Friday, April S.195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, QrfM ti 1 i . . nciay Appoints O&C Advisors Washington (UJSSecretary pi Interior Douglas McKay oday announced appointment pi six new merotwrs to the SP and C Oregon and Calif., dvlsory board and reappoint lent of 11 memhert. . The board, which advises jtne secretary on administra Won of 2,500,000 acreas of lUmberlands in western Ore jgon, is composed of repre sentatives of the lumber in - Bustry, forestry agencies, and rtlabor, mining, agricultural, ecreation, and other Interests. The lands were part of the original area granted by the government as subsidy for Fihullding the Oregon and alifornia railroad. t In 1916 Congress revested rthe O and C lands to the government. . The new board members are (Arthur H. Bone, publisher and leditor Oregon Farmer Union, Salem; State Sen. Ben Day, (Gold Hill; JuUus C. Vian coeur, or the northwestern council of the AFL Lumber tend Sawmill Workers, Port Sand; O. K,s DeWitt, Izaak Walton league, Lyons; George JSpaur, Oregon state forester, alem; and State Rep. Loran JStewart, president, Bohemia cLumber Co., Cottage Grove. Retiring members are Paul T. Bailey, of the northwestern council of the AFL Lumber and Sawmill Workers, Port land; Bernard Buisman, edi tor, Oregon Grange Bulletin, Portland; Frank Graham, Hills Creek Lumber Co., Jas per; Dwight Phipps, Oregon deputy state forester. Salem; Albert Powers, Oregon Cattle men's association, Coos Bay; and Joseph W. Smith presi dent, Northwest Industrial Laundry Co. Portland. HYPNOTIZES HYPNOTIST Inverness, Scotland 1U0 A 20 - year - old girl hypnotized hypnotist Edwin Heath into marrying her. Animals can !1 v onlv hv eating plants or other animals wmcn uve on plants. ' . Pacific Fruit Shows Big Gain The largest annual sales volume and higher net earnings were attained by Pacific Gam hie Robinson company (Pacific Fruit) in the year 1952, ac cording to i a report to- the stockholders issued by J. G. Scott, president. ( , Showing a S per cent gain over the previous year, 1952 sales totaled $168,464,279, com pared with $160,603,783 ' in 1951. Net income of the food concern for 1952 amounted to $1,284,477, -equal to 1.65 per common share, compared with QjX(K BE BBP ' 1 Ws fcwMfH Our Mat! tad Ml Vw lb flaaWj Tony '-: and Dolph 251b & SfafeSf. Phone UW Free Parking Willi's $1,284,523, or $I.S2 per com mon shire, for the previous year, - . , -. Provision ia federal, state and Canadian taxes on 1952 In come wai $1,676,880, or ap proximately $800,000 more than for the preceding year. The company now operates 122 jobbing branches and SS shipping branches in the U.S. and Canada. Four new; ware houses were constructed dur ing the year, Including one in Salem. .i TO INVESTIGATE , .. ,.. J INVE5TIGATOE8 - Washington SB Rep, Rob ert h. F, Sikes, D-Fli., has called for creation of a Con gressional InvitigUng com mittee to Inveitigate other Congressional Invertig a ti n g committees. That's about all there is left uriLnvertigated," Sike said. Farms in both the V.S, and Mexico are irrigated with Bio Grande water. . FKE ffi-gjfafl reins Win a Brand Wen 1953 Packard Sedan PRIZE DRAWINGS APRIL 4:.. APRIL 11 '( " AHOST OF VALUABLE mtU ; v:, TO IE GIVEN EACH NIGHT! JUST RECEIVED A CARLOAD OF ' SWIFTS PREMIUM A MM fc? I il ii 1 He I r IF0 R :"V Lb. uujuuLucy v Jewell Shortening . . Pure Ground Beef . GRADE GOOD Pot Roast . .... . : . !' -. Dressed, Drawn Fan Reeiy Fryers fc W 3 Its, M3 Fisher's I (end Flour . W 2 lb. Coke flour Free life. 2-Sft iks. t POTATOES FREE DELIVERY On Ordtn Orer M OO HP'S .'MBRET , Open 7 Days s Week 1 7 tun. fo I sm. . 1120 S. UHiSt. H.2M0S FREE jfflll PRIZES jjTS ySU TICKETS AT ROBERTS K - ' T rst spectacular splendor of ; . ktJ fD IS PH -r f' ilil liberty street store ' ...samble coats from a famous manufacturer... made to sell from $55 to $65 We bought the ervtl re salesman's line of 75 scmple coats and offer them to you for less than the etfuol , fnenufociurfog cost, Newo$conbe,i 1 feshioned wirti fceoury and ears , . Look ct , whot you'JJ find; Boucfes, Coshmeres, Blends, Fleeces, , Susdes, end costly imported fabrics. Pesieis, , high colors, neutrals , ell lined In crepe or .. taffeta, many wirh the fabulous new InsuJofed linings. One-ond-two-of-a-klnd crtly . , . - ? In model sizes of 1 2 and ! 4. But If you come eerly 4 you'll Undo few 10s ond 16s. . Roberta Fasfclofts, tecene! fleer "White Myth" fabulous new jewelry by KARU $1 each (plus tax) LJ Festive frosting for everything you wear! Precious porceloin beads in a riotous assortment . , . some sparked with brilliant rhinestones! Adjustable dog collars, multi-strand chokers, flower cluster earrings, breathtaking bracelets! Every one the some low price .,.$!. Roberta Jewelry, main floor "IlsWkoIlhsTowr Kokerts' One Price Easter Millinery $ 98 Hundreds ond hundreds of gay(' colorful Easter Bonnets, ond every cm at this tiny 2.98 price! New creations arriving doily millinery values worth much, much morel - - Millfirery, second floor ROBERTS BROS. OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL 9 o WE GIVE AND REDEEM H'K GREEN STAMPS t