Friday, April 8, 19SS AUTOMOBILES LODER USED 456 Center sbe our mm selection c oooo dsbd oars mow . . . and oft rainnr saver stamps with tour toed cab baroain. DeSoto - Plymouth QUALITY USED CARS -t This Week-end's Specials 1952 DeSoto V-8 4-door Sedan. Power steer ing, R&H. 1941 Studebaker Champion Coupe. Heater 1949 DeSoto Custom 4-door Sedan.' Auto matic transmission, R&H 1948 Ford V-8 Super De Luxe 4-door Sedan 1950, Ford V-8 Custom 4-door Sedan. Over drive & heater 1947 Ford V-8 Super De Luxe 2-door Sedan. R&H MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM W. L. Anderson, Inc. 54 N. LIBERTY RON'S USED CARS 1M0 OLOB HOLIDAY - Automatic radio - . Hydramatlc Fresh air heater fe dfro6ter Automatic window & seat 9 Premium white walli 1M9 HUDSON PACEMAKER DB LUXX 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio ' Freih air heatet Se defroster t Orerdrive HiKh eompreulon head . , White waU tir One owner, low isileag 1917 CHEV. CLE. CPS. White wall tires Radio and heater M47 lORD TODOR Heater ''"." A nice clean one-owner ear WE HAVE SEVERAL $75 TO $795. COME IN RON'S 1I4Q Broadway STAN BAKER USED TRUCKS and PICKUPS 1952 Dodge -Ton Express. Radio. and heater $1695 1952 Chev. i-Ton Express. Heater .. 1595 .1952 Dodge -To nExpress. Heater. . 1595 . 1951 Ford li2-Ton Cab & Chassis... 1595 " 1948 Studebaker 1-Toh Van 995 . 1948 Studebaker VrTon Exp. 895 1946 Dodge 1-Ton Exp ,695 t LOCATIONS .TO SERVICE ' i-"orw-i a t't- a T7"T 595 NORTH HIGH : 525 CHEMEKETA . 3110 PORTLAND RD. ' FINANCIAL LOANS UP TO $1500 on Slonature, Furnlturs, Car AT PERSONAL It's "yes" promptly 00 employed men or women. 1-vlilt loan . . . phone firit. aTou lelect belt payment dot,. Between payday loans Phone, write or come In TODATI Personal Finance Co. 101 S. HIOB ST., SALEM State Llcenio Noi. 8-133, M-105 Loans over 1100 up to (1600 and up to 10 months to repay made by pinonal Finance Co. of Marlon County under the industrial Loan Companies Act of ' Ore.on. TiPi! PRIVATE MONET Special Rates and Terms On Larger Loam , Loni and short Time Payments ROT H. SIMMONS 130 So. Commercial St. Ph. J-91M EE US FOR FARM, CITY OR ACREAOE LOANS L,t WE BUY Real ostato morteea contracts State r mance io tn so. Huh st. Ph. 1-4131 PRIVATE PARTI wants 11000 on first Mtttaoa, MM Sell Rd. AUTOMOBILES BROS. CARS Phone 2-7973 PHONE 4-8492 1980 OHEV, DB LUX Radio Fresh atr heater defroster one owner, low mileage 1949 FORD CUSTOM FOUR-DOOR Radio & heater " Overdrive Premium white walls Push button doors ft trunk lid. j .This ear Is customised Iront ft rear and must be seen to be appreciated. 1949 FORD CUSTOM 2-DOOR Radio and heater Overdrive White wall tires 1989 CAD. 1-PABS. LIMOUSIN! .-; 19,000 actual miles Radio ft beater OTHER CARS. FROM AND LOOK AROUND YOU EASILY! T" h It fKrX O s.eoeee FINANCIAL 5 Interest If you have Idle funds seeking In nstment, then you are the typo of person to whom we can be of service. For over Twenty-five Tears wo have been helping people In this community find profitable work for their money. During this period wo have promptly paid 50 seml-annoal Interest pawaenu totalling many Thousands of Dollari. We are currently plying 1 INTEBEBT on funds from (500 to (5000. General Finance Corporation 13( S. COMMERCIAL ST. Salem, Oregon Phono ,-fioi 140. B-1J3 and M-3H and ROT H. SIMMONS INSURANCE AND LOANS Hear 'Top Trades" 11:05 Dally KSLM 1390 Re. GENERAL FINANCE CO. LOANS 131 So. Commercial St. Tel. 1-0101 r PERSONAL OPAL KINO Pivchle Reader, here till Thursday. 