REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN CUTIE Attractive -rr.-oM 9-bdrm born to tree-shaded x..t, North. Nloe Uvln room, dlflfeng room, kltohen with nook, utility room, re, larae lot. Onlr VtflMM. Tirma. CU Mr. Panona. NEED THREE BEDROOMS? Nearly now well-arraneed bono with thru lr bedrooma. llvlni room, lana kltohra, hardwood floor, attached iuki, U neat. 11 rou want moro for your money aek Mr. Faraon to tbow 70m thl at onlr ; 99,600. Good term. ONLY $8,500 Yon trill llko thi tarn lot with trtoi, kt a food dlatrtet, But. Th homo hu 9 bedrooma, larae llvln room with An ln area, modern - kitohon, automatic oil hoot, saraao. 4 O-I. lout can bo aatumed. ceU , Mr. Andereon. , ENGLEWOOD SPECIAL Perfect for 0 norkln ooupli. bHllnl location, email Jot. i bed tooma, llvlni room, kltohen with dlnln area, utuitr room, onlr 4 block, . . to aohool. Prlood to aell t 86,500. call Mr. Anderson. CHARM A-PLENTY .' Thli 4-bedroom Bnalewood homo will pltuo m with lit lovely llvln room, ohwrful Roman brtek flreplaee, dtnlo room, convenient kltohen, fuU baaement, oU lurnece, nlca lot. If rou want a, ml boma, taa delfchtful boma. 611,900. Term. THE STORK CAME TOO OFTEN Wa naad a Una homo. Mom, dad and alitor all ban a room, but erhat will wo do with tho twins? Wo will trada oar attract! I-bedroom homo with flraplaaa, din lea room, lana kltohoa and lor ,17 lot for a . 1 or t-bdrm. boma. Wa aro aakrn (11,000 for oar homo with ood terms. Larae 4 loan can ba aaaumed. MURPHY & KENT REALTORS t Wo. ajburch Ptoooe -01 Bv.s.: Mr. Andanon J-1T44, Persons S-1606, Kent t-CTO 61 ( IT'S A WONDERFUL rand an and tall kaaamrat with antra wlambbu, 1 dan, loraly bb-ob soar Bbo MeSMnary JUST RIGHT TOR TWO A ooufortablo 1-badroom boma, ntat and alian. IM aa abow you Mm. SOUTH NEAR SCHOOL Tory nlca s-bodroom homo with bardwood Horn, larae rooma throuib- eut. price IS ONLY 681 JO. , FAIRMOUNT HILL ATTRACTIVE SETTING 1 , Lovely lot, trea-ahadod front yard, modarn 8-room boma with rlro place. Don't mlia aaalnc thai axtra nlca homo. 8,0. HERE'S A SWELL TAMILY HOME Roomy throuchout with I lood-ilaad badrooma, 14 X 0 Hrlnf room with flraplaoa, and 13 S 16 dlntna room, lana aaraaa, daap lot. - Thli homo la fuel 4 yoara aid, located north in tood raildantlal dill. 914,000. ON BEAUTIFUL CANDALARIA Ask to thli akeaptlonal boma with a breeth-takln Tlaw oTorlook inf tho Tailor to tho wait. Thli boma baa a wondarful party room 1 16 x is, a llreplacet, naarly MOS m. ft. floor apaca, Many, many oxtraa. FARM SPECIAL 20 ACRES :-l-badroom boma, i A. trawberrlss, all-year track. Irrigation well and system, tractor. 115,000. Ohmart & Calaba, Realtors an Ooart St. : , - ' art.i Loula Lorani 1880 Ralph Middy 1MU .. Ted Morrlaon REAL ESTATE ROYTODD RIAL XBTATB WEST SAIiBJki BP DOTAL Neat lour roomi and bath. Storage mace In attlo with italrwar up. Loti of ihado In back yard. Nlea picket fence, an age. Only two. Call Mra, ' fichultea, laleawoman. KSW HOME -Nlca Ilvlns 13x17, Dinlnr, Kitchen, I bdrm, bath between, Att larasa. Lot 38xl50, Only Vk blk. to chool itoret. Thli U real bur for only awn, can air. aimpion, uuesman. LG8LIB DJBTBIOT Lgi. living dE dining combine. Nice ly araDKed kitchen. Utility, a bdrme. Olaued In bretseway with Att. tarae. Tenoed back yard. Only 4 yr. old. Gloat to achool and itoree. Onlr aoooo. call Ur.s. Vandervort, galesman. OWNER BACRIFICES Jtut reduced 1000 for, qulok aale. Mee lt. Uvlni. Dinlnr, Kltchtn, Nook. 1 bdrm. down, S bdrm. up. Oil furn. FuU baimt, Outalde fireplace. Lot SOxUfl, Knilewood dlatrtot, Price 10,tao. Call Mr. Rucltt aaleiman. look una over New 1 bedroom home. Lit. Uvlnr, Dlnlni, Kitchen with plenty of eat Pact. Utility, forced oil heat. 1130 m. ft. floor apace. Le. laragt. Corner - lob 66x100. only 10,600. Call Mr. impaon, gaieBtnan. INCOME PROPERTY Two apartment! piui leparata 1 room houie aa owner home. Apta. tomlit of 1 roomi A bath each, furnl turt tn apartmtnU Included. Corner lot 130x130. Rent from pti, will pay for home. Prtoe H0,vM. Call Mr. Todd. ROY TODD, REALTOR HO atata street OLlct phone 1-IM1 Krt. Phone; flchultaa 36U6i ftlmwon 3-IM8J Ruch 3-7616, Vandenrort 1-0388; Todd 