' r- - v Friday, April 1, 1953 Mill Supply To Mew Home . The Mill Sunnlv will open for buiineu Monday in a new nome with double the floor space of the former location and incrcnaeul fani- tiea to serve its cuitomeri, Carl bieeinammer, president and manager of the corporation, an nounced this week. The new quarters at 465 South Church street is a new reinforced concrete structure with a 60-foot frontage. It was built on the site. of the old Hannon-Lillequlst building which was torn down some time ago. - , .., . It is owned by Carl Arm priest and was built by the Er win X. Batterman contracting firm. The Mill Supply corporation i handles power machinery and equipment for sawmills, can neries, farmers and other users of heavy equipment. It will be completely moved into its new location Monday, Steelhammer said. It has been located at llO Division street. No change in employees will be made, he added. The present four employees will continue at the new location. 'Monmouth PTA Sets Meeting for Tuesday Independence The monthly meeting of the Mon mouth P.T.A. will be held Tuesday, April 7. The meeting will begin at 7:45 p.m. instead of the usual 8 p.m. The program will consist of two parts. The first will be a film. Henry Tetz, superintendent of schools, will present the budget as it is set up to be voted upon. ,. Special music for the meet ing will be by the girl's sex tette, under the direction of Mrs. Dora Scott. , The nominating committee will present the names of the officer nominated, and new nominations from the floor will' be allowed before the election of officers that is to be held that evening. Special THIS WEEK-END (Closed Easter) PEAT MOSS Those good eld fash ion large size bales. 3.50 Alto Kara the smaller site bales aveHofcle if aesired FREE DELIVERY On Fertilizers, Too t VALLEY FARM STORE 3935 Silverron Rd. Near Lancaster s m - r I I oy check I Hit the high co of living pvmd you from getting j things ou wint and need? A mh loin will ptovid the j money to tike tdvintige of cish putchitei md you en j .elect from romy piyment plim the one lo fii youf bud.et j CASH $25 to $1 500 In 1 -TRIP Tbou tnf. My "how much" I "when. Complete me wan - j yaju snt come in. ! Sat. It, SIT teen II. beae 4-IIM I J, D. WAIKIS, I J. D. WIK1, "V I MARKET QUOTATIONS PORTLAND PeBeDCCE Ll.T Butlcrlel Ttnt.UY., euMect to Im mediate chun: Premium eualltr, mul. mum JS ol m pr cent acidity llrered la Portland le-Tle lb.: Hut eual 117 I7-I0c; wcimd tuellly. t4-eJTe. Valley routee ud country polcu. 3 mbU leae. liar Wbeleeale r.e.b. bulk aubM to wholecalea aradt AJk M Km A trade, is icon, Ski B, M ten; 04c: c, H More, Sic. Abore erlete etrlcllr nominal. Cheeaa Saltlni price to Portland wholecajera, Oratoa elaelea 41-44e: Oreton t lb. ImI, Uto-illtc: Irlplila. 1Mb lit! than alulae. Kara to WaoleeBlerB Candled ease cenlalntni ho lota, caeee Included l a b. traaa iene, l.H-ITtte: A trade medium, llVa-eeHei B trade larta, lltt-Utte. Perllaad Dairy Market Belter price to relahera: orade AA print, lie: A earton, lie; A prlnte, no; earton, 73ei B prlnte, Me. . Etta To retailer,, Orada AA Una, lo: A Una. M-Mc: AA nullum. Mo; A mad! urn, tic: A email, nominal. Car tona, le additional. Chaeae Prlca to retallore. Portland. Oraaon alntlta. 4tti-aec; l-lb. loarea. ll-IHeei trlnlaU. 10 laaa than aln .laa. Premium bran da alulae, tettel loaf. MMe. Procaaaad American ahaue -lb. learea to retail, Utt-Mtte. lb. reaiiry Lire Chlekene (No. 1 quality, i.t.b. HanU.) Prirera. ltt-1 me., K-Sla: t-t lha.. M-llc roaatera. 1 ma- and arer. 10-11; hcary nana, nil wal.hu, 17a: lleht hena, all welehte, Kc: old roeet are, ll-llc; Draaaad Chlekene Prwa. 114-1 Ma, 43-4lc; roaatare, 43-44e; llabt hana. 31- aacj neerr hena. 30-i7ei cut up fry are, all welBhta, 43-44e. Kabbita Averata to trowera: Live whltea, 4-t lb... 3i-17ei 4- Iba., ll-JSo lb., old doca, 10-ltct few hither. Praah draeeed fryer, to rctallara, I1-I4C; cut up. M-llc. Coeatry Killed M.ata Veet Top gualilT. M-4e lb.: rauah hcavlee, 3i-31c. aaa Lean blockara. ll-33c; aowa. lleht ll-3lc. Laaaba Top trade eprintera. ' 4t-43e; other tradee, accordlnt to Quality. Mnttan Bait awaa and wethere, ll llc lb. Bae( Utility aowa, 3S-330 lb.: eaanar- cuttera. 36-37e. , . Freeh Draaaad Maate wholeaalera to retailer.: Dollar, par cwt.: Beef Steere, choice 500-700 lha. 3l.0o-4O.00i tood. It.to-lt.ot; commtrclal Jl.oo-n.oo; utility, 11.00-39.00; aowa, commercial. 10.M-I3.00: utUltr. la 00- 32.O0; cannera outtera, M.OO-19.O0. ' Beef Call (Choice literal. Bind auartera, 4ft.O0-S0.O0; rounde, 41.00-4S.OO; lull lolna, trimmed, 11.00-71.00; trl antlw, 1O.0O-33.0O; fort-auartere, 11.00 15.00; ohuckt, 17.M-tl.00; rlba, 41.00 SJ.oo. Veal Oood, 141-11. BO: commarclali. M7-4I. Calraa Choice, IU-I1.M; aammer clala, 137-41. Lamba Prima aprtntara. 4S-M lba 1S-45; tood, 140-44. Maiton uood cnoica, 111-14. Pork Cata Lolna. No. 1. 1-11 lba.. aftl- 17: ahoulderi, It lba., Ilt-ll; aparerlba, 149-49: treah hama, 10-14 lba., tsi-ll. Smaked Baaaa eklnnad, I57-M.S0. Re fined lard In drums, 111.10-11; alab bac on, HB-M.50. , Partland Mlaaallnnaana Calarr CaL Qat arata. 