Friday, April S, 195J Page. 14 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon STEVE BOPER RADIO PROGRAMS Gunf ighter's Return P PASOON ME. STEVE-. THEBES A-UH-LADY ' WAITING TO SEE YOU SATURDAY P. M. lyUULIIUNENWEIN KGW K0IN KEX KSLM KGAE Idas Be. K0C6 (AT nntuhw) ete nbc S7S CBS 1ISS ABO 2r WELL DONT JUST STAND AND STARE IN THE MOVIES, THE If f"4 I REPORTER ALWAYS ASKS THEXTPy ar TD KL V X " TaTa. J I.- ETW LUNCHAESPECIAUy V ! one- . II f -v iiupM sue HAS I - ' US LB, CHAPTER It Rimbaud knew the game. Bt'd ecu It many Ujne la Mexico It vu a favorite event at 6an Juan's Day elearaUoix, wherein roosters were buried in dirt to that only their necks and beads were exposed as targets for wild riding vaqueros who reached down . as they raced past, attempting to grasp the luckless birds.. . . "You don't look so brash bow," juotu aenaea. Rimbaud knew us couldn't evade three ropes. Not for very long. He thought: There'll never be a bet ter chance than now. He waited a moment longer, until Booger . Bill and Red went Into the wagon shed. Then, still clutching the pitchfork, he ran toward his horse, which stood nearby with dangling reins. If he could get Into that addle there'd be a slight chance. Jubal wheeled swiftly to cut him off, dodged back as Rimbaud tabbed at him with the pitchfork, then tired his gun. That first slug, whanging past Rimbaud's shoul der and splintering a board in the corral gate, told Rimbaud how hopeless this deal was. But be kept fan Via wne tvcKMium v mm " reins when Jubal's second bullet sliced a raw furrow across the animal's rump. The roan phuged - past Rimbaud IB squealing urror and narrowly avoided collision with Red Charter who led two addled horses from , the wagon shed. Rimbaud knew be was licked. He knew there wasnt one chance in a hundred to avoid the brutal banquet Hugh Juoai ntenaea k serve him. Yet even now, under standing bow futile further re sistance would be, he backed to the corral fence and stood there grimly clutching the pitchfork. "Smart, ain't youl" Jubal Jeered. "80 goddamn smart you almost got yourself shotl" Rimbaud shrugged. There was only one thing he could do now atWimpt 10 iign& wiem oil unui dark, oal even uu seemea wnouy futile, for then he'd have to dodge bullets Instead of ropes. He watch ed the three of them climb into their saddles and shake out then loops; saw the bright shine of anticipation in Hugh Jubal's eyes. The Roman Four ramrod was en Joying this, Rimbaud realised; it salved Hugh's pride for the beat ing ne a tauten in town. IT'S WCnO I MPUU 'Oatch bim by the neck and make bim squawk, Jubal sug gested happily. Spurring into a run, he shouted, "El Oauol" as the borse swerved away from the thrusuns DKchlorK. Rimbaud narrowly dodged the I00D. He fenced off Shatter's rope with the fork, ducked low as Booser BUI made his try. and stood there waiting while Jubal turned for another run. Three times they galloped past nun, snouung ana casung, ana cursing their failure. Then, as Rimbaud