1-1711 elio IMMEDIATE P068BBS10N Like new 1 br. ranch home, tlreplaee, oin. rra., ige. Kiicnen, inaiae utuitr, garage, ear port b email ahop. The yard U like a email park. Top loca tion. Out of town owner. Priced light, a BID RU. NOHTHtABT Tou will llko the Bay wlndowa and lrte rma. Fruit M nut treea. Straw berry patch an4 plenty of tarden apace. On bua line lnit)e lty. Price 110,600. We have the ker. APT. HOUAC TRAD1 ' f furnlihed pts. bathe. Cloea In. Alwayi rented. Fine oondltlon aft lurn lehlnta. Income over JI80 mo. Take a Ki.000 home for equity. Let rent pay iMlance. Price t'it.eoo. - HENT BEATBH , br. fvirnUhed home on very good aorner lot In w. Salem. 1100 do.. $40 mo. Price II 7W. Call Bon Cleary. WALTER MIT8QAAVK RBALTOM 1311 Sdgewater 3 61 0B, Kve. 3W39 eaa WANTED REAL ESTATE CLAUDE X1LUORE Needa a few lUttnie on bomee and farma lor N. Cepltol St. oIIMe. Ph. 4-CW1. 1461 N. OAPITOU aa WeTnerd more Itstlnte on all elaetoe of properlr cltr and aubnrban homes, email acreaee, farma and business property, CVNTKR STREET REALTY, Realtors 1144 Center Street Pbona 4-06)1 ea8 WE NEED 3-bedroom homee. Wa nstd 8-bedroom homes. We need aeraaaes, both with or without linprovemente. Relmann Real Eitate e msuranca 301 South Hlth Street Phono 1-6101 0068' WE NEED LIBT1NO8 BADLY on email aoreatea ana tood a at a-oeoroom bomee. L. E. KLUMPP, REALTOR aoaa rMrtland Rd. Ph. 8-743 ca80' kOTICEi If your properlr u for oale, rent or oxchante, lut It We have all kinds of cash burara. STATE FINANCE CO., REALTORS 119 B. hlth St. ea GREAT BUYING DEMAND for farma and acraaaee. List yours with Colbath Land Co, sea T. T. Anderaon, Farm Aasnt. Phone 4-4484, Eve. 4-3714. ce' i Tnn badlv In need of 3 and 3-bed room homea, In Leellt Diet. Also need home anywhere witn amau sawn menu. What hav your at. TAA A tc. RRALTOnL PH. 48311 If no anawer, ph. 4-1148 WE ABE In need of ood bouaat to aell, la or near Salem. It rou with to list your property for aale, eee ORABENHORST DROf .. REALTORS. 134 8. Liberty Ph. 6-1471 c To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE Tarr attraotm, party Mom and badrooma and Mtehea, loaalad abool. 117,800. Ph. Itlll . 3411 Xenry Torvend 83633 36046 -.'.-. , aeo BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES DRY OOODfl-VARUTY STORE Beat buy on eoajt. Sat. 7 y. Ltaet. InTfaitory abt. 11000. Krtrythlnff aoei for 16000. Lane'a Dry Ooodi, Rock away, Oregon. cdBO OBOCIRIEi, OAS, tablne, Poitofflce, llrlnf tjaartere, 100 ft. Hlway front act, full price $8600. Tenni, Peoplei -Exchange, Realtora, MoMlnnvlllt, Ore. odaa NO. I ZONE-Apt. hoiua completely fur nlahed. Inoome 4U a month. Price Tenni. General Real Eitatt, 3-J389, 366 Center. cdSO WOU RENT, Builneaa BuUdtm In Kelxer, Phone J9M4. cdl BODY AND FENDER SHOP dolni food bualneei, for leaat. 1430 L itreet, phone 1001, Sweet Home. dS0 BUSINESS & INCOME 200 DOWN, 1)0 par mo, buy. ti A. & S houaca, all ranted. Income $U per mo. Bee MoOomer, M4U Olty, ore. ' oeSO INCOME PBOrmtTY-4-Plal. I unltl up, down, built aa rental property In 17, In top condition, onlr 7 blocka from olty canter, tood value at $39,100. V. call MB. MBTTZOER, 4-3711. ED LUKINDEAL, REALTOR, 41 N. HIGH, Ph. a.flcBo. i etfto FURNITURE FOR SALE TRADER LOUIE OPEN FRIDAY at MONDAY BVENINOB COMPLETE household furniture, lnclud- Int appllancee. Bartaln. Leavlnt atate. 3361 State. 3-4666. dB3' WANTED FURNITURE m 4 I: l:H 5XC FOR SALE LIVESTOCK CHINCHILLAS Proven breeders or rount mated noire. Easy terma. Write or phono for free literature. Vleltor, welcome. Oreat Chinchilla Ranch, O0O Portland Road. Ph. 4-4066. .03 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCEEB BEEF White face Bereford. 36c. Locker pork, 86c. Nolhlnt down, 6 moe. to pay. Custom kllllnt. Trailer loaned trte. Salem Meat Co, 1636 3tth. Ph. 8-4B06. ea RABBITS WING NEEDS 43618. "eXbbtt re n Stete. bl CAUFOBNIA BUCKS end does. Phone 4-3061. 4I0 Clatter Rd. .MI- PETS MONTHS Cold Cooker, apared. Call mornlnta, evsnlnxa, 1160 so. 16th. ecao OOCKEB PUPPIES from ehamplon itctl Nice for Baiter. 1-1361. ec63 BOiiYWOOD AQUARIUM 1098 MvCoyi one block east of N. Oapltol, lv, block north of Madlaon. Ph. 1-6867. OC103 MOORE TBOPICAL FISH, ParakeeU, turtl.a, euppltea. 