Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 03, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Friday, April 8, 1983
Duo Wed
Here Sundqy
The Calvary BtDtlit chun-h
if Salem vh th cn. i .
kredding on Sunday, March 29,
wnen . miss sniriey Grover,
laughter of Mrs. Eiva Grover,
ind Ernest Raffety, ion ot
Benrjr Raffety, all 0f Indepen
dence, were united In mar
Mage by the Rev. Omar Baxth
n a double ring ceremony.
The altar was decorated with
lalms and baskets of white
Itock and carnation and mink
Hadioluses. Janet Fix and
Carol Sepley, nieces of the
bride, lighted the candlei.
Jhey wore yellow net dresses
bver yellow taffeta and little
bellow net hats. -.
f Mils Beverlv Funk nnir
accompanied by Mri. James
Jiersel Feyree played the
ireddlnff music on th nrn'n.
The bride wa given in
Carriage by ber brother, Ted
f rover, or Dayton. She wore
white lace over uMn rtr.
frith a long train. The finger-
up veil was held in place by
cap of white satin and
feed pearls. The bride car.
iled a bouquet of pink
foses ana camellias.
The malH nf hnnni MU
Harriet Guild. wnn fnphcta
net over taffeta with hat to
rhatcn. The bridesmaids were
Misses Delpha Owens and Rita
T.ewia of Mnnmnnth. Mm
Glenn Fix of Salem, and Mrs.
Lee Christnffersnn nf Pnrt.
land. All wore aqua net over
g talieta frocks with matching
hats, and - carried pink nose
I gays. Sonie Holt, the flower
girl, wore yellow net over
I taffeta and carried a yellow
I basket bf flower petals.
Paul Worthlngton was best
-J man, Francis Holt, James
' I Cobine, Douglas Blair, and
: f Milford Van Hess were ushers
.1 and Bobby Worthlngton
1 - -1 A- ! . . .
j flwncu me rings on a wnue
f Mace and satin heart shaped
p i The bride's mother wore a
. two piece rose and gray after-
noon-, dress with navy blue
S is accessories and corsage of
t;A white carnations for the
&-" iji
j weuuing.
.jl The reception was in the
3 fireplace room of the church.
Mrs. Milford Van Hess cut the
, wedding cake, Miss Ilene Allen
-presided , at the guest 'book
.' and Miss Dolores Hougham
' bad charge of the gift table.
- Assisting in serving were Mrs.
'. Jlay Howard, Mrs. T. P.
; Sharp, Mrs. Flossie Johnson,
Mrs. Alma Sloper, Mrs. Jessie
Moore, Mrs Grace Swope,
Irs. Elmer Busbv.
The couple will reside at
80 Monmouth atreet.
District Meeting
Of WSCS Reported
Dallas Annual meeting for
the woman s Society of Chris
tian Service of the Salem dis
trict took place recently in
the Methodist church, 290
women attending the sessions.
The Rev. Fremont Faul,
pastor of the host church, gave
the invocation. Mrs. Arthur
Qulrin sang songs.
The meeting was called to
order by Mrs. Carl Oldham
of McMlnnvllle, president of
Salem district, who conducted
sub-district elections. Offi
cers are Mrs. George Green
well, McMlnnvllle; Mrs. D. M.
Shreve, Corvallis; Mrs. T. R
Hobart, Salem. Presentation
of annual reports followed.
After a candlelight pledge
ceremony directed by Mrs.
Melvin Gllson, ladles of the
church served luncheon to the
group. Violin and piano music
was presented by Mis. C. L.
. N. W;'
Woodbnrn Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Thompson of
Woodburn were married March 20 at the home of the
bride's parents. Mrs. Thompson is the former Lois Ann
Hansen of Woodburn. After their wedding trip to North
Dakota they will live in Woodburn. (Alyce studio, Wood-burn.)
Marstera and Mrs. Arthur
Quirin.i t
Afternoon . speakers were
Mrs. J. Edgar Purdy of Salem,
retiring western jurisdiction
treasurer, and Mrs. . M. Til
ton of Springfield. Mrs. Til-
ton is Oregon conference
president and told bf the
WSCS activities In the United
States and abroad. Mrs. Purdy
and Mrs. C. W. Stacey of
Salem were presented life
membership pins in recogni
tion of their service to the so
ciety. Mrs. Stacey is the retiring
secretary of promotion for the
western jurisdiction. Espe
daily honored was Mrs.
Barton of West Salem.
Installation of district
officers waa conducted by Dr.
