Thursday, April 1 195S ' THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon 63 Men and 5 Women Enlist Slxty-thre men and live women were enlisted in tome branch ox the armed forces through the local recruiting of fices during the month of March. - . Three of the women enlistees were Waves and two, Wacs. Signing for duty with the Waves were Carol Anne Had ley, 1378 North Commercial street, and . Doreen Phyllss Lindblom and Mildred . May Phelps, both of Corvallis. The Wac enlistees were Wanda J. Billings and Dolphla P. Demos, both of Salem.. Of the men enlisted in the Army two of them signed for specific Army schools. These were Earl Q. Thulin and John T. Foster, both of Independ ence. ' . .... , Enlisted in the Airborne were Hollis E.-Anderson and Charles W. Shanks, both .of Salem. Balam men ilened for duty with the muler uar were Amu II. atresia. William I Otborn, Donald W. aeott, WUUem Verona, nebert o. Berker, Charles 1. Bales, Willis L. Hauien. BdwaKI Peters, Praak I. Kleswander and Robert B. True. Other army .nllsteee were William J MtLaren, Aurora; John a. Hack and Morn R. Welsh, Aumirllle; Owrn If. Jenks, Hnbbardl Donn atam, Dtpoa Bar; Charles z. Auir, otln James w. yrtflU, Oary o. Buren, and Johb w. Johnson - ol Independence! Robert M. IrUh, allrerton: Lloj-d C. Bra and Don ald R. aohotthoefer of atayton; Joaeph V. CurUa sf Waat atarlon; Idward F. Brenteno, at. Paul: Lynn B. stawart. Turner: and Others w. m, Oaa Cllr, Ind. .. . ' Man with Belem addresses enlisted In the Air Force were Robert W. Moore, Jamea D. Michaels, Jamat R. Humphrey. Jr., Howard R. Harrii, Lawrence o. can, BUI J. Batar, Keith H. Ooble, Marvin Holwet, J. W. Melton, Warren V. Miliar, Gerald D. Weathers. Oerald ! o. craoaau. ; S Othara onllatad In the Air Force were Richard W. Carter, West Balemi Meal IL. Craekett, Brooke; Olann L. Raed, Lyonet Jamee L. Knlellnr, Merloni Don laid O. Caiey, ScotU MlUil Frederick B. pBusener, Sherldanl William D. Fryer, 1 Woodburn. I 8lz of the 10 men asllated In the -Marina Corpa wera from Salem. These Included, Richard Lea Allen. 1141 South Liberty etreet; John Curtle Sulnc, HOB North Church)- Donald Lee Buschke, $1(10 South Capitol: Leonard CleUand i Bebern, 1S10 North Fifth street; Charles .William ONeU. 1141 Hlnes street: Mau iflce F. Lawrence, 3785 Cherry etreet, - The four other enlistees wera Rlehard Dein Workman, Dallas: Bdward Dick .Joran, Route 1, boa 1M-A. AumnUle; -Richard Allen Me. RltarUle, Wash., and CUf'oM Junior HalL Greenfield. Ind. h Twin brothers from BUvarton war 'monc the men enlisted In the navy taurlni March. They wera Warren -Franklin film peon and Walter Daniel Simpson. , Salem men in the group enlisting In the nary were OUbert Bason Bachellar. i 456 Columbia etreet; oerald Rldoa Soldt, route a, box 481: Blmar Karl xt 'iner, 8835 Trail avenue; and Alfred ,trjtrneet Lent, 170 South Lancaster Dr. The other enlistees were Dennis Dean f Anderson, Albany; Charlea DaUaa Las falter and William Knotts, Alsea: Olyn Went Bamford, Waldport; Robert Law rence Miller, ConaUls; Clark Duddly Orllllth. Lacomb: Leslie Gene Blohm, Klnsi Valley; and Donald Duana ajor- er, Woodburn. I Chicago Robber and Cop Kill tacti Uther - Chicago VP An off-duty veteran policeman and a youth ful robber shot and killed each other in a blazing gun battle In a North Clark Street saloon early Thursday. One customer suffered a wound in his left arm when struck by a rico cheting bullet. 'f Two companions of the dead robber escaped. About a dozen stiiatnmpre! were in the saloon when the shooting started. The . policeman, who was Vlllori tw a aincOa hlillpt in his heart, was William Fuller, 49,1 who had stopped in Mickey's . liquor store and saloon after ending his shift shortly before midnight. He was not in uni form. - The dead gunman,. James Boswell, 23, had been shot at least four times. His automa tic pistol was found on the floor, emptied. . I WE SAVE 171111.61? BECAUSE. CM, When you hart a family Its necessary to have a ch re serve for emergencies. ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT TO GET YOUR CORONATION TICKETS Drawinas for this Beautiful 1953 Mereurv Sedan and 3 $100.00 Spring Wardrobes, SAT., April 4th, m Mek k A f M. As a housewife, I've found aa'ing. the only way we c.o aflord the tning. ...ALSO AH deposits made on or before April 10th earn interest from April 1st at First National, open 10 to 5 six days a week, Includ ing Saturday. FIJ&TiuinoiiAL - BANK aaaa ' B-1BBBawaBasBaBaBeBeaesaBBBBawBasBBBaBeaBaBWsaeai '! XlOTri ll in the Capitol M I FREE! -jfT 'J 1 - - c" I r ffrrr r ial1 4 f::'. " t.i iMk FREE! 4 " tow Barbara Gould BEAUTY DOUBLE ClewMlitg Crsm - MMrtMleWf . IteWlfc. It 'I . J fvr all orH of e . i avamfi nnnui awi Urt,,nBuv! Goodioo.n.--: . or5nQtoy.or - - far iirewo"" - . , .l. m m aaaw- HBS $UXm GARDEN i -rU72ri U i?PaI. ToiW Wafer and Uiltil P I I II i 1 ii i la a I ill IN1" 11 ' ' ll I r 3 fhia.c.,j., r6.ii. i la ana rioier oi'1Vt !)a MeUI 1tral .TawlA TsVan V 1 IWW ira MM lJM J$J ONLY U 1 r SUSP Get Your Coronation Day Tickets Now ' ' g FREE! Win This 1953 Mercury 4-Door Custom Sedan FREE! And 3 $100 Spring Wardrobes Sm . . ".aU . 'aai.TJa..MX.Wktealfi. .t.AAZ)LAk UA it HhiU MUM COLOGNE ; ' iftb.di AQc WAS $IJIatF Caol ... as cool as caa ba . .v.1 YHITE SHOW . (l9tt.r) Wiaay Craofloas for year Sprfsg eoifames . Necklaces larrlags , 250 latrlcate Pretty ' Destejasl VALUES MO $4.00 Plaited, rope wilts, odars, eta. Some bracelets to matchl CORDAY Qaalataaca Qiaftatt'' TOILET WATERS AAA JejBaejM Vww Nn all tar afar . J- ,:,W A sa.Li IlllU if vJ EASYER H Ml ' NyLONrfl Don. ay UPST1CK IMIA VUV iKvIarronrnilt wSapcrStiy Wht i barnaiTv lup sticks Hut cost you only 50c iplocel : - for Evening m Paris iourjois CARNIVAL VALUES Novtity taaary Kfta of 3 PERFUMES 3 COLOGNES 3 Stick Cologne! Endearing, Mais Oui and Evening In Paris fragrance in trioal $1.50 Volaet! Tear Ckole LENTHERIC Dibblt Dubbk 4 meivl SetfaVefv ii00 101IM -TOO.. 1.00 TmiVaon. t7C . NIWI miON RUBBLE BATH fiVarvaseaaf Tobarfs Mel.! water bin I Scataet. lei of 40 150 tote Rubber Catla-Pasi SQUEEZE TOYS I nnn i i II I Al .,fl toy.. eF 1 j i i ti 17 sjh rniifi rniiifi irw MmM-rnimsm. ijf II SKii ii ll . I 8apM.rl'lll7)fM',f Ml 1Kb fc'.aeV i-anS i ii ap 1 1 a 4 1 i . fi,sii i ii iks jajr7riri?s.iis ll J i ; li ( M1 ii' l EWSHLcvf:a::!i: F(a JS5mrtNZ WAT m II ' leJtsssssa I I III I M 1 1 ' isa" -aw s 1 as m. 1 II IV sap- (nm2U 1.25 Soap-on-a-Leosh 29c 3.00 Perfume 1.00' l25ElmolSa.a v. 75c YardleySoapri35 Capitol 2-SLICI ILICTRIC TOASTER 69 29c living on popular modall Reg. $1.98 Rockwoed A CHOCOLATE BUNNY.. IU Rsjaj. 11 fcal ClMaalsjra ; RABBITS or EGOSwy raek's larta Crafej af 1 Aaj. Choc. Marshmallow Eggs SPSS Marsbmallow I EASTER PEEPS Ubby I4-oanca ZOMBIE TUMBLERS 669e 1 Paaaad Marshmallow EASTER EOGS Largo or small. In 12-ot. bigi. , BASKETS TOPHJL Multicolor 4 fl Urge Size sataia - I'T mm XSM as. 1 JS'Wlvm 'I It S Electric HAIR DRYER 439 Removable baie for hand ute. Hoi cold and on-off iwilchti. Tilts to any position.- It's UL approved. Whll. os laid SNEEZE-FREE SLEEP For Allergy Suffertril LOOK! Shredded Latex FOAM RUDDER DED PILLOWS whll quantity last 29s Siiin.iii..i.ilin.iir mmiMmM ':;vr:c-. . jew IUNTE Clnaolala Cavemtl nun & nut ego 'S . m , ar seMiM ntri . I ijaitayj -e". liM-a -a rLl. u.-J Jil S55lejll I 1 T I waif war wi inie nini u.nn XJSfw "Ni a Ji Pecorotea Chocolate EASTER EGGS :Dralaa4 Haf ffmaaal CrM 39 EASTER NOVELTIES OiSMIS Favors Ei. Wee Artfrfati ar Wtepplag Hoppers hi Owl'f Catartal UsHr MoMtartol Soft, Cddly Pbsh BUNNIES ftsrgaDsy eolorsej, wtfk flirt tyaaj aad kaw tlea, Steivdlnj, ilrllitej ar bMftaf ... .1 Barter (teta, tllaY'r. out of this worlds - - 79',, 3W luit nke sleeping on oir. na 11 i pwimwr -. .v.r have lo flu it up. Attractive floral ricking. A super value I Oefy as "Oat of This World" Bunny Coild Bring Sack faster Sarprisesf BASKETS Staffed to the brim with candy eggs A ether treats. Bright cello bawsl SAND PAIL & SHOVEL f29 Plav Rail filled with sweetil rag. 1.3 I Heatproof Peach Lasfr alaeherelai LUNCHEON SET Servle. for 4i evps, sem en, ajl.tH, aJ.SMrt berwta, pin a sufl.r ant) er..wi.rl !. Volaa for w o (A c o to to CA 3T If I vn km oeeeo" roeee- I