1-H4 doe., 13.25-4.31. Pew to 14.90. Ore., WM 1.90. onlana 90 lb. aacka Waat ora.on yel- lowa, medium, 2-ln. uln., No. la, 14.00 79: 1-lnch M.oo-I.n: No. la. 11.11-1.91; boilers. 10 lb. aacka, 49-47o; Idaho yellowa, lane, 14.90-5.00; No. 1, white, lane, 4.79-1.00. Pateteee Ore.-Waah. ruaeata. Mo. 1, 15.00-5.95: name branda t 19.90: bakere, ie.oo-. l5; 15 lba., alao A, .1.36-1.90: 10 lb. mean, 90-90c; paper, 44-lSc; No. S, 10 loa., .1.90-1.08; ioano nakara, naiaa, a-to lba.. I2.S0-3.001 loo-lb. aacka, I..00-.J5; 29 lb. No. la, l.2b. may u. no. a trten nuaua, no- Urarad car lota f.o.b. Portland, aoaalnoi- 17 139.00 ton; Seattle, 137-31. Want Willamette vallar moatly nomi nal at 4lo lb. Brian ba.1.. Hie Calraa, 1S-1U lb. accordlns to weichta; Brian up., l7-e: auiia, a-aa; eraen buteher aow kkln. 7-lc. ruwarae wnoieaaia aauint prta. no. t lam Barcalonae, S4-2lc ib.i vrowar pneee, orchard ran, lt-la. . OUmm UrMttxk CnlcMo (f) Hoc pMcm tumblta x to n tDti bfllow TbuntUy'i .! marktt FrM. Th bvirtsc tlda wt klcht w mdt wtro out k in nutit tor lb WHI tod. CtU and aVbMD vr noitlr Udy In lolnc out lc whloh fotiod th lWMt iivlobl ttl mi titlmtd 31.100 bvd ltw loat Kw Ttr'J Vk, tuid th Mwait b an itt-mta-d 11,000 fine lut Chrutmf week. In nit o lrldar 1cmi. hoi tIvvm still showd a net iln for th week of X to H enu a iiuiMirtnrtifiit. Mott 1 of barrowc and J1U wore at W0 to Ml. 15 and a too of HI. J. flows took $17,00 to ftlO.VO mojUy. lw loadi and iota of tood and ehole itttri and roarllnti aotd from 119. to 133 ,M and odd Had of kLtti obolc and prlmi ittiri tot ap to $HM. cowa toppod at !,. In lb Kant abttp run. aUpptd lamb wr nUalng and a fow Haall lot of fd woolod ainda aradlnr holo and prta broutht n.00 to W4.V). A fw to noond prtawi laabs rabd 03T.00 and rwt aotd downward from 911.00. CUearo Oavlona Obkato J.R supplla atvodtrat, de mand alow, market dull. Track aalea fto Mm.): Taaaa Tallow Bnnttdaa U. S. 1, I to I -In eh, jpprol mat ear 1.40; Orano V. S. 1, I to I Inch, aprox-lmately oar l.. Street aakM m Vom.): Jdaho and Ore ion Spanteh S-toh and larter .-I.Ti, mldwcat modttim Tilw CNob 1.00 1.16. few l.tOi Ore on Yellow Olobaa 1.80; Mlchttan artona w1t l-poand Celloa 1.O0: Mexico Crretal Whit Wax S to 3 -Inch 4.16-4.W; Texa Tallow Ber muda I-lnch and laraer JM-J 10 with 2 to 3 -Inch 1 te-f.16, tTryatal White wax t to I -In eh J .00-1,35, aome fair 1.S0. Portland Ureal Portland flJJD CaUle: Par weak, S OOO: lenerally ateady to weak. Calvtc: For weet tio; ateaoy to weax. Hote: Tor week 16; vnaven, ioaed Ko lower but moat of week's trad ateady. Sheep: For week, 1006: ttron. LEGA.LS CALL FOR BIDS Blda Will b received until B p.m., April 16, IKS. by Louie hmerbtr, Clerk of Marlon County School DUtrlct No. 40C. Rout 1, Oer vals. Oreion, for lurnUhln a 48 paaeenier achool bite. Specification may be obtained from the clerk .at 3085 No. River Road, Salem, or at Rout 1, Xox 47, OervaU, Orefon. By Order of Board of Director, Marlon County School Dlatrlct 60C. Apr. . I, 4, I, 7, I, 11M go farther LOANS I nd V liwBB- I ef lale". 1 1 SALEM MARKETS CaowUed laaai tapaaia 1 Salaaa teniae ..lee ana lalauae a Capital Jearttl raadara, (Barlaad daUr.) Betall Feat Friaaat . BabMI reUela II M- . hul, 14.w-i.40 UN-lb. baa). Kir tlaak K - 70. - Datrr Feed 1! B5-S.S3 CM a. bad, HU-ll iioo wi.i. Pantlry larlaa Prliw-Colorad fryara. We: old rooaura, l.c; eolorad fowl. Me; Lathorn fowl, Jta; roaaUre, lot. Saaai BarlH Frtaaa Baea, AA, aac; Una A. M-llc: medium AA, aa: medium A. U-47c; amall. l.c, Wkalaaala Frtaaa Bat wholual. prleea tanerallr 1-1. blahar ttu the prleoa abore. Larti trade A aeniraUy auotad t Me: medium, lie. Baitarfat Burut prlaa: Premium, ti tle: Ho, l. M-llc; Ma. S, via. Bailor Wholeaalo trad A parchment, 73a lb.; null, 71c, ParUand Baatalda Markat ' Portland v Local and ldld-4?Qlum-bla traaa anion, aold lor at -00 aanu a doaan kunchaa todny on the PorUand Baatalda Parmara Wholeaala Produce markat. other affertnta warn limited at nominal prleea. On wholaaale raw. California and Art anna lattuca kroutht I3.M-4 a arata. CalUornia aaparaiua wai w-I.M a Kl Jb. pyramid. ' Mid-Willamette Obituaries John W. Glender Albany John W. Glender, 78, a resident of Albany and vicinity for the past 33 years, died at the' home of his son, George C. Glender here. Serv ices will be held at the Fort-miller-Fredericksen chapel, on Saturday at p. m. Burial will be in the Riverside cemetery, Mr, Glender was a native of Il linois. He married Anna Behn ke at Marengo,. 111., May 14, 1903. They, came to Albany with their family in 1919, lo cating on RFD 3. Mr. Glender retired from farming in 1946. Mrs. Glender died in 1923. Sur viving are a son, George C. of Albany; three daughters, Lilly Detlefsen, Halsey; Leora Rath ham,' Ontario; and Frances Boylan, Albany; six brothers, Will and Charles of Albany; August, Herman, Fred and Walter, all of Illinois and two sisters, Mrs. Sherman Miers, Greensburg, Ind., and Mrs. Edith Morris; Illinois. Forrest R. Berry Stayton Forrest K. Berry, 78, of Mill City, died at his home Thursday, April z. Mr. Berry was born at Jor dan in Linn county, April 23, 1877. He had lived at Mill City for 10 years. Surviving are a daughter, Mrs. Maxine Hill, Mill City; one son, Lynn Berry, Ft. Bragg, Calif.; two step-sons, Everett Lake, Couer a'Alene, Idaho; and Cecil Lake, Mill City. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m., Saturday, April 4 at the Weddle Funeral Home, Stayton, with the Rev. Noble Streeter of Mill City officiat ing. Burial will be In Fox Valley cemetery, Lyons. . DEATHS Dolly lacker Mr. Dolly Haoksr, lata raaldent of 106 Olut Creak Rd., at a local ho-pltal, April 1. anirrlrad by hatband, wUUatn Hacker, Salem. Private iraftald aerr tce Saturday, April 4, S p.m. at Bel aroit IsTamorlal Park wider th direction of TlrtU T. OoWen Co. Rey. Dudley Strain offlclallnt. Pleaie omit floweri. HlldrU Lao MeCaawbell Mildred Lan McOampbalL at th real- dene. 3705 Rnilewood Aye.. April 1. Wife of Alfred afeCampbQ, Saltm: ou ter of Lvi Lane. Santa Ana. Calif-. and Mr. Xindna Black. UeallnnTUl. Bervleca will be held Saturday. April 4, at 1:10 p.m. to the W. T. Rhrdon Chapel. Ry. LpuU E. Whit etfielatln. DIRECTORY ADDINO MACHINEI Al. makaa aied machtna aold, rented, repaired. Row, 458 Coart. Ph. S-C773. BULLOOZINO Bulldoxtnt road, elearlnc teeth. TlrtD Hockey, 1010 Palrrlew. Ph. S-1148. BUtLDlaVQ MATERIAL W. KLANO Wroeklni Co. Bofideri cheap aupplle. 1-7308 erenlnte. oOl OAfat BBOlBTBBf Inatont delivery of new RCA oaah rotlitar. All makaa, aold, rented, re paired. Ron, 45 Coart. Ph. -rn. a BREI8MAKINO Alteration, hemttltchlnt, batten, buckle covered, buttonhole. Mr. K. M. AUendr, 1-M11. DRITINa INSTRUCTION Learn to drive th "Eaay Drive" way. Call or Mr. Snelllnr. Valley Mo tor Co.. Salem. Phone 1-1147 or 4-3074. EXCAVATING Ben OtJen At Son. Excavatlnt, trad ing land cl'arlnt. Phone 3-3080. o80 FURNITURE RE FIN 1 8 HI NO Purnlture reftntihlnt. repaired. Ed tar Brock, Mi Norway St. Phone 1-8387. O0B INDUSTRIAL TRUCKS Fork-lift truck. Inild and outilde work. Htittr, Clark, Mobile lift, 1000 and 4000 lb. machlnei. Br day, week er month. Ph. 3-3438. Capital City Tranifer. o INSULATION Ineulatlon, weatherctrlpi. acreen. Pre estlmatei. T. Pullman. Phone 3-5965. MATTRESSES Capitol Beddtnt, renovatea. Pull line new mattreaaes. Ph. 3-4080. o OPriCR, FURNITURE A SUPPLIES Deak chain, files, flllni auppllai, afea, dupllcatotr. auppllet, desk lamps, type writer standi. Roen, 458 Court. o SEPTIC TANKS Mike's Septlo Service. Tanks cleaned. D'rooter -cleans tewer. drains. Phone 38468. 084 Hamel's aeptle tank service, oueranteed 3-7404. cleaned, line work. Phone oos Sewer, septic tanks, drains cleaned. Ho to -Rooter Sewer Service. Phone 3-5137. TYPEWRITERS Smith, Corona. Remlnttoa. Royal, Un derwood portables. AU makes uetd machine. Repalra rent. Roen, 456 Court, TV Sale. Service, Antenna. 1870 Lena Ave. Phone 4-5033. ott VENETIAN BLIND LAUNDRY Cantleld'a Laundry, Repalra, Reffnlsh- Int. 1440 8. 13th. Ph. 4-5403. Pick-up. Delivery. opo WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners. Industrial floor waxlnt. houiMltanint. Phone 3-3337, 847 Ceart. 4V THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Saltm, Oregon U6ALS CAIX FOB OONSTBCCTION BIDS School Die trill Na. X Polk County, : Oretan . Sealed bide wlU be received ky Oeyle Kraaaoa, Clark, at office af Su perintendent af School., Dellae, Oreton, until April 10. IMI, I o'clock. F. II, for the followln. aeparate pralecta: Ad dition la Lrle Orada School: Maw Huh School Bulldlnt aad Oil Burnlnt Baulp ment tor preeent blab achool BuUdinl, lor School Dlatrlct No. 0, Polk County, Dallaa, Oraaon and will than and there be opened and publicly lead aloud. Blda received after the time fixed for epen tnt wilt Bet be eenaldered. Plana. Bpeelfieatlona aad eon trait Documente may be eiamlned ar may be abtaiaed at the efflee of Freeman. Manila Tuft. Aaaoe. Archta load W. Third Aveaue, Portland i, ore- ton, upon a depoelt af I3I-00 far aaah aet at documente. Up to two aela will be furnlahed each prime bidder at the aUpnlatad depoelt aum per aet. Additional aeu will he pro vided upon reoueet at the htddera aa panae at $11.00 per aet. Depoelt aum will be .refunded upon return of all document, within a xeaaonable alma. Attention la ealled to Blddera Fre- uaUtlcatlon. Section N-Ul to II-IM, O.C.L.A., which muet be tiled with the Clark 10 daya before date for epenlnt ef blda. Forma mar be obtained at aha office af the Arehlteete. Mo propoaala will be eonaldared unleea accompanied by a eertitled check,' caah lar'a check er bid bond (with authorlaed aurety eompany aa auratll made par able to the Owner In aa amount af not than I at the amount ar ane bid. Surety bend will ha reaulred la ae aordanea with term, ac aentraat deeu menta. The School Diaarlat Teaerre. late riant i reject any ar all blda and la waive tnformalltlca. Na bidder mav withdraw hi. aid after the hour aet for the epenlnt thereof or before award of aha contract, unleea aald award la delayed for a period ex ceedlnt 10 .dare. OAYLE KKKABON, Clerk. Uar.37.Apr.I EXECUTRIX1 NOTICE TO CBID1TOE8 NOTICE 15 HEREBY GIVEN .01 ri Kit- UK v. LAND ha btin, by order of the Circuit Court of th Stat of Ore on for Marlon County, appointed MtcutiU or th mat ol Htfinaia w. una, caaied. Any poraon bavin ciai aialiut aald tat ar requMUd prutnt Uiem. with proper vouchor, to aid executrix at 110 Pioneer Truit Bulldlnr, tSalom, Otmoo. within lx Bonth from tb dot ol thta nolle. Dated this 11th day of March, IBM. NXLUE V. LAND, Executrix of th Eitat t Reginald W. Land, Doeeaaad. RHOTEN, RHOTKN SPEERffTRA. aitornm at iw .110 Pioneer Truit Bulldlnt aaiata, orKon Attorney Tor Executrix Uarcb 11, M, 17, Apr. I, 10. IDAS. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE No. 38.173 Df THE CIRCUIT COURT Os? THE STATE OP OREOON FOR MARION COUNTY IN EQUITY PIONEER TRUST COMPANY, a cor poration, a Administrator with the will annexed of the Bitett of Gul Nile, ueceaaeo, nainwii, , ?t. RtST C. SEVER; INOA N. BEVER; HARRY A. ROBINSON, dolnt buslnea as Capital City Waldlnt Works; EDNA S. SPARHAWK. Administratrix of th Estat of PERCY SPARHAWK. deceased! INTERSTATE TRACTOR AND EQUIP MENT COMPANY, a corporation; CHARLES SISENVXNE, dolnt bualnesa aa NORTHWESTERN BROKERAGE COM PANY; PACIFIC TRADERS, INC., a cor poration; CHAPMAN LUMBER COM PANY, a corporation; BUSACKJBR LUM BER COMPANY, a corporation; CREDIT SERVICE COMPANY, a corporation credit BuRXAUB, INC., a corporation; JOHN alACOBSON, dolnt buslnea SCOTTS MILLS LUMBER COMPANY; RAY COWAN; JOHN D. MINTO and DON B. PATTON, dolnt business under th firm nam aad style of Patton Mlnto, Fiumnnt - ana acaunt; francis p. COLOAN, dolnt business aa COLOAN LUMBER COMPANY; ROBERT O. SMITH and BARBARA B. SMITH, tall wife; CHRIS BEELY and MARQ UERITE P. 8EELY, dolnt business a MERCHANTS CREDIT BUREAU; KEITH BROWN LUMBER YARD; a corporation; and OREOON STATE TAX COMMISSION, and THE UNITED STATES OP AMERL CA, Defendant. By virtu of an execution Issued out of and under tb seal of the Circuit Court of th Stat of Oreton for h county or Marion upon a judtmrac ana coerce rendered and docketed In tb aald Court on the 18th day of March, 1053, In th above an titled suit wnerein franc ib f. COLOAN, dolnt business as COLOAN LUMBER COMPANY, one of th abore named defendants, bad and recovered of and from defendant. REY C. BEVER and INOA N. BEVER, and each of them, Jadtment In. th sum ef $1,113.33, to- tetber wit Interest thereon at 8 per annum from January 10, 1853, totether with the sum of $100.00 attorney fees, totether with aold defendants' coats and disbursement taxed and allowed here in In the sum of $17.80; and wherein PIONEER TRUST COMPANY, a corpor ation, as Administrator with th will annexed or tn satat or ouasie a. nuea, Deeeaaed, the above named plaintiff, had and recovered of and from defendants, REY O. BEVER and INOA N. BEVER, and each of them, Judement In th amount oi $6,305.00 totetner witn inter est thereon at 8 per annum from January 10. 1083. totether with th aum ef $55.1$ advanced by plaintiff for taxas acainet th land and premises Herein after described, totether with the sum of $75.60 advanced by plaintiff for ln- auranct on aald premises, totether with the further sum of ftwo.oo attorney lees, totether with plain tiff a costs end dla- buraemente taxed and allowed In th of $l8.e: and wherein INTER STATE TRACTOR AND EQUIPMENT COMPANY, a corporation, one or the above named defendant, had and re- eorered of end from defendant REY C. BEYBR and INOA N. BEYER, and each of them. Jadtment In th aum $1,101.38, loeether with Intereet thereon at par annum xrom January 31, ip&3, totether with said defendant' costs and disbursements taxed and allowed In th aum of 818.00; and wherein PACIFIC TOADSRS, INC., a corporation, one of the above named defendants, had and recovered of and from defendants RAY C. BtrVER end INOA N. BEVER, and eaoh of them, Judtment In th sum of 31,750.00, totether with Interest thereon at MJk per annum irom January 10, 1863, totether with atd defendants' cost and disbursement taxed and al lowed In th sum of $ t and where in RUTH COWAN, asaltnee of RAY COWAN, one of the above named de fendants, had and recovered of and from REY C. BEVER and INOA N. BEVER, and each of them, Judtment In the sum of $8,403.43, totether with Interest there on at 64 per annum from January 10, 1053, totether with the turn of $450.00. attorneys fees, totether with said de fendants' costs and disbursement taxed and allowed in th aum of 8 f and wherein EDNA SPARHAWK, admin istratrix Of the estate Of PERCY SPAR HAWK, deceased, one of th above named defendant, had and recovered of end from defendant REY BEVER and INOA N. BEVER, and each of them, Judtment in the amount of $023.51, totether with interest thereon at 8 per annum from January 10, 1853, totether with the sum of $6.00 for pre paration of Notice of Lien and th sura of $1.50 for fllint the same, totether with the aum of $350.00 attorneya fees, toither with said defendants' costs and disbursements taxed and allowed herein In the aum of $ 1 which execu tion wa directed and delivered to m as sheriff In and for said County of Mar Ion, 1 hare levied upon all rltht, title and Interest of tb aald defendants, Rey C. Bever and Inia N. Sever, In and to. the foilowint