Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, April 03, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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f 4- . . W
i cat
A7nGirsin)Q(oini Clu .rivl GaS
Catcher Reports, Too;
.1 r '
idem Downs Pocatello
Calistoga, ' Calif. (Special
the Capital Journal) Hen
r K. Witheripoon, jumbo-als-
colored outfielder, cheek
I in at the Salem Senators
tint , training headquarters
m Thunday night
The whereabout! of With
spoon had been a question
ark around the Solon camp
r several day. Witherapoon
it his home In Florida sev
ral.days.ago and had not
ten heard from until latt
sight. The 220-pound slug
r said upon arriving that
e had been delayed by a foul
up In plane reservations cn
goute. , ..'
k Salem manager Hugh
Luby said that' Witherapoon
Is slightly overweight, but .
that a little running under
this hot Napa valley sun
, would soon take off the ex-
Seventh Graders
Head West Salem
Jo Relay Victory
, I: Thanks to the 1th grad
1 en, West Salem junior high
j school's track team scored
"a 16-9 victory over Parrish
!.,ln the opening relay meet
pt the Salem junior high tea
son Thursday , so . the West
Salem oval. -
J The seventh graders won
four out of five events from
' , the Parrish seventh graders.
Parrish won the eighth grade
; competition, 4-S, and the
' ninth graders split 1-3. -v
West Salem goes to Leslie
t junior high school for an-
other relay meet next Thurs
. day."J . -'..A.'
3 Sweet Home
Track Stars to
Enter Relays
& Home Warriors are working
hard to get into shape for the
Willamette relays In Salem Sat-'
urday. Coach Eston Way has
r listed Phil Sturholm, Melvln
f Prokens and Bruce Banke as
! the men to make the trio.
j The huikie thlnclads, 45 of
them, have been working out
dally on what has to do for a
trsck here. Plans are being
! made for an oval In the west
o hd of the athletic field. A 100
J yard straightaway will be form
'i d along with the jump pits
"', which have been dug already.
' Twenty new hurdles hsve been
'purchased lately. ' .
'( Returning lettermen to the
, cinderdiggers are Don Kart
fSwold, senior, and Phil Stun
iholm and Pete Musgravs, Jun-
, ; tori. '
I Athletic Director G. B. Frost
has said that two dual meets
ihave been scheduled with Leb
ianon for April 24 and May 1,
j and a three-way meet with Cas
cade Union and Lebanon is on
. . the slate for April 17, while
the Hayward relays are the
I next day. Meets are being
made up with Corvallis and
Widgets Race at Portland
Easter Sunday will initiate a
hew year for the mighty raid
gets, when the whizxers take
off at Fat Vidan's green flag at
the Portland Speedway. Two
groups will find a method of
battle when the two main
events will be held.
(. Powerful from the word go,
the Offensausers will feature
speed end driving skill as they
traverse the half mile oval.
Former Champion, Shorty
Templeman will be on hand
for the days events. Temple
man will handle a champion
car, the Bardahl Special,
Mel McGaughy, Lew Flor
ence, Dell Fanning, Smokey
Blake, Ken Peterson, Bob
Gregg head a long list" of
drivers that will be out to
uncrown the hard driving
champion, Don Olds, Wsde
Althuser, and the Oregon
' Champion Gordy Toung
atrom will be at the green
flag for th start of the 1951
Speedway grind.
Two top drivers have switch
ed cars over the slack winter
months. Gordy Livingston, has
FRIDAY, April t
Hub t'hoel baiiballi Lebanon at Saltm, Ollniar Held. 1. 11; Berth Marlon at
Oiweao. . . e
WllUnrlla nlm, MeColloth il.Jl.ra, 1-S.idB p.m.