8 atlea from Lancae- ter on Maolafty road. 4-8771. Clospd Wadneidari. ec66' oooo home for 4 month eld part Cocker. Aleo nlee hllUne. Phone 41766 after 6 a.m. ee80' PUREBRED Irish Terrier. Cell mil eclO' CHOICE CANABIKS 1340 Chemeketa iu Ph. 6-4366. tctl' FUEL Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. Pick up your Preato-Lote, Brlnueta and Wood. 108 So, Com'L, phone 1-7731. Journal Want Ads Pay FUEL STove WOOD for aale. 141 tut MlUar. Hiway Fuel Co. "aawduit tube aervlee, all kind, of aad. Phone 1-6444. ee West Salem Fuel Co. BIXXHIWOOD, It" CLIAM IMaUEDlATX DXLXVERY rictup Wood ltx Xdiewator Phono aalem t-4011 1 Oregon Fuel Co. (LAB AND SAWDUST S. & H. Green Stamps Phono 1-MH HT Broadway Capitol Lumber Fuel Co. eWBOIAL rOB X CATS Planer trimmlnti, at lead. Phono Irni FOR SALE POULTRY OOLDKN BROAD and New Bampablra onicaa, ukuh .,., w Thuraday. our ohlcka arow faater. Poi'a Hatenory, Jtlo Etata at. Ph. J-e. f WANTED colored frrart, colored and leahorn bene, aifhait prlcea. Lee'a Hatchery, phone 3-ae,l. P FOB SALE Twice weekly, day-old chkkj In Mew Hampablre, Parmantara, Red, Whlu Lechoma, Auitre-White, White Rocka, White Wyandottoe, Par manur aockerola. Lee Hatchery, phone -Jl. iww.aa.wa''aa.K HELP WANTED WANTED strawberry plant packtra. Phono 4-1440. Otortt YtaL Rt. 1. S0 IN STAYTON, orrepondent for Capital Journal, man or woman with type writer, educated, txperlenot preferred. ood opportunity for extra money. Contact Mikt rorUi, Taller tdltor, Capital Journal. ( HELP WANTED MALE OLDER MAN for trenlnK, Sat., Sun, work. Mutt like klddlae, bare iron-tlad referencee aa to honeaty. Usht worx, Capital Journal, Box 16. aa81 BOOKKEEPER (AOE 90-46) Credit Ex perience Decenary. Lumber offlot. Pur &Uh txperlenct and btulnew refer encee. Box 40 Capital Journal. aM NEED M MEN for hopyaTd work. CaU Jafik Sttfanl, 4-1333, Salem. fa84 HELP WANTED FEMALE GIRL lor aeneral office work one with real aetata and Imuran tsperlenee preferred. Tel. 1-0301, phone trtnlnrs 1-S364. " ITENOORAPUER, rtqulrta complete knowledge typlnr, anort band, xueinr. Some flKurlns. Referencti required. Box 41f Capital Journal. xb82 MIDDLE AGED lady tot llfht houae work. 160.00, room and board No amokera and drfnktri. 206 N. Mrd. ai80 WANTED Girl for aeneral office work. PI eat e reply to box 38, Capital Jour nal, ibfll WANTED Experienced beauty operator before April 11th. Good going bual nesa In Salem. Writ Box 37, Capital Journal. gb83 CAR HOP Woodroffe'a San Shop, 1400 Portland Rd. No pnone cant, go WAITRESS Woodr off ' Ban Shop, 3400 Portland Rd. No phone cam. b" ARE YOU In need of more money? AVON COSMETICS holds the aniwer. Become- an Avon Representative and eerva your neighbor during convenient houri. Wt train you. Por Interview, write Avon Diet. Mgr. P. O. Box 1761, Portland 8, Ore. gbSl SECRETARY - BOOKKEEPER Prefer girl with lumber experience. Steady work with future for peraon who can handle detalle and reiponal bUltlu. Aik for Mr. Teague. NORTHWEST FIR A PINE LBR. CO. Phone S417S daya. 24634 evenlnia. gb81 WANTED SALESMAN CYCLONE FENCE needa commlaalon man ' your eommunlty. Excellent opportu nity for retired bualneaa man or part time eelllnc. contact u. M. wnitney, 400 N. . 11th Are., Portland, Oreaon. Phono Eaat 1109. aiSl LOCAL BAWLEIGH BUSINESS AVAIL ABLE Start immediately, seuint ex perience helpful but not required. Company representative will oall. Write at once for particulars. Raw lalth't, Dept. 199, Oakland 30, Cal. ItBO' WANTED POSITIONS WASHING AND Ironlnt preferred. House work by hour. Also will drive car. Do not oall Saturdays, Phone 36876. hBS' PAINTING AND decoratlnt, hourly or contract. Martin Jim wolier, -ZB7. h66' LAWN CARE ovenlnta and Baturdaya. 4-3810. noi" LANDSCAPE maintenance, p r u n 1 n t, trlmmlnt, plantlnt, fertlllxlnt, serv ice Center. Phone 4-3513. hl06 NEW LAWNS, complete, free estimates. hl06 Phone 4-3941. Licensed and non-licensed practical nurses, or domestic, call 8-5013. hB6' GARDEN, FLOWER bed and lawn pre paration. Plowlnt, dlsolnl, levellnt, rototlUlnt. Service Center. Phono 43973. hl03' UOHT CBAWLEE. doslnc, dirt Int, eredlnt. Phone 3-3330. level. hl03' WILL DO CEILING, one wall or entire houae. Do all kinds ol palntlns. bruih and aprar, furnlab referencee, by hour or contract. Ph. 4-3f. nil PAINTINO. Free estlmatu. 