described property, to- wit: Lot Two, (It, Flrsdale, a Sub division In Marlon County, Ore ton, aa aald lot Is shown and desltnated on th Plat of said Plrsdal now file end of record Id the office or the Recorder of Conveyance for Marlon County, Oreion. Notice 1 hereby tlven that L the un- derslined sheriff aa aforesaid, will sell th above described property to Ut nun at bidder for cash at public auction at the Weat step of th Old Hlth School Bulldlnt, 460 N, Hlih Btreet, in the city of Salem, County of Marlon, Slat of Oreton, said bulldlnt belnt the tempor ary Marlon County Courthouse, on Sat urday, the Snd day of May, 1053, et 10:00 a.m. of that day to satisfy the aald execution, totether with the Interest and foata thereon. Dated this 31t day of Nearer, IBM. DENVER YOUNO. Sheriff ef Marlon County. Oreion. By A. L Malsuooa. Dcnuty. I Apr, t, Mv 11, K IOU. FOR SALE HOUSES A; A. Larsen, Realtor BAST STATS ST. t-bdrm. laielr home with TO s 111 1st, nlcelr lanaacaped . Price . NORTH BUBURBAJf ranibllnt ranch atria. 1 kdrmt.. dbla. laraia, . . able, plumb. Bxelue. dlatrlct. 14 A. with planted tardea, laaiUr fruit ak atrrlaa. A real lanllr horn.. Iltoo down Price til. toe MBAB DBAF 8CHOOCV-A t-bdrm. eutla. Auto, aU baat, eiotllenl ar raniement. Mtoe rard. SI1M down price IB.7W TV tHItmo ROOM. plu. S adrma. up, S down, llrapl, auto, ell ' 4 heat, Iharmopata wlndowa, etoraaa place .alore.. Dead and atreat. traaa, patio. Or and plaae for children. Reasonable down pal. Prlca S11.IM. - .... , i , . . PINK OOBB-S adrma. Out, up. TUe eounUra la kltahan, aU larte " ' roeasa. smral Sv near aahoola, larelr planttnu , prlc- ,7M ' 1S1 a. BUh Ph. urn ' Andr Balrorean Ph. ITiai A. Walla Ph. 11131 A. I. BeakaU Ph. SaaSI . Bvaa. ak Sunder iff FOR SALE HOUSES I BBDBOOM, ana floor, I rear M home la excellent reaiaentiai cuatriot. cunaia earaee. HI, too. Ml Koaa, 1-7717. all' OONSB, 1 bedroom, llrlnt room, dlnlnt room, aeth with ahower, Inalde UtUltr, Blca rard, ahruta, tardea read! to plant. Cut price, 11700. UOM. all BI OWNKB, room houaa, one acre bait aoU. Ph. inil eTcnlnt.. ad' KLUMPP'S WHY BUILD Whan iiieta a amall down pay ment aa required to own thta a-todrtDa horn wltb b.w. fir., nlc larta kitchen and lane ltvlnff room, with 1 bdrma. and aaflnlahed ipitalri. To tal price lasso. B WHY WAIT U until price to higher on this l-bdrm. home tat excellent condition, located In Weet Ba ln. Total price MMW. WHY LIVE In th buey elty when you can llv on ihla aoraa lo cated aat with tood toll. A (livable I -room houa with tood barn and poultry houa. Total price Term. Y WHY NOT BE dose to St. Vincent 4k Hlth land schools, also only a few blocks to Hollywood ehoppint center. This horn ha 3 nice bedroom, llvlnt room with fireplace, dlnlnt room St kitchen, with full basement- S Total price $11,500. Call for ' appt. L. E. Klumpp, Realtor $e5 Portland Rd. Ph. 1-7441 Eve.: 1-3884 aso ONLY $50 A MONTH This 3-bedroom horn located close In can b boutbt with a low down pay ment. Very nlc back yard with fruit trees. The place needa some aiickint up, but for 16,300 it's hard to beat;. Call Ramaev Real Estate now 4-6211. 3084 North Commercial. Evenlnis and Sundays phone Jim Ramsey 4-1690. a82 KnmwOOD HEIGHTS, owner out-ot- town. 3 bedroom beaulr. 301 caacade Drlre. 3-0004. aOO' 145 EVERGREEN, new I bedroom home, utility room, double farate, 1600 bq. laat. Phone 11411. all MODERN 3 BED RM. HOME . On Bua line. I4B90 - MO. Oil OSCAR BBDERtTTROM with JOHN J. DANN REALTOR aaa re. Hliri Ph. 41(82. Era. Kill WE MEED OOOD USTINOB a!0s $475 Down! 1 rooms with complete bath. Just outside Jtr. south. Paved treat, sltr water, 3H block to Due. store, a fairly tood new to the vest from this are. Pull price 14,280. Balance 840 per month, inciudint inwrasu - E. J. ZWASCHKA HeSOrantSt. Realtor Phono 3-4010 all OPEN HOUSE 1111 WALLACE ROAD SATURDAY, 3 TO P. U. Hueband In fierrtee, muet tell thle late, 1 Br. home. Fireplace, WW Car pet, Utllltr room (dark room), Att. Oar. Vt A. Hne atirube. strawberrU. Raepberrlea. Bee Saturday at 1115 Wallace Rd, 110,100. JOE HUTCHISON REALTOR MS Ediawater, Pho. 4(743 aKC SOUTH VILLAGE, I bedroom, dlnlnt room, breakfaat nook, ilreplaee, auto matic .utility room, attach, double terete, Pulman bath, fenced back yard, patio, ohruba, hedaea. Phone 1-0741. ao POSt SALE, S bedrooma. unfurnjahad attic, 06100. Lew down payment, ft acre. Xaleer dlalrlot. 1371 Chehalla Dr. a0 ONE-BEDROOM houea with tara.e, tt- acre lot, IOIO0, rncludln. furniture. Will take ear or trailer houaa In trade. 1410 Wlnola. 