Celine baballi Oca atOreaon estate JTUon, lp.m,
n"h 'kaoimknrH "ay aiMt between Sheridan, WUlanlna and Central,
at Willamlna. . a a
TUESDAY, April 7 bateballi OSC Willamette at Buah'e paatura. I a.m.
ni.h HbTel baaeball: saltm at Sweet Hone. Solo at Mill City (nlfhtl.
Junior bl,b irbaal ba.rball! Wait Salem at Utile.
BKb Mbeal trark: Albany at Salem. ,
Preituienal wreiillnd Saleo armory, eard tttrti at I M p a.
' " . -i- ,1
cess poundage, WHherspooa
will probably not play in
the exhibition game with
Victoria at Sonoma, Calif.,
Connie Perez, who was vot
ed the most popular player by
Senator fana last season, is
still in Cuba attempting to
straighten out his passport
Luby plans o go to San Fran
cisco today to cheek with im
migration officials about hur
rying up Perez' pass. .
' Salem got a badly-needed
catcher yesterday when
Don Masterson came to the
Senators . on option from
San Antonio of the Texas
league, Mattterseh stepped
right Into an exhibition
game against Poeatello, and
came ' through with flying
colon as he singled homo
Laby with the winning ran
in the tenth inning.
. Dick Stromback, Jim Mc
Gee and Larry . Borat shared
pitching duties ' for Salem.
Borst, the third ' pitcher; got
credit for the victory. He is
not signed to a Salem contract.
He is merely here on a tryout.
His home is in Forest Grove,
Ore. . -f: .-, -
: Don Taylor, recently-acquired
Salem .outfielder,
hammered out, a home run
In the fourth Inning with the
bases empty.
With. . Masterson , and . Bob
Nelson set to do the catching
for Salem in the 1953 season,
Luby has dismissed Dave Abel
from training camp. Abel, a
young Canadian trying - out
with the elulf, planned to go
home intmediately, and will
probably play semi-pro ball.
Junior College
Aces Enroll
At U of Oregon
Xugene nMB University of
Oregon's athletic hopes were
boosted today with the regis
tration of a group of promising
junior college and high school
athletes. -. r';;n
They Include - 10 football
players and a basketball play'
er. The 'hoopster is Id Kee-
gan, a transfer from North
Idaho Junior college.
The football players include
Guard Keith Tucker, Fresno,
JC; End, Don Granberg, Ever'
ett, JC (Wash.); Guard Tim
Flaherty, Muir, JC; Halfback
Walt Gaffney and Stan Dmo
chowsky, Ssn Bernardino JC;
End Morris Adams and Half
back Don TruKt, from Bell
high la Los Angeles; Guard
Lei Wolfe and Tackle Charles
Clark from Fremont high m
Loa Angelas, and Nick Marx
culls, an end from San Pedro
Gaffney and Dmochowsky
also play baseball. V
Ltaguc Meeting Slated
Longvlew, Wash. . The
Oregon-Washington : Baseball
league will meet here "April 7
to layout plans for this season,
it was reported today. The
league is composed of ama
teur teams in southwest Wash
ington and northwest Oregon.
Easier Sunday
changed from an Otfie to the
Ford engine, and It must be.
hot for Livingston to make
the switch. Frankie McGowan
has traded his Of fie for a hot
Ford, and some difference in
money. Word has it that the
Salemite is expecting lots of
power from the new machine.
He will be gunning for the top
money in the initial oval run
ning for the midgets.
Wild Bill Hyde, another
top name in racing over the
Pacific Northweat will be in
a good Ford. Carl Herr, Pal
mer Crowell, "Pogo" Lund
quilt, Bill and Doug Berry,
Dick Deahl, and Hank Lang
xon will be gunning for top
honors. Racing officials an
nounced that the public Is in
vited to watch the warmups
the day before the big Easter
Sanday Midget go. No admis
sion Is asked for Saturday at
the Speedway. Reserve seats
will be en Sale Saturday at
the Portland Speedway, and
phone reservations will be
accepted. The Portland num
ber Is TWln oaks 9393.