36 rtara ex. perlence In salam. Phone 8-7653. bBl CUSTOM TRACTOR WORK Plowlnt, dlsctnt, aeedlnt. Phone 3-8641. htt W IK HAL'S DAY Nl'MEET LIcenKd and atate Impacted. Infect p to 8 Phone 3-6015. r60 SPECIALIZED CHlinRi.T aewint. e! teratlons. Ph. 1-6061. hi) TILLING WITH Rotary - hoe. Oardcn lawns. Phone 1-8130, 136 Evertrern hlot PLOWING end dlsctne. Orover L. Ra- mann, I486 Bloaaimi Dr., Salem. Phone 1-1111. htf MOWERS SHABfENED at door. Make II run eesr. Phone l-6llt h83 FINISH GIRL wanta houa work. Br hour or day. 6-6083. 163' NEW lawna. Rotary hoerni. Free eatl metes. Duane Wolcott. Phone 3-6137. h67 PATCH PLA8TER1NG, basemanU weter proofed by plailcrlnt. Frank'a Service, phone 1-9.146. h!l' TI1.IVO WITH new M E. ROTARY TII- un. rtione eT.nint e-aju. nsi cTbtoM WORK plowlnt and cttaelnt" PDone 3-4M6. 1805 Blrehwood Dr. CARPENTEB Cabin. t won. home modtltaf, tree estimate.. Call 8-6411 4-1633. hac NEW LAWV8 PREPARED, put fn altar atay tint, in the meantime, piowint, dlsclnt BRrdana. acreaee welcome. Smith, 1-3100. hal PLOWING MRvicbT Phone 3-6300. hSI1 FOR RENT J-STORY CONCRETE WAREHOUSE BUILDING with electric elevator, alley an- trance, back of Hotel Salem, a ood dtatrlbutor't haadquartere. STATE FINANCE CO. 167 S. HIGH ST. THB CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orssron RADIO TV SERVICE TV ANTkNYA Bonded and Ucenaed apeclallat. lutalieo. ,10 piua matariu. Call any lima, rraa aatlmataa. Phone a.n. haiol FOR RENT ROOMS CLOSE IN, clean room, private bath, entrance, reiru erator. tod Marion. Jkio NICE, COB aenUemen, aloaa to. 33 N. Winter alter P.m. jeaa- NICE LIGHT houtekeeplnf room. Ladr. IS N. Church. jaai- FOR RENT HOUSES l-BEDBOOM atova and refrlaarator furnuhed. Newer, alean and neat, too par. month, phono e-1701 or 3-4M4. Jm AVAILABLE now, nearly new, modarn ell eloetrle I tearoom noon, me no. Lanceiter. $00. call altar 1:00 p.m. and Eaturdaia. MM lml NICE room redecorated. It. Vincent dlatrlat. Inoulre low Donna are. b-BEDEooM, fireplace, lana lot, north, no. S-BEDBOOaf, oil beat, awbarban, aleelr remodeled, aoo. t BEDBOOUB, aubarban, MO. Murphy & Kent eoi No, Church Phoaa 4-1M0 vea.: 1-3160 Jmll fMALL 4 room furnished bouaa and aa rat a. Adulta. -T40. Jmtl I BEDBOOH ttsiarnlahed heat. With caraia. m E. electric JmU CLEAN 1 BEDBOOH. eottaea, farnlehed or unfurnlahed, rcaaonabla. M4S Port land Bd. imai' WEST SALEM, clean, nicely furnlahed 1-bedroom borne and aarase, aw. 1311 Xdiawater. 10t, aranlnia ' 1M19. JrnSi t BOOM rrJBWMHEn duplex, nice kit ahen. larae bedroom. Automatic heat. Adulti, I47.M. 1H.I N. Capitol. Phone Mm. Jmo t BED BM. rarnlahed bouae on 1 acre,. Il.oo. John J. Dann Realtor; 4 N. Blab St., Phone 4143, etc. 36310. Imac FOB LEASE 10-unlt eourt, 1 yeara, ,115 par month. At lia M. Wmter. oall at 130 N. Liberty. JmlO S-BEDBOOM BOUSE on 31S Kaatl Are. Inquire toed Haael Are. jmBi1 CLOSE IN, 3 bedroom anfurnlehed oot- taee. All olectrle. ew . Church. JmM NEAT 3 bedroom unfurnlahed houie with attaehad aerate. N.E. aw. Alio can be aold on term.. A food property that will CO OI. 1 BED BOOK unfurnlahed bouaa with fireplace, attached aerate, near Capi tol BuUdmta. $90. BEE JOE L. BOURNE REALTOR 1140 N. Capitol JmSO CLEAN 1 bedroom houae, nice tarden epot. 1M0 Howard atreet. 340. Call 3-1319. Jmll BEDBOOMS, 3 bathe, eomplately fur nlahed, dhuiwasher, automatlo wash er, baeement. Older comfortable home. Nice nelihborhood. 100 per month, Phone 3-1139, jmll' TO SELLABLE PABTT 4-bedroom fur nlahed houae, near ahopplnt canter, 190 month, call 1-4097 after p.m. Jraei LOVELY l-BEDBOOM court rental, com pletely iumlahed, tue Bath, only 190 per month. Phono 4-1791 or 3-4994. WANTED TO RENT WANT TO BENT With option to buy or leaee, email bulldlnt or apaca aultable for Barber Bhop. Box 30, Capital Jour nal. JaB3 OFFICE FOR RENT OR 6-BOOM SUITE, 3 alntlt. OrCfon Bulldlnt. Phone 1-4114. Jo' GROUND FLOOR office or atore apaca for rent. Call at Pitta Market, Jo' FOR RENT APARTMENTS FURNISHED, SITTING room with dare no. Kitchenette, ahare bath. 1870 Che mekata. Jp8i COMPLETELY FURNISHED apt, lnclud lnt utllltlea. 