Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 03, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday, April 8, 1958
Local Paragraph,
Center Found
Spring Vaution Willam
ette university's students itart
ed for their home Friday noon
in connection with the annual
spring vacation. Class work
will be resumed the morning
of April 13. Administrative
and business office will be
closed from S p.m. Friday to 8
a.m. Tuesday, April 7.
Dance Canceled - The
Eagles sponsored teen-age
dance scheduled for Friday
evening at the Eagle hall has
been canceled, it was announc
nose stolen Tne then of aj
rea, do foot garden hose from
his lawn was reported to city
police tr W. R. Meffard, 2405
south High street.
Non-Support Charred Les
ter D. Healey, Coos Bay, waiv
ed preliminary hearing on a
charge of non-support Friday
' In district court and was bound
over to the Marion County
grand Jury. On a similar
charge, Alfred H. Jacobsen,
Vancouver, Wash., requested
a preliminary hearing and was
ordered held for hearing on
(Continued from Page 1)
Sorensen said "we expect to
run them through pretty fast.
And we hope they start coming
in soon."
United Nations and Commun.
1st liaison groups are scheduled
to meet at Panmunjom Monday
to make arrangements for ex
change of the sick and wound'
Named Freedom Village
Newsmen who visited the
alte of the new hospital
promptly named it Freedom
Village. A bridge on the road
from Panmunjom to Munsan
long has been called Freedom
Gate. Prisoners released by the
Beds would cross it when
brought to the medical and pro
cessing center here.
Many also would be brought
here by helieopter. The Eighth
Arnfy plans to mobilize all
helicopters that can be spared
from the righting front to help
evacuate the sick and wounded
If a pre-armlstlce exchange Is
Drew Pearson
(Continued from Page 4)
Building Permits Calvary
Baptist church, to alter church
at 1230 South Liberty, $700.
Chester Skelton, to reside a
two-story dwelling at 2420
Simpson. 11150. A. T. King, to
alter a two-story dwelling at
1035 Saginaw, $7800.
Treasurer's Report Marion
county had assets of $4,829,-
833.83 as of March 31. accord'
ing to the monthly report of
Treasurer S. J. Butler. The to
tal Includes $10,684.08, ear
marked for public assistance,
$1,134,780.88 in the general
fund and $1,309,630.08 for con
struction of the court house.
Harvey Silent
On Plant Site
Lot Angeles, uR Lawrence
Harvey, vice president of the
Harvey Machine Tool Compa
ny of Torrance, Calif., said to
day he had "no comment" to
make regarding a report the
company had not decided
whether to locate Its proposed
$65,000,000 aluminum reduc
tion plant on the Oregon side
of the Columbia river near
The Dalles.
Harvey was quoted ' yester
day as saying location of the
plant was not definite. Earlier,
however, the company announ
ced it would begin construc
tion soon of initial buildings of
the proposed plant on a alte
near The Dalles.
School Bill
(Continued from Peg 1)
the White House don't bother
him, because he never sees
them. Ike and Mamie rarely
use the front entrance to the
White House, preferring the
south entrance, which is han
dier to the president's office
and living quarters . . . The
president is keeping a close
check on his diet, seldom
touches bread, mayonnaise,
desserts, and other fattening
foods. At mealtime he fre
quently munches on little, low
calory crackers . . . Military
advisers now tell the president
that they want no part of the
universal military training
program. Instead they con
tend that the draft system is
sufficient to meet our mili
tary manpower needs for the
present. Hdwayer, Eisenhow
er still firmly believes that
some form of UMT may be
necessary to provide pre-draft
training for American youth in
ease we are thrown into a sud
den, all-out war. He recently
Indicated to congressional
leaders that he would recom
mend a modified UMT to con
gress, but he didn't say, when.
Paris (UJ French author
and poet Jean Epstein, 54, died
here last night.
Npwlv otwn business in
Hollywood. Make - rite Cafe,
1964 N. Capitol. Specializing
in Chinese and American
Foods. 85
Friday, April S
Seabees Reserves, at Naval ana
Marine Corps Reserve training
Saturday and Sunday, April 4-1
Naval Air reserve squadron
AAO 893, st Naval Air Facility.
Monday, April 6
Company B, 162nd infantry regi
ment, and headquarters I'ltach
ment, Oregon National Ckiard, at
Salem armory.
9414 AR squadron at ORC ar
mory. Organized Marine Corps Reserve
unit at Naval and Marine Corps
Reserve training center.
San Diego, Calif. Pfc. William
O Flatters, U. 8. Marine Corps,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C.
