m. Baptismal senrlce
iu( cuuuisu fi.tut awwi itifwv anu
protram by the Sunday school.
Klntwaai Bible 1115 Xun street. Alex
ander H. Sauerweln, pastor. Sunday
school for all aiea 1:45 a.m. Resurrection
mornlnf worship service 10:45 a.m. Rev.
Alex H. Sauerweln preaching, "Resur
rection Assurances." Youth mestlnas 0:45
p.m. Special Baster musical program and
massage by the pastor: "The Bve-
ig of Resurrection Day" T:45 p.m.
Church af Christ Chemeketa and Cot
tage streets. Choice L. Bryant, evangel
ist "Bible Program." (KOCO) t to 8:15
a.m. Bible school 10 sun. Worship serv
ice 10:50 a.m. Young people's training
classes 6:30 p.m. Preaching and worship
service 7:30 P.m.
Grace Lutheran BLC Sunnyvlew and
inslnv avenues. Fellowship breakfast
a.m. XaaUr morning service 7:30 a.m.
Sunday school Baster service 9:46 a.m.
BasUr Festival gervlcr 11 a.m. Is. W.
Holt, pastor.
Calvary Baalist South Liberty and
allllsr stmts. Omar N. Barth, pastor.
"Why Weepeat Thou?" 1:30, Bible school
t:4A. "Why Wee pest Thou?" 11. Bap
tisms. Broadcast over KOAE, 1430 Ke.
All youth groups 0:30. Oratorio, "The
Holy City" by Oaul 1:30. Baptisms.
CavH Sired Christian Court street
at 17th. W. Harold Lyman and O. Philip
Hurd, ministers. Morning worship hours,
sermon, "The Keening of Baster," O.
PhUlp Hurd 1:45 o'clock. Sermon, '"The
Death of Defeat" W. Harold Lyman,
11 o'clock. Bible school hour 10 ajn.
Evening service 1:10 o'clock. Bible school
Baster program by the Junior Hlsh de
partment. The Salvatlan Ana r 441 state street
Major Cues. Bennett oniccr in charge.
Baster Sunday. Sunday school 0:45 a.m.
Spatial program. Holiness meeting 11
a.m. "The victor Over Death." Young
People e Legion P-m. Easter film. "The
Road Back." Salvation masting 1:30 p.m.
Speaker, Major Haael Xoerner, mission
ary on leave from India,
Saaat Peal's Balsa saal Church and
Chemeketa, streets. Bev. oeorie H. Bwin.
B.D-, rector. Holy Buoharlst, senior choir.
T a.m. rnmliy aarvlce, Holy Kucharist.
Junior ebolr, a.m. Holy Boeharlst ser
mon, senior ebotr, 11 a.m. nursery eenoai
parish has, 11 a.m.
laa 1m MoMlal M.tMlat Coriur
of Jtffmon Mid Wtnttr trMU,
nvcton Oould.r, muiuur. BMUr 8 un
der worihlp mctIc, wlu M h,ld t
.m. ud 11 .m. aarmon lubjMt, "Tht
UDcooqun'ftbl, Chrlit." Clinrch Mhool
wlU bo at M ..
St. Wl OilSoHi Chomoiita ond
Wldur. iut. joHta B. VaadorMok. :
tor. buiiiht iiwi . l.-ai. . o u.
11 u 1:1S. CoslMilou Bolardor
Su ntk CMtor til Cntor at.
uiidftr Mkooi ie o-a. aorvi,, at 11,
ToUo SJMtar MMU. Mn. otln n-
. Oottai. K
, apoatar. air. TitMH avttior. Top-
l., TTi, sunr storr."
at. Joka'o Lalkorsaw-lTUi aa4 A u
H. W. OroM. paitor, aorrtoo, at S and
11 a.n. Suidar aetaoal and Slbla olaa,
at 10:00.