166 No. 13th. Employed couple. . Jp83' ass N. summeb, nice 3 room furnished basement apartment, electrlo cooklnt. All utllltlea paid. Available April 11th. 838. JP83' 8 ATTBACTIVE, clean apartments, furn ished! close In. Comfortable bade, elec trlo refrlleratora, atovesi private en trance. Also baaement apartment furn lahed. 833, 345 Union. Phone 4148B. JP83' BEDROOM, unfurnlahed apartment, oloie-ln, 845 per month. Utllltlea furn lihed, except electricity. Call Pioneer Trutt Co. 3-3136 for details. JpS3' PARTLY FURNISHED 1 bedroom apart ment. 773 N. Winter. 646 per month. Some utilities furnished. Call Pioneer Trust Co. 33139 for details. JpB3' NICE CLOSE IN apartment, first floor, Adulta, sundbert apartmama. boo r, Winter. Phone 3-6533 or 3-5349. Ip93' FINE 4 room furnished apartment. Close Capitol Shopplnt, state uuiiuinis. Warm, clean, private bath. Waahnt factlltlaa. Call 3-1361. 1P91 WEST SALEM, furnlihed apartment! 955. jn.t redecorated, one Dearoom, Kiicn en, llvlni room,' bath, electrlo beat, electrlo clothes dryar. All utllltlea paid. Walter Musgrave Kit. Vhnn. B.Rloa. evenlnia. 3-6938 JP84' nniav a ronm furnlahed apartment, ood location on norm Bummer. iu Norway. 'b5 BOOM apartment, furnlahed, .private bath, 610 per month, mo . vrim.r, NICELY FURNISHED apartments) Am bauador Apti. 560 no. nummcr. ip FCBN1SHED apartment, newly deco- ntil r na to oaoltoi. rnon. a-une. Jp84 NEAB tTATB hospital. 1 bedroom fur nuhed. oarasa nd launory. .-.oo. ipai: 4 BOOMS Nicely furnlihed. Quiet nelahborhood. 1 block east Memorial hospital. 605 So. Summer. IP" a wonts apartment. Electrlo ranae. Private entrance. Adulta. iin n. auo.r tr. Phono 36041, If'1 DOWNSTAIRS In coder houae, Oarate, ..A fnilt ere... Rent to pariiea will take care of It. No drlnklnt. In terview. 1041 S. lllh St., Sat., April 4, li an, . a a m. or uhone 8-8195. IpBO LARGE furnlahed l-room apartment, )PS8 clue In. Oall 43710 1 aininnM. unfurnlahed eourt apart' mint with atove, refrlteralor and TV antenna. K7 Bo, 13tn. wet ORE BEDROOM Court Apt., moderately priced, alean, . modern. Unfurnlahed oxeept atore and rttrlBorator. Otl alreet parkin. Cloea to bua. 8J86. , JP83 FUBNISHED 8 room baaemant. Frlrate bath, relrlterator, atllltlee. 81. 430 So. aoth. 2 Jp" MODERN 8-BOOM baaement apartment, furnlahed, newly d.coraled, prlrate antranc7and bath. 1095 N. 6th. 1p9 IN TURNER Modern, lurnlshed J-bed-room apt. Ph. Balam 48491. Ipao' PRIVATE THREE-ROOM furnUhtd court apartment, clean. Adults, 869. 3S60 Portland Road. 1P10J NICE 8 ROOM, prlrate ahower, moatlr furnished, around Iloor. Quiet couple. 7 month. Phone 9-B9I0I a.m. )p83 1 ROOM, prl-at bath and entranci furlnehed, dean, oloaa In. 493 so. Hlah. iP3 CLOSE IN, nice modarn l-room furnish ed apartment. Adult only. Phone 39496. In"' BEAUTIFUL furnlahed apartment, fer permanent resident, 444 W. tare. Phone 3-1881. Fra- COt- ' lp large FtmNianED Apt. rooms. 1 block to capital buudtut. Adulu onlr. Phone 1-4066. Jp61 W. SALEM email 1-rm. unlurn. aptn near cannery a boa. Phone 88008. Jp3 SEVERAL furnlahed apartmenu, aood location. Inquire at. la Stiff Furniture, poena 8-tltv lr FOR RENT APARTMENTS ATTRACTIVE FURNISHED Upper flop.. on crock. TV antenna. Adulta. bto Wil low. Phone 374M or 30007. , Iped Lee Apts. Balem'e Moat DtatlntuUhed Addreaa PoUowlna rentala can bo ahown now: 1-Bdrm. AraUabla Now 71.00 For luxury llrlnt at ntoderata rata, eeil at 49 N. winter at. Ph. a-lt4i. If LOST & FOUND LOST: OLD faahlon told watch, with draton pin. 3-B393. Reward. xta MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS D-DRIVB MOVR YOTJRBBLP BAVE tt PICatOPa STAKE TANa TEXACO STATION It OODRT BT. PHONE 3-1331 PAOE aTTIVENSON and AL MEPFORD DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR. aXRVICB IN MOST OASES DR. HARVEY SBMLXR, DENTIST Adolph BUli., State Commercial Eta. , SALEM PH. 3-3311 m SALEU SAND M ORAVEL COMPANY Contract Work Boad Claarlnt - Dltehtn Sewer and Baaemant Equipment Rental XHtehlnt by the Foot Phone Daya 3-S40S rea. 3-4417 or 3-7413 Salem, Orel on BUILDING MATERIALS SLASHED! No. 1 Color Sbakaa, they Bt....05 Bath Tuba, flrat arade 3M.00 Plywood, direct from mill, ahaap. Orarhead tarait hardware 917.9 CAMPBELL BUTLDINO SUPPLY S. Center near Frultland. Ph. 3-6314 maBO SPRING IS HERE Build Now and gave! 4i W Sheetrock ... 