4-4151. 1445 Wallace Road. P84 I kill NOT be reiponilblo lor any debt, other than my own. Mrs. Stove or E. M., Arteasa. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS, Oroup NO 1. jom N. CommirclaL Ph. '' ' 1-4541. " AUTOMOBILES V GOOD 9 J, BUYS 50 Ford Club Opt. Radio, heater, nr- drlvs, new plsitle mm wart, nearly new tiros, very clean Inside out (136 4 Ford Clnk CM. Radio, beater, over drive, niw piastto mm mm, turn tanal , 8101 (0 Mercury Club coupe Radio si heater and overdrtv iso Mtn. Club Cpt. Radio, heater, Col umbia overdrive KM Ford Convertible. New Mint, w upholstering 175 MANY MORS TRACKS TERM! ARROW Used Cars wo x. High - ph. 4in t 19tt rORO, 4 door sedan. Radio, heater, meenanieaur a-i. f none uiw ee at 4lt N. River Rd. qM 1M6 CHEV. 54-TON Pickup, good eon. atuon. os no. convi. uau aitor 5:0a p.m. qSO ALE OR TRADE t BM equity In fully- equipped '48 Packard, for best older oar or nest eash oiler. x-bm. qev1 1949 PACK. SEDAN O.D. - RADIO - HEATER VERY CLEAN ' $1295 STATE MOTORS, INC 678 S. 12TH 1M9 BUICK super 4 door Mdan. New tires, new brakes,, excellent. Phone 1-1333 after 1:30. ' 1MI MEKCUBY Monterey epork coupe, uao new. Muuniuo, iwiiu. mwr. Louis EMlnskl, Rt. I, Box 330. Second houm WMt ox Basel areen Mnooi, si 1951 FORD V-8 PICKUP JUST LIKE NEW LOW MILEAGE $1395 STATE MOTORS, INC. 078 S. lZTxi WO OONV. 41 BUICK Buper. Very reason- able. ,30 jerris. rn. owj&o. 141 FORD Al U, or parts. Mike, loo s. m. 081' DB SOTO SEDAN 1919. Radio, heeler. recent overhaul. Phone 3-1389. aBl A DANDY 1040 Huh AmbfcMSdor 4-dr. I Radio, hooter, o'drlvo ..(595 ONE OP THE BETTER ONES 18 Chrysler Royal Club ope. Ha dio, hooter, o'drlvo 1305 . THIS ONE'S A PUP i 1019' Mercury 4-dr. Sdn. Custom In. terlor. redto end hooter. CAFF'S USED CARS 368 Union Ph. 1-0141 oJO 1949 DODGE CPE. ' LATE MODEL LOW MILEAGE v- VERY CLEAN f $1095 STATE MOTORS, INC, 678 S. 12TH 1041 BUICK CONV. Good condition, fully equipped, 11SB H. utn. 30oo tfter 5 p.m. OBJ" UtO CHEV. FLEETLINB 4-door. Radio and heater, only 32,000 muu. Fnone 8-7474. Q83 40 PONT1AC, hydramatlc deluxe, new tires, new paint, one owner car. can be teen at 334 so. HUh. 080- 10S9 FORD COUPE Low coit, depend able traneportatlon. 3198 oasn. o&o no. 17Ul. 3-997S. 081 1912 PACKARD I-door, 1M M It. 1470 Chomelteta. w 141 OLDS. '" Mdan, 010 month. Ill B. 33nd. q00 1W1 FORDOMATIO cuitom do luxe, loaded with extru, 01030. MM under arereie for like QuaUty. (30 Main, Independence. Phone 304. q07 140 BUICK 4-door tuper. Radio Ji heat er, good rnbber. fioto or make offer. OaU 4-0390 after 0:10 p.m. q70 14 CUSTOM FORD Mdan T-0, radio, neater, tow miieaxe, oiean. mono 1-1881. qSl MOXD A aOOD SECOND CART 1030 Plymouth Coupe. (7,000 actual muea. Overhauled and hae had the but of oere. Boot offer over MM. 10147 after 1. . qu 040.90 PER MONTH, oontraot, Includlno Inauranot. '40 Ford v-0 l-door. Ra dio, heater, Mat covers. Bee Saturday at 1075 Market street. qoo 1952 PONTIAC SED. VERY LOW MILEAGE IMMACULATE COND. LOADED - $2285 , STATE MOTORS, INC. 840 NO. HIGH 080' 1041 PLYMOUTH 4 door deluxe. This car hu same body ityle u a 48. oood ' oil pressure, cooling syitem, running gear, tires, etc. lso. Phone S055O or 13390. 