Thursday, April 2, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Orecoa Bride-Elect Party Feted Woodburn Miss Hazel Her manson, bride-elect of Roy WMt nf Knlpm urns hnnn.Aj .1. -- " Hi a shower Sunday afternoon at tne nume ui mrn. w, j,, waiter in WnnHhurn. TTnt-tocsci Miss Patricia House weart and Mrs. anemon donnson of Sa lem. Yellow and white decora Hnn were arrancH w tk. room and the serving table was cemerea wim a oecoratea cake In yellow. Mrs. Earl House weart cut the cake and Mrs. Walter assisted In serving. Guests from Portland were Mrs. fieri VanRnrrinn M I Arlyss Nelson, Miss Inez Her- manson ana miss gana Herman ion; from Canby, Mrs.' O. B. Olson, Mrs. Melvln Olson, Mrs. Clifford Eklund and Mrs. O. H. Tangen; from Salem, Mrs. Plnvd West. Sr.. Mm Vln,. West, Jr., Miss Patricia Schutz, Miss IjOis oorenson, Mrs. Ray West and Miss Jacqueline Ber key; from Woodburn, Mrs. H. A. Lohse, Mrs. George Wlnne penninkx, Mrs. Earl House- ivMrt Mrs. TCAnnnth TTmitem Mrs. Floyd Darling, Mrs. Glen Hefmanson, Mrs. Engel Her manson, Mrs. W. E. Walter, the hostesses, Miss Patricia House weart and Mrs. Sheldon John son and the honored guest, Miss Hazel Hermanson. The : weddinff nf Mica Wei.. manson and Mr. West will be May 17 at woodburn. Committee Outlines Plans for Dances I Mt. Angel The newly ap pointed Young People's Sodal ity dance committee met Mon day evening in the St. Mary's meeting room to outline plans for the coming dance season. During the summer and fall, dances will be every other Thursday in the St. Mary's au ditorium, and "April Show ers" will be the theme of the first dance which is scheduled for Thursday, April 16. Furn ishing the music for the dance will be Stubby Mills and his orchestra. , Miss Joyce Susee has been named as dance chairman, and Miss Lenora Piatz, secretary treasurer. Committee members include Miss Eunice Geek, Miss Lor ayne Kraemer, Miss Donna Diehl, Miss Joann Reiter, Miss Mary Ann Beyer, Marvin Su see, Tom Schwab, Arnold Ot ter and Lawrence Duda. V ......... Annual Dinner for Employers Tuesday , . ( Annual dinner honoring .em ployers and their, wives was given Tuesday evening at the Salem Woman's club by 1 the Capital City Dental Assistants association. The dinner was served by the Middle Grove Associated club and an enter taining skit was "presented by club members. Highlights of the program were the pictures shown by Dr. A. D. Woodman see of the recent trip which he and Mrs. Woodmansee took to the Carribean. Guests were Dr. and Mrs. Woodmansee, Dr.. and ., Mrs. John J. Griffith, Dr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Utter, Dr. arid Mrs. D. C. Burton, Dr.- and Mrs. Named President Mt. Angel Miss Mary K. CaUaghan, Portland, resident luoeni at Mount Angel Wom- "" couege, was chosen next year's nreftirfont . v- a m - - 1 - w imc nuu elated students at student body weeuon Monday during the re gular meeunE. - Miss CaUaghan Is sopho more irom Portland, and a 1950 graduate nf immiiM. a uemv there. Kh i t- - M MUUCU III the liberal arts course at the women's college and is serving as vice nreslrient nt v. .... dent body during the current year, one belongs to the Aeole ans, college chorus club, and Is a member nf the Hmmn i,.h taking the leading role In "An nie iurie," college play pre sented to the nnhlif in .Ton,,. ary. Miss CaUaghan Is also an active member of the Sodality, and the Young Christian Stu- aent unit on the coUege cam pus. Kenneth H. Waters, Dr. and Mrs. Harold Hutchinson, Dr. and Mrs. John Wnlri tv Mrs. K. K. Artomo rtr Mrs. L. P. CampbeU, Dr. and Mrs. i,eKoy Watson, Dr. and Mrs. R. D. Blatchford, Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Cooley, Dr. and Mrs. Robert Slddoway, Dr. and Mrs. John Dyke, Dr. and Mrs. John R. Wood, Dr. and Mrs. E. K. Anderson of Silverton. Assistants planning the party were Misses Irene Howe, Jo Anne Ginther, Dorothy Poff, Gladys Bartholomew, Fern Nel son, Zora Rice, Doris Willard, Lena Vanderwood, Arlene Pe terson, Fern Hobbensiefken of Denver, and Mesdames Eddie A h r e n s, Paul Bassett, Grace Coon, Eugene E. Durschmidt, Two Entertain For Bride-Elect Four Corners Miss Greta Ann Schrecengost, bride-elect of William F. H1U, was feted on Tuesday evening at a shower when Mrs. LeRoy J. Stewart' and Mrs. Cecil Hunsaker were co-hostessei in the former's home. The wedding is to be April 5 in the First Christian church. Guests invited were the bride-elect's mother, Mrs. Fred Schrecengost, and Mrs. Othel Lee, Mrs. O. D. WlUiams, Mrs. Dale Grimm, Mrs. Lawrence Lee, Mrs. Reinhart Behm, Mrs. Frank South, Mrs. Dave Cham berlain, Mrs. O. B. Chapman, Mrs. Pearl Hill, Mrs. William McElhlnny Jr., Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Walter Freisen, Mrs. Shar ley FutreU, Mrs. Dave Behm, Mrs. William Pero, Mrs. Robert Herring, Mrs. J. C. Hill, Mrs. Willis HiU, Mrs. Jess Mcllnay, Mrs. Del Savage, Mrs. Edna Olson, Mrs. Jack Groves, Mrs. Ivert White, Mrs. Walter Read, Mrs. Jack Hindman. Mrs. David Kowjtz, Mrs. Oliver Rlckman, Mrs. Percy . Kleenman, Mrs. Anna Ruhle, Mrs. Rex Nichol son, Mrs. C. C. Morris, Mrs. O. L. PhUlips, Mrs. Palmer Williams, Mrs. C. R. Osborn, Mrs. Josephine Balrey, Mrs. Joyce Hopkins, Mrs. WUliam Brown, Mrs. Homer Bales, and the Misses Alice Joy Williams, Sue ' Syring, Donna Phelps, Joyce Brown, Barbara Ruhle, Geri Bales, and Mrs. William McDonald of Vernonia, Ore., . Assisting the hostesses for the social hour were Mrs. James Stewart, Mrs. E. E. Walker, and Mrs. Dale Jeffries. Clarence Nelson, Marie TCieper, Kenneth J. Schultz. be GLORIOUSLY BEAUTIFUL with the aid f tfw Nf W CIm Yourflf tha WHOLESOME. 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