Pat i Friday, April 8, 195S TOT CAPITAL JOURNAL, talent, Oregea -non. Peg in Washington -BTALENI (PIO) FHILLirB- Washlngton, D. C. March tl, 1081 Dear Marian: An especially delightful party honored Secretary and Mrs. Douglas McKay Sunday evening when the American Women's Frees elnb entertain ed in their attractive club rooms. The Hawaiian theme waa responsible for the decora tions, the buffet, 1 the favors, and the muaic. Three Hawaiian tuatclana from New York ser enaded the gueati. Mrs. Joeeph Farrmgton, wife of the delegate tram Hawaii, provided enthur- lura and other exotic flowers and leaves from the lalandi for effective bouquet around the room and lovely orchid leia that were presented to the hon ored guests and some of the wives of official!, aa well aa a lovely silk floral holoku a native Hawaiian dreat to Mra, McKay. Mra. McKay reported that the dress was exactly right in size. To the Oregonians pres ent, the piece d resistance on the buffet was baked Oregon salmon beautifully prepared. Chicken and rice eurry with Hawaiian eondimenta and pre serves, and thinly sliced roast beef completed the main dishes but the salmon fresh from Ore gon, through the work of Con gressman Walter Xorblad tome S pounds in all was real treat to those from Ore gon who Included lenator and Mrs. Qoy Cordon, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Smyth, Mr. and Mrs. Tie MaeKeasie, and bm. The party m the first in a series to rec- gnixe the new honorary mem bers of the club and Miss Flor- eaee Taafe, who is on Larry myth's staff In our depart ment, and who was a principal hostess, was proud of the fact that the first event honored the the Secretary of the Interior and his wife. , e This has been a busy two weeks for the McKays since their return from Virgin Islands. Among the ' events have - been the dinner for which the Ben Fishers en tertained for several vis iting Oregonians, the Me Kays and the Cordons; a din ner at which the Abbott Mlllses, former Portlanders, entertained the McKays and Senator and Mrs. Leverett SaltonstaU; a din ner given by the Henry Gon yeas, of Tacoma they are par ents of Wil Gonyea of Eugene, a long time friend of the Sec retary, and whose other guests were the Reno Odllns of Ta coma and Senator and Mrs. John Brlcker; and the dinner . Saturday night at which a number of Seattle and Everett people gathered to honor the newly appointed Governor of Guam, Ford Klvldfs, Seattle,. and Mrs. XlTtdge, and the Me Kays. I was Interested to hear one of the guests remark that he was born in Albany, Ore gon. He is Ceograeamaa J. Ar mor Yeaager of California, who lived in Albany during childhood, moved to K Ireland, Wash., was prominent let civic affairs in Bee tile, and event ually was elected to Congress from his third home state of California. We discovered that our mothers had been friends in Albany an their girlhood. The Nat Bodgerses of the Olyrn pie Steamship company of Se attle were hosts for the din ner and several others associ ated with the company were present with whom we also found we had many mutual friends. Under Secretary of Commerce and Mrs. Walter Williams were greeting fellow Beatuertes about tht room. Today Mrs. McKay waa guest at the White House when Mrs. leenhower entertained at tea for Mary Flekford. who is serving aa associate national chairman for the savings bond drive. Sections of old Flekford films were shown and the guests included cabinet wives and sub-esbinet wives. The McKaya attended the reception or which senator and Mrs, Bobert A. Taft entertained to honor Mrs. Elsenhower. The President dropped In during the course of the reception. The event marked the first time the Taft have entertained at large affair since Mrs. Taft be came a semi-invalid as a result of a stroke In 1950. Her era eious personality and warm friendliness overcome the handicap of greeting guests from fier wheelchair. This was the party at which the Lady Astor-Joe MoCarthy tilt devel