Gigantic Relays Satu
t ? Salem, Oregon, Friday, April , 195SPg 11 ' - '
If Hlflh I hniTinC mUh Grays, champions of
Jl. Illy II VllUllipi y,, galem City junior high school
basketball league, pose for a post-season picture. Front
row, from left, manager Clive Miller, Lee Weaver,. Jack
Loy, Fred Stephen, Ken Carl, Id Syring,- manager Rod
Kitchen. Back row, f rem left, coach- Bill Seeley, Orin
Gllbertson, Howard Serlber, Arble ; MaeDonald, . David
Baker,. Dennis MeKee.
Willamette Opens Season
With 7-6 Win Over OSC
Oregon State College, Cor
vallis Willamette - university
opened Its baseball season an
a triumphant note here yester
day, defeating Oregon State
7-i. .:: ' ' ., u
Andy George, starting Bear
cat pitcher, faced only 17 men
in the first five innings, and
got credit for the victory.
George was relieved in the
sixth inning by Mickey Coen.
Softball Clinic
For Boys Slated
For Sal
A Softball clinic for Gra
T boys la being sponsored
by the Salem TMCA Satur
day, beginning at t o'clock,
at dinger Old.
Boys in the fifth and sixth
grades are Invited to the
free Softball school. A num
ber of Salem Softball play
ers will be en hand to pro
vide instruction.
Leaguo play will be eon
ducted at Olinger field
every Saturday, beginning
Bucceroni 2-1
Favorite Over
Dave Davey
New York (U.R) Dan Bucce
roni of Philadelphia and Dave
Davey of Seattle, two tall and
talented heavyweights with
ambitions, square off m a 10
round return .tussle tonight at
St. Nicholas Arena.
The bout, which will be
broadcast and televised na
tionally, provides Davey with
a chance to avenge a defeat by
the Philadelphia "Butcher!
Boy" last October. But Buc-1
ceronl is favored to repeat, 1 1
to 1.
Juat the cars for thrifty)
plessure driving this spring
and summer. Radios, heat
ers, overdrives, beds, one
owner cars.
Three 1950
Statesman Tudors
All Beauties.... $1395
One 1950
Statesman Fordor
tar aannBSRoTdBBPAiBBBBraBBBan oBBbjspbb ,
Morion Motors
333 Cantor rh. 39286
Losing Oregon, state, pitcher
was Corky Coleman. ' .
First baseman Jay Dean
cracked oat a home run and
two triples for Oregon State.
, Tex Ktrkendall lead Wil
lamette with a single and i
two-run double.
' Coach John' Lewis' Bear
eats were to have launched
their home baseball sched
ule Friday at J:I0 im the Me
Calloch diamond an Bush's
pasture as they played host
to Oregon College of Educa
tion's Wolves, s
Lewis planned to start Dave
Gray on the mound lor the
Bearcats, : with Verq Vannice
and Gino Pieretti also likely to
see mound duties.
oso at
o a
a o a
1 atiM4,r
i l
1 1
l auMT,ii I
s Lwll,l
Prban,l 1
Hauni.i t
t Kotpf.c 4
INaMon.l 1
S 0n,,p i
t (imll t
IliliM S
Cm, a
I :
i i
i n
i :
TotaVl IT I tT IS ToMl H II IT
-eaerUietd for otortt la Sth.
MUM lor Wimu In lui.
a Tasnd for Wrr la lih.
Wlllwirtt. 1M ill II
OSC ..i 000 MS HO 4 1
WJantr Otorlii lMtr Ifltrman.
Bnori Bliun, Lowll, IrkondtU,
rnmvt, jwiioB, coon. Jin n, nH
Dckn S. mil XlrktnSall, Porlmtn. M-
HMr, Wrar. SB Lki, Thomii I,
aiMfioi. dp avo m wrar Dtan.
Tinn 1:41.