George G. Roseberry, super
intendent of the Salem dis
trict Mrs. Oldham was re
elected president, and other
officers are Mrs. Melvin Gil
son, treasurer; Mrs. Fremont
FauL secretary of spiritual
life; Mrs. Ernest Jacobson,
secretary of missionary edu
cation and service.
Mrs. A. L. Coote, president
of the WSCS in Dallas, ex
pressed her appreciation for
the cooperation of committee
members for the conference.
For functional disturb
ances, nervous headaches,
nervous, irritability, excita
bility, sleeplessness.
Open Daily, 7:30 sm. - 8 pjn.
Sundays, a.m. - 4 p.m.
135 N. Commercial
Officers Elected
Mt. Angel The Junior
American -' Legion auxiliary
met this week at the country
home of Mrs. Harold Bour
bonnals for election of offi
Elected to serve for the
coming year are: Junior chair
man, Mary Lou Bockelman
sergeant-at-arms, Barbara
Hoffer; chaplain, Joan Smith;
secretary-treasurer, Barbara
Bockelman; historian, .Diane
Refreshments were served
by the hostess, Mrs. Bour
bonnais, assisted by Mrs. R. T.
Bisenius, senior , chairman of
the Junior unit.
Garden Club at
Dallas Entertained
Dallas "Flower pictures
In your garden" was the
theme of the Dallas Garden
club meeting on Thursday.
Mrs. JohniMeeker, Mrs. Allie
Hennagin and Mrs. Anna
Olsen were hostesses. A panel
discussion was conducted by
Mrs. C. O. Sloper, Mrs. Harri
son Brandt of Independence,
and Mrs. Meeker, with Mrs.
Hennagin acting as modera
tor. Mrs. Sloper, a representa
tive of the State Federation
of Garden clubs, was the
speaker. Mrs. Meeker showed
colored slides of local gardens
and members exchanged
slants. .'
Miss Merlia LeFors ana Miss
Kaye McWhirter, Camp Fire
girls, were special guests a
the meeting and they led a
conservation pledge. Other
guests were from Willamina,
including the garden club
president, Mrs. Earl Richard
son. '
The spring flower show will
be at Riverside, near Cor-
.ii- a 11 . . . n t
vauia, Apru
Mrs. R. G. LeFors, Mrs.
George Woerth, Mrs. John R.
Allgood and Mrs. Cecil
Meeker will be in charge of
decorations for the April meet
ing. Hostesses will be Mrs.
Earl Moore, Mrs. C. J. Enstad,
Mrs. A. W. Palmer, and Mrs.
C. E. Jepsen. Members are to
bring flower hats and plants
or bulbs for exchange.
and horse shoes.
Mr. and Mrs.. Bob Seamster,
who 'haven't been seen too
often, attended the dinner.
Last Sunday the Salem Calf
Ropers entertained the Arling
ton Ropers club.
In charge of the coffee and
dishes for Wednesday were
Mrs. Ervin Ward and Mrs. Bert
Mrs,, Lamb
Heads Club
Woodburn - Mrs. James
Lamb wai elected president
of the Woodburn Woman's
club, Wednesday afternoon,
at the regular meeting. Others
named are: Mrs.- J. B. Gay
vice-president; Mrs. , R. S.
Ketchum, recording secre
tary; Mrs. Percy H. Seo!?,
corresponding secretary and
Mrs. Charles Conyne, treas
urer, (re-elected.) Installation
of the new officers will be In
Speaker of the afternoon
was Mrs. William Chandlee of
Hillsboro, director of volun
teer services of the Oregon
Society for Crippled Children
and Adults, who spoke on
club work and showed a film
on the rehabilitation of handi
capped children. She was in
troduced by Mrs. William
Nelson, firogram chairman.
Vocal aolos were given by
Mrs. Julius Granner, accom
panied . by . Mrs. J. . Melvin
Officers of the club, Mrs;
R. ' L, Anderson, Mrs. James
Lamb, Mrs. Walter Schuler,
Mrs. J. B. Gay and Mrs. Char
les Conyne. will be delegates
to the county federation meet
ing of Women s clubs at
Jefferson April' 17. Alternates
named are Mrs. Lyman Seely,
Mrs. Harry VanArsdale, Mrs.
Harold Ingram, Mrs. R. S.
Ketchum and Mrs. X. C
Peyton. '
Proceeds of the recent cake
baking contest were reported
as S37.5Q,.,
Flans were made for a
bazaar to be May 1 and 2 and
and the following comittees
appointed: Price markers,
Mrs. Percy Seely, Mrs. R. L.