4xB V Sheetrock ... 4X8 W Sheetrock ... Knotty Pine Paneling . Good Oak Floorint ... I Stab Shlntlea , ,,61.40 Bhaat ,,.91.60 Sheet ,.61.30 Bhaat .13tte Foot 6110 M .66.98 Square FREE DELIVERY OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY C & K LUMBER YD. LANCASTER eb CENTER PH. 3-1500 ma60 (joast or Mountain Cedar Shingles No. U, 13 Inohet olaar, Hi No. 3, 8 lncbaa clear, 64. No tap wood or culle, Come and tet them. Tad Uuller, Salem-Independence Road. Ph. Salam 3-1106. ma' GARAGE complete on your lot to your tpeclflcatlont, aa low a 818 par month, no down payment. BORKMAN LBR. HDWE. CO. 1460 State St. Ph. 3-3101 ma8(r KEITH BROWN SPECIALS Close Out We aro eloaint out our entire atock of Plumblnt, Houaewear - and Work Clothea. Overalls, shlrta; panta - at K olf while they lut. Keith Brown Lumber Yard FRONT A COURT STB. PHONE 3-0111 (We civ. s os B oreen Biampe; ma Price War Rerertt trap tolleti, com pi it ..$3S,50 a0"xl8" Wash BaJlne 17.50 Cut Iron bath tube, eomplet ,.$1.9.80 40-gal. water heaters 972. 50 New 4" joll pipe .10 New ahower cabinet! eomplet ..M3.00 Medloln cabinet i, U"2i" ....I 7.60 800 gal. leptio tank $62-50 Un painted cedar ihakee ... 5.16 Painted cedar ihakei 10.19 Overhead larace hardwar 118. B0 Watuproof wall board, 4x8 ....I 1.90 Plywood, Interior fc extnrlor ... .Cheap S tab comp. roofing at 8.S5 Steel laraae doore complete ,...$65.00 No. I doors, 2'8"XB'S" .......... New door Iambi 380 Chicken houie, barn wlndowa. .Special New picture window $ 8.00 New weathers tripped wlndowa... l4.2o New door locki 11.00 Xxterlor white paint al, 12.95 New plasterboard, 4x8 ...$1.40 HARDWOOD PLYWOOD Imported light woode and dark wood, V" and ". Perfect for natural color wall paneling and kitchen cab inets. Prices close to fir plywood. C. G. LONG & SONS Phone 45051 (1 milt North of Kelur) NURSERY STOCK COME IN and eee our line of garden supplies, shrubs and bedding plants. Rototlller work. Middle Orova Nur sery, 46-20 silvexton Rd. mbso LARGE ROLLT trees; lome top worked. at 2107 North Commercial Street. Alao light Brahma hatching eggs, mbso1 LARGE, WELL-RUDDEI Rhodes., eome red, $4.00 up. Large blooming dapnne, W.00. Dahlia bulbs, name varieties, 13.00 doi. Olads. 35c do. ' Perennials, boxwood, heather. Merrill's Green house, Erookd. mbfll For Sale MISCELLANEOUS FREE Westlnihouse sewln machines on all floor Samples, save up to 40, YEATER APPLIANCE CO., 118 Che tnesota. n1 FLASTI-KOTE reoulree no waaln. For your floors or linoleum, TEATER AP PLIANCE CO., 819 Chemeketa. n CEDAR TELEPHONE and electrlo polaa, fence poata. otaa poet and atake. Phillips Bros., Rt. 6, Box 409. I miles east ot 4 Cornera. Ph. 4-1061. na REFRIGERATORS, MEW and used. TEATER APPLIANCE CO.. 178 Che mekete, n DEEPFREEZE home treeaara. TEATER APPLIANCE CO., 316 Chemeketa. n' OSP1TAL BED for aale or rent. B. L. stiff Furniture Co. Phone 3-6186, 8X1 aXMINSTer RUO and pad, Ilka new. 846. Thor autometlo washer, A-l condition, 9TB. Child's aide walk blka, pneumatic tires, 136. 3-6S66. n81 ORGANIC FERTILISER. Free of weed eeeda, and odorlfsa. Sack or bulk or dsra delivered. Phone 8-8137. aSl JOE PALOOKA !""'";, .JI-A-MLL. 'nrulTBP U-..l I IOOK. STOOP.' EVEN TH' Y Y-YEAH... IT VT- f W6 S0CK6P IT "MJif .ICV'PP K iiS Ijoi. I wife's iMtiArwissT.. y rAs just a VJ onxauph: J?f(Mr Tnc V j TW YES5lrVTM . w. Honyi I v HC POfTT WANT YER 4J HUMCH...6IMMC JC3 1T1 arrrvjsW VP MFf TiS? P For Sal MISCEaNOUS 'MAHOGANY ( foot 3 Weber "". ano with new awimn. ,. " atrlrae. S31 Mapla at. Fbona Albany 103 R. UNFINISHED teniae. Coffee, etc, onlr 37.B6. Uaad MerchandUe Mart, 37 So. Liberty St. mono c-ojti BABY GBAND piano. SaerUlce IJsT h., II.. -nrlh BrOOBJ. " nfi COMPLETE boueehold furnlahlnta for a room noma, vwawr -----Mutt aeU. Phono 4-laJO orcnlnta, Sat- urdav or Sundara. Bn 4 DBA WEB knee-bole dck. Black