Flatters. Newberg, Oregon, was
one of the outstanding marksmen
of his platoon while in recruit
training at the Marine Corps
Recruit Depot here.
Winter Training
Third Marine Division, Camp
Pendleton, Callf.Pfc. Harold J.
Johns U. S. Marine Corps, son of
Mrs. J. J. Johns, 2485 Crestview
drive Salem, was one of the 1100
rfttfoinn t&kinc
part in the Cold Weather training
held In California nwn oitnw
recently. Johns lerved as a truck
UACK To Mr. nl Mm. Anion I
MICK BUTHBi wvj, ok...
OHOVES To Mr. end Mr. Vernon
A. ClrOTSS, TO B. - '
ADAMS T Mr. nJ Mrs. Amnion
AdsmA. Ft. s. ""'
OWYNN To Mr. end Mri.
Owrnn. M. , Bol "0. e sill. AprU I.
people, who defeated It last
November by the scant margin
of 6,000 votes,
The chief objection to the
1951 bill was that it would
have enabled creation of new
consolidation districts by
majority vote of the citizens
of the proposed district. This
would have deprived the little
districts of then present right
to stay out of consolidations,
The new bill, as amended
by the committee Friday, pro
vides that not only a jnajority
of the voters, but also a ma
jority of the school districts
that would be consolidated,
must approve before a con
solidation could be effective.
This is the voting procedure
now in effect for creation of
union high school districts. The
committee said that since the
Grange never has objected to
creating union high ichool dis
tricts this -way, then it
shouldn't object to creating
consolidated districts in the
same manner.
Salem's Naval and Marine
Corps Training center is in
very good condition."
That was the observation of
Capt. A. Jackson, Jr., USN.
reserve coordinator for the
13th Naval district, who heed
ed the eight-officer Inspection
team from 13th Naval district
in Salem Thursday to inspect
the center an dthe Naval sur
face division' 13-28 here.
Jackson In commenting on
the surface division, following
the inspection Thursday, said
that it had made considerable
improvement during the past
year. He also noted that he
found the instruction excep
tionally good.
The Salem division if the
third to be inspected in the
13th Naval district, which hat
a total of 22 surface divisions.
Results of the Inspection and
the Salem outfit's standing in
the competition in the dlatrict
will be announced sometime
after the first of July. Last
year it was in aixh place
Commanded by Lt. Cmdr.
George A. Arbuckle, USNR,
three of them are attached to
the division and not on a pay
status, and 147 enlisted men.
Flurry of Bad
Checks in City
A flurry of bad checks
passed in Salem the last few
days of March, including 18
passed on one -week-end,
brought the month's total to
the highest since last July, ac
cording to city police reports.
Of the 62 checks passed dur
ing the month, 38 were cleared
by seven arrests. Several more
of the checks will be cleared
by the arrest of two more pert
sons for whom warrants are
now out, detectives said.
Police could give no reason
for the sudden surge in the bad
check market except that about
three of the check passers were
pretty fast with their pens and
passed quite a number of
checks each before they were
A total of 119 checks were
passed here last July, by far
the highest total In two years.
!wmMW . mi.'f.' w-c '
Wesley Stewart, who was
installed Thursday night as
exalted ruler of Salem
Lodge 338, BPO Elks. .
Delay Seen in
Claxter Road
The proposed widening and
Improvement of the Claxter
road from its junction with 99E
to a point at Kelzer may be
delayed because of failure to
secure right of way deeds from
all property owners.
County Surveyor A. D. Gra
ham reported to the county
court Friday that the names
on the petitions presented to
him for checking, in many in
stances did not coincide with
assessor's map. -.
There is. a possibility that
portions of the property are be
ing purchased under contract!
that have not been recorded. A
house-to-house check may be
necessary to clear up the situation.
The road in question la one
of the older ones which has
30-foot right of way. The coun
ty court agreed to widen and
improve it should the property
owners donate 10 additional
Parking Meters
(Continued from Page 1)
the business of the elected and
appointed officials.
Andy Foster, president ol
the association, presided. Sid
Schlesinger read a minute of
the directors' meeting at which
a resolution opposing the nickel
meters was adopted. About 125
persons attended the gathering.
Dalnhnw Girls Cook Food
Sale, Saturday. Xltchen Cen
tre. 80'
Clip the coupon en page 10
of today's paper. 80
Male wool presser, Box 42,
Capital Journal. 80
Good Neighbors annual rum
mage. Miscellaneous ciotntng
and household supplies. 1555
No. 5th. 81
Rummage sale, by National
Secretaries association, Beaver
hall, over Greenbaum's, April
4th, (9-8). 80
Air-steamship tickets any
where. Kugel, 1-7694, 153 N.