084 '41 FORD Coupe rebuilt Into ( paiien ger. Clean, new paint, blanked out and front and completely reityled. Not am ateur's work. See at Bulck Body Shop. After ( oall 4-1013. 081 ' FORD l-door, '41 Mercury Motor. 10" wheel!. Ph. 4-3(31. 1074 So. Liberty. 083 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVINO RADIATOR TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co. experts will solve your prob lems and save you money. Free esti mates, speedy service. Center at Lib erty. oo0'-e'' TRUCKS ' WANT TO TRADE 1949 Hudson Club Coupe. Excellent condition for late model pickup. 2Q7 MCNarr, watt or lem. qdOl' 14 CHEV. truck, van type body, oon- dltion good, 100. Phone l-wei. qasi 194( DODOE Vt ton 4 speed trau cover box, A-l condtlon; Phone 4-31,0. qd0l HEAVY EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 30 Caterpillar with blades good condition. Joe Sinderi, 3 mllei south of Turner, rnone zioe Turner. qIS MACHINERY WISCONSIN OAS enslna with clutch, SH n-p.i Oliver walking .plow. Both new. 3085 N. tth. vol OR HIRE 1O50 MoCormlck-Deerlng Tractor "04", Inter. Ehort Logger 0x0. H L. Mortensfn, P. O. Box 111, Hub bard, Orison, moo (111. v(l THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saltw, OrtfM AUTOMOBILES See Us Before . You Buy! SAVE! BANK FJNANCE TJP TO $0 MONTHS TO PAY " U31 FORD SDN. RjVH. Shsrp W0 CHRTSUm NEWPORT. ROtH1, OTTO. A nice n UtO CHEYKOUrT OONY. RAH, real BlU. ( . . ': leeO BUICK smNITTE. BH. sharp. 15 FORD STATION WON. RH, alean. , .... : ( v : , , lt NASH bdn. RdtS, O D, kad, nice one . Mi STCDX. 1-TON P1CKUF. RAH. low mileage Otl PLTMOUTR mm. UI, like new, poach. 147 ouax M samwi. RH, Hrdra, ale an. 341 MAM SON. IUsO, OJ dandy. 1 M47 CHEV. SDN. RH, a nloe one. ' ' PRE-WAR MODELS PRICED FOR QUICK SALS t , ' ' . Mil NASH SDH. RAH, O.D., run good, BOW paint' 141 PONTIAC SDN. RAX. repaint, (004 141 DODOE SDN. RAH, now motor, sharp. ' . ; f 341 OHBV. SON. RAH, Bio. .. 140 BPICK CLB. OPE. RAH, clean Anderson's Used Gars ' SEVERAL OLDER CARS THAT RUN GOOD 140 CENTER ST. Bargain Headquarters FOR A-l USED CARS OUR PRICES ARE PITCHED TO YOUR TUNE! OUR SMASHING VALUES ARE THE TALK OF . TOWN . . 1949 FORD Custom Sdn. R-H, O.D. ....... V.$ 995 1950 FORD Custom Sdn., Heater. A buy 1195 1950 FORD De Luxe Clb. Cpe. R-H ... ' 1185 1949 HUDSON Commodore 6 Sdn. R-H, auto. dr. v. .........i..... ......... 995 1948 MERCURY Sdn. Very clean .. . 695 - 1951 FORD De Luxe Six Sdn. R-H, O.D. . . . . . , 1480 1951 FORD Custom Sdn. R-H, Fordomatic . J. 1645 ; 1950 CHEV. De Luxe Sdn. R-H . . . -. . . . . 1195 ; 1951 STUDE. 8 Sdn. Heater, O.D., steal. . . .'. 1495 1950 PLYMOUTH De Luxe l-Dr. Sdn. . . . . .... 1185 1948 KAISER Sdn. R-H, O.D. 545 1950 FORD Custom Sdn. R-H, O.D. ......... 1345 1948 FORD Super De Luxe Sdn. R-H ......... 795 1940 FORD De Luxe Sdn. . . . . . . .... . . .... 125 MANY MORE A-l USED CAR VALUES TO CHOOSE : .,...