flntab, ood condition. aee rorww Bn DELUXE " LXH Rante 140.9. Olenn woodrya, loo H. summer, . - ana,. nBO OrPOINT rante, 3t.90. Ueed Marchan dlie Mart, 370 So. Liberty. Phone 4-6371. h'0' BETSY BOSS aplnet piano. Call alter t p.m. 3-0499. n93 LADY'S FUB eoat. Can be aeon after p.m. 3410 Bloaaom Drive. nB9 aa mm ntv tru.tai. aonatruetlon of 3xll, 34 ft. wide. 313.90 each. See a 3rd house on Powere Creek Rd., on BllTerton-Merquam road. nar am uraoOK act. nao.M. TJaed Merchandlae Marl, SW So. Ltberty, phone 4-6371. "8I NEW DAVENO Jt Ohlb Backer. Ret. 330.60 In modern tweed. Friday Spec. 149. Olenn Woodry'a, 1006 V. Summer. Open antu 3 p.m. nBO' MUST SELL uprfibt piano. Good 1 eondl- Hon. 810 Norway. nS5 FARM HOME GARDEN Rotted manure, composts, the tame duality as last year, for home and tarden. Flatatones, red lava atone and other trpee for walla er tardena. Rus tle cedar fenelnl and treiut wort. Phllllna Bros.. Rt. S. BOX 493. Salam. Ph. 4-3061. n' rjaED waahlnt maohlnea. 9.9 nd up. YEATER APPLIANCE CO., J7B cne- meketa. DltOFLEAF TABLB,'11. Uaod aSdlT . Mart, 370 so, Lroertr. mone -a-it. neo" REDUCED! tin rier dsT until sold. USED ONE 1 INCH DRUM TYPE BPEED OR1T PAPER. THIS PAPER Atone AS WUHin ieu. . Starting pries Feb. 16. 57 APRIL 4, $293 Keith Brown Lbr. Yard FRONT at COURT STB., PHONE 1-9111 (Wa Give S&H areen stamps) n CERAMIO FIRING He per inch. 1330 Liberty no. nil' new FIRE screana. Curtain Type. Ret. 34.60. Norn half price at menu Woodry'a, 1906 N. Bummer. Open Fri day nlte until 8 p.m. nau' RECONDITIONED WASHERS front 89.05. n.Mf M.rebandlie Mart. 210 BO. AJlD.r- it St.. nhone 4-6171. - nSO' T.AS DTB3KL Roller and hall bearlnia for truck tnd tractor. 1776 euverion noaa. n' , Gravel and Sand Anythlnt In travel, wholesale and retail. VALLEY SAND at GRAVEL CO. Ph. 3-4003. n' GLENN WOODRY'I Furniture Mkt. open Friday to 9 p.m. 1006 N. aummev. naa- RECONDITIONED vacuum cleaner, 830. With all attachments', ubeu aaait CHANDI8E MART, 310 So. Liberty St.. phone 48371. n80 RECONDITIONED WASHERS from 88.85. Used Merchandise Mart, 370 0O. lid erty, phone 4-6311. n80 CORONA PORTABLE Typewriter, aood condition, 835. 1-31B6. 3660 Osborn Ave. n80' BLONDE G.E. RADIO, only 8 mos. old, like new, save over 8160. USED MER CHANDISE MART, J10 Bo. Liberty, phone 46311. neo- TOP SOIL, garden land Phone 30549. , ' n80 AEDWOOD baby bed with can't wet mattreu, $29.50. USED mkwmaw D1SI MART. 370 So. Liberty, phone 48S71. 80 fi-PC. DININO SET. $97.80. USED MER CHANDI8E MART, 370 00. Liberty fit., phone 48371. PHP' USED FBIOIDAIBE, electrlo range, tery good condition. FuU Hie automatic timer. Leaving state, will sacrifice for $115. 1398 SO. High. Phone 32892. P80 ADDING MACHINE, electrlo 8 column with aubtract, 890. Electrlo calculator, 8116.00. Ph. 35315. FLOOR LAMPS, 83 90. USED MER CHANDISE MART, 370 SO. Adoerty nc-, phone 4-4311. , n60' WE BUT AND SELL USED MDSE. OF ALL TYPES. UBED MEHCHAWUIOK MART, 310 so. Liberty, phono 46J11. Terms of course. n80 USED RINGER ELECTRIC FEATHER- woezht porable aewin macnine. Looks like new. Sews forward and reverse. Hand hlnsea, preasure foot and buttonhole attachment, New ma chine BUarantee and free aewlnc les son,. Only 9119.60. Slnser SewlnR Center, 130 N. Com'l. . n80 880 ALLOWLto for your old water heater on tma new es-eauon automatic elec tric water heater. Yeater Appliance, 319 Chemeketa. Fh. 3-4311. n McCULLOCH CHAIN RAWS, 80S Edea- water, Weat Salam. Salem Loln sup ply. Ph. 4-1541. n; Used Appliances No Down Payment SPRTNO CLEARANCE USED WASHERS DEXTER WARMER Larae family sue. new wringer rolla, varr clean. .914-95 THOR WASHER aood runnln condi tion, larae femur Mae, 6-10. .onlr ,14.86 BABY WASHER T.ry alean, a real bur. larae alaa, aood wrtnaar 614.96 EINMORE WASHER Lane wruuer rolls, very oulet and alean, oory.61t.95 OBNBRAL BL. 8 she., electric pump, very clean, excellent aondltlon. 