High St. 80
n.l-l a,l ik ffUmni-tvlnff
Treasure Tones. See our out
standing waupaper Kiecuon.
Chuck Clarke Co., 255 N. Lib-
Clip the coupon en page 10
of today's paper. 80
Kola annual cafeteria dinner,
April 10, 8-8. Bazaar, prizes,
free entertainment At Eola
schoolhouse. 80
Pre-Easter food sale, Cath
olic Daughters of America,
Roberts Bros., 340 Court, April
4th, 9:30-3. 80'
Fresh killed Grade A Hen
Turkeys. Also Turkey Fryers,
4-8 lb. average, Orwlgs Market,
3978 Sllverton Rd. Ph. 4-8742.
Hart to Attend John J.
Hart, superintendent of postal
service for United Air Lines,
has informed Postmaster Al
bert C. Gragg that he will be
able to attend the convention
of the Oregon chapter of the
National Association of Post
masters scheduled fdr Salem,
June 2, 3 and 4. -
Circuit Court
strdenn U AndcrtOD ft Kvan . An-
demon: Order dlroctlnr dtftndut to
appear in court Mm and rtow cauie
shy ha ihould not be punished for oon-
tempt of court for failure to complr
with decrte cour. werea u.
David C. Baum n larl T. Mtwbrr
and Robert T. Thornton: Order frant
ic Richard Delch and OH a freeman
permission to intervene as defendant!.
Doris W, VanOleavt vt Oeort -VanCleave:
Divorce complaint, attaint
cruel and Inhuman treatment. Plaintiff
aik custody of five minor children.
$160 month t support and ownership of
real and pereonal property.
Elks Lodge
. Wesley Stewart as the new
exalted ruler and other new
officers of Salem , Lodge 336,
BPO Ilka, were installed
Thursday night
Hal Randall was Installing
officer, assisted by past exalt
ed rulers of the lodge.
Besides Stewart the others
installed and the new appoin
tive officers were: '
Leading knight, John Gra
ham; loyal knight, Robert X.
Jones; lecturing knight, James
Pike; secretary, Harry Wied
mer: treasurer, Ed ' Dimbat;
trustee, Gilbert Wynkoop; tr
ier. Earl Croghah.
Appointive Inner guard,
Lin Miles; chaplain, George
Moorhead; organist, Esthel
Benner; alternate organist,
Robert Carpenter; esquire, Roy
Hunt; assistant esquire, John
Van Osdol; alternate officer,
Rupert Magee.
Committees Xlklet editor,
Carl Jordan; assistant editor,
Lee Nelson; entertainment,
Don Doerfler, chairman, Max
Scriber, Clyde Cook; presid
ing justice of subordinate for
um, Peter M. Gunnar; visiting
man: electricians, Clarence
Bishop and Austin Walker; gal
ley gang, Sam J. Butler, chair
man, Virgil Parker, Howard
Kins and Fred Schafer: rehab
ilitation and security. Vernal
D. McMuUen; publicity, Wil
mer E. Nelson; finance, board
of trustees; visually handicap
ped, Hal Randall; golf tourna
ment. Robert DeArmond; bowl
ing, Bill Lowry and Louis Mc
Kinney; dance coordinator,
Charles Field; lapsatlon,
George L. Cooper.
West Hopeful
(Continued from Page 1)
should be built. It wlU report
to the Joint Ways and Means
After a preliminary meeting.
the committee went to Portland
to investigate the need for con
struction of a new state dental
school. : .,. .
Bill to nullify
(Continued from Page 1)
The order also requires that
if the distributor puts in more
butterfat than 1.5 per cent he
must charge cents for each
l10th of butterfat content,
which would mean that Salem
distributors would be required
to get 23 V cents per quart for
milk of 1.8 per eent butter fat
In the Portland area milk of
S.S to 1.8 per cent butterfat
content sells at the same price.
Senator Stewart Hardie said
Friday that be would call a
meeting of his rules committee
late Friday afternoon, as no
Committee meetings axe being
called between noon and 1 p.m.
because this la Good Friday.
Judging from comments
heard In both chambers the
proposed bill of the agriculture
department will have rough
sailing, if it la cleared for in
troduction by the senate rules
committee. '
'It la about time that the milk
administrator should be set
back on his heels for a time'
one prominent legislator de
clared when he heard of the
new proposed bill.
FA Asks for Bids The
Bonneville Power Administra
tion has issued an Invitation
for bids for the construction of
'control and oil houses at the
Naw Hosnitalman Second Class Hubert H. Sower. Jr.,
(right) ion of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert H. Sower of Willamlna,
Is awarded the Letter of Commendation, Pennant with
Combat "V" lor eoceellent service m the line of his profes
sion while serving with the First Marine Aircraft Wins la
Korea. Presenting the decoration is Ma. Gen. Vernon X.