Spearheads a lew
to beat the heaU
BosromAN durable miracle Nylon Mesh is ityle
fully posted. Takes top honors in the cool, com
fortable lightweight division, when the mercury's
in the torrid zone.
466 Slate
' i f -- : A ' i 1 ' iT n..
Senator Tickets Go
On Sale Monday
Tickets t for opening-day
Salem Senator . baseball
games April 24 will go on
. sale at Howard Wlcklund'a
Sporting goods store ; Mon
day,. Senator business man
ager Deke Walker said to
. Salem opens its Western
International league season
with a split doubleheader
opposite Calgary. Tradition
al opening-day ceremonies
and prises will be included
in both the: . afternoon and
evening 'opener. -;?.:.',
' Mayor Al Louks will toss
out the first ball for the af
ternoon session, while Gov
ernor Paul Patterson will do
the ' honors for : she night
. Walker reminds that
block tickets (those sold in
booklet form in the pre-sea-son
ticket campaign) will
not be honored on opening
night. They are good for
any ether night in the lea
son. Hilarious, a large race horse
(17 hands high) owned by Og
den Fhlpps, ia nicknamed "Ti
ny." rr ,
Fights Last Wight
S Antral, To, Bobbr Drku,
IM, Son Antonio, outpolnlod Jimmy
Kortlnn, MT, Alindolo, Am,. 10.
Dolrolt Wm Bueom, 1114, St.
Until, nd O ore on WoDtu, Wtt,
Brontforti, Ont., drew, 10.
roll aim, Moot. Bobbr Bnollih,
191, roll myor, outpointed BdOlo Oom
pol, lit, Mtw Bonn, 10.
Newark, N. 1. Monro, Kuril, 1I0H,
IVowork, outpointed Al Rtdulie, 1U, Ho
bokon, I.
Now York (SunnnUo Gordoni) Lulu
Peroi, 111, Brooklyn, outpointed Tenr
Soy, 11K. Porli, Pronct, I.
Spartonbaro, S. C, Honrr "Poppy"
Ooutt, 131, SporUnburi, outpointed
Billy Lima, 110, Miami. 10.
' Slylt 3208
tnw Nylon MtA with
Ian mooth trim.
' Vnlinid tamp and
ftMrUr. Trid-FlfX
Ph. 3-8158
k .
1500 Athletes
To Romp at
McCulloch Field
- "We are looking forward to
the largest field to date and
with everyone's ; cooperation
we hope to ran the relaya with
the asaae speed that has been
evident In the last two years."
' Those were the words of Ted
Ogdahl, director of the third
annual Willamette' relays' as
plans rapidly neared the com
pletion stage lor the huge fes
tival which will be held Sat
urday afternoon in McCulloch
Stadium. . .. '.,,,
Where the 1SS2 relays had
nine heats in the century for
high schools, this year's agen
da calls for 22 heats in- the
100. That's an indication of
the Increase in prep entries.
The relays were inaugurat
ed at Willamette in 1951 by
Cheater Stackhouse, then
track coach and director of
athletics at WU. In the brief
history of the relaya, the
event has become known as
one of the biggest and most
colorful sports events in the
Pacific Northwest.
' As far as number of par
ticipants is concerned, the Wil
lamette relaya ranks as one of
the largest athletic shows In
the United States.- ,
' Latest estimates are that well
over 1S00 prep and college ath
letes will take part in the mam
moth show, which opens at 1
p.m. sharp Saturday.
A total of 18 heats are sched
uled in the high school divi
sion of the high hurdles as com
pared with nine of a year ago.
- Top features of the third
renewal of the. classic will
be the college Invitational
lM-yard dash and high hur
dles. Outstanding stars from
throughout the Northwest
will take part In these events.
ucKets lor the relays ' are
priced at B0 cents for students
and 90 cents for adults.
Portland Preps Open r
Portland W Portland high
schools opened league base
ball play ' Wednesday with
these results: . Lincoln 7.