846.96 USED BAST SPINNER An while, vary clean, looka like new, 1 yr, old. 989.86 USED SPINNER Very alean, all white. very aood condition, only 969.85 UBEO XL. REPRIOERATOR as RANOES No down peyment ...949.96 to 106.86 TinkhamGilbert 6EMEBALOElECTB,C appliances 188 N. Liberty Phone 8-0118 n60 AUCTIONS SGGTTY'S AUCTION HOUSE 4840 CENTER ST., SALEM . Sat., April 4,10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Antiquei, shop tools, and big home of furniture will at auc tion Yei, we have it-juit the thing you have been want tag. Come see, buy at your price. We offer outstanding val ue! in every line. Antiquei! Old swinging ker. lamp, enma ansae, vexjr nice. . Several table lampi : Old spinning wheel Iron kettles and pic frames Old spool bed, dek and china class set. Several big 1 Jap glass fish net floats. Lots of misc. items, dishes. Furniture, 1 Marion E. range like new. Trash burner, like new. SHOP TOOLS ' 10-lnch Craftsman table saw, tilt, arbor, with motor, like new 4 jointer and motor. Moulding head and motor. Shaper stand, H-h.p. motor. Band saw, Vt"- blade. Mt-h.p. motor. Many other misc. tools, good usable items. LIVESTOCK SALE AT 2 P.M. Our stock sales are increasing. Cows, bulls, baby calves, -weaner pigs, fat veali. Come, bring 'em along; we get you top market prices. By head or weight. 1VERYBODY WELCOME ' - Col. Ernest E. Scott . fH. 4-MSS . . AUCmONIER For Sole MISCELLANEOUS FOR YOUR convenience, Trader Louie on Lana Ave open till a p.m. muar evenlnia. "M NEW PLASTIC Platform Rockers. Ret. 33.06. Friday Spec. 18.81, Olenn Wood ry'a, 1808 N. Bummer. Open Friday ' Nlte until 8 p.m. n60' FERTILIZER Pulverized, rotted manure, delivered anywhere. 1-0774 or J-6073. n91 USED ELECTRIC rentes, 816 to 818. Used electrlo refrlterators, 818 to 876. Used wringer washers, 614.86 to 649.09. 1 wltb pump used only 1 years. New floor model refrlta. 8.1 eu. ft. regu larly 9300.99, now only 8336. These valuea may ba purehaaed on our low ' weekly payment plan- and you tat GREEN STAMPS at MASTER SERVICE STATIONS INC. 386 N. Commercial Phono 3-4183 n83' KEITH BROWN : SPECIALS! 3-0 x 6-8 to 3-8 x 8-8 x ltd nanel.6.05 3-8 x 8-8 iHl panel 1 lite ... 8.16 1 lot odd Sash ce Frame Va price Ho. 1 18" stained Sbake with undereourse ".w 1 lot Hand Tools, Wood Chisels, Draw Knives, Ball Peln Hammers, etc. 8 0" LUMBER - . 100 feet 1x4- RL E Simla T Cellini 40.00 400 lect 1 : I I Celllnt . . . 40.06 KOO feet 1x6- RL X Do. 116 Bldinl 80.00 6000 feet 1x4- EV6 CBtr. Floorlnc 100.00 PAINT starllno OuUld. White 2.98 rel. Maaonrr 8b Shake Faint 6.68 81. Keith Brown Lbr. Yard Front at Court Street Fihone Kill We aire S. ee H. Oreen Stamp Wanted MISCELLANEOUS WOODRY WANTS Pianos. Phone 3-6110. na ELECTRIC RANGES. Woodry'a. Fh. na 3-5110. DEER RIFLE dive all detail and price. Dan Matthewa, 833 South Chlcaao St., Albany. na83 LOGS WANTED Btud Mill. Lengths 8' 4" or 16 ". Diameter 0" to 18". Sawmill, Lengths 12' and longer. Diameter 8" to B0". Top prlcei paid. Burkland Lumber Co. Turner, Ore.. Phone 1135 ... na DENNIS the MENACE . a . I mmmmmimmmm- in I DON'T CARE JOWcONKNS EAT THEIR 6RUB.HWRE SOWS TO SIT AT 7HIS TABLE AND EAT YOUR DINNER! Friday April S, 19S3 AUCTIONS 7-ft. Zenith refrigerator, . good. 8 new chests tf drawers, davenos. davenport and chair set Chrome sets, awing rocker Sewing machines . . Mattresses, springs . Dinette set. Just loads of small miscel- laneous items, too numer ous to mention. , TRAILERS t-WHEEL TRAILER 19" wheel. Phone 4-3041. tei seeee1. HOUSE TRAILERS FOR SALE OR TRADE an houae 37' trailer house. Xot wattT, double also, . apt. else refrlterator, rante, aleept . four, 1779, terms. IMS Let. Phone 45370. ta80' IBM LAEEWOOD, 16-ft. Ion, all-aluminum, excellent condition. Pn. Black 351, Bllvcrton. t81 Buy . . . Bartalna . . . Sell LANA LANE TRAILBR PLAZA Trade . 1940 Lancaster Ave, . Rental v ta81' EQUITY 1051' 11-ft. Liberty nous, trnller. Ph. 4-6115. IBBO- FINANCIAL STATE FINANCE CO. 5 SIMPLE WATS TO END YOUR ... MONET WORRIES 1 Furniture Loan . a Auto Loan S Livestock Loan . 4 Co-Maker Loan - 6 Sienatura Loan Maximum Small Loan 8300 Maximum Auto Loan 6500 181 So. Blah St. 116 Phone 3-4131 M-3J3 r83 TO BORROW 84600, flrat snortiaBe on 910,000 bulldlnr In Monmouth. 7 atralaht Interest aeml-annually. Box 35, Capital Journal. rSO AUTO LOANS WILLAMETTE CREDIT 630. i 183 South Church r Parkin a-Plenty Fh. 1-3457 . Lie No. M-160, S-ltl By Ketcham By Ham Fisher t80-