'all THIS IS WHAT yoa can bur for lll.SOO: A dandy lane 1-b.r. raaeh-atrle home with dlntnt rm., flrepl., full bath, plua bath with full tile ahower In a larte utility rm. Oil piped furn, l-ar tar. 111x171 lot, lawn, flowera and ahrube In. Eve. eel! ED. 1-1704. ZD LurTJN- BEAL , REALTOR, 411 N. Hllh St. Ph. 1-1M0. aio 1 ACRE Immediate Possession Oood 8-Ttar-oVd horn, 38 IT llvlnt room, combination kitchen and din tor area, t bedrooms, lane enclosed attllltr room. lean earaee. PH-A. terms. Price 37.800. E. J. ZWASCHKA Pfaona-t03ft Realtor 174ft Orant St. afll" FIVE-BKDKOOM home, llrlnv fc dlntn rms., each with fireplace, lie. modern kitchen, forced air turn., Teal lie. lot. eloie to stat office bulldlnKs, Idral for rentin rnu. Priced at 813.M0. Sve. call Peek. 3-6411. BED LUKIN BEAL, REALTOR, 413 M. Hlth. Ph. 3-8080. ' alO SUBURBAN 24 ACRES ' Very desirable location. Close in on Oarden Road. Oood land, tour-room hoiwe. fruit tres, water rstm. Price 811,800. Term. See Owner, 3830 Gar den Road. aBl LOOKINO POR A HOMK? Por sale: 3 born In 3400 klock, North Church. aB2 8 ACRP.H of food tround with amall. modern house. Term. Out Maclcar road. Rt. I, Box 45. ad 3 8 RKDROOMR, basement, oil furnace, fireplace, built-In alore, fenced-in yard, garaO. 30408. a83 ST OWNKB, 8 room home, basement, sawdust furnace, 80073, nso Hood St. Ph. 36S80. B103 POR HAI.K br owner, house. Phone 4-4Tb8. bedroom asi 8 BUD ROOM house, close In, also 8 room apartment for rent. Call before 8 after 8. 4-3843. Ml IT BUH.nKR 1 -bed room, titer ne hlth school, 4!& Oiford. a83 To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE LOTS fit DOWN. Good sued lot. Watar al ready in. Excellent soil. Built to wit yourself. RETMANN REAL BBTATE INSURANCE 301 s. Hlth St, Phone 3-3303 So. Village 100x115 sornar lot, with trass, paved itrcetKlty 'watat. Vlsw to tait. Nic for daylight basement. On of tie lew lots left In this lovely new dis trict, located en Helen Ave. and Oak Hill Ave. $1850. PH. 4S108 - 21153, OWNER ' ' ' ' "' aall CREEK LOT, 11 X 110 .........ll00 HOLLYWOOD 41 100 tllU NORTH FOURTH, II I 100 t00 SUBURBAN, eloae In. traaa, TO X 110, 17 a 110. Both 13100 SUBURBAN, N.S. loU ..1300 lo 1000 CENTER STREET REALTY, Realtor. 17(1 Center Street . Phone 4-1031 aaM FOR SALE FARMS Homedeekers Agency VERY SPECIAL 10 acre.. Oood Taller aoll. Nearly aU tillable. I rm. home. Cootlauoua fouu datlOD. etc. Barn aad outaulMlaaa. Between Stlverton and Salem. See thle : 11100.00 The Homeseekers Agency ' SILVERTON, OREGON WD1 HIGHLY TBODUCTIVa 10 A. with S TOIT tood S-B.R. homee, other Mdta. atu tlon Bottom, irritation. I,M0, A r.al bur. See Don Wall. IS0OO DOWN for IT A., so bldta, In erop, on North Rlrar Rd. A tana lor enlr 111,710. Loni frontete an saved road. See Dan wall. . PINE 40 A. FARM, lanaacaped. I B.R. home, eoaatdar tood 110,000 home In trade, north, wared toad, owner re- Urlnt. 111,000, (4 down. Sea Don Wall. 10 A. WITH I B R. HOU1 on hlah- war e. 110 It. fronlaae. tood bur, $4100, with 13000 down. Sc. Don Wall, Burt Picha 111 N. Hit at. arret, 44411 OU: 1-4041 v.. MO Ml A. STOCK TAKM an Hlway aa Rlrar. Stocked and eaulpped, tooa mata, aheep as cattle. Take Income property. Trade 170,000. People'! Eaohanas, ttealtore. McMtnnvllle. Ore. M3 aee''ee'e,e'ee'ee'eee FOR SALE ACREAGE twentv-povb beautiful cultlTBted and Irrlaatad acrea ot Willamette ,aUt, juat mUaa north of town. Ercellent oarn, neat, clean, modern t-bdrm. home In a beautiful aattlnt. It may aound hlth. but lt'a a real bartaln at tae.ooo. Will eonaldar terme or aome exohanee. Ere. call RAY DAVIS, 4-M17. ED LUKINBEAL. REALTOR. 113 H. Kith. Ph, 1-0880. bbio 1 ACBKS. NB. 383 ft. f route. Kk yr. old, 1 bedroom home, plastered, insulated, electric heat, hardwood floors, Venetisn blind, now awntnis. LR-DR comb., 3 larie plc.ur win dows, wall-to-wall carpet Loovelr hath. nice built-Ins, dbl. aru with 10x30 flniahed utllltr room, brtesaway, lane patio. Mice lawn, anruba. lao it, well. A 7 ft. refrlferator and 8 ft home freeaer ioe wtth hous. 4780 Herrln Rd. or Ph. 30343 for appt. M81 SUBURBAN I AST t bdrm. modern, recently completed. 936 sq. it. plus 13x34 attached arae, lot 86x395, patio, amall barn, eorrall, 8700.00 water system, lane lawn, bear lnr trees. Best television rcPtlon. Antena with plane. Total prlee 8800. 2500 will handle. Bal, on P. H. com mitment. Rvenlnv or weak-end. Own er, 211S Ftaher Rd. bWU- REAL ESTATE TO BUY OR I ELL BOMBS, PARMA, 1 r PROPBRTIE8 SEVERIN REALTY ST TEARS OP SATISFACTORY SERVICE SUBURBAN EAST On Center St. Ileal Blea S-bedroom home for aeklnt prlee. Plreplace and cute kitchen. Attached taraaa. Vi acre ot .arden, lorely lawn and ahruba. Only 110.100, SUBURBAN WEST 11 acres of fruit, nuts, trapes, tar den. Well-built 3-bedroom home In excellent condition. Pull basement with furnace heat. Double f erase, Owner ask ins 811.500 and lt'a well worth It. CREEK HOME Near Bush Pasture. Th lovely land scaped creek lot ha a real nice I- room home with 3 bedrooms, tarace A patio. A cloii-ln horn for enlr 110.000. ENGLEW00D There are not many horn In this price alase In thl popular dlatrlct that has so muoh to offer for prlca asked. 