fended off Jubal's fifth cast, he saw Booger Bill ride Into the corral and understood that he would be outflanked here. wantlmr a wall behind nun. Rim baud began a desperate march to ward the cabin. And at this mo ment, as Jubal and Bhafter came roaring at him, he remembered the Winchester. If he could reach that cioarway, this game would be soon overt He was within ten feet of the doorway when a loop swished past nis ears. He euani snow ne was caught until the rope Jolted him back and hs was Jerked down wish an impact that knocked the wind out of him. "JB Gallol" Hugh Jubal shouted tMumDhsntiy. "Bonne him. Heal Dased and gasping for breath, wmoaua got to ms Knees. Jie mea to evade Shatter's grasping hands as the redhead swooped down on him with a ptwmg string be tween his teeth. But Jubal worked the rope expertly, keeping it taut so that the loop pinned Rimbaud's arms. You're a caught rooster." Shatter gloated. He Med Rim baud's hands behind him. ant now, as Jubal and Booger BUI got out of their addles, Red asked, "What's next on one program, Kuril!" ; - - "I guess well have a short in termission for supper," Jubal said. "Then there'll be an evenin' per formance that'll be worth three times the price of admission." Jubal stepped around Rimbaud, who was still on his knees. "Ill help you up," he said mockingly, and knocked nimoaua oown wiui a boot In the back. Dust sot kite Rimbaud s nose and mouth, choking him so that he gagged. He heard Jubal's cackling laughter, and felt a sick enlng sense of helplessness; of knowing he was to be maimed and could do nothing to protect himself. "Now it's my turn," Booger Bill mummed eagerly. But Jubal said, "Not yet. We'd have no freak, for our. evenin' performance once you Went to work on bim. You got no restraint, Bill, no restraint at all." (To Be Continued) . POGO , . ne errs cms t6 kxjnp J OM, THINK US CAN FLY OOP WITH KTrl CNSINBS UWSTWj tNOUtW TOPAY 73 wTART AtleWTATIN, I AWAY-. I UJAPfj HIM I 01THOWU HI H6LPHW WITH J WITH HI PAG6A6S n ORPHAN ANNfE CONftCCf ' ) I I wua,tooKLiK A AUWll. VtA. - I ACOUPLBWeiNKUl J Keep teeth bright Chew Wngley's Spearmint Cum. Chewing kelp hP Wrfit FrssUo last iweotem oreeth. puJsloIpttty, ma " ' ""pwrront 11 -v" fifirffTPv 1 I jJWNQ nu'jT I J ROOM ft BOARD By Ahren 7 JOVE, ROBIN... A FRIEND OF MINE HAS MADE A STUPENDOUS OIL DISCOVER.y....BUT AS OF NOW, THE LOCATION IS ONLY KNOWN TO HIM AND ME.-VE HAVE 70 WORK FAST 10 RAISE MONEY AND GET A LEASE ON THE PROPERTY SO THIS ISA CHANCE TO rWE YOURSELF A MILLIONAIRE. HAVE YOU $2000 IN THE BANK? LOOKPAL-IF : HAD 12000, TO CONSIDER MYSELF , MILLIONAIRE . K0BIN IS I HNVLW TO PAYDAV ACROSS 1. Ladderlike T.Unlt of weight 11 Fleet of war vestals It. Salty 14. Required lVDemonstrstos 10. Lair 17. former President's nickname 19. Salamander 20. Odd 23. Wash 26. Fun 27. Vesel 30. Different ' ones 11 Musical , St. Tiny . 39. Uncooked 37. Serious 31. Restaurant . show . 40. Court pro ceedings tS.Sslf 44. Chart 47. Trade 43. Holding MLArsblan com mandtrs 33. Makes speeches . 