oped and which undoubtedly has been reported m the wire services at home. e . Among the Oregonians who have "checked In" at Interior this week have been Mr. and Mrs. Fan! Koenig, formerly of Salem, where he was with Eoff Electric, but now of White Swan, Wash., where he la with Morris Hitchcock, brother of Oregon's State Senator Phil Hitchcock; and Mr. and Mrs. Albert ' Welsendanger, who came east aa far as Michigan, picked up a car, and are tour ing homeward through Florida and the south. They spent his birthday on March 19 on the Canadian aide of Niagara Falls and their first visit to Wash ington was another highlight of their trip. Among other callers: Marvin Klemme, who was with the State Land Board in Salem at one time and subsequently in the Gracing Service in Har ney county. He reported on two SS Lions Auxiliary Nominates Nominations for officers in South Salem Lions club aux iliary were listed at this week's meeting. They include for president, Mrs. Charles Nielsen, Mrs. Nell Johnson, Mrs. Charles Swelit ris; for vice president, Mrs. Robert Morrow, Mrs. Arthur Martin, Mrs. Francis Ham- street; for secretary, Mrs. Glen Brlggs and Mrs. Howard Uber- shaw; for treasurer, Mrs. Glen Browning, Mrs. Clayton Jones. Mrs. Donald Cooper; for lion trainer, Mrs. Louis Neuman, Mrs. B. E. Emmons, Mrs. Clar ence Feller, Mrs. B. J. Wlllig. The meeting wes at the home of Mrs. Clayton Jones. For en tertainment, Mr. Jones showed a film of his trip to Lake Lou ise. The May meeting Is to be at the home of Mrs. Neuman, Capita I Women Edited by MABIAN LOWBT FISCHEB yeare in Greece where he had the same APO address as Rob ert Johnson, former Civil Serv ice director in Salem, now in Greece with Mutual Security, but never met him. Jee Fries. Portland attorney, and Mr. and Mra. Richard Price Crater Lake National Park, ware in and the latter couple reminisced about the meeting of the Oregon publishers at Crater Lake when we had great time stowing away the members in a too limited num ber of rooms for the large gathering. Tyrone Gillespie, former attorney of Salem, call ed to invite the Secretary to the Mgn.him Exposition. He is with Dow Chemical company at Midland, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sox and Ed, Jr., of Al bany have been given the Washington "treatment" by the Harris Ellsworths and Keith Hall. When the two Eds drop ped in to see me, the father casually mentioned he was try ing to locate Ed Fisher, ss the two had been roommates in college days. He was much sur prised to find that Ed Fisher was just one floor above in our department and the latter came down for a long overdue re union. Ed, Jr., is attending An dover and May Sox and her son enjoyed ten days in New York before the father Joined them for the Washington visit . . Another Oregon lad in east ern schools, Buek Adams, stu dent at Culver Military Acad emy and son of Dewey Adams, Scappoose, was an office caller to greet his dad'a friend, Sec retary McKay. Chet Irving, Klamath Falls; Robert Slpe, Al bany; Jnllus Hult. Junction City; James Polhemus, General nomas M. Robins, Tom Del sell, Arthur Porter. Frank War ren, aod Paul McKee, all of foruana, nave been in this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Stevens, of San Francisco she is a sister of Mrs. William Swin dells, Dallas, and daughter, of Mrs. George T. Gerllnger, are Washington visitors, and during bis call at the office, I exchang ed Oregon City news recalling childhood days there. Douglaa Lawson, Boston, uncle of Tom Lawson McCall, and former Prinevilie resident, entertained the Secretary at lunch on one noon. He still regards Oregon as the most wonderful home spot in the country. Chester Starrest of the Portland Cham ber of Commerce, la another visitor this week. Incidentally. Mrs. McKay win te beard on the ''Washing ton, U.S.A. radio broadcast over CBS on April 4. She was interviewed by Basel Market, ira wegonian, now x ra dio aod television work