3 bedroom, fireplace a. full batament. Llvlnt and dlnlnt room, nlca kitchen, attached tarate. Tou should sc th nlc tarden. Owner tsxini fiJ.wo. NOB HILL We don't often have a nlc horn to offer in this dealrabl school district. The 8-room home Is In perfect con dition. Haa 3 bedroom and den that could be used as a spare bedroom Fireplace tt aut. heat. Pull baamt. with recreation room. Trees, shrubs at. bedce complete thla lovely corner lit. Immedlet occupancy, owner uk Int only 813,500 for this 118,000 horn. Moittace la 80.000, culd b lncrflaaad. MANBRIN GARDENS ir you are looklnt for a real well-built S-bedroom home all on on floor and a full baaement on a lane landscaped eorner lot with fruit trees tarden, don't fall to se thta newly-built ejuel Ity horn for th asklnt price ef 318,- 800. Business Locations Upper fltat St. One 80x334 plu alley at II 1,100, One 46x200 plu alley at 88.800. BuAlness location lot ar stare and tolnt bp. Th abov lot ar th old price. Severin Realty Co. II X. Hlth 4-3843; treat 9-M83 air. aUanf 3-3363 Ut. U00B S-18K 8l REAL ESTATI COLBATH SPRING SPECIALS INCOME TRADE ' ml TM A LAHOI e-BaTTOOal Of. COWS HOafS. Loaatad laat 4 alka from eaay aenaar. Baabaeat eon. PRICE IS OHLT IU.M0. Owear wul laaa fans iweaertr ar aaoall elty k ally keaee ETE. PH. la trade, avn tak lt. POSSIBLE $750 DOWN Mate elty koaao with s eenaa., Ltl. DR, klUhaa, bath, atlllty, lane ta rue. Pared at OHLT S4SH. SSB TAK morn, m ra. oiisi. EARLY COLONIAL DESIOH It It Beat, aUan aat Met what the doctor ecdered. Wall-la-wall earpetlnt . Dream kitchen with eat deora. S adraa... vary lane Urine rm., fenced yard, alee lava ae attached ea raee. TUB OHLT ITtOO. SO STO UT sax iota, ooi sim, btvb. pm Seell. COTTAGE FOR 2 AMD KADI won TOD. Start Urtnl la ehla alee S-adna. heme with Lit. DR. klteben, bath, larta lot. HBAKLT NEW. LOCATED M.B. CLOSE TO STATE aTOSPITALS.. OHLT, I4M0 wtth WOO down. SEE MM. WaUaV UH, EVE. rtL 3S3TI. CLOSING ESTATE " OH BUBmHtB LOT DT BTBART OS AUaf. Dirt aheap at SMao. Baa ettarmlnar aider l-bdnn. aeeae rER aVJMALlTT PLtJU. Say thle aad double year aaanay an S yra. "SIT ODXaa". CALL IXATTD OOOK, EVE ' '$3500 BARGAIN OLD TIMER Small down. Oeo alder ldru. home. Heed, ta be cleaned, thrn rent lor loe per Month. SHOULD PAT 1194 on your aion.y. beat Tanr sax dayid cook, eve PH. 41701. EXTRA GOOD BUYS I AORSS IN OULT. 4 Bllea K.W. aa leai. 7 A. Roral Ann. eherrlae. Ear- yaaled II tona in 14 and 14 ton. tr 1011. Haw l-adrm. atodara hoaca iullt In INI. Price now. 14 A. adlornlnl AU 4 A. Barllett peara, heary aear- laar. l A. yount prune Ifeea. A. xeaeua ana awo. atorer. total os 14,100 lor n ACRES. BEE T. T. AX DaWtsOH. EVE. PH. ami. IS aVCBES kt (S.E. DM OT TCBV- na. i A, saature, eaL train. T-raa, elder nadera koaoa kt lorely . aeMlac ef eadar, eyprua aad Mr tree.. Lately yard, flowera a. ahruba. Pair ban, hen aee,' nana eoou, price onlt IteM. WILL TAKB1DRJ(. KSE. TH TRADE. PKEPEft 4 ODlUfBllS DEtT. SEE T. T. A1TOERSOH, HVE. . nt. 43114. ' IHi ACRES. Kelter Wei, ejnder nr- yuatton. xeet l-bdnn. modern home, vera, zou eaa raiae anytoiat hare. DtRIOATIOH SYSTEM , DrCLUDED yvn rail saaos down. EES) T. 1 ANDERSON, EVE. PH. am 4. ALMOST SOLD OUT OP OOOD LISTINOa. USTINOa ON KOMX8, PAKMB. AO- KSAQIS, LOTB, BUBnfEBB PROPER TY. LIST WITH US. OCR BAUDS vuiA'wn m OVER tlwO.009 P MONTH. : I :.. -. ; ... ' TAN HORN-41TWI AHDERSON-UTll COOK-11701 New Home Pull Ivasemeot with -toanlao 1 aartra fan room. Lan wlndowa tire wi ei utnt in enta au-nnrpo baae- ment. Beautiful Roman Iwlek fir Piac in uyinc room. isan wen-planned kitchen and sua tr lane eat int are. 3 lorely bedroom. Pore ad air ell heat. Paved street tnild elty jinuu er norm sMism, yno wwn ami r.n.h. payment. ; TRADE ' ' Downtown rental for farm. Only i niooK to new Meiar Prank atiop pint center. 8300 per Month toeoma. Lari. well-built horn. Mo vacancies hen. Will tradt for a fam p to 813,000 yaiue. OWNER SEZ SELL!!!! 88780 er what will yen lr foe a amall horn Inside lty limit ef Vouth 8)alm. Oltr bun laaa khan ace Week. Tour wn terms may be acceptable. REIMANN . 'REALTORS LOANS AND INSURANCI SN South aith Slraat Phone t-iMS Phone tymlni.s 4-1171, tAnt, 4-1111, 1-4I7S, o-im, I-1M4 aaf ACREAGE Localed an Dallaa hiahwar Bear Eola park, t aadreoma with room bp atalra for bedroom aad atoraoe apaee. Llrlnt room, larte kHehoa aad di nette, aeah. tall a element with aw duat turn.... Lovely view arerleoklnt rlrer. Nearly aaw and wrleed at I1..0O0. Shown ay appointment, KKIZER ' Lor.ly S-bedroom bomo en Clark atreet with lot completely fenced. lake aew. Only 11000. , FARM . 31 .ore., 4-bedroom bouee, full beaa ment. Larta barn, I aero In ereherd. balanaa In traaa and hay. Located ooum en Hlthway to. Only H m atee to Salam, I1I.O00. , ' DUPLEX 1 aide eompletely furnlahed. Lire In ana, rent the other, Se. thla, 111,100, Abrsmt, Bourlsnd tV Sklnnsr OU llaaonlo Bulldlnt Heal Batata Imuranee atorttat.Loana Phone: I-011T Errelnta: a-tIM ell' 4 Acres, 2 Homes Will tHrlde 1 A. with S-bedroom anuie, ioooo. other I A. amall bona.. Iltoo. The A. for ritoo. Roomy Home - N.w l-bedrtom. Double taraaa. lie bathB. Larto let, eleoo lo tebool. Ill.ioo. Englewood District l-bedroom. Mleely landaeaped, eloae 10 etoraa cnooia ana tnoppint. ttaoo. Call Pay. Mai. Home on Creek Oloaa to Ctpltot Shopptnt Center. Nlae LR, DR, Plreplaoe, S aedroome. ruu hu.m.nt. OU furnace. Thla la a auy tor iti.no. 18-A. Farm Alt In tul.. Modern l-bedroom home, Lot of good water. Nlc nttlnt en i roads. All in wheat erop new, 110,800, . . Low Down Payment Older t-bedrovm home on 1H acre. Derate, work ah op and chicken Douse, ejtut of! Hi-way RortH, 83 