Page 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon Friday, AprU 8, Ify In ther Valley Edited by HIKE FORBES West Stay ton Weit Stayton Mn. Faite Folk waa complimented with a pink and blue shower Thurs day evening at the home of the hoiteai, Mn. Paul McClellan. An It ting was her daughter in-law, Mn. Truman McClel- lan. , - Invited were: Meidamei Chriitina - Forrette, : Georgia Brazeale, Lora Rand, Alice Dively, Zelpha Downer, Muriel Hudson, Mildred Banner, Ma mie Baker, Pauline ' Belden, Pearl . Darley, Marilyn and Mabel Odenthal, Virginia Prantl. Ella Hilton, Pepper Shepherd, Grace Nienke, Edith Stewart, Naomi Hilton, Fran- cena Doran, Alma Hatfield of Salem. . Mary Hankel, Normaline Smith, Minnie Dlckman, Viv tan Lynch, Jennie Schafer, Ed na Dowe, Rom Com, Ima Hen ri kaon, Fay Smiley, Lera Snod ; dy, Helen Gilbert, Maxine Lee : and , Carla, Nadine Moreland and daughter! of Stayton; Er nie Baker, - Grace Keiney, Laura Garb, Marlce Doran and ' Ada Stewart; alio Misses Doris Gilbert and Hazel Dively; the Honored gueit, Mn. Foltz and daughters, Judy and Bonnie. Following the opening of flits, refreshments were aerved . by the hostesses. PTAaf Silver! oii ' Will Meet Thursday Sllverton SUverton Parent-Teacher auoclatlon will meet Thursday, AprU 9,- In the aenior high a e h e o 1 auditorium. Mn. Ralph Schmidt, PTA president, will direct the bus! ness hour. The program, pre sented by the senior high school student group,, will be under the supervision of the dean of girls, Mrs, W. P. Scarth. A feature of the business hour will be the final report of the nominating committee and the election of officers for the coming year. ; Woodburn May Lose Rural Fire Trucks Pratum Pratum A farewell party was given for John Wenger last Friday evening, March 27, at the home of his aunt, Miss Alma Wenger, and her four brothers, Eldon, Edward. Wil liam and Robert Wenger, in the Pratum community. John Is leaving for the army April 7. Refreshments were served by his aunts, Miss Alice Wen ger and Mn. Fred Muller. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Grover L. Welty and chil dren, Stan and Kathy; Mr. and Mrs. Homer welty and dauffh. ter, Ann; Enoch Welty; Mr. and Mn. Lawrence Wenger; Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hofatetter; Mr. and Mn. Sherman Hofste. ter and sons, Dwayne, Dale and Kermy; Mrs. Robert Cable; Mr. and Mrs. Harley Mize; Oscar Wenger; J. W. Hofstet ter; Rev. and Mn. W. A. Regler and children, Richard, Donald, Karen and Douglas; Mr. and Mn. Fred A. Muller; Mr. and Mn. Wesley Strode and daugh ter, Jeanette and Barbara, irom augene, ore.; Mr. and Mr. Earl Strode and children, Eleanor, Ilza,- Glenda and Ivan, and the honored guest, John Wenger and his wife Lee. Lee plans to live with her I rents, Mr. and Mn. Earl Strode, while John Is gone. ; Aluminum deposits discov ert In Jamaica in the West In dies in 1842 are expected to yield 220 million tons of ore. Easter Lily Sale To Be at Wood burn Woodbura ' Miniature facsimile Easter lilies will be sold in Woodburn Saturday, April '4. from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. by members of Ever green Assembly of Rainbow. Proceeds of the sale will go to the Crippled Children's hospital in Eugene and will be the final local event in the Easter sale campaign . 1 n Woodburn. The lilies will be sold in the downtown business area of Woodburn and at the Bank of Oregon in the highway business district. Woodburn A notice was received - Wednesday morn ing at the city hall that the rural fire protection district will sever its contract with the city of Woodburn July 1, 1953, unless the elty gives "a definite committed answer as to how it is going to share with the district on a 50-50 basis on equipment and operation of the fire department." . The action was taken by the district board of directors Tuesday morning, following the defeat by Woodburn vot en last Friday of a