1 a iiiMt LabUh VII.
log,. A. It. Brown, mtplaWr. aundar
Kbool 10 a-m. Morale woramp 11 a.m,
Touna moopio T p.n. IracttUUe rr
leo 1:tt Mld-wook oorrlco Wodnaa-
dar, T: p.m.
SoTOBtfc-Dav AiToatait w Summ,r at
Hood. Bawata oonooi 1:30 a-m. topio,
"Tha Vathor of Our Rac,." Sormoa 11
a.m. br pastor Sk a. achafrbor.
rallk Latboraa Norm Wm Road at
cnorrr avontia aad Cummmea Laao. Ooo.
One Great Service
eaeareae i n i 1 1 i ii i jiii utimwx
i .
J tj i, l) .? U vi ;i vl -t
The 40 voice choir of Northwest Nazarene college, Nam
pa, Idaho, will be presented In concert at the Salem First
Church of the Nazarene, Center and 13th streets at 7:80
Saturday nlfht. A varied program has been planned and
will Include vocal and Instrumental numbers of several
types. Some arrangements of the old familiar hymns, made
especially for this choir will be presented. The ehoir will
be conducted by AUine Swan, dean of the school of music.
Accompanist will be Elaine Carlson, pianist.
Foreign Missions
Conference Opens
The annual eiflht day For
eign Missions Conference of
the Christian and Missionary
Alliance opens on Xaster Sun
day at the Alliance church.
This is recognized by the
church as the most important
event of the year. Main mis
sionary speakers come from
Borneo, Syria, and the Philip
pine Islands.
The Easter Sunday morning
sermon will be preached by
the pastor. Rev.. Paul W. Gun
ther, for 18 years a missionary
to Thailand and Indo-China.
His theme will be "The Easter
Missionary Challenge." Sun
day night at 7 o'clock, the
young people of the church
will give a dramatized presen
tation of the Life of A. B.
Simpson, missionary pioneer
and founder of the Christian
and Missionary Alliance. A
missionary sound film on 6outh
America, "South to the Har
vest," will also be shown.
Englewood Church
Plans 2 Services
Two Easter morning worship
services will be observed at
the Englewood . Evangelical
United Brethren church. The
first service beginning at 9:30
wlu feature the theme "Why
Easter" with the pastor preach
ing. Dr. C. P. Gates will bring
the message at the 11 o'clock
hour, when the theme will be
"The Meaning of the Empty
Tomb." Easter choral anthems
will be sung at each service by
the sanctuary choir.
Sunday evening at 7:30 Dr.
C. P. Gates will begin a nightly
series of prophetic studies on
God's Plan of the Ages." Dr.
Gates is widenly known in the
Pacific Northwest for his Bi
ble conferences and prophetic
Holmqulit. B.D.. paitor. Kaatar anr-
let, with ebud and adult baptlimi, con
firmation and administration of Holy
Communion 11 a.m. Bpoclal Salter music
by the orcbutra, eholrn and Ur. Saara.
planUU aarmon, "Tho Rasurrootlon, Our
Hop, and Joy." Sunday acbool and adult
Blblo data S:4S a.m. Lutbar Loatue
youth troup T p.m.
LabUk Community Chunk labllh
Vlllan, B. M. Brook., B.D., paitor. 10
a.m., Sunday icbooli 11 a.m. and S
p.m.. Rot. and Mn. WlUlam Hoko,
mtiilonarloi: DcdleaUoa of Infanta at
mornlnf aorylet,.
Roaraaaliod Chunk af Jona Ckrlat af
Latur Day Salat, BoYnto,nta and
Cbamekota Bta. oaortt w. apna. paa
tor. Church school S:46. saitar worship
nnrloo 11 .m. Ooorsa W. flpiad, apcaa-
Xvenlnf worship aarrtto, WlUlam c,
Bwaln. apcakor.
Charoh at loaaa CkrUt at LaUor Day
Santa (Marmoa). 8th and aladlion BU.
John B. sallibury. blahon. Prlnthood
mMtlni S a-m. XmiUr protram 10:90
a.m. sacrament arrrtea f-.w p.m.
tint Chunk af Ckrtet, SclanUlt-Ub-ortr
and Clumokota Bta. Sunday achool
at 11 a.m. Mornlns arnica at 11. Eto
nlnf icrrlea at S. LoHon-Sormon ub
Jact: "Unrralltr."
Central Latkaraa Worth Capitol and
Oalnw Sta. O. B. Rundstrom, pastor.
Baster broadcast oror KOCO S.30. Fam
ily Sunday school with special Sastor
protram a:40. BasMr service, lunlor and
senior choir partlclpaUng 11 a.m. Bprelal
avanlnt asrrloa TI45.
ChrleMu aad MUaleaary AUIanca
North Ith and oelnas. Rot. Paul
aunthlr, pastor. Sunday school t:4e
a m. opening annual mlaalonary eonfer
once, nastor oDaaka an "Becter'a Mis
sionary Challente," 11 a.m. 'The Ufa af
A. B. eimpooa," dnmatuwd br the
Younf People. rUat, "South to She Har-
yest," t p.m.
rint Metheaiea 11 a-m.. lasUr eorelee
at aba Blatnon theater. "We BeUeya In
Sternal Ufa," Sermon. Brooks n. Moore,
Tint Baptist Marlon and Liberty.
Or. Uoyd T. Anderson, pastor. Rer.
Thornton Janime, existent pastor. Sun
day school a:a a.m. Mornlnf worship 11
o'clock. "Tho Resurrection Meesete,'
Pastor Uoyd T. Anderson. Youth meet.
Inn f:ll p.m. Irenlnt soapel aarrke.
rear Cornera Baptist SUt, and Sim
street,. Rer. Victor 1 Loueka, pastor.
Sunday sohool : a.m. Uornlnt worship
11 o'clock, pastor epoetin,. Younf Poo
pl.'s leaiue p.m. Brenlnf foapal
scrrlee 7:30.
Vlrsl CenmiaUenal tot Marlon
strut. Ssth R. Hunltnston, minister. t:00
a.m., erjurrh achool. Nursery and be only. 0:00 and 11:00 mdrnlnt
worship service. :K Pllirlm Fellowship.
Liberty Christian
Church Plans Easter
Liberty The Liberty Chris
tian Church of Christ on Sky
line road will have Easter sun
rise services at 8 a.m. at the
church. The young people will
have charge of the services.
An Easter program is
planned for the Bible school
hour with every class partici
pating. Rev. John Meyers will
preach at tne morning wor
ship services, with special mu
sic by the choir.
Christian Endeavor, both
Junior and Senior, will meet
at 8:30 p.m. Evening worship
services will be at 7:30 p.m.
Easter Festival
At Christ Church
The Easter festival will 'be
celebrated at Christ Lutheran
church with . two Identical
worship services at 8 a.m. and
11 ajn. with the pastor, Rev.
T. M. Gebhard, delivering the
message to the parish 'under
the theme, 'The Secret of Dis
cernment." Festival music
will be played by Frederick
Wilson, organist, accompany
ing the choir in singing "Hos-
anna," Granier; "Calvary" y
odney; "Were You There?"
Duncan, directed by Mrs.
Lyle Glazier.
The Children's Service will
begin at 9:30 a.m. with a spe
cial Easter program and serv
ice for the entire Sunday
school. The offering for for
eign missions will be received.
The sacrament of baptism
will- be administered follow
ing the 11 o'clock service and
an Easter Evensong will be
held at 7:30 p.m. . i
Pilgrim Holiness
Easter Services
The Pilgrim Holiness church
is sponsoring special services
during the Easter season. The
first of which is familiar fam
ily night, scheduled for Good
Friday evening, April 3, at
7:30. During the evening a
motion picture of the Holy
Land will be shown, picturing
many of the places so often
mentioned in the Bible.
Another film will also ' be
shown entitled "Bible on the
table," emphasizing family
On Easter Sunday morning
Sunday school convenes at
9:45 with the Easter program
following. The church is lo
cated at 2385 Carlton Way.
Calvary Choir to
Present Oratorio
Nearly identical services will
be held at the Calvary Baptist
church, South Liberty and Mil
ler, at 8:30 and 11 o'clock. The
pastor, Rev. Omar N. Barth,
will speak on the subject "Why
Weepest Thou7" at both serv
ices. At the earlier hour, Henry
Fox will sing "The Holy City"
by Adams. At the 11 o'clock
service Stainer's "God So Lov
ed the World" and "The Risen
Lord" by Green will be pre
In the evening the senior
choir, under the direction of
E. D. Llndburg, will present the
Oratorio "The Holy City" by
The young people will con
duct their annual Easter dawn
service at the home of Mr. end
Mrs. Milan Gilman, which will
be followed by an Easter
breakfast at the church.
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Silverton Methodists
To Place Stone Sunday
Silverton A mule, five
gallons of vinegar and a $500
Insurance policy were impor
tant factors in financing tu-
verton's first Methodist church
bulldlnc nearly a century ago,
Rev. Douglas Harrell, local
Methodist pastor, discovered
these facte from written ma
terial and historical data while
making up the Easter day and
afternoon program in connec
tion with the first services to
be held In the sanctuary of the
new Methodist church of Sil
verton, Easter. Sunday, April
At 4 o'clock in the afternoon
a processional will form and
march to the cornerstone of
the old church. The corner
stone will be opened and the
contents displayed to observ
The group will then proceed
to the cornerstone of the new
church and in an impressive
ceremonial will witness' the
laying of the cornerstone by
Dr. George Soseberry. .
The closed new cornerstone
will contain many articles of
The local Methodist church
dates its beginning to the or
ganization of the First Meth
odist society in 1856, as the date
when the first pastor was as
signed to the Silverton congre
gation. ... i
The present sanctuary was
erected in 1881.
The pastor, Rev. Harrell, has
in his possession a leather book
listing contributions to the
building fund at that time.
Accounted for in this book
is the fact that a $25 mule was
contributed by B. F. Daven
port for the pastor's means of
transportation for social calls.
The original fire insurance
policy for the sum of ' 8500,
dated in 1881, is also in the
possession of Rev. Harrell..
An un-named - parishioner
gave five gallons of vinegar to
be sold for the benefit of the
first building fund.
The day promises to be rich
in memorable visiting and de
votional dedication.
The morning Easter service
will be held in the present
church 'with communion serv
ice at 8:30 o'clock following a
sunrise breakfast and worship
hour at 7:30 o'clock. Sunday
school will be at 9:45 o'clock
and the sermon hour, 11 o'
clock. ,
There will be no Youth Fel
lowship Sunday evening.
Special personnel having
part in the day's event under
the direction of Pastor Har
rell will be Dr. George Rose
berry, district superintendent;
numerous visiting ministers,
during the afternoon; members
who have held fellowship for
30 years or more; the architect,
James L. Payne; the building
supervisor, Frederick 'Blomen
kamp; the custodian, O. E. El
ler. ,
Dwight Foote, chairman of
the ushers committee, will
marshal the processional from
the old building to the new.
Rev. Harrell is basing his
factual dates and circum
stances concerning the first
work of the Methodists in Sil
verton on records of the Ore
gon Historical Society. . and
comprehensive accounts on file
in the Methodist archives at
Willamette university.
A special event on Easter
West Salem
Methodist Church
Welcomes You to Attend
8:30 A.M. - 11 A.M.
8:00 P.M. ' ' t
1 ltd and Garth
First Evangelical United Brethren Church
Corner of Marion and Summer
Christ Triumphant
A 30-voko choir directed by
Wm. Fawk, Organist -
Sunday will be consecration of
the sanctuary of the new Mew
odist church. In order to raise
funds for church furnishings,
the women of the parish are
planning a smorgasbord dinner
for 1000 guests on Tuesday.
The Rev. and Mrs. Douglas
Harrell wiU be hosts for the
affair, which will be from 6 to
9 p.m. in the old church build
ing. Dr. W. E. Grodrlan Is in
charge of tickets.
Oscar Tinglestad
In Iowa Hospital
Silverton Of special inter
est to his many local friends is
the report by Rev. Joseph A.
Luthro of the Trinity Lutheran
pastorate, of the serious Illness
of Dr. Oscar Tinglestad at De
corah, Iowa, hospital.
- Dr. Tinglestad is a church
history writer of note among
the Lutheran organization. He
served in college and district
supervision during his many
years in the Pacific Northwest.
A brother and a sister of Dr.
Tinglestad, Martin Tinglestad,
ana miss Marie Tinglestad, live
in Silverton.. -. ; ,
Baptize Large Group
At Fajth Lutheran
' After having held the largest
baptism service in the history
of Faith Lutheran church Palm
Sunday, another large group
will be received Easter Sun
day. There will also be adult
baptism, confirmations Holy
Communion, special music by
orchestra and choir.
Each person attending the
Sunday' morning service will
be presented with a flower by
pupils of the Sunday school.
Identical services 9 a.m. and 1 1 a.m. Nursery and Be
ginners departments of Church School meet at 9 a.m.
People not having other church affiliation are warmly
invited to worship with us.
' at the
South Liberty and Miller
8:30 and 11:00
Calvary Choir Sings Oratorio at 7:30
By Goul
Bsiprismt Both Morning and Evening
11:00 Service Broadcast over KGAE (1430 ke.)
Salem First
Church of the Nazarene
Center et Thirteenth
Morning: Two identical services 9:30 and 10:50
Featuring music by the choir
- The Easter sermon by...
Rev. C. William Fisher
Evening:1 The closing service of the Evangelistic
series at 7:30
Rev. and Mrs. C. William Fisher in Charge
The public it invited William F. Cray, Pastor
Sunday School Program, 9:45 A.M. .
Rev. A. G. Jamieson, M.A., Minister
Organ Concert
7:30 P.M.
Friday, April S, 1953
Lord's Supper
For Shut-ins
' There will be two identical
morning services at the First
Christian church on Easter Sun
day morning, one at 8:30 a.m.
and the second at 10:45 a.m.
The sermon by Rev. Dudley
Strain will be "It Is Yet Early,"
and the choir, under the direc
tion of Melvln Geist, will sing
"In the End of the Sabbath,"
by MacFarlane. The Sunday
School will be held at the regu
lar time, 9:45 a.m., between
the two worship services and a
goal of 835 has been set for the
morning attendance at Sunday
School. -:
In the afternoon the young
people will take the Commun
ion of the Lord's Supper to
shut-ins within the congrega
tion, and at the evening service
there will be special music by
a choral group and the sermon,
by Rev. Strain on the subject
"It Takes So Little." There will
also be a baptismal service in
the evening. (
Easter breakfasts will be held
by two groups following the
Easter Sunrise service.. The
youth will meet at the church,
fellowship hall, and the Build
ers Class will eat at a local
restaurant prior to the first
morning service. .
St. John's Lutheran
Observance Opens
- St. John's' Lutheran begins
observance of Holy Week with
the annual Holy Communion
services Friday night. On Sun
day two services will be held
one at 9 o'clock and the other
at 11 o'clock in the morning.
Special organ music and choir -music
will feature all three
services. The Rev. H. W. Gross
is pastor of St. John's. A wel
come is extended to all who
wish to worship with us.
Salem, Oregon