-,,:'.. .. .'.,.'.,;. FROM ; .; . ALL OUR USED CARS ARE GUARAN U TEED FOR v; .SIX MONTHS - OR 6000 MILES - IN WRITING .' USED CARS WITH A PERSONALITY Valley Motor A - PHONE 83147 CENTER AT HIGH SALEM MAJOR MOTORS '51 OLDS. SUPER 88 CLUB COUPE . The nicest available for equipment and condition. Flawless finish, and perfect interior. Drive a ROCKET for as little as , .. .. $765 Down '50 OLDS. DE LUXE 88 SEDAN Late series with one-piece windshield. . Radio, heater, Hydramatic. A one-owner car in perfect condition. Down payment of only . ' ' $635 Down '60 PONTIAC CHIEFTAIN 8 CLUB CPE. ; Glistening midnight blue finish and spot less interior reflect the excellent care this car has had. Radio, heater, Hydra matic and new white wall tires. Down payment of $565 Down ' T '50 BUICK RIVIERA SEDAN . This is the 72-R model which is the finest of the Buick line. Radio, heater, Dyna- - flow, tu-tone finish, white wall tires and all the extras. One of our best values. : : $565 Down '50 CHEVROLET DE LUXE SEDAN An exceptionally clean low-mileage car. Equipped with radio, heater, chrome wheels and other extras. Can be pur chased for as little as , $465 Down ' , '60 FORD V-8 TUDOR A beautiful metallic blue V-8 custom tudor. This car is in immaculate condi tion and fully equipped with radio, heat er, fender skirts, white walls, etc. Yours for only $415 Down '47 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPE A very clean black club coupe. That popu lar model with radio, heater, new plastic t seat covers, chrome wheel discs and white wall tires. Yours for only $295 Down '46 DESOTO ' In excellent condition, with an interior comparable to a 1951 model. A fully equipped and luxurious family car for - only $295 Down , MAJOR MOTORS 18TH AND STATE ' Psoas 1-0(11 i AUTOMOBHES SAVE! PH. 1-1714 i Used Car Mart AUTOMOBILES WILSON'S ' Better - Cars ' t Complete Satisfaction' 1951 Bulck Sedan I.... $2495 Super, Dynaflow, rear teat speaker, only 15,000 miles, lovely. 1950 Bulck Riviera ....$1995 Dynaflow, super de lux equipment. 1951 Plymouth Coupe . .$1495 Cambridge, extra fine con dition, low mileage. 1949 Bulck Sedan .....$1495 Dynaflow, roadmaster, low mileage, good) condition. . 1950 Ford 8 Tudor .... $1380 De luxe, very clean . , v 1948 Bulck Sedan ......$ 995 Roadmaster, radio, heater, seat covert. 1949 Plymouth Tudor ..$1095 24,381 miles, good. 1947 Bulck Sedan . . . :.$ 995 Super, nearly new exceptional engine. tires, 1946 Ford Tudor .... ..$695 Super de luxe, radio, heat er, covers. - " ' ' 1947 Olds. 76 6edan. ' ' Hydra. ..$795 1947 Pontiac Sedanet ... 795 1941 Chev. Club Coup . . 295 OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY' OOUMERCIAL AT CENTER PHONE 1-1(11 $95.00 TAKE YOUR CHOICE 1941 Pontiac Coupe .......$35 Dn. 1940 DeSoto Coute K&H, O.D....$35 Dn, 1939 Olds Sedan R& H. $35 Dn. 1939 Chev. Coach R&H $35 Dn. 1937 Ford Sdn. $35 Dn. 1937 Chev. R&H ... Coach ..... $35 Dn. 1937 Ford Coupe ....... $35 Dn. AYNBEE MOTORS . 40 UNION PHONE 1-0701 Night phono 1-3101 . 