Anderson, Mrs. P. ' C. Mc
Laughlin, Mrs. Harry Van
Arsdale, Mrs. William Merri-
ott; cashiers, Mrs. Charles
Conyne, Mrs. William Nelson,
Mrs. Harris Nelson, Mrs. E. J.
Allen; food, Mrs. J. B. Gay,
Mrs. (Arista -Nendel,. Mrs.
Laurena Whitney, Mrs. Robert
Treupel, Mrs. Steve Bauman,
Mrs. Lou Pfaffinger, Mrs.
Lester Henn, Mrs. A. W An
drews, Mrs. Alvah Cowan;
needlework, Mrs. Joe Walker,
Sr., Mrs. W. B. Dunn, Mrs.
T. K. Sanderson, Mrs. Amos
Bonacker, Mrs. R. S. Ket
chum, Mrs. Walter Schuler,
Mrs. ' Harold Ingram, Mrs.
William Sporalskyr plants and
knickknacks, Mrs. James
Lamb, Mrs. Ray Glatt, Mrs.
Thomas Loeffelman, Mrs. J.
Melvin Rlngo, Mrs. Delbert
Seely, Mrs. Gail Wengenroth,
Mrs. E. C. Peyton, Mrs. Edgar
Crosby, Mrs. William Peltz,
Mrs. Elizabeth Rail and Mrs.
Alice Symmonds.
Tickets were on sale for
the golden anniversary of the
organization of the club, April
22. Mrs. J. B. Gay is in charge
of the sale. ,
Guests for the afternoon
were, Mrs. Archie Murphy,
Mrs. John Dickson, Mrs.
Genaro Ramon, Mrs. Floyd
Darling, Mrs. Anna Miller.
Tea was served from
Miss Willard and '
Mr. Bothwell Wed
Albany In a candlelight
ceremony on Marcn,17, Miss
Donna Marie Willard of Cot
tage Grove was wed to Louis
Henry Bothwell, jr. 01 u
gene. Dr. Wesley Goodson
Nicholson, oastor. officiated
at the- double ring service at
the First Congregational
church In Eugene. The bride is
the daua-hter of Mr. and Mrs.
Glenn Wilson Willard ot
Cottonwood. Ariz. Mrs. Peter
Dolan and Louis Henry Both-
well. Sr. of North Bendr are
parents of the bridegroom.
The bride wore aress 01
Chantllhr lace with a full
length train. The fingertip
veil of nylon illusion waa held
in place by a half crown of
orange blossoms and the bride
carried a bouquet ot white
camellias. Mr. Willard gave his
daughter in marriage.
Serving aa her sister's mat
ron of honor was Mrs. Law
rence Gray of Burbank, Calif.
She wore a floor length dress.
of nil green nylon net over
satin. Her bouquet was pink
and white camellias. Brides
maids were Mrs. Donald King
of Albany and . Miss Jenee
Fisher of Seattle, Wash. They
wore dresses identical to that
of the matron ot honor.
Serving as best man ' was
Norman Brenden of Silver ton.
Ushers were Richard Flomer
of Eugene and Don Nelson of
Soloist was Miss Ann Chap
man of Cottage Grove and
she was accompanied by Miss
Ruth Owenby at the organ.
A reception in the Wheeler
room of the church followed
the ceremony. The bride's
table was centered with a
three tiered wedding cake and
was decorated with pink
camellias and white candles.
Cutting the cake were Mrs.
A.' P. Howells of Albany and
Mrs. Clyde Williamson, aunt
of the bride, also ot Albany.
Pouring were Mrs. Peter Ploy-
hart and Mrs. Everett Willard,
Albany, both aunt of the
bride. The guest book was
passed by Miss Leila Dehm
of Albany. In charge of the
gifts was Mrs. Merl Egan of
Tangent Miss Darlcnv Fatter-
son of Cottage Grove passed
the bridegroom s cake. Assi
sting were Mist Lorna Davis
and Miss Nancy Goodman ot
Portland - and . Miss Edna
Woods of West Linn. Back
ground music was provided
by Mrs, Glen Mick ot Eugene.
. For the wedding trip to the
Oregon beaches Mrs. Bothwell
choose a gray wool dress with
black accessories and white
gloves. She wore , a white
orchid corsage.
They will make their home
at 1884 Garden avenue In
Eugene where Mr. Bothwell
Is employed as an accountant
Mrs. Bothwell is teaching at
the Mountain View school in
Cottage Grove.
Washington WV-Ralph Cake,
advisor to President Elsenhow
er in the recent campaign, re
iterated Thursday that be is not
a candidate for the chairman
ship of the Republican National
Committee. .