Grant 1; Jefferson 8, Washing
ton 0; Cleveland 1, Roosevelt
u; i-ranklin 8, Benson 7
don't envy the
Credit-Plate shopper...
be one
Open a
RB charge
Mtn . . , the minute or two It
will toke you to f 1 1 1 out and
moil the coupon below, will be
more than repaid in time sav
ed by shopping the Credit
Plate way ot Roberts Bros.
Complete store for yourself,
your family, your home.
Position .
Two good references.
ilA Scores Erlil h RkF
Inninp, D:f:J
(By Tho AaiioUm VroH
Bill Sweeney's Seattle Bah-
lers aro serving an early warn
ing that they definitely are
one of the teams to beat far the
Pacific Coast League flag. . . ? ....
They have tripped Oakland
three straight, ' and the Oaks,
along with Hollywood, were
rated the. top pennant threats
In pre-season reckoning.
Seattle's margin over Oak
land scored aU its runs in the
first inning, but the Rainer
cam back with five homers,
two by Gordon Goldsbeny,
two by Walt Judnich and one
by Jack Tobln. Art Del Duca
was batted out In the first in'
ning by the Oaks but BUI
Evans did a masterful relief
A costly error by rookie
eiiteher Ron Bottler of Part
land opened the door to six
unearned fin by Lea
Anegles in the first inning
and the Angels went on to
win, S-7.
Los Angeles dmn t score
after the first frame. Fred
Richards' homer with two on
started the 8-run inning, but
with the bases loaded and two
away, Bottler dropped catcher
El Tappe's foul that should
have - ended matters. Tappe
then poled a two-run single;
Gene Baker scored on a double
steal; Bobby Talbot homered
with two on. ';' j V; i . :
All this scoring was at the
expense of Red Adams, last .
year the PCL's most effective
pitcher. Granny Gladstone
homered for Portland in the
Salem YMCA
Team Also-Ran
The Salem YMCA vollybaU
team which competed in the
Northwest Y tournament; at
Reed college - in - Portland
wound up as an also-ran in the
final outcome. -
Portland won the champion
ship, with Seattle second.
Bunched . below the leaden
were Walla Walla, Olympia,
Wenatchee and Salem.
1 Playing on the Salem team
were : Harold Smithers, John
Goffrier, - Doug '- Hay, Erie
Schuberg, Larry Rich and
Paowv Lvona. '--:!.
Exhibition Baseball ' .
(By Tho Auoolatod Proal) ' :
rhUadolphla (M) s, Booton (A) ' (t
Ctovoland (A) I. Now York IM) S.
Dotrolt (A) S, cmolruwtt "B" on
Now York (A) I, Philadelphia (A) S.
aw. ijouu iaj , cnioato im) . -WaihlniUm
(A) I. ClndnnaU 01)
St. Loolo' (Nl s, BlrmlM ham MA) .
UUwaukio (N 11, Brooklyn M) S.
Ft. Worth (TL) I, Ctilcaro (A) 4 (10
inninga nitntl. '
yourself !
S40 Court Street, Salem, Oregon
Name 7 .1
Mr. Q Mrs. Q Miss ; '
Address . ;
Wife's maiden name
... 1 1 1. 1. .
tV---w...a. V.t-.vj..a,,A..fclwj,t..t. A,w, ."
VMAi a, 'V.'JV "ar,-j-. y '- j . v- - t
. . v
D:vc3 C-7
Btt. Uk
l.oas ,:
:we ':
. i i
' ' itfj
Jwt 1
jm a
.Me s
Lm Asfatea
Soroi to
........ t
SA Dtl
........ 1
, 1
., t
Tlwnday'a noasHai ,
SMtUo 11, Ovkiaad s. '
Lao AbsoMo I, Portland T.
Saeraamlo S, Sua rraaoiaa B :
Hollywood 11. Saa Dlaoa o.
aw Dtoa s, Vatmood I.
amauoit a, aa Praflilaio I,
Sootuo I. OokUaa t.