34. Ogles M. Iterate . DOWN 1. Bssch cov ering L American Indian iBTv I tjDE e nig e I EjMHTyaiTiliD ES2fll IE i Hps si IBIEIEINU5IEIEINaJTIn Y elutlen ef Vsstsrdsys SUmle 3. Closing word of s prayer 4. Boy 3. Amerlcsn humorist 1 Detecting device It 14 i 14 IS 6-;V.iV ,7 IS V A w " i, jr 15 Sli11" S" if h U' FK WWW w -ifjr-ifr mmwtW EMM 0- -mwitzz HT"" sr "IgjF I L-LaMj".'l.''l'l!.fl . r J i1 T. Wheeled vehicle 8. Solitsry 3. Split 10. Afresh 11. ExaminitloB 13. Pays out IS. Bleat 30. Pronoun 21. Land: Latin n. weo-iooted bird 13. Form of greeting 14. Corroded 23. Article 27. Poke 28. American Indian U.Plxellke fish 31. Swords 33. Negative . 38. Witty person 38. Serve food 3S. Moving mechanical part 40. Brother of Cain 41. Arrived 42. Large plant 44. Silent 45. Region 48. Nuisance 48. Bitter vetch 60. Before tl. Short sleef V-Kii'STtatiOTO ee mcc tonpu- A -J'TUST FILLER SHE'S (VCR TOOK TO- , I VOtTRE A REM. MflH,38KlT I WORE LL qWLfTr1D vdj-A Tj 4 Ya. H MORE. I THINK, THAN 1 f V3 i ANY MflN tVERJjOVH) aC Mm. ANY WXJMAN- J ( THEN WHAT YVoo WOULDNT TH'tVeM HOUSTON l UHDERSTPMO, I:S0: 1:15 NBO Srapbear Bamsarl Imput - 3:M, KalUnaar. Newi T. L. BleCall Veil News lis 3:38 i:4j t:M I8:lil t:3fl 10:48 LIL ABNEB STOP STARIHOKTr-IFVOU THINK VCXJ SEE A OSGLV OLD WITCH, FLOAT1NK ONA BROOM-1 STIOC.VOO CRAIV.' IS OUTATHIS WORLDS 0 1 rv ALICE ISTH'NANIE-NMitTMAMl AUCtv.T AH KIN TEACH VDPUv DOTTER SOME RASSUN'TRICKS THET is CACKlXf-KUafcLrfr NO SENSE HER WEARIN' ) HBRSEtrOtrCTRAININ'jy ) 1 ALL SHE HAS TO DO IS L WHOMP UP A DOLLY OP A HER. OPPONENT LET , SAY IT WAS HIM ' -AN'THEN AH'LL A NOTf-VOO TOO CACItUJ-TEACH I SCIENa-FKTIONf HER HCWTOUSE SyEViANTA ' TH' NIX NEgDiX!.' l NORMAL I Slilw V.GORl..' HOPALONG CASSIDY II 4 It g "hV t u7-l f K u ' ( you do, That cassidy aeems to , abisail vuvea charmep ufe 4 HE ANP THAT CAR-20 HANP ME631JITE ARE PRO! THEIR WAV TO THE ftHER Fro OFFICE TO FILE CHARSE5. 1 PAKE, THEY! 1 1 THEY! J ABI6AIL! TO THE 6HERIFF5 . WH-WHERE I OFFICE, OF COURSE.' MUTT b JEFF "r0H,VES...Y0H,H0WTHRILLW6K0H r uAp J OH, WHAT A s. II ER--I GUESS I JUST XJ POT ON THiT VOG AT THIS SlaT?E A HUMBLE PITVWHVD.D WANTED TO BE CLOSER AFFAIR MAKE 'EM THINK Pf" BEGINNING ' VOO HAVE TO BE TO MOTHER 1 WEVERVtMPORTANTj ER W I WAS BORN SVWs j ?U" ' '7- REX MORGAN, M. D. ; - ' ' fHS PHOJEPX SHSILA'S T ) r MRS.TIKNSS:! WU KNOW" (96INS A WOMAN, JUNE "1 MB AT 1 gHBILA ...WHESB I HAP DINNER I I X 3 . . . WHAT DO YOU THINK UrTTA 3LA'5J(mO T LAtT BveNINS.' - 1 - rpS DONALD DUCK HALL TREES f . t HAVE. TWO ' I'LL. TAKE EM BOTH" m MP MART WORTH 1P1UUNUHVLKT rVrioTTlRt50Mt .ASSKNMENl ruivmv nuuKiLiDDrii'nrvt rnn iai idi ai if urrr ADC tM ruMkl.t .f'AWUIaJA .rwR AU"JWU3' Ut ( rti jvu kv'iiui"uivnii-v PAPPY 1 to nu uru i r rAinnivr - COMIC57 (OH, one fob the front) S I HALL. ANO 1 ONE FOR f IMWfWio THE SACK? !GATei? (-1 Y X VWSRNEP VOU g IT wouLON'ry IS ) Phu Uittalns aim rua raeia rwtlaaS Hnla Mule Mailc Daka Vainr. GIm Claa Aalhor I rak. Affairs Maltaraaa, P.rl. Halls NBO Srmaaanr KlikSaal rarai rasls Vaar Seheel AaS CerrasanS. HUrwS Oats Paris Star Tims ra Wsa aior Wcsttra Thcsltr GraaS Ola Opera 'Eddie Arasld iEddlt AraaliS Tex Wllliamri Western Jsmborse Bapar VUr Kanea News Sports Flaal panes Oreb. Dance Oreb. Danes Oreh. Cltr Caanell Cllr Coancll Cltr Coanell lrSQ glm Off S. Crall BaadiUat airkkaas Klrkhaai US Air rarea BsaS it's Fretsnd Lei's Pretend News UN Beeerd Kid Crllles Qassl Star Selenea Oar Team fit Behaal Tasar What's New Heats Nsws CIO and TerlCarler Shew Nst r Nan Dansr XhsaSABC Newe Frank Hasle UaU Tarsaw Tarsaa Gansaiske Qanemeke Vaaskn afearea News Sat. Nlibl BUI Dawns Orebeelra Gena Aatry Gens Aatrr Gansbaslars Gansbaslers S. Crele She Bob eraser Sst. Final Look Ahsal Desert Inn Oreheitra Orsan Orcan jTreae. Bandetaal Silent afst. Opam Met. Opera Met. Opera Mel. Opera Mot. Opera Met. Opera Star Time Ga Te Tewn Has MeGalra ptl Kansk, 0O7B Sports Edltar Heme Editor Oeod Llstaalai Inter Seal Iverlelr . The Advantarar D,ana Banser Lone Banser uaerllaae Heriiate panelna Fartr Old World Dances Final Idlt. Danea Tina Dance Tina Dance Tine Danea Time Danaa Tina Dance Tine Dance Tina Dance Tina Matte Mails Polka Tlate Palka Tina Waller Fresleai ISke- Shoe Show Shop pass. Been Jin Daaa new . Jin Daaa Shaw Mule Henlntwav Little Show Little Show Utile Show Utile Show Hawaii Call! Bewail Colli western Bamblers Mails Lfls and Wsaleraars Mane Celine Choir Lenearde Land USA Niwi ICerler Shew Nowa Maiie ' Movie Qels MoTla dali Tree er False Dance Party Dance Party Danea Party Danea Party loaen Hease Serenade I Serenade Neon Nowa Isorenade Jin Dandy Shew Jin Daadr anew Little Little Little Initio Show Shew Show iLlllle Shew Utile Show Utile Show pun OH Newe Sltlaaa Striae. Mul. Satarday ' MeuTL atarday ' nallaee ' Maj. LaatM Mai. I-.:" Leatn 'Hky News WUlanelts-Bal. Mails "ayy Bead planir Mule ' iNlwi Maila seeUer el-Week Maile Sports lasit. Mails Hut Danea Puly Daaeo p,, "aaca Perly Daaeo rUr "aaea Party Daaea Pirty paneo PiHr ns Mec.t BOW Is 1.1. S a.n. la Is p. a. KEX Pl.t. s te s la Don't, fret ever a down paymtnt. We take most anything en a trade for a beautiful - Set. See V First for the Fineit! TRADER LOUIE TV 1870 Lans Ave. ' '' Phone 38558 Open Monday and Friday Eveniofs : SUNDAY ?:03 Chareh In Chnrob ef Concert Hall ;1S Home' Air Concert Hall .! 7:30 Made for Ohareb ef Gacst Stcry Melody 1:43 Snnday Air Hera's te Vet Joarnor 3fM News Boem Sail Lake Newe Flnt Baptllt Gaipel ef Geo. Wrlibt i.5 Maile for Tabernacle Beieareh Flnt Baptllt Christ News 8:30 Sender InellallsB teLlaht Ufa Bach te God T. Powell Central -3:45 Maele Meods Lcarnlne Llyht Ufa Back te Gad Cbtlitlan Lalkiria 00 News Eaatar Uncle Bob Bible Claaa T. Boberta Bible ;15 Badla Palelt Sanrlia Top e Mora. Bible Claaa T. Babarte Oraaa Left :S Glenn Bbelly H. K. Snltb Heisasa ef Voles ef Wains Clab Ato Maria AS Glenn Shelly Haws Israel Prepheay Waffle Clab Hern -.-a Bridal I Hr. St, Fran. Net re CeL "ewe Penleseostal Prea. Serein J;,; Shower Daly. Eieleri Choir Vear Bane Penteaeeetal Sacred Beul l.-tn Proadly Hell Jewlib Faith Natianal Latberan Waffle Crab Pres. Smfce 10 :4s Proadly Hall Medal Honei Vespers Beer Waffle Clab Benenaer !, ... Art LlTlec Synphanstte Parade ef Frank-Brnatt Calearr lit Bapllri i:T?Nwi Synpbanotte Hits Mai'e Baptllt lit BipUel lien Eternal New York Parade el rl"' . Calvary lit Bapllil ijijj Lliht Phllharnenli Bite Methedltt Baptist lit Beitlit ieTAS Critic at Lac New Tork News N. W. Nsws Sanday Nsws tt'il U Never No Phllharnanle Gard. Talka Canaries Ssrenade Merer Emat te:i(B. CemleineNew Xork chrlellana Mails Sanday ' Carlala Fib 13:45 Elate Boper Phllharnonle In Action Meilc Serennde Cartela Fibi Newi ' Nowa Beylyal Heat u"ln' Sanday Salin ' K Gay M'a Pleasare Reeleal Hoar Serenade Ateada M I Meredith . Godfrey's Beylyal Hear Cwde Beatty g.adey . Maele . 45 Wllion Sunday Hear Beylyal Hoar Clyde Beatty serenade Maile j !.u GI Joe Godfrey'a Voice of Jhe Shadow sanday Mai. Loam .ft GI Joe . Sanday Hear Prepheay The Shade Serenade Mai. Usnc :in Mind Hrd. Story Greetett Tree ' Snnday , M.J. Leim 1145 Mannara Newt Story Polocllee serenade Mil. Leim m Hy Gardner Star Theater Billy Nlek Carter Veath Hoar Maj. Leant '15 Meet Veep Show Orahan Nlek Carter Voath Hear Maj. Lesm 10 Challenaa of Wakely Herald ef Official Beeerd Been Maj. Lome flJS Prisons -Show Tmth Detection Beeerd Beew Maj. Learn 400 Challenao er Seek Bonny Chareh In ITbe Falcen IBeearS KeeraMaJ. Loam 4:15 Prlisns Jack Bonay Hone Tho Falcon Record Been Maj. Leasee 4.0,0 Aldrieh - Anos Andi Groat Freed N.W. Artlits accord Been Maele 4I45 Fanlly Anas a And) Sanday Edit. N.W. Artliti Beeerd Been Maiie 'S4 Voatb Wants Bergen nnd Top Gny News Beeerd Boca News 15 te Know McCarthy Top Gay Cannlnifcan Beeerd Beea ON Slery 30 Theater DBS Newt Ancrlean u Never Kno Beeerd Been Malic for :4S GaUd CBS Newe Maele Han Bible Hear Bocord Bean Anerlea ifi Theater "Badla HaU Winehell Ceneert Beeerd Been Warwick :15 Galld ef Fame JlnnyFldJer Maile Reeord Boon Warwlek :30 Teath Views Geeet Stars TaylarGrant Ceaeort Beeerd BeoaiNewB :45 The News Maslc Man In Salen Maele Sltn Off St. Fraaels -H Dranet Pertland Panl Harvey Maile Maile 111 Drtrnet Synphsny By read Never Knew Meila :3I Phil Harrla. Whlatler Intereallege W. Norblad Honor Meitl :45 Allee Fare Whletler Foran TV Clinic Nafl Caard I'M Starlliht Oar Mlas Man. News tS Oaestlsns Predaly Bill :13 Starlliht Braoka Drew Peareen tt Qeoetloni Proadly Bil :' Synphoay Utile Chat Hanlly Maen Gard Dan Stewart :4i Hear Martla Mails Han t and Sams Don Stewart !S Synphoay Barton and Careera News Dsn Stewart :ll Hoar McCarthy 8ae. Heart Land We Levi Don Stewert 3:30 Janier eek Beany Portland HI. Edit. Speak. V Never Ne 3:41 Synphony Jack Bonay Tina News Health Ceea. iO'OO B. Beparter S Star Flaal Final S4lt- Peace In Ave Maria 0:13 Slery Teller Maele rallk Tinea the Valley Ave Maria 0:33 Cathelle Steer! Crals 1. Cache Chareh ef Beverle 0:4 Hear Bdy. My Beet Ceaeert Hr. Air Beverle it.aafNewa JBdy. My Beat Ceneert HenlCoaeert Slrn Off 1 lea City Ceaaell Mnsls Concert HonlCeneert ll'Sok'r Caanell fTrcaaarp Ceneert oeiCeaoort , ' Icity Coenclll Bead Ceneert Ben Ceaeert MONDAY I A.M. T0 11:43 A.M. .(0 Moils Tine Nsws Fern Hear News Breakfast Wnlera .'u Mails Tine BFD Ore. Fern Bear Tlnakeepet Neek Weclora an Maele Tine Kleek Fern Hoar Newe Breakfast Fern Mees v';45 Fam Tina Black Earn Hr. Newi Nook Newe Tie Ceantry Ed. Kleck let Edlllaa Rarnany Hn Braakfaal Medllsllesi , J. h. WIUs Newa Asreneky BrkfetGaas Neek KOCO Ileer 1-30 News Nsws ' Osrred Brkfst Gaat Broakfart KOCO Sleek 1:41 Mannlnr B Babbrl Haten West. Mnsls Neek KOCO Klsek 3:00 Old Bents Newe Brkfel Clab Cecil Brawn Jin Dandy KOCO Sle'k !:15 Old Seats News Brkfet Clab Fanlly Altar J'n Dandy KOCO Kleek :30 Hails Baa Grand Stan Brkfst Clab Bible Jin Dandy KOCO Kleck - :43 Mnsls Boa Boeenary Brkfit Clab Bible Jin Dandy News . 3:30 Maile Bex W. Warren t a.n. Ed. NW Nawa Smyth Mails !: 15 Mails Boa Aeat Jenny stars Teday Cap. Can. Mr- Snyth line Tins :30 Maile Bea Helen Trent Break Bank Palter Calls Hr- Snyth ;45 V. Llndlahr Oal Saaday Break Bank Bar. Ooanlu Mr. Snyth Petty Lee . 10:00 Hostess Has. Read Ufa Dan Gardaei News Back Fence Bare 10:15 Heelcto Hee. Ma Perklas C. Rentier Telle Teat Serenade Bccerds 10:30 Strike Blch Dr. Malene Tree Story aaewer Man Back Fence Ban 13:4.1 Strike Blch Oalde Ulht Tree Story Maile Serenade Bceerdl 11:00 Doable er at re. Barten Whlepertat Udlea Fait Back Fence Bare 11:15 Nelhlai Perry Mam Girl Marries Ladtoe Fair Serenade Rcesrda 11:30 Bob a Rap Nerah Drake V. Uadlahr On. far Day teak Pea to Bey 11:48 Bab Hape Brtthlee Day Baraap Keep On. fee Bay Serenade Boeerts RUN ALONG ANO OONT BOTHER MLl ? AV MY HUNCH WA5 IV1PO1V6.'. . THOU6XT 7 AVV POLKl CASE INVOLVING A AV0WE5TEW T C UNIVERSITY WOULD BE WRITTEN UP IN Harney Farmers Face Wafer, Shortage Burns 1.B Farmers of the Harney basin may . expect water supplies for the next six months to be from poor to a little below normal, depend ing upon which drainage they are served by, according to a forecast given them here yes terday. The flow for the Silvies s,nd Donner und Blitzen rivers and Trout creek is forecast to be below normal for the April September period, according to W. T. Frost, Medford, Ore., snow survey leader, and Don Kuehl, Portland river fore caster, who conducted the our- ,vey. Bank Robber's Brother Held Portland W Jack Allen Bi shop, 22, younger brother of Bank Robber Joe Berry Bishop, is being held here on a couple of bank robbery charges of his own with bond set at $15,000. Arrested at Eugene Monday, Bishop is accused of attempt ing to rob a bank at San Bruno, Calif., March 26, and at Min den, Nev., March 28. Each bank reported the attempt unsuc cessful. The elder Bishop is serving time in a federal prison for his part in the robbery of banks at Sweet Home and Oakland. Ore., several years ago. That time the robbere got some mo ney, but were caught later.