here. The program will be heard In Oregon. Good-bye for now. Peg. Officers Are Named Chosen new officers for the Mothers club of bethel No. 41, Job's Daughters, Thursday were: President, Mrs. Irving Zeller; vice president, Mrs. Wesley Stewart; secretary, Mrs. W. R. Crlrwell; treasurer, Mrs. Emmett Klelnks. Installation will take place at the next meeting, May 7. ..... e c ,e MRS. BEN RANDALL en- tertalned the American . War Mothers at her home Tuesday afternoon, the ladies bringing 91 dosen Baster cookies to send to Camp White veterans. Assisting were Mrs. Martin Viesko and Mrs. Glenn Prather. Mrs. Goodall to Be Speaker for Group Mrs. Kenneth C. ' Goodall, who is here during the legis lature with her husband, Rep resentative Goodall, Oswego, is to be speaker for the 88th anniversary luncheon for Chi Omega alumnae in Portland, Saturday, at 12:30 o'clock in the Mallory hotel. Her topic is to be "Legislative Highlights.' Mrs. Goodall is secretary for her husband and also is writ ing columns for three papers while at the legislature. Chi Omega alumnae who are wives of state officials will be honored guests. Active members from the chapters at University of Ore gon, Oregon State college and Willamette university are to attend as well as alumnae groups. Mrs. W. C. Dyer, Sr. of the Salem alumnae and a group of active members will be going from here. New Members Listed Salem chapter of the Ameri can Gold Star Mothers wel comed two new members at their meeting Thursday. Ini tiated - Were Mrs. J. S. Vau Cleve and Mrs. Fred Buckner. Mrs. Elsie Neilsen of Chi cago, 111., national president of American Gold Star Moth ers, will be honored at a brunch to be given in Port land April S8. The chapter will attend installation of new officers for Veterans of For eign Wars auxiliary on Mon day, April IS. The seventh birthday anni versary of Salem chapter will be observed at the next social meeting, April 18, when pest presidents-will be honored. Shower Given Honored at a shower Thurs day evening were Mrs. W. E. Bass, Mrs. Herb Hansen and Mrs. Basil Hutchdns. Those attending the party at the home of Mrs. Floyd McNeil were members of the Young Matrons club. Assisting the hostess were Mrs.. Jeanne Monsanto, Mrs. Wilbur Tripp, Mrs. William Flaher, Mrs. W. B. Kuban ks and Mrs. -John StrlcUln. Alumnae Entertained Alpha Gamma Delta alum nae were entertained at tne home of Mrs. Ervin L. Peter son for an Easter bride party last evening. Attending were Mrs. Stan ley Dilatush, Mrs. Herman Jochimsen, . Mrs. Georgeanne Thede, Mrs. Estill L. Brunk, Mra. Gilbert Groff, Mrs. Dean Needham, Mrs. Richard Giv en!, Miss Shirley Hill, Mrs. James H. Turnbull, Mrs. Rob ert Nelson and the hostess. Mrs. Brunk is to entertain for the May meeting. Today's Menu HERE FROM Nampa, Idaho, until Sunday are Mrs. Bernard Main waring and son, Bill, and daughter, Ruth Helen, for a school vacation visit with Mr. Mainwaring. Mrs. Main waring and family will be moving to Salem at the end of the school year. v Plan Program Silverton Mrs. Harlan Roth will be in charge of the program for the Junior Chris tian guild of the First Chris tian church on Monday even ing when the group of young matrons meets at the borne of Mrs. Harry Tetter. Following devotions and the business session, Miss Mar guerette Hallook and Mrs. Merle Jones will be m charge of the social hour. EASTER DINNER . Spring Vegetable Soup . Roast Leg of Lamb Browned Potatoes Green Snap Beans With Mushrooms Mint Jelly Bread and Butter ' Marble Layer Cake Beverage Marble Layer Cake ' Ingredients: S cups sifted cake flour, 1 teaspoon baking soda, teaspoon salt, Yt cup white (distilled) vinegar, cup milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 2 eggs, 1 cups sugar, cup emulsifler-type shortening, 1 square (1 ounce) unsweetened chocolate (melted). Method: Grease two 8-inch ' layer cake pans (about 1V inches deep); line bottoms with waxed paper; grease paper. Have all ingredients at room