proposed six . mill continuing levy to finance the fire department and a 915,000 bond iasue to purchase a new fire truck. Lester Henn, president of the rural district board, stated that his group wants assur- Falls City Butteville JOIN OUR SHOW! BRAND NEW CLASSES YOU TOO MAY BNTEJt! ARMSTRONG'S SPRING REVUE THE FESTIVALS AND FAIR Wa have more shows, big ter shows, and betted shows than ever before. HEW (LASSES ALL TYPES DANCING Piul Armstrong Dance Studio , IBIS. Liberty Phone 2-75JI Butteville Mn. Jack Ma Cloud and 1 family anxiously await news of the recovery of V at . twtilv 1 n Ik, tvi V-.I a where he was recently drowned near Kelso, Wash. - R. W. "Jiggs" Grimm, crew man on the motor vessel "Island Mail," was lot at sea in an ac cident Sunday, March 22. Besides his mother, Mrs. Jack McCloud and half brothers here In Butteville, he leaves a wife, a teacher in Beaverton schools. Miss Bernadine Harper spent Wednesday night with Mrs. Ma tilda Croco and daughter, Bar bara Gene Croco, in Beaverton, The board of governors of the Pioneer Mothers Memorial Cabin in Champoeg Park met for a luncheon meeting at the home of Mn. W. E. Hansen in Salem Tuesday, March 31. Mn. Karl Engleman attend' ed. . A general meeting of all dep uties and their assistants serv ing on the (round observation post was called on Saturday evening, March 28, by F. M. Fergeson. Mrs. W. O. Llndquist, dep uty, Mrs. William Dentel and Donald Smith, assistants of the local post, attended. The post, situated midway between - Aurora, Donald and Butteville, is manned around the clock. Mr. and Mn. Ed Jones and children, Gerry, Carla, and Janice, and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Engleman motored to Jennings Lodge Sunday to have dinner with Mr. and Mn. Donald En gleman. Mr. and Mn. Walter Nichol son and family of Estacada were Sunday visitors at the Russell Gotchall home, Mn. Karl Engleman and Mn. Ed Jones Tuesday, March 24, attended the 28th birthday anniversary of the Oak Lawn Worn ens club Twenty four members, in cluding a number of charter Falls CitySunrise prayer meeting service will be held Sunday morning, April 5, at 8:30 a.m. at the Christian church. Charles Joslin is 111 at the Bartell hospital in Dallas. Mr and Mrs. Dick Bandy of Salem were Saturday visiton. , Mr. and Mn. Nick Frieseh and daughter of Dallas were Saturday call - era - of her parents, Mr. and Mn. Simoa Robinson. , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hen thorne and son of Sheridan were ' Snuday visitors of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Henthorne. The district meeting of the WSCS was held at Dallas Thursday. Those ' attending were Mrs. George Kitchen, Mrs. Eva Burbank, Mrs. M. L. Thompson. Mrs. James Roger and Mn, T. A. Glover. Mrs. M. L. Thompson 'and Hal were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Barnhart at Dallas. Mrs. Thompson attended the morn ing church service at the Methodist church. Mrs. Harold Fr ink of Day ton, visited Friday with her father-in-law, Warren Frink, and had Rev. and Mrs. James i Roger as dinner guests with; them. Mr. and Mrs. John Paul Frink and son of Rockaway were Sunday visitors of his mother, Mrs. Faye Frink. Word was received Monday of the death of Mrs. William Hill at Corvallis on Sunday, March 29. Funeral services were held at the Corvallis Funeral Parlors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. James Dodge and family of Valsetz were Saturday visitors. Charles Frink and Leonard Btrith ' of Valsetz spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Faye Frink. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mills made a trip to Salem Monday. Mn. C. E. Holmer has gone to Santa Rosa, Calif., to visit her daughter, Mn. . Jean Portigal. Mrs. Otto Teal is visiting her daughter, . Mrs. Louie Baker at Auburn, Wash. Mrs. A. L. Robinson fell downstairs at her home and broke her right leg at the knee on Tusday. Mr. and Mn. Cliff Robinson and family were in . Dallas Saturday. , . Mrs. Flora Mills and Mrs. Bertha Harrington called at the Evans Rest Home . In Dallas on Wednesday to see Mrs. Phoebe Ward. WcenS-end callers of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lamprecht were ance that the city's 1953-94 budget would include suffi cient fire department funds to carry half of the cost of the dispatcher system and depart ment operation. The board also feels that the city should provide suf ficient tire fighting' equip ment to protect itself, using the two rural-owned trucks now housed in Woodburn as secondary equipment. He con tended that the city bad not had sufficient equipment the past two yean and that rural trucks had been used as pri mary city protection and that the rural district had not had sufficient co-operation from the city. Decision June 39 Mayor Mattson, when inform ed of the district's intentions, stated that the city of Wood burn cannot now give a defi nite committment to the dis trict beyond June 30 of this yean when the current bud get expires. It is the intention of the council to provide the city's share of funds to con tinue the present dispatcher system and meet department costs in the 1953-54 budget but that this would probably require exceeding the 6 per cent limitation and need ap proval by the voters. The city has reconditioned the LaFrance truck and it will be returned to service shortly. At that time the firemen will be instructed to answer city calls with this truck first and use rural equipment only when necessary. The rural district now. has three pieces of fire fighting equipment, two stationed in Woodburn and one in Gervais, and . are contemplating the purchase of another smaller members, met for a luncheon at tto Coney Wand restaurant hu .father, John Lamprecht in nuwuuin, Mr. and Mn. Evereth Lam- Mr. and Mra CM Harper ht ind ,on M. Ivan of Portland, ifA Ur. arri Mrj.!OIco ,,, of Woodburn. j,ck Ed Utrvm rl ar 4 Dortald jjolmes of Valsetz and James were Sunday fnwrta at t n e ; Jlck 0, SettUe Wash.. Chester Harpr bam. . .,. .,. -, -, -, Mary Lou Hart rfAT.l Mofl-i xhe street car beside Hiway day and Turf7. hT days off , n !n Aurora has been secured from her work at to Bnrlners (or location of the sale and hospital In Portland, at the wlll mtde ntdy. Dome oi ncr pircnu, nr. inn Mrs. Chester Harper. Maurice Hartley of Kelso, Wash., is spending bis spring school vacation with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hartley. . Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brelt haupt and children, Gretta Ann and Henry, of Portland were Sunday guests at the Beryl 1 Brelthaupt home. The Countryside Gardners ; now have committees appointed and working on plans for the plant and garden supply sale to be held In Aurora May 9. AMERICAN LEGION POST NO. 9 DINE a. DANCE SATURDAY NIGHT Music by Stubby Mills and Hit land SPECIAL SUNDAY $400 CHILDREN I DINNER TWKFf U m EN CaSSElOU 65c llSt S. COMMERCIAL PHONE 4-S1I9 Lealeaaalrea, Anlllary and Their Guests Invited New Shewing Open f :4i John Payne - Arlene Dahl 8b- Ccdrit Hardwlcke "CARIBBEAN" Aba Peter Lawford - Dawn Addams "HOUR OF II" HOLLYWOOD KIDS MATINEE Temarrow - 1:M U 4:M jb. t CARTOONS SERIAL Special Matinee Featare "CANTERV1LLB GHOST" Marrarct OUrtea Robert Yonnf Charles Laaghtoa ALSO BEN80N'g BIRTHDAY CAKE for Charles Berftn, Matt too Ora chalat, Jerry Scott, Job White, Roberta Schlatter, Allen Rrk erman, Marilyn Lakamnla, Pat ty Stabblefield, Nancy Gray, Mania Chrlsmaa, John Talbot, Shirley flaky, Gordon Hooter, Gary Ilousrr, Margie Gookln, Carolyn Rrhmldt, Judith A. Richard, Danny Clark, John McClaln, Joe Rainwater, Re ward Eumoteln, Larry Vincent, Larry Ollrer, Carolyn Spentra, Jeanette Edwards, B e n I a Brown, Charles Toll, JadHh Barry, David Balrd, Bobby Pas ser. . 