BOO. ' Art Madsen Realty 1131 itaU ft. Ph. 1-3888, 1-8813 OOLBwBBS-T&lTl . tMTXn DUO. 44494,24552 y Frv .11 UAL UTAH WX SPICIALIZI IN TRADES WX KXED LISTINGS. Parlic- : ulsrly hither pricad Homes and all types with low dowa psvmsnts. BARGAIN Only s yra. aid, btalated. Tar taaaa ta ashooi aad aaa. Ceaailaer ear as pan aanaaat. Lawn aad anrwee eww la. Att. tareie. Tha pm kas awes ladaeed la 1474.. SPIC'NSPAN ' Eaallr tut aad extra well errant ed. Location u fine, tone-t threw freaa achool. Oood ana with aloe koaaae urreuadint. Only 1 yr. aad. Prd. at. saeao Iwrallara eaa ta teaarht. SMwS ebwau Pull arte. HO.lew. FEATURES AND ROOM GALORE t aadraatu. t flrerieeea. Poeeed air all tarnaca. Ilk tatluroosia. Saaoloua noma. MM aej. ft. floor .paae. Work chop. Baa treat deer. Sehoel 4 hike. Pro. el. ute et ahywha. us aw las let. Be re era write af in.lM. alow eewM yea atia.1 ; ' WHALE OF A BUY S-aedream homa laatdt elty. JhK leena aad Uviot teem vell-leHKB earpeta. Oarata. Kear aeaaol and aaa. Seraral trait tree.. SO s SOS lot. . Pall arte only SHOO. CALL POR MR. KJOOIKS. EVE. PH. 4-44.4, ar lira. CHAWPOKD, ETE. PS. 4-W10. If bo eaawer, eall 4-H4I. v Peek at the Future- Vr burlnr aa boteaaa yreaerty Shal - la aau-uquldatlnt. a-aalt apt. Baaaa. onw SIM per are, AH rente are very reaaonabla. ra awed anehtwa. bow arerhead. Only Hin aewn. Pan priea 110,000. . . MOTEL tMrtctiy -KixUrn. TU4 Wta. - arable location. M twslta p)M mm at;trs. Very eltan. Ma Npei? aeed d. A lan Bnmber ac ttieea wnifee haT kltehen. Could t ad far jr- nnnl rental, pull , piie m.90$. HARDWARE' Store. Paet-trowlsf toaatlon. Terr . eeeanehle rent. Thla ba. very tood . poealbjlltlea. Hera', your ehanee ta tet lata buainaaa with a laahar email aaTaaanant. uwner atalns Btoof lew y tlataree via. inrentory at coat. CALL .POH DAN BJAAK. IPrE. VaT. 4-1031. It Bo earner, call 4-H4S. S6 ACRES - HIGHWAY : ; FRONTAGE OauSM north. T-aroom aaodera alder type Seme In Tory wood repair. SS by -SO earn. Beat et WUL aut teal. Thle . BwefBUas UIIBBI PUVaa SUUUITSUVy flWff 8r with buameas fronta- City water Teuaoie. . acree iin awosiusD, wax ante. Pull prlee SH.Utt. ea Mtu. bbut- la mil., nm mmm torn. afoderB A-roam houae. la-ttanett ehleken bouae. Lows llat at ttnapleta farm aeulpiaeat at vary seed aoctdl- ' Iten. PamUy fruit. Thla It a ataal for I1MW. Owner wia eonaldar home aa aeert bp to 04000 at pan payment... Tory eloae la north. 1 aero atrew- , aerrlet. Modern 1-hedroom homo built an U44. Oarata .trult houa.. Pvd. road. 100 ft. Irritation pipe. New Ul.vlalon aet, tractor, plow, harrow and .print tooth Ind, In the prlca ot lotto. CA11, POH MB, LEAVENS. EVE. PH. I -4 Tee, it anawer. call 4-3141. - HOP.TQAOS LOANS ' , 10-Taar Haturlty Al Isaak & Co.; Realtor Otflae Phonei: 4-11 u or 1-luo . .'' lOM PORTUND BOAD . ; are. Phonea: S-I7SI, 4-Mli, : . . ' 4-ran, 4-9M0 ar I -I Ml . Un anawer, phone 4-1141 ' , 88111118 9881888889 88)88888889 8988888888 9888888888 List 38f HHttBttll Buy 88888318 88 988888 .'.. at - SULLIVAN I ACRE e-aedrooae borne, leeateal S mile, from Salem. A troat atreata rear rltht by the beak door and aa dowa thrown the wooded play area. Thla aereate la rltht an payed road lead Int la town. Prlee la 01400. Call ; ok Derm, one. ph. I -flat. . NOB HTLL-S hadroeu. 1U. Uuh, from UaXlnliy achool. An tader type beueo with layte roeane kt erne at aaleara beat Mtcrrtortioola. vrtae foe. OaU Carl A mdt, area. pa. a-17t. 1 n ACRES PLOS-tTare U tha aera. aaa that will trow tb. beat tardea at tha yallay. Silt loam at Svost't Land lai, Th. aenrenlant 1-B.R. home ea the property haa oil boat and a double tarate. If you are looklnt lor atre ata you'll want ta tee thla. Prlee MOO0. call ad BrlatoL area, ph. l-ellt. ... . l-BEDBOOal bomo m the new blah tehool diet. Thle la a sice roomy houaa with s rampat room, t lira? lace a aad a eoeerad patio tor that outdoor oemmtr llrlnt. A waaber, dryer aa aaleeaelle aUkwaeasr ta with thle bouea al enlr lia.TM. till Carl Aradt, re,, ph. 4-1701. ROB'T B. SULLIVAN Realtor MM) PorUand Road Ph. 4-0413 Br. ortlct, Ml If. BKh Ph. 4-H11 .10 NELSON LIVE RENT-FREE Thi. l-bdrm. auburban bomo lo aew ay dacoiatad, tood eood., ready ta occupy. Lie. rm,.. title tar antra bdrm, tor only swot. c.U Ifrt. Woot ten. MAKE OFFER Owner sty. aell fairly new t-bdrm, home with la a. kitchen, utu. rm tar. la feat-irowlnx UcKlnley dlatrlot. Luted M8M, tiooo dwn. Call lire. Woottan. OWNER -BUILT t ROOMS NORTH Wall built I.e. l-bdrm. homo that haa II i II llrlnt rm. plua a tood ataed dlnlnt nn kitchen It x 11. Thle ona-year-old homa 1. on pvd. at. In a tood nelihborhood. The full prlee juat lino. clt A1, w,tu ,.W6,, TRADE Witt trade fairly new 11-unll oloaa In raaldenllal court lor motel, or oth er bualntaa property. Here la a real opportunity CeU Mr. Sohmldl. . 3 BEDROOMS OWNER TRANSFERRED Thla ranch-atrle home la localed ta ' a faat-trowlnt lubnrban n.ltborhood. B.autlful llrlnt rm. (10 s 31) flnlahid ta mahotany. 1 bdrma., s bath rma.. folate., patio wllh fplaca, lorely back yard, ideal for children. Price 111,100. NELSON & NELSON ' SPECIALIZINO REALTORS TOO N. Hllh St. Ph. a-lttl