temperature. Sift together flour, baking soda and salt. Mix vinegar, milk and vanilla. Beat eggs and sugar together for 1 minute at moderate speed of electric mixer or 125 strokes by hand. Add flour mixture, shortening and one-half of the liquid. Stir until flour is mois tened. Beat 1 minute. Add re maining liquid. Beat 1 minute. Place about two-thirds of the batter by spoonfuls in the two prepared pans. Stir chocolate Into remaining batter until blended. Pour into cake pans in spaces between light batter. Cut batter through several times to give marbled effect. Bake In moderate (378 F.) oven 15 to 30 minutes or until cake tester inserted in center of cakes comes out tlean. Place pans on cake racks; let cook in pans tor B minutes, then turn out and stirp off paper. Fill and frost with your favorite choco late frosting. . MUSTEIIOLE SJMtWfce VtAWtt) WfrHna KIDS'eflLD Sura a car It t wonderful thing to have. If you're fortunate- enough to have one, we, congratulate font Has; we know foe tea abet k ssasrjr cum kt ht mow coovwient, ht moee aaooonkal fot fm to go kf attend! OttThoaod fatptrti fwrt csJcvJatst (hat fg com 9 ceocs milt to own and operate the avasage taf-that losMss the "hidden" com that many enrolm nenall? doct count bat which amount to testable aam CompanihUwhhGftyboaxvi'i low-oe, frequent, conraokot eerrkt with do parking or traffic wor rits aod jonll realize why we say... "Save your ftH,jootcutaiyovtaotwj,..Ca Gftyhoundr Bsndm 0 mmtBmJf swcV s mmfinukn wfJcw Be Good to Your Poeketbookl Sample Fares from Salem: BAN FRANCISCO ..fMJS LOS ANGELES .... IMS RENO 11-00 Kaftm Trtp SO XJSM. ..s TUkM PORTLAND 1.S0 FRESNO ll.U BAN DIEOO 11.10 MED FORD .! Hmt Fiihrel Tm J. L. WELLS 450 H. Cherci SI. thm 2-2421 FREE FESTIVAL TICKETS m Nominations For AL Unit Reported Mrs. John Kenney was nom inated for president of King- wood unit, American Legion auxiliary, at the meeting Thursday evening. Other nom inations mentioned in uie re Dort read by Mrs. Earl Folsom were Mrs. Elsie Noteboom, first vice-president; Mrs. Ira Note boom, second vice-president; Mrs. Floyd White, secretary; Mrs. Fred Midler, historian; Mrs. E. M. Hoffman, chaplain; Mrs. O. B. Long, sergeant-at-arms. . . Following announcements about the rummage sale and visit of the national president last month, the unit members joined Kingwood post for en tertainment and refreshments served by Mrs. John Kenney. and Mrs. Marie Thompson. . . Birthdays Observed At Chapter Meeting January, February, March and April birthdays were ob served at the meeting of Alns worth chapter, Order of East- n Star, Wednesday. Invitations were received from . Meridian chapter, Eu gene; Salem chapter, Salem; Annie Fulton chapter, Wasco; Vesta chapter,- Florence; Al oha chapter, Klamath Falls and the Willamette Shrine No. a, Salem. The Social club of the chap ter will sponsor a rummage e April 16. Mrs. Eugene Walters is chairman with Mrs. Richard Davis co-chairman. At the next meeting, friend ship night will be observed with several out of town chap ters invited. The chapter's new ly organized orchestra will play in the dining room during the social hour. A cake walk will be the feature of the pro gram with the proceeds to go toward purchase of robes for the new bethel of Job's Daugh ters that the chapter is sponsoring. Mrs. Paul Riffey, Mrs. Charles Bottorff, Mrs. William Hartley, and Mrs. Omer Huff served refreshments following the meeting. ' Talk Wins Winning the oscar at Chem- eketa Toastmistress club Thursday was Mrs. Paul Gil mer. Mrs. Emmji Brown was toastmistress for the evening. There will be a regional coun cil meeting In Eugene April 11 and the club representative, Mrs. Harold Jenkins, will at . . . SILVERTON Visiting here the past week have been Mr. and Mrs. Warren E. Crabtree of Salinas, Calif., who were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. W.yC V Jt ' 7 fc i. i -r 4IV Woodbnrn Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rogers