1 Htift.'i.lfT PHONt S-S71S : Virginia Mayo Bteve Cochran In Color "SHE'S BACK i ON BROADWAY" - Bowery Boys "JALOPY" PHONIS-SOSO Linda Darnell WUUam Bendlx In Technicolor "BLACKBEARD ' ' THE PIRATE" .:, Georfe Brent "TANGIER ! INCIDENT" rttoMi a-srat Two Chillers! Boris Karloft -BODY SNATCHER' James Ellison '1 WALKED WITH A ZOMBIE" PMONI S.S407 - Robert Taylor Eleanor Parker "ABOVE AND BEYOND" George Montgomery In Technicolor THE PATHFINDER" HEY KIDS! TOMORROW! AT NOON ' Free Easter (live) Bunnies! 2 Features! Cartoons! Prises! HVE-IN THEATRI UMM Mill Hi. IIMffaT fJ (lata ttmrm l'41 Show ai 7:1 ENDS SATURDAY In Technic Ur "THf RAIDERS" Richard Cent . -rtae- la 8uperclDS Color "ABBOTT AND COSTELLO MEET CAPTAIN K1DD" Toalte (FrL) Is Our "Easier Bunny Nile" Load the Car Up and Join the run. Aloa rartoon Carnlral truck to be stationed In the Mission Bottom area. Several plans are being considered for housing and manning the rural equipment if it is moved out of Woodburn. The Woodburn rural fire protection district was organ ized in 1946. Since that time one or more pieces of its equip ment have been located in Woodburn under a contract whereby the city would house and man the equipment which would be available for use in both areas.- DeMolay Members Join ot Woodburn Woodburn The DeMolay dearee was conferred upon Arhur Peterson, Hussell And erson and Homer Wadswortn, Jr., at the regular meeting of Woodburn chapter oi uemomy nfnccriav nteht at the Mason ic Temple, with Philip LaBarr, master councilor, presiding. Clair LaBarr. past master counclor, now on leave from the navy was present. At the same time a meeting of the Mother's Circle was held in the parlors with Mrs. Har old Tlcknor presiding. Diana wn) fnsdfi tO hold a family planned pot-luck din ner on May 0 ai o:au p.ra. Dean Bishoprick was appointed chairman for this event and will be assisted by Mrs. cay man Baird, Mrs. Iceland Plank, and Mrs. C. H. Ahrens. Mothers wiU be notified at a later date as to what food to bring. . After the meeting refresh- ZING, ZIP and Zest THE NEW VILLAGE INN PRESENTS Direct from Hollywood This Week Only i THE HOLLYWOOD RANGERETTES Outstanding in appearance, personality and performance, wheth- ' er It's western or modern they bit a happy blfh in entertainment. Lilting tempos, pleasant melodies and haunting vocals designed especially for yon dancing pleasure. Two complete floor shows. meats were served to 23? Molay boys and their ad"; ors by Mrs. C. H. AhreaHS Mrs. Tom Stampley. . The Bio Grande supply jJ ligation water for two mmjl acres. , ' . ,. DANCING IS FUN! Try a Lesson FREE Private or Class , Paul Armstrong Studios . 155 $. llbertT Hi. 27523 FREE! DANCE LESSONS (Prior to our regular dance) CRYSTAL GARDENS Professional instruction by Mr. Triplett and staff a! specially trained testheri from the JONrttMSlAlf Plus Gala Floor Show Modern and Old Time 74c 74c 1288 State ElAMDALIL'S Phone 3-6489 From the Folks You Have Learned !o Expect the Most and the Best CMPJA At a time when we know you will, most appreciate it our pleasure is to bring, you this fine Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef at the jowest prices in years and years! Wholesale prices on every beef cut in the house! Plan to buy a week's supply. Fill your, locker. Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford feassUi) Sees!t Arm CutsBlade Cuts Rumps Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford Round T-Bone Rib Steaks mm Fresh IBM Ground romp m BONflBS NEW YORK CUT SHH0M TV ROAST or STEAK IB. IB. 69' 59 TENDER LOIN 89 Hearts and Tongues sue BmOU EASTER SPECIAL U. S. No. 1 Dry Sugar Cured Seat Pack, Full Slices Lb. 19 DlllMD VnllMr; UEMC Fully Dressed rLuiTir I vuiiv iiliij and Drawn ass a LB. 49 m maim m Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fail to take advantage of these prices. Convenient II. L - 1 kl kl. J f II - r srearr may vw airrangm nwrning nown g run year ro pay. Half or Whole Pound VA 2 Front Quarter Pound Hind Quarter Pound mv2