4-3031 Q(0. Attention! painters' -electricians 1952 WILLYS SEDAN DELIVERY ' 6,000 ACTUAL MILES, 1 OWNER. AN . ECONOMY DE LUXE BUY, LIKE NEW. $1595 1948 CHEVROLET SEDAN DELIVERY ONLY 23,000 ACTUAL MILES, SPECIAL CUSTOM PANEL WINDOWS, R&H, DIRECTIONAL SIGNALS, VERY CLEAN, . . $995 ' ' ' ' SHROCK MOTOR CO. Where Chemeketa Goes o Church 10 WESTERN MOTORS 51 PLYMOUTH CAMBRIDGE SEDAN. Loss than 4300 aotual miles. Heater. Chrome wheels, rubles tires, Just like new. (1(50 51 DODOE CORONET SEDAN. Custom radio, heater, gyromatlc trans., under- coated, back up lights, directional slg nals, 13,000 miles. One owner (1090 '00 CHEV. BTYLBLINE DLX. CLUB CPE, One local owner, heater, defrosters, nndercoated, 33,000 actual miles.. (1398 '4 MERC. CLUB CPE. R . Black fin. ten. Taiorea covers (lie '4 CHEV. STYLXUNI DLX. 4-DR. One owner, very clean, new tiros. Nicely quipped. 11195 48 CHEV. FLEETM ASTER 4-DR. Healer, defroster, original, black finish, new white wall tires (( 4t STUDE. CHAMP. SUDAN. Heater, froiter, overdrive. A very clean oar I '(1 FORD VICTORY Radio, heater, For domatic etc. very clean, low mileage. " (1891 ' FORD CUSTOM V-l 1-DOOR SEDAN. R., H. One owner .....SUM '40 DODOE CUSTOM -DK - Rw IL, Clean. , I ' PICKUPS '1 WILLYS JEEP. 4-wheel drlv. Like new. Lose than 10,000 mUos 81370 50 CHEV. U-TON PICKUP, heater. 4-speed trans. ,..(1198 '47 DODOE PANEL, good tire. (-speed trans I GUARANTEED USED CARS BANK TERMS UP TO 30 MO. TO PAT WESTERN 111) Broadway MOTORS Ph. 1-teil o.M 147 CHRYSLER WINDHOR 4-door se dan, excellent condition. 11,040. 1-0058 90 So. Elma Avs. q83 141 PONTIAC Itadanetto, condition fair, (180 oaih. Phone 1-4041 dan, q93' 14 STUDEBAKER Convertible. Radio, heeler, overdrive, whit side walls. good t. I-040L 30 AUTOMOBILES MAJOR MOTORS DOWNTOWN MOVING SOON .; TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR REDUCTION IN STOCK THAT WILL OFFER YOU LOW ER PRICES ON ALL OF OUR PREMIUM CARS, & REMEMBER, WE WILL SOON BE MOVING TO OUR NEW LOCATION AT THE CROSSROADS OF SALEM-LIBERTY; CENTER STS. . . 50 OLDS. 88 Original light plus 4-dr. . sedan, equipped with ra dio, heater, Hydramatlc, white wall tlrei. One own- ' sr, low mileage. ,,, ... , $1995 . 51 OLDS. 88 Super 88 Tudor with tu tone green original finish, all the Olds, accessories, . one-owner ear with very low mileage. - ..152295 ' 50 PONTIAC : ' Chieftain dlx. 4-dr. sefian. ' Radio, heater,' Hydramat- ic, white wall tires, skirts, ' apt. lites and other acces sory features. Exception ally clean thruout. $1795 48 PONTIAC . This beautiful sedanette is the finest made by Pon tiac. Exceptionally clean automobile with Hydra- . matic drive,, radio, heater and other features. $1195 MAJOR MOTORS 295 N. Liberty St ' , N Ph. 44531 Moving Soon to the Crossroads of Salem . 1 Liberty & Center Sts. CONFIDENTIALLY- . YOU'LL DO BETTER AT Buzz Chef fings Motor Co. , 101 Ford Ranch Wagon. New W; . 1950 olds. 0( mdan. Low mileage , 1095 . 1051 Nash Rambler Sta. Wan . 1951 Ford Tudor. New paint, sharp ., .110 1950 Ford Tudor, Mew motor, RAH 1 1949 olds. M 4-dr. RAH, Hydra.. 1300 1050 stude. Starlight Clb. Cpe. "9( 1940 Plymouth 4-dr. OpI. Dlx. 10 1949 Chevrolet 4-dr. Spl. Dlx. RAH , 1091 149 Ford Clb. CP. RAH, O.D. 1001 1049 Meroury Clb. Cpe. RAH ............ ........ : 119S ; ; 1050 Dodge Coronet Clb. Cpa, OyromaUo trans., RAH 140 1947 Chevrolet 5-Pnr. Cpe. Motor overhauled 101 -1947 Olds, B-Psgr. Cpe. Hydr motor overhauled ......,;.. ' 70 1047 Dodge 4-dr. RAH 791 1049 Pord 6-Pnr. Cpe. RAH. 895 , 1047 Nash 4-dr. Sedan ;.. ' 490 ., , 194( Bulck Sdnt. RAH 085 ' 1940 Hudson Super 0 3-dr. Sharp. RAH, O.D. 590 : 1000 Ford Pickup. Sharp, RAH 1091 : , 1050 Studebaker Pkp. RAH, low mlleag 1095 1917 Ford Pkp. Nicely equipped 10 POUR 141 MODELS MAKE OFFER. Quality Automobiles Need No Free Premiums. Buzz Cheffings Motor Co. . ."Pop" Cheffings & Gordon Sines are now associated 1 ' with Cheffings Motors . AOROSS AND SOUTH OF AMERICAN LIOION tXUB ' ' 2646 S. COM'L. ST. PH. 4-1621 SEE LBS SEE JIM 253 UNION STRUCT 1-6I4J B m ACROSS FROM fVRtM SaUvMXB '(1 pord TUDOR. Overdrive, air oondltlonlnt, haatn, good tin '01 PLYMOUTH BELVEDERE, Radio, Water, Mat covers, white rid wall tlree. 1 OLDS. 4-OOOft ROCKET g. Wo Ism 1 at (baa popular power- ciouees. 'OS LINCOLN 4-DOOR SaDAN. Whit wall ttrsa, radio, Beater, wvor drlve, new ssat oovers v . '4 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN. Seel coven, neater, ohrosao wkd discs, good tlrss. ' '4 BUICT, SUPER STOANBTTS. Dynaflow, aat eovere, saoellent paint, good sires, . : '41 CHEVROLET CLUB COUP! FlAxfxlAAarTBR. Son visor, radio, neat er, way above average, 40 FORD 4-DOOR BEDAN, Radio, heater, sood paint A condition. . NO DOWN PAYMENT (OB approved, oradlt) 4 .' : .. j ' WEEK-BHD SnOIALS ' ' : '47 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR SEDAN. Radio and beater. " ' '40 NASH AMBASSADOR 4-DOOR. Weather an neater, radio, trnt- , drive, Mat covers. ' '4 FORD CLUB COUPE. Pander skirts, radio, koalar, de-chromed. '41 PACKARD 1-DCOR, Radio and heater. '41 DB SOTO 4-DOOR SEDAN. Radio, heater, sport lit, sood tt wheels, mechanically above aver as a. .. 41 DODOE TUDOR ii-' ' - . f.''1 41 BUICK POUR-DOOrt ' ' '41 STUDEBAKER 4-DOOtt 'J MERCURY 4-DOOR BED AN. Radio, boatst, rood paint, Mt covers, , , 'M CHRYSLER ROYAL CUTS COUPS. Extra sjlena Interior, meohan- Ically good, . M PACKARD. New seat covers, A roal buy. ; ) ; ' SEE JIM - SEE LES - : SEE JIM - SEE LES BONESTEELE'S 1950 Bulck Special Sedanette. R&tH, Dynaflow, ' low mileage . . .$1595 : 1950 Dodge 4-dr. Sedan. R&H, Gyromatlc '. . . 1595 1980 Stude. Champ. 2-dr. O'drlve, H. ........ . 1395 ' 1950 Stude. Club Coupe. R&H and o'drlve . . . 1295 1949 Stude. Champ. Club Coupe. H. & o'dr.. . . 1095 ' 1949 Willys Panel. R4cH 795 1946 Stude. 1-Ton. Duals 195 BONESTEELE SALES & SERVICE, INC. . Phono lite 11 No. Churoh St, pnep wrn AUTOMC1IUCS mo rxtvxrom .v.T Fleetlin de luxe sedan, Dark blue finish, accented by white wall tires. Ex ceptionally dean and . ,. one-owner ear.,, ;.-.'.:' $1195 '50 BUICK - Super Riviera sedan. Glis tening maroon finish, ra dio, heater, Dynaflow, white wall tires, $1,000 one-own!' mllss. : . - $1995 ' '51 FORD ' ' ' Custom 4-dr. sedan.' Beau , tiful light green finish, r- " - dio, heater, ' Hydranutie ' drivelifeguard tubes, 18,- 000 one-owner miles. $1695 '50 STUDEBAKER Champion Starlite Coupe. ' Radio, heater, . overdrive V other other accessories, but best of all the motor of this car' has Just , been ; completely over hauled , and carries new engine 1 guarantee. ; $1395:. , ; - SEE LES - SEE JIM