of Woodburn . celebrated their golden wedding anniversary March 22 at the Woodburn Presbyterian church. They were married March 25, 1B0S at Perelval, Iowa and came to Woodburn in 1948. Their only living child, George Rogers, lives in Woodburn. They also have three grandchildren and three great grandchildren, all of Whom were present for the an niversary. (Alyee Studio, Woodburn.) LibertY.Woman's .. Club Entertained Liberty Mrs. Ed Jory en tertained the Liberty Wom an's club on Thursday after noon at a dessert luncheon at her Hoyt street home. Mrs. Lettitla Clark was the assist ing hostess. Mrs. S. B. Davidson report ed on the activities of the Lib erty Girl Scout troop and an nounced that the flag had been given to the troop to use at any other group meeting at the school. Mrs. William Lustoff was named as chairman of the re freshments concession for the South Salem Suburban Cham ber of Commerce carnival to be on May 15, 18 and 17, at the Browning Brothers winter quarters grounds on East Browning avenue and Liberty road. The Woman's club decided to sponsor a cake baking con test for the south area for any one wishing to participate, with the proceeds to go to the M,--r. . 1 I. . I . . joryviue rsrs. Duiiawg iuaa. It is scheduled for Saturday, May 2, and will be at the Dick son market on US99E and the 12th street junction. Mrs. Har old A. Roiebraugh is chair man. Others on the committee are Mrs. Helen Grabenhorst, Mrs. Lettitla Clark and Mrs. Ernest Free. Named as delegates to the r .-.r. ., Dewey Allen and Mrs. Mar tin Hannan. The Crabtrees, formerly of Silverton, are now in Vancouver, Wash., visiting with their son, David Crabtree. Marlon County Federation of Women's clubs on April 17, at Jefferson, were Mrs. William Hall, Mrs. Fred Browning, Mrs. Ernest Free, Mrs. Roland See- -ger, Mrs. Helen Grabenhorst, Mrs. William Lusioff, Mrs. Har old A. Rosebraugh, Mrs. Wil bert Kurth, Mrs. A. B. Brown ing, and Mrs. Louis Kurth. . Reporting on the nominating committee were Mrs. Ernest Free, Mrs. Wilbert Kurth, and Mrs. James Falk. Nominated were: For president, Mrs. Wil liam Hall; vice president, Mrs. Louis Kurth, and secretary treasurer, Mrs. Harry Kneppcr. Elections will be to May and installation at tha club picnic; the latter part of May. Mrs. Louis Kurth was chair man of the program and she gave the history of Joryvllle, and Belcrest Memorial park. Mrs. Harold A. Rosebraugh told of Buena Vista being 100 years old, and gave the history of the community leading up to the present day. V MERRY MIXERS Square Dance group will meet at Vet erans of Foreign Wars hall on Saturday evening, dancing be tween 8:80 and 12 o'clock. On the refreshments com mittee are Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Barnett, Mr. and Mrs. George Riach and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carter. THE SMART SHOP FOR VANITY FAtft LINGERIE 1!5 N. Liberty PORTABLE RADIO SALE NEW Crosley, was I9.9S, now (lonly) WeeHnghotiM, was 49.91, now ...,, ..... . (2 only) tyiranra, was 14.20, now (lonly) 1ms 1 ion, wot 49.91, now ........ (2 only) Sylvanle dock Radios, were 41.95, (I only) While They Last! USED ' Admiral, new 44.95, now 5.00 Zenith, new 136.20, now 89.50 General Electric, new 49.50, now 1 0.00 Airline, new 45.00, now , 20.00 Emerson, new 49.95, now 25.00 Stewart-Warner, new 39.95, now 29.95 Zenith, new 69.95, now 25.00 PLUS USED IICOR TAPE RECORDER, new 149.95, now 89.95 WEBCOR WIRE RECORDER (Demonstrator) new $153, now .$125 WILLS MUSIC STORE .89.95 19.95 .29.95 .....89.95 81.95 432 State Phone 34959 AT THE TOWNE SHOP . . . 0 25.00 BLACK AND , BROWN Juniors, you'll love this striklnq checked glnghom dress with its xig-zog pointed top of dork Salyno ond the huge stole to fling oround your shoulders. Wear It strapless er use the little shoestring ties. ' TTflixe "LT e unwrjD& 0 Charge Accounts Welcome Open Monday and Friday Nights np CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER