Friday, April 8, l5j Paga 12 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Orerra 2 l -A 1 (,&..-- . or 1 r . m. . , ' v V V , Lcnqf h of 6th Round in Ez-Lovnc Bout Layne Downed Former heavyweight klnrpin Emrd Charles hover over Bex Layne after droDDinr the Lewlston. Utah, flchter In (he seventh round of their ten round flchth at San Francisco.. Layne cot to his feet Immediately but was forced to take the automatic count of eight before tHe fight resumed. Charles pounded out a unanimous decision over his opponent. (AP Wire photo) .' - " ' ' " "' T Detroit Dam Recreation Area to Open April 18 Coincidental with the open ing of the fishing season Sat urday, April IS, the Portland district, corps of engineers, has announced that the recreation area formed by Detroit dam on the North Santiam river will be open to boating enthu siasts and other sportsmen on the same day. H. W. Rutherford, Detroit dam project engineer, has stat ed that the Camp Mongold road will be available for use as a small boat launching ramp and Ihere will be considerable parkins: area witHln a few hundred feet of the water's edge. The old Oregon state high way No. 222 Into the old town of Detroit will also be avail able If the reservoir is filled to elevation 1,460 feet above mean sea level, Rutherford said. He added that he felt quite certain this elevation will be reached by April 18. If the water level Is low er than 1,460 feet, the old highway will not make a suitable ramp " because launching could not be ac complished directly from the highway. - Rutherford ' cautioned visi tors not to get off on dirt roads in the Detroit dam area and go to the river bank , to launch their craft. Launch ing from the river bank at the SCORES In the Alleys old town of Detroit Is extreme' ly dangerous because there is a sheer drop of 25 feet, he said. . v . . .. i ; Army engineers are not guaranteeing any fishing re sults in the lake behind De troit dam. The Leaburg hatchery, however, will soon be in operation and will pro vide, at the expense of the 'entire Wilamette river basin project, a sufficient supply of trout with which to stock the lake. V Persons intending to use the lake for recreational purposes should take care that, their cars and boat trailers do not block the ramps, Rutherford said. , ;. . Everyone should : obey the following rules,, he added: : 1. Stay above and off the drift boom directly upstream from Detroit dam. t. Watch out for stumps when you approach shore because big trees were cut off five feet above the ground, . Watch out for drift In the reservoir which Is pres ent in large amounts 4. Require each occupant of your boat to wear life vest. : University Alleys COMMERCIAL MO. 1 Walramette ( Bound 4M, Fiui T, WlUUma BH Roberta Ml, Brows 4TJ. V. F. W. () Valleau 441, JPourt- wtr 435, Bannlater 495, atmonl 437, Wod wodi at. Natal Air ratlilir 1 Kunehw Ml. Wateteln 118. Holmin 414. 14. eUadler 41). Ctrl Maha Mo- Oalllltar 471, Malm 441, Kepplnier 4W, Ulnm 1M, Werner 4W. rualUt Bleak U Pmch 407. Or- kail M4, Oaaa 450, Rclllni 432, C. Cue 440. Baaaaaea ( Miller 118, Moore 4M, llorrla 4t, Oils 494, o. MorrU U. Seles Marc r-atrol II) Oltaaora 400. Donnj 406. Black 444, Barnet 444, Klt ahen ill. WlUemelte Bank (1) Bet strom in, Mopp II, UerraU 441, Ai tkin 444, William 440, Kar waalan huh fi) Peterson son, Kar 413, Jotmion JM, BuUlvan 4. Held 197, eUnale OH (t) Dlerks 4U, Ireland 111, Mull 111, Wllbart tsO, Mill ar 48. Weitara rapar (I) Kutblar 170, An areeen Ml, Kuebler 411, Morrle 141, Paarl 191. Salem Ira Wee. ft) Cordler 414, Hartman 444, Oibeon 414, Obtrman KM, Prtoe 694, Hub team I em a Wall amotU, 1040. Hllh team aerlea WeleemotU and Weatern Papar Co., MM. Hub lnd. aerlee And lama Bo. Paarl, SM and m. Jim Thorpe to Be Buried in Home State Shawnee. Okla.. VP) Jim Thorpe, the greatest athlete of them all, will be laid to rest in nu native melanoma and a shrine is planned in his honor to rival the Will Rogers Me morial in Claremore. tsnawnee civic leaders an nounced the Indian athlete's widow, Patricia, had consented to his burial here near the place of his birth. His body will be returned for additional rites Thursday following a funeral in Loa Angeles Monday. Thorpe, voted the athlete of the half-century in an Associ ated P,ress poll, died Saturday in his Lomita, Calif., home at the age of 64. Since then ad mirers in California; Carlisle, ra., scene 01 nis famous college athletic exploits; and at Ana darko, often called the Indian capital of the nation, had sought his remains. San Francisco AMD The eonfasloB over the time-keep tag, knockdowns and disputed eountinc in the Kssard Charles- Bex Layne heavyweight fight had enother aspect today as the length of the sixth round was questioned. , r : ' 1 Yesterday, Layne'i manager, Marv . Jensen, said the round was. 45 seconds too long, while Charles, the winner by unanl mous decision - offered tne opinion- that the canto ended 20 seconds too soon.' Referee Frankle Carter admitted that he tried to stop TIDE TABLE rilee fat Taft, Oreaea April, IPM (OeeeeUea kr C S. Caaal and Qaadatla perrer, raraana, wn t APT0 s ts IS Hlik Watara Tlma Ileliht 1:91 am. 1.4 1:40 p.m. 1:11 a.m. 4:41 p.m. 1:14 a.m. 1:80 p.m. 4:11 a.m. 7:01 p.m. . 1:14 a.m. 1:01 p.m. 1:45 a.m. 1:50 p.m. 1:06 a.m. 1:3 J pjn. :17 a.m. 10:10 p.m. 10:n a.m. 10:47 P.m, 11:91 a.m. 11:14 P.m. 11:17 p.m. 4.1 1.1 51 7.1 51 Xmw Waun Tlma Halibt 1:09 a m.. -0.1 1:15 p.m. 1.1 ' : a.m. -0.1 :07 p.m. 1.0 10:51 a.m. 10:07 p.m. 11:01 p.m. 11:10 p.m. 1:01 p.m. 1:04 a.m. 1:08 p.m. 1:14 a.m. 1:01 p.m, 1:90 a.m. 1:50 p.m. 4:95 a.m. 4:50 p.m. 1:17 a.m. 1:18 p.m, :M a.m. 8:58 p.m. :5I a.m. 1:11 p.m. 14 llttl a.m. 7.1 1:11 p.m, 6 4 NCAA Finally Decides on Scoring Stax New York (U.(DThe NCAA reshuffled its 1992-53 college basketball scoring records to. day in the light, of the new "antl-Bevo Francis" rule, but Frank Selvy of Furman Col lege still emerged as the indi vidual! scoring champion. Selvy's per game scoring av erage of 29.S points per game, which was not altered at all by the new rule, thus wiped out the old record of 29.2 points per game set in 1951 by Bill Mlkvy of Temple. Mlkvy's to tal also was unchanged. All the NCAA scoring records for the season, had to be re- sifted because of a ruling pass ed by the National Basketball Coaches association last month that only points scored against lour-year, degree-granting col leges should b counted. That rule obviously was aimed at the scoring feats dur ing the past season by Clarence (Bevo) Francis of little Rio Grande College of Ohio, who racked up 80.1 points per game. Francis played mostly against junior colleges, vocational schools, and service teams. However, since the new rule applied to all scoring marks, the NCAA had to completely reprocess all figures for the season.' The re-shuffle, now complet ed, established that seven new scoring records were set during the past season. Including the new average score by Selvy, a six-foot, four inch junior. Of the other six records, two were set by Johnny O'Brien of Seattle, two by Walt Dukes of Seton Hall, and one each by Ed Conlhl of Fordham and Ver non Stokes of St. Francis of Brooklyn. Bill Dudley Coming Back To Pro Grid Washington. VP) The Wash ington Redskins announced Tuesday that Bill Dudley is coming back Into the pro foot ball league as a coach and possibly as a player. Dudley a member of the 1941 Associated Press All-American team while . playing for Vir ginia, went on to be a standout pro for eight years. He drop ped out last year, and took a Job as assistant coach at Yale. With the Redskins, Dudley will coach the backfteld. He's taking a Job held previously by Sam Baugh. New Semi-Pro Loop Formed Lakeview, Ore. VP) A new semi-pro baseball league, to be known as the O&C Border league, will be in operation this summer with teams from Lakeview, Klamath Falls, Burns and Alturas, Calif. Sponsors hope to arrange a playoff with the Central Ore gon league champion. That league has teams from Prlne vllle, Madras, Bend, Redmond and Mitchell. the round too soon, but only out of eonfusloa la sirnals from the timekeeper. After the fight, Chariea caid that Carter "Is good referee." Other developments in the situation included: Tom Tannas, Charles man ager and Jensen agreed that there was supposed to be an eight count after every knock down. Charles claimed there was not supposed, to be an eight count. Joe Phillips, . of . the State Athletic Commission, said there is no eight count requir ed in main event bouts in Cal ifornia, but it Is mandatory for preliminary matches. - The time-keeper, Emmet Stevenson,' claimed that the sixth round was exactly the correct distance. The State Athletic Commls- clon said it "didn't know" why the time keeper used the buz zer to end the rounds for the first couple of rounds and then switched to a bell. In nearly all California fights, the bell is used.-. Al Sandell, of the commis sion, attempted to ' clear up some of the sixth round con fusion and said "in California, the law calls for the referee to start counting, even if a fighter is on his feet,' if he has been railing against the ropes. Some Chukur Partridge Survived Winter Scattered reports from vari ous game commission agents around the state indicate that at least a part of the 10,000 chukar partridge released last summer have survived the winter. ; During March, birds have been seen in three areas along the Deschutes: - Two groups were observed along the tops of the canyon and one group in a side canyon very near the place where some releases were made. Other birds were sighted along the north fork of the' John Day river in the game commission's big game winter range. Additional chukars have been reported In the Owyhee canyon and in War ner valley. The commission hopes to re lease another 10,000 birds this year. A portion of these birds will be released in the same areas as last year and the re mainder will go to new areas in an attempt to start addition al colonies of chukars in Ore gon. The new areas will be selected in the eastern part of the state where conditions are most suited for the survival of the species. Linfield Wins Two Ashland VP) Linfield swept double header from South-. em Oregon College ol Edu cation on the baseball field here Thursday with Catcher Chuck Bafaro of the. winners getting seven hits in ten times at bat. The scores were 5-4 and 15-4. Baseball Clan Mourns Ike's Choice for Golf Washington UJ1 Tha base ball clan went into something akin to mourning her today over President Eisenhower's decision to duck the season's opener to play golf. From youngsters trying out for sandlot teams to sports writers on the town's major newspapers the feeling of dis appointment was the same. For a conference on the cold war. it might have been all right. But to play golf? For baseball fans that was hard to take. ' . Mr. Eisenhower broke the sad tidings to President Clark Griffith of the Washington Senators yesterday. He said be could not make the opener with the New York Yankees here April 18. ' . The' reason: He was leaving for "a little vacation" the same day, a week of golfing in Augusta, Ga. It will mark the first time a president has not thrown the initial pitch on opening day since 1945 when former Presi dent Truman skipped the cere- many. Mr. Eisenhower promised to send in a good substitute, Vice President Richard M. Nixon. The former senator is report ed busy taking the creaks out of his arm for the big toss. Oregon Defeats Lewis-Clark, 7-0 Eugene VP) Oregon made its home baseball opener a success Thursday, defeating Lewi V Clark College, 7-0. Catcher Earl Averill drove out a second-inning home run for the winners. Lawls ck Clark .... 000 000 0000 S 0 Oreton 010 001 50 7 11 0 Brda. Bonando (II. Robartion id). Mien (7) and Swain, Bonner (I): Bod ett, Hula (8), and ArerUl, Merlattl (I), Brock, Sutton to Captain Beavers Corvallis VP) Merv Brock, sprinter, and Ralph Sutton. a javelin thrower, are co-cap tains of the Oregon State col lege track squad. Their elec- Browns Sign Cougar Cleveland m The Cleve land Brownt. Friday announc ed the signing of their sixth draft choice, Don Stelnbrun ner, an offensive end and line backer for Washington State last. year. He weighs 225 pounds and stands 6-3. Every member of the LaSalle College basketball team comes from Philadelphia, Pa., where the school is located. FAN FARE yWok-Ditw, LEGALS Notice la herebr rlren that J. Frank lin Willlami kaa been appointed br or der of toe Circuit Court ox Marlon Oountr admlntitrattor of tha aetata of lona Bepp, formerlr Xona Wtuxer. de ceased. Arty pereona harlni elatani agalnit laid aetata are raouasted to present them with proper rouehara to aald adminlatrattor within alx montha from tha data of thli notice at 1907 Pubud Barrio BuUdtnc, Portland. Ore-ion. Data of flrit publication: March J7. 1983. J, Franklin Willlami, Admtntitra tor of tha Batata of lona Happ, formerly lona Manor. Daoaaied. William H. Boland Attorney at Law . . 1907 Public Berrlca Bid!. Portland, Onion March 17, Apru 1, If, 17, 14. lrU never used such PrCO-tO'lOCO.vof cowrie I CAPITOL LUMBER CO. PHONE 3-8862 1 IFPi iiaspjajsjsjsfsjixjfjj Casey Isn't Worried About Age of Yankee Baseballers By LEO H. PETERSEN St Petersburg, Fla. (U.R Old Casey Stengel, shooting for an unprecedented fifth consecutive American League pennant, is sneering at the experts who wonder whether father time is catching up with some of the key Yankee players. At least outwardly, Casey is n't worried and that's probably bad news for the other seven clubs in the league. "I haven't seen any signs of old age on this team of mine, for if I detected any, I would have made some changes," Stengel explained. ' Stengel figures he has the best defensive team in the league, the greatest pitching depth "and enough power at the plate" to do the job. So far as age is concerned, the question marks are short stop Phil Rizzuto and the big three of his pitching staff, Al Ile Reynolds, Vic Raschi and Ed Lopat. Reynolds is 35, the other three 34. Rizzuto has been tak ing it easy this 'spring because of an ulcer condition which he believes was corrected during the winter. Lopat, bothered by a sore shoulder last season, also has been pacing himself carefully. "Don't worry, they'll all be ready on April 13," Stengel promised. The chances are that Stengel will not go in for as much two plattooning this season. His in- CAR & TRUCK RENTALS 394 North Church Phone 3-9600 field is set with Joe Collins at first, Billy Martin at second, Rizzuto at short and Gil Mc Dougald at third with big John ny Mize and either Jime Brlde weser or Andy Carey winning the utility role. Gene Woodling in left, Mick ey Mantle in center and Hank I Bauer in right give tne. Yan kees a good-hitting and fine de fensive outfield. Irv Noren will be tha No. 1 utility pasture man with rookie Bob Cerv like ly to win the other reserve Spot. .. . ,'. 'V " .. Yogi Berra, the best all around catcher In the league, if not In all baseball, will be back to do most of the catch ing with Charles Silvers and Ralph Houk back of him. In 1952, Reynolds, Raschi and Lopat won 48 games among them, Reynolds leading the way with 20. F or his fourth starter, Stengel has Whitey Ford, who came up in the stretch in 1850 and won 10 vl. ' tal games for the Yankee while losing but one. Then ha went into service for two yeart, Johnny Sain and Jim Mc Donald are in line for starting roles, too. Both have been im pressive. Back of them sr Ewell Blackwell, Tom Gorman, Ray Scarborough and Bob Ku zava. ' ' SCHAEFER'S RECTAL OINTMENT 75c urn ' (With Applicator) 24 Why suffer the discomfort of irritating and itching of piles? Sold Only at SCHAEFER'S DRUGSTORE Open Daily, 1:80 a-m. . bjl Sundays, 9 ajn. - 4 pjn. 135 N. Commercial Bean Acreage Wanted ; On String less Pole ' ' Better prices warrant planning, for a good return this year. For cora . plete information and our help in setting up a yard, contact us at once ... Write or phone. - Hudson House, Inc. (Dundee Oregon) R. A. Howell ' Field Dept. Home Phone Sherwood 434S Office Newberg 64 this NowatSTANBAKERMOTORS lodge c: Coronet V-Eight Door Sedan 1 Jl & 52? . month YOURS for as $ little as Come in tomorrow- for a better deal all ways LISTEN FO "HOMETOWN NEWS," 8:55 P.M., MON. THRU FRIDAY KSLM stan mm MOTORS (hemekela and High SALEM Phone:2-2468 Phone 4-1451 W