Megee, eommanding general. (U. S. Marine Corps pboto
Albany substation. The success
ful contractor will be allowed
150 calendar days to complete
the work outlined under the
specifications. The site of the
Albany substation is approxi
mately one mile west of U.S.
highway WE en West Queens
avenue, Albany.
eteaaed est Ball Half Paul
Flnseth, Dallas, was released
on 8300 ball after being ar
rested Thursday night by eity
police en a charge of drunk .
driving-. vt:;.,
.-!;'.?',-'- ....... -.'tlj'T;
- Arsenic la a meUl.'
U Sr-U
II f sTnprc piEnrmnnz ru Y rv M-J l
If. Jamti DkvlM v SUW IndmtrUl
Accident oommlMlon: ZMftnOftnt'i an
fwer jmUdi tflimuaftl.
CUrinc. WUHtm Sutton w awu
dufltrlftl Accident Commluton: Pefend
int'i aniwer seeking dlemUiel.
J .nice cooler ti Charles Herald Coo
ler: Defendant's answer seeking dls-
Jack Mm business as PUsbt
Asro ts A-Z Dust and avrer Corp. and
U. a. Fldelltr and Ousrantr Co.: De
fendants' dsmurrsr to eomplalnt, slits-
ins mnriKient lacis.
Truman X. afller ts A-Z Dust and
Bprar Corp. and U. a. Pidslltr and
Ouarantr Co.: Defendants' demurrer to
eomplalnt on grounds e4 Insufftstent
Lsona Ma KUllnisr ts Lewis J. KI11-
lnssr: Divorce dserss with plaintiff be
ing awarded sustodr of two minor child
ren and M caonthlr support.
Motional Ben franklin ts W. o. Whits:
Suit for judgment o ll.eas.7t for dam
ages said to have been suitslnsd or
Allan IfeHas'g auto In collision near
Brooks rebraarr 17. lttl.
hrllls ahelton ts Karl X. Bhelton:
Dtfendant'a support parments decreas
ed from 140 to ISO per month.
Msrtln Toeland TI Oeorge Cbancs at
al: Complaint asks radgment cancelling
contract for sale of real nronertr tn
Lillian Walson n at. Faul Rodeo assn.
Verdict of raooo for wltuitlff returned
br Jury.
Probota Court
Eunice L. Brikten estate: Bstate ee-
prslsed at a), 501. to.
John If. Dahl estate: Bstate apprais
ed at n.iu.ll.
TOtomas K. Bowbotbam estate: Order
approrlnc reports of edmlnlstratrli.
Bdna C. BUIott estate: Busts apprals
sd at W.MO.
Anton Plennsrt sstste:
praised at IIO.Mi.u.
Bstate ap
T hone the communists mean Ma time." said Rear
Adm. John C. Daniel, who
heads the Allied liaison team,
He would not predict tne out
No Let Vp In War
The war went on. Chinese
communist troops ripped into
Allied lines in Central Korea
nrith a 175-man attack against
a strategic outpost hill north
east of Chorwon. The Reds
were routed In a bloody two-
hour battle. .
There was another sour note
in eommunist East Germany,
where communists chose Good
Friday to increase their harass
ment of the church. The com
munists banned Easter aervices
In the half-mile zone separat
ing East and West Germany.
President Eisenhower at his
news conference Thursday said
the U. S. should take at face
value every offer made by the
communists until it la proved
Building Group
Studies Necessity
The Legislature's seven-man
building committee started to
work Friday, faced with 20
million dollars worth of re
quests, and only about 10 mil
lion available.
The committee, headed by
Sen. Howard C. Belton, Canby,
will decide what college and
state institution buildings
The kindness and sympathy
of neighbors and friends In our
recent sorrow will always re
main with us a precious mem
ory. Our sincere thanks and
gratitude for all those com
forting acts.
Mrs. Albert C. Baker, Gerald
and Jack.
Mrs. Bessie Baker. 30'
Turtle's, Hollywood Aquari
um, 1958 McCoy. 1 block East
of North Capitol, ltt block
north of Madison. Phone 26897.
Ida Weston is discontinuing
her drapery business at 1460
Hines. 80'
Baby ducks for Easter. Phone
36919. 1988 Mission. 80
St. Olaf Choir
KGW - 8:30 P.M.
Prices Slashed
To the Bone
f Bargains Galore! -h
I Terrific Savings!