Loo Aaaoku S, Portland I.
sixth with the bases leaded.
. Sacramento's Soloni, blank'
ad Wednesday by San Francis
co, .4-0, returned the Insult
Thursday night and white
washed the Seals, 34. '
' Hollywood drove across six
runs in the first inning and
went on to whip San Diego, 12
. 1 Urn
I OA . a
Boltlor.o ,
H.ard.p ;
SSI ITattVti 1
t 14
s s
a e
e s
S ..:
Total! H 10 1 U Totala SI ST IS
Pllod ant for Hoard la 4th. v
b Rn lor Wott to and.
Portland 404 SSI SM 1
Hlto . ova io wau tv
do AnioUa too ooo aov s
H1U 410 414 SI S
Pltchorl IP AB I D BB SO
Adama 4 4 4 1 1 1 ...
Hiard 4H ' s a a , e ': e s -.
Lint . .' . .1 I ' 114 1.4
Ibda ' W B CI S 1 4
Ramadall 4 1 S I 1 1 S
Hatten - 1 4 11 .'. 4 1
Wlnnla pltotwrJbdal Lootna pitaMr
B Bottlar, PJehwdl. Buna AiaUa.
Uonls 1, ruotout S, OHAdotana S, Tal
bot S, Richard,, Uahar, woat, . Baker,
Tappo, lbo.'HPn-Woat, by Haaidi BK
abrt by SrasudalL LOB Portland 4, us
Aniolu I. SB AnaUn 1, tionu. BB
Rloharda, Taikat, CHadatono. BB Bakar,
Tnppo. bbi KKhardo . Tno 1, Tal
bot 4, QladiUna 4, Arft, Xaiirt. Bwala-v
ill. BP HollU, Bakor and BJohwdal
Ilxte. HoUla tad Rtehardai Auatln. B-
alaakl and Arlt 1. T 1:1V Ump Pol-
nwAi. aiOBMntra. Bonn ana rowou.
StatUa 141 st 11011 II a
Oakland SOS 000 400 1 4 4
Dal Daaa. Brant (11 and Or tela: Bm-r
baraar. Van Oayk (I), candlnl (4), Par- rr), cnoa m sna Bwtoioisoi.
Hollywood ....... 404 144 00111 is a
San Dtotn' ........ 4U 100 001 S IS S
wooat. eenuu in. Muir ti and
Kaloaai Bmltn, Thomaon (1), Dahla (41,
niooioai' m, norrore. ti ana rocur.
a an Pr annuo .... 404 4oo ooo 4 s I
eaoramanto ....... 004 044 00- 1 4 a
iBotmiar, Taraay ti), cnuawon (bl
and Tlaatarn: aahnna. Bnrkalaw (4t and
(By oniud rreac)
Paetrle Coat Utawai
PMtlaid Omu Xindt 4-4) at Lot
Ana ilea iCal MoUalt 4-0).
Saa Pruolaoo (Bin BraoVoM M) at
BaortBOato (Tta OaHot 4-4). :
otlyeooet (Oeora-e yronnel 1-4) at
San Dteeo (Joae Bayle 0-0).
aettua (Al .wirnnar o-o; at oaiiana .
fHal-Oreffk 4-0)..;
. A' U S-"'
tMaaMkM mass a '. era. a smjaa m.m
Rent a.?.. ...... ...... j
Own i
How long . . , . . , ...... , r. . . I
.... ..... t
.j ,.'... ...
1 m 1 1 1 1 11 1 urn , tl jl,, t lt , ... .
, .
' . . ' '
Atlanta....... ....
ii4Beestst...4 . ,. ., .
' a.
. .". .
1 - "i ; ! .,! ...
4 4 a 1 a 4 a e 1 t a a a e a- a a a a a . a . t ... .
...H.,', S)