He conferred with presi
dential aides, but said later,
"I have not been offered the
chairmanship, and.1 won't be."
About half the people of
Cuba are farm workers.
Museum Plans
For Program ;
Kansas City WV-The Eisen
hower Foundation, set up orig
inally to build a museum at
Abilene, Kan., the President's
boyhood home, plans to launch
an Americanism program in
elementary and high schools.
' Gov. Edward F, Arn ot Kan
sas, chairman ot the founda
tion's finance committee, dis
closed the plan at trustees
meeting here last night
"Although the program Is
not yet outlined," Arn said,
"it's purpose would be to get
down and tell what American
ism really means." -
Arn said the foundation already-
has spent $130,000 on
the Abilene museum building
which should be finished with
in the next two months, but
needs $90,000 to complete It
Trustees agreed that before
launching the Americanism
program, President Eisenhow
er would be asked for his
opinion en the selection of
Tablets 43C
1 1
educators and other nationally
prominent persona to admin
ister it. . .
It is estimated that the nylon
in a $1.50 pair of nylon stock
ings Ja worth about 10 cants.
Salad Dressing T. . 35c i? fr. . 39c
Willamina At ah after
noon ceremony on Sunday,
March 22, Miss Helen Sher
man, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Nathan Sherman of Portland,
was wed to Aaron Cohen, son
ot Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cohen
of Prince Albert, Saskatche
wan, Canada. The ceremony
was performed in the temple
Ahaval Sholom In Portland,
Rabbi James I. Gordon
Mrs. Louis Gilbert, sister of
the bridegroom,- was matron
of honor:
. Mr. Cohen is a ceramic
engineer at the Willamina
brick plant. They will make
their home in Willamina fol
lowing a wedding trip to San sq I . -.
Francisco and Carmel Calif. rHICapple Aota, Crushed . . .303
Del Monte Cream Style
309 can
Tea Timars or' Hi-He ...... . ... ... .1-H), box
table attractive with decora
tions in pink and white. Pre
siding at the urns were Mrs.
Steve Bauman and Mrs. Lou
Pfaffinger. The hostess com
mittee Included Mrs.' William
Nelson, Mrs. Amos Bonacker,
Mrs. W. O. Green, Mrs. Faul
Mills, Mrs. Elizabeth Rail and
a Mrs. Alice Symmonds.
Boots & Spurs
Fun night was put on by the
Karr family, Friday. The prizes
were won by Mrs. Willis Clark
and Leddy McKinney. Rodney
Hoffstetter announced for such
games as 8 legged sack race,
won by Laura Karr and George
Stender, the rope and barrel
race, won by Earl Murray and
Roy Garlic, and the scurry
race, won by Charlen Woods.
A good crowd turned out for
the drill Monday night. Ervin
Ward announced and Miss Bon
nie Jenkenson served home
made cakes and cookies.
There was no posse drill Fri
day night due to the annual
posse dinner at the Marion
hotel. There were about 70
members attending including
Governor Paul L. Patterson.
The no-host dinner served at
the club Wednesday night was
. Vitr iirppss. From the food
xnai was mete luwiiu vm.
that the women are go6d cooks
as well as riders. Forty-five
members attended and after
wards Art Martin showed mov
ing pictures in the arena.
Mrs. Lloyd Seamster observ
ed the birthday Wednesday and
after the dinner she was pre
sented with a large sheet cake
decorated with pansies, roses
FURS fcave been our busincss
Exclusively for over 35 Years
Choose Your STER
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Designed In the newest
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;XTQ&eTwnD.P3 0b.nnD
h Charge Accounts -
Cake Mixes
Nesrle's Morsels
For Baking.
Jell Well 4 ,.23c Jello 4 ,,- 29c
Swift's Premium cl.00
"-, : Vhams' : a
16tolSlb.Av. 10 to 14 lbs. Av.
SWIFT'S PREMIUM Wholo Fft. Armour's It Rath Black. fl-
or thank and Lb. a? 7C hawk, whole or full Vj; Lb. OYC
Wholo or Full Half
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Sweetheart Hams;!
Kaiser Aluminum Foil ft. 29c
Rath Luncheon Meat .12-01. can 39c
Napkins z so count. . ... . .. .; ..Mk. 10c
Toilet Tissue Soft Weave..... 1....; 4 roHs 49c
Navel Oranges
All You Can Bag In o Toter Bag Sale!
8 to ? lb. Average
Gr. Onions Red Radishes 3 14c
- -'1
2120 Fairgrounds Rd. 24S Court St.
1265 Cantor St.
935 S. Commercial