Savings Up
to 50
We can't move. We can't turn. Our walls are bulging. KO SPACE left. Our Warehouse is hitti
and more furniture arriving daily. ; , : 3 : ' ? ' , .
MIIIICT U AlfC CD A ft ' a4 "W""! tT Ti kff Hat fHrrrf Hilt it TrUlWf It
lYlUcJ I ti A V C Avt MKD" erica. . . . 'ftet twrffe N swHvti Here are jest i few
tf flw Mstff MMy tubtoftdtitg fwnHvrt Nyt vt lnvt H tfftr 9 riti'l Mift utt ilirh Miy
J-pe. Ash Tone, open stock
Reg. $139.50
5-pc. Solid Maple
Reg. 8166.50 NOW
4-pc. Mr. and Mrs. Set, L. Oak or
Walnut Reg. $209.50 NOW
4- pc. Ash Mr. and Mrs. get
Reg. $259.50 NOW
5- pc. Chlncilla Walnut
Reg. $266.50 .....NOW
3-pc. Waterfall Walnut
Reg. $149.95 .NOW
Many other styles and price groups to ehoeae from.
now 99.50
No. 1 Defender ..... " ' $0 CA
Re. $34.50 ....... . . . .NOW JLO,DU
No. 2 Sort $OQ OC
Reg. $39.95 NOW JLV.YD
No. 3 Sorta Orthopedic the finest Mattress in
the fond for back sufferers. $S(I 1
Reg. $54.50 ........ .NOW
No. 4 Serta Foom-Flex deluxe Innertpring
mattress, cushioned with Foam $t) PA
Latex Keg,
P.S. Serta Foam-Flex It guaranreed for 15 years.
Many tf Mr hmpi km Jwf trrhtd sflthhi Ikt M itj w hr (il
Irxrsiitd toil) but they ill e m mw it rarrHk rtflucHoaj.
Her b m Mtmpli:
6-wiy Heer Lamp hi Irin
Rej. $17.95 WW
Choke d aViMifsa, CstrMI, timtiu, Stif-DMi, Tier, Immi mi
Corner SkIkhmI. trsM ItaMi
Hohogtiry Tool
R0- $49.50 ; '
k W.S0 ...ROW . b.
Fashion Bouse Davenport it Chair Mohair Frltee
eoTera Choice of colors $1AG EA
Reg. $215.00
t-Pc. 8eetlonal Dareno
Rer. $15.50
SerU Hide Bed (1 ealy)
Reg. $270.50
. now $H6.50
.. now 198.50
Fashion House Davenport aid Chair, Flber-B sever,
$310.00 , NOW
Serta Daveno and Chair, Mohair
Frleie Reg. $244.50 NOW
Choose fro, the Mitoet. We heve wewderrMl
5-pc. Mt Csmewerd laMa Hp, sioesole lege, hoary
RegWsO . . . . . . . '. . rOW$59.50
5-pc. set "Virginia Honee" OHtemotlc loaf Dun-
ean Phyfs legs.
Reg. $169.50 NOW IZX.DU
3 -per; "Chrome Craft" opens to
M" 4tea. $144.95 Sewor Spec.
5-pc. Deluxe Chrome) table ond chair sot Hie
Hnott quolity mode. Cvma mp
Rog. $lt9.95 NOW I 97o7
A wide nrlefy tnd ssiorlarcirl of irffM enirv corOfi. loglorh;
prkod frofn $49.50 It $135.00.
New ipetlsHy
prkod from .,
Limed Oak Table, Chain, Buffet. Highly resistant
surface to acids, alkali and heat. $10A EA
Two Arm Chairs Reg. $255 NOW "''V
18th Century Suite, all Mahogany, Duncan Phyfe
Table Credenia Buffet, 5 Chalra. Table opens to
Reg. $375.00 NOW 244.50
Mahogany Dronleaf Table, 4 Chairs Si 1 0 C A
Rer. $169.50 NOW IIT.JW
Slide Out Buffet Table, opens to 6
feet, in Rer. $179.95 NOW
Hey Dad and Mom, bring janlor la with yea when
you soma In to shop thsse sensational bargains. Let
him or her pick eat whatever they need In cribs,
mattresses, ate. Frlces have been slaughtered.
We are closing out our line of appliances due to lack of
proper display apace. Now ts the time to pick ap real
bargain In a range, refrigerator or washer. Nationally
advertised prices have been completely disregarded In
order to move these out
The perfect gift for Easier and don't forget Graduation It
only a couple of months away. We have a beautiful as
sortment to choose from and all of them drastically reduced.
294 N. Commercial Street
Corner Chewier; eta sjim Cmmilal